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ref: 0ac394902ef009fe0b41f77095b069d4f6d7e632
parent: c2f1c3bffe1c2922c7f5d83549bd6111b880f4c2
author: Simon Howard <>
date: Tue Sep 24 16:02:25 EDT 2013

Split Heretic savegame code into a separate file.

Subversion-branch: /branches/v2-branch
Subversion-revision: 2681

--- a/src/heretic/
+++ b/src/heretic/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 p_mobj.c                                             \
 p_plats.c                                            \
 p_pspr.c                                             \
+p_saveg.c                                            \
 p_setup.c                                            \
 p_sight.c                                            \
 p_spec.c               p_spec.h                      \
--- a/src/heretic/doomdef.h
+++ b/src/heretic/doomdef.h
@@ -664,6 +664,7 @@
 void G_SaveGame(int slot, char *description);
 // called by M_Responder
 // Support routines for saving games
 char *SV_Filename(int slot);
 void SV_Open(char *fileName);
--- a/src/heretic/g_game.c
+++ b/src/heretic/g_game.c
@@ -41,9 +41,6 @@
 // Macros
-#define SVG_RAM 0
-#define SVG_FILE 1
 #define AM_STARTKEY     9
 // Functions
@@ -88,9 +85,6 @@
     { -1, { -1, -1 } }                 // Terminator
-FILE *SaveGameFP;
-int SaveGameType;
 gameaction_t gameaction;
 gamestate_t gamestate;
 skill_t gameskill;
@@ -1823,94 +1817,3 @@
-// SV_Filename
-// Generate the filename to use for a particular savegame slot.
-// Returns a malloc()'d buffer that must be freed by the caller.
-char *SV_Filename(int slot)
-    char *filename;
-    filename = malloc(strlen(savegamedir) + strlen(SAVEGAMENAME) + 8);
-    sprintf(filename, "%s" SAVEGAMENAME "%d.hsg", savegamedir, slot);
-    return filename;
-// SV_Open
-void SV_Open(char *fileName)
-    SaveGameType = SVG_FILE;
-    SaveGameFP = fopen(fileName, "wb");
-// SV_Close
-void SV_Close(char *fileName)
-    int length;
-    if (SaveGameType == SVG_RAM)
-    {
-        length = save_p - savebuffer;
-        if (length > SAVEGAMESIZE)
-        {
-            I_Error("Savegame buffer overrun");
-        }
-        M_WriteFile(fileName, savebuffer, length);
-        Z_Free(savebuffer);
-    }
-    else
-    {                           // SVG_FILE
-        fclose(SaveGameFP);
-    }
-// SV_Write
-void SV_Write(void *buffer, int size)
-    if (SaveGameType == SVG_RAM)
-    {
-        memcpy(save_p, buffer, size);
-        save_p += size;
-    }
-    else
-    {                           // SVG_FILE
-        fwrite(buffer, size, 1, SaveGameFP);
-    }
-void SV_WriteByte(byte val)
-    SV_Write(&val, sizeof(byte));
-void SV_WriteWord(unsigned short val)
-    SV_Write(&val, sizeof(unsigned short));
-void SV_WriteLong(unsigned int val)
-    SV_Write(&val, sizeof(int));
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/heretic/p_saveg.c
@@ -1,0 +1,624 @@
+// Emacs style mode select   -*- C++ -*- 
+// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
+// Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software
+// Copyright(C) 2008 Simon Howard
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+// 02111-1307, USA.
+// P_tick.c
+#include "doomdef.h"
+#include "i_system.h"
+#include "m_misc.h"
+#include "p_local.h"
+#include "v_video.h"
+#define SVG_RAM 0
+#define SVG_FILE 1
+FILE *SaveGameFP;
+int SaveGameType;
+// SV_Filename
+// Generate the filename to use for a particular savegame slot.
+// Returns a malloc()'d buffer that must be freed by the caller.
