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ref: 781b09f7c290edce02c9169d1c67986e46ad4f2f
parent: 921fc834fa7d87e16b1be27fc7f808fc1ad50a69
author: menno <menno>
date: Thu Dec 23 09:34:51 EST 1999

New fft in psycho model (fast) and new unpredictabilty measure calculation

--- a/faac.dsp
+++ b/faac.dsp
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
 # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386
 # ADD LINK32 libsndfile.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386
+# SUBTRACT LINK32 /profile
 !ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "faac - Win32 Debug"
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
 # ADD BSC32 /nologo
 # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
-# ADD LINK32 libsndfile.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+# ADD LINK32 libsndfile.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /profile /debug /machine:I386
@@ -111,6 +112,14 @@
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
@@ -140,10 +149,6 @@
 # Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # End Group
 # End Target
--- a/faac_dll.dsp
+++ b/faac_dll.dsp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
 # PROP Target_Dir ""
 # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "FAAC_DLL_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W1 /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FAAC_DLL" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "FAAC_DLL_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "FAAC_DLL" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "FAAC_DLL_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
 # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x413 /d "NDEBUG"
@@ -116,6 +116,14 @@
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
@@ -145,10 +153,6 @@
 # Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # End Group
 # Begin Group "Resource Files"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fft.c
@@ -1,0 +1,203 @@
+** FFT and FHT routines
+**  Copyright 1988, 1993; Ron Mayer
+**  fht(fz,n);
+**      Does a hartley transform of "n" points in the array "fz".
+** NOTE: This routine uses at least 2 patented algorithms, and may be
+**       under the restrictions of a bunch of different organizations.
+**       Although I wrote it completely myself; it is kind of a derivative
+**       of a routine I once authored and released under the GPL, so it
+**       may fall under the free software foundation's restrictions;
+**       it was worked on as a Stanford Univ project, so they claim
+**       some rights to it; it was further optimized at work here, so
+**       I think this company claims parts of it.  The patents are
+**       held by R. Bracewell (the FHT algorithm) and O. Buneman (the
+**       trig generator), both at Stanford Univ.
+**       If it were up to me, I'd say go do whatever you want with it;
+**       but it would be polite to give credit to the following people
+**       if you use this anywhere:
+**           Euler     - probable inventor of the fourier transform.
+**           Gauss     - probable inventor of the FFT.
+**           Hartley   - probable inventor of the hartley transform.
+**           Buneman   - for a really cool trig generator
+**           Mayer(me) - for authoring this particular version and
+**                       including all the optimizations in one package.
+**       Thanks,
+**       Ron Mayer;
+** and added some optimization by
+**           Mather    - idea of using lookup table
+**           Takehiro  - some dirty hack for speed up
+#include <math.h>
+#define SQRT2 sqrt(2)
+static float costab[20]=
+    {
+     .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,
+     .70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847,
+     .92387953251128675612818318939678828682241662586364,
+     .98078528040323044912618223613423903697393373089333,
+     .99518472667219688624483695310947992157547486872985,
+     .99879545620517239271477160475910069444320361470461,
+     .99969881869620422011576564966617219685006108125772,
+     .99992470183914454092164649119638322435060646880221,
+     .99998117528260114265699043772856771617391725094433,
+     .99999529380957617151158012570011989955298763362218,
+     .99999882345170190992902571017152601904826792288976,
+     .99999970586288221916022821773876567711626389934930,
+     .99999992646571785114473148070738785694820115568892,
+     .99999998161642929380834691540290971450507605124278,
+     .99999999540410731289097193313960614895889430318945,
+     .99999999885102682756267330779455410840053741619428
+    };
+static void fht(float *fz, int n)
+    int i,k1,k2,k3,k4;
+    float *fi, *fn, *gi;
+    float *tri;
+    fn = fi = fz + n;
+    do {
+	float f0,f1,f2,f3;
+	fi -= 4;
+	f1    = fi[0]-fi[1];
+	f0    = fi[0]+fi[1];
+	f3    = fi[2]-fi[3];
+	f2    = fi[2]+fi[3];
+	fi[2] = (f0-f2);
+	fi[0] = (f0+f2);
+	fi[3] = (f1-f3);
+	fi[1] = (f1+f3);
+    } while (fi != fz);
+    tri = &costab[0];
+    k1 = 1;
+    do {
+	float s1, c1;
+	int kx;
+	k1  *= 4;
+	k2  = k1 << 1;
+	kx  = k1 >> 1;
+	k4  = k2 << 1;
+	k3  = k2 + k1;
+	fi  = fz;
+	gi  = fi + kx;
+	do {
+	    float f0,f1,f2,f3;
+	    f1      = fi[0]  - fi[k1];
+	    f0      = fi[0]  + fi[k1];
+	    f3      = fi[k2] - fi[k3];
+	    f2      = fi[k2] + fi[k3];
