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ref: 3296912cd15b69be806275733ef75ab74df5194c
parent: 4367273bd26e526e94932b963702d929f6780537
author: lenox <lenox>
date: Mon Dec 20 05:24:28 EST 1999

some cleanup

--- a/fastfft.c
+++ b/fastfft.c
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 #include "transfo.h"
-#ifndef USE_ORIG_FFT
 #include "fastfft.h"
 int unscambled64[64];
@@ -1644,5 +1642,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/fastfft.h
+++ b/fastfft.h
@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@
 #define CONCAT(a, b) CONCAT_AUX(a,b)
 #define PFFTW(name)  CONCAT(pfftw_d_, name)
-#define PFFTWI(name)  CONCAT(pfftwi_d_, name)
 #define FFTW_KONST(x) ((fftw_real) x)
-void PFFTW(twiddle_2)(fftw_complex *A, const fftw_complex *W, int iostride);
 void PFFTW(twiddle_4)(fftw_complex *A, const fftw_complex *W, int iostride);
-void PFFTWI(twiddle_2)(fftw_complex *A, const fftw_complex *W, int iostride);
-void PFFTWI(twiddle_4)(fftw_complex *A, const fftw_complex *W, int iostride);
--- a/transfo.c
+++ b/transfo.c
@@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include "transfo.h"
-#ifdef USE_ORIG_FFT
-	double FFTarray [1024];    /* the array for in-place FFT */
-    fftw_complex_d FFTarray[512];    /* the array for in-place FFT */
-	extern int unscambled64[64];    /* the permutation array for FFT64*/
-	extern int unscambled512[512];  /* the permutation array for FFT512*/
-	int unscambled;
+fftw_complex_d FFTarray[512];    /* the array for in-place FFT */
+extern int unscambled64[64];    /* the permutation array for FFT64*/
+extern int unscambled512[512];  /* the permutation array for FFT512*/
 #ifndef M_PI
 #define M_PI        3.14159265358979323846
@@ -24,9 +19,7 @@
 void MDCT (double *data, int N) {
-#ifndef USE_ORIG_FFT
     static int init = 1;
     double tempr, tempi, c, s, cold, cfreq, sfreq; /* temps for pre and post twiddle */
     double freq = 2.0 * M_PI / N;
     double fac,cosfreq8,sinfreq8;
@@ -39,13 +32,12 @@
 	int a2 = a >> 1;
 	int a4 = a >> 2;
 	int b4 = b >> 2;
+	int unscambled;
-#ifndef USE_ORIG_FFT
 	if (init) {
 		init = 0;
     /* Choosing to allocate 2/N factor to Inverse Xform! */
     fac = 2.; /* 2 from MDCT inverse  to forward */
@@ -75,13 +67,8 @@
 		/* calculate pre-twiddled FFT input */
-#ifdef USE_ORIG_FFT
-		FFTarray [2 * i] = tempr * c + tempi * s;
-		FFTarray [2 * i + 1] = tempi * c - tempr * s;
 		FFTarray [i].re = tempr * c + tempi * s;
 		FFTarray [i].im = tempi * c - tempr * s;
 		/* use recurrence to prepare cosine and sine for next value of i */
 		cold = c;
@@ -90,15 +77,11 @@
     /* Perform in-place complex FFT of length N/4 */
-#ifdef USE_ORIG_FFT
-    FFT (FFTarray, N4, -1);
     switch (N) {
 	case 256: pfftw_d_64(FFTarray);
 	case 2048:pfftw_d_512(FFTarray);
     /* prepare for recurrence relations in post-twiddle */
     c = cosfreq8;
@@ -109,10 +92,6 @@
 		/* get post-twiddled FFT output  */
 		/* Note: fac allocates 4/N factor from IFFT to forward and inverse */
-#ifdef USE_ORIG_FFT
-		tempr = fac * (FFTarray [2 * i] * c + FFTarray [2 * i + 1] * s);
-		tempi = fac * (FFTarray [2 * i + 1] * c - FFTarray [2 * i] * s);
 	switch (N) {
 	case 256: 
 		unscambled = unscambled64[i];
@@ -122,7 +101,6 @@
 	tempr = fac * (FFTarray [unscambled].re * c + FFTarray [unscambled].im * s);
 	tempi = fac * (FFTarray [unscambled].im * c - FFTarray [unscambled].re * s);
 		/* fill in output values */
 		data [2 * i] = -tempr;   /* first half even */
@@ -136,91 +114,3 @@
 		s = s * cfreq + cold * sfreq;
-#ifdef USE_ORIG_FFT    /* OLD FFT */
-#define SWAP(a,b) tempr=a;a=b;b=tempr   
-void FFT (double *data, int nn, int isign)  {
-/* Varient of Numerical Recipes code from off the internet.  It takes nn
-interleaved complex input data samples in the array data and returns nn interleaved
-complex data samples in place where the output is the FFT of input if isign==1 and it
-is nn times the IFFT of the input if isign==-1. 