+char *SV_Filename(int slot)
+    char *filename;
+    filename = malloc(strlen(savegamedir) + strlen(SAVEGAMENAME) + 8);
+    sprintf(filename, "%s" SAVEGAMENAME "%d.hsg", savegamedir, slot);
+    return filename;
+// SV_Open
+void SV_Open(char *fileName)
+    SaveGameType = SVG_FILE;
+    SaveGameFP = fopen(fileName, "wb");
+// SV_Close
+void SV_Close(char *fileName)
+    int length;
+    if (SaveGameType == SVG_RAM)
+    {
+        length = save_p - savebuffer;
+        if (length > SAVEGAMESIZE)
+        {
+            I_Error("Savegame buffer overrun");
+        }
+        M_WriteFile(fileName, savebuffer, length);
+        Z_Free(savebuffer);
+    }
+    else
+    {                           // SVG_FILE
+        fclose(SaveGameFP);
+    }
+// SV_Write
+void SV_Write(void *buffer, int size)
+    if (SaveGameType == SVG_RAM)
+    {
+        memcpy(save_p, buffer, size);
+        save_p += size;
+    }
+    else
+    {                           // SVG_FILE
+        fwrite(buffer, size, 1, SaveGameFP);
+    }
+void SV_WriteByte(byte val)
+    SV_Write(&val, sizeof(byte));
+void SV_WriteWord(unsigned short val)
+    SV_Write(&val, sizeof(unsigned short));
+void SV_WriteLong(unsigned int val)
+    SV_Write(&val, sizeof(int));
+= P_ArchivePlayers
+void P_ArchivePlayers(void)
+    int i;
+    int j;
+    player_t dest;
+    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
+    {
+        if (!playeringame[i])
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        memcpy(&dest, &players[i], sizeof(player_t));
+        for (j = 0; j < NUMPSPRITES; j++)
+        {
+            if (dest.psprites[j].state)
+            {
+                dest.psprites[j].state =
+                    (state_t *) (dest.psprites[j].state - states);
+            }
+        }
+        SV_Write(&dest, sizeof(player_t));
+    }
+= P_UnArchivePlayers
+void P_UnArchivePlayers(void)
+    int i, j;
+    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
+    {
+        if (!playeringame[i])
+            continue;
+        memcpy(&players[i], save_p, sizeof(player_t));
+        save_p += sizeof(player_t);
+        players[i].mo = NULL;   // will be set when unarc thinker
+        players[i].message = NULL;
+        players[i].attacker = NULL;
+        for (j = 0; j < NUMPSPRITES; j++)
+            if (players[i].psprites[j].state)
+                players[i].psprites[j].state
+                    = &states[(int) players[i].psprites[j].state];
+    }
+= P_ArchiveWorld
+void P_ArchiveWorld(void)
+    int i, j;
+    sector_t *sec;
+    line_t *li;
+    side_t *si;
+    // Sectors
+    for (i = 0, sec = sectors; i < numsectors; i++, sec++)
+    {
+        SV_WriteWord(sec->floorheight >> FRACBITS);
+        SV_WriteWord(sec->ceilingheight >> FRACBITS);
+        SV_WriteWord(sec->floorpic);
+        SV_WriteWord(sec->ceilingpic);
+        SV_WriteWord(sec->lightlevel);
+        SV_WriteWord(sec->special);     // needed?
+        SV_WriteWord(sec->tag); // needed?