+	    fi[k2]  = f0     - f2;
+	    fi[0 ]  = f0     + f2;
+	    fi[k3]  = f1     - f3;
+	    fi[k1]  = f1     + f3;
+	    f1      = gi[0]  - gi[k1];
+	    f0      = gi[0]  + gi[k1];
+	    f3      = SQRT2  * gi[k3];
+	    f2      = SQRT2  * gi[k2];
+	    gi[k2]  = f0     - f2;
+	    gi[0 ]  = f0     + f2;
+	    gi[k3]  = f1     - f3;
+	    gi[k1]  = f1     + f3;
+	    gi     += k4;
+	    fi     += k4;
+	} while (fi<fn);
+	c1 = tri[0];
+	s1 = tri[1];
+	for (i = 1; i < kx; i++) {
+	    float c2,s2;
+	    c2 = 1.0 - 2.0*s1*s1;
+	    s2 = 2.0*s1*c1;
+	    fi = fz + i;
+	    gi = fz + k1 - i;
+	    do {
+		float a,b,g0,f0,f1,g1,f2,g2,f3,g3;
+		b       = s2*fi[k1] - c2*gi[k1];
+		a       = c2*fi[k1] + s2*gi[k1];
+		f1      = fi[0 ]    - a;
+		f0      = fi[0 ]    + a;
+		g1      = gi[0 ]    - b;
+		g0      = gi[0 ]    + b;
+		b       = s2*fi[k3] - c2*gi[k3];
+		a       = c2*fi[k3] + s2*gi[k3];
+		f3      = fi[k2]    - a;
+		f2      = fi[k2]    + a;
+		g3      = gi[k2]    - b;
+		g2      = gi[k2]    + b;
+		b       = s1*f2     - c1*g3;
+		a       = c1*f2     + s1*g3;
+		fi[k2]  = f0        - a;
+		fi[0 ]  = f0        + a;
+		gi[k3]  = g1        - b;
+		gi[k1]  = g1        + b;
+		b       = c1*g2     - s1*f3;
+		a       = s1*g2     + c1*f3;
+		gi[k2]  = g0        - a;
+		gi[0 ]  = g0        + a;
+		fi[k3]  = f1        - b;
+		fi[k1]  = f1        + b;
+		gi     += k4;
+		fi     += k4;
+	    } while (fi<fn);
+	    c2 = c1;
+	    c1 = c2 * tri[0] - s1 * tri[1];
+	    s1 = c2 * tri[1] + s1 * tri[0];
+        }
+	tri += 2;
+    } while (k4<n);
+void fft(float *x_real, float *energy, int N)
+	float a,b;
+	int i,j;
+	fht(x_real,N);
+	energy[0] = x_real[0] * x_real[0];
+	for (i=1,j=N-1;i<N/2;i++,j--) {
+		a = x_real[i];
+		b = x_real[j];
+		energy[i]=(a*a + b*b)/2;
+		if (energy[i] < 0.0005f) {
+			energy[i] = 0.0005f;
+		}
+	}
+	energy[N/2] = x_real[N/2] * x_real[N/2];
+void fft_side(float x_real0[],float x_real1[], float *x_real, float *energy, int N, int sign)
+x_real0 = x_real from channel 0
+x_real1 = x_real from channel 1
+sign = 1:    compute mid channel energy, ax, bx
+sign =-1:    compute side channel energy, ax, bx
+	float a,b;
+	int i,j;
+#define XREAL(j) ((x_real0[j]+sign*x_real1[j])/SQRT2)
+	energy[0] = XREAL(0) * XREAL(0);
+	x_real[0] = XREAL(0);
+	for (i=1,j=N-1;i<N/2;i++,j--) {
+		a = x_real[i] = XREAL(i);
+		b = x_real[j] = XREAL(j);
+		energy[i]=(a*a + b*b)/2;
+		if (energy[i] < 0.0005) {
+			energy[i] = 0.0005;
+			x_real[i] = x_real[j] = 0.0223606797749978970790696308768019662239; /* was sqrt(0.0005) */
+		}
+	}
+	energy[N/2] = XREAL(N/2) * XREAL(N/2);
--- a/psych.c
+++ b/psych.c
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
 Source file: 
-$Id: psych.c,v 1.6 1999/12/22 14:35:15 menno Exp $
-$Id: psych.c,v 1.6 1999/12/22 14:35:15 menno Exp $
-$Id: psych.c,v 1.6 1999/12/22 14:35:15 menno Exp $
+$Id: psych.c,v 1.7 1999/12/23 14:34:51 menno Exp $
+$Id: psych.c,v 1.7 1999/12/23 14:34:51 menno Exp $
+$Id: psych.c,v 1.7 1999/12/23 14:34:51 menno Exp $
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 #include "tf_main.h"
 #include "psych.h"
+void fft(float *x_real, float *energy, int N);
 SR_INFO sr_info_aac[MAX_SAMPLING_RATES+1] =
@@ -268,8 +269,6 @@
 double          sample[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS+2][BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2];
                                /* sample value */
-FFT_TABLE_LONG    fft_tbl_long;  /* table for long fft */
-FFT_TABLE_SHORT    fft_tbl_short;  /* table for short fft */
 PARTITION_TABLE_LONG    *part_tbl_long;  
                                /* partition table for long block */
 PARTITION_TABLE_SHORT    *part_tbl_short;
@@ -279,116 +278,19 @@
                                /* static variables for short block */
 /* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) end */
 void EncTf_psycho_acoustic_init( void )
 	int chanNum;
-	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) */
-	psy_fft_table_init(&fft_tbl_long, &fft_tbl_short);
-	/* initializing fft table */
 	for (chanNum=0;chanNum<MAX_TIME_CHANNELS+2;chanNum++) {
 		psy_calc_init(&sample[chanNum], &psy_stvar_long[chanNum], &psy_stvar_short[chanNum]);
 		/* initializing static variables */
-	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) end */
-/* added by T. Okada (1997.07.10) */
-void psy_fft_table_init(FFT_TABLE_LONG *fft_tbl_long, 
-			FFT_TABLE_SHORT *fft_tbl_short
-			)
-	int i,j,k,n,n2,n4,n8;
-	double c,s,dc,ds,t;
-	/* generating Hann window */
-	for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2; i++)
-		fft_tbl_long->hw[i] = 0.5 * (1-cos(2.0*M_PI*(i+0.5)/(BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2)));
-	for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2; i++)
-		fft_tbl_short->hw[i] = 0.5 * (1-cos(2.0*M_PI*(i+0.5)/(BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2)));
-	/* generating sin table (long) */
-    n = BLOCK_LEN_LONG * 2;
-    n2 = n/2;  
-    n4 = n2/2;  
-    n8 = n4/2;
-    t = sin(M_PI / (double)n);
-    dc = 2.0*t*t;
-    ds = sqrt(dc * (2.0 - dc));
-    t = 2*dc;
-    c = fft_tbl_long->st[n4] = 1.0;
-    s = fft_tbl_long->st[0] = 0;
-    for(i = 1; i < n8; i++){
-	c -= dc;  dc += t * c;
-	s += ds;  ds -= t * s;
-	fft_tbl_long->st[i] = s;  fft_tbl_long->st[n4 - i] = c;
-    }
-    if (n8 != 0) fft_tbl_long->st[n8] = sqrt(0.5);
