shithub: aacenc

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ref: c23025129e9516b0fa58540cb8432b2e443f89c6
parent: 85fec2ce0da580d0a86c731336e906a7feeb662f
author: menno <menno>
date: Tue Aug 8 04:35:19 EDT 2000

Changed for multichannel support

--- a/mc_enc.c
+++ b/mc_enc.c
@@ -1,19 +1,7 @@
- *
- * Multichannel allocation module.
- *
- * Authors:
- * CL    Chuck Lueck, TI <>
- * RG    Ralf Geiger, FhG/IIS
- *
- * Changes:
- * 22-jan-98   CL   Initial revision.
- * 07-apr-98   RG   Added determination of LFE channel.
- ***************************************************************************************/
 #include "mc_enc.h"
-void DetermineChInfo(Ch_Info* chInfo, int numChannels) {
+void DetermineChInfo(Ch_Info* chInfo, int numChannels/*, int lfePresent*/) {
   /* If LFE present                                                       */
   /*  Num channels       # of SCE's       # of CPE's       #of LFE's      */ 
@@ -40,45 +28,60 @@
   /*      2*N                2                2*(N-1)         0           */
   /*      2*N+1              1                2*N             0           */
-  int sceTag=0;
-  int cpeTag=0;
-  int numChannelsLeft=numChannels;
+	int sceTag=0;
+	int lfeTag=0;
+	int cpeTag=0;
+	int numChannelsLeft=numChannels;
-  /* First element is sce, except for 2 channel case */
-  if (numChannelsLeft!=2) {
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].present = 1;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].tag=sceTag++;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].cpe=0;
-    numChannelsLeft--;
-  }
+	/* First element is sce, except for 2 channel case */
+	if (numChannelsLeft!=2) {
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].present = 1;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].tag=sceTag++;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].cpe=0;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].lfe=0;    
+		numChannelsLeft--;
+	}
-  /* Next elements are cpe's */
-  while (numChannelsLeft>1) {
-    /* Left channel info */
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].present = 1;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].tag=cpeTag++;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].cpe=1;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].common_window=0;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].ch_is_left=1;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].paired_ch=numChannels-numChannelsLeft+1;
-    numChannelsLeft--;
-    /* Right channel info */
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].present = 1;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].cpe=1;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].common_window=0;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].ch_is_left=0;
-    chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].paired_ch=numChannels-numChannelsLeft-1;
-    numChannelsLeft--;
-  }
-  /* Is there another channel left ? */
-  if (numChannelsLeft) {
-      chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].present = 1;
-      chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].tag=sceTag++;
-      chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].cpe=0;
-    numChannelsLeft--;
-  }
+	/* Next elements are cpe's */
+	while (numChannelsLeft>1) {
+		/* Left channel info */
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].present = 1;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].tag=cpeTag++;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].cpe=1;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].common_window=0;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].ch_is_left=1;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].paired_ch=numChannels-numChannelsLeft+1;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].lfe=0;    
+		numChannelsLeft--;
+		/* Right channel info */
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].present = 1;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].cpe=1;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].common_window=0;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].ch_is_left=0;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].paired_ch=numChannels-numChannelsLeft-1;
+		chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].lfe=0;
+		numChannelsLeft--;
+	}
+	/* Is there another channel left ?  If -lf switched then lfe else sce */
+	if (numChannelsLeft) {
+/*		if (lfePresent) { 
+			chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].present = 1;
+			chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].tag=lfeTag++;
+			chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].cpe=0;
+			chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].lfe=1; 
+		} else { */
+			chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].present = 1;
+			chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].tag=sceTag++;
+			chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].cpe=0;
+			chInfo[numChannels-numChannelsLeft].lfe=0;
+//		}
+		numChannelsLeft--;
+	} else {
+//		if (lfePresent) CommonExit(1,"no LFE channel detected");
+	}
--- a/mc_enc.h
+++ b/mc_enc.h
@@ -1,47 +1,13 @@
-/************************* MPEG-2 NBC Audio Decoder **************************
- *                                                                           *
-"This software module was originally developed in the course of 
-development of the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio standard ISO/IEC 13818-7, 
-14496-1,2 and 3. This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more 
-MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio tools as specified by the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 
-Audio standard. ISO/IEC  gives users of the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio 
-standards free license to this software module or modifications thereof for use in 
-hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4
-Audio  standards. Those intending to use this software module in hardware or 
-software products are advised that this use may infringe existing patents. 
-The original developer of this software module and his/her company, the subsequent 
-editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software 
-module or modifications thereof in an implementation. Copyright is not released for 
-non MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio conforming products.The original developer
-retains full right to use the code for his/her  own purpose, assign or donate the 
-code to a third party and to inhibit third party from using the code for non 
-MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio conforming products. This copyright notice must
-be included in all copies or derivative works." 
- *                                                                           *
- ****************************************************************************/
- *
- * Multichannel allocation module.
- *
- * Authors:
- * CL    Chuck Lueck, TI <>
- * RG    Ralf Geiger, FhG/IIS
- *
- * Changes:
- * 22-jan-98   CL   Initial revision.
- * 07-apr-98   RG   Added determination of LFE channel.
- ***************************************************************************************/
 #ifndef MC_ENC
 #define MC_ENC
 #include "all.h"
-void DetermineChInfo(Ch_Info* chInfo, int numChannels);
+void DetermineChInfo(Ch_Info* chInfo, int numChannels/*, int lfePresent*/);