ref: aa728979a33d11b65bf143c87c73dc66301041e1
parent: defe234ff2172793dda184854e5176d0a177f5cd
author: Clownacy <>
date: Wed Jul 24 20:39:03 EDT 2019
Fix the Texture backend not rendering text the accurate buggy way A shame I have to fall back on the Surface fallback. Speaking of, I really need to replace that fallback with my software renderer.
--- a/src/Backends/Rendering/SDLTexture.cpp
+++ b/src/Backends/Rendering/SDLTexture.cpp
@@ -391,24 +391,20 @@
void Backend_DrawGlyph(Backend_Surface *surface, Backend_Glyph *glyph, long x, long y, const unsigned char *colours)
- // This is actually slightly imperfect: the SDL_Texture side of things uses alpha, not a colour-key,
- // so the bug where the font is blended with the colour key doesn't occur. SDL_Textures don't support
- // colour-keys, so the next best thing is relying on the software fallback, but I don't like the idea
- // of uploading textures to the GPU every time a glyph is drawn.
+ // The SDL_Texture side of things uses alpha, not a colour-key, so the bug where the font is blended
+ // with the colour key doesn't occur. SDL_Textures don't support colour-keys, so the next best thing
+ // is relying on the software fallback.
if (glyph == NULL || surface == NULL)
- RECT rect;
- rect.left = 0;
- = 0;
- rect.right = glyph->surface->sdl_surface->w;
- rect.bottom = glyph->surface->sdl_surface->h;
+ SDL_Rect destination_rect = {x, y, glyph->surface->sdl_surface->w, glyph->surface->sdl_surface->h};
SDL_SetSurfaceColorMod(glyph->surface->sdl_surface, colours[0], colours[1], colours[2]);
- SDL_SetTextureColorMod(glyph->surface->texture, colours[0], colours[1], colours[2]);
+ SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(glyph->surface->sdl_surface, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(glyph->surface->sdl_surface, NULL, surface->sdl_surface, &destination_rect);
- Backend_Blit(glyph->surface, &rect, surface, x, y, TRUE);
+ surface->needs_syncing = TRUE;
void Backend_DrawGlyphToScreen(Backend_Glyph *glyph, long x, long y, const unsigned char *colours)