shithub: libvpx

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ref: da5e2463fac0ca5aff84f7eae181584aa491f1b7
parent: c182725cbc9e1e4892784a24c32b1bed80047b0c
author: chiyotsai <>
date: Wed Jan 16 05:53:56 EST 2019

Add unit test for temporal filter on VP9

The current unit tests for temporal filtering only tests single
channel version of temporal filter. Since VP9 currently uses both luma
and chroma channel information for temporal filtering on low bitdepth,
there is no unit case in this scenario.

This commit adds some basic unit tests to facilitate further development
on temporal filtering.


Change-Id: Id38ceba5305865d7148e9b2bc636acddae54d6c2

--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@
 ifneq ($(CONFIG_REALTIME_ONLY),yes)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,0 +1,479 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2019 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <limits>
+#include "third_party/googletest/src/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "./vp9_rtcd.h"
+#include "test/acm_random.h"
+#include "test/buffer.h"
+#include "test/register_state_check.h"
+#include "vpx_ports/vpx_timer.h"
+namespace {
+using ::libvpx_test::ACMRandom;
+using ::libvpx_test::Buffer;
+typedef void (*YUVTemporalFilterFunc)(
+    const uint8_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint8_t *y_pre,
+    int y_pre_stride, const uint8_t *u_src, const uint8_t *v_src,
+    int uv_src_stride, const uint8_t *u_pre, const uint8_t *v_pre,
+    int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height,
+    int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, const int *const blk_fw, int use_32x32,
+    uint32_t *y_accumulator, uint16_t *y_count, uint32_t *u_accumulator,
+    uint16_t *u_count, uint32_t *v_accumulator, uint16_t *v_count);
+static INLINE int get_filter_weight(unsigned int row, unsigned int col,
+                                    unsigned int block_height,
+                                    unsigned int block_width,
+                                    const int *const blk_fw, int use_32x32) {
+  if (use_32x32) {
+    return blk_fw[0];
+  }
+  return blk_fw[2 * (row >= block_height / 2) + (col >= block_width / 2)];
+static INLINE int mod_index(int sum_dist, int index, int rounding, int strength,
+                            int filter_weight) {
+  int mod = (sum_dist * 3) / index;
+  mod += rounding;
+  mod >>= strength;
+  mod = VPXMIN(16, mod);
+  mod = 16 - mod;
+  mod *= filter_weight;
+  return mod;
+void reference_filter(
+    const Buffer<uint8_t> &y_src, const Buffer<uint8_t> &y_pre,
+    const Buffer<uint8_t> &u_src, const Buffer<uint8_t> &v_src,
+    const Buffer<uint8_t> &u_pre, const Buffer<uint8_t> &v_pre,
+    unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height, int ss_x, int ss_y,
+    int strength, const int *const blk_fw, int use_32x32,
+    Buffer<uint32_t> *y_accumulator, Buffer<uint16_t> *y_count,
+    Buffer<uint32_t> *u_accumulator, Buffer<uint16_t> *u_count,
+    Buffer<uint32_t> *v_accumulator, Buffer<uint16_t> *v_count) {
+  // blk_fw means block_filter_weight
+  // Set up buffer to store squared_diffs
+  Buffer<int> y_dif = Buffer<int>(block_width, block_height, 0);
+  const int uv_block_width = block_width >> ss_x;
+  const int uv_block_height = block_height >> ss_y;
+  Buffer<int> u_dif = Buffer<int>(uv_block_width, uv_block_height, 0);
