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ref: b60fe415ba6cd1a52053bd6935ceb713343c33df
parent: 85e9ecd6fba0e62cb64216fac8c0aab914be9c1d
author: menno <menno>
date: Tue Mar 28 04:48:07 EST 2000

Separated quantization and noiseless coding

--- a/aac_qc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1821 +1,0 @@
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "aacenc.h"
-#include "bitstream.h"
-#include "tf_main.h"
-#include "pulse.h"
-#include "aac_qc.h"
-#include "aac_se_enc.h"
-#include "hufftab5.h"
-double pow_quant[9000];
-double adj_quant[9000];
-double adj_quant_asm[9000];
-int sign[1024];
-int g_Count;
-int old_startsf;
-int pns_sfb_start = 1000;         /* lower border for Perceptual Noise Substitution
-                                      (off by default) */
-double ATH[SFB_NUM_MAX];
-double ATHformula(double f)
-	double ath;
-	f  = max(0.02, f);
-	/* from Painter & Spanias, 1997 */
-	/* minimum: (i=77) 3.3kHz = -5db */
-	ath=(3.640 * pow(f,-0.8)
-		-  6.500 * exp(-0.6*pow(f-3.3,2.0))
-		+  0.001 * pow(f,4.0));
-	/* convert to energy */
-	ath = pow( 10.0, ath/10.0 );
-	return ath;
-void compute_ath(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo, double ATH[SFB_NUM_MAX])
-	int sfb,i,start=0,end=0;
-	double ATH_f;
-	double samp_freq = 44.1;
-	static int width[] = {0, 4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  8,  8,  8, 12, 12, 12, 16, 16, 16};
-	if (quantInfo->block_type==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
-		for ( sfb = 0; sfb < 14; sfb++ ) {
-			start = start+(width[sfb]*8);
-			end   = end+(width[sfb+1]*8);
-			ATH[sfb]=1e99;
-			for (i=start ; i < end; i++) {
-				ATH_f = ATHformula(samp_freq*i/(128)); /* freq in kHz */
-				ATH[sfb]=min(ATH[sfb],ATH_f);
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		for ( sfb = 0; sfb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sfb++ ) {
-			start = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sfb];
-			end   = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sfb+1];
-			ATH[sfb]=1e99;
-			for (i=start ; i < end; i++) {
-				ATH_f = ATHformula(samp_freq*i/(1024)); /* freq in kHz */
-				ATH[sfb]=min(ATH[sfb],ATH_f);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void tf_init_encode_spectrum_aac( int quality )
-	int i;
-	g_Count = quality;
-	old_startsf = 0;
-	for (i=0;i<9000;i++){
-		pow_quant[i]=pow(i, ((double)4.0/(double)3.0));
-	}
-	for (i=0;i<8999;i++){
-		adj_quant[i] = (i + 1) - pow(0.5 * (pow_quant[i] + pow_quant[i + 1]), 0.75);
-	}
-	adj_quant_asm[0] = 0.0;
-	for (i = 1; i < 9000; i++) {
-		adj_quant_asm[i] = i - 0.5 - pow(0.5 * (pow_quant[i - 1] + pow_quant[i]),0.75);
-	}
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__))
-#define USE_GNUC_ASM
-#ifdef USE_GNUC_ASM
-#  define QUANTFAC(rx)  adj_quant_asm[rx]
-#  define XRPOW_FTOI(src, dest) \
-     asm ("fistpl %0 " : "=m"(dest) : "t"(src) : "st")
-#  define QUANTFAC(rx)  adj_quant[rx]
-#  define XRPOW_FTOI(src,dest) ((dest) = (int)(src))
- * nonlinear quantization of xr
- * More accurate formula than the ISO formula.  Takes into account
- * the fact that we are quantizing xr -> ix, but we want ix^4/3 to be
- * as close as possible to x^4/3.  (taking the nearest int would mean
- * ix is as close as possible to xr, which is different.)
- * From Segher Boessenkool <>  11/1999
- * ASM optimization from
- *    Mathew Hendry <> 11/1999
- *    Acy Stapp <> 11/1999
- *    Takehiro Tominaga <> 11/1999
- *********************************************************************/
-void quantize(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
-			  double *pow_spectrum,
-			  int *quant)
-	const double istep = pow(2.0, -0.1875*quantInfo->common_scalefac);
-#if ((defined _MSC_VER) || (defined __BORLANDC__))
-	{
-		/* asm from Acy Stapp <> */
-		int rx[4];
-		_asm {
-			fld qword ptr [istep]
-			mov esi, dword ptr [pow_spectrum]
-			lea edi, dword ptr [adj_quant_asm]
-			mov edx, dword ptr [quant]
-			mov ecx, 1024/4
-		}
-		_asm {
-			fld qword ptr [esi]         // 0
-			fld qword ptr [esi+8]       // 1 0
-			fld qword ptr [esi+16]      // 2 1 0
-			fld qword ptr [esi+24]      // 3 2 1 0
-			fxch st(3)                  // 0 2 1 3
-			fmul st(0), st(4)
-			fxch st(2)                  // 1 2 0 3
-			fmul st(0), st(4)
-			fxch st(1)                  // 2 1 0 3
-			fmul st(0), st(4)
-			fxch st(3)                  // 3 1 0 2
-			fmul st(0), st(4)
-			add esi, 32
-			add edx, 16
-			fxch st(2)                  // 0 1 3 2
-			fist dword ptr [rx]
-			fxch st(1)                  // 1 0 3 2
-			fist dword ptr [rx+4]
-			fxch st(3)                  // 2 0 3 1
-			fist dword ptr [rx+8]
-			fxch st(2)                  // 3 0 2 1
-			fist dword ptr [rx+12]
-			dec ecx
-			mov eax, dword ptr [rx]
-			mov ebx, dword ptr [rx+4]
-			fxch st(1)                  // 0 3 2 1
-			fadd qword ptr [edi+eax*8]
-			fxch st(3)                  // 1 3 2 0
-			fadd qword ptr [edi+ebx*8]
-			mov eax, dword ptr [rx+8]
-			mov ebx, dword ptr [rx+12]
-			fxch st(2)                  // 2 3 1 0
-			fadd qword ptr [edi+eax*8]
-			fxch st(1)                  // 3 2 1 0
-			fadd qword ptr [edi+ebx*8]
-			fxch st(3)                  // 0 2 1 3
-			fistp dword ptr [edx-16]    // 2 1 3
-			fxch st(1)                  // 1 2 3
-			fistp dword ptr [edx-12]    // 2 3
-			fistp dword ptr [edx-8]     // 3
-			fistp dword ptr [edx-4]
-			jnz loop1
-			mov dword ptr [pow_spectrum], esi
-			mov dword ptr [quant], edx
-			fstp st(0)
-		}
-	}
-#elif defined (USE_GNUC_ASM)
-  {
-      int rx[4];
-      __asm__ __volatile__(
-        "\n\nloop1:\n\t"
-        "fldl (%1)\n\t"
-        "fldl 8(%1)\n\t"
-        "fldl 16(%1)\n\t"
-        "fldl 24(%1)\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
-        "fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
-        "fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
-        "fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
-        "fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
-        "addl $32, %1\n\t"
-        "addl $16, %3\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
-        "fistl %5\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
-        "fistl 4+%5\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
-        "fistl 8+%5\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
-        "fistl 12+%5\n\t"
-        "dec %4\n\t"
-        "movl %5, %%eax\n\t"
-        "movl 4+%5, %%ebx\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
-        "faddl (%2,%%eax,8)\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
-        "faddl (%2,%%ebx,8)\n\t"
-        "movl 8+%5, %%eax\n\t"
-        "movl 12+%5, %%ebx\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
-        "faddl (%2,%%eax,8)\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
-        "faddl (%2,%%ebx,8)\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
-        "fistpl -16(%3)\n\t"
-        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
-        "fistpl -12(%3)\n\t"
-        "fistpl -8(%3)\n\t"
-        "fistpl -4(%3)\n\t"
-        "jnz loop1\n\n"
-        : /* no outputs */
-        : "t" (istep), "r" (pow_spectrum), "r" (adj_quant_asm), "r" (quant), "r" (1024 / 4), "m" (rx)
-        : "%eax", "%ebx", "memory", "cc"
-      );
-  }
-#elif 0
-	{
-		double x;
-		int j, rx;
-		for (j = 1024 / 4; j > 0; --j) {
-			x = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *quant++);
-			x = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *quant++);
-			x = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *quant++);
-			x = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *quant++);
-		}
-	}
-  {/* from  Reported to be 2x faster than
-      the above code (when not using ASM) on PowerPC */
-     	int j;
-     	for ( j = 1024/8; j > 0; --j)
-     	{
-			double	x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
-			int rx1, rx2, rx3, rx4, rx5, rx6, rx7, rx8;
-			x1 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			x2 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x1, rx1);
-			x3 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x2, rx2);
-			x4 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x3, rx3);
-			x5 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x4, rx4);
-			x6 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x5, rx5);
-			x7 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x6, rx6);
-			x8 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x7, rx7);
-			x1 += QUANTFAC(rx1);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x8, rx8);
-			x2 += QUANTFAC(rx2);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x1,*quant++);
-			x3 += QUANTFAC(rx3);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x2,*quant++);
-			x4 += QUANTFAC(rx4);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x3,*quant++);
-			x5 += QUANTFAC(rx5);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x4,*quant++);
-			x6 += QUANTFAC(rx6);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x5,*quant++);
-			x7 += QUANTFAC(rx7);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x6,*quant++);
-			x8 += QUANTFAC(rx8);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x7,*quant++);
-			XRPOW_FTOI(x8,*quant++);
-     	}
-  }
-int inner_loop(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
-//			   double *p_spectrum,
-			   double *pow_spectrum,
-			   int quant[NUM_COEFF],
-			   int max_bits)
-	int bits;
-	quantInfo->common_scalefac -= 1;
-	do
-	{
-		quantInfo->common_scalefac += 1;
-		quantize(quantInfo, pow_spectrum, quant);
-//		bits = count_bits(quantInfo, quant, quantInfo->book_vector);
-		bits = count_bits(quantInfo, quant);
-	} while ( bits > max_bits );
-	return bits;
-int search_common_scalefac(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
-//						   double *p_spectrum,
-						   double *pow_spectrum,
-						   int quant[NUM_COEFF],
-						   int desired_rate)
-	int flag_GoneOver = 0;
-	int CurrentStep = 4;
-	int nBits;
-	int StepSize = old_startsf;
-	int Direction = 0;
-	do
-	{
-		quantInfo->common_scalefac = StepSize;
-		quantize(quantInfo, pow_spectrum, quant);
-//		nBits = count_bits(quantInfo, quant, quantInfo->book_vector);
-		nBits = count_bits(quantInfo, quant);
-		if (CurrentStep == 1 ) {
-			break; /* nothing to adjust anymore */
-		}
-		if (flag_GoneOver) {
-			CurrentStep /= 2;
-		}
-		if (nBits > desired_rate) { /* increase Quantize_StepSize */
-			if (Direction == -1 && !flag_GoneOver) {
-				flag_GoneOver = 1;
-				CurrentStep /= 2; /* late adjust */
-			}
-			Direction = 1;
-			StepSize += CurrentStep;
-		} else if (nBits < desired_rate) {
-			if (Direction == 1 && !flag_GoneOver) {
-				flag_GoneOver = 1;
-				CurrentStep /= 2; /* late adjust */
-			}
-			Direction = -1;
-			StepSize -= CurrentStep;
-		} else break;
-    } while (1);
-    old_startsf = StepSize;
-    return nBits;
-int calc_noise(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
-				double *p_spectrum,
-				int quant[NUM_COEFF],
-				double requant[NUM_COEFF],
-				double error_energy[SFB_NUM_MAX],
-				double allowed_dist[SFB_NUM_MAX],
-				double *over_noise,
-				double *tot_noise,
-				double *max_noise
-				)
-	int i, sb, sbw;
-	int over = 0, count = 0;
-	double invQuantFac;
-	double linediff;
-	*over_noise = 0.0;
-	*tot_noise = 0.0;
-	*max_noise = -999.0;
-	if (quantInfo->block_type!=ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW)
-		PulseDecoder(quantInfo, quant);
-	for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
-		double max_sb_noise = 0.0;
-		sbw = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb+1] - quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb];
-		invQuantFac = pow(2.0, -0.25*(quantInfo->scale_factor[sb] - quantInfo->common_scalefac));
-		error_energy[sb] = 0.0;
-		for (i = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb]; i < quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++){
-			requant[i] =  pow_quant[min(ABS(quant[i]),8999)] * invQuantFac; 
-			/* measure the distortion in each scalefactor band */
-			linediff = (double)(ABS(p_spectrum[i]) - ABS(requant[i]));
-			linediff *= linediff;
-			error_energy[sb] += linediff;
-			max_sb_noise = max(max_sb_noise, linediff);
-		}
-		error_energy[sb] = error_energy[sb] / sbw;		
-		if( (max_sb_noise > 0) && (error_energy[sb] < 1e-7 ) ) {
-			double diff = max_sb_noise-error_energy[sb];
-			double fac  = pow(diff/max_sb_noise,4);
-			error_energy[sb] += diff*fac;
-		}
-		if (allowed_dist[sb] != 0.0)
-			error_energy[sb] = 10*log10(error_energy[sb] / allowed_dist[sb]);
-		else error_energy[sb] = 0;
-		if (error_energy[sb] > 0) {
-			over++;
-			*over_noise += error_energy[sb];
-		}
-		*tot_noise += error_energy[sb];
-		*max_noise = max(*max_noise, error_energy[sb]);
-		count++;
-  	}
-	if (count>1) *tot_noise /= count;
-	if (over>1) *over_noise /= over;
-	return over;
-//int quant_compare(int best_over, double best_tot_noise, double best_over_noise,
-//				  double best_max_noise, int over, double tot_noise, double over_noise,
-//				  double max_noise)
-int quant_compare(double best_tot_noise, double best_over_noise,
-		  double tot_noise, double over_noise)
-	/*
-	noise is given in decibals (db) relative to masking thesholds.