+    }
+    // Lines
+    for (i = 0, li = lines; i < numlines; i++, li++)
+    {
+        SV_WriteWord(li->flags);
+        SV_WriteWord(li->special);
+        SV_WriteWord(li->tag);
+        for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+        {
+            if (li->sidenum[j] == -1)
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            si = &sides[li->sidenum[j]];
+            SV_WriteWord(si->textureoffset >> FRACBITS);
+            SV_WriteWord(si->rowoffset >> FRACBITS);
+            SV_WriteWord(si->toptexture);
+            SV_WriteWord(si->bottomtexture);
+            SV_WriteWord(si->midtexture);
+        }
+    }
+= P_UnArchiveWorld
+void P_UnArchiveWorld(void)
+    int i, j;
+    sector_t *sec;
+    line_t *li;
+    side_t *si;
+    short *get;
+    get = (short *) save_p;
+// do sectors
+    for (i = 0, sec = sectors; i < numsectors; i++, sec++)
+    {
+        sec->floorheight = *get++ << FRACBITS;
+        sec->ceilingheight = *get++ << FRACBITS;
+        sec->floorpic = *get++;
+        sec->ceilingpic = *get++;
+        sec->lightlevel = *get++;
+        sec->special = *get++;  // needed?
+        sec->tag = *get++;      // needed?
+        sec->specialdata = 0;
+        sec->soundtarget = 0;
+    }
+// do lines
+    for (i = 0, li = lines; i < numlines; i++, li++)
+    {
+        li->flags = *get++;
+        li->special = *get++;
+        li->tag = *get++;
+        for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+        {
+            if (li->sidenum[j] == -1)
+                continue;
+            si = &sides[li->sidenum[j]];
+            si->textureoffset = *get++ << FRACBITS;
+            si->rowoffset = *get++ << FRACBITS;
+            si->toptexture = *get++;
+            si->bottomtexture = *get++;
+            si->midtexture = *get++;
+        }
+    }
+    save_p = (byte *) get;
+typedef enum
+    tc_end,
+    tc_mobj
+} thinkerclass_t;
+= P_ArchiveThinkers
+void P_ArchiveThinkers(void)
+    thinker_t *th;
+    mobj_t mobj;
+    for (th =; th != &thinkercap; th = th->next)
+    {
+        if (th->function == P_MobjThinker)
+        {
+            SV_WriteByte(tc_mobj);
+            memcpy(&mobj, th, sizeof(mobj_t));
+            mobj.state = (state_t *) (mobj.state - states);
+            if (mobj.player)
+            {
+                mobj.player = (player_t *) ((mobj.player - players) + 1);
+            }
+            SV_Write(&mobj, sizeof(mobj_t));
+            continue;
+        }
+        //I_Error("P_ArchiveThinkers: Unknown thinker function");
+    }
+    // Add a terminating marker
+    SV_WriteByte(tc_end);
+= P_UnArchiveThinkers
+void P_UnArchiveThinkers(void)
+    byte tclass;
+    thinker_t *currentthinker, *next;
+    mobj_t *mobj;
+// remove all the current thinkers
+    currentthinker =;
+    while (currentthinker != &thinkercap)
+    {
+        next = currentthinker->next;
+        if (currentthinker->function == P_MobjThinker)
+            P_RemoveMobj((mobj_t *) currentthinker);
+        else
+            Z_Free(currentthinker);
+        currentthinker = next;
+    }
+    P_InitThinkers();
+// read in saved thinkers
+    while (1)
+    {
+        tclass = *save_p++;
+        switch (tclass)
+        {
+            case tc_end:
+                return;         // end of list
+            case tc_mobj:
+                mobj = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*mobj), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
+                memcpy(mobj, save_p, sizeof(*mobj));
+                save_p += sizeof(*mobj);
+                mobj->state = &states[(int) mobj->state];
+                mobj->target = NULL;
+                if (mobj->player)
+                {
+                    mobj->player = &players[(int) mobj->player - 1];
+                    mobj->player->mo = mobj;
+                }
+                P_SetThingPosition(mobj);
+                mobj->info = &mobjinfo[mobj->type];
+                mobj->floorz = mobj->subsector->sector->floorheight;
+                mobj->ceilingz = mobj->subsector->sector->ceilingheight;
+                mobj->thinker.function = P_MobjThinker;
+                P_AddThinker(&mobj->thinker);
+                break;
+            default:
+                I_Error("Unknown tclass %i in savegame", tclass);
+        }
+    }
+= P_ArchiveSpecials
+    tc_ceiling,
+    tc_door,
+    tc_floor,
+    tc_plat,
