ref: 6d64c3e01d43819b7e5628ee3ecc3a1cae529b05
parent: 2317848cc4252b16fd36acebcfa6077676d80f0a
author: yenatch <>
date: Fri May 30 15:52:24 EDT 2014
Split the text engine out of home.asm.
--- a/home.asm
+++ b/home.asm
@@ -1165,744 +1165,8 @@
jp Delay3
-; Draw a cxb text box at hl.
+INCLUDE "home/text.asm"
- ; top row
- push hl
- ld a, "┌"
- ld [hli], a
- inc a ; ─
- call NPlaceChar
- inc a ; ┐
- ld [hl], a
- pop hl
- ld de, 20
- add hl, de
- ; middle rows
- push hl
- ld a, "│"
- ld [hli],a
- ld a, " "
- call NPlaceChar
- ld [hl], "│"
- pop hl
- ld de, 20
- add hl, de
- dec b
- jr nz, .next
- ; bottom row
- ld a, "└"
- ld [hli], a
- ld a, "─"
- call NPlaceChar
- ld [hl], "┘"
- ret
-; Place char a c times.
- ld d, c
- ld [hli], a
- dec d
- jr nz, .loop
- ret
-PlaceString:: ; 1955 (0:1955)
- push hl
-PlaceNextChar:: ; 1956 (0:1956)
- ld a,[de]
- cp "@"
- jr nz,.PlaceText
- ld b,h
- ld c,l
- pop hl
- ret
- cp $4E
- jr nz,.next
- ld bc,$0028
- ld a,[$FFF6]
- bit 2,a
- jr z,.next2
- ld bc,$14
- pop hl
- add hl,bc
- push hl
- jp Next19E8
- cp $4F
- jr nz,.next3
- pop hl
- FuncCoord 1, 16
- ld hl,Coord
- push hl
- jp Next19E8
-.next3 ; Check against a dictionary
- and a
- jp z,Char00
- cp $4C
- jp z,Char4C
- cp $4B
- jp z,Char4B
- cp $51
- jp z,Char51
- cp $49
- jp z,Char49
- cp $52
- jp z,Char52
- cp $53
- jp z,Char53
- cp $54
- jp z,Char54
- cp $5B
- jp z,Char5B
- cp $5E
- jp z,Char5E
- cp $5C
- jp z,Char5C
- cp $5D
- jp z,Char5D
- cp $55
- jp z,Char55
- cp $56
- jp z,Char56
- cp $57
- jp z,Char57
- cp $58
- jp z,Char58
- cp $4A
- jp z,Char4A
- cp $5F
- jp z,Char5F
- cp $59
- jp z,Char59
- cp $5A
- jp z,Char5A
- ld [hli],a
- call PrintLetterDelay
-Next19E8:: ; 19e8 (0:19e8)
- inc de
- jp PlaceNextChar
-Char00:: ; 19ec (0:19ec)
- ld b,h
- ld c,l
- pop hl
- ld de,Char00Text
- dec de
- ret
-Char00Text:: ; 0x19f4 “%d ERROR.”