-	over_noise:  sum of quantization noise > masking
-	tot_noise:   sum of all quantization noise
-	max_noise:   max quantization noise
-	*/
-	int better;
-#if 0
-	better = ((over < best_over) ||
-			((over==best_over) && (over_noise<best_over_noise)) ) ;
-#if 0
-	better = max_noise < best_max_noise;
-#if 0
-	better = tot_noise < best_tot_noise;
-#if 0
-	better = (tot_noise < best_tot_noise) &&
-		(max_noise < best_max_noise + 2);
-#if 0
-	better = ( ( (0>=max_noise) && (best_max_noise>2)) ||
-		( (0>=max_noise) && (best_max_noise<0) && ((best_max_noise+2)>max_noise) && (tot_noise<best_tot_noise) ) ||
-		( (0>=max_noise) && (best_max_noise>0) && ((best_max_noise+2)>max_noise) && (tot_noise<(best_tot_noise+best_over_noise)) ) ||
-		( (0<max_noise) && (best_max_noise>-0.5) && ((best_max_noise+1)>max_noise) && ((tot_noise+over_noise)<(best_tot_noise+best_over_noise)) ) ||
-		( (0<max_noise) && (best_max_noise>-1) && ((best_max_noise+1.5)>max_noise) && ((tot_noise+over_noise+over_noise)<(best_tot_noise+best_over_noise+best_over_noise)) ) );
-#if 1
-	better =   (over_noise <  best_over_noise)
-		|| ((over_noise == best_over_noise)&&(tot_noise < best_tot_noise));
-#if 0
-	better = (over_noise < best_over_noise)
-		||( (over_noise == best_over_noise)
-		&&( (max_noise < best_max_noise)
-		||( (max_noise == best_max_noise)
-		&&(tot_noise <= best_tot_noise)
-		)
-		)
-		);
-	return better;
-int count_bits(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,
-			   int quant[NUM_COEFF]
-//			   ,int output_book_vector[SFB_NUM_MAX*2]
-                        )
-	int i, bits = 0;
-	if (quantInfo->block_type==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW)
-		quantInfo->pulseInfo.pulse_data_present = 0;
-	else
-		PulseCoder(quantInfo, quant);
-	/* find a good method to section the scalefactor bands into huffman codebook sections */
-	bit_search(quant,              /* Quantized spectral values */
-		quantInfo);         /* Quantization information */
-    /* Set special codebook for bands coded via PNS  */
-    if (quantInfo->block_type != ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {     /* long blocks only */
-		for(i=0;i<quantInfo->nr_of_sfb;i++) {
-			if (quantInfo->pns_sfb_flag[i]) {
-				quantInfo->book_vector[i] = PNS_HCB;
-			}
-		}
-    }
-	/* calculate the amount of bits needed for encoding the huffman codebook numbers */
-	bits += sort_book_numbers(quantInfo,             /* Quantization information */
-//		output_book_vector,    /* Output codebook vector, formatted for bitstream */
-		NULL,          /* Bitstream */
-		0);                    /* Write flag: 0 count, 1 write */
-	/* calculate the amount of bits needed for the spectral values */
-	quantInfo -> spectralCount = 0;
-	for(i=0;i< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb;i++) {  
-		bits += output_bits(
-			quantInfo,
-			quantInfo->book_vector[i],
-			quant,
-			quantInfo->sfb_offset[i], 
-			quantInfo->sfb_offset[i+1]-quantInfo->sfb_offset[i],
-			0);
-	}
-	/* the number of bits for the scalefactors */
-	bits += write_scalefactor_bitstream(
-		NULL,             /* Bitstream */  
-		0,                        /* Write flag */
-		quantInfo
-		);
-	/* the total amount of bits required */
-	return bits;
-int tf_encode_spectrum_aac(
-			   double      *p_spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-			   double      *PsySigMaskRatio[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-			   double      allowed_dist[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-			   double      energy[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-			   enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-			   int         sfb_width_table[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-//			   int         nr_of_sfb[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-			   int         average_block_bits,
-//			   int         available_bitreservoir_bits,
-//			   int         padding_limit,
-			   BsBitStream *fixed_stream,
-//			   BsBitStream *var_stream,
-//			   int         nr_of_chan,
-			   double      *p_reconstructed_spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-//			   int         useShortWindows,
-//			   int aacAllowScalefacs,
-			   AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,      /* AAC quantization information */ 
-			   Ch_Info* ch_info
-//			   ,int varBitRate
-//			   ,int bitRate
-                           )
-	int quant[NUM_COEFF];
-	int s_quant[NUM_COEFF];
-	int i;
-//	int j=0;
-	int k;
-	double max_dct_line = 0;
-//	int global_gain;
-	int store_common_scalefac;
-	int best_scale_factor[SFB_NUM_MAX];
-	double pow_spectrum[NUM_COEFF];
-	double requant[NUM_COEFF];
-	int sb;
-	int extra_bits;
-//	int max_bits;
-//	int output_book_vector[SFB_NUM_MAX*2];
-	double SigMaskRatio[SFB_NUM_MAX];
-	IS_Info *is_info;
-	MS_Info *ms_info;
-	int *ptr_book_vector;
-	/* Set up local pointers to quantInfo elements for convenience */
-	int* sfb_offset = quantInfo -> sfb_offset;
-	int* scale_factor = quantInfo -> scale_factor;
-	int* common_scalefac = &(quantInfo -> common_scalefac);
-	int outer_loop_count, notdone;
-	int over, better;
-//      int best_over = 100;
-//	int sfb_overflow;
-	int best_common_scalefac;
-	double noise_thresh;
-	double sfQuantFac;
-	double over_noise, tot_noise, max_noise;
-	double noise[SFB_NUM_MAX];
-//	double best_max_noise = 0;
-	double best_over_noise = 0;
-	double best_tot_noise = 0;
-//	static int init = -1;
-	/* Set block type in quantization info */
-	quantInfo -> block_type = block_type[MONO_CHAN];
-#if 0
-	if (init != quantInfo->block_type) {
-		init = quantInfo->block_type;
-		compute_ath(quantInfo, ATH);
-	}
-	sfQuantFac = pow(2.0, 0.1875);
-	/** create the sfb_offset tables **/
-	if (quantInfo->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
-		/* Now compute interleaved sf bands and spectrum */
-		sort_for_grouping(
-			quantInfo,                       /* ptr to quantization information */
-			sfb_width_table[MONO_CHAN],      /* Widths of single window */
-			p_spectrum,                      /* Spectral values, noninterleaved */
-			SigMaskRatio,
-			PsySigMaskRatio[MONO_CHAN]
-			);
-		extra_bits = 51;
-	} else{
-		/* For long windows, band are not actually interleaved */
-		if ((quantInfo -> block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) ||  
-			(quantInfo -> block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW) ||
-			(quantInfo -> block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW)) {
-			quantInfo->nr_of_sfb = quantInfo->max_sfb;
-			sfb_offset[0] = 0;
-			k=0;
-			for( i=0; i< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb; i++ ){
-				sfb_offset[i] = k;
-				k +=sfb_width_table[MONO_CHAN][i];
-				SigMaskRatio[i]=PsySigMaskRatio[MONO_CHAN][i];
-			}
-			sfb_offset[i] = k;
-			extra_bits = 100; /* header bits and more ... */
-		} 
-	}
-	extra_bits += 1;
-    /* Take into account bits for TNS data */
-    extra_bits += WriteTNSData(quantInfo,fixed_stream,0);    /* Count but don't write */
-    if(quantInfo->block_type!=ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW)
-		/* Take into account bits for LTP data */
-		extra_bits += WriteLTP_PredictorData(quantInfo, fixed_stream, 0); /* Count but don't write */
-    /* for short windows, compute interleaved energy here */
-    if (quantInfo->block_type==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
-		int numWindowGroups = quantInfo->num_window_groups;
-		int maxBand = quantInfo->max_sfb;
-		int windowOffset=0;
-		int sfb_index=0;
-		int g;
-		for (g=0;g<numWindowGroups;g++) {
-			int numWindowsThisGroup = quantInfo->window_group_length[g];
-			int b;
-			for (b=0;b<maxBand;b++) {
-				double sum=0.0;
-				int w;
-				for (w=0;w<numWindowsThisGroup;w++) {
-					int bandNum = (w+windowOffset)*maxBand + b;
-					sum += energy[MONO_CHAN][bandNum];
-				}
-				energy[MONO_CHAN][sfb_index] = sum;
-				sfb_index++;
-			}
-			windowOffset += numWindowsThisGroup;
-		}
-    } 
-	/* initialize the scale_factors that aren't intensity stereo bands */
-	is_info=&(ch_info->is_info);
-	for(k=0; k< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb ;k++) {
-		scale_factor[k]=((is_info->is_present)&&(is_info->is_used[k])) ? scale_factor[k] : 0/*min(5,(int)(1.0/SigMaskRatio[k]+0.5))*/;
-	}
-	/* Mark IS bands by setting book_vector to INTENSITY_HCB */
-	ptr_book_vector=quantInfo->book_vector;
-	for (k=0;k<quantInfo->nr_of_sfb;k++) {
-		if ((is_info->is_present)&&(is_info->is_used[k])) {
-			ptr_book_vector[k] = (is_info->sign[k]) ? INTENSITY_HCB2 : INTENSITY_HCB;
-		} else {
-			ptr_book_vector[k] = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	/* PNS prepare */
-	ms_info=&(ch_info->ms_info);
-    for(sb=0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++ )
-		quantInfo->pns_sfb_flag[sb] = 0;
-//	if (block_type[MONO_CHAN] != ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {     /* long blocks only */
-		for(sb = pns_sfb_start; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++ ) {
-			/* Calc. pseudo scalefactor */
-			if (energy[0][sb] == 0.0) {
-				quantInfo->pns_sfb_flag[sb] = 0;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if ((is_info->is_present)&&(!is_info->is_used[sb])) {
-				if ((ms_info->is_present)&&(!ms_info->ms_used[sb])) {
-					if ((10*log10(energy[MONO_CHAN][sb]*sfb_width_table[0][sb]+1e-60)<70)||(SigMaskRatio[sb] > 1.0)) {
-						quantInfo->pns_sfb_flag[sb] = 1;
-						quantInfo->pns_sfb_nrg[sb] = (int) (2.0 * log(energy[0][sb]*sfb_width_table[0][sb]+1e-60) / log(2.0) + 0.5) + PNS_SF_OFFSET;
-						/* Erase spectral lines */
-						for( i=sfb_offset[sb]; i<sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++ ) {
-							p_spectrum[0][i] = 0.0;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-//	}
-	/* Compute allowed distortion */
-	for(sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
-		allowed_dist[MONO_CHAN][sb] = energy[MONO_CHAN][sb] * SigMaskRatio[sb];
-//		if (allowed_dist[MONO_CHAN][sb] < ATH[sb]) {
-//			printf("%d Yes\n", sb);
-//			allowed_dist[MONO_CHAN][sb] = ATH[sb];
-//		}
-//		printf("%d\t\t%.3f\n", sb, SigMaskRatio[sb]);
-	}
-	/** find the maximum spectral coefficient **/
-	/* Bug fix, 3/10/98 CL */
-	/* for(i=0; i<NUM_COEFF; i++){ */
-	for(i=0; i < sfb_offset[quantInfo->nr_of_sfb]; i++){
-		pow_spectrum[i] = (pow(ABS(p_spectrum[0][i]), 0.75));
-		sign[i] = sgn(p_spectrum[0][i]);
-		if ((ABS(p_spectrum[0][i])) > max_dct_line){
-			max_dct_line = ABS(p_spectrum[0][i]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (max_dct_line!=0.0) {
-		if ((int)(16/3 * (log(ABS(pow(max_dct_line,0.75)/MAX_QUANT)/log(2.0)))) > old_startsf) {
-			old_startsf = (int)(16/3 * (log(ABS(pow(max_dct_line,0.75)/MAX_QUANT)/log(2.0))));
-		}
-		if ((old_startsf > 200) || (old_startsf < 40))
-			old_startsf = 40;
-	}
-	outer_loop_count = 0;
-	notdone = 1;
-	if (max_dct_line == 0) {
-		notdone = 0;
-	}
-	while (notdone) { // outer iteration loop
-		outer_loop_count++;
-		over = 0;
-//		sfb_overflow = 0;
-//		if (max_dct_line == 0.0)
-//			sfb_overflow = 1;
-		if (outer_loop_count == 1) {
-//			max_bits = search_common_scalefac(quantInfo, p_spectrum[0], pow_spectrum,
-//				quant, average_block_bits);
-			search_common_scalefac(quantInfo, pow_spectrum, quant, average_block_bits);
-		}
-//		max_bits = inner_loop(quantInfo, p_spectrum[0], pow_spectrum,
-//			quant, average_block_bits) + extra_bits;
-		inner_loop(quantInfo, pow_spectrum, quant, average_block_bits);
-		store_common_scalefac = quantInfo->common_scalefac;
-		if (notdone) {
-			over = calc_noise(quantInfo, p_spectrum[0], quant, requant, noise, allowed_dist[0],
-				&over_noise, &tot_noise, &max_noise);
-//			better = quant_compare(best_over, best_tot_noise, best_over_noise,
-//				best_max_noise, over, tot_noise, over_noise, max_noise);
-			better = quant_compare(best_tot_noise, best_over_noise,
-				               tot_noise, over_noise);
-			for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
-				if (scale_factor[sb] > 59) {
-//					sfb_overflow = 1;
-					better = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			if (outer_loop_count == 1)
-				better = 1;
-			if (better) {
-//				best_over = over;
-//				best_max_noise = max_noise;
-				best_over_noise = over_noise;
-				best_tot_noise = tot_noise;
-				best_common_scalefac = store_common_scalefac;
-				for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
-					best_scale_factor[sb] = scale_factor[sb];
-				}
-				memcpy(s_quant, quant, sizeof(int)*NUM_COEFF);
-			}
-		}
-		if (over == 0) notdone=0;
-		if (notdone) {
-			notdone = 0;
-			noise_thresh = -900;
-			for ( sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++ )
-				noise_thresh = max(1.05*noise[sb], noise_thresh);
-			noise_thresh = min(noise_thresh, 0.0);
-			for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
-				if ((noise[sb] > noise_thresh)&&(quantInfo->book_vector[sb]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(quantInfo->book_vector[sb]!=INTENSITY_HCB2)) {
-					allowed_dist[0][sb] *= 2;
-					scale_factor[sb]++;
-					for (i = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb]; i < quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++){
-						pow_spectrum[i] *= sfQuantFac;
-					}
-					notdone = 1;
-				}
-			}
-			for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
-				if (scale_factor[sb] > 59)
-					notdone = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		if (notdone) {
-			notdone = 0;
-			for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++)
-				if (scale_factor[sb] == 0)
-					notdone = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (max_dct_line > 0) {
-		*common_scalefac = best_common_scalefac;
-		for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
-			scale_factor[sb] = best_scale_factor[sb];
-//			printf("%d\t%d\n", sb, scale_factor[sb]);
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
-			quant[i] = s_quant[i]*sign[i];
-	} else {
-		*common_scalefac = 0;
-		for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
-			scale_factor[sb] = 0;
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
-			quant[i] = 0;
-	}
-	calc_noise(quantInfo, p_spectrum[0], quant, requant, noise, allowed_dist[0],
-			&over_noise, &tot_noise, &max_noise);
-//	count_bits(quantInfo, quant, output_book_vector);
-	count_bits(quantInfo, quant);
-	if (quantInfo->block_type!=ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW)
-		PulseDecoder(quantInfo, quant);
-//	for( sb=0; sb< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb; sb++ ) {
-//		printf("%d error: %.4f all.dist.: %.4f energy: %.4f\n", sb,
-//			noise[sb], allowed_dist[0][sb], energy[0][sb]);
-//	}
-	/* offset the differenec of common_scalefac and scalefactors by SF_OFFSET  */
-	for (i=0; i<quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; i++){
-		if ((ptr_book_vector[i]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(ptr_book_vector[i]!=INTENSITY_HCB2)) {
-			scale_factor[i] = *common_scalefac - scale_factor[i] + SF_OFFSET;
-		}
-	}
-//	*common_scalefac = global_gain = scale_factor[0];
-	*common_scalefac = scale_factor[0];
-	/* place the codewords and their respective lengths in arrays data[] and len[] respectively */
-	/* there are 'counter' elements in each array, and these are variable length arrays depending on the input */
-	quantInfo -> spectralCount = 0;
-	for(k=0;k< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb; k++) {
-		output_bits(
-			quantInfo,
-			quantInfo->book_vector[k],
-			quant,
-			quantInfo->sfb_offset[k],
-			quantInfo->sfb_offset[k+1]-quantInfo->sfb_offset[k],
-			1);
-//		printf("%d\t%d\n",k,quantInfo->book_vector[k]);
-	}
-	/* write the reconstructed spectrum to the output for use with prediction */
-	{
-		int i;
-		for (sb=0; sb<quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb; sb++){
-			if ((ptr_book_vector[sb]==INTENSITY_HCB)||(ptr_book_vector[sb]==INTENSITY_HCB2)){
-				for (i=sfb_offset[sb]; i<sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++){
-					p_reconstructed_spectrum[0][i]=673;
-				}
-			} else {
-				for (i=sfb_offset[sb]; i<sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++){
-					p_reconstructed_spectrum[0][i] = sgn(p_spectrum[0][i]) * requant[i];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return FNO_ERROR;
-int sort_for_grouping(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,        /* ptr to quantization information */
-		      int sfb_width_table[],          /* Widths of single window */
-		      double *p_spectrum[],           /* Spectral values, noninterleaved */
-		      double *SigMaskRatio,
-		      double *PsySigMaskRatio)
-	int i,j,ii;
-	int index;
-	double tmp[1024];
-//	int book=1;
-	int group_offset;
-	int k=0;
-	int windowOffset;
-	/* set up local variables for used quantInfo elements */
-	int* sfb_offset = quantInfo -> sfb_offset;
-	int* nr_of_sfb = &(quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb);
-	int* window_group_length;
-	int num_window_groups;
-	*nr_of_sfb = quantInfo->max_sfb;              /* Init to max_sfb */
-	window_group_length = quantInfo -> window_group_length;
-	num_window_groups = quantInfo -> num_window_groups;
-	/* calc org sfb_offset just for shortblock */
-	sfb_offset[k]=0;
-	for (k=0; k < 1024; k++) {
-		tmp[k] = 0.0;
-	}
-	for (k=1 ; k <*nr_of_sfb+1; k++) {
-		sfb_offset[k] = sfb_offset[k-1] + sfb_width_table[k-1];
-	}
-	/* sort the input spectral coefficients */
-	index = 0;
-	group_offset=0;
-	for (i=0; i< num_window_groups; i++) {
-		for (k=0; k<*nr_of_sfb; k++) {
-			for (j=0; j < window_group_length[i]; j++) {
-				for (ii=0;ii< sfb_width_table[k];ii++)
-					tmp[index++] = p_spectrum[MONO_CHAN][ii+ sfb_offset[k] + 128*j +group_offset];
-			}
-		}
-		group_offset +=  128*window_group_length[i];
-	}
-	for (k=0; k<1024; k++){
-		p_spectrum[MONO_CHAN][k] = tmp[k];
-	}
-	/* now calc the new sfb_offset table for the whole p_spectrum vector*/
-	index = 0;
-	sfb_offset[index] = 0;
-	index++;
-	windowOffset = 0;
-	for (i=0; i < num_window_groups; i++) {
-		for (k=0 ; k <*nr_of_sfb; k++) {
-			/* for this window group and this band, find worst case inverse sig-mask-ratio */
-			int bandNum=windowOffset*NSFB_SHORT + k;
-			double worstISMR = PsySigMaskRatio[bandNum];
-			int w;
-			for (w=1;w<window_group_length[i];w++) {
-				bandNum=(w+windowOffset)*NSFB_SHORT + k;
-				if (PsySigMaskRatio[bandNum]<worstISMR) {
-					worstISMR += (PsySigMaskRatio[bandNum] > 0)?PsySigMaskRatio[bandNum]:worstISMR;
-				}
-			}
-			worstISMR /= 2.0;
-			SigMaskRatio[k+ i* *nr_of_sfb]=worstISMR/window_group_length[i];
-			sfb_offset[index] = sfb_offset[index-1] + sfb_width_table[k]*window_group_length[i] ;
-			index++;
-		}
-		windowOffset += window_group_length[i];
-	}
-	*nr_of_sfb = *nr_of_sfb * num_window_groups;  /* Number interleaved bands. */
-	return 0;
-sort_book_numbers(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,     /* Quantization information */
-//		  int output_book_vector[],    /* Output codebook vector, formatted for bitstream */
-		  BsBitStream* fixed_stream,   /* Bitstream */
-		  int write_flag)              /* Write flag: 0 count, 1 write */
-  /*
-    This function inputs the vector, 'book_vector[]', which is of length SFB_NUM_MAX,
-    and contains the optimal huffman tables of each sfb.  It returns the vector, 'output_book_vector[]', which
-    has it's elements formatted for the encoded bit stream.  It's syntax is:
-    {sect_cb[0], length_segment[0], ... ,sect_cb[num_of_sections], length_segment[num_of_sections]}
-    The above syntax is true, unless there is an escape sequence.  An
-    escape sequence occurs when a section is longer than 2 ^ (bit_len)
-    long in units of scalefactor bands.  Also, the integer returned from
-    this function is the number of bits written in the bitstream,
-    'bit_count'.
