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ref: 7d9f87f6814836eab130bfe340828ec84d16f329
parent: bb0e703f2bd279b28c4d9ee6b2a21eacefbf945f
author: lenox <lenox>
date: Mon Feb 28 11:47:07 EST 2000

improved readability of the code

--- a/ms.c
+++ b/ms.c
@@ -37,343 +37,338 @@
 #include "is.h"
 void MSPreprocess(double p_ratio_long[][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-				  double p_ratio_short[][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-				  CH_PSYCH_OUTPUT_LONG p_chpo_long[],
-				  Ch_Info *channelInfo,                  /* Pointer to Ch_Info */
-				  enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS], /* Block type */
-				  AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,               /* Quant info */
-				  int use_ms, int use_is,
-				  int numberOfChannels
-				  )
+		  double p_ratio_short[][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
+		  CH_PSYCH_OUTPUT_LONG p_chpo_long[],
+		  Ch_Info *channelInfo,                  /* Pointer to Ch_Info */
+		  enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS], /* Block type */
+		  AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,               /* Quant info */
+		  int use_ms, int use_is,
+		   int numberOfChannels
+		  )
-	int chanNum;
-	int sfbNum;
+  int chanNum;
+  int sfbNum;
-//	static int block = 0;
-	int used = 0, notused = 0;
-	int realyused = 0;
+//  static int block = 0;
+  int used = 0, notused = 0;
+  int realyused = 0;
-	/* Look for channel_pair_elements */
-	for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
-		if (channelInfo[chanNum].present) {
-			if ((channelInfo[chanNum].cpe)&&(channelInfo[chanNum].ch_is_left)) {
-				int leftChan=chanNum;
-				int rightChan=channelInfo[chanNum].paired_ch;
-				channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=0;
-				channelInfo[leftChan].common_window = 0;
+  /* Look for channel_pair_elements */
+  for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
+    if (channelInfo[chanNum].present) {
+      if ((channelInfo[chanNum].cpe)&&(channelInfo[chanNum].ch_is_left)) {
+	int leftChan=chanNum;
+	int rightChan=channelInfo[chanNum].paired_ch;
+	channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=0;
+	channelInfo[leftChan].common_window = 0;
-				/* Perform MS if block_types are the same */
-				if ((block_type[leftChan]==block_type[rightChan])&&(use_ms==0)) { 
+	/* Perform MS if block_types are the same */
+	if ((block_type[leftChan]==block_type[rightChan])&&(use_ms==0)) {
+	  int numGroups;
+	  int groupIndex = 0;
+	  int maxSfb, isBand;
+	  int g,b,j;
+	  int use_ms_short;
+	  MS_Info *msInfo;
-					int numGroups;
-					int groupIndex = 0;
-					int maxSfb, isBand;
-					int g,b,j;
-					int use_ms_short;
-					MS_Info *msInfo;
+	  numGroups = quantInfo[leftChan].num_window_groups;
+	  maxSfb = quantInfo[leftChan].max_sfb;
-					numGroups = quantInfo[leftChan].num_window_groups;
-					maxSfb = quantInfo[leftChan].max_sfb;
+	  /* Determine which bands should be enabled */
+	  msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
+	  if (use_is) {
+	    isBand = (block_type[rightChan]==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) ? IS_MIN_BAND_S : IS_MIN_BAND_L;
+	    isBand = (isBand>maxSfb) ? maxSfb : isBand;
+	  }
+          else {
+	    isBand = maxSfb;
+          }
-					/* Determine which bands should be enabled */
-					msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
-					if (use_is) {
-						isBand = (block_type[rightChan]==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) ? IS_MIN_BAND_S : IS_MIN_BAND_L;
-						isBand = (isBand>maxSfb) ? maxSfb : isBand;
-					} else {
-						isBand = maxSfb;
-					}
+	  for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
+	    for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
+	      use_ms_short = 1;
+	      b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
-					for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
-						for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
-							use_ms_short = 1;
-							b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
+	      if (block_type[leftChan] == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
+              	for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
+		  use_ms_short = min(use_ms_short, p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum]);
+                }
+	      	if (sfbNum < isBand) {
+		  msInfo->ms_used[b] = use_ms_short;
+                }
+                else {
+		  msInfo->ms_used[b] = 0;
+		  use_ms_short = 0;
+                }
-							if (block_type[leftChan] == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
+		if (msInfo->ms_used[b]) {
+		  realyused = 1;
+		  used++;
+		  for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
+		    p_ratio_short[0][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[2][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		    p_ratio_short[1][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[3][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		    p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum] = use_ms_short;
+		  }
+                }
+                else {
+		  notused++;
+		  for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
+		    p_ratio_short[0][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[0][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		    p_ratio_short[1][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[1][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		    p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum] = use_ms_short;
+                  }
+		}
+	      }
+              else {
+                if (sfbNum < isBand) {
+		  msInfo->ms_used[b] = p_chpo_long[1].use_ms[sfbNum];
+                }
+                else {
+		  msInfo->ms_used[b] = 0;
+		  p_chpo_long[1].use_ms[sfbNum] = 0;
+                }
+		if (msInfo->ms_used[b]) {
+		  realyused = 1;
+		  used++;
+		  p_ratio_long[0][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[2].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		  p_ratio_long[1][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[3].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+                }
+                else {
+		  notused++;
+		  p_ratio_long[0][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[0].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		  p_ratio_long[1][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[1].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+                }
+              }
+	    }
+	    groupIndex+=quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g];
+          }
-								for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
-									use_ms_short = min(use_ms_short, p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum]);
-								}
-								if (sfbNum < isBand) {
-									msInfo->ms_used[b] = use_ms_short;
-								} else {
-									msInfo->ms_used[b] = 0;
-									use_ms_short = 0;
-								}
+	  if (realyused) {
+	    channelInfo[leftChan].common_window = 1;  /* Use common window */
+	    channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=1;
+          }
+        }
+        else if ((block_type[leftChan]==block_type[rightChan])&&(use_ms == 1)) {
+	  int chan;
+	  int numGroups;
+	  int groupIndex;
+	  int maxSfb;
+	  int g,b,j;
+	  MS_Info *msInfo;
-								if (msInfo->ms_used[b]) {
-									realyused = 1;
-									used++;
-									for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
-										p_ratio_short[0][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[2][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-										p_ratio_short[1][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[3][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-										p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum] = use_ms_short;
-									}
-								} else {
-									notused++;
-									for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
-										p_ratio_short[0][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[0][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-										p_ratio_short[1][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[1][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-										p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum] = use_ms_short;
-									}
-								}
+	  channelInfo[0].ms_info.is_present = 1;
+	  channelInfo[0].common_window = 1;
-							} else {
+	  for (chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++) {
+	    maxSfb = quantInfo[chan].max_sfb;
-								if (sfbNum < isBand) {
-									msInfo->ms_used[b] = p_chpo_long[1].use_ms[sfbNum];
-								} else {
-									msInfo->ms_used[b] = 0;
-									p_chpo_long[1].use_ms[sfbNum] = 0;
-								}
-								if (msInfo->ms_used[b]) {
-									realyused = 1;
-									used++;
-									p_ratio_long[0][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[2].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-									p_ratio_long[1][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[3].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-								} else {
-									notused++;
-									p_ratio_long[0][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[0].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-									p_ratio_long[1][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[1].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-								}
+	    /* Determine which bands should be enabled */
+	    msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