- TX_FAR _Char00Text
- db "@"
-Char52:: ; 0x19f9 player’s name
- push de
- jr FinishDTE
-Char53:: ; 19ff (0:19ff) ; rival’s name
- push de
- jr FinishDTE
-Char5D:: ; 1a05 (0:1a05) ; TRAINER
- push de
- ld de,Char5DText
- jr FinishDTE
-Char5C:: ; 1a0b (0:1a0b) ; TM
- push de
- ld de,Char5CText
- jr FinishDTE
-Char5B:: ; 1a11 (0:1a11) ; PC
- push de
- ld de,Char5BText
- jr FinishDTE
-Char5E:: ; 1a17 (0:1a17) ; ROCKET
- push de
- ld de,Char5EText
- jr FinishDTE
-Char54:: ; 1a1d (0:1a1d) ; POKé
- push de
- ld de,Char54Text
- jr FinishDTE
-Char56:: ; 1a23 (0:1a23) ; ……
- push de
- ld de,Char56Text
- jr FinishDTE
-Char4A:: ; 1a29 (0:1a29) ; PKMN
- push de
- ld de,Char4AText
- jr FinishDTE
-Char59:: ; 1a2f (0:1a2f)
-; depending on whose turn it is, print
-; enemy active monster’s name, prefixed with “Enemy ”
-; or
-; player active monster’s name
-; (like Char5A but flipped)
- ld a,[H_WHOSETURN]
- xor 1
- jr MonsterNameCharsCommon
-Char5A:: ; 1a35 (0:1a35)
-; depending on whose turn it is, print
-; player active monster’s name
-; or
-; enemy active monster’s name, prefixed with “Enemy ”
- ld a,[H_WHOSETURN]
-MonsterNameCharsCommon:: ; 1a37 (0:1a37)
- push de
- and a
- jr nz,.Enemy
- ld de,W_PLAYERMONNAME ; player active monster name
- jr FinishDTE
-.Enemy ; 1A40
- ; print “Enemy ”
- ld de,Char5AText
- call PlaceString
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- ld de,W_ENEMYMONNAME ; enemy active monster name
-FinishDTE:: ; 1a4b (0:1a4b)
- call PlaceString
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- pop de
- inc de
- jp PlaceNextChar
-Char5CText:: ; 1a55 (0:1a55)
- db "TM@"
-Char5DText:: ; 1a58 (0:1a58)
- db "TRAINER@"
-Char5BText:: ; 1a60 (0:1a60)
- db "PC@"
-Char5EText:: ; 1a63 (0:1a63)
- db "ROCKET@"
-Char54Text:: ; 1a6a (0:1a6a)
- db "POKé@"
-Char56Text:: ; 1a6f (0:1a6f)
- db "……@"
-Char5AText:: ; 1a72 (0:1a72)
- db "Enemy @"
-Char4AText:: ; 1a79 (0:1a79)
- db $E1,$E2,"@" ; PKMN
-Char55:: ; 1a7c (0:1a7c)
- push de
- ld b,h
- ld c,l
- ld hl,Char55Text
- call TextCommandProcessor
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- pop de
- inc de
- jp PlaceNextChar
-Char55Text:: ; 1a8c (0:1a8c)
-; equivalent to Char4B
- TX_FAR _Char55Text
- db "@"
-Char5F:: ; 1a91 (0:1a91)
-; ends a Pokédex entry
- ld [hl],"."
- pop hl
- ret
-Char58:: ; 1a95 (0:1a95)
- cp 4
- jp z,Next1AA2
- ld a,$EE
- FuncCoord 18, 16
- ld [Coord],a
-Next1AA2:: ; 1aa2 (0:1aa2)
- call ProtectedDelay3
- call ManualTextScroll
- ld a,$7F
- FuncCoord 18, 16
- ld [Coord],a
-Char57:: ; 1aad (0:1aad)
- pop hl
- ld de,Char58Text
- dec de
- ret
-Char58Text:: ; 1ab3 (0:1ab3)
- db "@"
-Char51:: ; 1ab4 (0:1ab4)
- push de
- ld a,$EE
- FuncCoord 18, 16
- ld [Coord],a
- call ProtectedDelay3
- call ManualTextScroll
- FuncCoord 1, 13
- ld hl,Coord
- ld bc,$0412
- call ClearScreenArea
- ld c,$14
- call DelayFrames
- pop de
- FuncCoord 1, 14
- ld hl,Coord
- jp Next19E8
-Char49:: ; 1ad5 (0:1ad5)
- push de
- ld a,$EE
- FuncCoord 18, 16
- ld [Coord],a
- call ProtectedDelay3
- call ManualTextScroll
- FuncCoord 1, 10
- ld hl,Coord
- ld bc,$0712
- call ClearScreenArea
- ld c,$14
- call DelayFrames
- pop de
- pop hl
- FuncCoord 1, 11
- ld hl,Coord
- push hl
- jp Next19E8
-Char4B:: ; 1af8 (0:1af8)
- ld a,$EE
- FuncCoord 18, 16
- ld [Coord],a
- call ProtectedDelay3
- push de
- call ManualTextScroll
- pop de
- ld a,$7F
- FuncCoord 18, 16
- ld [Coord],a
- ;fall through
-Char4C:: ; 1b0a (0:1b0a)
- push de
- call Next1B18
- call Next1B18
- FuncCoord 1, 16
- ld hl,Coord
- pop de
- jp Next19E8
-Next1B18:: ; 1b18 (0:1b18)
- FuncCoord 0, 14
- ld hl,Coord
- FuncCoord 0, 13
- ld de,Coord
- ld b,$3C