-    This function supports both long and short blocks.
-    */
-	int i;
-	int repeat_counter;
-	int bit_count = 0;
-	int previous;
-	int max, bit_len/*,sfbs*/;
-	int max_sfb,g,band;
-	/* Set local pointers to quantInfo elements */
-	int* book_vector = quantInfo -> book_vector;
-//	int nr_of_sfb = quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb;
-	if (quantInfo->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW){
-		max = 7;
-		bit_len = 3;
-	} else {  /* the block_type is a long,start, or stop window */
-		max = 31;
-		bit_len = 5;
-	}
-	/* Compute number of scalefactor bands */
-	max_sfb = quantInfo->nr_of_sfb/quantInfo->num_window_groups;
-	for (g=0;g<quantInfo->num_window_groups;g++) {
-		band=g*max_sfb;
-		repeat_counter=1;
-		previous = book_vector[band];
-		if (write_flag) {
-			BsPutBit(fixed_stream,book_vector[band],4);
-		}
-		bit_count += 4;
-		for (i=band+1;i<band+max_sfb;i++) {
-			if( (book_vector[i] != previous)) {
-				if (write_flag) {
-					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,repeat_counter,bit_len);
-				}
-				bit_count += bit_len;
-				if (repeat_counter == max){  /* in case you need to terminate an escape sequence */
-					if (write_flag) BsPutBit(fixed_stream,0,bit_len);
-					bit_count += bit_len;
-				}
-				if (write_flag) BsPutBit(fixed_stream,book_vector[i],4);
-				bit_count += 4;
-				previous = book_vector[i];
-				repeat_counter=1;
-			}
-			/* if the length of the section is longer than the amount of bits available in */
-			/* the bitsream, "max", then start up an escape sequence */
-			else if ((book_vector[i] == previous) && (repeat_counter == max)) {
-				if (write_flag) {
-					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,repeat_counter,bit_len);
-				}
-				bit_count += bit_len;
-				repeat_counter = 1;
-			}
-			else {
-				repeat_counter++;
-			}
-		}
-		if (write_flag) {
-			BsPutBit(fixed_stream,repeat_counter,bit_len);
-		}
-		bit_count += bit_len;
-		if (repeat_counter == max) {  /* special case if the last section length is an */
-			/* escape sequence */
-			if (write_flag) BsPutBit(fixed_stream,0,bit_len);
-			bit_count += bit_len;
-		}
-	}  /* Bottom of group iteration */
-	return(bit_count);
-int bit_search(int quant[NUM_COEFF],  /* Quantized spectral values */
-               AACQuantInfo* quantInfo)        /* Quantization information */
-  /*
-  This function inputs a vector of quantized spectral data, quant[][], and returns a vector,
-  'book_vector[]' that describes how to group together the scalefactor bands into a smaller
-  number of sections.  There are SFB_NUM_MAX elements in book_vector (equal to 49 in the
-  case of long blocks and 112 for short blocks), and each element has a huffman codebook 
-  number assigned to it.
-  For a quick and simple algorithm, this function performs a binary
-  search across the sfb's (scale factor bands).  On the first approach, it calculates the 
-  needed amount of bits if every sfb were its own section and transmitted its own huffman 
-  codebook value side information (equal to 9 bits for a long block, 7 for a short).  The 
-  next iteration combines adjacent sfb's, and calculates the bit rate for length two sfb 
-  sections.  If any wider two-sfb section requires fewer bits than the sum of the two 
-  single-sfb sections (below it in the binary tree), then the wider section will be chosen.
-  This process occurs until the sections are split into three uniform parts, each with an
-  equal amount of sfb's contained.  
-  The binary tree is stored as a two-dimensional array.  Since this tree is not full, (there
-  are only 49 nodes, not 2^6 = 64), the numbering is a little complicated.  If the tree were
-  full, the top node would be 1.  It's children would be 2 and 3.  But, since this tree
-  is not full, the top row of three nodes are numbered {4,5,6}.  The row below it is
-  {8,9,10,11,12,13}, and so on.  
-  The binary tree is called bit_stats[112][3].  There are 112 total nodes (some are not
-  used since it's not full).  bit_stats[x][0] holds the bit totals needed for the sfb sectioning
-  strategy represented by the node x in the tree.  bit_stats[x][1] holds the optimal huffman
-  codebook table that minimizes the bit rate, given the sectioning boundaries dictated by node x.
-	int i,j,k,n;
-	int hop;
-	int min_book_choice[112][3];
-	int bit_stats[240][3];
-//	int total_bits;
-	int total_bit_count;
-	int levels;
-	double fraction;
-	/* Set local pointer to quantInfo book_vector */
-	int* book_vector = quantInfo -> book_vector;
-	levels = (int) ((log((double)quantInfo->nr_of_sfb)/log((double)2.0))+1);
-	fraction = (pow(2,levels)+quantInfo->nr_of_sfb)/(double)(pow(2,levels));
-//#define SLOW
-#ifdef SLOW
-	for(i=0;i<5;i++){
-		hop = 1 << i;
-		hop = 1;
-		i = 0;
-//		total_bits = noiseless_bit_count(quant, hop, min_book_choice, quantInfo);
-		noiseless_bit_count(quant, hop, min_book_choice, quantInfo);
-		/* load up the (not-full) binary search tree with the min_book_choice values */
-		k=0;
-//		m=0;
-		total_bit_count = 0;
-		for (j=(int)(pow(2,levels-i)); j<(int)(fraction*pow(2,levels-i)); j++)
-		{
-			bit_stats[j][0] = min_book_choice[k][0]; /* the minimum bit cost for this section */
-			bit_stats[j][1] = min_book_choice[k][1]; /* used with this huffman book number */
-			if (i>0){  /* not on the lowest level, grouping more than one signle scalefactor band per section*/
-				if  (bit_stats[j][0] < bit_stats[2*j][0] + bit_stats[2*j+1][0]){
-					/* it is cheaper to combine surrounding sfb secionts into one larger huffman book section */
-					for(n=k;n<k+hop;n++) { /* write the optimal huffman book value for the new larger section */
-						if ( (book_vector[n]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(book_vector[n]!=INTENSITY_HCB2) ) { /* Don't merge with IS bands */
-							book_vector[n] = bit_stats[j][1];
-						}
-					}
-				} else {  /* it was cheaper to transmit the smaller huffman table sections */
-					bit_stats[j][0] = bit_stats[2*j][0] + bit_stats[2*j+1][0];
-				}
-			} else {  /* during the first stage of the iteration, all sfb's are individual sections */
-				if ( (book_vector[k]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(book_vector[k]!=INTENSITY_HCB2) ) {
-					book_vector[k] = bit_stats[j][1];  /* initially, set all sfb's to their own optimal section table values */
-				}
-			}
-			total_bit_count = total_bit_count +  bit_stats[j][0];
-			k=k+hop;
-//			m++;
-		}
-#ifdef SLOW
-	}
-	/*   book_vector[k] = book_vector[k-1]; */
-	return(total_bit_count);
-int noiseless_bit_count(int quant[NUM_COEFF],
-			/*int huff[13][MAXINDEX][NUMINTAB],*/
-			int hop,  // hop is now always 1
-			int min_book_choice[112][3],
-			AACQuantInfo* quantInfo)         /* Quantization information */
-  int i,j,k;
-  /*
-     This function inputs:
-     - the quantized spectral data, 'quant[][]';
-     - all of the huffman codebooks, 'huff[][]';
-     - the size of the sections, in scalefactor bands (SFB's), 'hop';
-     - an empty matrix, min_book_choice[][] passed to it;
-     This function outputs:
-     - the matrix, min_book_choice.  It is a two dimensional matrix, with its
-     rows corresponding to spectral sections.  The 0th column corresponds to
-     the bits needed to code a section with 'hop' scalefactors bands wide, all using
-     the same huffman codebook.  The 1st column contains the huffman codebook number
-     that allows the minimum number of bits to be used.
-     Other notes:
-     - Initally, the dynamic range is calculated for each spectral section.  The section
-     can only be entropy coded with books that have an equal or greater dynamic range
-     than the section's spectral data.  The exception to this is for the 11th ESC codebook.
-     If the dynamic range is larger than 16, then an escape code is appended after the
-     table 11 codeword which encodes the larger value explicity in a pseudo-non-uniform
-     quantization method.
-     */
-	int max_sb_coeff;
-	int book_choice[12][2];
-	int total_bits_cost = 0;
-	int offset, length, end;
-	int q;
-	int write_flag = 0;
-	/* set local pointer to sfb_offset */
-	int* sfb_offset = quantInfo->sfb_offset;
-	int nr_of_sfb = quantInfo->nr_of_sfb;
-	/* each section is 'hop' scalefactor bands wide */
-	for (i=0; i < nr_of_sfb; i=i+hop){ 
-		if ((i+hop) > nr_of_sfb)
-			q = nr_of_sfb;
-		else
-			q = i+hop;
-		{
-			/* find the maximum absolute value in the current spectral section, to see what tables are available to use */
-			max_sb_coeff = 0;
-			for (j=sfb_offset[i]; j<sfb_offset[q]; j++){  /* snl */
-				if (ABS(quant[j]) > max_sb_coeff)
-					max_sb_coeff = ABS(quant[j]);
-			}
-			j = 0;
-			offset = sfb_offset[i];
-			if ((i+hop) > nr_of_sfb){
-				end = sfb_offset[nr_of_sfb];
-			}
-			else
-				end = sfb_offset[q];
-			length = end - offset;
-			/* all spectral coefficients in this section are zero */
-			if (max_sb_coeff == 0) { 
-				book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,0,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-				book_choice[j++][1] = 0;
-			}
-			else {  /* if the section does have non-zero coefficients */
-				if(max_sb_coeff < 2){
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,1,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 1;
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,2,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 2;
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,3,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 3;
-				}
-				else if (max_sb_coeff < 3){
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,3,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 3;
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,4,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 4;
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,5,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 5;
-				}
-				else if (max_sb_coeff < 5){
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,5,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 5;
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,6,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 6;
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,7,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 7;
-				}
-				else if (max_sb_coeff < 8){
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,7,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 7;
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,8,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 8;
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,9,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 9;
-				}
-				else if (max_sb_coeff < 13){
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,9,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 9;
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,10,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 10;
-				}
-				/* (max_sb_coeff >= 13), choose table 11 */
-				else {
-					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
-					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,11,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
-					book_choice[j++][1] = 11;
-				}
-			}
-			/* find the minimum bit cost and table number for huffman coding this scalefactor section */
-			min_book_choice[i][0] = 100000;  
-			for(k=0;k<j;k++){
-				if (book_choice[k][0] < min_book_choice[i][0]){
-					min_book_choice[i][1] = book_choice[k][1];
-					min_book_choice[i][0] = book_choice[k][0];
-				}
-			}
-			total_bits_cost += min_book_choice[i][0];
-		}
-	}
-	return(total_bits_cost);
-int calculate_esc_sequence(int input,
-						   int *len_esc_sequence
-						   )
-   This function takes an element that is larger than 16 and generates the base10 value of the
-   equivalent escape sequence.  It returns the escape sequence in the variable, 'output'.  It
-   also passed the length of the escape sequence through the parameter, 'len_esc_sequence'.
-	float x,y;
-	int output;
-	int N;
-	N = -1;
-	y = (float)ABS(input);
-	x = y / 16;
-	while (x >= 1) {
-		N++;
-		x = x/2;
-	}
-	*len_esc_sequence = 2*N + 5;  /* the length of the escape sequence in bits */
-	output = (int)((pow(2,N) - 1)*pow(2,N+5) + y - pow(2,N+4));
-	return(output);
-#ifndef __BORLANDC__
-int output_bits(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,
-		/*int huff[13][MAXINDEX][NUMINTAB],*/
-                int book,
-		int quant[NUM_COEFF],
-                int offset,
-		int length,
-		int write_flag)
-  /* 
-     This function inputs 
-     - all the huffman codebooks, 'huff[]' 
-     - a specific codebook number, 'book'
-     - the quantized spectral data, 'quant[][]'
-     - the offset into the spectral data to begin scanning, 'offset'
-     - the 'length' of the segment to huffman code
-     -> therefore, the segment quant[CHANNEL][offset] to quant[CHANNEL][offset+length-1]
-     is huffman coded.
-     - a flag, 'write_flag' to determine whether the codebooks and lengths need to be written
-     to file.  If write_flag=0, then this function is being used only in the quantization
-     rate loop, and does not need to spend time writing the codebooks and lengths to file.
-     If write_flag=1, then it is being called by the function output_bits(), which is 
-     sending the bitsteam out of the encoder.  
-     This function outputs 
-     - the number of bits required, 'bits'  using the prescribed codebook, book applied to 
-     the given segment of spectral data.
-     There are three parameters that are passed back and forth into this function.  data[]
-     and len[] are one-dimensional arrays that store the codebook values and their respective
-     bit lengths.  These are used when packing the data for the bitstream in output_bits().  The
-     index into these arrays is 'quantInfo->spectralCount''.  It gets incremented internally in this
-     function as counter, then passed to the outside through outside_counter.  The next time
-     output_bits() is called, counter starts at the value it left off from the previous call.