+	    numGroups = quantInfo[chan].num_window_groups;
-							}
-						}
-						groupIndex+=quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g];
-					}
+	    for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
+	      for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
+	        b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
+	        groupIndex = 0;
-					if (realyused) {
-						channelInfo[leftChan].common_window = 1;  /* Use common window */
-						channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=1;
-					}
-				} else if ((block_type[leftChan]==block_type[rightChan])&&(use_ms == 1)) {
-					int chan;
-					int numGroups;
-					int groupIndex;
-					int maxSfb;
-					int g,b,j;
-					MS_Info *msInfo;
+	        if (block_type[chan] == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
+		  msInfo->ms_used[b] = 1;
+		  for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[chan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
+		    p_ratio_short[chan][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[chan][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		    p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum] = 1;
+                  }
+	        }
+                else {
+                  msInfo->ms_used[b] = 1;
+		  p_ratio_long[chan][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[chan].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		  p_chpo_long[1].use_ms[sfbNum] = 1;
+                }
+	      }
+//          groupIndex+=quantInfo[chan].window_group_length[g];
+            }
+       	  }
+        }
+        else {
+	  int chan;
+	  int numGroups;
+	  int groupIndex;
+	  int maxSfb;
+	  int g,b,j;
+	  MS_Info *msInfo;
-					channelInfo[0].ms_info.is_present = 1;
-					channelInfo[0].common_window = 1;
+	  for (chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++) {
+	    maxSfb = quantInfo[chan].max_sfb;
-					for (chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++) {
-						maxSfb = quantInfo[chan].max_sfb;
+	    /* Determine which bands should be enabled */
+	    msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
+	    numGroups = quantInfo[chan].num_window_groups;
-						/* Determine which bands should be enabled */
-						msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
-						numGroups = quantInfo[chan].num_window_groups;
+	    for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
+	      for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
+	        b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
+	        groupIndex = 0;
-						for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
-							for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
-								b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
-								groupIndex = 0;
+	        if (block_type[chan] == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
+                  msInfo->ms_used[b] = 0;
+		  for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[chan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
+		    p_ratio_short[chan][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[chan][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		    p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum] = 0;
+                  }
+                }
+                else {
+                  msInfo->ms_used[b] = 0;
+		  p_ratio_long[chan][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[chan].p_ratio[sfbNum];
+		  p_chpo_long[1].use_ms[sfbNum] = 0;
+                }
+              }
+//	      groupIndex+=quantInfo[chan].window_group_length[g];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
-								if (block_type[chan] == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
-									msInfo->ms_used[b] = 1;
-									for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[chan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
-										p_ratio_short[chan][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[chan][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-										p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum] = 1;
-									}
-								} else {
-									msInfo->ms_used[b] = 1;
-									p_ratio_long[chan][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[chan].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-									p_chpo_long[1].use_ms[sfbNum] = 1;
-								}
-							}
-//							groupIndex+=quantInfo[chan].window_group_length[g];
-						}
-					}
-				} else {
-					int chan;
-					int numGroups;
-					int groupIndex;
-					int maxSfb;
-					int g,b,j;
-					MS_Info *msInfo;
-					for (chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++) {
-						maxSfb = quantInfo[chan].max_sfb;
-						/* Determine which bands should be enabled */
-						msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
-						numGroups = quantInfo[chan].num_window_groups;
-						for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
-							for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
-								b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
-								groupIndex = 0;
-								if (block_type[chan] == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
-									msInfo->ms_used[b] = 0;
-									for (j = groupIndex; j < quantInfo[chan].window_group_length[g]+groupIndex; j++) {
-										p_ratio_short[chan][(g*maxSfb)+sfbNum] = p_chpo_short[chan][j].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-										p_chpo_short[1][j].use_ms[sfbNum] = 0;
-									}
-								} else {
-									msInfo->ms_used[b] = 0;
-									p_ratio_long[chan][sfbNum] = p_chpo_long[chan].p_ratio[sfbNum];
-									p_chpo_long[1].use_ms[sfbNum] = 0;
-								}
-							}
-//							groupIndex+=quantInfo[chan].window_group_length[g];
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
 //	printf("%d used: %d, notused: %d\n", block++, used, notused);
 void MSEnergy(double *spectral_line_vector[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-			  double energy[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-			  CH_PSYCH_OUTPUT_LONG p_chpo_long[],
-			  int sfb_width_table[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-//			  Ch_Info *channelInfo,                  /* Pointer to Ch_Info */
-			  enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS], /* Block type */
-			  AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,               /* Quant info */
-			  int use_ms,
-			  int numberOfChannels
-			  )
+	      double energy[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
+	      CH_PSYCH_OUTPUT_LONG p_chpo_long[],
+	      int sfb_width_table[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
+//	      Ch_Info *channelInfo,                  /* Pointer to Ch_Info */
+	      enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS], /* Block type */
+	      AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,               /* Quant info */
+	      int use_ms,
+	      int numberOfChannels
+	      )
-	int chanNum, numWindows, bandNumber;
-	int windowLength, w, j;
-	int *p_use_ms;
+  int chanNum, numWindows, bandNumber;
+  int windowLength, w, j;
+  int *p_use_ms;
-	for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
-		double dtmp;
+  for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
+    double dtmp;
-		/* Compute energy in each scalefactor band of each window */
-		numWindows = (block_type[chanNum]==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) ?	8 : 1;
-		windowLength = 1024/8;
-		bandNumber=0;
-		for (w=0;w<numWindows;w++) {
-			int offset=0;
-			int sfb;
+    /* Compute energy in each scalefactor band of each window */
+    numWindows = (block_type[chanNum]==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) ?	8 : 1;
+    windowLength = 1024/8;
+    bandNumber=0;
+    for (w=0;w<numWindows;w++) {
+      int offset=0;
+      int sfb;
-			if (block_type[chanNum] == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
-				p_use_ms = p_chpo_short[1][w].use_ms;
-			} else {
-				p_use_ms = p_chpo_long[1].use_ms;
-			}
+      if (block_type[chanNum] == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
+	p_use_ms = p_chpo_short[1][w].use_ms;
+      }
+      else {
+	p_use_ms = p_chpo_long[1].use_ms;
+      }
-			j = w*windowLength;
+      j = w*windowLength;
-			/* Only compute energy up to max_sfb */
-			for(sfb=0; sfb< quantInfo[chanNum].max_sfb; sfb++ ) {
-				/* calculate scale factor band energy */
-				int width,i;
-				energy[chanNum][bandNumber] = 0.0;
-				width=sfb_width_table[chanNum][sfb];
-				for(i=offset; i<(offset+width); i++ ) {
-					if (((p_use_ms[sfb]||(use_ms==1)) && (chanNum == 0))&&(use_ms!=-1))
-						dtmp = (spectral_line_vector[0][j]+spectral_line_vector[1][j])*0.5;
-					else if (((p_use_ms[sfb]||(use_ms==1)) && (chanNum == 1))&&(use_ms!=-1))
-						dtmp = (spectral_line_vector[0][j]-spectral_line_vector[1][j])*0.5;
-					else
-						dtmp = spectral_line_vector[chanNum][j];
-					j++;
-					energy[chanNum][bandNumber] += dtmp*dtmp;
-				}
-				energy[chanNum][bandNumber] = energy[chanNum][bandNumber] / width;
-				bandNumber++;
-				offset+=width;
-			}  
-		}
-	}  /* for (chanNum... */
+      /* Only compute energy up to max_sfb */
+      for(sfb=0; sfb< quantInfo[chanNum].max_sfb; sfb++ ) {
+	/* calculate scale factor band energy */
+	int width,i;
+	energy[chanNum][bandNumber] = 0.0;
+	width=sfb_width_table[chanNum][sfb];
+	for(i=offset; i<(offset+width); i++ ) {
+	  if (((p_use_ms[sfb]||(use_ms==1)) && (chanNum == 0))&&(use_ms!=-1))
+	    dtmp = (spectral_line_vector[0][j]+spectral_line_vector[1][j])*0.5;
