Here is an example of the output from the sfinfo program distributed with libsndfile.

This file was opened and parsed correctly but had been truncated so that the values in the FORM and SSND chunks were incorrect.
        erikd@hendrix > examples/sfinfo truncated.aiff 
        size : 200000
        FORM : 307474 (should be 199992)
         COMM : 18
          Sample Rate : 16000
          Samples     : 76857
          Channels    : 2
          Sample Size : 16
         SSND : 307436 (should be 199946)
          Offset     : 0
          Block Size : 0
        Sample Rate : 16000
        Samples     : 76857
        Channels    : 2
        Bit Width   : 16
        Format      : 0x00020001
        Sections    : 1
        Seekable    : TRUE
        Signal Max  : 32766