+    tc_flash,
+    tc_strobe,
+    tc_glow,
+    tc_endspecials
+} specials_e;
+void P_ArchiveSpecials(void)
+T_MoveCeiling, (ceiling_t: sector_t * swizzle), - active list
+T_VerticalDoor, (vldoor_t: sector_t * swizzle),
+T_MoveFloor, (floormove_t: sector_t * swizzle),
+T_LightFlash, (lightflash_t: sector_t * swizzle),
+T_StrobeFlash, (strobe_t: sector_t *),
+T_Glow, (glow_t: sector_t *),
+T_PlatRaise, (plat_t: sector_t *), - active list
+    thinker_t *th;
+    ceiling_t ceiling;
+    vldoor_t door;
+    floormove_t floor;
+    plat_t plat;
+    lightflash_t flash;
+    strobe_t strobe;
+    glow_t glow;
+    for (th =; th != &thinkercap; th = th->next)
+    {
+        if (th->function == T_MoveCeiling)
+        {
+            SV_WriteByte(tc_ceiling);
+            memcpy(&ceiling, th, sizeof(ceiling_t));
+            ceiling.sector = (sector_t *) (ceiling.sector - sectors);
+            SV_Write(&ceiling, sizeof(ceiling_t));
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (th->function == T_VerticalDoor)
+        {
+            SV_WriteByte(tc_door);
+            memcpy(&door, th, sizeof(vldoor_t));
+            door.sector = (sector_t *) (door.sector - sectors);
+            SV_Write(&door, sizeof(vldoor_t));
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (th->function == T_MoveFloor)
+        {
+            SV_WriteByte(tc_floor);
+            memcpy(&floor, th, sizeof(floormove_t));
+            floor.sector = (sector_t *) (floor.sector - sectors);
+            SV_Write(&floor, sizeof(floormove_t));
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (th->function == T_PlatRaise)
+        {
+            SV_WriteByte(tc_plat);
+            memcpy(&plat, th, sizeof(plat_t));
+            plat.sector = (sector_t *) (plat.sector - sectors);
+            SV_Write(&plat, sizeof(plat_t));
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (th->function == T_LightFlash)
+        {
+            SV_WriteByte(tc_flash);
+            memcpy(&flash, th, sizeof(lightflash_t));
+            flash.sector = (sector_t *) (flash.sector - sectors);
+            SV_Write(&flash, sizeof(lightflash_t));
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (th->function == T_StrobeFlash)
+        {
+            SV_WriteByte(tc_strobe);
+            memcpy(&strobe, th, sizeof(strobe_t));
+            strobe.sector = (sector_t *) (strobe.sector - sectors);
+            SV_Write(&strobe, sizeof(strobe_t));
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (th->function == T_Glow)
+        {
+            SV_WriteByte(tc_glow);
+            memcpy(&glow, th, sizeof(glow_t));
+            glow.sector = (sector_t *) (glow.sector - sectors);
+            SV_Write(&glow, sizeof(glow_t));
+            continue;
+        }
+    }
+    // Add a terminating marker
+    SV_WriteByte(tc_endspecials);
+= P_UnArchiveSpecials
+void P_UnArchiveSpecials(void)
+    byte tclass;
+    ceiling_t *ceiling;
+    vldoor_t *door;
+    floormove_t *floor;
+    plat_t *plat;
+    lightflash_t *flash;
+    strobe_t *strobe;
+    glow_t *glow;
+// read in saved thinkers
+    while (1)
+    {
+        tclass = *save_p++;
+        switch (tclass)
+        {
+            case tc_endspecials:
+                return;         // end of list
+            case tc_ceiling:
+                ceiling = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*ceiling), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
+                memcpy(ceiling, save_p, sizeof(*ceiling));
+                save_p += sizeof(*ceiling);
+                ceiling->sector = &sectors[(int) ceiling->sector];
+                ceiling->sector->specialdata = T_MoveCeiling;
+                if (ceiling->thinker.function)
+                    ceiling->thinker.function = T_MoveCeiling;
+                P_AddThinker(&ceiling->thinker);
+                P_AddActiveCeiling(ceiling);
+                break;
+            case tc_door:
+                door = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*door), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
+                memcpy(door, save_p, sizeof(*door));
+                save_p += sizeof(*door);
+                door->sector = &sectors[(int) door->sector];
+                door->sector->specialdata = door;
+                door->thinker.function = T_VerticalDoor;
+                P_AddThinker(&door->thinker);
+                break;