-(Note: it doesn't renormalize by 1/N when doing the inverse transform!!!)
-(Note: this follows physicists convention of +i, not EE of -j in forward
- */
-/* Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, Vettering "Numerical
- * Recipes in C" tuned up ; Code works only when nn is
- * a power of 2  */
-    int n, mmax, m, j, i;
-    double wtemp, wr, wpr, wpi, wi, theta, wpin;
-    double tempr, tempi, datar, datai;
-    double data1r, data1i;
-    n = nn << 1;
-/* bit reversal */
-    j = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i += 2) {
-		if (j > i) {  /* could use j>i+1 to help compiler analysis */
-			SWAP (data [j], data [i]);
-			SWAP (data [j + 1], data [i + 1]);
-			}
-		m = nn;
-		while (m >= 2 && j >= m) {
-			j -= m;
-			m >>= 1;
-			}
-		j += m;
-		}
-//    theta = 3.141592653589795 * 0.5;
-    theta = M_PI_2;
-    if (isign < 0)
-		theta = -theta;
-    wpin = 0;   /* sin(+-PI) */
-    for (mmax = 2; n > mmax; mmax <<= 1) {
-		wpi = wpin;
-		wpin = sin (theta);
-		wpr = 1 - wpin * wpin - wpin * wpin; /* cos(theta*2) */
-		theta *= .5;
-		wr = 1;
-		wi = 0;
-		for (m = 0; m < mmax; m += 2) {
-			j = m + mmax;
-			tempr = wr * (data1r = data [j]);
-			tempi = wi * (data1i = data [j + 1]);
-			for (i = m; i < n - mmax * 2; i += mmax * 2) {
-/* mixed precision not significantly more
- * accurate here; if removing float casts,
- * tempr and tempi should be double */
-				tempr -= tempi;
-				tempi = wr *data1i + wi *data1r;
-/* don't expect compiler to analyze j > i + 1 */
-				data1r = data [j + mmax * 2];
-				data1i = data [j + mmax * 2 + 1];
-				data [i] = (datar = data [i]) + tempr;
-				data [i + 1] = (datai = data [i + 1]) + tempi;
-				data [j] = datar - tempr;
-				data [j + 1] = datai - tempi;
-				tempr = wr *data1r;
-				tempi = wi *data1i;
-				j += mmax * 2;
-				}
-			tempr -= tempi;
-			tempi = wr * data1i + wi *data1r;
-			data [i] = (datar = data [i]) + tempr;
-			data [i + 1] = (datai = data [i + 1]) + tempi;
-			data [j] = datar - tempr;
-			data [j + 1] = datai - tempi;
-			wr = (wtemp = wr) * wpr - wi * wpi;
-			wi = wtemp * wpi + wi * wpr;
-			}
-		}
-#endif /* OLD FFT*/
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/transfo.h
+++ b/transfo.h
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
 #ifndef TRANSFORM_H
 #define TRANSFORM_H 
-/* Define this to use original FFT*/
-//#define USE_ORIG_FFT
 void MDCT(double* data, int N);
 void FFT(double *data, int nn, int isign);
-#ifndef USE_ORIG_FFT
 #define c_re(c)  ((c).re)
 #define c_im(c)  ((c).im)
@@ -17,7 +13,6 @@
 #define DEFINE_PFFTW(size)			\
  void pfftw_d_##size(fftw_complex_d *input);	\
- void pfftwi_d_##size(fftw_complex_d *input);	\
  int pfftw_d_permutation_##size(int i);		
@@ -30,4 +25,3 @@
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