ref: 0af6c061fe44a417ebaed46f7f6865dfa8afba09
parent: b273050dc6f1b051c05fba100d2e00a850e9f937
author: IIMarckus <>
date: Wed Dec 28 22:31:17 EST 2011
Add status checks + text. hg-commit-id: 58043ea19ab5
--- a/constants.asm
+++ b/constants.asm
@@ -78,6 +78,18 @@
; bit 6 par
; unused? (XXX confirm)
+W_CURMONSTATUS EQU $D018 ; the status of the player’s current monster
+ ; bit 0 slp
+ ; bit 1 slp
+ ; bit 2 slp
+ ; bit 3 psn
+ ; bit 4 brn
+ ; bit 5 frz
+ ; bit 6 par
+ ; unused? (XXX confirm)
+W_CURMONBATTSTATUS EQU $D067 ; various battle statuses
+ ; bit 5 held in place (Bind, Clamp, etc.)
--- a/pokered.asm
+++ b/pokered.asm
@@ -10128,7 +10128,7 @@
ld a,[$CFD3]
cp a,$2B
jr z,.next5\@
- cp a,$27
+ cp a,$27 ; XXX SLP | FRZ ?
jr z,.next5\@
jr .next4\@
@@ -10225,8 +10225,8 @@
ld a,[$FFF3]
and a
jr nz,.next\@
- ld a,[$D018]
- and a,$27
+ and a,SLP | FRZ
ret nz
ld hl,ScaredText
call PrintText
@@ -10263,8 +10263,116 @@
and a
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3D854,$3E474 - $3D854
+Function5854: ; 5854
+ ld a,[hl]
+ and a,SLP
+ jr z,.FrozenCheck\@ ; to 5884
+ dec a
+ ld [W_CURMONSTATUS],a ; decrement sleep count
+ and a
+ jr z,.WakeUp\@ ; to 5874
+ xor a
+ ld [$CC5B],a
+ ld a,$BC ; XXX SLP_ANIM?
+ call $6F07
+ ld hl,FastAsleepText
+ call PrintText
+ jr .sleepDone\@
+ ld hl,WokeUpText
+ call PrintText
+ xor a
+ ld [$CCF1],a
+ ld hl,Function580A
+ jp $5A37
+ bit 5,[hl] ; frozen?
+ jr z,.HeldInPlaceCheck\@ ; to 5898
+ ld hl,FrozenText
+ call PrintText
+ xor a
+ ld [$CCF1],a
+ ld hl,Function580A
+ jp $5A37
+ bit 5,a
+ jp z,$58AC
+ ld hl,CantMoveText
+ call PrintText
+ ld hl,Function580A
+ jp $5A37
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3D8AC,$3DA3D - $3D8AC
+ TX_FAR _FastAsleepText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _WokeUpText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _FrozenText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _FullyParalyzedText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _FlinchedText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _MustRechargeText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _DisabledNoMoreText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _IsConfusedText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _HurtItselfText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _ConfusedNoMoreText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _SavingEnergyText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _UnleashedEnergyText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _ThrashingAboutText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _AttackContinuesText
+ db "@"
+ TX_FAR _CantMoveText
+ db "@"
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3DA88,$3E474 - $3DA88
TypeEffects: ; 6474
; format: attacking type, defending type, damage multiplier
; the multiplier is a (decimal) fixed-point number:
@@ -14008,7 +14116,67 @@
db 0,"GHOST: Get out...",$4F
db "Get out...",$58
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89901,$8A425 - $89901
+ db 0,$5A,$4F
+ db "is fast asleep!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,$4F
+ db "woke up!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,$4F
+ db "is frozen solid!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,"'s",$4F
+ db "fully paralyzed!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,$4F
+ db "flinched!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,$4F
+ db "must recharge!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,"'s",$4F
+ db "disabled no more!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,$4F
+ db "is confused!",$58
+ db 0,"It hurt itself in",$4F
+ db "its confusion!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,"'s",$4F
+ db "confused no more!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,$4F
+ db "is saving energy!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,$4F
+ db "unleashed energy!",$58
+ db 0,$5A,"'s",$4F
+ db "thrashing about!",$57
+ db 0,$5A,"'s",$4F
+ db "attack continues!",$57
+ db 0,$5A,$4F
+ db "can't move!",$58
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$89A29,$8A425 - $89A29
INCLUDE "text/oakspeech.tx"
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8A605,$6696 - $6605