+            case tc_floor:
+                floor = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*floor), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
+                memcpy(floor, save_p, sizeof(*floor));
+                save_p += sizeof(*floor);
+                floor->sector = &sectors[(int) floor->sector];
+                floor->sector->specialdata = T_MoveFloor;
+                floor->thinker.function = T_MoveFloor;
+                P_AddThinker(&floor->thinker);
+                break;
+            case tc_plat:
+                plat = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*plat), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
+                memcpy(plat, save_p, sizeof(*plat));
+                save_p += sizeof(*plat);
+                plat->sector = &sectors[(int) plat->sector];
+                plat->sector->specialdata = T_PlatRaise;
+                if (plat->thinker.function)
+                    plat->thinker.function = T_PlatRaise;
+                P_AddThinker(&plat->thinker);
+                P_AddActivePlat(plat);
+                break;
+            case tc_flash:
+                flash = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*flash), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
+                memcpy(flash, save_p, sizeof(*flash));
+                save_p += sizeof(*flash);
+                flash->sector = &sectors[(int) flash->sector];
+                flash->thinker.function = T_LightFlash;
+                P_AddThinker(&flash->thinker);
+                break;
+            case tc_strobe:
+                strobe = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*strobe), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
+                memcpy(strobe, save_p, sizeof(*strobe));
+                save_p += sizeof(*strobe);
+                strobe->sector = &sectors[(int) strobe->sector];
+                strobe->thinker.function = T_StrobeFlash;
+                P_AddThinker(&strobe->thinker);
+                break;
+            case tc_glow:
+                glow = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*glow), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
+                memcpy(glow, save_p, sizeof(*glow));
+                save_p += sizeof(*glow);
+                glow->sector = &sectors[(int) glow->sector];
+                glow->thinker.function = T_Glow;
+                P_AddThinker(&glow->thinker);
+                break;
+            default:
+                I_Error("P_UnarchiveSpecials:Unknown tclass %i "
+                        "in savegame", tclass);
+        }
+    }
--- a/src/heretic/p_tick.c
+++ b/src/heretic/p_tick.c
@@ -33,501 +33,6 @@
 int TimerGame;
-= P_ArchivePlayers
-void P_ArchivePlayers(void)
-    int i;
-    int j;
-    player_t dest;
-    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
-    {
-        if (!playeringame[i])
-        {
-            continue;
-        }
-        memcpy(&dest, &players[i], sizeof(player_t));
-        for (j = 0; j < NUMPSPRITES; j++)
-        {
-            if (dest.psprites[j].state)
-            {
-                dest.psprites[j].state =
-                    (state_t *) (dest.psprites[j].state - states);
-            }
-        }
-        SV_Write(&dest, sizeof(player_t));
-    }
-= P_UnArchivePlayers
-void P_UnArchivePlayers(void)
-    int i, j;
-    for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
-    {
-        if (!playeringame[i])
-            continue;
-        memcpy(&players[i], save_p, sizeof(player_t));
-        save_p += sizeof(player_t);
-        players[i].mo = NULL;   // will be set when unarc thinker
-        players[i].message = NULL;
-        players[i].attacker = NULL;
-        for (j = 0; j < NUMPSPRITES; j++)
-            if (players[i].psprites[j].state)
-                players[i].psprites[j].state
-                    = &states[(int) players[i].psprites[j].state];
-    }
-= P_ArchiveWorld
-void P_ArchiveWorld(void)
-    int i, j;
-    sector_t *sec;
-    line_t *li;
-    side_t *si;
-    // Sectors
-    for (i = 0, sec = sectors; i < numsectors; i++, sec++)
-    {
-        SV_WriteWord(sec->floorheight >> FRACBITS);
-        SV_WriteWord(sec->ceilingheight >> FRACBITS);
-        SV_WriteWord(sec->floorpic);
-        SV_WriteWord(sec->ceilingpic);
-        SV_WriteWord(sec->lightlevel);
-        SV_WriteWord(sec->special);     // needed?