+  Buffer<int> v_dif = Buffer<int>(uv_block_width, uv_block_height, 0);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_dif.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(u_dif.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v_dif.Init());
+  y_dif.Set(0);
+  u_dif.Set(0);
+  v_dif.Set(0);
+  // How many bits to we want round
+  ASSERT_GE(strength, 0);
+  ASSERT_LE(strength, 6);
+  int rounding = 0;
+  if (strength > 0) {
+    rounding = 1 << (strength - 1);
+  }
+  // Check that the buffers are valid
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_src.TopLeftPixel() != NULL);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_pre.TopLeftPixel() != NULL);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_dif.TopLeftPixel() != NULL);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(u_src.TopLeftPixel() != NULL);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(u_pre.TopLeftPixel() != NULL);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(u_dif.TopLeftPixel() != NULL);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v_src.TopLeftPixel() != NULL);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v_pre.TopLeftPixel() != NULL);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(v_dif.TopLeftPixel() != NULL);
+  // Get the square diffs
+  for (int row = 0; row < (int)block_height; row++) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < (int)block_width; col++) {
+      int diff = y_src.TopLeftPixel()[row * y_src.stride() + col] -
+                 y_pre.TopLeftPixel()[row * y_pre.stride() + col];
+      y_dif.TopLeftPixel()[row * y_dif.stride() + col] = diff * diff;
+    }
+  }
+  for (int row = 0; row < uv_block_height; row++) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < uv_block_width; col++) {
+      int u_diff = u_src.TopLeftPixel()[row * u_src.stride() + col] -
+                   u_pre.TopLeftPixel()[row * u_pre.stride() + col];
+      int v_diff = v_src.TopLeftPixel()[row * v_src.stride() + col] -
+                   v_pre.TopLeftPixel()[row * v_pre.stride() + col];
+      u_dif.TopLeftPixel()[row * u_dif.stride() + col] = u_diff * u_diff;
+      v_dif.TopLeftPixel()[row * v_dif.stride() + col] = v_diff * v_diff;
+    }
+  }
+  // Apply the filter
+  for (int row = 0; row < (int)block_height; row++) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < (int)block_width; col++) {
+      const int uv_r = row >> ss_y;
+      const int uv_c = col >> ss_x;
+      int filter_weight = get_filter_weight(row, col, block_height, block_width,
+                                            blk_fw, use_32x32);
+      // First we get the modifier for the current y pixel
+      const int y_pixel = y_pre.TopLeftPixel()[row * y_pre.stride() + col];
+      int y_num_used = 0;
+      int y_mod = 0;
+      // Sum the neighboring 3x3 y pixels
+      for (int row_step = -1; row_step <= 1; row_step++) {
+        for (int col_step = -1; col_step <= 1; col_step++) {
+          const int sub_row = row + row_step;
+          const int sub_col = col + col_step;
+          if (sub_row >= 0 && sub_row < (int)block_height && sub_col >= 0 &&
+              sub_col < (int)block_width) {
+            y_mod += y_dif.TopLeftPixel()[sub_row * y_dif.stride() + sub_col];
+            y_num_used++;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      ASSERT_GE(y_num_used, 0);
+      // Sum the corresponding uv pixels to the current y modifier
+      // Note we are rounding down instead of rounding to the nearest pixel.