+	  else if (((p_use_ms[sfb]||(use_ms==1)) && (chanNum == 1))&&(use_ms!=-1))
+	    dtmp = (spectral_line_vector[0][j]-spectral_line_vector[1][j])*0.5;
+	  else
+	    dtmp = spectral_line_vector[chanNum][j];
+	  j++;
+	  energy[chanNum][bandNumber] += dtmp*dtmp;
+        }
+	energy[chanNum][bandNumber] = energy[chanNum][bandNumber] / width;
+	bandNumber++;
+	offset+=width;
+      }
+    }
+  }  /* for (chanNum... */
 /* Perform MS encoding.  Spectrum is non-interleaved.  */
 /* This would be a lot simpler on interleaved spectral data */
 void MSEncode(double *spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],   /* array of pointers to spectral data */
-			  Ch_Info *channelInfo,                  /* Pointer to Ch_Info */
-			  int sfb_offset_table[][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS+1],
-			  enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS], /* Block type */
-			  AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,               /* Quant info */
-			  int numberOfChannels) {                /* Number of channels */
+	      Ch_Info *channelInfo,                  /* Pointer to Ch_Info */
+	      int sfb_offset_table[][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS+1],
+	      enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS], /* Block type */
+	      AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,               /* Quant info */
+	      int numberOfChannels)                  /* Number of channels */
+  int chanNum;
+  int sfbNum;
+  int lineNum;
+  double sum,diff;
-	int chanNum;
-	int sfbNum;
-	int lineNum;
-	double sum,diff;
+  /* Look for channel_pair_elements */
+  for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
+    if (channelInfo[chanNum].present) {
+      if ((channelInfo[chanNum].cpe)&&(channelInfo[chanNum].ch_is_left)) {
+	int leftChan=chanNum;
+	int rightChan=channelInfo[chanNum].paired_ch;
+	channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=0;
-	/* Look for channel_pair_elements */
-	for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
-		if (channelInfo[chanNum].present) {
-			if ((channelInfo[chanNum].cpe)&&(channelInfo[chanNum].ch_is_left)) {
-				int leftChan=chanNum;
-				int rightChan=channelInfo[chanNum].paired_ch;
-				channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=0;
+	/* Perform MS if block_types are the same */
+	if (block_type[leftChan]==block_type[rightChan]) {
+          int numGroups;
+	  int maxSfb;
+	  int g,b,w,line_offset;
+	  int startWindow,stopWindow;
+	  IS_Info *isInfo;
+	  MS_Info *msInfo;
-				/* Perform MS if block_types are the same */
-				if (block_type[leftChan]==block_type[rightChan]) {
-					int numGroups;
-					int maxSfb;
-					int g,b,w,line_offset;
-					int startWindow,stopWindow;
-					IS_Info *isInfo;
-					MS_Info *msInfo;
-					channelInfo[leftChan].common_window = 1;  /* Use common window */
-					channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=1;
-//                                        w = 0;
+	  channelInfo[leftChan].common_window = 1;  /* Use common window */
+	  channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=1;
+//        w = 0;
-					numGroups = quantInfo[leftChan].num_window_groups;
-					maxSfb = quantInfo[leftChan].max_sfb;
+	  numGroups = quantInfo[leftChan].num_window_groups;
+	  maxSfb = quantInfo[leftChan].max_sfb;
-					/* Determine which bands should be enabled */
-					/* Right now, simply enable bands which do not use intensity stereo */
-					isInfo = &(channelInfo[rightChan].is_info);
-					msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
-					for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
-						for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
-							b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
-							msInfo->ms_used[b] = ( (!isInfo->is_used[b])||(!isInfo->is_present) );
-						}
-					}
+	  /* Determine which bands should be enabled */
+	  /* Right now, simply enable bands which do not use intensity stereo */
+	  isInfo = &(channelInfo[rightChan].is_info);
+	  msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
+	  for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
+	    for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
+	      b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
+	      msInfo->ms_used[b] = ( (!isInfo->is_used[b])||(!isInfo->is_present) );
+            }
+          }
-					/* Perform sum and differencing on bands in which ms_used flag */
-					/* has been set. */
-//					line_offset=0;
-					startWindow = 0;
-					for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
-						int numWindows = quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g];
-						stopWindow = startWindow + numWindows;
-						for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
-							/* Enable MS mask */
-							if (msInfo->ms_used[g*maxSfb+sfbNum]) {
-								for (w=startWindow;w<stopWindow;w++) {
-									for (lineNum=sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum];
-									lineNum<sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum+1];
-									lineNum++) {
-										line_offset = w*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
-										sum=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum]+spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
-										diff=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum]-spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
-										spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum] = 0.5 * sum;
-										spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum] = 0.5 * diff;
-									}  /* for (lineNum... */
-								}  /* for (w=... */
-							}
-						}  /* for (sfbNum... */
-						startWindow = stopWindow;
-					} /* for (g... */
-				}  /* if (block_type... */
-			}
-		}  /* if (channelInfo[chanNum].present */
-	}  /* for (chanNum... */
+	  /* Perform sum and differencing on bands in which ms_used flag */
+	  /* has been set. */
+//	  line_offset=0;
+	  startWindow = 0;
+	  for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
+	    int numWindows = quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g];
+	    stopWindow = startWindow + numWindows;
+	    for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
+	      /* Enable MS mask */
+	      if (msInfo->ms_used[g*maxSfb+sfbNum]) {
+	      	for (w=startWindow;w<stopWindow;w++) {
+		  for (lineNum=sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum]; lineNum<sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum+1]; lineNum++) {
+		    line_offset = w*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+		    sum=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum]+spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
+		    diff=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum]-spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
+		    spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum] = 0.5 * sum;
+		    spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum] = 0.5 * diff;
+                  }  /* for (lineNum... */
+                }  /* for (w=... */
+              }
+            }  /* for (sfbNum... */
+	    startWindow = stopWindow;
+          } /* for (g... */
+        }  /* if (block_type... */
+      }
+    }  /* if (channelInfo[chanNum].present */
+  }  /* for (chanNum... */
 /* Perform MS encoding.  Spectrum is non-interleaved.  */
@@ -386,72 +381,68 @@
 //	      ,int numberOfChannels                 /* Number of channels */
-	int chanNum;
-	int sfbNum;
-	int lineNum;
-	double sum,diff;
+  int chanNum;
+  int sfbNum;
+  int lineNum;
+  double sum,diff;
-	/* Look for channel_pair_elements */
-//	for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
-	chanNum = 0;
-		if (channelInfo[0].ms_info.is_present) {
-				int leftChan=chanNum;
-				int rightChan=channelInfo[chanNum].paired_ch;
+  /* Look for channel_pair_elements */
+//for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
+    chanNum = 0;
+    if (channelInfo[0].ms_info.is_present) {
+      int leftChan=chanNum;
+      int rightChan=channelInfo[chanNum].paired_ch;
+      int numGroups;
+      int maxSfb;
+      int g,b,w,line_offset;
+      int startWindow,stopWindow;
+      IS_Info *isInfo;
+      MS_Info *msInfo;
+      channelInfo[leftChan].common_window = 1;  /* Use common window */
+      channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=1;
-					int numGroups;
-					int maxSfb;
-					int g,b,w,line_offset;
-					int startWindow,stopWindow;
-					IS_Info *isInfo;
-					MS_Info *msInfo;
+      numGroups = quantInfo[leftChan].num_window_groups;
+      maxSfb = quantInfo[leftChan].max_sfb;
+//    w=0;
-					channelInfo[leftChan].common_window = 1;  /* Use common window */
-					channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info.is_present=1;
-					numGroups = quantInfo[leftChan].num_window_groups;
-					maxSfb = quantInfo[leftChan].max_sfb;
-//					w=0;
-					/* Determine which bands should be enabled */
-					/* Right now, simply enable bands which do not use intensity stereo */
-					isInfo = &(channelInfo[rightChan].is_info);
-					msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
+      /* Determine which bands should be enabled */
+      /* Right now, simply enable bands which do not use intensity stereo */
+      isInfo = &(channelInfo[rightChan].is_info);
+      msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
 #if 1
-					for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
-						for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
-							b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