-    for (i = 0; i < n4; i++)
-	fft_tbl_long->st[n2 - i] = fft_tbl_long->st[i];
-    for (i = 0; i < n2 + n4; i++)
-	fft_tbl_long->st[i + n2] = -fft_tbl_long->st[i];
-    /* generating sin table (short) */
-    n = BLOCK_LEN_SHORT * 2;
-    n2 = n/2;  
-    n4 = n2/2;  
-    n8 = n4/2;
-    t = sin(M_PI / (double)n);
-    dc = 2*t*t;
-    ds = sqrt(dc * (2.0 - dc));
-    t = 2*dc;
-    c = fft_tbl_short->st[n4] = 1.0;
-    s = fft_tbl_short->st[0] = 0;
-    for(i = 1; i < n8; i++){
-		c -= dc;  dc += t * c;
-		s += ds;  ds -= t * s;
-		fft_tbl_short->st[i] = s;  fft_tbl_short->st[n4 - i] = c;
-    }
-    if (n8 != 0) fft_tbl_short->st[n8] = sqrt(0.5);
-    for (i = 0; i < n4; i++)
-		fft_tbl_short->st[n2 - i] = fft_tbl_short->st[i];
-    for (i = 0; i < n2 + n4; i++)
-		fft_tbl_short->st[i + n2] = - fft_tbl_short->st[i];
-    /* generating bit inverse table (long) */
-    n = BLOCK_LEN_LONG * 2;
-    n2 = n/2; i = j = 0;
-    for(;;){
-		fft_tbl_long->brt[i] = j;
-		if( ++i >= n ) break;
-		k = n2;
-		while(k <= j){
-			j -= k;
-			k /= 2;
-		}
-		j += k;
-    }
-    /* generating bit inverse table (short) */
-    n = BLOCK_LEN_SHORT * 2;
-    n2 = n/2; i = j = 0;
-    for(;;){
-	fft_tbl_short->brt[i] = j;
-	if( ++i >= n ) break;
-	k = n2;
-	while(k <= j){
-	    j -= k;
-	    k /= 2;
-	}
-	j += k;
-    }
-/* added by T. Okada (1997.07.10) end */
 /* added by T. Araki (1997.07.10) */
 void psy_part_table_init( 
 			   double sampling_rate,
@@ -426,7 +328,8 @@
 			double ji = j + ((*part_tbl_long)->width[b]-1)/2.0;
 			double freq = (*part_tbl_long)->sampling_rate*ji/2048;
 			double bark = 13*atan(0.00076*freq)+3.5*atan((freq/7500)*(freq/7500));
-			(*part_tbl_long)->bval[b] = bark;
+			//(*part_tbl_long)->bval[b] = bark;
+			dyn_long.bval[b] = bark;
@@ -442,7 +345,7 @@
 			double ji = j + ((*part_tbl_short)->width[b]-1)/2.0;
 			double freq = (*part_tbl_short)->sampling_rate*ji/256;
 			double bark = 13*atan(0.00076*freq) + 3.5*atan((freq/7500)*(freq/7500));
-			(*part_tbl_short)->bval[b]=bark;
+			dyn_short.bval[b]=bark;
@@ -452,9 +355,11 @@
 		int b, bb;
 		for( b = 0; b < (*part_tbl_long)->len; b++) {
-			b2 = (*part_tbl_long)->bval[b];
+			//b2 = (*part_tbl_long)->bval[b];
+			b2 = dyn_long.bval[b];
 			for( bb = 0; bb < (*part_tbl_long)->len; bb++) {
-				b1 = (*part_tbl_long)->bval[bb];
+				//b1 = (*part_tbl_long)->bval[bb];
+				b1 = dyn_long.bval[bb];
 				//tmpx = (b2 >= b1) ? 3.0*(b2-b1) : 1.5*(b2-b1);
 				tmpx = (bb >= b) ? 3.0*(b2-b1) : 1.5*(b2-b1);
@@ -463,14 +368,14 @@
 				tmpy = 15.811389 + 7.5*(tmpx + 0.474)-17.5 *sqrt(1.0 + (tmpx+0.474)*(tmpx+0.474));
-				(*part_tbl_long)->spreading[b][bb] = ( tmpy < -100.0 ? 0.0 : pow(10.0, (tmpz + tmpy)/10.0) );
+				dyn_long.spreading[b][bb] = ( tmpy < -100.0 ? 0.0 : pow(10.0, (tmpz + tmpy)/10.0) );
 		for( b = 0; b < (*part_tbl_short)->len; b++) {
-			b2 = (*part_tbl_short)->bval[b];
+			b2 = dyn_short.bval[b];
 			for( bb = 0; bb < (*part_tbl_short)->len; bb++) {
-				b1 = (*part_tbl_short)->bval[bb];
+				b1 = dyn_short.bval[bb];
 				//tmpx = (b2 >= b1) ? 3.0*(b2-b1) : 1.5*(b2-b1);
 				tmpx = (bb >= b) ? 3.0*(b2-b1) : 1.5*(b2-b1);
@@ -479,7 +384,7 @@
 				tmpy = 15.811389 + 7.5*(tmpx + 0.474)-17.5 *sqrt(1.0 + (tmpx+0.474)*(tmpx+0.474));
-				(*part_tbl_short)->spreading[b][bb] = ( tmpy < -100.0 ? 0.0 : pow(10.0, (tmpz + tmpy)/10.0) );
+				dyn_short.spreading[b][bb] = ( tmpy < -100.0 ? 0.0 : pow(10.0, (tmpz + tmpy)/10.0) );
@@ -489,8 +394,8 @@
 		tmp = 0.0;
 		for( bb = 0; bb < (*part_tbl_long)->len; bb++)
 			//tmp += sprdngf( (*part_tbl_long),(*part_tbl_short), bb, b, 0);
-			tmp += (*part_tbl_long)->spreading[bb][b];
-		(*part_tbl_long)->rnorm[b] = 1.0/tmp;
+			tmp += dyn_long.spreading[bb][b];
+		dyn_long.rnorm[b] = 1.0/tmp;
     /* added by T. Okada (1997.07.10) end */
@@ -499,17 +404,26 @@
 		tmp = 0.0;
 		for( bb = 0; bb < (*part_tbl_short)->len; bb++)
 			//tmp += sprdngf( (*part_tbl_long), (*part_tbl_short), bb, b, 1);
-			tmp += (*part_tbl_short)->spreading[bb][b];
-		(*part_tbl_short)->rnorm[b] = 1.0/tmp;
+			tmp += dyn_short.spreading[bb][b];
+		dyn_short.rnorm[b] = 1.0/tmp;
     /* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) end */
 	for(b = 0; b < (*part_tbl_long)->len; b++) {
-		(*part_tbl_long)->bmax[b] = pow(10, -3*(0.5+0.5*(M_PI*(min((*part_tbl_long)->bval[b], 15.5)/15.5))));
+		dyn_long.bmax[b] = pow(10, -3*(0.5+0.5*(M_PI*(min(dyn_long.bval[b], 15.5)/15.5))));
 	for(b = 0; b < (*part_tbl_short)->len; b++) {
-		(*part_tbl_short)->bmax[b] = pow(10, -3*(0.5+0.5*(M_PI*(min((*part_tbl_short)->bval[b], 15.5)/15.5))));
+		dyn_short.bmax[b] = pow(10, -3*(0.5+0.5*(M_PI*(min(dyn_short.bval[b], 15.5)/15.5))));
+	/* generating Hann window */
+	for(b = 0; b < BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2; b++)
+		dyn_long.hw[b] = 0.5 * (1-cos(2.0*M_PI*(b+0.5)/(BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2)));
+	for(b = 0; b < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2; b++)
+		dyn_short.hw[b] = 0.5 * (1-cos(2.0*M_PI*(b+0.5)/(BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2)));
+	(*part_tbl_short)->dyn = &dyn_short;
+	(*part_tbl_long)->dyn = &dyn_long;
@@ -526,15 +440,6 @@
 		sample[ch][i] = 0.0;
-    /*  for(ch = 0; ch < Chans; ++ch){ */
-    for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG*3; i++){