-   */
-	int esc_sequence;
-	int len_esc;
-	int index;
-	int bits=0;
-	int tmp;
-	int codebook,i,j;
-	int counter;
-	/* Set up local pointers to quantInfo elements data and len */
-	int* data= quantInfo -> data;
-	int* len=  quantInfo -> len;
-	counter = quantInfo->spectralCount;
-	/* This case also applies to intensity stereo encoding */
-	/*if (book == 0) { */ /* if using the zero codebook, data of zero length is sent */
-	if ((book == 0)||(book==INTENSITY_HCB2)||(book==INTENSITY_HCB)) {  /* if using the zero codebook, 
-		data of zero length is sent */
-		if (write_flag) {
-			quantInfo->data[counter] = 0;
-			quantInfo->len[counter++] = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if ((book == 1) || (book == 2)) {
-		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
-			index = 27*quant[i] + 9*quant[i+1] + 3*quant[i+2] + quant[i+3] + 40;
-			if (book == 1) {
-				codebook = huff1[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff1[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			} else {
-				codebook = huff2[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff2[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			}
-			bits += tmp;
-			if (write_flag) {
-				data[counter] = codebook;
-				len[counter++] = tmp;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ((book == 3) || (book == 4)) {
-		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
-			index = 27*ABS(quant[i]) + 9*ABS(quant[i+1]) + 3*ABS(quant[i+2]) + ABS(quant[i+3]);
-			if (book == 3) {
-				codebook = huff3[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff3[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			} else {
-				codebook = huff4[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff4[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			}
-			bits = bits + tmp;
-			for(j=0;j<4;j++){
-				if(ABS(quant[i+j]) > 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
-			}
-			if (write_flag) {
-				data[counter] = codebook;
-				len[counter++] = tmp;
-				for(j=0;j<4;j++){
-					if(quant[i+j] > 0) {  /* send out '0' if a positive value */
-						data[counter] = 0;
-						len[counter++] = 1;
-					}
-					if(quant[i+j] < 0) {  /* send out '1' if a negative value */
-						data[counter] = 1;
-						len[counter++] = 1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ((book == 5) || (book == 6)) {
-		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
-			index = 9*(quant[i]) + (quant[i+1]) + 40;
-			if (book == 5) {
-				codebook = huff5[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff5[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			} else {
-				codebook = huff6[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff6[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			}
-			bits = bits + tmp;
-			if (write_flag) {
-				data[counter] = codebook;
-				len[counter++] = tmp;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ((book == 7) || (book == 8)) {
-		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
-			index = 8*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
-			if (book == 7) {
-				codebook = huff7[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff7[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			} else {
-				codebook = huff8[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff8[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			}
-			bits = bits + tmp;
-			for(j=0;j<2;j++){
-				if(ABS(quant[i+j]) > 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
-			}
-			if (write_flag) {
-				data[counter] = codebook;
-				len[counter++] = tmp;
-				for(j=0;j<2;j++){
-					if(quant[i+j] > 0) {  /* send out '0' if a positive value */
-						data[counter] = 0;
-						len[counter++] = 1;
-					}
-					if(quant[i+j] < 0) {  /* send out '1' if a negative value */
-						data[counter] = 1;
-						len[counter++] = 1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ((book == 9) || (book == 10)) {
-		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
-			index = 13*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
-			if (book == 9) {
-				codebook = huff9[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff9[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			} else {
-				codebook = huff10[index][LASTINTAB];
-				tmp = huff10[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			}
-			bits = bits + tmp;
-			for(j=0;j<2;j++){
-				if(ABS(quant[i+j]) > 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
-			}
-			if (write_flag) {
-				data[counter] = codebook;
-				len[counter++] = tmp;
-				for(j=0;j<2;j++){
-					if(quant[i+j] > 0) {  /* send out '0' if a positive value */
-						data[counter] = 0;
-						len[counter++] = 1;
-					}
-					if(quant[i+j] < 0) {  /* send out '1' if a negative value */
-						data[counter] = 1;
-						len[counter++] = 1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ((book == 11)){
-		/* First, calculate the indecies into the huffman tables */
-		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
-			if ((ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) && (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16)) {  /* both codewords were above 16 */
-				/* first, code the orignal pair, with the larger value saturated to +/- 16 */
-				index = 17*16 + 16;
-			}
-			else if (ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) {  /* the first codeword was above 16, not the second one */
-				/* first, code the orignal pair, with the larger value saturated to +/- 16 */
-				index = 17*16 + ABS(quant[i+1]);
-			}
-			else if (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16) { /* the second codeword was above 16, not the first one */
-				index = 17*ABS(quant[i]) + 16;
-			}
-			else {  /* there were no values above 16, so no escape sequences */
-				index = 17*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
-			}
-			/* write out the codewords */
-			tmp = huff11[index][FIRSTINTAB];
-			codebook = huff11[index][LASTINTAB];
-			bits += tmp;
-			if (write_flag) {
-				/*	printf("[book %d] {%d %d} \n",book,quant[i],quant[i+1]);*/
-				data[counter] = codebook;
-				len[counter++] = tmp;
-			}
-			/* Take care of the sign bits */
-			for(j=0;j<2;j++){
-				if(ABS(quant[i+j]) > 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
-			}
-			if (write_flag) {
-				for(j=0;j<2;j++){
-					if(quant[i+j] > 0) {  /* send out '0' if a positive value */
-						data[counter] = 0;
-						len[counter++] = 1;
-					}
-					if(quant[i+j] < 0) {  /* send out '1' if a negative value */
-						data[counter] = 1;
-						len[counter++] = 1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			/* write out the escape sequences */
-			if ((ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) && (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16)) {  /* both codewords were above 16 */
-				/* code and transmit the first escape_sequence */
-				esc_sequence = calculate_esc_sequence(quant[i],&len_esc); 
-				bits += len_esc;
-				if (write_flag) {
-					data[counter] = esc_sequence;
-					len[counter++] = len_esc;
-				}
-				/* then code and transmit the second escape_sequence */
-				esc_sequence = calculate_esc_sequence(quant[i+1],&len_esc);
-				bits += len_esc;
-				if (write_flag) {
-					data[counter] = esc_sequence;
-					len[counter++] = len_esc;
-				}
-			}
-			else if (ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) {  /* the first codeword was above 16, not the second one */
-				/* code and transmit the escape_sequence */
-				esc_sequence = calculate_esc_sequence(quant[i],&len_esc); 
-				bits += len_esc;
-				if (write_flag) {
-					data[counter] = esc_sequence;
-					len[counter++] = len_esc;
-				}
-			}
-			else if (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16) { /* the second codeword was above 16, not the first one */
-				/* code and transmit the escape_sequence */
-				esc_sequence = calculate_esc_sequence(quant[i+1],&len_esc); 
-				bits += len_esc;
-				if (write_flag) {
-					data[counter] = esc_sequence;
-					len[counter++] = len_esc;
-				}
-			} 
-		}
-	}
-	quantInfo -> spectralCount = counter;  /* send the current count back to the outside world */
-	return(bits);
-int find_grouping_bits(int window_group_length[],
-					   int num_window_groups
-					   )
-  /* This function inputs the grouping information and outputs the seven bit 
-	'grouping_bits' field that the NBC decoder expects.  */
-	int grouping_bits = 0;
-	int tmp[8];
-	int i,j;
-	int index=0;
-	for(i=0; i<num_window_groups; i++){
-		for (j=0; j<window_group_length[i];j++){
-			tmp[index++] = i;
-		}
-	}
-	for(i=1; i<8; i++){
-		grouping_bits = grouping_bits << 1;
-		if(tmp[i] == tmp[i-1]) {
-			grouping_bits++;
-		}
-	}
-	return(grouping_bits);
-int write_scalefactor_bitstream(BsBitStream* fixed_stream,             /* Bitstream */  
-				int write_flag,                        /* Write flag */
-				AACQuantInfo* quantInfo)               /* Quantization information */
-	/* this function takes care of counting the number of bits necessary */
-	/* to encode the scalefactors.  In addition, if the write_flag == 1, */
-	/* then the scalefactors are written out the fixed_stream output bit */
-	/* stream.  it returns k, the number of bits written to the bitstream*/
-	int i,j,bit_count=0;
-	int diff,length,codeword;
-	int previous_scale_factor;
-	int previous_is_factor;       /* Intensity stereo */
-	int index = 0;
-//	int count = 0;
-//	int group_offset = 0;
-	int nr_of_sfb_per_group;
-	int pns_pcm_flag = 1;
-	int previous_noise_nrg = quantInfo->common_scalefac ;
-	/* set local pointer to quantInfo elements */
-	int* scale_factors = quantInfo->scale_factor;
-	if (quantInfo->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) { /* short windows */
-		nr_of_sfb_per_group = quantInfo->nr_of_sfb/quantInfo->num_window_groups;
-	}
-	else {
-		nr_of_sfb_per_group = quantInfo->nr_of_sfb;
-		quantInfo->num_window_groups = 1;
-		quantInfo->window_group_length[0] = 1;
-	}
-	previous_scale_factor = quantInfo->common_scalefac;
-	previous_is_factor = 0;
-	for(j=0; j<quantInfo->num_window_groups; j++){
-		for(i=0;i<nr_of_sfb_per_group;i++) {  
-			/* test to see if any codebooks in a group are zero */
-			if ( (quantInfo->book_vector[index]==INTENSITY_HCB) ||
-				(quantInfo->book_vector[index]==INTENSITY_HCB2) ) {
-				/* only send scalefactors if using non-zero codebooks */
-				diff = scale_factors[index] - previous_is_factor;
-				if ((diff < 60)&&(diff >= -60))
-					length = huff12[diff+60][FIRSTINTAB];
-				else length = 0;
-				bit_count+=length;
-				previous_is_factor = scale_factors[index];
-				if (write_flag == 1 ) {   
-					codeword = huff12[diff+60][LASTINTAB];
-					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,codeword,length); 
-				}
-			} else if (quantInfo-> book_vector[index] == PNS_HCB){
-				diff = quantInfo->pns_sfb_nrg[index] - previous_noise_nrg;
-				if (pns_pcm_flag) {
-					pns_pcm_flag = 0;
-					length = PNS_PCM_BITS;
-					codeword = diff + PNS_PCM_OFFSET;
-				} else {
-					if (diff<-60  ||  diff>60) {
-						length = 0;
-						codeword = 0;
-					} else {
-						length = huff12[diff+60][FIRSTINTAB];
-						codeword = huff12[diff+60][LASTINTAB];
-					}
-				}
-				bit_count += length;
-				previous_noise_nrg = quantInfo->pns_sfb_nrg[index];
-				if (write_flag == 1 ) {   
-					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,codeword,length); 
-				}
-			} else if (quantInfo->book_vector[index]) {
-				/* only send scalefactors if using non-zero codebooks */
-				diff = scale_factors[index] - previous_scale_factor;
-				if ((diff < 60)&&(diff >= -60))
-					length = huff12[diff+60][FIRSTINTAB];
-				else length = 0;
-				bit_count+=length;
-				previous_scale_factor = scale_factors[index];
-				if (write_flag == 1 ) {   
-					codeword = huff12[diff+60][LASTINTAB];
-					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,codeword,length); 
-				}
-			}
-			index++;
-		}
-	}
-	return(bit_count);
--- a/aac_qc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +1,0 @@
-#ifndef AAC_QC_H
-#define AAC_QC_H
-#include "pulse.h"
-#include "interface.h"
-#include "tf_main.h"
-#include "tns.h"
-#include "all.h"
-#include "nok_ltp_common.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* assumptions for the first run of this quantizer */
-#define CHANNEL  1
-#define NUM_COEFF  BLOCK_LEN_LONG       /* now using BLOCK_LEN_LONG of block.h */
-#define MAGIC_NUMBER  0.4054
-#define MAX_QUANT 8192
-#define SF_OFFSET 100
-#define ABS(A) ((A) < 0 ? (-A) : (A))
-#define sgn(A) ((A) > 0 ? (1) : (-1))
-#define SFB_NUM_MAX MAX_SCFAC_BANDS     /* now using MAX_SCFAC_BANDS of tf_main.h */
-#define PNS_HCB 13                               /* reserved codebook for flagging PNS */
-#define PNS_PCM_BITS 9                           /* size of first (PCM) PNS energy */
-#define PNS_PCM_OFFSET (1 << (PNS_PCM_BITS-1))   /* corresponding PCM transmission offset */
-#define PNS_SF_OFFSET 90                         /* transmission offset for PNS energies */
-extern int pns_sfb_start;                        /* lower border for PNS */
-// Huffman tables
-#define MAXINDEX 289
-#define NUMINTAB 2
-#define FIRSTINTAB 0
-#define LASTINTAB 1
-/* AACQuantInfo, info for AAC quantization and coding.   */
-typedef struct {
-  int max_sfb;                          /* max_sfb, should = nr_of_sfb/num_window_groups */
-  int nr_of_sfb;                        /* Number of scalefactor bands, interleaved */
-  int spectralCount;                    /* Number of spectral data coefficients */
-  enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type;	        /* Block type */      
-  int scale_factor[SFB_NUM_MAX];        /* Scalefactor data array , interleaved */			
-  int sfb_offset[250];                  /* Scalefactor spectral offset, interleaved */
-  int book_vector[SFB_NUM_MAX];         /* Huffman codebook selected for each sf band */
-  int data[5*NUM_COEFF];                /* Data of spectral bitstream elements, for each spectral pair, 
-                                           5 elements are required: 1*(esc)+2*(sign)+2*(esc value)=5 */
-  int len[5*NUM_COEFF];                 /* Lengths of spectral bitstream elements */
-  int num_window_groups;                /* Number of window groups */
-  int window_group_length
-    [MAX_SHORT_IN_LONG_BLOCK];          /* Length (in windows) of each window group */
-  int common_scalefac;                  /* Global gain */
-  Window_shape window_shape;            /* Window shape parameter */
-  Window_shape prev_window_shape;       /* Previous window shape parameter */
-  short pred_global_flag;               /* Global prediction enable flag */
-  int pred_sfb_flag[SFB_NUM_MAX];       /* Prediction enable flag for each scalefactor band */
-  int reset_group_number;               /* Prediction reset group number */
-  TNS_INFO* tnsInfo;                    /* Ptr to tns data */
-  AACPulseInfo pulseInfo;
-  NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS *ltpInfo;          /* Prt to LTP data */
-  int pns_sfb_nrg[SFB_NUM_MAX];
-  int pns_sfb_flag[SFB_NUM_MAX];
-  int profile;
-  int srate_idx;
-} AACQuantInfo;
-void PulseCoder(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo, int *quant);
-void PulseDecoder(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo, int *quant);
-void quantize(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
-			  double *pow_spectrum,
-			  int quant[NUM_COEFF]
-			  );
-void dequantize(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
-				double *p_spectrum,
-				int quant[NUM_COEFF],
-				double requant[NUM_COEFF],
-				double error_energy[SFB_NUM_MAX]
-				);
-int count_bits(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,
-			   int quant[NUM_COEFF]
-//			   ,int output_book_vector[SFB_NUM_MAX*2]
-                           );
-/* tf_init_encode_spectrum_aac                           */
-void tf_init_encode_spectrum_aac( int quality );
-/* tf_encode_spectrum_aac                                */
-int tf_encode_spectrum_aac(
-			   double      *p_spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-			   double      *SigMaksRatio[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-			   double      allowed_dist[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-			   double      energy[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-			   enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-			   int         sfb_width_table[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
-//			   int         nr_of_sfb[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-			   int         average_block_bits,
-//			   int         available_bitreservoir_bits,
-//			   int         padding_limit,
-			   BsBitStream *fixed_stream,
-//			   BsBitStream *var_stream,
-//			   int         nr_of_chan,
-			   double      *p_reconstructed_spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-//			   int         useShortWindows,
-//			   int         aacAllowScalefacs,
-			   AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,      /* AAC quantization information */
-			   Ch_Info *ch_info
-//			   ,int varBitRate
-//			   ,int bitRate
-                           );
-/* sort_book_numbers                                     */
-int sort_book_numbers(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,     /* Quantization information */
-//		  int output_book_vector[],    /* Output codebook vector, formatted for bitstream */
-		  BsBitStream* fixed_stream,   /* Bitstream */
-		  int write_flag);             /* Write flag: 0 count, 1 write */
-/* sort_book_numbers                                     */
-int sort_for_grouping(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,        /* ptr to quantization information */
-		      int sfb_width_table[],          /* Widths of single window */
-		      double *p_spectrum[],           /* Spectral values, noninterleaved */
-		      double *SigMaskRatio,
-		      double *PsySigMaskRatio);
-/* bit_search                                            */
-int bit_search(int quant[NUM_COEFF],  /* Quantized spectral values */
-               AACQuantInfo* quantInfo);       /* Quantization information */
-/* noiseless_bit_count                                   */
-int noiseless_bit_count(int quant[NUM_COEFF],
-			int hop,
-			int min_book_choice[112][3],
-			AACQuantInfo* quantInfo);         /* Quantization information */
-/* output_bits                                           */
-int output_bits(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,
-		/*int huff[13][MAXINDEX][NUMINTAB],*/
-                int book,                /* codebook */
-		int quant[NUM_COEFF],		
-		int offset,
-		int length,
-		int write_flag);
-/* tf_init_decode_spectrum_aac                           */
-void tf_init_decode_spectrum_aac( long sampling_rate );
-/* tf_decode_spectrum_aac                                */
-int tf_decode_spectrum_aac(
-   double      *p_spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
-   int         block_type,
-   BsBitStream *fixed_stream,
-   BsBitStream *var_stream,
-   int         nr_of_chan,
-   int         bits_avail
-/* find_grouping_bits                                    */
-int find_grouping_bits(int window_group_length[],
-		       int num_window_groups
-		       );
-/* write_scalefactor_bitstream                           */
-int write_scalefactor_bitstream(BsBitStream* fixed_stream,             /* Bitstream */  
-				int write_flag,                        /* Write flag */
-				AACQuantInfo* quantInfo);              /* Quantization information */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/aac_se_enc.c
+++ b/aac_se_enc.c
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "aac_se_enc.h"
-#include "aac_qc.h"
+#include "quant.h"
+#include "huffman.h"
 int max_pred_sfb;
--- a/aac_se_enc.h
+++ b/aac_se_enc.h
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 #include "interface.h"
 #include "bitstream.h"
 #include "all.h"
-#include "aac_qc.h"
+#include "quant.h"
 #include "nok_ltp_enc.h"
 extern int max_pred_sfb;
--- a/enc_tf.c
+++ b/enc_tf.c
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "mc_enc.h"
 #include "ms.h"
 #include "is.h"
-#include "aac_qc.h"
+#include "quant.h"
 #include "all.h"
 #include "aac_se_enc.h"
 #include "nok_ltp_enc.h"
--- a/faac.dsp
+++ b/faac.dsp
@@ -88,10 +88,6 @@
 # PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
 # Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
@@ -116,6 +112,10 @@
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
@@ -141,6 +141,10 @@
 # Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
--- a/faac_dll.dsp
+++ b/faac_dll.dsp
@@ -92,10 +92,6 @@
 # PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
 # Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
@@ -120,6 +116,10 @@
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
@@ -145,6 +145,10 @@
 # Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
 # End Source File
 # Begin Source File
--- /dev/null
+++ b/huffman.c
@@ -1,0 +1,887 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "aacenc.h"
+#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "tf_main.h"
+#include "pulse.h"
+#include "quant.h"
+#include "huffman.h"
+#include "aac_se_enc.h"
+#include "hufftab5.h"
+int sort_for_grouping(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,        /* ptr to quantization information */
+		      int sfb_width_table[],          /* Widths of single window */
+		      double *p_spectrum[],           /* Spectral values, noninterleaved */
+		      double *SigMaskRatio,
+		      double *PsySigMaskRatio)
+	int i,j,ii;
+	int index;
+	double tmp[1024];
+//	int book=1;
+	int group_offset;
+	int k=0;
+	int windowOffset;
+	/* set up local variables for used quantInfo elements */
+	int* sfb_offset = quantInfo -> sfb_offset;
+	int* nr_of_sfb = &(quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb);
+	int* window_group_length;
+	int num_window_groups;
+	*nr_of_sfb = quantInfo->max_sfb;              /* Init to max_sfb */
+	window_group_length = quantInfo -> window_group_length;
+	num_window_groups = quantInfo -> num_window_groups;
+	/* calc org sfb_offset just for shortblock */
+	sfb_offset[k]=0;
+	for (k=0; k < 1024; k++) {
+		tmp[k] = 0.0;
+	}
+	for (k=1 ; k <*nr_of_sfb+1; k++) {
+		sfb_offset[k] = sfb_offset[k-1] + sfb_width_table[k-1];
+	}
+	/* sort the input spectral coefficients */
+	index = 0;
+	group_offset=0;
+	for (i=0; i< num_window_groups; i++) {
+		for (k=0; k<*nr_of_sfb; k++) {
+			for (j=0; j < window_group_length[i]; j++) {
+				for (ii=0;ii< sfb_width_table[k];ii++)
+					tmp[index++] = p_spectrum[MONO_CHAN][ii+ sfb_offset[k] + 128*j +group_offset];
+			}
+		}
+		group_offset +=  128*window_group_length[i];
+	}
+	for (k=0; k<1024; k++){
+		p_spectrum[MONO_CHAN][k] = tmp[k];
+	}
+	/* now calc the new sfb_offset table for the whole p_spectrum vector*/
+	index = 0;
+	sfb_offset[index] = 0;
+	index++;
+	windowOffset = 0;
+	for (i=0; i < num_window_groups; i++) {
+		for (k=0 ; k <*nr_of_sfb; k++) {
+			/* for this window group and this band, find worst case inverse sig-mask-ratio */
+			int bandNum=windowOffset*NSFB_SHORT + k;
+			double worstISMR = PsySigMaskRatio[bandNum];
+			int w;
+			for (w=1;w<window_group_length[i];w++) {
+				bandNum=(w+windowOffset)*NSFB_SHORT + k;
+				if (PsySigMaskRatio[bandNum]<worstISMR) {
+					worstISMR += (PsySigMaskRatio[bandNum] > 0)?PsySigMaskRatio[bandNum]:worstISMR;
+				}
+			}
+			worstISMR /= 2.0;
+			SigMaskRatio[k+ i* *nr_of_sfb]=worstISMR/window_group_length[i];
+			sfb_offset[index] = sfb_offset[index-1] + sfb_width_table[k]*window_group_length[i] ;
+			index++;
+		}
+		windowOffset += window_group_length[i];
+	}
+	*nr_of_sfb = *nr_of_sfb * num_window_groups;  /* Number interleaved bands. */
+	return 0;
+sort_book_numbers(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,     /* Quantization information */
+//		  int output_book_vector[],    /* Output codebook vector, formatted for bitstream */
+		  BsBitStream* fixed_stream,   /* Bitstream */
+		  int write_flag)              /* Write flag: 0 count, 1 write */
+  /*
+    This function inputs the vector, 'book_vector[]', which is of length SFB_NUM_MAX,
+    and contains the optimal huffman tables of each sfb.  It returns the vector, 'output_book_vector[]', which
+    has it's elements formatted for the encoded bit stream.  It's syntax is:
+    {sect_cb[0], length_segment[0], ... ,sect_cb[num_of_sections], length_segment[num_of_sections]}
+    The above syntax is true, unless there is an escape sequence.  An
+    escape sequence occurs when a section is longer than 2 ^ (bit_len)
+    long in units of scalefactor bands.  Also, the integer returned from
+    this function is the number of bits written in the bitstream,
+    'bit_count'.