-							msInfo->ms_used[b] = (((!isInfo->is_used[b])||(!isInfo->is_present))&&msInfo->ms_used[b]);
-						}
-					}
+      for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
+	for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
+	  b = g*maxSfb+sfbNum;
+	  msInfo->ms_used[b] = (((!isInfo->is_used[b])||(!isInfo->is_present))&&msInfo->ms_used[b]);
+        }
+      }
-					/* Perform sum and differencing on bands in which ms_used flag */
-					/* has been set. */
-//					line_offset=0;
-					startWindow = 0;
-					for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
-						int numWindows = quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g];
-						stopWindow = startWindow + numWindows;
-						for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
-							/* Enable MS mask */
-							if (msInfo->ms_used[g*maxSfb+sfbNum]) {
-								for (w=startWindow;w<stopWindow;w++) {
-									for (lineNum=sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum];
-									lineNum<sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum+1];
-									lineNum++) {
-										line_offset = w*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
-										sum=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum]+spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
-										diff=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum]-spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
-										spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum] = 0.5 * sum;
-										spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum] = 0.5 * diff;
-									}  /* for (lineNum... */
-								}  /* for (w=... */
-							}
-						}  /* for (sfbNum... */
-						startWindow = stopWindow;
-					} /* for (g... */
-				}  /* if (block_type... */
-//	}  /* for (chanNum... */
+      /* Perform sum and differencing on bands in which ms_used flag */
+      /* has been set. */
+//    line_offset=0;
+      startWindow = 0;
+      for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
+	int numWindows = quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g];
+	stopWindow = startWindow + numWindows;
+	for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
+	  /* Enable MS mask */
+	  if (msInfo->ms_used[g*maxSfb+sfbNum]) {
+	    for (w=startWindow;w<stopWindow;w++) {
+	      for (lineNum=sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum];lineNum<sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum+1];lineNum++) {
+		line_offset = w*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+		sum=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum]+spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
+		diff=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum]-spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
+		spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum] = 0.5 * sum;
+		spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum] = 0.5 * diff;
+              }  /* for (lineNum... */
+            }  /* for (w=... */
+          }
+        }  /* for (sfbNum... */
+	startWindow = stopWindow;
+      } /* for (g... */
+    }  /* if (block_type... */
+//}  /* for (chanNum... */
@@ -462,55 +453,53 @@
 		   AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,               /* Quant info */
 		   int numberOfChannels)                 /* Number of channels */
-	int chanNum;
-	int sfbNum;
-	int lineNum;
-	double sum,diff;
+  int chanNum;
+  int sfbNum;
+  int lineNum;
+  double sum,diff;
-	/* Look for channel_pair_elements */
-	for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
-		if (channelInfo[chanNum].present) {
-			if ((channelInfo[chanNum].cpe)&&(channelInfo[chanNum].ch_is_left)) {
-				int leftChan=chanNum;
-				int rightChan=channelInfo[chanNum].paired_ch;
+  /* Look for channel_pair_elements */
+  for (chanNum=0;chanNum<numberOfChannels;chanNum++) {
+    if (channelInfo[chanNum].present) {
+      if ((channelInfo[chanNum].cpe)&&(channelInfo[chanNum].ch_is_left)) {
+	int leftChan=chanNum;
+	int rightChan=channelInfo[chanNum].paired_ch;
-				MS_Info *msInfo;
-				msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
-				if (msInfo->is_present) {
-					int numGroups = quantInfo[leftChan].num_window_groups;
-					int maxSfb = quantInfo[leftChan].max_sfb;
-					int g,w,line_offset;
-					int startWindow,stopWindow;
-//					w=0;
+	MS_Info *msInfo;
+	msInfo = &(channelInfo[leftChan].ms_info);
+	if (msInfo->is_present) {
+	  int numGroups = quantInfo[leftChan].num_window_groups;
+	  int maxSfb = quantInfo[leftChan].max_sfb;
+	  int g,w,line_offset;
+	  int startWindow,stopWindow;
+//	  w=0;
-					/* Perform sum and differencing on bands in which ms_used flag */
-					/* has been set. */
+	  /* Perform sum and differencing on bands in which ms_used flag */
+	  /* has been set. */
 //					line_offset=0;
-					startWindow = 0;
-					for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
-						int numWindows = quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g];
-						stopWindow = startWindow + numWindows;
-						for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
-							/* Enable MS mask */
-							if ((msInfo->ms_used[g*maxSfb+sfbNum]) || (msInfo->is_present==2)) {
-								for (w=startWindow;w<stopWindow;w++) {
-									line_offset = w*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
-									for (lineNum=sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum];
-									lineNum<sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum+1];
-									lineNum++) {
-										sum=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum];
-										diff=spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
-										spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum] = (sum+diff);
-										spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum] = (sum-diff);
-									}  /* for (lineNum... */
-								}  /* for (w=start... */
-							}  /* if (msInfo... */
-						}  /* for (sfbNum... */
-						startWindow = stopWindow;
-					} /* for (g... */
-				}  /* if (ms_info.is_present... */
-			}  /* if (channelInfo... */
-		}  /* if (channelInfo[chanNum].present */
-	}  /* for (chanNum... */
+	  startWindow = 0;
+	  for (g=0;g<numGroups;g++) {
+	    int numWindows = quantInfo[leftChan].window_group_length[g];
+	    stopWindow = startWindow + numWindows;
+	    for (sfbNum=0;sfbNum<maxSfb;sfbNum++) {
+	      /* Enable MS mask */
+	      if ((msInfo->ms_used[g*maxSfb+sfbNum]) || (msInfo->is_present==2)) {
+	      	for (w=startWindow;w<stopWindow;w++) {
+		  line_offset = w*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+		  for (lineNum=sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum];lineNum<sfb_offset_table[leftChan][sfbNum+1];lineNum++) {
+		    sum=spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum];
+		    diff=spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum];
+		    spectrum[leftChan][line_offset+lineNum] = (sum+diff);
+		    spectrum[rightChan][line_offset+lineNum] = (sum-diff);
+                  }  /* for (lineNum... */
+                }  /* for (w=start... */
+              }  /* if (msInfo... */
+            }  /* for (sfbNum... */
+	    startWindow = stopWindow;
+          } /* for (g... */
+        }  /* if (ms_info.is_present... */
+      }  /* if (channelInfo... */
+    }  /* if (channelInfo[chanNum].present */
+  }  /* for (chanNum... */
--- a/transfo.c
+++ b/transfo.c
@@ -23,189 +23,187 @@
 void MDCT (double *data, int N)
-    double tempr, tempi, c, s, cold, cfreq, sfreq; /* temps for pre and post twiddle */
-    double freq = 2.0 * M_PI / N;
-    double fac,cosfreq8,sinfreq8;
-    int i, n;
-    int b = N >> 1;
-    int N4 = N >> 2;
-    int N2 = N >> 1;
-    int a = N - b;
-    int a2 = a >> 1;
-    int a4 = a >> 2;
-    int b4 = b >> 2;
-    int unscambled;
+  double tempr, tempi, c, s, cold, cfreq, sfreq; /* temps for pre and post twiddle */
+  double freq = 2.0 * M_PI / N;
+  double fac,cosfreq8,sinfreq8;
+  int i, n;
+  int b = N >> 1;
+  int N4 = N >> 2;
+  int N2 = N >> 1;
+  int a = N - b;
+  int a2 = a >> 1;
+  int a4 = a >> 2;
+  int b4 = b >> 2;
+  int unscambled;
-    /* Choosing to allocate 2/N factor to Inverse Xform! */
-    fac = 2.; /* 2 from MDCT inverse  to forward */
+  /* Choosing to allocate 2/N factor to Inverse Xform! */
+  fac = 2.; /* 2 from MDCT inverse  to forward */
-    /* prepare for recurrence relation in pre-twiddle */
-    cfreq = cos (freq);
-    sfreq = sin (freq);
-    cosfreq8 = cos (freq * 0.125);
-    sinfreq8 = sin (freq * 0.125);
-    c = cosfreq8;
-    s = sinfreq8;
+  /* prepare for recurrence relation in pre-twiddle */
+  cfreq = cos (freq);
+  sfreq = sin (freq);
+  cosfreq8 = cos (freq * 0.125);
+  sinfreq8 = sin (freq * 0.125);
+  c = cosfreq8;
+  s = sinfreq8;
-    for (i = 0; i < N4; i++) {
-		/* calculate real and imaginary parts of g(n) or G(p) */
+  for (i = 0; i < N4; i++) {
+    /* calculate real and imaginary parts of g(n) or G(p) */
+    n = N / 2 - 1 - 2 * i;
-		n = N / 2 - 1 - 2 * i;
-		if (i < b4) {
-			tempr = data [a2 + n] + data [N + a2 - 1 - n]; /* use second form of e(n) for n = N / 2 - 1 - 2i */
-		} else {
-			tempr = data [a2 + n] - data [a2 - 1 - n]; /* use first form of e(n) for n = N / 2 - 1 - 2i */
-		}
-		n = 2 * i;
-		if (i < a4) {
-			tempi = data [a2 + n] - data [a2 - 1 - n]; /* use first form of e(n) for n=2i */
-		} else {
-			tempi = data [a2 + n] + data [N + a2 - 1 - n]; /* use second form of e(n) for n=2i*/
-		}
+    if (i < b4)
+      tempr = data [a2 + n] + data [N + a2 - 1 - n]; /* use second form of e(n) for n = N / 2 - 1 - 2i */
+    else