-      psy_stvar_long->fft_r[i] = 0.0;
-      psy_stvar_long->fft_f[i] = 0.0;
-    }
-    /*  }*/
-  psy_stvar_long->p_fft = 0;
   /*  for(ch = 0; ch < Chans; ++ch){*/
     for(i = 0; i < NPART_LONG*2; i++){
       psy_stvar_long->nb[i] = 90.0;
@@ -544,16 +449,6 @@
   psy_stvar_long->p_nb = NPART_LONG;
 /* added by T. Araki (1997.07.10) end */
-/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) */
-  /*  for(ch = 0; ch < Chans; ++ch){*/
-  for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; i++) {
-      psy_stvar_short->last6_fft_r[i] = 0.0;
-      psy_stvar_short->last6_fft_f[i] = 0.0;
-      psy_stvar_short->last7_fft_r[i] = 0.0;
-      psy_stvar_short->last7_fft_f[i] = 0.0;
-    }
-    /*  }*/
     /*  for(ch = 0; ch < Chans; ++ch){*/
     for(i = 0; i < NPART_SHORT; i++){
       psy_stvar_short->last7_nb[i] = 90.0;
@@ -625,10 +520,11 @@
 		ch = 0;
 		psy_step1(p_time_signal,sample, no_of_chan);
-		psy_step2(&sample[no_of_chan], &psy_stvar_long[no_of_chan], &psy_stvar_short[no_of_chan], &fft_tbl_long, 
-			&fft_tbl_short, ch);
-		psy_step3(&psy_stvar_long[no_of_chan], &psy_stvar_short[no_of_chan], &psy_var_long, &psy_var_short, ch);
-		psy_step4(&psy_stvar_long[no_of_chan], &psy_stvar_short[no_of_chan], &psy_var_long, &psy_var_short, ch);
+		psy_step2(&sample[no_of_chan], part_tbl_long, part_tbl_short, psy_stvar_long,
+			psy_stvar_short, ch);
+		if (no_of_chan < 2) {
+			psy_step4(&psy_stvar_long[no_of_chan], &psy_stvar_short[no_of_chan], &psy_var_long, &psy_var_short, no_of_chan);
+		}
 		if (no_of_chan == 0) {
 			for (b = 0; b < 70; b++)
@@ -721,235 +617,204 @@
-void psy_step2(double sample[][BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2], 
-               PSY_STATVARIABLE_LONG *psy_stvar_long, 
+void psy_step2(double sample[][BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2],
+               PARTITION_TABLE_LONG *part_tbl_long,
+			   PARTITION_TABLE_SHORT *part_tbl_short,
+			   PSY_STATVARIABLE_LONG *psy_stvar_long,
                PSY_STATVARIABLE_SHORT *psy_stvar_short,
-	       FFT_TABLE_LONG *fft_tbl_long,
-	       FFT_TABLE_SHORT *fft_tbl_short,
-	       int ch
+			   int ch
-    int w,i,j,k,l,h,n,d,ik,k2,n4;
-    double t,s,c,dx,dy;
-	double *xl,*yl;
+    int i,l,n;
-    /* FFT for long */
-	xl = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double) * BLOCK_LEN_LONG * 2 );
-	yl = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double) * BLOCK_LEN_LONG * 2 );
+	if (ch < 2) {
+		for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2; i++){
+			psy_stvar_long[ch].xreal[i] = part_tbl_long->dyn->hw[i] * sample[ch][i];
+		}
-    psy_stvar_long->p_fft += BLOCK_LEN_LONG;
+		n = BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2;
-    if(psy_stvar_long->p_fft == BLOCK_LEN_LONG * 3)
-		psy_stvar_long->p_fft = 0;
+		fft(psy_stvar_long[ch].xreal, psy_stvar_long[ch].fft_energy, n);
-    /* window *//* static int it = 0; */
-    for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2; i++){
-		xl[i] = fft_tbl_long->hw[i] * sample[ch][i];
-		yl[i] = 0.0;
-    }
+		for(l = 0; l < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; l++){
-    n = BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2;
-    n4 = n/4;
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {    /* bit inverse */
-		j = fft_tbl_long->brt[i];
-		if (i < j) {
-			t = xl[i];  xl[i] = xl[j];  xl[j] = t;
-			t = yl[i];  yl[i] = yl[j];  yl[j] = t;
-		}
-    }
-    for (k = 1; k < n; k = k2) {    /* translation */
-		h = 0;  k2 = k + k;  d = n / k2;
-		for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
-			c = fft_tbl_long->st[h + n4];
-			s = fft_tbl_long->st[h];
-			for (i = j; i < n; i += k2) {
-				ik = i + k;
-				dx = s * yl[ik] + c * xl[ik];
-				dy = c * yl[ik] - s * xl[ik];
-				xl[ik] = xl[i] - dx;  xl[i] += dx;
-				yl[ik] = yl[i] - dy;  yl[i] += dy;
+			/* window */        
+			for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2; i++){
+				psy_stvar_short[ch].xreal[l][i] = part_tbl_short->dyn->hw[i] * sample[ch][/*OFFSET_FOR_SHORT +*/ BLOCK_LEN_SHORT * l + i];
-			h += d;
-		}
-    }
-    for(w = 0; w < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; w++){
-		psy_stvar_long->fft_r[w+psy_stvar_long->p_fft] 
-			= sqrt(xl[w]*xl[w] + yl[w]*yl[w]);
+			n = BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2;
-		if( xl[w] > 0.0 ){
-			if( yl[w] >= 0.0 )
-				psy_stvar_long->fft_f[w+psy_stvar_long->p_fft] = atan( yl[w] / xl[w] );
-			else
-				psy_stvar_long->fft_f[w+psy_stvar_long->p_fft] = atan( yl[w] / xl[w] )+ M_PI * 2.0;
-		} else if( xl[w] < 0.0 ) {
-			psy_stvar_long->fft_f[w+psy_stvar_long->p_fft] = atan( yl[w] / xl[w] ) + M_PI;
-		} else {
-			if( yl[w] > 0.0 )
-				psy_stvar_long->fft_f[w+psy_stvar_long->p_fft] = M_PI * 0.5;
-			else if( yl[w] < 0.0 )
-				psy_stvar_long->fft_f[w+psy_stvar_long->p_fft] = M_PI * 1.5;
-			else
-				psy_stvar_long->fft_f[w+psy_stvar_long->p_fft] = 0.0; /* tmp */
+			fft(psy_stvar_short[ch].xreal[l], psy_stvar_short[ch].fft_energy[l], n);
-    }
+	} else {
-	if (xl) free(xl);
-	if (yl) free(yl);
+		n = BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2;
+		fft_side(psy_stvar_long[0].xreal, psy_stvar_long[1].xreal, psy_stvar_long[ch].xreal,
+			psy_stvar_long[ch].fft_energy, n, (ch==2)?(1):(-1));
-	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) */
