ref: 76311b6e5420d7286ca171a4f2df2a1351673c4a
parent: aae2e7b4af0fbf122badc603a4c0cad86a4cbe77
author: stag019 <>
date: Fri Mar 23 16:39:43 EDT 2012
ActivatePC and associated stuff... hg-commit-id: 35bb9f0c0008
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -21213,7 +21213,116 @@
db $50
; 0x17e27 + 5 bytes
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$17e2c,$17f23 - $17e2c
+ActivatePC: ;0x17e2c
+ call $36F4 ;XXX: copy background from $C3A0 to $CD81
+ ld a, $99
+ call $23B1 ;XXX: play sound or stop music
+ ld hl, UnnamedText_17f23 ;player turned on PC
+ call PrintText
+ call $3748 ;XXX: wait for sound to be done
+ ld hl, $CD60
+ set 3, [hl]
+ call $3701 ;XXX: restore saved screen
+ call Delay3
+ ld b, 8
+ ld hl, $53C8
+ call Bankswitch
+ ld hl, $CD60
+ set 5, [hl]
+ call HandleMenuInput
+ bit 1, a ;if player pressed B
+ jp nz, LogOff
+ cp a, 2
+ jr nz, .next\@ ;if not 2 menu items (not counting log off) (2 occurs before you get the pokedex)
+ and a
+ jp z, BillsPC ;if current menu item id is 0, it's bills pc
+ cp a, 1
+ jr z, .playersPC ;if current menu item id is 1, it's players pc
+ jp LogOff ;otherwise, it's 2, and you're logging off\@
+ cp a, 3
+ jr nz, .next2\@ ;if not 3 menu items (not counting log off) (3 occurs after you get the pokedex, before you beat the pokemon league)
+ and a
+ jp z, BillsPC ;if current menu item id is 0, it's bills pc
+ cp a, 1
+ jr z, .playersPC ;if current menu item id is 1, it's players pc
+ cp a, 2
+ jp z, OaksPC ;if current menu item id is 2, it's oaks pc
+ jp LogOff ;otherwise, it's 3, and you're logging off
+ and a
+ jp z, BillsPC ;if current menu item id is 0, it's bills pc
+ cp a, 1
+ jr z, .playersPC ;if current menu item id is 1, it's players pc
+ cp a, 2
+ jp z, OaksPC ;if current menu item id is 2, it's oaks pc
+ cp a, 3
+ jp z, PKMNLeague ;if current menu item id is 3, it's pkmnleague
+ jp LogOff ;otherwise, it's 4, and you're logging off
+ ld hl, $CD60
+ res 5, [hl]
+ set 3, [hl]
+ ld a, $9B
+ call $23B1 ;XXX: play sound or stop music
+ call $3748 ;XXX: wait for sound to be done
+ ld hl, UnnamedText_17f32 ;accessed players pc
+ call PrintText
+ ld b, 1
+ ld hl, $78E6
+ call Bankswitch
+ jr ReloadMainMenu
+ ld a, $9B
+ call $23B1 ;XXX: play sound or stop music
+ call $3748 ;XXX: wait for sound to be done
+ ld b, 7
+ ld hl, $6915
+ call Bankswitch
+ jr ReloadMainMenu
+ ld a, $9B
+ call $23B1 ;XXX: play sound or stop music
+ call $3748 ;XXX: wait for sound to be done
+ ld b, BANK(Unknown_7657e)
+ ld hl, Unknown_7657e
+ call Bankswitch
+ jr ReloadMainMenu
+ ld a, $9B
+ call $23B1 ;XXX: play sound or stop music
+ call $3748 ;XXX: wait for sound to be done
+ ld a, [$D7F1] ;has to do with having met Bill
+ bit 0, a
+ jr nz, .billsPC ;if you've met bill, use that bill's instead of someone's
+ ld hl, UnnamedText_17f2d ;accessed someone's pc
+ jr .printText
+ ld hl, UnnamedText_17f28 ;accessed bill's pc
+ call PrintText
+ ld b, 8
+ ld hl, $54C2
+ call Bankswitch
+ xor a
+ ld [$CC3C], a
+ call ReloadMapData
+ call $2429 ;XXX: moves sprites
+ jp PCMainMenu
+ ld a, $9A
+ call $23B1 ;XXX: play sound or stop music
+ call $3748 ;XXX: wait for sound to be done
+ ld hl, $CD60
+ res 3, [hl]
+ res 5, [hl]
+ ret
UnnamedText_17f23: ; 0x17f23
TX_FAR _UnnamedText_17f23
@@ -72757,6 +72866,7 @@
AgathaBlocks: ; 0x76560 30
INCBIN "maps/agatha.blk"
+Unknown_7657e: ;0x7657e (has to do with the hall of fame on the PC)
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$7657e,$76670 - $7657e
HallOfFameNoText: ; 0x76670