-        SV_WriteWord(sec->tag); // needed?
-    }
-    // Lines
-    for (i = 0, li = lines; i < numlines; i++, li++)
-    {
-        SV_WriteWord(li->flags);
-        SV_WriteWord(li->special);
-        SV_WriteWord(li->tag);
-        for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
-        {
-            if (li->sidenum[j] == -1)
-            {
-                continue;
-            }
-            si = &sides[li->sidenum[j]];
-            SV_WriteWord(si->textureoffset >> FRACBITS);
-            SV_WriteWord(si->rowoffset >> FRACBITS);
-            SV_WriteWord(si->toptexture);
-            SV_WriteWord(si->bottomtexture);
-            SV_WriteWord(si->midtexture);
-        }
-    }
-= P_UnArchiveWorld
-void P_UnArchiveWorld(void)
-    int i, j;
-    sector_t *sec;
-    line_t *li;
-    side_t *si;
-    short *get;
-    get = (short *) save_p;
-// do sectors
-    for (i = 0, sec = sectors; i < numsectors; i++, sec++)
-    {
-        sec->floorheight = *get++ << FRACBITS;
-        sec->ceilingheight = *get++ << FRACBITS;
-        sec->floorpic = *get++;
-        sec->ceilingpic = *get++;
-        sec->lightlevel = *get++;
-        sec->special = *get++;  // needed?
-        sec->tag = *get++;      // needed?
-        sec->specialdata = 0;
-        sec->soundtarget = 0;
-    }
-// do lines
-    for (i = 0, li = lines; i < numlines; i++, li++)
-    {
-        li->flags = *get++;
-        li->special = *get++;
-        li->tag = *get++;
-        for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
-        {
-            if (li->sidenum[j] == -1)
-                continue;
-            si = &sides[li->sidenum[j]];
-            si->textureoffset = *get++ << FRACBITS;
-            si->rowoffset = *get++ << FRACBITS;
-            si->toptexture = *get++;
-            si->bottomtexture = *get++;
-            si->midtexture = *get++;
-        }
-    }
-    save_p = (byte *) get;
-typedef enum
-    tc_end,
-    tc_mobj
-} thinkerclass_t;
-= P_ArchiveThinkers
-void P_ArchiveThinkers(void)
-    thinker_t *th;
-    mobj_t mobj;
-    for (th =; th != &thinkercap; th = th->next)
-    {
-        if (th->function == P_MobjThinker)
-        {
-            SV_WriteByte(tc_mobj);
-            memcpy(&mobj, th, sizeof(mobj_t));
-            mobj.state = (state_t *) (mobj.state - states);
-            if (mobj.player)
-            {
-                mobj.player = (player_t *) ((mobj.player - players) + 1);
-            }
-            SV_Write(&mobj, sizeof(mobj_t));
-            continue;
-        }
-        //I_Error("P_ArchiveThinkers: Unknown thinker function");
-    }
-    // Add a terminating marker
-    SV_WriteByte(tc_end);
-= P_UnArchiveThinkers
-void P_UnArchiveThinkers(void)
-    byte tclass;
-    thinker_t *currentthinker, *next;
-    mobj_t *mobj;
-// remove all the current thinkers
-    currentthinker =;
-    while (currentthinker != &thinkercap)
-    {
-        next = currentthinker->next;
-        if (currentthinker->function == P_MobjThinker)
-            P_RemoveMobj((mobj_t *) currentthinker);
-        else
-            Z_Free(currentthinker);
-        currentthinker = next;
-    }
-    P_InitThinkers();
-// read in saved thinkers
-    while (1)
-    {
-        tclass = *save_p++;
-        switch (tclass)
-        {
-            case tc_end:
-                return;         // end of list
-            case tc_mobj:
-                mobj = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*mobj), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
-                memcpy(mobj, save_p, sizeof(*mobj));
-                save_p += sizeof(*mobj);
-                mobj->state = &states[(int) mobj->state];
-                mobj->target = NULL;
-                if (mobj->player)
-                {
-                    mobj->player = &players[(int) mobj->player - 1];