-	/* FFT for short */
-	xl = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double) * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT * 2 );
-	yl = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double) * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT * 2 );
+		for(l = 0; l < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; l++){
-	for(l = 0; l < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; l++){
-        /* window */        
-        for(i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2; i++){
-			xl[i] = fft_tbl_short->hw[i] * sample[ch][/*OFFSET_FOR_SHORT +*/ BLOCK_LEN_SHORT * l + i];
-			yl[i] = 0.0;
+			n = BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2;
+			fft_side(psy_stvar_short[0].xreal[l], psy_stvar_short[1].xreal[l], psy_stvar_short[ch].xreal[l],
+				psy_stvar_short[ch].fft_energy[l], n, (ch==2)?(1):(-1));
+	}
-		n4 = n/4;
+void psy_step4(PSY_STATVARIABLE_LONG *psy_stvar_long,
+               PSY_STATVARIABLE_SHORT *psy_stvar_short,
+			   PSY_VARIABLE_LONG *psy_var_long, 
+			   PSY_VARIABLE_SHORT *psy_var_short,
+			   int ch
+			   )
+    int j,i;
+	static double ax_sav[4][2][8], bx_sav[4][2][8], rx_sav[4][2][8];
+	static double ax_sav_s[4][8][2][128], bx_sav_s[4][8][2][128], rx_sav_s[4][8][2][128];
+	static int init = 1;
-		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {    /* bit inverse */
-			j = fft_tbl_short->brt[i];
-			if (i < j) {
-				t = xl[i];  xl[i] = xl[j];  xl[j] = t;
-				t = yl[i];  yl[i] = yl[j];  yl[j] = t;
+	if (init) {
+		memset(rx_sav,0, sizeof(rx_sav));
+		memset(ax_sav,0, sizeof(ax_sav));
+		memset(bx_sav,0, sizeof(bx_sav));
+		memset(rx_sav_s,0, sizeof(rx_sav_s));
+		memset(ax_sav_s,0, sizeof(ax_sav_s));
+		memset(bx_sav_s,0, sizeof(bx_sav_s));
+		init = 0;
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; i++){
+        for(j = 0; j < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; j++){
+			double an, a1, a2;
+			double bn, b1, b2;
+			double rn, r1, r2;
+			double numre, numim, den;
+			a2 = ax_sav_s[ch][i][1][j];
+			b2 = bx_sav_s[ch][i][1][j];
+			r2 = rx_sav_s[ch][i][1][j];
+			a1 = ax_sav_s[ch][i][1][j] = ax_sav_s[ch][i][0][j];
+			b1 = bx_sav_s[ch][i][1][j] = bx_sav_s[ch][i][0][j];
+			r1 = rx_sav_s[ch][i][1][j] = rx_sav_s[ch][i][0][j];
+			an = ax_sav_s[ch][i][0][j] = psy_stvar_short->xreal[i][j];
+			bn = bx_sav_s[ch][i][0][j] = j==0 ? psy_stvar_short->xreal[i][0] : psy_stvar_short->xreal[i][BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-j];
+			rn = rx_sav_s[ch][i][0][j] = sqrt(psy_stvar_short->fft_energy[i][j]);
+			{ /* square (x1,y1) */
+				if( r1 != 0.0 ) {
+					numre = (a1*b1);
+					numim = (a1*a1-b1*b1)*0.5;
+					den = r1*r1;
+				} else {
+					numre = 1.0;
+					numim = 0.0;
+					den = 1.0;
+				}
-		}
-		for (k = 1; k < n; k = k2) {    /* translation */
-			h = 0;  k2 = k + k;  d = n / k2;
-			for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
-				c = fft_tbl_short->st[h + n4];
-				s = fft_tbl_short->st[h];
-				for (i = j; i < n; i += k2) {
-					ik = i + k;
-					dx = s * yl[ik] + c * xl[ik];
-					dy = c * yl[ik] - s * xl[ik];
-					xl[ik] = xl[i] - dx;  xl[i] += dx;
-					yl[ik] = yl[i] - dy;  yl[i] += dy;
+			{ /* multiply by (x2,-y2) */
+				if( r2 != 0.0 ) {
+					double tmp2 = (numim+numre)*(a2+b2)*0.5;
+					double tmp1 = -a2*numre+tmp2;
+					numre =       -b2*numim+tmp2;
+					numim = tmp1;
+					den *= r2;
+				} else {
+					/* do nothing */
-				h += d;
-		}
-		for(w = 0; w < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; w++){
-			psy_stvar_short->fft_r[l][w] 
-				= sqrt(xl[w]*xl[w] + yl[w]*yl[w]);
+			{ /* r-prime factor */
+				double tmp = (2.0*r1-r2)/den;
+				numre *= tmp;
+				numim *= tmp;
+			}
-			if( xl[w] > 0.0 ){
-				if( yl[w] >= 0.0 )
-					psy_stvar_short->fft_f[l][w] = atan( yl[w] / xl[w] );
-				else
-					psy_stvar_short->fft_f[l][w] = atan( yl[w] / xl[w] )+ M_PI * 2.0;
-			} else if( xl[w] < 0.0 ) {
-				psy_stvar_short->fft_f[l][w] = atan( yl[w] / xl[w] ) + M_PI;
+			if( (den=rn+fabs(2.0*r1-r2)) != 0.0 ) {
+				numre = (an+bn)/2.0-numre;
+				numim = (an-bn)/2.0-numim;
+				psy_var_short->c[i][j] = sqrt(numre*numre+numim*numim)/den;
 			} else {
-				if( yl[w] > 0.0 )
-					psy_stvar_short->fft_f[l][w] = M_PI * 0.5;
-				else if( yl[w] < 0.0 )
-					psy_stvar_short->fft_f[l][w] = M_PI * 1.5;
-				else
-					psy_stvar_short->fft_f[l][w] = 0.0; /* tmp */
+				psy_var_short->c[i][j] = 0.0;
-	if (xl) free(xl);
-	if (yl) free(yl);
-	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) end */
+	for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){
+		double an, a1, a2;
+		double bn, b1, b2;
+		double rn, r1, r2;
+		double numre, numim, den;
+		a2 = ax_sav[ch][1][j];
+		b2 = bx_sav[ch][1][j];
+		r2 = rx_sav[ch][1][j];
+		a1 = ax_sav[ch][1][j] = ax_sav[ch][0][j];
+		b1 = bx_sav[ch][1][j] = bx_sav[ch][0][j];
+		r1 = rx_sav[ch][1][j] = rx_sav[ch][0][j];
+		an = ax_sav[ch][0][j] = psy_stvar_long->xreal[j];
+		bn = bx_sav[ch][0][j] = j==0 ? psy_stvar_long->xreal[0] : psy_stvar_long->xreal[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-j];
+		rn = rx_sav[ch][0][j] = sqrt(psy_stvar_long->fft_energy[j]);
+		{ /* square (x1,y1) */
+			if( r1 != 0.0 ) {
+				numre = (a1*b1);
+				numim = (a1*a1-b1*b1)*0.5;
+				den = r1*r1;
+			} else {