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [de],a
- inc de
- dec b
- jr nz,.next
- FuncCoord 1, 16
- ld hl,Coord
- ld a,$7F
- ld b,$12
- ld [hli],a
- dec b
- jr nz,.next2
- ; wait five frames
- ld b,5
- call DelayFrame
- dec b
- jr nz,.WaitFrame
- ret
-ProtectedDelay3:: ; 1b3a (0:1b3a)
- push bc
- call Delay3
- pop bc
- ret
-TextCommandProcessor:: ; 1b40 (0:1b40)
- ld a,[wd358]
- push af
- set 1,a
- ld e,a
- ld a,[$fff4]
- xor e
- ld [wd358],a
- ld a,c
- ld [wcc3a],a
- ld a,b
- ld [wcc3b],a
-NextTextCommand:: ; 1b55 (0:1b55)
- ld a,[hli]
- cp a, "@" ; terminator
- jr nz,.doTextCommand
- pop af
- ld [wd358],a
- ret
- push hl
- cp a,$17
- jp z,TextCommand17
- cp a,$0e
- jp nc,TextCommand0B ; if a != 0x17 and a >= 0xE, go to command 0xB
-; if a < 0xE, use a jump table
- ld hl,TextCommandJumpTable
- push bc
- add a
- ld b,$00
- ld c,a
- add hl,bc
- pop bc
- ld a,[hli]
- ld h,[hl]
- ld l,a
- jp [hl]
-; draw box
-; AAAA = address of upper left corner
-; BB = height
-; CC = width
-TextCommand04:: ; 1b78 (0:1b78)
- pop hl
- ld a,[hli]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld b,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld c,a
- push hl
- ld h,d
- ld l,e
- call TextBoxBorder
- pop hl
- jr NextTextCommand
-; place string inline
-; 00{string}
-TextCommand00:: ; 1b8a (0:1b8a)
- pop hl
- ld d,h
- ld e,l
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- call PlaceString
- ld h,d
- ld l,e
- inc hl
- jr NextTextCommand
-; place string from RAM
-; 01AAAA
-; AAAA = address of string
-TextCommand01:: ; 1b97 (0:1b97)
- pop hl
- ld a,[hli]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld d,a
- push hl
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- call PlaceString
- pop hl
- jr NextTextCommand
-; print BCD number
-; AAAA = address of BCD number
-; BB
-; bits 0-4 = length in bytes
-; bits 5-7 = unknown flags
-TextCommand02:: ; 1ba5 (0:1ba5)
- pop hl
- ld a,[hli]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[hli]
- push hl
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- ld c,a
- call PrintBCDNumber
- ld b,h
- ld c,l
- pop hl
- jr NextTextCommand
-; repoint destination address
-; 03AAAA
-; AAAA = new destination address
-TextCommand03:: ; 1bb7 (0:1bb7)
- pop hl
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [wcc3a],a
- ld c,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [wcc3b],a
- ld b,a
- jp NextTextCommand
-; repoint destination to second line of dialogue text box
-; 05
-; (no arguments)
-TextCommand05:: ; 1bc5 (0:1bc5)
- pop hl
- FuncCoord 1, 16
- ld bc,Coord ; address of second line of dialogue text box
- jp NextTextCommand
-; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed
-; 06
-; (no arguments)
-TextCommand06:: ; 1bcc (0:1bcc)
- cp a,$04
- jp z,TextCommand0D
- ld a,$ee ; down arrow
- FuncCoord 18, 16
- ld [Coord],a ; place down arrow in lower right corner of dialogue text box
- push bc
- call ManualTextScroll ; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed
- pop bc
- ld a," "
- FuncCoord 18, 16
- ld [Coord],a ; overwrite down arrow with blank space
- pop hl
- jp NextTextCommand
-; scroll text up one line
-; 07
-; (no arguments)
-TextCommand07:: ; 1be7 (0:1be7)
- ld a," "
- FuncCoord 18, 16
- ld [Coord],a ; place blank space in lower right corner of dialogue text box
- call Next1B18 ; scroll up text
- call Next1B18
- pop hl
- FuncCoord 1, 16
- ld bc,Coord ; address of second line of dialogue text box
- jp NextTextCommand
-; execute asm inline
-; 08{code}
-TextCommand08:: ; 1bf9 (0:1bf9)
- pop hl
- ld de,NextTextCommand
- push de ; return address
- jp [hl]
-; print decimal number (converted from binary number)