+      tempr = data [a2 + n] - data [a2 - 1 - n]; /* use first form of e(n) for n = N / 2 - 1 - 2i */
-		/* calculate pre-twiddled FFT input */
-		FFTarray [i].re = tempr * c + tempi * s;
-		FFTarray [i].im = tempi * c - tempr * s;
+    n = 2 * i;
+    if (i < a4)
+      tempi = data [a2 + n] - data [a2 - 1 - n]; /* use first form of e(n) for n=2i */
+    else
+      tempi = data [a2 + n] + data [N + a2 - 1 - n]; /* use second form of e(n) for n=2i*/
-		/* use recurrence to prepare cosine and sine for next value of i */
-		cold = c;
-		c = c * cfreq - s * sfreq;
-		s = s * cfreq + cold * sfreq;
-    }
+    /* calculate pre-twiddled FFT input */
+    FFTarray [i].re = tempr * c + tempi * s;
+    FFTarray [i].im = tempi * c - tempr * s;
-    /* Perform in-place complex FFT of length N/4 */
-    switch (N) {
-	case 256: pfftw_64(FFTarray);
-		break;
-	case 2048:pfftw_512(FFTarray);
-	}
+    /* use recurrence to prepare cosine and sine for next value of i */
+    cold = c;
+    c = c * cfreq - s * sfreq;
+    s = s * cfreq + cold * sfreq;
+  }
-    /* prepare for recurrence relations in post-twiddle */
-    c = cosfreq8;
-    s = sinfreq8;
+  /* Perform in-place complex FFT of length N/4 */
+  switch (N) {
+    case 256:
+      pfftw_64(FFTarray);
+      break;
+    case 2048:
+      pfftw_512(FFTarray);
+  }
-    /* post-twiddle FFT output and then get output data */
-    for (i = 0; i < N4; i++) {
+  /* prepare for recurrence relations in post-twiddle */
+  c = cosfreq8;
+  s = sinfreq8;
-		/* get post-twiddled FFT output  */
-		/* Note: fac allocates 4/N factor from IFFT to forward and inverse */
-	switch (N) {
-	case 256:
-		unscambled = unscambled64[i];
-		break;
-	case 2048:
-		unscambled = unscambled512[i];
-	}
-	tempr = fac * (FFTarray [unscambled].re * c + FFTarray [unscambled].im * s);
-	tempi = fac * (FFTarray [unscambled].im * c - FFTarray [unscambled].re * s);
+  /* post-twiddle FFT output and then get output data */
+  for (i = 0; i < N4; i++) {
+    /* get post-twiddled FFT output  */
+    /* Note: fac allocates 4/N factor from IFFT to forward and inverse */
+    switch (N) {
+      case 256:
+      	unscambled = unscambled64[i];
+      	break;
+      case 2048:
+	unscambled = unscambled512[i];
+    }
+    tempr = fac * (FFTarray [unscambled].re * c + FFTarray [unscambled].im * s);
+    tempi = fac * (FFTarray [unscambled].im * c - FFTarray [unscambled].re * s);
+    /* fill in output values */
+    data [2 * i] = -tempr;   /* first half even */
+    data [N2 - 1 - 2 * i] = tempi;  /* first half odd */
+    data [N2 + 2 * i] = -tempi;  /* second half even */
+    data [N - 1 - 2 * i] = tempr;  /* second half odd */
-		/* fill in output values */
-		data [2 * i] = -tempr;   /* first half even */
-		data [N2 - 1 - 2 * i] = tempi;  /* first half odd */
-		data [N2 + 2 * i] = -tempi;  /* second half even */
-		data [N - 1 - 2 * i] = tempr;  /* second half odd */
-		/* use recurrence to prepare cosine and sine for next value of i */
-		cold = c;
-		c = c * cfreq - s * sfreq;
-		s = s * cfreq + cold * sfreq;
-    }
+    /* use recurrence to prepare cosine and sine for next value of i */
+    cold = c;
+    c = c * cfreq - s * sfreq;
+    s = s * cfreq + cold * sfreq;
+  }
 void IMDCT(double *data, int N)
-	double tempr, tempi, c, s, cold, cfreq, sfreq; /* temps for pre and post twiddle */
-    	double freq = 2.0 * M_PI / N;
-	double fac, cosfreq8, sinfreq8;
-	int i;
-	int Nd2 = N >> 1;
-	int Nd4 = N >> 2;
-	int Nd8 = N >> 3;
-	int unscambled;
+  double tempr, tempi, c, s, cold, cfreq, sfreq; /* temps for pre and post twiddle */
+  double freq = 2.0 * M_PI / N;
+  double fac, cosfreq8, sinfreq8;
+  int i;
+  int Nd2 = N >> 1;
+  int Nd4 = N >> 2;
+  int Nd8 = N >> 3;
+  int unscambled;
-	/* Choosing to allocate 2/N factor to Inverse Xform! */
-	fac = 2. / N; /* remaining 2/N from 4/N IFFT factor */
+  /* Choosing to allocate 2/N factor to Inverse Xform! */
+  fac = 2. / N; /* remaining 2/N from 4/N IFFT factor */
-	/* prepare for recurrence relation in pre-twiddle */
-	cfreq = cos (freq);
-	sfreq = sin (freq);
-	cosfreq8 = cos (freq * 0.125);
-	sinfreq8 = sin (freq * 0.125);
-	c = cosfreq8;
-	s = sinfreq8;
+  /* prepare for recurrence relation in pre-twiddle */
+  cfreq = cos (freq);
+  sfreq = sin (freq);
+  cosfreq8 = cos (freq * 0.125);
+  sinfreq8 = sin (freq * 0.125);
+  c = cosfreq8;
+  s = sinfreq8;
-	for (i = 0; i < Nd4; i++) {
+  for (i = 0; i < Nd4; i++) {
+    /* calculate real and imaginary parts of g(n) or G(p) */
+    tempr = -data [2 * i];
+    tempi = data [Nd2 - 1 - 2 * i];
-		/* calculate real and imaginary parts of g(n) or G(p) */
-		tempr = -data [2 * i];
-		tempi = data [Nd2 - 1 - 2 * i];
+    /* calculate pre-twiddled FFT input */
+    switch (N) {
+      case 256:
+	unscambled = unscambled64[i];
+	break;
+      case 2048:
+	unscambled = unscambled512[i];
+    }
-		/* calculate pre-twiddled FFT input */
-	switch (N) {
-	case 256:
-		unscambled = unscambled64[i];
-		break;
-	case 2048:
-		unscambled = unscambled512[i];
-	}
-		FFTarray [unscambled].re = tempr * c - tempi * s;
-		FFTarray [unscambled].im = tempi * c + tempr * s;
+    FFTarray [unscambled].re = tempr * c - tempi * s;
+    FFTarray [unscambled].im = tempi * c + tempr * s;
-		/* use recurrence to prepare cosine and sine for next value of i */
-		cold = c;
-		c = c * cfreq - s * sfreq;
-		s = s * cfreq + cold * sfreq;
+    /* use recurrence to prepare cosine and sine for next value of i */
+    cold = c;
+    c = c * cfreq - s * sfreq;
+    s = s * cfreq + cold * sfreq;
-	/* Perform in-place complex IFFT of length N/4 */
+    /* Perform in-place complex IFFT of length N/4 */
     switch (N) {
-	case 256: pfftwi_64(FFTarray);
-		break;
-	case 2048:pfftwi_512(FFTarray);
-	}
+      case 256:
+        pfftwi_64(FFTarray);
+	break;
+      case 2048:pfftwi_512(FFTarray);
+    }
+    /* prepare for recurrence relations in post-twiddle */
+    c = cosfreq8;
+    s = sinfreq8;
-	/* prepare for recurrence relations in post-twiddle */
-	c = cosfreq8;
-	s = sinfreq8;
+    /* post-twiddle FFT output and then get output data */
+    for (i = 0; i < Nd4; i++) {
-	/* post-twiddle FFT output and then get output data */
-	for (i = 0; i < Nd4; i++) {
+    /* get post-twiddled FFT output  */
+    tempr = fac * (FFTarray[i].re * c - FFTarray[i].im * s);
+    tempi = fac * (FFTarray[i].im * c + FFTarray[i].re * s);
-		/* get post-twiddled FFT output  */
-	tempr = fac * (FFTarray[i].re * c - FFTarray[i].im * s);
-    	tempi = fac * (FFTarray[i].im * c + FFTarray[i].re * s);
+    /* fill in output values */
+    data [Nd2 + Nd4 - 1 - 2 * i] = tempr;
+    if (i < Nd8)
+      data [Nd2 + Nd4 + 2 * i] = tempr;
+    else
+      data [2 * i - Nd4] = -tempr;
-		/* fill in output values */
-		data [Nd2 + Nd4 - 1 - 2 * i] = tempr;
-		if (i < Nd8) {
-			data [Nd2 + Nd4 + 2 * i] = tempr;
-		} else {
-			data [2 * i - Nd4] = -tempr;
-		}
-		data [Nd4 + 2 * i] = tempi;
-		if (i < Nd8) {
-			data [Nd4 - 1 - 2 * i] = -tempi;
-		} else {
-			data [Nd4 + N - 1 - 2*i] = tempi;
-		}
+    data [Nd4 + 2 * i] = tempi;
+    if (i < Nd8)
+      data [Nd4 - 1 - 2 * i] = -tempi;
+    else
+      data [Nd4 + N - 1 - 2*i] = tempi;
-		/* use recurrence to prepare cosine and sine for next value of i */
-		cold = c;
-		c = c * cfreq - s * sfreq;
-		s = s * cfreq + cold * sfreq;
-	}
+    /* use recurrence to prepare cosine and sine for next value of i */
+    cold = c;
+    c = c * cfreq - s * sfreq;
+    s = s * cfreq + cold * sfreq;
+  }
 void make_MDCT_windows(void)
-int i;
-for( i=0; i<BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++ )
-	sin_window_long[i] = sin((M_PI/(2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG)) * (i + 0.5));
-for( i=0; i<BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; i++ )
-	sin_window_short[i] = sin((M_PI/(2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT)) * (i + 0.5));
-sizedouble = sizeof (double);
+  int i;
+  for( i=0; i<BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++ )
+    sin_window_long[i] = sin((M_PI/(2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG)) * (i + 0.5));
+  for( i=0; i<BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; i++ )
+    sin_window_short[i] = sin((M_PI/(2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT)) * (i + 0.5));
+  sizedouble = sizeof (double);
                                     T/F mapping
@@ -219,114 +217,119 @@
 		 Mdct_in          overlap_select
-	double         transf_buf[ 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG ];
-	double         *p_o_buf, *first_window, *second_window;
-	int            k,i;
+  double         transf_buf[ 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG ];
+  double         *p_o_buf, *first_window, *second_window;
+  int            k,i;
-	static int firstTime=1;
+  static int firstTime=1;
-	/* create / shift old values */
-	/* We use p_overlap here as buffer holding the last frame time signal*/
-	if(overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED){
-		if (firstTime){
-			firstTime=0;
-                        memset(transf_buf,0,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-		}
-		else
-                memcpy(transf_buf,p_overlap,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-                memcpy(transf_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-                memcpy(p_overlap,p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-	}
-	else{
-                memcpy(transf_buf,p_in_data,2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-	}
+  /* create / shift old values */