+				numre = 1.0;
+				numim = 0.0;
+				den = 1.0;
+			}
+		}
-void psy_step3(PSY_STATVARIABLE_LONG *psy_stvar_long, 
-               PSY_STATVARIABLE_SHORT *psy_stvar_short, 
-               PSY_VARIABLE_LONG *psy_var_long, 
-               PSY_VARIABLE_SHORT *psy_var_short, 
-               int ch
-	       )
-    int w,i;
-    int p1_l,p2_l;
+		{ /* multiply by (x2,-y2) */
+			if( r2 != 0.0 ) {
+				double tmp2 = (numim+numre)*(a2+b2)*0.5;
+				double tmp1 = -a2*numre+tmp2;
+				numre =       -b2*numim+tmp2;
+				numim = tmp1;
+				den *= r2;
+			} else {
+				/* do nothing */
+			}
+		}
-	p1_l = psy_stvar_long->p_fft - BLOCK_LEN_LONG;
-    if( p1_l < 0 )
-		p1_l = BLOCK_LEN_LONG * 2;
-    p2_l = p1_l - BLOCK_LEN_LONG;
-    if( p2_l < 0 )
-		p2_l = BLOCK_LEN_LONG * 2;
-    for(w = 0; w < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; w++){
-		psy_var_long->r_pred[w] = 2.0 * psy_stvar_long->fft_r[p1_l + w] - psy_stvar_long->fft_r[p2_l + w];
-		psy_var_long->f_pred[w] = 2.0 * psy_stvar_long->fft_f[p1_l + w] - psy_stvar_long->fft_f[p2_l + w];
-    }
-	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) */
-    for(w = 0; w < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; w++){
-        psy_var_short->r_pred[0][w] = 2.0 * psy_stvar_short->last7_fft_r[w] - psy_stvar_short->last6_fft_r[w];
-        psy_var_short->f_pred[0][w] = 2.0 * psy_stvar_short->last7_fft_f[w] - psy_stvar_short->last6_fft_f[w];
-        psy_var_short->r_pred[1][w] = 2.0 * psy_stvar_short->fft_r[0][w] - psy_stvar_short->last7_fft_r[w];
-        psy_var_short->f_pred[1][w] = 2.0 * psy_stvar_short->fft_f[0][w] - psy_stvar_short->last7_fft_f[w];
-    }
-    for(i = 2; i < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; i++){
-        for(w = 0; w < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; w++){
-			psy_var_short->r_pred[i][w] = 2.0 * psy_stvar_short->fft_r[i - 1][w] - psy_stvar_short->fft_r[i - 2][w];
-			psy_var_short->f_pred[i][w] = 2.0 * psy_stvar_short->fft_f[i - 1][w] - psy_stvar_short->fft_f[i - 2][w];
+		{ /* r-prime factor */
+			double tmp = (2.0*r1-r2)/den;
+			numre *= tmp;
+			numim *= tmp;
-    }
-    for(w = 0; w < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; w++){
-        psy_stvar_short->last6_fft_r[w] = psy_stvar_short->fft_r[6][w];
-		psy_stvar_short->last6_fft_f[w] = psy_stvar_short->fft_f[6][w];
-        psy_stvar_short->last7_fft_r[w] = psy_stvar_short->fft_r[7][w];
-		psy_stvar_short->last7_fft_f[w] = psy_stvar_short->fft_f[7][w];
-    }
-	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) end */
-void psy_step4(PSY_STATVARIABLE_LONG *psy_stvar_long,
-               PSY_STATVARIABLE_SHORT *psy_stvar_short,
-	       PSY_VARIABLE_LONG *psy_var_long, 
-	       PSY_VARIABLE_SHORT *psy_var_short,
-	       int ch
-	       )
-    int w,i;
-    double r,f,rp,fp;
-    for(w = 0; w < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; w++){
-		r = psy_stvar_long->fft_r[psy_stvar_long->p_fft+w];
-		f = psy_stvar_long->fft_f[psy_stvar_long->p_fft+w];
-		rp = psy_var_long->r_pred[w];
-		fp = psy_var_long->f_pred[w];
-		if( r + fabs(rp) != 0.0 )
-			psy_var_long->c[w] = sqrt( psy_sqr(r*cos(f) - rp*cos(fp))
-				+psy_sqr(r*sin(f) - rp*sin(fp)) )/ ( r + fabs(rp) ) ;
-		else
-			psy_var_long->c[w] = 0.0; /* tmp */
-    }
-	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) */
-    for(i = 0; i < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; i++){
-        for(w = 0; w < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; w++){
-			r = psy_stvar_short->fft_r[i][w];
-			f = psy_stvar_short->fft_f[i][w];
-			rp = psy_var_short->r_pred[i][w];
-			fp = psy_var_short->f_pred[i][w];
-			if( r + fabs(rp) != 0.0 )
-				psy_var_short->c[i][w] = sqrt( psy_sqr(r*cos(f) - rp*cos(fp))
-					+psy_sqr(r*sin(f) - rp*sin(fp)) )/ ( r + fabs(rp) ) ;
-			else
-				psy_var_short->c[i][w] = 0.0; /* tmp */
+		if( (den=rn+fabs(2.0*r1-r2)) != 0.0 ) {
+			numre = (an+bn)/2.0-numre;
+			numim = (an-bn)/2.0-numim;
+			psy_var_long->c[j] = sqrt(numre*numre+numim*numim)/den;
+		} else {
+			psy_var_long->c[j] = 0.0;
-    }
-	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) end */
+	}
+	for(j = 8; j < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; j+=8){
+		double tmp;
+		tmp = min(psy_var_short->c[0][j/8],psy_var_short->c[1][j/8]);
+		tmp = min(psy_var_short->c[2][j/8],tmp);
+		tmp = min(psy_var_short->c[3][j/8],tmp);
+		tmp = min(psy_var_short->c[4][j/8],tmp);
+		tmp = min(psy_var_short->c[5][j/8],tmp);
+		tmp = min(psy_var_short->c[6][j/8],tmp);
+		tmp = min(psy_var_short->c[7][j/8],tmp);
+		psy_var_long->c[j] = tmp;
+		psy_var_long->c[j+1] = tmp;
+		psy_var_long->c[j+2] = tmp;
+		psy_var_long->c[j+3] = tmp;
+		psy_var_long->c[j+4] = tmp;
+		psy_var_long->c[j+5] = tmp;
+		psy_var_long->c[j+6] = tmp;
+		psy_var_long->c[j+7] = tmp;
+	}
 void psy_step5(PARTITION_TABLE_LONG *part_tbl_long, 
@@ -970,8 +835,10 @@
 		/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) */
 		for(w = part_tbl_long->w_low[b]; w <= part_tbl_long->w_high[b]; w++){
-			psy_var_long->e[b] += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_long->fft_r[psy_stvar_long->p_fft+w]);
-			tmp_cb += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_long->fft_r[psy_stvar_long->p_fft+w]) * psy_var_long->c[w];