-; AAAA = address of number
-; BB
-; bits 0-3 = how many digits to display
-; bits 4-7 = how long the number is in bytes
-TextCommand09:: ; 1bff (0:1bff)
- pop hl
- ld a,[hli]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[hli]
- push hl
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- ld b,a
- and a,$0f
- ld c,a
- ld a,b
- and a,$f0
- swap a
- set 6,a
- ld b,a
- call PrintNumber
- ld b,h
- ld c,l
- pop hl
- jp NextTextCommand
-; wait half a second if the user doesn't hold A or B
-; 0A
-; (no arguments)
-TextCommand0A:: ; 1c1d (0:1c1d)
- push bc
- call Joypad
- ld a,[hJoyHeld]
- and a,%00000011 ; A and B buttons
- jr nz,.skipDelay
- ld c,30
- call DelayFrames
- pop bc
- pop hl
- jp NextTextCommand
-; plays sounds
-; this actually handles various command ID's, not just 0B
-; (no arguments)
-TextCommand0B:: ; 1c31 (0:1c31)
- pop hl
- push bc
- dec hl
- ld a,[hli]
- ld b,a ; b = command number that got us here
- push hl
- ld hl,TextCommandSounds
- ld a,[hli]
- cp b
- jr z,.matchFound
- inc hl
- jr .loop
- cp a,$14
- jr z,.pokemonCry
- cp a,$15
- jr z,.pokemonCry
- cp a,$16
- jr z,.pokemonCry
- ld a,[hl]
- call PlaySound
- call WaitForSoundToFinish
- pop hl
- pop bc
- jp NextTextCommand
- push de
- ld a,[hl]
- call PlayCry
- pop de
- pop hl
- pop bc
- jp NextTextCommand
-; format: text command ID, sound ID or cry ID
-TextCommandSounds:: ; 1c64 (0:1c64)
- db $0B,(SFX_02_3a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- db $12,(SFX_02_46 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- db $0E,(SFX_02_41 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- db $0F,(SFX_02_3a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- db $10,(SFX_02_3b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- db $11,(SFX_02_42 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- db $13,(SFX_02_44 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
- db $14,NIDORINA ; used in OakSpeech
- db $15,PIDGEOT ; used in SaffronCityText12
- db $16,DEWGONG ; unused?
-; draw ellipses
-; 0CAA
-; AA = number of ellipses to draw
-TextCommand0C:: ; 1c78 (0:1c78)
- pop hl
- ld a,[hli]
- ld d,a
- push hl
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- ld a,$75 ; ellipsis
- ld [hli],a
- push de
- call Joypad
- pop de
- ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; joypad state
- and a,%00000011 ; is A or B button pressed?
- jr nz,.skipDelay ; if so, skip the delay
- ld c,10
- call DelayFrames
- dec d
- jr nz,.loop
- ld b,h
- ld c,l
- pop hl
- jp NextTextCommand
-; wait for A or B to be pressed
-; 0D
-; (no arguments)
-TextCommand0D:: ; 1c9a (0:1c9a)
- push bc
- call ManualTextScroll ; wait for A or B to be pressed
- pop bc
- pop hl
- jp NextTextCommand
-; process text commands in another ROM bank
-; AAAA = address of text commands
-; BB = bank
-TextCommand17:: ; 1ca3 (0:1ca3)
- pop hl
- push af
- ld a,[hli]
- ld e,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld d,a
- ld a,[hli]
- ld [$2000],a
- push hl
- ld l,e
- ld h,d
- call TextCommandProcessor
- pop hl
- pop af
- ld [$2000],a
- jp NextTextCommand
-TextCommandJumpTable:: ; 1cc1 (0:1cc1)
- dw TextCommand00
- dw TextCommand01
- dw TextCommand02
- dw TextCommand03
- dw TextCommand04
- dw TextCommand05
- dw TextCommand06
- dw TextCommand07
- dw TextCommand08
- dw TextCommand09
- dw TextCommand0A
- dw TextCommand0B
- dw TextCommand0C
- dw TextCommand0D
; this function seems to be used only once
; it store the address of a row and column of the VRAM background map in hl
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/text.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,738 @@
+; Draw a cxb text box at hl.