+      y_mod += u_dif.TopLeftPixel()[uv_r * uv_block_width + uv_c];
+      y_mod += v_dif.TopLeftPixel()[uv_r * uv_block_width + uv_c];
+      y_num_used += 2;
+      // Set the modifier
+      y_mod = mod_index(y_mod, y_num_used, rounding, strength, filter_weight);
+      // Accumulate the result
+      y_count->TopLeftPixel()[row * y_count->stride() + col] += y_mod;
+      y_accumulator->TopLeftPixel()[row * y_accumulator->stride() + col] +=
+          y_mod * y_pixel;
+      // Get the modifier for chroma components
+      if (!(row & ss_y) && !(col & ss_x)) {
+        const int u_pixel = u_pre.TopLeftPixel()[uv_r * u_pre.stride() + uv_c];
+        const int v_pixel = v_pre.TopLeftPixel()[uv_r * v_pre.stride() + uv_c];
+        int uv_num_used = 0;
+        int u_mod = 0, v_mod = 0;
+        // Sum the neighboring 3x3 chromal pixels to the chroma modifier
+        for (int row_step = -1; row_step <= 1; row_step++) {
+          for (int col_step = -1; col_step <= 1; col_step++) {
+            const int sub_row = uv_r + row_step;
+            const int sub_col = uv_c + col_step;
+            if (sub_row >= 0 && sub_row < uv_block_height && sub_col >= 0 &&
+                sub_col < uv_block_width) {
+              u_mod += u_dif.TopLeftPixel()[sub_row * uv_block_width + sub_col];
+              v_mod += v_dif.TopLeftPixel()[sub_row * uv_block_width + sub_col];
+              uv_num_used++;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        assert(uv_num_used > 0);
+        // Sum all the luma pixels associated with the current luma pixel
+        for (int row_step = 0; row_step < 1 + ss_y; row_step++) {
+          for (int col_step = 0; col_step < 1 + ss_x; col_step++) {
+            const int sub_row = (uv_r << ss_y) + row_step;
+            const int sub_col = (uv_c << ss_x) + col_step;
+            const int y_diff =
+                y_dif.TopLeftPixel()[sub_row * y_dif.stride() + sub_col];
+            u_mod += y_diff;
+            v_mod += y_diff;
+            uv_num_used++;
+          }
+        }
+        // Set the modifier
+        u_mod =
+            mod_index(u_mod, uv_num_used, rounding, strength, filter_weight);
+        v_mod =
+            mod_index(v_mod, uv_num_used, rounding, strength, filter_weight);
+        // Accumuate the result
+        u_count->TopLeftPixel()[uv_r * u_count->stride() + uv_c] += u_mod;
+        u_accumulator->TopLeftPixel()[uv_r * u_accumulator->stride() + uv_c] +=
+            u_mod * u_pixel;
+        v_count->TopLeftPixel()[uv_r * u_count->stride() + uv_c] += v_mod;
+        v_accumulator->TopLeftPixel()[uv_r * v_accumulator->stride() + uv_c] +=
+            v_mod * v_pixel;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+class YUVTemporalFilterTest
+    : public ::testing::TestWithParam<YUVTemporalFilterFunc> {
+ public:
+  virtual void SetUp() {
+    filter_func_ = GetParam();
+    rnd_.Reset(ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed());
+  }
+ protected:
+  YUVTemporalFilterFunc filter_func_;
+  ACMRandom rnd_;
+TEST_P(YUVTemporalFilterTest, USE_32X32) {
+  const int width = 32, height = 32;
+  Buffer<uint8_t> y_src = Buffer<uint8_t>(width, height, 8);
+  Buffer<uint8_t> y_pre = Buffer<uint8_t>(width, height, 0);
+  Buffer<uint16_t> y_count_ref = Buffer<uint16_t>(width, height, 0);
+  Buffer<uint32_t> y_accum_ref = Buffer<uint32_t>(width, height, 0);
+  Buffer<uint16_t> y_count_tst = Buffer<uint16_t>(width, height, 0);
+  Buffer<uint32_t> y_accum_tst = Buffer<uint32_t>(width, height, 0);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_src.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_pre.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_count_ref.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_accum_ref.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_count_tst.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_accum_tst.Init());
+  const int use_32x32 = 1;
+  for (int ss_x = 0; ss_x <= 1; ss_x++) {
+    for (int ss_y = 0; ss_y <= 1; ss_y++) {
+      for (int filter_strength = 0; filter_strength <= 6;
+           filter_strength += 2) {
+        for (int filter_weight = 0; filter_weight <= 2; filter_weight++) {
+          const int uv_width = width >> ss_x, uv_height = height >> ss_y;
+          Buffer<uint8_t> u_src = Buffer<uint8_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 8);
+          Buffer<uint8_t> u_pre = Buffer<uint8_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint16_t> u_count_ref =
+              Buffer<uint16_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint32_t> u_accum_ref =
+              Buffer<uint32_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint16_t> u_count_tst =
+              Buffer<uint16_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint32_t> u_accum_tst =
+              Buffer<uint32_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_src.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_pre.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_count_ref.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_accum_ref.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_count_tst.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_accum_tst.Init());
+          Buffer<uint8_t> v_src = Buffer<uint8_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 8);
+          Buffer<uint8_t> v_pre = Buffer<uint8_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint16_t> v_count_ref =
+              Buffer<uint16_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint32_t> v_accum_ref =
+              Buffer<uint32_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint16_t> v_count_tst =
+              Buffer<uint16_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint32_t> v_accum_tst =
+              Buffer<uint32_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_src.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_pre.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_count_ref.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_accum_ref.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_count_tst.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_accum_tst.Init());
+          // The difference between the buffers must be small to pass the
+          // threshold to apply the filter.