+			//psy_var_long->e[b] += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_long->fft_r[psy_stvar_long->p_fft+w]);
+			psy_var_long->e[b] += psy_stvar_long->fft_energy[w];
+			//tmp_cb += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_long->fft_r[psy_stvar_long->p_fft+w]) * psy_var_long->c[w];
+			tmp_cb += psy_stvar_long->fft_energy[w] * psy_var_long->c[w];
 		/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) end */
@@ -984,9 +851,11 @@
 			psy_var_short->e[i][b] = 0.0;
 			tmp_cb = 0.0;
-			for(w = part_tbl_short->w_low[b]; w <= part_tbl_short->w_high[b]; w++){
-				psy_var_short->e[i][b] += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_short->fft_r[i][w]);
-				tmp_cb += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_short->fft_r[i][w]) * psy_var_short->c[i][w]; 
+			for(w = part_tbl_short->w_low[b]; w <= part_tbl_short->w_high[b]; w++) {
+				//psy_var_short->e[i][b] += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_short->fft_r[i][w]);
+				psy_var_short->e[i][b] += psy_stvar_short->fft_energy[i][w];
+				//tmp_cb += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_short->fft_r[i][w]) * psy_var_short->c[i][w];
+				tmp_cb += psy_stvar_short->fft_energy[i][w] * psy_var_short->c[i][w];
 			psy_var_short->c[i][b] = tmp_cb;
@@ -1012,7 +881,7 @@
 		ct = 0.0;
 		for(bb = 0; bb < part_tbl_long->len; bb++){
 			//sprd = sprdngf(part_tbl_long, part_tbl_short, bb, b, 0);
-			sprd = part_tbl_long->spreading[bb][b];
+			sprd = part_tbl_long->dyn->spreading[bb][b];
 			ecb += psy_var_long->e[bb] * sprd;
 			ct += psy_var_long->c[bb] * sprd;
@@ -1021,7 +890,7 @@
 		} else {
 			psy_var_long->cb[b] = 0.0;
-		psy_stvar_long->en[b] = psy_var_long->en[b] = ecb * part_tbl_long->rnorm[b];
+		psy_stvar_long->en[b] = psy_var_long->en[b] = ecb * part_tbl_long->dyn->rnorm[b];
 	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) */
@@ -1031,7 +900,7 @@
 			ct = 0.0;
 			for(bb = 0; bb < part_tbl_short->len; bb++){
 				//sprd = sprdngf(part_tbl_long, part_tbl_short, bb, b, 1);
-				sprd = part_tbl_short->spreading[bb][b];
+				sprd = part_tbl_short->dyn->spreading[bb][b];
 				ecb += psy_var_short->e[i][bb] * sprd;
 				ct += psy_var_short->c[i][bb] * sprd;
@@ -1040,7 +909,7 @@
 			} else {
 				psy_var_short->cb[i][b] = 0.0;
-			psy_stvar_short->en[i][b] = psy_var_short->en[i][b] = ecb * part_tbl_short->rnorm[b];
+			psy_stvar_short->en[i][b] = psy_var_short->en[i][b] = ecb * part_tbl_short->dyn->rnorm[b];
 	/* added by T. Araki (1997.10.16) end */
@@ -1218,12 +1087,12 @@
 				t = 0;
 			if (t>1)
 				t = 1/t;
-			tempL = max(psy_stvar_long[0].nb[p1+b]*t, min(psy_stvar_long[0].nb[p1+b], part_tbl_long->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_long[0].en[b]));
-			tempR = max(psy_stvar_long[1].nb[p1+b]*t, min(psy_stvar_long[1].nb[p1+b], part_tbl_long->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_long[1].en[b]));
+			tempL = max(psy_stvar_long[0].nb[p1+b]*t, min(psy_stvar_long[0].nb[p1+b], part_tbl_long->dyn->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_long[0].en[b]));
+			tempR = max(psy_stvar_long[1].nb[p1+b]*t, min(psy_stvar_long[1].nb[p1+b], part_tbl_long->dyn->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_long[1].en[b]));
 			t = min(tempL,tempR);
-			tempM = min(t, max(psy_stvar_long[2].nb[p1+b], min(part_tbl_long->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_long[3].en[b], psy_stvar_long[3].nb[p1+b])));
-			tempS = min(t, max(psy_stvar_long[3].nb[p1+b], min(part_tbl_long->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_long[2].en[b], psy_stvar_long[2].nb[p1+b])));
+			tempM = min(t, max(psy_stvar_long[2].nb[p1+b], min(part_tbl_long->dyn->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_long[3].en[b], psy_stvar_long[3].nb[p1+b])));
+			tempS = min(t, max(psy_stvar_long[3].nb[p1+b], min(part_tbl_long->dyn->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_long[2].en[b], psy_stvar_long[2].nb[p1+b])));
 			if ((psy_stvar_long[0].nb[p1+b] >= 1.58*psy_stvar_long[1].nb[p1+b])&&(psy_stvar_long[1].nb[p1+b] >= 1.58*psy_stvar_long[0].nb[p1+b])) {
 				psy_stvar_long[2].nb[p1+b] = tempM;
@@ -1241,12 +1110,12 @@
 					t = 0;
 				if (t>1)
 					t = 1/t;
-				tempL = max(psy_stvar_short[0].nb[i][b]*t, min(psy_stvar_short[0].nb[i][b], part_tbl_short->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_short[0].en[i][b]));
-				tempR = max(psy_stvar_short[1].nb[i][b]*t, min(psy_stvar_short[1].nb[i][b], part_tbl_short->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_short[1].en[i][b]));
+				tempL = max(psy_stvar_short[0].nb[i][b]*t, min(psy_stvar_short[0].nb[i][b], part_tbl_short->dyn->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_short[0].en[i][b]));
+				tempR = max(psy_stvar_short[1].nb[i][b]*t, min(psy_stvar_short[1].nb[i][b], part_tbl_short->dyn->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_short[1].en[i][b]));
 				t = min(tempL,tempR);
-				tempM = min(t, max(psy_stvar_short[2].nb[i][b], min(part_tbl_short->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_short[3].en[i][b], psy_stvar_short[3].nb[i][b])));
-				tempS = min(t, max(psy_stvar_short[3].nb[i][b], min(part_tbl_short->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_short[2].en[i][b], psy_stvar_short[2].nb[i][b])));