+ ; top row
+ push hl
+ ld a, "┌"
+ ld [hli], a
+ inc a ; ─
+ call NPlaceChar
+ inc a ; ┐
+ ld [hl], a
+ pop hl
+ ld de, 20
+ add hl, de
+ ; middle rows
+ push hl
+ ld a, "│"
+ ld [hli],a
+ ld a, " "
+ call NPlaceChar
+ ld [hl], "│"
+ pop hl
+ ld de, 20
+ add hl, de
+ dec b
+ jr nz, .next
+ ; bottom row
+ ld a, "└"
+ ld [hli], a
+ ld a, "─"
+ call NPlaceChar
+ ld [hl], "┘"
+ ret
+; Place char a c times.
+ ld d, c
+ ld [hli], a
+ dec d
+ jr nz, .loop
+ ret
+PlaceString:: ; 1955 (0:1955)
+ push hl
+PlaceNextChar:: ; 1956 (0:1956)
+ ld a,[de]
+ cp "@"
+ jr nz,.PlaceText
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ pop hl
+ ret
+ cp $4E
+ jr nz,.next
+ ld bc,$0028
+ ld a,[$FFF6]
+ bit 2,a
+ jr z,.next2
+ ld bc,$14
+ pop hl
+ add hl,bc
+ push hl
+ jp Next19E8
+ cp $4F
+ jr nz,.next3
+ pop hl
+ FuncCoord 1, 16
+ ld hl,Coord
+ push hl
+ jp Next19E8
+.next3 ; Check against a dictionary
+ and a
+ jp z,Char00
+ cp $4C
+ jp z,Char4C
+ cp $4B
+ jp z,Char4B
+ cp $51
+ jp z,Char51
+ cp $49
+ jp z,Char49
+ cp $52
+ jp z,Char52
+ cp $53
+ jp z,Char53
+ cp $54
+ jp z,Char54
+ cp $5B
+ jp z,Char5B
+ cp $5E
+ jp z,Char5E
+ cp $5C
+ jp z,Char5C
+ cp $5D
+ jp z,Char5D
+ cp $55
+ jp z,Char55
+ cp $56
+ jp z,Char56
+ cp $57
+ jp z,Char57
+ cp $58
+ jp z,Char58
+ cp $4A
+ jp z,Char4A
+ cp $5F
+ jp z,Char5F
+ cp $59
+ jp z,Char59
+ cp $5A
+ jp z,Char5A
+ ld [hli],a
+ call PrintLetterDelay
+Next19E8:: ; 19e8 (0:19e8)
+ inc de
+ jp PlaceNextChar
+Char00:: ; 19ec (0:19ec)
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ pop hl
+ ld de,Char00Text
+ dec de
+ ret
+Char00Text:: ; 0x19f4 “%d ERROR.”
