ref: 4c91afa8fdc07fa7d6be83f3fd24c2f171eeb684
parent: 5db0415c5bdc797c3ea46fd6ff082ce49f43b7e0
author: YamaArashi <>
date: Tue Jan 24 11:10:47 EST 2012
text command disasm hg-commit-id: d23a5a12cc44
--- a/common.asm
+++ b/common.asm
@@ -3249,8 +3249,376 @@
pop bc
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1B40,$20AF - $1B40
+TextCommandProcessor: ; 1B40
+ ld a,[$d358]
+ push af
+ set 1,a
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[$fff4]
+ xor e
+ ld [$d358],a
+ ld a,c
+ ld [$cc3a],a
+ ld a,b
+ ld [$cc3b],a
+NextTextCommand: ; 1B55
+ ld a,[hli]
+ cp a,$50 ; terminator
+ jr nz,.doTextCommand\@
+ pop af
+ ld [$d358],a
+ ret
+ push hl
+ cp a,$17
+ jp z,TextCommand17
+ cp a,$0e
+ jp nc,TextCommand0B ; if a != 0x17 and a >= 0xE, go to command 0xB
+; if a < 0xE, use a jump table
+ ld hl,TextCommandJumpTable
+ push bc
+ add a
+ ld b,$00
+ ld c,a
+ add hl,bc
+ pop bc
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld h,[hl]
+ ld l,a
+ jp [hl]
+; draw box
+; AAAA = address of upper left corner
+; BB = height
+; CC = width
+TextCommand04: ; 1B78
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld c,a
+ push hl
+ ld h,d
+ ld l,e
+ call TextBoxBorder
+ pop hl
+ jr NextTextCommand
+; place string inline
+; 00{string}
+TextCommand00: ; 1B8A
+ pop hl
+ ld d,h
+ ld e,l
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ call PlaceString
+ ld h,d
+ ld l,e
+ inc hl
+ jr NextTextCommand
+; place string from RAM
+; 01AAAA
+; AAAA = address of string
+TextCommand01: ; 1B97
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ push hl
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ call PlaceString
+ pop hl
+ jr NextTextCommand
+; print BCD number
+; AAAA = address of BCD number
+; BB
+; bits 0-4 = length in bytes
+; bits 5-7 = unknown flags
+TextCommand02: ; 1BA5
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ push hl
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ ld c,a
+ call $15cd
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ pop hl
+ jr NextTextCommand
+; repoint destination address
+; 03AAAA
+; AAAA = new destination address
+TextCommand03: ; 1BB7
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$cc3a],a
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$cc3b],a
+ ld b,a
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; repoint destination to second line of dialogue text box
+; 05
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand05: ; 1BC5
+ pop hl
+ ld bc,$c4e1 ; address of second line of dialogue text box
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed
+; 06
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand06: ; 1BCC
+ cp a,$04
+ jp z,TextCommand0D
+ ld a,$ee ; down arrow
+ ld [$c4f2],a ; place down arrow in lower right corner of dialogue text box
+ push bc
+ call $3898 ; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed
+ pop bc
+ ld a,$7f ; blank space
+ ld [$c4f2],a ; overwrite down arrow with blank space
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; scroll text up one line
+; 07
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand07: ; 1BE7
+ ld a,$7f ; blank space
+ ld [$c4f2],a ; place blank space in lower right corner of dialogue text box
+ call $1b18 ; scroll up text
+ call $1b18
+ pop hl
+ ld bc,$c4e1 ; address of second line of dialogue text box
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; execute asm inline
+; 08{code}
+TextCommand08: ; 1BF9
+ pop hl
+ ld de,NextTextCommand
+ push de ; return address
+ jp [hl]
+; print decimal number (converted from binary number)
+; AAAA = address of number
+; BB
+; bits 0-3 = how many digits to display
+; bits 4-7 = how long the number is in bytes
+TextCommand09: ; 1BFF
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ push hl
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ ld b,a
+ and a,$0f
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,b
+ and a,$f0
+ swap a
+ set 6,a
+ ld b,a
+ call $3c5f
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; wait half a second if the user doesn't hold A or B
+; 0A
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand0A: ; 1C1D
+ push bc
+ call $019a ; update joypad state
+ ld a,[$ffb4]
+ and a,%00000011 ; A and B buttons
+ jr nz,.skipDelay\@
+ ld c,30
+ call DelayFrames
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; plays sounds
+; this actually handles various command ID's, not just 0B
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand0B: ; 1C31
+ pop hl
+ push bc
+ dec hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld b,a ; b = command number that got us here
+ push hl
+ ld hl,TextCommandSounds
+ ld a,[hli]
+ cp b
+ jr z,.matchFound\@
+ inc hl
+ jr .loop\@
+ cp a,$14
+ jr z,.pokemonCry\@
+ cp a,$15
+ jr z,.pokemonCry\@
+ cp a,$16
+ jr z,.pokemonCry\@
+ ld a,[hl]
+ call $23b1
+ call $3748
+ pop hl
+ pop bc
+ jp NextTextCommand
+ push de
+ ld a,[hl]
+ call $13d0
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ pop bc
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; format: text command ID, sound ID or cry ID
+TextCommandSounds: ; 1C64
+db $0B,$86
+db $12,$9A
+db $0E,$91
+db $0F,$86
+db $10,$89
+db $11,$94
+db $13,$98
+db $14,$A8
+db $15,$97
+db $16,$78
+; draw ellipses
+; 0CAA
+; AA = number of ellipses to draw
+TextCommand0C: ; 1C78
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ push hl
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ ld a,$75 ; ellipsis
+ ld [hli],a
+ push de
+ call $019a ; update joypad state
+ pop de
+ ld a,[$ffb4] ; joypad state
+ and a,%00000011 ; is A or B button pressed?
+ jr nz,.skipDelay\@ ; if so, skip the delay
+ ld c,10
+ call DelayFrames
+ dec d
+ jr nz,.loop\@
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; wait for A or B to be pressed
+; 0D
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand0D: ; 1C9A
+ push bc
+ call $3898 ; wait for A or B to be pressed
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; process text commands in another ROM bank
+; AAAA = address of text commands
+; BB = bank
+TextCommand17: ; 1CA3
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[$ffb8]
+ push af
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$ffb8],a
+ ld [$2000],a
+ push hl
+ ld l,e
+ ld h,d
+ call TextCommandProcessor
+ pop hl
+ pop af
+ ld [$ffb8],a
+ ld [$2000],a
+ jp NextTextCommand
+TextCommandJumpTable: ; 1CC1
+dw TextCommand00
+dw TextCommand01
+dw TextCommand02
+dw TextCommand03
+dw TextCommand04
+dw TextCommand05
+dw TextCommand06
+dw TextCommand07
+dw TextCommand08
+dw TextCommand09
+dw TextCommand0A
+dw TextCommand0B
+dw TextCommand0C
+dw TextCommand0D
+; this function seems to be used only once
+; it store the address of a row and column of the VRAM background map in hl
+; INPUT: h - row, l - column, b - high byte of background tile map address in VRAM
+GetRowColAddressBgMap: ; 1CDD
+ xor a
+ srl h
+ rr a
+ srl h
+ rr a
+ srl h
+ rr a
+ or l
+ ld l,a
+ ld a,b
+ or h
+ ld h,a
+ ret
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1CF0,$20AF - $1CF0
DelayFrame: ; 20AF
; delay for one frame
ld a,1
@@ -4083,7 +4451,7 @@
ld a,[de]
- ldi [hl],a
+ ld [hli],a
inc de
inc c
cp a,$FF ; have we reached the end of the movement data?