+          y_src.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          y_pre.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          u_src.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          u_pre.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          v_src.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          v_pre.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          y_accum_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          y_accum_tst.CopyFrom(y_accum_ref);
+          y_count_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          y_count_tst.CopyFrom(y_count_ref);
+          u_accum_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          u_accum_tst.CopyFrom(u_accum_ref);
+          u_count_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          u_count_tst.CopyFrom(u_count_ref);
+          v_accum_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          v_accum_tst.CopyFrom(v_accum_ref);
+          v_count_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          v_count_tst.CopyFrom(v_count_ref);
+          reference_filter(y_src, y_pre, u_src, v_src, u_pre, v_pre, width,
+                           height, ss_x, ss_y, filter_strength, &filter_weight,
+                           use_32x32, &y_accum_ref, &y_count_ref, &u_accum_ref,
+                           &u_count_ref, &v_accum_ref, &v_count_ref);
+          ASM_REGISTER_STATE_CHECK(filter_func_(
+              y_src.TopLeftPixel(), y_src.stride(), y_pre.TopLeftPixel(),
+              y_pre.stride(), u_src.TopLeftPixel(), v_src.TopLeftPixel(),
+              u_src.stride(), u_pre.TopLeftPixel(), v_pre.TopLeftPixel(),
+              u_pre.stride(), width, height, ss_x, ss_y, filter_strength,
+              &filter_weight, use_32x32, y_accum_tst.TopLeftPixel(),
+              y_count_tst.TopLeftPixel(), u_accum_tst.TopLeftPixel(),
+              u_count_tst.TopLeftPixel(), v_accum_tst.TopLeftPixel(),
+              v_count_tst.TopLeftPixel()));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(y_accum_tst.CheckValues(y_accum_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(y_count_tst.CheckValues(y_count_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(u_accum_tst.CheckValues(u_accum_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(u_count_tst.CheckValues(u_count_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(v_accum_tst.CheckValues(v_accum_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(v_count_tst.CheckValues(v_count_ref));
+          if (HasFailure()) {
+            printf("SS_X: %d, SS_Y: %d, Weight: %d, Strength: %d\n", ss_x, ss_y,
+                   filter_weight, filter_strength);
+            y_accum_tst.PrintDifference(y_accum_ref);
+            y_count_tst.PrintDifference(y_count_ref);
+            u_accum_tst.PrintDifference(u_accum_ref);
+            u_count_tst.PrintDifference(u_count_ref);
+            v_accum_tst.PrintDifference(v_accum_ref);
+            v_count_tst.PrintDifference(v_count_ref);
+            return;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+TEST_P(YUVTemporalFilterTest, USE_16X16) {
+  const int width = 32, height = 32;
+  Buffer<uint8_t> y_src = Buffer<uint8_t>(width, height, 8);
+  Buffer<uint8_t> y_pre = Buffer<uint8_t>(width, height, 0);
+  Buffer<uint16_t> y_count_ref = Buffer<uint16_t>(width, height, 0);
+  Buffer<uint32_t> y_accum_ref = Buffer<uint32_t>(width, height, 0);
+  Buffer<uint16_t> y_count_tst = Buffer<uint16_t>(width, height, 0);
+  Buffer<uint32_t> y_accum_tst = Buffer<uint32_t>(width, height, 0);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_src.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_pre.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_count_ref.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_accum_ref.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_count_tst.Init());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(y_accum_tst.Init());
+  const int use_32x32 = 0;
+  for (int ss_x = 0; ss_x <= 1; ss_x++) {
+    for (int ss_y = 0; ss_y <= 1; ss_y++) {
+      for (int filter_idx = 0; filter_idx < 3 * 3 * 3 * 3; filter_idx++) {
+        // Set up the filter
+        int filter_weight[4];
+        int filter_idx_cp = filter_idx;
+        for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) {