+ TX_FAR _Char00Text
+ db "@"
+Char52:: ; 0x19f9 player’s name
+ push de
+ jr FinishDTE
+Char53:: ; 19ff (0:19ff) ; rival’s name
+ push de
+ jr FinishDTE
+Char5D:: ; 1a05 (0:1a05) ; TRAINER
+ push de
+ ld de,Char5DText
+ jr FinishDTE
+Char5C:: ; 1a0b (0:1a0b) ; TM
+ push de
+ ld de,Char5CText
+ jr FinishDTE
+Char5B:: ; 1a11 (0:1a11) ; PC
+ push de
+ ld de,Char5BText
+ jr FinishDTE
+Char5E:: ; 1a17 (0:1a17) ; ROCKET
+ push de
+ ld de,Char5EText
+ jr FinishDTE
+Char54:: ; 1a1d (0:1a1d) ; POKé
+ push de
+ ld de,Char54Text
+ jr FinishDTE
+Char56:: ; 1a23 (0:1a23) ; ……
+ push de
+ ld de,Char56Text
+ jr FinishDTE
+Char4A:: ; 1a29 (0:1a29) ; PKMN
+ push de
+ ld de,Char4AText
+ jr FinishDTE
+Char59:: ; 1a2f (0:1a2f)
+; depending on whose turn it is, print
+; enemy active monster’s name, prefixed with “Enemy ”
+; or
+; player active monster’s name
+; (like Char5A but flipped)
+ ld a,[H_WHOSETURN]
+ xor 1
+ jr MonsterNameCharsCommon
+Char5A:: ; 1a35 (0:1a35)
+; depending on whose turn it is, print
+; player active monster’s name
+; or
+; enemy active monster’s name, prefixed with “Enemy ”
+ ld a,[H_WHOSETURN]
+MonsterNameCharsCommon:: ; 1a37 (0:1a37)
+ push de
+ and a
+ jr nz,.Enemy
+ ld de,W_PLAYERMONNAME ; player active monster name
+ jr FinishDTE
+.Enemy ; 1A40
+ ; print “Enemy ”
+ ld de,Char5AText
+ call PlaceString
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ ld de,W_ENEMYMONNAME ; enemy active monster name
+FinishDTE:: ; 1a4b (0:1a4b)
+ call PlaceString
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ pop de
+ inc de
+ jp PlaceNextChar
+Char5CText:: ; 1a55 (0:1a55)
+ db "TM@"
+Char5DText:: ; 1a58 (0:1a58)
+ db "TRAINER@"
+Char5BText:: ; 1a60 (0:1a60)
+ db "PC@"
+Char5EText:: ; 1a63 (0:1a63)
+ db "ROCKET@"
+Char54Text:: ; 1a6a (0:1a6a)
+ db "POKé@"
+Char56Text:: ; 1a6f (0:1a6f)
+ db "……@"
+Char5AText:: ; 1a72 (0:1a72)
+ db "Enemy @"
+Char4AText:: ; 1a79 (0:1a79)
+ db $E1,$E2,"@" ; PKMN
+Char55:: ; 1a7c (0:1a7c)
+ push de
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ ld hl,Char55Text
+ call TextCommandProcessor
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ pop de
+ inc de
+ jp PlaceNextChar
+Char55Text:: ; 1a8c (0:1a8c)
+; equivalent to Char4B
+ TX_FAR _Char55Text
+ db "@"
+Char5F:: ; 1a91 (0:1a91)
+; ends a Pokédex entry
+ ld [hl],"."
+ pop hl
+ ret
+Char58:: ; 1a95 (0:1a95)
+ cp 4
+ jp z,Next1AA2
+ ld a,$EE
+ FuncCoord 18, 16
+ ld [Coord],a
+Next1AA2:: ; 1aa2 (0:1aa2)
+ call ProtectedDelay3
+ call ManualTextScroll
+ ld a,$7F
+ FuncCoord 18, 16
+ ld [Coord],a
+Char57:: ; 1aad (0:1aad)
+ pop hl
+ ld de,Char58Text
+ dec de
+ ret
+Char58Text:: ; 1ab3 (0:1ab3)
+ db "@"
+Char51:: ; 1ab4 (0:1ab4)
+ push de
+ ld a,$EE
+ FuncCoord 18, 16
+ ld [Coord],a
+ call ProtectedDelay3
+ call ManualTextScroll
+ FuncCoord 1, 13
+ ld hl,Coord
+ ld bc,$0412
+ call ClearScreenArea
+ ld c,$14
+ call DelayFrames
+ pop de
+ FuncCoord 1, 14
+ ld hl,Coord
+ jp Next19E8
+Char49:: ; 1ad5 (0:1ad5)
+ push de
+ ld a,$EE
+ FuncCoord 18, 16
+ ld [Coord],a
+ call ProtectedDelay3
+ call ManualTextScroll
+ FuncCoord 1, 10
+ ld hl,Coord
+ ld bc,$0712
+ call ClearScreenArea
+ ld c,$14
+ call DelayFrames
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ FuncCoord 1, 11
+ ld hl,Coord
+ push hl
+ jp Next19E8
+Char4B:: ; 1af8 (0:1af8)
+ ld a,$EE
+ FuncCoord 18, 16
+ ld [Coord],a
+ call ProtectedDelay3
+ push de
+ call ManualTextScroll
+ pop de
+ ld a,$7F
+ FuncCoord 18, 16
+ ld [Coord],a
+ ;fall through
+Char4C:: ; 1b0a (0:1b0a)
+ push de
+ call Next1B18
+ call Next1B18
+ FuncCoord 1, 16
+ ld hl,Coord
+ pop de
+ jp Next19E8
+Next1B18:: ; 1b18 (0:1b18)
+ FuncCoord 0, 14
+ ld hl,Coord
+ FuncCoord 0, 13
+ ld de,Coord
+ ld b,$3C