+  /* We use p_overlap here as buffer holding the last frame time signal*/
+  if(overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED){
+    if (firstTime){
+      firstTime=0;
+      memset(transf_buf,0,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+    }
+    else
+      memcpy(transf_buf,p_overlap,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+    memcpy(transf_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+    memcpy(p_overlap,p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+  }
+  else {
+    memcpy(transf_buf,p_in_data,2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+  }
-        /*  Window shape processing */
-        switch (wfun_select_prev){
-                case WS_SIN:  if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW))
-                                          first_window = sin_window_long;
-                                     else
-                                          first_window = sin_window_short;
-                                break;
-                case WS_KBD:  if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW))
-                                          first_window = kbd_window_long;
-                                     else
-                                          first_window = kbd_window_short;
-                                break;
-                }
+  /*  Window shape processing */
+  switch (wfun_select_prev){
+    case WS_SIN:
+      if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW))
+        first_window = sin_window_long;
+      else
+        first_window = sin_window_short;
+      break;
+    case WS_KBD:
+      if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW))
+        first_window = kbd_window_long;
+      else
+        first_window = kbd_window_short;
+      break;
+  }
-        switch (wfun_select){
-                case WS_SIN:  if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW))
-                                          second_window = sin_window_long;
-                                     else
-                                          second_window = sin_window_short;
-                                break;
-                case WS_KBD:  if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW))
-                                          second_window = kbd_window_long;
-                                     else
-                                          second_window = kbd_window_short;
-                                break;
-                }
+  switch (wfun_select){
+    case WS_SIN:
+      if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW))
+        second_window = sin_window_long;
+      else
+        second_window = sin_window_short;
+      break;
+    case WS_KBD:
+      if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW))
+        second_window = kbd_window_long;
+      else
+        second_window = kbd_window_short;
+      break;
+  }
-	/* Set ptr to transf-Buffer */
-	p_o_buf = transf_buf;
+  /* Set ptr to transf-Buffer */
+  p_o_buf = transf_buf;
-	/* Separate action for each Block Type */
-	switch( block_type ) {
-                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++){
-                        p_out_mdct[i] = p_o_buf[i] * first_window[i];
-                        p_out_mdct[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] = p_o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
-                        }
-		MDCT( p_out_mdct, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
-		break;
+  /* Separate action for each Block Type */
+  switch( block_type ) {
+    case ONLY_LONG_WINDOW :
+      for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++){
+        p_out_mdct[i] = p_o_buf[i] * first_window[i];
+        p_out_mdct[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] = p_o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
+      }
+      MDCT( p_out_mdct, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
+      break;
-                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
-                        p_out_mdct[i] = p_o_buf[i] * first_window[i];
-                memcpy(p_out_mdct+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,p_o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-//                for ( ; i < NFLAT_LS + BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++){
-//                        p_out_mdct[i] = 1.0;
-//                        p_out_mdct[i+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] = 0.0;
-//                        }
-                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
-                        p_out_mdct[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] = p_o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
-                memset(p_out_mdct+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-		MDCT( p_out_mdct, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
-		break;
+      for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
+         p_out_mdct[i] = p_o_buf[i] * first_window[i];
+      memcpy(p_out_mdct+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,p_o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+//    for ( ; i < NFLAT_LS + BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++){
+//      p_out_mdct[i] = 1.0;
+//      p_out_mdct[i+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] = 0.0;
+//    }
+      for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
+        p_out_mdct[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] = p_o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
+      memset(p_out_mdct+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+      MDCT( p_out_mdct, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
+      break;
-                memset(p_out_mdct,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-//                for ( i = 0 ; i < NFLAT_LS ; i++){
-//                        p_out_mdct[i] = 0.0;
-//                        p_out_mdct[i+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] = 1.0;
-//                        }
-                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
-                        p_out_mdct[i+NFLAT_LS] = p_o_buf[i+NFLAT_LS] * first_window[i];
-                memcpy(p_out_mdct+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,p_o_buf+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
-                        p_out_mdct[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] = p_o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
-		MDCT( p_out_mdct, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
-		break;
+      memset(p_out_mdct,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+//    for ( i = 0 ; i < NFLAT_LS ; i++){
+//      p_out_mdct[i] = 0.0;
+//      p_out_mdct[i+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] = 1.0;
+//    }
+      for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
+        p_out_mdct[i+NFLAT_LS] = p_o_buf[i+NFLAT_LS] * first_window[i];
+      memcpy(p_out_mdct+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,p_o_buf+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+      for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
+        p_out_mdct[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] = p_o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
+	MDCT( p_out_mdct, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
+      break;
-		if(overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED){ /* YT 970615 for sonPP */
-			p_o_buf += NFLAT_LS;
-		}
-		for ( k=0; k < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; k++ ) {
-                        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++ ){
-                                p_out_mdct[i] = p_o_buf[i] * first_window[i];
-                                p_out_mdct[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] = p_o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
-                                }
-			MDCT( p_out_mdct, 2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT );
-			p_out_mdct += BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
-			if(overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) p_o_buf += BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
-        			else 	p_o_buf += 2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
-                        first_window = second_window;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
+      if(overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED){ /* YT 970615 for sonPP */
+      	p_o_buf += NFLAT_LS;
+      }
+      for ( k=0; k < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; k++ ) {
+        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++ ){
+          p_out_mdct[i] = p_o_buf[i] * first_window[i];
+          p_out_mdct[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] = p_o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
+          }
+        MDCT( p_out_mdct, 2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT );
+        p_out_mdct += BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+	if(overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED)
+          p_o_buf += BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+        else
+          p_o_buf += 2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+        first_window = second_window;
+      }
+      break;
+  }
 void freq2buffer(double           p_in_data[],
@@ -338,142 +341,144 @@
 		 Mdct_in	  overlap_select
-	double           *o_buf, transf_buf[ 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG ];