+          filter_weight[idx] = filter_idx_cp % 3;
+          filter_idx_cp /= 3;
+        }
+        // Test each parameter
+        for (int filter_strength = 0; filter_strength <= 6;
+             filter_strength += 2) {
+          const int uv_width = width >> ss_x, uv_height = height >> ss_y;
+          Buffer<uint8_t> u_src = Buffer<uint8_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 8);
+          Buffer<uint8_t> u_pre = Buffer<uint8_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint16_t> u_count_ref =
+              Buffer<uint16_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint32_t> u_accum_ref =
+              Buffer<uint32_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint16_t> u_count_tst =
+              Buffer<uint16_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint32_t> u_accum_tst =
+              Buffer<uint32_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_src.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_pre.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_count_ref.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_accum_ref.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_count_tst.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(u_accum_tst.Init());
+          Buffer<uint8_t> v_src = Buffer<uint8_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 8);
+          Buffer<uint8_t> v_pre = Buffer<uint8_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint16_t> v_count_ref =
+              Buffer<uint16_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint32_t> v_accum_ref =
+              Buffer<uint32_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint16_t> v_count_tst =
+              Buffer<uint16_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          Buffer<uint32_t> v_accum_tst =
+              Buffer<uint32_t>(uv_width, uv_height, 0);
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_src.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_pre.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_count_ref.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_accum_ref.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_count_tst.Init());
+          ASSERT_TRUE(v_accum_tst.Init());
+          // The difference between the buffers must be small to pass the
+          // threshold to apply the filter.
+          y_src.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          y_pre.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          u_src.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          u_pre.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          v_src.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          v_pre.Set(&rnd_, 0, 7);
+          y_accum_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          y_accum_tst.CopyFrom(y_accum_ref);
+          y_count_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          y_count_tst.CopyFrom(y_count_ref);
+          u_accum_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          u_accum_tst.CopyFrom(u_accum_ref);
+          u_count_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          u_count_tst.CopyFrom(u_count_ref);
+          v_accum_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          v_accum_tst.CopyFrom(v_accum_ref);
+          v_count_ref.Set(rnd_.Rand8());
+          v_count_tst.CopyFrom(v_count_ref);
+          reference_filter(y_src, y_pre, u_src, v_src, u_pre, v_pre, width,
+                           height, ss_x, ss_y, filter_strength, filter_weight,
+                           use_32x32, &y_accum_ref, &y_count_ref, &u_accum_ref,
+                           &u_count_ref, &v_accum_ref, &v_count_ref);
+          ASM_REGISTER_STATE_CHECK(filter_func_(
+              y_src.TopLeftPixel(), y_src.stride(), y_pre.TopLeftPixel(),
+              y_pre.stride(), u_src.TopLeftPixel(), v_src.TopLeftPixel(),
+              u_src.stride(), u_pre.TopLeftPixel(), v_pre.TopLeftPixel(),
+              u_pre.stride(), width, height, ss_x, ss_y, filter_strength,
+              filter_weight, use_32x32, y_accum_tst.TopLeftPixel(),
+              y_count_tst.TopLeftPixel(), u_accum_tst.TopLeftPixel(),
+              u_count_tst.TopLeftPixel(), v_accum_tst.TopLeftPixel(),
