shithub: acme-themes

Download patch

ref: ff84152ce1d5225a887239d3c3788c6eb6d42c53
parent: 28e8ccb5203de0d122310d70e5751c9778adbbaf
author: glenda <glenda@9front.local>
date: Wed Oct 20 21:49:14 EDT 2021

Switching to a patch

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
-# plan9-acme-themes
+# plan9-tacme
 This is plan’s acme text editor, but it will use themes from rio-themes ( if they are installed.
-Basically, this code is the functions from rio-themes, yanked out and dumped into acme. Currently it only reads the themes and execution. So if you change your theme, you will need to restart acme if you want it to reflect the new theme. If no theme is installed, then it defaults to traditional acme.
+Basically, this code is the functions from rio-themes, yanked out and dumped into acme. Currently it only reads the themes on execution. So if you change your theme, you will need to restart acme if you want it to reflect the new theme. If no theme is installed, then it defaults to traditional acme.
+# To apply this patch:
+mkdir tacme
+cp /sys/src/cmd/acme/* tacme/
+cd tacme
+ape/patch -i ../acme-themes.patch
+.. then the normal mk process
+# To revert the patch:
+ape/patch -i ../acme-themes.patch -R
+# Note to self, to generate this patch off of code:
+diff -ur /sys/src/cmd/acme acme > acme-themes.patch
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acme-themes.patch
@@ -1,0 +1,285 @@
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/acme.c
++++ acme/acme.c
+diff -u /sys/src/cmd/acme/acme.c acme/acme.c
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ void	xfidallocthread(void*);
+ void	newwindowthread(void*);
+ void plumbproc(void*);
++void 	themeload(char *s, int n);
+ Reffont	**fontcache;
+ int		nfontcache;
+@@ -869,6 +870,32 @@
+ 	 0x7F, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00}
+ };
++static char *
++readall(int f, int *osz)
++	int bufsz, sz, n;
++	char *s;
++	bufsz = 1023;
++	s = nil;
++	for(sz = 0;; sz += n){
++		if(bufsz-sz < 1024){
++			bufsz *= 2;
++			s = realloc(s, bufsz);
++		}
++		if((n = readn(f, s+sz, bufsz-sz-1)) < 1)
++			break;
++	}
++	if(n < 0 || sz < 1){
++		free(s);
++		return nil;
++	}
++	s[sz] = 0;
++	*osz = sz;
++	return s;
+ void
+ iconinit(void)
+ {
+@@ -875,20 +902,44 @@
+ 	Rectangle r;
+ 	Image *tmp;
+-	/* Blue */
+-	tagcols[BACK] = allocimagemix(display, DPalebluegreen, DWhite);
+-	tagcols[HIGH] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DPalegreygreen);
+-	tagcols[BORD] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DPurpleblue);
+-	tagcols[TEXT] = display->black;
+-	tagcols[HTEXT] = display->black;
++	/* jgs3 - Apply the themes */
++	int f, sz;
++	char *s;
++	if((f = open("/dev/theme", OREAD|OCEXEC)) >= 0){
++		if((s = readall(f, &sz)) != nil)
++			themeload(s, sz);
++		free(s);
++		close(f);
+-	/* Yellow */
+-	textcols[BACK] = allocimagemix(display, DPaleyellow, DWhite);
+-	textcols[HIGH] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DDarkyellow);
+-	textcols[BORD] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DYellowgreen);
+-	textcols[TEXT] = display->black;
+-	textcols[HTEXT] = display->black;
++		/* Menu */
++		tagcols[BACK] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Colmenuback].rgb<<8|0xff);
++		tagcols[HIGH] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Colmenuhigh].rgb<<8|0xff);
++		tagcols[BORD] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Colmenubord].rgb<<8|0xff);
++		tagcols[TEXT] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Colmenutext].rgb<<8|0xff);
++		tagcols[HTEXT] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Colmenuhtext].rgb<<8|0xff);
++		/* Body */
++		textcols[BACK] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Colback].rgb<<8|0xff);
++		textcols[HIGH] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Colhigh].rgb<<8|0xff);
++		textcols[BORD] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Colbord].rgb<<8|0xff);
++		textcols[TEXT] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Coltext].rgb<<8|0xff);
++		textcols[HTEXT] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, theme[Colhtext].rgb<<8|0xff);
++	} else {
++		/* Blue */
++		tagcols[BACK] = allocimagemix(display, DPalebluegreen, DWhite);
++		tagcols[HIGH] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DPalegreygreen);
++		tagcols[BORD] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DPurpleblue);
++		tagcols[TEXT] = display->black;
++		tagcols[HTEXT] = display->black;
++		/* Yellow */
++		textcols[BACK] = allocimagemix(display, DPaleyellow, DWhite);
++		textcols[HIGH] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DDarkyellow);
++		textcols[BORD] = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, DYellowgreen);
++		textcols[TEXT] = display->black;
++		textcols[HTEXT] = display->black;
++	}
