shithub: pokered

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ref: 6ed8c815118952034ffa69c4615e4db8a0c7bcd5
parent: 0dadb5af6303ccdbc86052b7b6a729e9113207c8
author: Bryan Bishop <>
date: Sat Jan 14 14:48:22 EST 2012

IndigoPlateauTexts and IndigoPlateauObject are the same

hg-commit-id: f154acbb6735

--- a/common.asm
+++ b/common.asm
@@ -25711,7 +25711,7 @@
 IndigoPlateau_h: ; 0x5091e to 0x50935 (23 bytes) (id=9)
     db $17 ; tileset
     db $09, $0a ; dimensions (y, x)
-    dw IndigoPlateauBlocks, $4936, IndigoPlateauScript ; blocks, texts, scripts
+    dw IndigoPlateauBlocks, IndigoPlateauTexts, IndigoPlateauScript ; blocks, texts, scripts
     db SOUTH ; connections
     ; connections data
@@ -25730,6 +25730,7 @@
 ; 0x50936
 IndigoPlateauObject: ; 0x50936 (size=20)
     db $e ; border tile