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.next
+ FuncCoord 1, 16
+ ld hl,Coord
+ ld a,$7F
+ ld b,$12
+ ld [hli],a
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.next2
+ ; wait five frames
+ ld b,5
+ call DelayFrame
+ dec b
+ jr nz,.WaitFrame
+ ret
+ProtectedDelay3:: ; 1b3a (0:1b3a)
+ push bc
+ call Delay3
+ pop bc
+ ret
+TextCommandProcessor:: ; 1b40 (0:1b40)
+ ld a,[wd358]
+ push af
+ set 1,a
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[$fff4]
+ xor e
+ ld [wd358],a
+ ld a,c
+ ld [wcc3a],a
+ ld a,b
+ ld [wcc3b],a
+NextTextCommand:: ; 1b55 (0:1b55)
+ ld a,[hli]
+ cp a, "@" ; terminator
+ jr nz,.doTextCommand
+ pop af
+ ld [wd358],a
+ ret
+ push hl
+ cp a,$17
+ jp z,TextCommand17
+ cp a,$0e
+ jp nc,TextCommand0B ; if a != 0x17 and a >= 0xE, go to command 0xB
+; if a < 0xE, use a jump table
+ ld hl,TextCommandJumpTable
+ push bc
+ add a
+ ld b,$00
+ ld c,a
+ add hl,bc
+ pop bc
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld h,[hl]
+ ld l,a
+ jp [hl]
+; draw box
+; AAAA = address of upper left corner
+; BB = height
+; CC = width
+TextCommand04:: ; 1b78 (0:1b78)
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld c,a
+ push hl
+ ld h,d
+ ld l,e
+ call TextBoxBorder
+ pop hl
+ jr NextTextCommand
+; place string inline
+; 00{string}
+TextCommand00:: ; 1b8a (0:1b8a)
+ pop hl
+ ld d,h
+ ld e,l
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ call PlaceString
+ ld h,d
+ ld l,e
+ inc hl
+ jr NextTextCommand
+; place string from RAM
+; 01AAAA
+; AAAA = address of string
+TextCommand01:: ; 1b97 (0:1b97)
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ push hl
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ call PlaceString
+ pop hl
+ jr NextTextCommand
+; print BCD number
+; AAAA = address of BCD number
+; BB
+; bits 0-4 = length in bytes
+; bits 5-7 = unknown flags
+TextCommand02:: ; 1ba5 (0:1ba5)
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ push hl
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ ld c,a
+ call PrintBCDNumber
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ pop hl
+ jr NextTextCommand
+; repoint destination address
+; 03AAAA
+; AAAA = new destination address
+TextCommand03:: ; 1bb7 (0:1bb7)
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [wcc3a],a
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [wcc3b],a
+ ld b,a
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; repoint destination to second line of dialogue text box
+; 05
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand05:: ; 1bc5 (0:1bc5)
+ pop hl
+ FuncCoord 1, 16
+ ld bc,Coord ; address of second line of dialogue text box
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed
+; 06
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand06:: ; 1bcc (0:1bcc)
+ cp a,$04
+ jp z,TextCommand0D
+ ld a,$ee ; down arrow
+ FuncCoord 18, 16
+ ld [Coord],a ; place down arrow in lower right corner of dialogue text box
+ push bc
+ call ManualTextScroll ; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed
+ pop bc
+ ld a," "
+ FuncCoord 18, 16
+ ld [Coord],a ; overwrite down arrow with blank space
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; scroll text up one line
+; 07
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand07:: ; 1be7 (0:1be7)
+ ld a," "
+ FuncCoord 18, 16
+ ld [Coord],a ; place blank space in lower right corner of dialogue text box
+ call Next1B18 ; scroll up text
+ call Next1B18
+ pop hl
+ FuncCoord 1, 16
+ ld bc,Coord ; address of second line of dialogue text box
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; execute asm inline
+; 08{code}
+TextCommand08:: ; 1bf9 (0:1bf9)
+ pop hl
+ ld de,NextTextCommand
+ push de ; return address
+ jp [hl]