+    This function supports both long and short blocks.
+    */
+	int i;
+	int repeat_counter;
+	int bit_count = 0;
+	int previous;
+	int max, bit_len/*,sfbs*/;
+	int max_sfb,g,band;
+	/* Set local pointers to quantInfo elements */
+	int* book_vector = quantInfo -> book_vector;
+//	int nr_of_sfb = quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb;
+	if (quantInfo->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW){
+		max = 7;
+		bit_len = 3;
+	} else {  /* the block_type is a long,start, or stop window */
+		max = 31;
+		bit_len = 5;
+	}
+	/* Compute number of scalefactor bands */
+	max_sfb = quantInfo->nr_of_sfb/quantInfo->num_window_groups;
+	for (g=0;g<quantInfo->num_window_groups;g++) {
+		band=g*max_sfb;
+		repeat_counter=1;
+		previous = book_vector[band];
+		if (write_flag) {
+			BsPutBit(fixed_stream,book_vector[band],4);
+		}
+		bit_count += 4;
+		for (i=band+1;i<band+max_sfb;i++) {
+			if( (book_vector[i] != previous)) {
+				if (write_flag) {
+					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,repeat_counter,bit_len);
+				}
+				bit_count += bit_len;
+				if (repeat_counter == max){  /* in case you need to terminate an escape sequence */
+					if (write_flag) BsPutBit(fixed_stream,0,bit_len);
+					bit_count += bit_len;
+				}
+				if (write_flag) BsPutBit(fixed_stream,book_vector[i],4);
+				bit_count += 4;
+				previous = book_vector[i];
+				repeat_counter=1;
+			}
+			/* if the length of the section is longer than the amount of bits available in */
+			/* the bitsream, "max", then start up an escape sequence */
+			else if ((book_vector[i] == previous) && (repeat_counter == max)) {
+				if (write_flag) {
+					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,repeat_counter,bit_len);
+				}
+				bit_count += bit_len;
+				repeat_counter = 1;
+			}
+			else {
+				repeat_counter++;
+			}
+		}
+		if (write_flag) {
+			BsPutBit(fixed_stream,repeat_counter,bit_len);
+		}
+		bit_count += bit_len;
+		if (repeat_counter == max) {  /* special case if the last section length is an */
+			/* escape sequence */
+			if (write_flag) BsPutBit(fixed_stream,0,bit_len);
+			bit_count += bit_len;
+		}
+	}  /* Bottom of group iteration */
+	return(bit_count);
+int bit_search(int quant[NUM_COEFF],  /* Quantized spectral values */
+               AACQuantInfo* quantInfo)        /* Quantization information */
+  /*
+  This function inputs a vector of quantized spectral data, quant[][], and returns a vector,
+  'book_vector[]' that describes how to group together the scalefactor bands into a smaller
+  number of sections.  There are SFB_NUM_MAX elements in book_vector (equal to 49 in the
+  case of long blocks and 112 for short blocks), and each element has a huffman codebook 
+  number assigned to it.
+  For a quick and simple algorithm, this function performs a binary
+  search across the sfb's (scale factor bands).  On the first approach, it calculates the 
+  needed amount of bits if every sfb were its own section and transmitted its own huffman 
+  codebook value side information (equal to 9 bits for a long block, 7 for a short).  The 
+  next iteration combines adjacent sfb's, and calculates the bit rate for length two sfb 
+  sections.  If any wider two-sfb section requires fewer bits than the sum of the two 
+  single-sfb sections (below it in the binary tree), then the wider section will be chosen.
+  This process occurs until the sections are split into three uniform parts, each with an
+  equal amount of sfb's contained.  
+  The binary tree is stored as a two-dimensional array.  Since this tree is not full, (there
+  are only 49 nodes, not 2^6 = 64), the numbering is a little complicated.  If the tree were
+  full, the top node would be 1.  It's children would be 2 and 3.  But, since this tree
+  is not full, the top row of three nodes are numbered {4,5,6}.  The row below it is
+  {8,9,10,11,12,13}, and so on.  
+  The binary tree is called bit_stats[112][3].  There are 112 total nodes (some are not
+  used since it's not full).  bit_stats[x][0] holds the bit totals needed for the sfb sectioning
+  strategy represented by the node x in the tree.  bit_stats[x][1] holds the optimal huffman
+  codebook table that minimizes the bit rate, given the sectioning boundaries dictated by node x.
+	int i,j,k,n;
+	int hop;
+	int min_book_choice[112][3];
+	int bit_stats[240][3];
+//	int total_bits;
+	int total_bit_count;
+	int levels;
+	double fraction;
+	/* Set local pointer to quantInfo book_vector */
+	int* book_vector = quantInfo -> book_vector;
+	levels = (int) ((log((double)quantInfo->nr_of_sfb)/log((double)2.0))+1);
+	fraction = (pow(2,levels)+quantInfo->nr_of_sfb)/(double)(pow(2,levels));
+//#define SLOW
+#ifdef SLOW
+	for(i=0;i<5;i++){
+		hop = 1 << i;
+		hop = 1;
+		i = 0;
+//		total_bits = noiseless_bit_count(quant, hop, min_book_choice, quantInfo);
+		noiseless_bit_count(quant, hop, min_book_choice, quantInfo);
+		/* load up the (not-full) binary search tree with the min_book_choice values */
+		k=0;
+//		m=0;
+		total_bit_count = 0;
+		for (j=(int)(pow(2,levels-i)); j<(int)(fraction*pow(2,levels-i)); j++)
+		{
+			bit_stats[j][0] = min_book_choice[k][0]; /* the minimum bit cost for this section */
+			bit_stats[j][1] = min_book_choice[k][1]; /* used with this huffman book number */
+			if (i>0){  /* not on the lowest level, grouping more than one signle scalefactor band per section*/
+				if  (bit_stats[j][0] < bit_stats[2*j][0] + bit_stats[2*j+1][0]){
+					/* it is cheaper to combine surrounding sfb secionts into one larger huffman book section */
+					for(n=k;n<k+hop;n++) { /* write the optimal huffman book value for the new larger section */
+						if ( (book_vector[n]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(book_vector[n]!=INTENSITY_HCB2) ) { /* Don't merge with IS bands */
+							book_vector[n] = bit_stats[j][1];
+						}
+					}
+				} else {  /* it was cheaper to transmit the smaller huffman table sections */
+					bit_stats[j][0] = bit_stats[2*j][0] + bit_stats[2*j+1][0];
+				}
+			} else {  /* during the first stage of the iteration, all sfb's are individual sections */
+				if ( (book_vector[k]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(book_vector[k]!=INTENSITY_HCB2) ) {
+					book_vector[k] = bit_stats[j][1];  /* initially, set all sfb's to their own optimal section table values */
+				}
+			}
+			total_bit_count = total_bit_count +  bit_stats[j][0];
+			k=k+hop;
+//			m++;
+		}
+#ifdef SLOW
+	}
+	/*   book_vector[k] = book_vector[k-1]; */
+	return(total_bit_count);
+int noiseless_bit_count(int quant[NUM_COEFF],
+			/*int huff[13][MAXINDEX][NUMINTAB],*/
+			int hop,  // hop is now always 1
+			int min_book_choice[112][3],
+			AACQuantInfo* quantInfo)         /* Quantization information */
+  int i,j,k;
+  /*
+     This function inputs:
+     - the quantized spectral data, 'quant[][]';
+     - all of the huffman codebooks, 'huff[][]';
+     - the size of the sections, in scalefactor bands (SFB's), 'hop';
+     - an empty matrix, min_book_choice[][] passed to it;
+     This function outputs:
+     - the matrix, min_book_choice.  It is a two dimensional matrix, with its
+     rows corresponding to spectral sections.  The 0th column corresponds to
+     the bits needed to code a section with 'hop' scalefactors bands wide, all using
+     the same huffman codebook.  The 1st column contains the huffman codebook number
+     that allows the minimum number of bits to be used.
+     Other notes:
+     - Initally, the dynamic range is calculated for each spectral section.  The section
+     can only be entropy coded with books that have an equal or greater dynamic range
+     than the section's spectral data.  The exception to this is for the 11th ESC codebook.
+     If the dynamic range is larger than 16, then an escape code is appended after the
+     table 11 codeword which encodes the larger value explicity in a pseudo-non-uniform
+     quantization method.
+     */
+	int max_sb_coeff;
+	int book_choice[12][2];
+	int total_bits_cost = 0;
+	int offset, length, end;
+	int q;
+	int write_flag = 0;
+	/* set local pointer to sfb_offset */
+	int* sfb_offset = quantInfo->sfb_offset;
+	int nr_of_sfb = quantInfo->nr_of_sfb;
+	/* each section is 'hop' scalefactor bands wide */
+	for (i=0; i < nr_of_sfb; i=i+hop){ 
+		if ((i+hop) > nr_of_sfb)
+			q = nr_of_sfb;
+		else
+			q = i+hop;
+		{
+			/* find the maximum absolute value in the current spectral section, to see what tables are available to use */
+			max_sb_coeff = 0;
+			for (j=sfb_offset[i]; j<sfb_offset[q]; j++){  /* snl */
+				if (ABS(quant[j]) > max_sb_coeff)
+					max_sb_coeff = ABS(quant[j]);
+			}
+			j = 0;
+			offset = sfb_offset[i];
+			if ((i+hop) > nr_of_sfb){
+				end = sfb_offset[nr_of_sfb];
+			}
+			else
+				end = sfb_offset[q];
+			length = end - offset;
+			/* all spectral coefficients in this section are zero */
+			if (max_sb_coeff == 0) { 
+				book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,0,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+				book_choice[j++][1] = 0;
+			}
+			else {  /* if the section does have non-zero coefficients */
+				if(max_sb_coeff < 2){
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,1,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 1;
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,2,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 2;
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,3,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 3;
+				}
+				else if (max_sb_coeff < 3){
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,3,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 3;
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,4,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 4;
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,5,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 5;
+				}
+				else if (max_sb_coeff < 5){
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,5,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 5;
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,6,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 6;
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,7,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 7;
+				}
+				else if (max_sb_coeff < 8){
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,7,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 7;
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,8,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 8;
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,9,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 9;
+				}
+				else if (max_sb_coeff < 13){
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,9,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 9;
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,10,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 10;
+				}
+				/* (max_sb_coeff >= 13), choose table 11 */
+				else {
+					quantInfo->spectralCount = 0; /* just for debugging : using data and len vectors */
+					book_choice[j][0] = output_bits(quantInfo,11,quant,offset,length,write_flag);
+					book_choice[j++][1] = 11;
+				}
+			}
+			/* find the minimum bit cost and table number for huffman coding this scalefactor section */
+			min_book_choice[i][0] = 100000;  
+			for(k=0;k<j;k++){
+				if (book_choice[k][0] < min_book_choice[i][0]){
+					min_book_choice[i][1] = book_choice[k][1];
+					min_book_choice[i][0] = book_choice[k][0];
+				}
+			}
+			total_bits_cost += min_book_choice[i][0];
+		}
+	}
+	return(total_bits_cost);
+int calculate_esc_sequence(int input,
+						   int *len_esc_sequence
+						   )
+   This function takes an element that is larger than 16 and generates the base10 value of the
+   equivalent escape sequence.  It returns the escape sequence in the variable, 'output'.  It
+   also passed the length of the escape sequence through the parameter, 'len_esc_sequence'.
+	float x,y;
+	int output;
+	int N;
+	N = -1;
+	y = (float)ABS(input);
+	x = y / 16;
+	while (x >= 1) {
+		N++;
+		x = x/2;
+	}
+	*len_esc_sequence = 2*N + 5;  /* the length of the escape sequence in bits */
+	output = (int)((pow(2,N) - 1)*pow(2,N+5) + y - pow(2,N+4));
+	return(output);
+#ifndef __BORLANDC__
+int output_bits(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,
+		/*int huff[13][MAXINDEX][NUMINTAB],*/
+                int book,
+		int quant[NUM_COEFF],
+                int offset,
+		int length,
+		int write_flag)
+  /* 
+     This function inputs 
+     - all the huffman codebooks, 'huff[]' 
+     - a specific codebook number, 'book'
+     - the quantized spectral data, 'quant[][]'
+     - the offset into the spectral data to begin scanning, 'offset'
+     - the 'length' of the segment to huffman code
+     -> therefore, the segment quant[CHANNEL][offset] to quant[CHANNEL][offset+length-1]
+     is huffman coded.
+     - a flag, 'write_flag' to determine whether the codebooks and lengths need to be written
+     to file.  If write_flag=0, then this function is being used only in the quantization
+     rate loop, and does not need to spend time writing the codebooks and lengths to file.