-	double           overlap_buf[ 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG ], *first_window, *second_window;
+  double           *o_buf, transf_buf[ 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG ];
+  double           overlap_buf[ 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG ], *first_window, *second_window;
-	double  *fp;
-	int     k,i;
+  double  *fp;
+  int     k,i;
-        /*  Window shape processing */
-        switch (wfun_select_prev){
-                case WS_SIN:  if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW))
-                                          first_window = sin_window_long;
-                                     else
-                                          first_window = sin_window_short;
-                                break;
-                case WS_KBD:  if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW))
-                                          first_window = kbd_window_long;
-                                     else
-                                          first_window = kbd_window_short;
-                                break;
-                }
+  /*  Window shape processing */
+  switch (wfun_select_prev){
+    case WS_SIN:
+      if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW))
+        first_window = sin_window_long;
+      else
+        first_window = sin_window_short;
+      break;
+    case WS_KBD:
+      if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW))
+        first_window = kbd_window_long;
+      else
+        first_window = kbd_window_short;
+      break;
+  }
-        switch (wfun_select){
-                case WS_SIN:  if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW))
-                                          second_window = sin_window_long;
-                                     else
-                                          second_window = sin_window_short;
-                                break;
-                case WS_KBD:  if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW))
-                                          second_window = kbd_window_long;
-                                     else
-                                          second_window = kbd_window_short;
-                                break;
-                }
+  switch (wfun_select){
+    case WS_SIN:
+      if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW))
+        second_window = sin_window_long;
+      else
+        second_window = sin_window_short;
+      break;
+    case WS_KBD:
+      if ( (block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) || (block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW))
+        second_window = kbd_window_long;
+      else
+        second_window = kbd_window_short;
+      break;
+  }
-	/* Assemble overlap buffer */
-        memcpy(overlap_buf,p_overlap,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-	o_buf = overlap_buf;
+  /* Assemble overlap buffer */
+  memcpy(overlap_buf,p_overlap,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+  o_buf = overlap_buf;
-	/* Separate action for each Block Type */
-	switch( block_type ) {
-                memcpy(transf_buf, p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-		IMDCT( transf_buf, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
-                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
-                        transf_buf[i] *= first_window[i];
-		if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
-                        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++ ){
-                            o_buf[i] += transf_buf[i];
-                            o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] = transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
-                            }
-		}
-		else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
-                        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++ )
-                            transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] *= second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
-		}
-		break;
+  /* Separate action for each Block Type */
+  switch( block_type ) {
+    case ONLY_LONG_WINDOW :
+      memcpy(transf_buf, p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+      IMDCT( transf_buf, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
+      for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
+        transf_buf[i] *= first_window[i];
+      if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
+        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++ ){
+          o_buf[i] += transf_buf[i];
+          o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] = transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
+        }
+      }
+      else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
+        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++ )
+          transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] *= second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
+        }
+      break;
-                memcpy(transf_buf, p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-		IMDCT( transf_buf, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
-                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
-                        transf_buf[i] *= first_window[i];
-		if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
-                        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++ )
-                            o_buf[i] += transf_buf[i];
-                        memcpy(o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,transf_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-                        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
-                                o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] = transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
-                        memset(o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-		}
-		else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
-                        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
-                                transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] *= second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
-                        memset(transf_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-		}
-		break;
+      memcpy(transf_buf, p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+      IMDCT( transf_buf, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
+      for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
+        transf_buf[i] *= first_window[i];
+        if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
+          for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++ )
+            o_buf[i] += transf_buf[i];
+          memcpy(o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,transf_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+          for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
+            o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] = transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
+          memset(o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+        }
+        else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
+          for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
+            transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS] *= second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
+          memset(transf_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+        }
+        break;
-                memcpy(transf_buf, p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-		IMDCT( transf_buf, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
-                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
-                        transf_buf[i+NFLAT_LS] *= first_window[i];
-		if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
-                        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; i++ )
-                            o_buf[i+NFLAT_LS] += transf_buf[i+NFLAT_LS];
-                        memcpy(o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT+NFLAT_LS,transf_buf+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT+NFLAT_LS,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-                        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
-                                o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] = transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
-		}
-		else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
-                        memset(transf_buf,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
-                        transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] *= second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
-		}
-		break;
+      memcpy(transf_buf, p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+      IMDCT( transf_buf, 2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG );
+      for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++)
+        transf_buf[i+NFLAT_LS] *= first_window[i];
+      if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
+        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; i++ )
+          o_buf[i+NFLAT_LS] += transf_buf[i+NFLAT_LS];
+        memcpy(o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT+NFLAT_LS,transf_buf+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT+NFLAT_LS,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