-                    mobj->player->mo = mobj;
-                }
-                P_SetThingPosition(mobj);
-                mobj->info = &mobjinfo[mobj->type];
-                mobj->floorz = mobj->subsector->sector->floorheight;
-                mobj->ceilingz = mobj->subsector->sector->ceilingheight;
-                mobj->thinker.function = P_MobjThinker;
-                P_AddThinker(&mobj->thinker);
-                break;
-            default:
-                I_Error("Unknown tclass %i in savegame", tclass);
-        }
-    }
-= P_ArchiveSpecials
-    tc_ceiling,
-    tc_door,
-    tc_floor,
-    tc_plat,
-    tc_flash,
-    tc_strobe,
-    tc_glow,
-    tc_endspecials
-} specials_e;
-void P_ArchiveSpecials(void)
-T_MoveCeiling, (ceiling_t: sector_t * swizzle), - active list
-T_VerticalDoor, (vldoor_t: sector_t * swizzle),
-T_MoveFloor, (floormove_t: sector_t * swizzle),
-T_LightFlash, (lightflash_t: sector_t * swizzle),
-T_StrobeFlash, (strobe_t: sector_t *),
-T_Glow, (glow_t: sector_t *),
-T_PlatRaise, (plat_t: sector_t *), - active list
-    thinker_t *th;
-    ceiling_t ceiling;
-    vldoor_t door;
-    floormove_t floor;
-    plat_t plat;
-    lightflash_t flash;
-    strobe_t strobe;
-    glow_t glow;
-    for (th =; th != &thinkercap; th = th->next)
-    {
-        if (th->function == T_MoveCeiling)
-        {
-            SV_WriteByte(tc_ceiling);
-            memcpy(&ceiling, th, sizeof(ceiling_t));
-            ceiling.sector = (sector_t *) (ceiling.sector - sectors);
-            SV_Write(&ceiling, sizeof(ceiling_t));
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (th->function == T_VerticalDoor)
-        {
-            SV_WriteByte(tc_door);
-            memcpy(&door, th, sizeof(vldoor_t));
-            door.sector = (sector_t *) (door.sector - sectors);
-            SV_Write(&door, sizeof(vldoor_t));
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (th->function == T_MoveFloor)
-        {
-            SV_WriteByte(tc_floor);
-            memcpy(&floor, th, sizeof(floormove_t));
-            floor.sector = (sector_t *) (floor.sector - sectors);
-            SV_Write(&floor, sizeof(floormove_t));
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (th->function == T_PlatRaise)
-        {
-            SV_WriteByte(tc_plat);
-            memcpy(&plat, th, sizeof(plat_t));
-            plat.sector = (sector_t *) (plat.sector - sectors);
-            SV_Write(&plat, sizeof(plat_t));
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (th->function == T_LightFlash)
-        {
-            SV_WriteByte(tc_flash);
-            memcpy(&flash, th, sizeof(lightflash_t));
-            flash.sector = (sector_t *) (flash.sector - sectors);
-            SV_Write(&flash, sizeof(lightflash_t));
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (th->function == T_StrobeFlash)
-        {
-            SV_WriteByte(tc_strobe);
-            memcpy(&strobe, th, sizeof(strobe_t));
-            strobe.sector = (sector_t *) (strobe.sector - sectors);
-            SV_Write(&strobe, sizeof(strobe_t));
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (th->function == T_Glow)
-        {
-            SV_WriteByte(tc_glow);
-            memcpy(&glow, th, sizeof(glow_t));
-            glow.sector = (sector_t *) (glow.sector - sectors);
-            SV_Write(&glow, sizeof(glow_t));
-            continue;
-        }
-    }
-    // Add a terminating marker
-    SV_WriteByte(tc_endspecials);
-= P_UnArchiveSpecials
-void P_UnArchiveSpecials(void)
-    byte tclass;
-    ceiling_t *ceiling;
-    vldoor_t *door;
-    floormove_t *floor;
-    plat_t *plat;
-    lightflash_t *flash;
-    strobe_t *strobe;
-    glow_t *glow;
-// read in saved thinkers
-    while (1)
-    {
-        tclass = *save_p++;
-        switch (tclass)
-        {