+				tempM = min(t, max(psy_stvar_short[2].nb[i][b], min(part_tbl_short->dyn->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_short[3].en[i][b], psy_stvar_short[3].nb[i][b])));
+				tempS = min(t, max(psy_stvar_short[3].nb[i][b], min(part_tbl_short->dyn->bmax[b]*psy_stvar_short[2].en[i][b], psy_stvar_short[2].nb[i][b])));
 				if ((psy_stvar_short[0].nb[i][b] >= 1.58*psy_stvar_short[1].nb[i][b])&&(psy_stvar_short[1].nb[i][b] >= 1.58*psy_stvar_short[0].nb[i][b])) {
 					psy_stvar_short[2].nb[i][b] = tempM;
@@ -1317,7 +1186,8 @@
         psy_var_long->epart[n] = 0.0;
 		for(w = w_low; w < w_high; w++){
-			psy_var_long->epart[n] += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_long->fft_r[psy_stvar_long->p_fft + w]);
+			//psy_var_long->epart[n] += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_long->fft_r[psy_stvar_long->p_fft + w]);
+			psy_var_long->epart[n] += psy_stvar_long->fft_energy[w];
@@ -1361,7 +1231,8 @@
 			psy_var_short->epart[i][n] = 0.0;
 			for(w = w_low; w < w_high; w++){
-				psy_var_short->epart[i][n] += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_short->fft_r[i][w]);
+				//psy_var_short->epart[i][n] += psy_sqr(psy_stvar_short->fft_r[i][w]);
+				psy_var_short->epart[i][n] += psy_stvar_short->fft_energy[i][w];
--- a/psych.h
+++ b/psych.h
@@ -63,16 +63,14 @@
 /* added by T. Araki (1997.07.10) */
 typedef struct {
-  double hw[BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2];     /* Hann window table */
-  double st[BLOCK_LEN_LONG*5/2];   /* sin table*/
-  int    brt[BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2];    /* bit inverse table */
-typedef struct {
-  double hw[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2];     /* Hann window table */
-  double st[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*5/2];   /* sin table*/
-  int    brt[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2];    /* bit inverse table */
+  double bval[NPART_LONG];
+  double qsthr[NPART_LONG];
+  double e_qsthr[NPART_LONG]; /* absolute threshold (energy) in each partition */  
+  double rnorm[NPART_LONG];
+  double bmax[NPART_LONG];
+  double spreading[NPART_LONG][NPART_LONG];
+  double hw[BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2];
 typedef struct {
   int    sampling_rate;
@@ -80,20 +78,10 @@
   int    w_low[NPART_LONG];
   int    w_high[NPART_LONG];
   int    width[NPART_LONG];
-  double bval[NPART_LONG];
-  double qsthr[NPART_LONG];
-  double e_qsthr[NPART_LONG]; /* absolute threshold (energy) in each partition */  
-  double rnorm[NPART_LONG];
-  double bmax[NPART_LONG];
-  double spreading[NPART_LONG][NPART_LONG];
 typedef struct {
-  int    sampling_rate;
-  int    len;      /* length of the table */ 
-  int    w_low[NPART_SHORT];
-  int    w_high[NPART_SHORT];
-  int    width[NPART_SHORT];
   double bval[NPART_SHORT];
   double qsthr[NPART_SHORT];
   double e_qsthr[NPART_SHORT]; /* absolute threshold (energy) in each partition */  
@@ -100,12 +88,21 @@
   double rnorm[NPART_SHORT];
   double bmax[NPART_SHORT];
   double spreading[NPART_SHORT][NPART_SHORT];
+  double hw[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2];
+typedef struct {
+  int    sampling_rate;
+  int    len;      /* length of the table */ 
+  int    w_low[NPART_SHORT];
+  int    w_high[NPART_SHORT];
+  int    width[NPART_SHORT];
 typedef struct {
-  double fft_r[BLOCK_LEN_LONG*3];
-  double fft_f[BLOCK_LEN_LONG*3];
-  int    p_fft; /* pointer for fft_r and fft_f */
+  float xreal[BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2];
+  float fft_energy[BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2];
   double nb[NPART_LONG*2];
   double en[NPART_LONG];
   double save_npart_l[NSFB_LONG];
@@ -114,8 +111,6 @@
 typedef struct {
-  double r_pred[BLOCK_LEN_LONG];
-  double f_pred[BLOCK_LEN_LONG];
   double c[BLOCK_LEN_LONG];
   double e[NPART_LONG];
   double cw[NPART_LONG];
@@ -131,12 +126,8 @@
 typedef struct {
-  double last6_fft_r[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT];
-  double last6_fft_f[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT];
-  double last7_fft_r[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT];
-  double last7_fft_f[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT];
+  float fft_energy[MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS][BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*2];
   double save_npart_s[MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS][NSFB_SHORT];
@@ -145,8 +136,6 @@
 typedef struct {
@@ -203,10 +192,6 @@
 double psy_get_absthr(double f); /* Jul 8 */
-void psy_fft_table_init(FFT_TABLE_LONG *fft_tbl_long, 
-			FFT_TABLE_SHORT *fft_tbl_short
-			);
 void psy_part_table_init(double sampling_rate,
 			 PARTITION_TABLE_LONG **part_tbl_long, 
 			 PARTITION_TABLE_SHORT **part_tbl_short
@@ -223,12 +208,12 @@
 void psy_step2(double sample[][BLOCK_LEN_LONG*2], 
-               PSY_STATVARIABLE_LONG *psy_stvar_long, 
+               PARTITION_TABLE_LONG *part_tbl_long, 
+			   PARTITION_TABLE_SHORT *part_tbl_short, 
+			   PSY_STATVARIABLE_LONG *psy_stvar_long, 
                PSY_STATVARIABLE_SHORT *psy_stvar_short,
-	       FFT_TABLE_LONG *fft_tbl_long,
-	       FFT_TABLE_SHORT *fft_tbl_short,
-	       int ch
-	       );
+			   int ch
+			   );
 void psy_step3(PSY_STATVARIABLE_LONG *psy_stvar_long, 
                PSY_STATVARIABLE_SHORT *psy_stvar_short,