+ 	if(button){
+ 		freeimage(button);
+ 		freeimage(modbutton);
+@@ -961,4 +1012,56 @@
+ 	seek(snarffd, 0, 0);
+ 	bufreset(&snarfbuf);
+ 	bufload(&snarfbuf, 0, snarffd, &nulls);
++themeload(char *s, int n)
++	int i;
++	char *t, *a[2], *e;
++	Image *newc;
++	u32int rgb;
++	if((t = malloc(n+1)) == nil)
++		return;
++	memmove(t, s, n);
++	t[n] = 0;
++	for(s = t; s != nil && *s; s = e){
++		if((e = strchr(s, '\n')) != nil)
++			*e++ = 0;
++		if(tokenize(s, a, 2) == 2){
++			for(i = 0; i < nelem(theme); i++) {
++				if(strcmp(theme[i].id, a[0]) == 0) {
++					rgb = strtoul(a[1], nil, 16);
++					if((newc = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), RGB24, 1, rgb<<8 | 0xff)) != nil) {
++						theme[i].rgb = rgb;
++					}
++					if(new != nil){
++						freeimage(col[i]);
++						col[i] = newc;
++					}
++					break;
++				}
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	free(t);
++char *
++themestring(int *n)
++	char *s, *t, *e;
++	int i;
++	if((t = malloc(512)) != nil){
++		s = t;
++		e = s+512;
++		for(i = 0; i < nelem(theme); i++)
++			s = seprint(s, e, "%s\t%06ux\n", theme[i].id, theme[i].rgb);
++		*n = s - t;
++	}
++	return t;
+ }
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/addr.c
++++ acme/addr.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/buff.c
++++ acme/buff.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/cols.c
++++ acme/cols.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/dat.h
++++ acme/dat.h
+diff -u /sys/src/cmd/acme/dat.h acme/dat.h
+@@ -569,3 +569,67 @@
+ Channel	*cwarn;		/* chan(void*)[1] (really chan(unit)[1]) */
+ #define	STACK	8192
++enum {
++	Colrioback,
++	/* the following group has to be in order, they are used by libframe */
++	Colback,
++	Colhigh,
++	Colbord,
++	Coltext,
++	Colhtext,
++	Coltitle,
++	Colltitle,
++	Colhold,
++	Collhold,
++	Colpalehold,
++	Colpaletext,
++	Colsize,
++	/* menuhit */
++	Colmenubar,
++	Colmenuback,
++	Colmenuhigh,
++	Colmenubord,
++	Colmenutext,
++	Colmenuhtext,
++	Numcolors
++typedef struct Color Color;
++struct Color {
++	char *id;
++	union {
++		u32int rgb;
++		char *path;
++	};
++	int flags;
++static Color theme[Numcolors] = {
++	[Colrioback]   = {"rioback",   {0x777777}, 0},
++	[Colback]      = {"back",      {0xffffff}, 0},
++	[Colhigh]      = {"high",      {0xcccccc}, 0},
++	[Colbord]      = {"border",    {0x999999}, 0},
++	[Coltext]      = {"text",      {DBlack>>8}, 0},
++	[Colhtext]     = {"htext",     {DBlack>>8}, 0},
++	[Coltitle]     = {"title",     {DGreygreen>>8}, 0},
++	[Colltitle]    = {"ltitle",    {DPalegreygreen>>8}, 0},
++	[Colhold]      = {"hold",      {DMedblue>>8}, 0},
++	[Collhold]     = {"lhold",     {DGreyblue>>8}, 0},
++	[Colpalehold]  = {"palehold",  {DPalegreyblue>>8}, 0},
++	[Colpaletext]  = {"paletext",  {0x666666}, 0},
++	[Colsize]      = {"size",      {DRed>>8}, 0},
++	[Colmenubar]   = {"menubar",   {DDarkgreen>>8}, 1},
++	[Colmenuback]  = {"menuback",  {0xeaffea}, 1},
++	[Colmenuhigh]  = {"menuhigh",  {DDarkgreen>>8}, 1},
++	[Colmenubord]  = {"menubord",  {DMedgreen>>8}, 1},
++	[Colmenutext]  = {"menutext",  {DBlack>>8}, 1},
++	[Colmenuhtext] = {"menuhtext", {0xeaffea}, 1},
++Image *col[Numcolors];
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/disk.c
++++ acme/disk.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/ecmd.c
++++ acme/ecmd.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/edit.c
++++ acme/edit.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/edit.h
++++ acme/edit.h
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/elog.c
++++ acme/elog.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/exec.c
++++ acme/exec.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/file.c
++++ acme/file.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/fns.h
++++ acme/fns.h
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/fsys.c
++++ acme/fsys.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/logf.c
++++ acme/logf.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/look.c
++++ acme/look.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/mkfile
++++ acme/mkfile
+diff -u /sys/src/cmd/acme/mkfile acme/mkfile
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ </$objtype/mkfile
+ BIN=/$objtype/bin
+ 	acme.$O\
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/regx.c
++++ acme/regx.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/rows.c
++++ acme/rows.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/scrl.c
++++ acme/scrl.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/text.c
++++ acme/text.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/time.c
++++ acme/time.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/util.c
++++ acme/util.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/wind.c
++++ acme/wind.c
+--- /sys/src/cmd/acme/xfid.c
++++ acme/xfid.c