-            case tc_endspecials:
-                return;         // end of list
-            case tc_ceiling:
-                ceiling = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*ceiling), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
-                memcpy(ceiling, save_p, sizeof(*ceiling));
-                save_p += sizeof(*ceiling);
-                ceiling->sector = &sectors[(int) ceiling->sector];
-                ceiling->sector->specialdata = T_MoveCeiling;
-                if (ceiling->thinker.function)
-                    ceiling->thinker.function = T_MoveCeiling;
-                P_AddThinker(&ceiling->thinker);
-                P_AddActiveCeiling(ceiling);
-                break;
-            case tc_door:
-                door = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*door), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
-                memcpy(door, save_p, sizeof(*door));
-                save_p += sizeof(*door);
-                door->sector = &sectors[(int) door->sector];
-                door->sector->specialdata = door;
-                door->thinker.function = T_VerticalDoor;
-                P_AddThinker(&door->thinker);
-                break;
-            case tc_floor:
-                floor = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*floor), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
-                memcpy(floor, save_p, sizeof(*floor));
-                save_p += sizeof(*floor);
-                floor->sector = &sectors[(int) floor->sector];
-                floor->sector->specialdata = T_MoveFloor;
-                floor->thinker.function = T_MoveFloor;
-                P_AddThinker(&floor->thinker);
-                break;
-            case tc_plat:
-                plat = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*plat), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
-                memcpy(plat, save_p, sizeof(*plat));
-                save_p += sizeof(*plat);
-                plat->sector = &sectors[(int) plat->sector];
-                plat->sector->specialdata = T_PlatRaise;
-                if (plat->thinker.function)
-                    plat->thinker.function = T_PlatRaise;
-                P_AddThinker(&plat->thinker);
-                P_AddActivePlat(plat);
-                break;
-            case tc_flash:
-                flash = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*flash), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
-                memcpy(flash, save_p, sizeof(*flash));
-                save_p += sizeof(*flash);
-                flash->sector = &sectors[(int) flash->sector];
-                flash->thinker.function = T_LightFlash;
-                P_AddThinker(&flash->thinker);
-                break;
-            case tc_strobe:
-                strobe = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*strobe), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
-                memcpy(strobe, save_p, sizeof(*strobe));
-                save_p += sizeof(*strobe);
-                strobe->sector = &sectors[(int) strobe->sector];
-                strobe->thinker.function = T_StrobeFlash;
-                P_AddThinker(&strobe->thinker);
-                break;
-            case tc_glow:
-                glow = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*glow), PU_LEVEL, NULL);
-                memcpy(glow, save_p, sizeof(*glow));
-                save_p += sizeof(*glow);
-                glow->sector = &sectors[(int) glow->sector];
-                glow->thinker.function = T_Glow;
-                P_AddThinker(&glow->thinker);
-                break;
-            default:
-                I_Error("P_UnarchiveSpecials:Unknown tclass %i "
-                        "in savegame", tclass);
-        }
-    }