+              v_count_tst.TopLeftPixel()));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(y_accum_tst.CheckValues(y_accum_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(y_count_tst.CheckValues(y_count_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(u_accum_tst.CheckValues(u_accum_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(u_count_tst.CheckValues(u_count_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(v_accum_tst.CheckValues(v_accum_ref));
+          EXPECT_TRUE(v_count_tst.CheckValues(v_count_ref));
+          if (HasFailure()) {
+            printf("SS_X: %d, SS_Y: %d, Weight Idx: %d, Strength: %d\n", ss_x,
+                   ss_y, filter_idx, filter_strength);
+            y_accum_tst.PrintDifference(y_accum_ref);
+            y_count_tst.PrintDifference(y_count_ref);
+            u_accum_tst.PrintDifference(u_accum_ref);
+            u_count_tst.PrintDifference(u_count_ref);
+            v_accum_tst.PrintDifference(v_accum_ref);
+            v_count_tst.PrintDifference(v_count_ref);
+            return;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+                        ::testing::Values(&vp9_apply_temporal_filter));
+}  // namespace
--- a/vp9/common/
+++ b/vp9/common/
@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@
 if (vpx_config("CONFIG_REALTIME_ONLY") ne "yes") {
 add_proto qw/void vp9_temporal_filter_apply/, "const uint8_t *frame1, unsigned int stride, const uint8_t *frame2, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height, int strength, int filter_weight, uint32_t *accumulator, uint16_t *count";
 specialize qw/vp9_temporal_filter_apply sse4_1/;
+add_proto qw/void vp9_apply_temporal_filter/, "const uint8_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint8_t *y_pre, int y_pre_stride, const uint8_t *u_src, const uint8_t *v_src, int uv_src_stride, const uint8_t *u_pre, const uint8_t *v_pre, int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height, int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, const int *const blk_fw, int use_32x32, uint32_t *y_accumulator, uint16_t *y_count, uint32_t *u_accumulator, uint16_t *u_count, uint32_t *v_accumulator, uint16_t *v_count";
 if (vpx_config("CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH") eq "yes") {
--- a/vp9/encoder/vp9_temporal_filter.c
+++ b/vp9/encoder/vp9_temporal_filter.c
@@ -198,8 +198,8 @@
 static INLINE int get_filter_weight(unsigned int i, unsigned int j,
                                     unsigned int block_height,
-                                    unsigned int block_width, int *blk_fw,
-                                    int use_32x32) {
+                                    unsigned int block_width,
+                                    const int *const blk_fw, int use_32x32) {
   int filter_weight = 0;
   if (use_32x32)
@@ -220,12 +220,12 @@
   return filter_weight;
-static void apply_temporal_filter(
+void vp9_apply_temporal_filter_c(
     const uint8_t *y_frame1, int y_stride, const uint8_t *y_pred,
     int y_buf_stride, const uint8_t *u_frame1, const uint8_t *v_frame1,
     int uv_stride, const uint8_t *u_pred, const uint8_t *v_pred,
     int uv_buf_stride, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height,
-    int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, int *blk_fw, int use_32x32,
+    int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, const int *const blk_fw, int use_32x32,
     uint32_t *y_accumulator, uint16_t *y_count, uint32_t *u_accumulator,
     uint16_t *u_count, uint32_t *v_accumulator, uint16_t *v_count) {
   unsigned int i, j, k, m;
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
               count + (BLK_PELS << 1));
         } else {
           // Apply the filter (YUV)
-          apply_temporal_filter(
+          vp9_apply_temporal_filter_c(
               f->y_buffer + mb_y_offset, f->y_stride, predictor, BW,
               f->u_buffer + mb_uv_offset, f->v_buffer + mb_uv_offset,
               f->uv_stride, predictor + BLK_PELS, predictor + (BLK_PELS << 1),
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@
         // Apply the filter (YUV)
-        apply_temporal_filter(
+        vp9_apply_temporal_filter_c(
             f->y_buffer + mb_y_offset, f->y_stride, predictor, BW,
             f->u_buffer + mb_uv_offset, f->v_buffer + mb_uv_offset,
             f->uv_stride, predictor + BLK_PELS, predictor + (BLK_PELS << 1),