ref: 7d02e382d314d5bdde7978ccb7a64ea9201d03db
dir: /test/
\ Here is an implementation of ALSO/ONLY in terms of the \ primitive search-order word set. \ WORDLIST CONSTANT ROOT ROOT SET-CURRENT : DO-VOCABULARY ( -- ) \ Implementation factor DOES> @ >R ( ) ( R: widnew ) GET-ORDER SWAP DROP ( wid1 ... widn-1 n ) R> SWAP SET-ORDER ; : DISCARD ( x1 .. xu u - ) \ Implementation factor 0 ?DO DROP LOOP \ DROP u+1 stack items ; CREATE FORTH FORTH-WORDLIST , DO-VOCABULARY : VOCABULARY ( name -- ) WORDLIST CREATE , DO-VOCABULARY ; : ALSO ( -- ) GET-ORDER OVER SWAP 1+ SET-ORDER ; : PREVIOUS ( -- ) GET-ORDER SWAP DROP 1- SET-ORDER ; : DEFINITIONS ( -- ) GET-ORDER OVER SET-CURRENT DISCARD ; : ONLY ( -- ) ROOT ROOT 2 SET-ORDER ; \ Forth-83 version; just removes ONLY : SEAL ( -- ) GET-ORDER 1- SET-ORDER DROP ; \ F83 and F-PC version; leaves only CONTEXT : SEAL ( -- ) GET-ORDER OVER 1 SET-ORDER DISCARD ;