shithub: pokered

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ref: 98de3ed35f5c38c664f8c52f678831d0a96a3126
parent: fa9c66dc639cbbbd8809fcd98f6be6cde731e1f0
author: IIMarckus <>
date: Wed Dec 28 15:28:51 EST 2011

PP decrement during battle.

hg-commit-id: 7ea8b204a6b9

--- a/pokered.asm
+++ b/pokered.asm
@@ -12120,7 +12120,38 @@
 	INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$67B50,$68000-$67B50
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$68000,$6807F-$68000
+; after using a move, decrement pp in battle and (if not transformed?) in party
+	ld a,[de]
+	ret z
+	ld hl,$D062
+	ld a,[hli]
+	and a,7
+	ret nz
+	bit 6,[hl]
+	ret nz
+	ld hl,$D02D ; PP of first move (in battle)
+	call .DecrementPP\@
+	ld a,[$D064]
+	bit 3,a ; XXX transform status?
+	ret nz
+	ld hl,$D188 ; PP of first move (in party)
+	ld a,[$CC2F] ; which mon in party is active
+	ld bc,$2C
+	call AddNTimes
+	ld a,[$CC2E] ; which move (0, 1, 2, 3) did we use?
+	ld c,a
+	ld b,0
+	add hl,bc
+	dec [hl] ; Decrement PP
+	ret
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$6802F,$6807F-$6802F
 	INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$6807F,$6867F-$6807F