+     If write_flag=1, then it is being called by the function output_bits(), which is 
+     sending the bitsteam out of the encoder.  
+     This function outputs 
+     - the number of bits required, 'bits'  using the prescribed codebook, book applied to 
+     the given segment of spectral data.
+     There are three parameters that are passed back and forth into this function.  data[]
+     and len[] are one-dimensional arrays that store the codebook values and their respective
+     bit lengths.  These are used when packing the data for the bitstream in output_bits().  The
+     index into these arrays is 'quantInfo->spectralCount''.  It gets incremented internally in this
+     function as counter, then passed to the outside through outside_counter.  The next time
+     output_bits() is called, counter starts at the value it left off from the previous call.
+   */
+	int esc_sequence;
+	int len_esc;
+	int index;
+	int bits=0;
+	int tmp;
+	int codebook,i,j;
+	int counter;
+	/* Set up local pointers to quantInfo elements data and len */
+	int* data= quantInfo -> data;
+	int* len=  quantInfo -> len;
+	counter = quantInfo->spectralCount;
+	/* This case also applies to intensity stereo encoding */
+	/*if (book == 0) { */ /* if using the zero codebook, data of zero length is sent */
+	if ((book == 0)||(book==INTENSITY_HCB2)||(book==INTENSITY_HCB)) {  /* if using the zero codebook, 
+		data of zero length is sent */
+		if (write_flag) {
+			quantInfo->data[counter] = 0;
+			quantInfo->len[counter++] = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ((book == 1) || (book == 2)) {
+		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
+			index = 27*quant[i] + 9*quant[i+1] + 3*quant[i+2] + quant[i+3] + 40;
+			if (book == 1) {
+				codebook = huff1[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff1[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			} else {
+				codebook = huff2[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff2[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			}
+			bits += tmp;
+			if (write_flag) {
+				data[counter] = codebook;
+				len[counter++] = tmp;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ((book == 3) || (book == 4)) {
+		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
+			index = 27*ABS(quant[i]) + 9*ABS(quant[i+1]) + 3*ABS(quant[i+2]) + ABS(quant[i+3]);
+			if (book == 3) {
+				codebook = huff3[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff3[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			} else {
+				codebook = huff4[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff4[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			}
+			bits = bits + tmp;
+			for(j=0;j<4;j++){
+				if(ABS(quant[i+j]) > 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
+			}
+			if (write_flag) {
+				data[counter] = codebook;
+				len[counter++] = tmp;
+				for(j=0;j<4;j++){
+					if(quant[i+j] > 0) {  /* send out '0' if a positive value */
+						data[counter] = 0;
+						len[counter++] = 1;
+					}
+					if(quant[i+j] < 0) {  /* send out '1' if a negative value */
+						data[counter] = 1;
+						len[counter++] = 1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ((book == 5) || (book == 6)) {
+		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
+			index = 9*(quant[i]) + (quant[i+1]) + 40;
+			if (book == 5) {
+				codebook = huff5[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff5[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			} else {
+				codebook = huff6[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff6[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			}
+			bits = bits + tmp;
+			if (write_flag) {
+				data[counter] = codebook;
+				len[counter++] = tmp;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ((book == 7) || (book == 8)) {
+		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
+			index = 8*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
+			if (book == 7) {
+				codebook = huff7[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff7[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			} else {
+				codebook = huff8[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff8[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			}
+			bits = bits + tmp;
+			for(j=0;j<2;j++){
+				if(ABS(quant[i+j]) > 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
+			}
+			if (write_flag) {
+				data[counter] = codebook;
+				len[counter++] = tmp;
+				for(j=0;j<2;j++){
+					if(quant[i+j] > 0) {  /* send out '0' if a positive value */
+						data[counter] = 0;
+						len[counter++] = 1;
+					}
+					if(quant[i+j] < 0) {  /* send out '1' if a negative value */
+						data[counter] = 1;
+						len[counter++] = 1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ((book == 9) || (book == 10)) {
+		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
+			index = 13*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
+			if (book == 9) {
+				codebook = huff9[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff9[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			} else {
+				codebook = huff10[index][LASTINTAB];
+				tmp = huff10[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			}
+			bits = bits + tmp;
+			for(j=0;j<2;j++){
+				if(ABS(quant[i+j]) > 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
+			}
+			if (write_flag) {
+				data[counter] = codebook;
+				len[counter++] = tmp;
+				for(j=0;j<2;j++){
+					if(quant[i+j] > 0) {  /* send out '0' if a positive value */
+						data[counter] = 0;
+						len[counter++] = 1;
+					}
+					if(quant[i+j] < 0) {  /* send out '1' if a negative value */
+						data[counter] = 1;
+						len[counter++] = 1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ((book == 11)){
+		/* First, calculate the indecies into the huffman tables */
+		for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
+			if ((ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) && (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16)) {  /* both codewords were above 16 */
+				/* first, code the orignal pair, with the larger value saturated to +/- 16 */
+				index = 17*16 + 16;
+			}
+			else if (ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) {  /* the first codeword was above 16, not the second one */
+				/* first, code the orignal pair, with the larger value saturated to +/- 16 */
+				index = 17*16 + ABS(quant[i+1]);
+			}
+			else if (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16) { /* the second codeword was above 16, not the first one */
+				index = 17*ABS(quant[i]) + 16;
+			}
+			else {  /* there were no values above 16, so no escape sequences */
+				index = 17*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
+			}
+			/* write out the codewords */
+			tmp = huff11[index][FIRSTINTAB];
+			codebook = huff11[index][LASTINTAB];
+			bits += tmp;
+			if (write_flag) {
+				/*	printf("[book %d] {%d %d} \n",book,quant[i],quant[i+1]);*/
+				data[counter] = codebook;
+				len[counter++] = tmp;
+			}
+			/* Take care of the sign bits */
+			for(j=0;j<2;j++){
+				if(ABS(quant[i+j]) > 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
+			}
+			if (write_flag) {
+				for(j=0;j<2;j++){
+					if(quant[i+j] > 0) {  /* send out '0' if a positive value */
+						data[counter] = 0;
+						len[counter++] = 1;
+					}
+					if(quant[i+j] < 0) {  /* send out '1' if a negative value */
+						data[counter] = 1;
+						len[counter++] = 1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* write out the escape sequences */
+			if ((ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) && (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16)) {  /* both codewords were above 16 */
+				/* code and transmit the first escape_sequence */
+				esc_sequence = calculate_esc_sequence(quant[i],&len_esc); 
+				bits += len_esc;
+				if (write_flag) {
+					data[counter] = esc_sequence;
+					len[counter++] = len_esc;
+				}
+				/* then code and transmit the second escape_sequence */
+				esc_sequence = calculate_esc_sequence(quant[i+1],&len_esc);
+				bits += len_esc;
+				if (write_flag) {
+					data[counter] = esc_sequence;
+					len[counter++] = len_esc;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) {  /* the first codeword was above 16, not the second one */
+				/* code and transmit the escape_sequence */
+				esc_sequence = calculate_esc_sequence(quant[i],&len_esc); 
+				bits += len_esc;
+				if (write_flag) {
+					data[counter] = esc_sequence;
+					len[counter++] = len_esc;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16) { /* the second codeword was above 16, not the first one */
+				/* code and transmit the escape_sequence */
+				esc_sequence = calculate_esc_sequence(quant[i+1],&len_esc); 
+				bits += len_esc;
+				if (write_flag) {
+					data[counter] = esc_sequence;
+					len[counter++] = len_esc;
+				}
+			} 
+		}
+	}
+	quantInfo -> spectralCount = counter;  /* send the current count back to the outside world */
+	return(bits);
+int find_grouping_bits(int window_group_length[],
+					   int num_window_groups
+					   )
+  /* This function inputs the grouping information and outputs the seven bit 
+	'grouping_bits' field that the NBC decoder expects.  */
+	int grouping_bits = 0;
+	int tmp[8];
+	int i,j;
+	int index=0;
+	for(i=0; i<num_window_groups; i++){
+		for (j=0; j<window_group_length[i];j++){
+			tmp[index++] = i;
+		}
+	}
+	for(i=1; i<8; i++){
+		grouping_bits = grouping_bits << 1;
+		if(tmp[i] == tmp[i-1]) {
+			grouping_bits++;
+		}
+	}
+	return(grouping_bits);
+int write_scalefactor_bitstream(BsBitStream* fixed_stream,             /* Bitstream */  
+				int write_flag,                        /* Write flag */
+				AACQuantInfo* quantInfo)               /* Quantization information */
+	/* this function takes care of counting the number of bits necessary */
+	/* to encode the scalefactors.  In addition, if the write_flag == 1, */
+	/* then the scalefactors are written out the fixed_stream output bit */
+	/* stream.  it returns k, the number of bits written to the bitstream*/
+	int i,j,bit_count=0;
+	int diff,length,codeword;
+	int previous_scale_factor;
+	int previous_is_factor;       /* Intensity stereo */
+	int index = 0;
+//	int count = 0;
+//	int group_offset = 0;
+	int nr_of_sfb_per_group;
+	int pns_pcm_flag = 1;
+	int previous_noise_nrg = quantInfo->common_scalefac ;
+	/* set local pointer to quantInfo elements */
+	int* scale_factors = quantInfo->scale_factor;
+	if (quantInfo->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) { /* short windows */
+		nr_of_sfb_per_group = quantInfo->nr_of_sfb/quantInfo->num_window_groups;
+	}
+	else {
+		nr_of_sfb_per_group = quantInfo->nr_of_sfb;
+		quantInfo->num_window_groups = 1;
+		quantInfo->window_group_length[0] = 1;
+	}
+	previous_scale_factor = quantInfo->common_scalefac;
+	previous_is_factor = 0;
+	for(j=0; j<quantInfo->num_window_groups; j++){
+		for(i=0;i<nr_of_sfb_per_group;i++) {  
+			/* test to see if any codebooks in a group are zero */
+			if ( (quantInfo->book_vector[index]==INTENSITY_HCB) ||
+				(quantInfo->book_vector[index]==INTENSITY_HCB2) ) {
+				/* only send scalefactors if using non-zero codebooks */
+				diff = scale_factors[index] - previous_is_factor;
+				if ((diff < 60)&&(diff >= -60))
+					length = huff12[diff+60][FIRSTINTAB];
+				else length = 0;
+				bit_count+=length;
+				previous_is_factor = scale_factors[index];
+				if (write_flag == 1 ) {   
+					codeword = huff12[diff+60][LASTINTAB];
+					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,codeword,length); 
+				}
+			} else if (quantInfo-> book_vector[index] == PNS_HCB){
+				diff = quantInfo->pns_sfb_nrg[index] - previous_noise_nrg;
+				if (pns_pcm_flag) {
+					pns_pcm_flag = 0;
+					length = PNS_PCM_BITS;
+					codeword = diff + PNS_PCM_OFFSET;
+				} else {
+					if (diff<-60  ||  diff>60) {
+						length = 0;
+						codeword = 0;
+					} else {
+						length = huff12[diff+60][FIRSTINTAB];
+						codeword = huff12[diff+60][LASTINTAB];
+					}
+				}
+				bit_count += length;
+				previous_noise_nrg = quantInfo->pns_sfb_nrg[index];
+				if (write_flag == 1 ) {   
+					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,codeword,length); 
+				}
+			} else if (quantInfo->book_vector[index]) {
+				/* only send scalefactors if using non-zero codebooks */
+				diff = scale_factors[index] - previous_scale_factor;
+				if ((diff < 60)&&(diff >= -60))
+					length = huff12[diff+60][FIRSTINTAB];
+				else length = 0;
+				bit_count+=length;
+				previous_scale_factor = scale_factors[index];
+				if (write_flag == 1 ) {   
+					codeword = huff12[diff+60][LASTINTAB];
+					BsPutBit(fixed_stream,codeword,length); 
+				}
+			}
+			index++;
+		}
+	}
+	return(bit_count);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/huffman.h
@@ -1,0 +1,94 @@
+#ifndef HUFFMAN_H
+#define HUFFMAN_H
+#include "pulse.h"
+#include "interface.h"
+#include "tf_main.h"
+#include "tns.h"
+#include "all.h"
+#include "nok_ltp_common.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define PNS_HCB 13                               /* reserved codebook for flagging PNS */
+#define PNS_PCM_BITS 9                           /* size of first (PCM) PNS energy */
+#define PNS_PCM_OFFSET (1 << (PNS_PCM_BITS-1))   /* corresponding PCM transmission offset */
+#define PNS_SF_OFFSET 90                         /* transmission offset for PNS energies */
+// Huffman tables
+#define MAXINDEX 289
+#define NUMINTAB 2
+#define FIRSTINTAB 0
+#define LASTINTAB 1
+void PulseCoder(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo, int *quant);
+void PulseDecoder(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo, int *quant);
+/* sort_book_numbers                                     */
+int sort_book_numbers(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,     /* Quantization information */
+//		  int output_book_vector[],    /* Output codebook vector, formatted for bitstream */
+		  BsBitStream* fixed_stream,   /* Bitstream */
+		  int write_flag);             /* Write flag: 0 count, 1 write */
+/* sort_book_numbers                                     */
+int sort_for_grouping(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,        /* ptr to quantization information */
+		      int sfb_width_table[],          /* Widths of single window */
+		      double *p_spectrum[],           /* Spectral values, noninterleaved */
+		      double *SigMaskRatio,
+		      double *PsySigMaskRatio);
+/* bit_search                                            */
+int bit_search(int quant[NUM_COEFF],  /* Quantized spectral values */
+               AACQuantInfo* quantInfo);       /* Quantization information */
+/* noiseless_bit_count                                   */
+int noiseless_bit_count(int quant[NUM_COEFF],
+			int hop,
+			int min_book_choice[112][3],
+			AACQuantInfo* quantInfo);         /* Quantization information */
+/* output_bits                                           */
+int output_bits(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,
+		/*int huff[13][MAXINDEX][NUMINTAB],*/
+                int book,                /* codebook */
+		int quant[NUM_COEFF],		
+		int offset,
+		int length,
+		int write_flag);
+/* find_grouping_bits                                    */
+int find_grouping_bits(int window_group_length[],
+		       int num_window_groups
+		       );
+/* write_scalefactor_bitstream                           */
+int write_scalefactor_bitstream(BsBitStream* fixed_stream,             /* Bitstream */  
+				int write_flag,                        /* Write flag */
+				AACQuantInfo* quantInfo);              /* Quantization information */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/is.h
+++ b/is.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include "all.h"
 #include "tf_main.h"
-#include "aac_qc.h"
+#include "quant.h"
 #include <math.h>
 #define IS_MIN_BAND_L 0 //28
--- a/ms.h
+++ b/ms.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 #include "all.h"
 #include "tf_main.h"
-#include "aac_qc.h"
+#include "quant.h"
 void MSPreprocess(double p_ratio_long[][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
--- a/pulse.c
+++ b/pulse.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#include "aac_qc.h"
-#include "pulse.h"
+#include "quant.h"
+#include "huffman.h"
 #define STARTSFB 16 // approx. 2kHz
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quant.c
@@ -1,0 +1,946 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "aacenc.h"
+#include "quant.h"
+#include "bitstream.h"
+#include "tf_main.h"
+#include "pulse.h"
+#include "huffman.h"
+#include "aac_se_enc.h"
+double pow_quant[9000];
+double adj_quant[9000];
+double adj_quant_asm[9000];
+int sign[1024];
+int g_Count;
+int old_startsf;
+int pns_sfb_start = 1000;         /* lower border for Perceptual Noise Substitution
+                                      (off by default) */
+double ATH[SFB_NUM_MAX];
+double ATHformula(double f)
+	double ath;
+	f  = max(0.02, f);
+	/* from Painter & Spanias, 1997 */
+	/* minimum: (i=77) 3.3kHz = -5db */
+	ath=(3.640 * pow(f,-0.8)
+		-  6.500 * exp(-0.6*pow(f-3.3,2.0))
+		+  0.001 * pow(f,4.0));
+	/* convert to energy */
+	ath = pow( 10.0, ath/10.0 );
+	return ath;
+void compute_ath(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo, double ATH[SFB_NUM_MAX])
+	int sfb,i,start=0,end=0;
+	double ATH_f;
+	double samp_freq = 44.1;
+	static int width[] = {0, 4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  8,  8,  8, 12, 12, 12, 16, 16, 16};
+	if (quantInfo->block_type==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
+		for ( sfb = 0; sfb < 14; sfb++ ) {
+			start = start+(width[sfb]*8);
+			end   = end+(width[sfb+1]*8);
+			ATH[sfb]=1e99;
+			for (i=start ; i < end; i++) {
+				ATH_f = ATHformula(samp_freq*i/(128)); /* freq in kHz */
+				ATH[sfb]=min(ATH[sfb],ATH_f);
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		for ( sfb = 0; sfb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sfb++ ) {
+			start = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sfb];
+			end   = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sfb+1];
+			ATH[sfb]=1e99;
+			for (i=start ; i < end; i++) {
+				ATH_f = ATHformula(samp_freq*i/(1024)); /* freq in kHz */
+				ATH[sfb]=min(ATH[sfb],ATH_f);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void tf_init_encode_spectrum_aac( int quality )
+	int i;
+	g_Count = quality;
+	old_startsf = 0;
+	for (i=0;i<9000;i++){
+		pow_quant[i]=pow(i, ((double)4.0/(double)3.0));
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<8999;i++){
+		adj_quant[i] = (i + 1) - pow(0.5 * (pow_quant[i] + pow_quant[i + 1]), 0.75);
+	}
+	adj_quant_asm[0] = 0.0;
+	for (i = 1; i < 9000; i++) {
+		adj_quant_asm[i] = i - 0.5 - pow(0.5 * (pow_quant[i - 1] + pow_quant[i]),0.75);
+	}
+#if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__))
+#define USE_GNUC_ASM
+#ifdef USE_GNUC_ASM
+#  define QUANTFAC(rx)  adj_quant_asm[rx]
+#  define XRPOW_FTOI(src, dest) \
+     asm ("fistpl %0 " : "=m"(dest) : "t"(src) : "st")
+#  define QUANTFAC(rx)  adj_quant[rx]
+#  define XRPOW_FTOI(src,dest) ((dest) = (int)(src))
+ * nonlinear quantization of xr
+ * More accurate formula than the ISO formula.  Takes into account
+ * the fact that we are quantizing xr -> ix, but we want ix^4/3 to be
+ * as close as possible to x^4/3.  (taking the nearest int would mean
+ * ix is as close as possible to xr, which is different.)