+          o_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] = transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
+      }
+      else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
+        memset(transf_buf,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+        for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG ; i++)
+          transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_LONG] *= second_window[BLOCK_LEN_LONG-i-1];
+      }
+      break;
-		if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
-			fp = o_buf + NFLAT_LS;
-		}
-		else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
-			fp = transf_buf;
-		}
-		for ( k=0; k < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; k++ ) {
-                        memcpy(transf_buf,p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*sizedouble);
-               		IMDCT( transf_buf, 2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT );
-			p_in_data += BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
-			if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
-                                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++){
-                                        transf_buf[i] *= first_window[i];
-                                        fp[i] += transf_buf[i];
-                                        fp[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] = transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
-                                        }
-				fp    += BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
-			}
-			else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
-                                for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++){
-                                        fp[i] *= first_window[i];
-                                        fp[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] *= second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
-                                        }
-				fp    += 2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
-			}
-                        first_window = second_window;
-                }
-                memset(o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
-		break;
-	}
+      if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
+        fp = o_buf + NFLAT_LS;
+      }
+      else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
+      fp = transf_buf;
+      }
+      for ( k=0; k < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; k++ ) {
+        memcpy(transf_buf,p_in_data,BLOCK_LEN_SHORT*sizedouble);
+        IMDCT( transf_buf, 2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT );
+        p_in_data += BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+        if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
+          for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++){
+            transf_buf[i] *= first_window[i];
+            fp[i] += transf_buf[i];
+            fp[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] = transf_buf[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] * second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
+          }
+    	fp    += BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+        }
+        else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
+          for ( i = 0 ; i < BLOCK_LEN_SHORT ; i++){
+            fp[i] *= first_window[i];
+            fp[i+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT] *= second_window[BLOCK_LEN_SHORT-i-1];
+          }
+      	  fp += 2*BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+        }
+        first_window = second_window;
+      }
+      memset(o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG+NFLAT_LS+BLOCK_LEN_SHORT,0,NFLAT_LS*sizedouble);
+      break;
+  }
-	if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED) {
-                memcpy(p_out_data,o_buf,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-	}
-	else { /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
-                memcpy(p_out_data,transf_buf,2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-	}
+  if (overlap_select != MNON_OVERLAPPED)
+    memcpy(p_out_data,o_buf,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+  else  /* overlap_select == NON_OVERLAPPED */
+    memcpy(p_out_data,transf_buf,2*BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
-	/* save unused output data */
-        memcpy(p_overlap,o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
+  /* save unused output data */
+  memcpy(p_overlap,o_buf+BLOCK_LEN_LONG,BLOCK_LEN_LONG*sizedouble);
@@ -485,102 +490,103 @@
 		 int    specLen
-	int lowpass,xlowpass;
+  int lowpass,xlowpass;
-	/* calculate the last line which is not zero */
-	lowpass = (lowpass_freq * specLen) / (samp_rate>>1) + 1;
-	xlowpass = (lowpass < specLen) ? lowpass : specLen ;
+  /* calculate the last line which is not zero */
+  lowpass = (lowpass_freq * specLen) / (samp_rate>>1) + 1;
+  xlowpass = (lowpass < specLen) ? lowpass : specLen ;
-	if( p_out != p_in )  memcpy(p_out,p_in,specLen*sizedouble);
-        memset(p_out+xlowpass,0,(specLen-xlowpass)*sizedouble);
+  if( p_out != p_in )
+    memcpy(p_out,p_in,specLen*sizedouble);
+  memset(p_out+xlowpass,0,(specLen-xlowpass)*sizedouble);
 void initrft(void)
-double theta,wtemp;
+  double theta,wtemp;
-theta  = -M_PI/128.0;
-wpi256 = sin(theta);
-wtemp  = sin(0.5*theta);
-wpr256 = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp;
+  theta  = -M_PI/128.0;
+  wpi256 = sin(theta);
+  wtemp  = sin(0.5*theta);
+  wpr256 = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp;
-theta   = -M_PI/1024.0;
-wpi2048 = sin(theta);
-wtemp   = sin(0.5*theta);
-wpr2048 = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp;
+  theta   = -M_PI/1024.0;
+  wpi2048 = sin(theta);
+  wtemp   = sin(0.5*theta);
+  wpr2048 = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp;
 void realft256(double *data)
-	int i,i1,i2,i3,i4;
-	double h1r,h1i,h2r,h2i,t1,t2,t3;
-	double wr,wi,wtemp;
+  int i,i1,i2,i3,i4;
+  double h1r,h1i,h2r,h2i,t1,t2,t3;
+  double wr,wi,wtemp;
-        pfftw_128(FFTarray);
-        for (i = 0; i < 128; i++){
-             data[(i<<1)] = FFTarray[unscambled128[i]].re;
-             data[(i<<1)+1]= FFTarray[unscambled128[i]].im;
-             }
+  pfftw_128(FFTarray);
+  for (i = 0; i < 128; i++){
+    data[(i<<1)] = FFTarray[unscambled128[i]].re;
+    data[(i<<1)+1]= FFTarray[unscambled128[i]].im;
+  }
-        wr=1.0+wpr256;
-	wi=wpi256;
-	for (i=1;i<64;i++) {
-		i4=1+(i3=257-(i2=1+(i1=i+i)));
-		h1r=0.5*(data[i1]+data[i3]);
-		h1i=0.5*(data[i2]-data[i4]);
-		h2r=0.5*(data[i2]+data[i4]);
-		h2i=-0.5*(data[i1]-data[i3]);
-                t1=wr*h2r;
-                t2=wi*h2i;
-                t3=wr*h2i+wi*h2r;
+  wr=1.0+wpr256;
+  wi=wpi256;
+  for (i=1;i<64;i++) {
+    i4=1+(i3=257-(i2=1+(i1=i+i)));
+    h1r=0.5*(data[i1]+data[i3]);
+    h1i=0.5*(data[i2]-data[i4]);
+    h2r=0.5*(data[i2]+data[i4]);
+    h2i=-0.5*(data[i1]-data[i3]);
+    t1=wr*h2r;
+    t2=wi*h2i;
+    t3=wr*h2i+wi*h2r;
-                data[i1]=h1r+t1-t2;
-		data[i2]=h1i+t3;
-		data[i3]=h1r-t1+t2;
-		data[i4]=-h1i+t3;
-                wtemp=wr;
-		wr=wtemp*wpr256-wi*wpi256+wr;
-		wi=wi*wpr256+wtemp*wpi256+wi;
-	}
-	data[0] = data[0]+data[1];
-	data[1] = 0;
-        data[129] = -data[129]; // hack to emulate complex FFT
+    data[i1]=h1r+t1-t2;
+    data[i2]=h1i+t3;
+    data[i3]=h1r-t1+t2;
+    data[i4]=-h1i+t3;
+    wtemp=wr;
+    wr=wtemp*wpr256-wi*wpi256+wr;
+    wi=wi*wpr256+wtemp*wpi256+wi;
+  }
+  data[0] = data[0]+data[1];
+  data[1] = 0;
+  data[129] = -data[129]; // hack to emulate complex FFT
 void realft2048(double *data)
-	int i,i1,i2,i3,i4;
-	double h1r,h1i,h2r,h2i,t1,t2,t3;
-	double wr,wi,wtemp;
+  int i,i1,i2,i3,i4;
+  double h1r,h1i,h2r,h2i,t1,t2,t3;
+  double wr,wi,wtemp;
-        pfftw_1024(FFTarray);
-        for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++){
-             data[(i<<1)] = FFTarray[unscambled1024[i]].re;
-             data[(i<<1)+1]= FFTarray[unscambled1024[i]].im;
-             }
+  pfftw_1024(FFTarray);
+  for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++){
+    data[(i<<1)] = FFTarray[unscambled1024[i]].re;
+    data[(i<<1)+1]= FFTarray[unscambled1024[i]].im;
+  }
-        wr=1.0+wpr2048;
-	wi=wpi2048;
-	for (i=1;i<512;i++) {
-		i4=1+(i3=2049-(i2=1+(i1=i+i)));
-		h1r=0.5*(data[i1]+data[i3]);
-		h1i=0.5*(data[i2]-data[i4]);
-		h2r=0.5*(data[i2]+data[i4]);
-		h2i=-0.5*(data[i1]-data[i3]);
-                t1=wr*h2r;
-                t2=wi*h2i;
-                t3=wr*h2i+wi*h2r;
+  wr=1.0+wpr2048;
+  wi=wpi2048;
+  for (i=1;i<512;i++) {
+    i4=1+(i3=2049-(i2=1+(i1=i+i)));
+    h1r=0.5*(data[i1]+data[i3]);
+    h1i=0.5*(data[i2]-data[i4]);
+    h2r=0.5*(data[i2]+data[i4]);
+    h2i=-0.5*(data[i1]-data[i3]);
+    t1=wr*h2r;
+    t2=wi*h2i;
+    t3=wr*h2i+wi*h2r;
-                data[i1]=h1r+t1-t2;
-		data[i2]=h1i+t3;
-		data[i3]=h1r-t1+t2;
-		data[i4]=-h1i+t3;
-                wtemp=wr;
-		wr=wtemp*wpr2048-wi*wpi2048+wr;
-		wi=wi*wpr2048+wtemp*wpi2048+wi;
-	}
-	data[0] = data[0]+data[1];
-	data[1] = 0;
-        data[1025] = -data[1025]; // hack to emulate complex FFT
+    data[i1]=h1r+t1-t2;
+    data[i2]=h1i+t3;
+    data[i3]=h1r-t1+t2;
+    data[i4]=-h1i+t3;
+    wtemp=wr;
+    wr=wtemp*wpr2048-wi*wpi2048+wr;
+    wi=wi*wpr2048+wtemp*wpi2048+wi;
+  }
+  data[0] = data[0]+data[1];
+  data[1] = 0;
+  data[1025] = -data[1025]; // hack to emulate complex FFT