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ref: 5936c40bafab1bbd67437f139abc8d5e28dadf77
parent: 29399c988c5e9355a6a90bda18bef49387a224cf
author: Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir <>
date: Sun Nov 15 10:03:40 EST 2020

vmx: add -y to xbps-* invocation

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 	cd /tmp
 	export REPO=
 	export XBPS_ARCH=x86_64
-	xbps-install -S -r /tmp -R $REPO xz # need xz to unpack rootfs
+	xbps-install -Sy -r /tmp -R $REPO xz # need xz to unpack rootfs
 	cp usr/bin/xz /usr/bin
 	tar xvf void-x86_64-ROOTFS-20191109.tar.xz -C /mnt/
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
 	mount --rbind /proc/ /mnt/proc/ && mount --make-rslave /mnt/proc/
 	cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/
 	PS1='(void) ' chroot /mnt/ /bin/bash
-	xbps-install -Su xbps
-	xbps-install -u
-	xbps-install base-system
-	xbps-remove base-voidstrap
+	xbps-install -Suy xbps
+	xbps-install -uy
+	xbps-install -y base-system
+	xbps-remove -y base-voidstrap
 	echo void > /etc/hostname
 	vi /etc/rc.conf  # optional, edit a few options
 	passwd           # type the new root password