+ * From Segher Boessenkool <>  11/1999
+ * ASM optimization from
+ *    Mathew Hendry <> 11/1999
+ *    Acy Stapp <> 11/1999
+ *    Takehiro Tominaga <> 11/1999
+ *********************************************************************/
+void quantize(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
+			  double *pow_spectrum,
+			  int *quant)
+	const double istep = pow(2.0, -0.1875*quantInfo->common_scalefac);
+#if ((defined _MSC_VER) || (defined __BORLANDC__))
+	{
+		/* asm from Acy Stapp <> */
+		int rx[4];
+		_asm {
+			fld qword ptr [istep]
+			mov esi, dword ptr [pow_spectrum]
+			lea edi, dword ptr [adj_quant_asm]
+			mov edx, dword ptr [quant]
+			mov ecx, 1024/4
+		}
+		_asm {
+			fld qword ptr [esi]         // 0
+			fld qword ptr [esi+8]       // 1 0
+			fld qword ptr [esi+16]      // 2 1 0
+			fld qword ptr [esi+24]      // 3 2 1 0
+			fxch st(3)                  // 0 2 1 3
+			fmul st(0), st(4)
+			fxch st(2)                  // 1 2 0 3
+			fmul st(0), st(4)
+			fxch st(1)                  // 2 1 0 3
+			fmul st(0), st(4)
+			fxch st(3)                  // 3 1 0 2
+			fmul st(0), st(4)
+			add esi, 32
+			add edx, 16
+			fxch st(2)                  // 0 1 3 2
+			fist dword ptr [rx]
+			fxch st(1)                  // 1 0 3 2
+			fist dword ptr [rx+4]
+			fxch st(3)                  // 2 0 3 1
+			fist dword ptr [rx+8]
+			fxch st(2)                  // 3 0 2 1
+			fist dword ptr [rx+12]
+			dec ecx
+			mov eax, dword ptr [rx]
+			mov ebx, dword ptr [rx+4]
+			fxch st(1)                  // 0 3 2 1
+			fadd qword ptr [edi+eax*8]
+			fxch st(3)                  // 1 3 2 0
+			fadd qword ptr [edi+ebx*8]
+			mov eax, dword ptr [rx+8]
+			mov ebx, dword ptr [rx+12]
+			fxch st(2)                  // 2 3 1 0
+			fadd qword ptr [edi+eax*8]
+			fxch st(1)                  // 3 2 1 0
+			fadd qword ptr [edi+ebx*8]
+			fxch st(3)                  // 0 2 1 3
+			fistp dword ptr [edx-16]    // 2 1 3
+			fxch st(1)                  // 1 2 3
+			fistp dword ptr [edx-12]    // 2 3
+			fistp dword ptr [edx-8]     // 3
+			fistp dword ptr [edx-4]
+			jnz loop1
+			mov dword ptr [pow_spectrum], esi
+			mov dword ptr [quant], edx
+			fstp st(0)
+		}
+	}
+#elif defined (USE_GNUC_ASM)
+  {
+      int rx[4];
+      __asm__ __volatile__(
+        "\n\nloop1:\n\t"
+        "fldl (%1)\n\t"
+        "fldl 8(%1)\n\t"
+        "fldl 16(%1)\n\t"
+        "fldl 24(%1)\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
+        "fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
+        "fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
+        "fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
+        "fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
+        "addl $32, %1\n\t"
+        "addl $16, %3\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
+        "fistl %5\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
+        "fistl 4+%5\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
+        "fistl 8+%5\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
+        "fistl 12+%5\n\t"
+        "dec %4\n\t"
+        "movl %5, %%eax\n\t"
+        "movl 4+%5, %%ebx\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
+        "faddl (%2,%%eax,8)\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
+        "faddl (%2,%%ebx,8)\n\t"
+        "movl 8+%5, %%eax\n\t"
+        "movl 12+%5, %%ebx\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
+        "faddl (%2,%%eax,8)\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
+        "faddl (%2,%%ebx,8)\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
+        "fistpl -16(%3)\n\t"
+        "fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
+        "fistpl -12(%3)\n\t"
+        "fistpl -8(%3)\n\t"
+        "fistpl -4(%3)\n\t"
+        "jnz loop1\n\n"
+        : /* no outputs */
+        : "t" (istep), "r" (pow_spectrum), "r" (adj_quant_asm), "r" (quant), "r" (1024 / 4), "m" (rx)
+        : "%eax", "%ebx", "memory", "cc"
+      );
+  }
+#elif 0
+	{
+		double x;
+		int j, rx;
+		for (j = 1024 / 4; j > 0; --j) {
+			x = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *quant++);
+			x = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *quant++);
+			x = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *quant++);
+			x = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *quant++);
+		}
+	}
+  {/* from  Reported to be 2x faster than
+      the above code (when not using ASM) on PowerPC */
+     	int j;
+     	for ( j = 1024/8; j > 0; --j)
+     	{
+			double	x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
+			int rx1, rx2, rx3, rx4, rx5, rx6, rx7, rx8;
+			x1 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			x2 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x1, rx1);
+			x3 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x2, rx2);
+			x4 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x3, rx3);
+			x5 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x4, rx4);
+			x6 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x5, rx5);
+			x7 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x6, rx6);
+			x8 = *pow_spectrum++ * istep;
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x7, rx7);
+			x1 += QUANTFAC(rx1);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x8, rx8);
+			x2 += QUANTFAC(rx2);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x1,*quant++);
+			x3 += QUANTFAC(rx3);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x2,*quant++);
+			x4 += QUANTFAC(rx4);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x3,*quant++);
+			x5 += QUANTFAC(rx5);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x4,*quant++);
+			x6 += QUANTFAC(rx6);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x5,*quant++);
+			x7 += QUANTFAC(rx7);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x6,*quant++);
+			x8 += QUANTFAC(rx8);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x7,*quant++);
+			XRPOW_FTOI(x8,*quant++);
+     	}
+  }
+int inner_loop(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
+//			   double *p_spectrum,
+			   double *pow_spectrum,
+			   int quant[NUM_COEFF],
+			   int max_bits)
+	int bits;
+	quantInfo->common_scalefac -= 1;
+	do
+	{
+		quantInfo->common_scalefac += 1;
+		quantize(quantInfo, pow_spectrum, quant);
+//		bits = count_bits(quantInfo, quant, quantInfo->book_vector);
+		bits = count_bits(quantInfo, quant);
+	} while ( bits > max_bits );
+	return bits;
+int search_common_scalefac(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
+//						   double *p_spectrum,
+						   double *pow_spectrum,
+						   int quant[NUM_COEFF],
+						   int desired_rate)
+	int flag_GoneOver = 0;
+	int CurrentStep = 4;
+	int nBits;
+	int StepSize = old_startsf;
+	int Direction = 0;
+	do
+	{
+		quantInfo->common_scalefac = StepSize;
+		quantize(quantInfo, pow_spectrum, quant);
+//		nBits = count_bits(quantInfo, quant, quantInfo->book_vector);
+		nBits = count_bits(quantInfo, quant);
+		if (CurrentStep == 1 ) {
+			break; /* nothing to adjust anymore */
+		}
+		if (flag_GoneOver) {
+			CurrentStep /= 2;
+		}
+		if (nBits > desired_rate) { /* increase Quantize_StepSize */
+			if (Direction == -1 && !flag_GoneOver) {
+				flag_GoneOver = 1;
+				CurrentStep /= 2; /* late adjust */
+			}
+			Direction = 1;
+			StepSize += CurrentStep;
+		} else if (nBits < desired_rate) {
+			if (Direction == 1 && !flag_GoneOver) {
+				flag_GoneOver = 1;
+				CurrentStep /= 2; /* late adjust */
+			}
+			Direction = -1;
+			StepSize -= CurrentStep;
+		} else break;
+    } while (1);
+    old_startsf = StepSize;
+    return nBits;
+int calc_noise(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
+				double *p_spectrum,
+				int quant[NUM_COEFF],
+				double requant[NUM_COEFF],
+				double error_energy[SFB_NUM_MAX],
+				double allowed_dist[SFB_NUM_MAX],
+				double *over_noise,
+				double *tot_noise,
+				double *max_noise
+				)
+	int i, sb, sbw;
+	int over = 0, count = 0;
+	double invQuantFac;
+	double linediff;
+	*over_noise = 0.0;
+	*tot_noise = 0.0;
+	*max_noise = -999.0;
+	if (quantInfo->block_type!=ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW)
+		PulseDecoder(quantInfo, quant);
+	for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
+		double max_sb_noise = 0.0;
+		sbw = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb+1] - quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb];
+		invQuantFac = pow(2.0, -0.25*(quantInfo->scale_factor[sb] - quantInfo->common_scalefac));
+		error_energy[sb] = 0.0;
+		for (i = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb]; i < quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++){
+			requant[i] =  pow_quant[min(ABS(quant[i]),8999)] * invQuantFac; 
+			/* measure the distortion in each scalefactor band */
+			linediff = (double)(ABS(p_spectrum[i]) - ABS(requant[i]));
+			linediff *= linediff;
+			error_energy[sb] += linediff;
+			max_sb_noise = max(max_sb_noise, linediff);
+		}
+		error_energy[sb] = error_energy[sb] / sbw;		
+		if( (max_sb_noise > 0) && (error_energy[sb] < 1e-7 ) ) {
+			double diff = max_sb_noise-error_energy[sb];
+			double fac  = pow(diff/max_sb_noise,4);
+			error_energy[sb] += diff*fac;
+		}
+		if (allowed_dist[sb] != 0.0)
+			error_energy[sb] = 10*log10(error_energy[sb] / allowed_dist[sb]);
+		else error_energy[sb] = 0;
+		if (error_energy[sb] > 0) {
+			over++;
+			*over_noise += error_energy[sb];
+		}
+		*tot_noise += error_energy[sb];
+		*max_noise = max(*max_noise, error_energy[sb]);
+		count++;
+  	}
+	if (count>1) *tot_noise /= count;
+	if (over>1) *over_noise /= over;
+	return over;
+//int quant_compare(int best_over, double best_tot_noise, double best_over_noise,
+//				  double best_max_noise, int over, double tot_noise, double over_noise,
+//				  double max_noise)
+int quant_compare(double best_tot_noise, double best_over_noise,
+		  double tot_noise, double over_noise)
+	/*
+	noise is given in decibals (db) relative to masking thesholds.
+	over_noise:  sum of quantization noise > masking
+	tot_noise:   sum of all quantization noise
+	max_noise:   max quantization noise
+	*/
+	int better;
+#if 0
+	better = ((over < best_over) ||
+			((over==best_over) && (over_noise<best_over_noise)) ) ;
+#if 0
+	better = max_noise < best_max_noise;
+#if 0
+	better = tot_noise < best_tot_noise;
+#if 0
+	better = (tot_noise < best_tot_noise) &&
+		(max_noise < best_max_noise + 2);
+#if 0
+	better = ( ( (0>=max_noise) && (best_max_noise>2)) ||
+		( (0>=max_noise) && (best_max_noise<0) && ((best_max_noise+2)>max_noise) && (tot_noise<best_tot_noise) ) ||
+		( (0>=max_noise) && (best_max_noise>0) && ((best_max_noise+2)>max_noise) && (tot_noise<(best_tot_noise+best_over_noise)) ) ||
+		( (0<max_noise) && (best_max_noise>-0.5) && ((best_max_noise+1)>max_noise) && ((tot_noise+over_noise)<(best_tot_noise+best_over_noise)) ) ||
+		( (0<max_noise) && (best_max_noise>-1) && ((best_max_noise+1.5)>max_noise) && ((tot_noise+over_noise+over_noise)<(best_tot_noise+best_over_noise+best_over_noise)) ) );
+#if 1
+	better =   (over_noise <  best_over_noise)
+		|| ((over_noise == best_over_noise)&&(tot_noise < best_tot_noise));
+#if 0
+	better = (over_noise < best_over_noise)
+		||( (over_noise == best_over_noise)
+		&&( (max_noise < best_max_noise)
+		||( (max_noise == best_max_noise)
+		&&(tot_noise <= best_tot_noise)
+		)
+		)
+		);
+	return better;
+int count_bits(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,
+			   int quant[NUM_COEFF]
+//			   ,int output_book_vector[SFB_NUM_MAX*2]
+                        )
+	int i, bits = 0;
+	if (quantInfo->block_type==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW)
+		quantInfo->pulseInfo.pulse_data_present = 0;
+	else
+		PulseCoder(quantInfo, quant);
+	/* find a good method to section the scalefactor bands into huffman codebook sections */
+	bit_search(quant,              /* Quantized spectral values */
+		quantInfo);         /* Quantization information */
+    /* Set special codebook for bands coded via PNS  */
+    if (quantInfo->block_type != ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {     /* long blocks only */
+		for(i=0;i<quantInfo->nr_of_sfb;i++) {
+			if (quantInfo->pns_sfb_flag[i]) {
+				quantInfo->book_vector[i] = PNS_HCB;
+			}
+		}
+    }
+	/* calculate the amount of bits needed for encoding the huffman codebook numbers */
+	bits += sort_book_numbers(quantInfo,             /* Quantization information */
+//		output_book_vector,    /* Output codebook vector, formatted for bitstream */
+		NULL,          /* Bitstream */
+		0);                    /* Write flag: 0 count, 1 write */
+	/* calculate the amount of bits needed for the spectral values */
+	quantInfo -> spectralCount = 0;
+	for(i=0;i< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb;i++) {  
+		bits += output_bits(
+			quantInfo,
+			quantInfo->book_vector[i],
+			quant,
+			quantInfo->sfb_offset[i], 
+			quantInfo->sfb_offset[i+1]-quantInfo->sfb_offset[i],
+			0);
+	}
+	/* the number of bits for the scalefactors */
+	bits += write_scalefactor_bitstream(
+		NULL,             /* Bitstream */  
+		0,                        /* Write flag */
+		quantInfo
+		);
+	/* the total amount of bits required */
+	return bits;
+int tf_encode_spectrum_aac(
+			   double      *p_spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+			   double      *PsySigMaskRatio[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+			   double      allowed_dist[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
+			   double      energy[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
+			   enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+			   int         sfb_width_table[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
+//			   int         nr_of_sfb[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+			   int         average_block_bits,
+//			   int         available_bitreservoir_bits,
+//			   int         padding_limit,
+			   BsBitStream *fixed_stream,
+//			   BsBitStream *var_stream,
+//			   int         nr_of_chan,
+			   double      *p_reconstructed_spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+//			   int         useShortWindows,
+//			   int aacAllowScalefacs,
+			   AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,      /* AAC quantization information */ 
+			   Ch_Info* ch_info
+//			   ,int varBitRate
+//			   ,int bitRate
+                           )
+	int quant[NUM_COEFF];
+	int s_quant[NUM_COEFF];
+	int i;
+//	int j=0;
+	int k;
+	double max_dct_line = 0;
+//	int global_gain;
+	int store_common_scalefac;
+	int best_scale_factor[SFB_NUM_MAX];
+	double pow_spectrum[NUM_COEFF];
+	double requant[NUM_COEFF];
+	int sb;
+	int extra_bits;
+//	int max_bits;
+//	int output_book_vector[SFB_NUM_MAX*2];
+	double SigMaskRatio[SFB_NUM_MAX];
+	IS_Info *is_info;
+	MS_Info *ms_info;
+	int *ptr_book_vector;
+	/* Set up local pointers to quantInfo elements for convenience */
+	int* sfb_offset = quantInfo -> sfb_offset;
+	int* scale_factor = quantInfo -> scale_factor;
+	int* common_scalefac = &(quantInfo -> common_scalefac);
+	int outer_loop_count, notdone;
+	int over, better;
+//      int best_over = 100;
+//	int sfb_overflow;
+	int best_common_scalefac;
+	double noise_thresh;
+	double sfQuantFac;
+	double over_noise, tot_noise, max_noise;
+	double noise[SFB_NUM_MAX];
+//	double best_max_noise = 0;
