shithub: werc

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ref: 280c9fbff152b86c07dec9d1e470cf6acc40e74f
parent: 3e632e8d708e5038a318f9f4525cb96916b7359b
author: uriel <>
date: Fri Jan 30 11:10:14 EST 2009

New version of comments module, must more reliable and polished.

--- a/apps/bridge/app.rc
+++ b/apps/bridge/app.rc
@@ -1,30 +1,98 @@
 comment_file_types=(md html)
+fn conf_enable_comments {
+    if(~ $1 -n) {
+        allow_new_user_comments=yes
+        shift
+    }
+    enable_comments=yes
+    groups_allowed_comments=$*
 fn bridge_init {
-    if(! ~ $#enable_comments 0 && ! ~ `{ls $local_path.$comment_file_types >[2]/dev/null|wc -l} 0) {
-        ll_add handlers_body_foot template apps/bridge/foot.tpl
-        if(get_post_args comment_text) {
-            d=`{date -n} # FIXME Obvious race
-            d=$local_path^'_werc/comments/'^$d/
+    if(~ $#enable_comments 1) {
+        cdir=$sitedir$req_path'_werc/comments'
+        if(test -d $cdir)
+            ll_add handlers_body_foot display_comments $cdir
-            u=$logged_user
-            if(~ $#logged_user 0) {
-                get_post_args comment_user_name comment_user_password
-                # XXX Should do this too if user not in required group
-                if(! login_user $comment_user_name $comment_user_password) {
-                    u=$comment_user_name':'$comment_user_password
-                    d=$d^'_pending'
-                }
-                if not
-                    u = $logged_user
-            }
+        if({ check_user $groups_allowed_comments || {~ $#logged_user 0 && ! ~ $#allow_new_user_comments 0} } && ! ~ `{ls $local_path.$comment_file_types >[2]/dev/null|wc -l} 0) {
+            ll_add handlers_body_foot template apps/bridge/foot.tpl
+            if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST && mk_new_comment $cdir)
+                post_redirect $base_url^$post_arg_document_uri
+            if not
+                saved_comment_text=$post_arg_comment_text
+        }
+    }
-            umask 002
-            if(mkdir -m 775 -p $d) { # Rudimentary perm checking
-                echo $u > $d/user
-                echo $comment_text > $d/body
+fn validate_new_user {
+    usr=$1; pass=$2; pass2=$3
+    _status=()
+    if(~ $"usr '' || ! echo $usr |sed 1q|grep -s '^'$allowed_user_chars'+$')
+        _status='Requested user name is invalid, must match: '^$allowed_user_chars^'+'
+    if not if(test -d etc/users/$usr)
+        _status='Sorry, user name '''^$usr^''' already taken, please pick a different one.'
+    if(~ $"pass '' || ! ~ $"pass $"pass2)
+        _status=($_status 'Provided passwords don''t match.')
+    status=$_status
+fn mk_new_comment {
+    _status=()
+    dir=$1
+    if(~ $"post_arg_comment_text '')
+        _status='Provide a comment!'
+    if not if(~ $#logged_user 0) {
+        if(! ~ $#allow_new_user_comments 0) {
+            if(validate_new_user $"post_arg_comment_user $post_arg_comment_passwd $post_arg_comment_passwd2) {
+                u=$post_arg_comment_user':'$post_arg_comment_passwd
+                dir=$cdir^'_pending'
+                notify_notes='Saved comment and registration info, they will be enabled when approved by an admin.'
+                ll_add handlers_body_foot notices_handler
+            if not
+                _status=$status
+        if not
+            _status='You need to log in to comment.'
+    if not if(check_user $groups_allowed_comments)
+        u=$logged_user
+    if not
+        _status='You are not a memeber of a group allowed to comment.'
+    if(~ $#_status 0) {
+        umask 002
+        dir=$dir'/'`{date -n} # FIXME Obvious race
+        mkdir -m 775 -p $dir &&
+            echo $u > $dir/user &&
+            echo $post_arg_comment_text > $dir/body
+        _s=$status
+        if(! ~ $"_s '') {
+           dprint 'ERROR XXX: Could not create comment: ' $_s 
+            _status='Could not post comment due internal error, sorry.'
+        }
+    }
+    notify_errors=$_status
+    status=$_status
+fn display_comments {
+    echo '<hr /><h2>Comments</h2>'
+    for(c in `{ls $*/}) {
+        if(test -s $c/body) {
+            echo '<div>'
+            sed 's!.+!<b>By: <i>&</i></b><br />!' < $c/user
+            cat $c/body | escape_html | sed 's,$,<br />,'
+            echo '<hr /></div>'
+        }
+     }
--- a/apps/bridge/foot.tpl
+++ b/apps/bridge/foot.tpl
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
-% cdir = $local_path^'_werc/comments'
-% if(test -d $cdir) { 
-    <hr /><h2>Comments</h2>
-%    for(c in `{ls $cdir/}) {
-        <div><b>By: <i> 
-%           cat $c/user
-            </i></b>
-            <br />
-%           cat $c/body | escape_html | sed 's,$,<br />,'
-        <hr /></div>
-%    }
-% }
 <hr />
+% notices_handler
+% # XXX should post to bridge_post or similar
 <form action="" method="post">
-    <textarea name="comment_text" id="comment_text" cols="80" rows="16"></textarea>
+    <textarea name="comment_text" id="comment_text" cols="80" rows="16">%($"saved_comment_text%)</textarea>
     <br />
+    <input type="hidden" name="document_uri" value="%($req_path%)" />
     <input type="submit" name="post_comment" value="Post a comment" />
-% if(! check_user) {
-    <label>User: <input type="text" name="comment_user_name" value="" /></label>
-    <label>Password: <input type="password" name="comment_user_password" value="" /></label>
-    <div style="font-size: 70%">If you are not registered enter your desired user/password and your account will be created when your comment is approved.</div>
+% if(~ $#logged_user 0 && ! ~ $#allow_new_user_comments 0) {
+    <label>New user name:
+        <input type="text" name="comment_user" value="%($"post_arg_comment_user%)" />
+    </label>
+    <label>Password:
+        <input type="password" name="comment_passwd" value="" />
+    </label>
+    <label>Repeat password:
+        <input type="password" name="comment_passwd2" value="" />
+    </label>
+    <div style="font-size: 70%">
+    Enter your desired user name/password and after your comment has been reviewed by an addmin it will be posted and your account will be enabled. If you are already registered please <a href="/_users/login">login</a> before posting.
+    </div>
 % }