ref: 6dae2db72a283c9a5e3202ce2c585886ddf94336
parent: 74b45506dfbdf69c3f0c525e340c906b04add607
author: IIMarckus <>
date: Sun Apr 10 18:30:02 EDT 2011
Function that copies the attack data to memory. hg-commit-id: d2b2f3874e47
--- a/pokered.asm
+++ b/pokered.asm
@@ -3239,7 +3239,24 @@
db STRUGGLE ,$30,$32,NORMAL,$FF,10
; trainer data: from 5C53 to 652E
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$383DE,$39C53 - $383DE
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$383DE,$39884 - $383DE
+ReadAttack: ; 5884
+ push hl
+ push de
+ push bc
+ dec a
+ ld hl,Attacks
+ ld bc,6
+ call AddNTimes
+ ld de,$CFCC
+ call CopyData
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ ret
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3989B,$39C53 - $3989B
ReadTrainer: ; 5C53
; don't change any moves in a link battle