+	double best_over_noise = 0;
+	double best_tot_noise = 0;
+//	static int init = -1;
+	/* Set block type in quantization info */
+	quantInfo -> block_type = block_type[MONO_CHAN];
+#if 0
+	if (init != quantInfo->block_type) {
+		init = quantInfo->block_type;
+		compute_ath(quantInfo, ATH);
+	}
+	sfQuantFac = pow(2.0, 0.1875);
+	/** create the sfb_offset tables **/
+	if (quantInfo->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
+		/* Now compute interleaved sf bands and spectrum */
+		sort_for_grouping(
+			quantInfo,                       /* ptr to quantization information */
+			sfb_width_table[MONO_CHAN],      /* Widths of single window */
+			p_spectrum,                      /* Spectral values, noninterleaved */
+			SigMaskRatio,
+			PsySigMaskRatio[MONO_CHAN]
+			);
+		extra_bits = 51;
+	} else{
+		/* For long windows, band are not actually interleaved */
+		if ((quantInfo -> block_type == ONLY_LONG_WINDOW) ||  
+			(quantInfo -> block_type == LONG_SHORT_WINDOW) ||
+			(quantInfo -> block_type == SHORT_LONG_WINDOW)) {
+			quantInfo->nr_of_sfb = quantInfo->max_sfb;
+			sfb_offset[0] = 0;
+			k=0;
+			for( i=0; i< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb; i++ ){
+				sfb_offset[i] = k;
+				k +=sfb_width_table[MONO_CHAN][i];
+				SigMaskRatio[i]=PsySigMaskRatio[MONO_CHAN][i];
+			}
+			sfb_offset[i] = k;
+			extra_bits = 100; /* header bits and more ... */
+		} 
+	}
+	extra_bits += 1;
+    /* Take into account bits for TNS data */
+    extra_bits += WriteTNSData(quantInfo,fixed_stream,0);    /* Count but don't write */
+    if(quantInfo->block_type!=ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW)
+		/* Take into account bits for LTP data */
+		extra_bits += WriteLTP_PredictorData(quantInfo, fixed_stream, 0); /* Count but don't write */
+    /* for short windows, compute interleaved energy here */
+    if (quantInfo->block_type==ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
+		int numWindowGroups = quantInfo->num_window_groups;
+		int maxBand = quantInfo->max_sfb;
+		int windowOffset=0;
+		int sfb_index=0;
+		int g;
+		for (g=0;g<numWindowGroups;g++) {
+			int numWindowsThisGroup = quantInfo->window_group_length[g];
+			int b;
+			for (b=0;b<maxBand;b++) {
+				double sum=0.0;
+				int w;
+				for (w=0;w<numWindowsThisGroup;w++) {
+					int bandNum = (w+windowOffset)*maxBand + b;
+					sum += energy[MONO_CHAN][bandNum];
+				}
+				energy[MONO_CHAN][sfb_index] = sum;
+				sfb_index++;
+			}
+			windowOffset += numWindowsThisGroup;
+		}
+    } 
+	/* initialize the scale_factors that aren't intensity stereo bands */
+	is_info=&(ch_info->is_info);
+	for(k=0; k< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb ;k++) {
+		scale_factor[k]=((is_info->is_present)&&(is_info->is_used[k])) ? scale_factor[k] : 0/*min(5,(int)(1.0/SigMaskRatio[k]+0.5))*/;
+	}
+	/* Mark IS bands by setting book_vector to INTENSITY_HCB */
+	ptr_book_vector=quantInfo->book_vector;
+	for (k=0;k<quantInfo->nr_of_sfb;k++) {
+		if ((is_info->is_present)&&(is_info->is_used[k])) {
+			ptr_book_vector[k] = (is_info->sign[k]) ? INTENSITY_HCB2 : INTENSITY_HCB;
+		} else {
+			ptr_book_vector[k] = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	/* PNS prepare */
+	ms_info=&(ch_info->ms_info);
+    for(sb=0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++ )
+		quantInfo->pns_sfb_flag[sb] = 0;
+//	if (block_type[MONO_CHAN] != ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {     /* long blocks only */
+		for(sb = pns_sfb_start; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++ ) {
+			/* Calc. pseudo scalefactor */
+			if (energy[0][sb] == 0.0) {
+				quantInfo->pns_sfb_flag[sb] = 0;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if ((is_info->is_present)&&(!is_info->is_used[sb])) {
+				if ((ms_info->is_present)&&(!ms_info->ms_used[sb])) {
+					if ((10*log10(energy[MONO_CHAN][sb]*sfb_width_table[0][sb]+1e-60)<70)||(SigMaskRatio[sb] > 1.0)) {
+						quantInfo->pns_sfb_flag[sb] = 1;
+						quantInfo->pns_sfb_nrg[sb] = (int) (2.0 * log(energy[0][sb]*sfb_width_table[0][sb]+1e-60) / log(2.0) + 0.5) + PNS_SF_OFFSET;
+						/* Erase spectral lines */
+						for( i=sfb_offset[sb]; i<sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++ ) {
+							p_spectrum[0][i] = 0.0;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+//	}
+	/* Compute allowed distortion */
+	for(sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
+		allowed_dist[MONO_CHAN][sb] = energy[MONO_CHAN][sb] * SigMaskRatio[sb];
+//		if (allowed_dist[MONO_CHAN][sb] < ATH[sb]) {
+//			printf("%d Yes\n", sb);
+//			allowed_dist[MONO_CHAN][sb] = ATH[sb];
+//		}
+//		printf("%d\t\t%.3f\n", sb, SigMaskRatio[sb]);
+	}
+	/** find the maximum spectral coefficient **/
+	/* Bug fix, 3/10/98 CL */
+	/* for(i=0; i<NUM_COEFF; i++){ */
+	for(i=0; i < sfb_offset[quantInfo->nr_of_sfb]; i++){
+		pow_spectrum[i] = (pow(ABS(p_spectrum[0][i]), 0.75));
+		sign[i] = sgn(p_spectrum[0][i]);
+		if ((ABS(p_spectrum[0][i])) > max_dct_line){
+			max_dct_line = ABS(p_spectrum[0][i]);
+		}
+	}
+	if (max_dct_line!=0.0) {
+		if ((int)(16/3 * (log(ABS(pow(max_dct_line,0.75)/MAX_QUANT)/log(2.0)))) > old_startsf) {
+			old_startsf = (int)(16/3 * (log(ABS(pow(max_dct_line,0.75)/MAX_QUANT)/log(2.0))));
+		}
+		if ((old_startsf > 200) || (old_startsf < 40))
+			old_startsf = 40;
+	}
+	outer_loop_count = 0;
+	notdone = 1;
+	if (max_dct_line == 0) {
+		notdone = 0;
+	}
+	while (notdone) { // outer iteration loop
+		outer_loop_count++;
+		over = 0;
+//		sfb_overflow = 0;
+//		if (max_dct_line == 0.0)
+//			sfb_overflow = 1;
+		if (outer_loop_count == 1) {
+//			max_bits = search_common_scalefac(quantInfo, p_spectrum[0], pow_spectrum,
+//				quant, average_block_bits);
+			search_common_scalefac(quantInfo, pow_spectrum, quant, average_block_bits);
+		}
+//		max_bits = inner_loop(quantInfo, p_spectrum[0], pow_spectrum,
+//			quant, average_block_bits) + extra_bits;
+		inner_loop(quantInfo, pow_spectrum, quant, average_block_bits);
+		store_common_scalefac = quantInfo->common_scalefac;
+		if (notdone) {
+			over = calc_noise(quantInfo, p_spectrum[0], quant, requant, noise, allowed_dist[0],
+				&over_noise, &tot_noise, &max_noise);
+//			better = quant_compare(best_over, best_tot_noise, best_over_noise,
+//				best_max_noise, over, tot_noise, over_noise, max_noise);
+			better = quant_compare(best_tot_noise, best_over_noise,
+				               tot_noise, over_noise);
+			for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
+				if (scale_factor[sb] > 59) {
+//					sfb_overflow = 1;
+					better = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			if (outer_loop_count == 1)
+				better = 1;
+			if (better) {
+//				best_over = over;
+//				best_max_noise = max_noise;
+				best_over_noise = over_noise;
+				best_tot_noise = tot_noise;
+				best_common_scalefac = store_common_scalefac;
+				for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
+					best_scale_factor[sb] = scale_factor[sb];
+				}
+				memcpy(s_quant, quant, sizeof(int)*NUM_COEFF);
+			}
+		}
+		if (over == 0) notdone=0;
+		if (notdone) {
+			notdone = 0;
+			noise_thresh = -900;
+			for ( sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++ )
+				noise_thresh = max(1.05*noise[sb], noise_thresh);
+			noise_thresh = min(noise_thresh, 0.0);
+			for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
+				if ((noise[sb] > noise_thresh)&&(quantInfo->book_vector[sb]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(quantInfo->book_vector[sb]!=INTENSITY_HCB2)) {
+					allowed_dist[0][sb] *= 2;
+					scale_factor[sb]++;
+					for (i = quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb]; i < quantInfo->sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++){
+						pow_spectrum[i] *= sfQuantFac;
+					}
+					notdone = 1;
+				}
+			}
+			for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
+				if (scale_factor[sb] > 59)
+					notdone = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		if (notdone) {
+			notdone = 0;
+			for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++)
+				if (scale_factor[sb] == 0)
+					notdone = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	if (max_dct_line > 0) {
+		*common_scalefac = best_common_scalefac;
+		for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
+			scale_factor[sb] = best_scale_factor[sb];
+//			printf("%d\t%d\n", sb, scale_factor[sb]);
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
+			quant[i] = s_quant[i]*sign[i];
+	} else {
+		*common_scalefac = 0;
+		for (sb = 0; sb < quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; sb++) {
+			scale_factor[sb] = 0;
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
+			quant[i] = 0;
+	}
+	calc_noise(quantInfo, p_spectrum[0], quant, requant, noise, allowed_dist[0],
+			&over_noise, &tot_noise, &max_noise);
+//	count_bits(quantInfo, quant, output_book_vector);
+	count_bits(quantInfo, quant);
+	if (quantInfo->block_type!=ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW)
+		PulseDecoder(quantInfo, quant);
+//	for( sb=0; sb< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb; sb++ ) {
+//		printf("%d error: %.4f all.dist.: %.4f energy: %.4f\n", sb,
+//			noise[sb], allowed_dist[0][sb], energy[0][sb]);
+//	}
+	/* offset the differenec of common_scalefac and scalefactors by SF_OFFSET  */
+	for (i=0; i<quantInfo->nr_of_sfb; i++){
+		if ((ptr_book_vector[i]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(ptr_book_vector[i]!=INTENSITY_HCB2)) {
+			scale_factor[i] = *common_scalefac - scale_factor[i] + SF_OFFSET;
+		}
+	}
+//	*common_scalefac = global_gain = scale_factor[0];
+	*common_scalefac = scale_factor[0];
+	/* place the codewords and their respective lengths in arrays data[] and len[] respectively */
+	/* there are 'counter' elements in each array, and these are variable length arrays depending on the input */
+	quantInfo -> spectralCount = 0;
+	for(k=0;k< quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb; k++) {
+		output_bits(
+			quantInfo,
+			quantInfo->book_vector[k],
+			quant,
+			quantInfo->sfb_offset[k],
+			quantInfo->sfb_offset[k+1]-quantInfo->sfb_offset[k],
+			1);
+//		printf("%d\t%d\n",k,quantInfo->book_vector[k]);
+	}
+	/* write the reconstructed spectrum to the output for use with prediction */
+	{
+		int i;
+		for (sb=0; sb<quantInfo -> nr_of_sfb; sb++){
+			if ((ptr_book_vector[sb]==INTENSITY_HCB)||(ptr_book_vector[sb]==INTENSITY_HCB2)){
+				for (i=sfb_offset[sb]; i<sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++){
+					p_reconstructed_spectrum[0][i]=673;
+				}
+			} else {
+				for (i=sfb_offset[sb]; i<sfb_offset[sb+1]; i++){
+					p_reconstructed_spectrum[0][i] = sgn(p_spectrum[0][i]) * requant[i];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return FNO_ERROR;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quant.h
@@ -1,0 +1,119 @@
+#ifndef QUANT_H
+#define QUANT_H
+#include "pulse.h"
+#include "interface.h"
+#include "tf_main.h"
+#include "tns.h"
+#include "all.h"
+#include "nok_ltp_common.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* assumptions for the first run of this quantizer */
+#define CHANNEL  1
+#define NUM_COEFF  BLOCK_LEN_LONG       /* now using BLOCK_LEN_LONG of block.h */
+#define MAGIC_NUMBER  0.4054
+#define MAX_QUANT 8192
+#define SF_OFFSET 100
+#define ABS(A) ((A) < 0 ? (-A) : (A))
+#define sgn(A) ((A) > 0 ? (1) : (-1))
+#define SFB_NUM_MAX MAX_SCFAC_BANDS     /* now using MAX_SCFAC_BANDS of tf_main.h */
+extern int pns_sfb_start;                        /* lower border for PNS */
+/* AACQuantInfo, info for AAC quantization and coding.   */
+typedef struct {
+  int max_sfb;                          /* max_sfb, should = nr_of_sfb/num_window_groups */
+  int nr_of_sfb;                        /* Number of scalefactor bands, interleaved */
+  int spectralCount;                    /* Number of spectral data coefficients */
+  enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type;	        /* Block type */      
+  int scale_factor[SFB_NUM_MAX];        /* Scalefactor data array , interleaved */			
+  int sfb_offset[250];                  /* Scalefactor spectral offset, interleaved */
+  int book_vector[SFB_NUM_MAX];         /* Huffman codebook selected for each sf band */
+  int data[5*NUM_COEFF];                /* Data of spectral bitstream elements, for each spectral pair, 
+                                           5 elements are required: 1*(esc)+2*(sign)+2*(esc value)=5 */
+  int len[5*NUM_COEFF];                 /* Lengths of spectral bitstream elements */
+  int num_window_groups;                /* Number of window groups */
+  int window_group_length
+    [MAX_SHORT_IN_LONG_BLOCK];          /* Length (in windows) of each window group */
+  int common_scalefac;                  /* Global gain */
+  Window_shape window_shape;            /* Window shape parameter */
+  Window_shape prev_window_shape;       /* Previous window shape parameter */
+  short pred_global_flag;               /* Global prediction enable flag */
+  int pred_sfb_flag[SFB_NUM_MAX];       /* Prediction enable flag for each scalefactor band */
+  int reset_group_number;               /* Prediction reset group number */
+  TNS_INFO* tnsInfo;                    /* Ptr to tns data */
+  AACPulseInfo pulseInfo;
+  NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS *ltpInfo;          /* Prt to LTP data */
+  int pns_sfb_nrg[SFB_NUM_MAX];
+  int pns_sfb_flag[SFB_NUM_MAX];
+  int profile;
+  int srate_idx;
+} AACQuantInfo;
+void quantize(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
+			  double *pow_spectrum,
+			  int quant[NUM_COEFF]
+			  );
+void dequantize(AACQuantInfo *quantInfo,
+				double *p_spectrum,
+				int quant[NUM_COEFF],
+				double requant[NUM_COEFF],
+				double error_energy[SFB_NUM_MAX]
+				);
+int count_bits(AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,
+			   int quant[NUM_COEFF]
+//			   ,int output_book_vector[SFB_NUM_MAX*2]
+                           );
+/* tf_init_encode_spectrum_aac                           */
+void tf_init_encode_spectrum_aac( int quality );
+/* tf_encode_spectrum_aac                                */
+int tf_encode_spectrum_aac(
+			   double      *p_spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+			   double      *SigMaksRatio[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+			   double      allowed_dist[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
+			   double      energy[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
+			   enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+			   int         sfb_width_table[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS][MAX_SCFAC_BANDS],
+//			   int         nr_of_sfb[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+			   int         average_block_bits,
+//			   int         available_bitreservoir_bits,
+//			   int         padding_limit,
+			   BsBitStream *fixed_stream,
+//			   BsBitStream *var_stream,
+//			   int         nr_of_chan,
+			   double      *p_reconstructed_spectrum[MAX_TIME_CHANNELS],
+//			   int         useShortWindows,
+//			   int         aacAllowScalefacs,
+			   AACQuantInfo* quantInfo,      /* AAC quantization information */
+			   Ch_Info *ch_info
+//			   ,int varBitRate
+//			   ,int bitRate
+                           );
+#ifdef __cplusplus