+; print decimal number (converted from binary number)
+; AAAA = address of number
+; BB
+; bits 0-3 = how many digits to display
+; bits 4-7 = how long the number is in bytes
+TextCommand09:: ; 1bff (0:1bff)
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ push hl
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ ld b,a
+ and a,$0f
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,b
+ and a,$f0
+ swap a
+ set 6,a
+ ld b,a
+ call PrintNumber
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; wait half a second if the user doesn't hold A or B
+; 0A
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand0A:: ; 1c1d (0:1c1d)
+ push bc
+ call Joypad
+ ld a,[hJoyHeld]
+ and a,%00000011 ; A and B buttons
+ jr nz,.skipDelay
+ ld c,30
+ call DelayFrames
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; plays sounds
+; this actually handles various command ID's, not just 0B
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand0B:: ; 1c31 (0:1c31)
+ pop hl
+ push bc
+ dec hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld b,a ; b = command number that got us here
+ push hl
+ ld hl,TextCommandSounds
+ ld a,[hli]
+ cp b
+ jr z,.matchFound
+ inc hl
+ jr .loop
+ cp a,$14
+ jr z,.pokemonCry
+ cp a,$15
+ jr z,.pokemonCry
+ cp a,$16
+ jr z,.pokemonCry
+ ld a,[hl]
+ call PlaySound
+ call WaitForSoundToFinish
+ pop hl
+ pop bc
+ jp NextTextCommand
+ push de
+ ld a,[hl]
+ call PlayCry
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ pop bc
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; format: text command ID, sound ID or cry ID
+TextCommandSounds:: ; 1c64 (0:1c64)
+ db $0B,(SFX_02_3a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ db $12,(SFX_02_46 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ db $0E,(SFX_02_41 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ db $0F,(SFX_02_3a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ db $10,(SFX_02_3b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ db $11,(SFX_02_42 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ db $13,(SFX_02_44 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3
+ db $14,NIDORINA ; used in OakSpeech
+ db $15,PIDGEOT ; used in SaffronCityText12
+ db $16,DEWGONG ; unused?
+; draw ellipses
+; 0CAA
+; AA = number of ellipses to draw
+TextCommand0C:: ; 1c78 (0:1c78)
+ pop hl
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ push hl
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ ld a,$75 ; ellipsis
+ ld [hli],a
+ push de
+ call Joypad
+ pop de
+ ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; joypad state
+ and a,%00000011 ; is A or B button pressed?
+ jr nz,.skipDelay ; if so, skip the delay
+ ld c,10
+ call DelayFrames
+ dec d
+ jr nz,.loop
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; wait for A or B to be pressed
+; 0D
+; (no arguments)
+TextCommand0D:: ; 1c9a (0:1c9a)
+ push bc
+ call ManualTextScroll ; wait for A or B to be pressed
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ jp NextTextCommand
+; process text commands in another ROM bank
+; AAAA = address of text commands
+; BB = bank
+TextCommand17:: ; 1ca3 (0:1ca3)
+ pop hl
+ push af
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld d,a
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [$2000],a
+ push hl
+ ld l,e
+ ld h,d
+ call TextCommandProcessor
+ pop hl
+ pop af
+ ld [$2000],a
+ jp NextTextCommand
+TextCommandJumpTable:: ; 1cc1 (0:1cc1)
+ dw TextCommand00
+ dw TextCommand01
+ dw TextCommand02
+ dw TextCommand03
+ dw TextCommand04
+ dw TextCommand05
+ dw TextCommand06
+ dw TextCommand07
+ dw TextCommand08
+ dw TextCommand09
+ dw TextCommand0A
+ dw TextCommand0B
+ dw TextCommand0C
+ dw TextCommand0D