ref: 9e11a1e9960d6510f216974b3c687dd30f59e4ae
parent: f227b10d883ae07d79680f8d7782a70f827bb2a1
author: IIMarckus <>
date: Sun Jun 5 17:54:08 EDT 2011
Fill out the dictionary some more. hg-commit-id: 0b2352698d90
--- a/pokered.asm
+++ b/pokered.asm
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@
PlaceString: ; 1955
push hl
+PlaceNextChar: ; 1956
ld a,[de]
; $50 ends a string
@@ -543,17 +543,17 @@
cp $58
jp z,$1A95
cp $4A
- jp z,$1A29
+ jp z,Char4A
cp $5F
- jp z,$1A91
+ jp z,Char5F
cp $59
- jp z,$1A2F
+ jp z,Char59
cp $5A
- jp z,$1A35
+ jp z,Char5A
ld [hli],a
call $38D3
inc de
- jp .Start\@
+ jp PlaceNextChar
ld b,h
@@ -572,51 +572,131 @@
Char52: ; player’s name
push de
ld de,$D158
- jr Next
+ jr FinishDTE
Char53: ; rival’s name
push de
ld de,$D34A
- jr Next
+ jr FinishDTE
push de
- ld de,$1A58
- jr Next
+ ld de,Char5DText
+ jr FinishDTE
Char5C: ; TM
push de
- ld de,$1A55
- jr Next
+ ld de,Char5CText
+ jr FinishDTE
Char5B: ; PC
push de
- ld de,$1A60
- jr Next
+ ld de,Char5BText
+ jr FinishDTE
Char5E: ; ROCKET
push de
- ld de,$1A63
- jr Next
+ ld de,Char5EText
+ jr FinishDTE
Char54: ; POKé
push de
- ld de,$1A6A
- jr Next
+ ld de,Char54Text
+ jr FinishDTE
-Char56: ; XXX
+Char56: ; ……
push de
- ld de,$1A6F
- jr Next
+ ld de,Char56Text
+ jr FinishDTE
-Char4A: ; XXX
+Char4A: ; PKMN
push de
- ld de,$1A79
- jr Next
+ ld de,Char4AText
+ jr FinishDTE
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1A2F,$1A4B - $1A2F
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1A4B,$20AF - $1A4B
+; depending on whose turn it is, print
+; player active monster’s name
+; or
+; enemy active monster’s name, prefixed with “Enemy ”
+; (XXX what is the purpose of this vs. Char5A)
+ ld a,[$FFF3]
+ xor 1
+ jr MonsterNameCharsCommon
+; depending on whose turn it is, print
+; player active monster’s name
+; or
+; enemy active monster’s name, prefixed with “Enemy ”
+ ld a,[$FFF3]
+ push de
+ and a
+ jr nz,.Enemy\@
+ ld de,$D009 ; player active monster name
+ jr FinishDTE
+.Enemy\@ ; 1A40
+ ; print “Enemy ”
+ ld de,Char5AText
+ call PlaceString
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ ld de,$CFDA ; enemy active monster name
+ call PlaceString
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ pop de
+ inc de
+ jp PlaceNextChar
+ db $93,$8C,$50 ; TM
+ db $93,$91,$80,$88,$8D,$84,$91,$50 ; TRAINER
+ db $8F,$82,$50 ; PC
+ db $91,$8E,$82,$8A,$84,$93,$50 ; ROCKET
+ db $8F,$8E,$8A,$BA,$50 ; POKé
+ db $75,$75,$50 ; ……
+ db $84,$AD,$A4,$AC,$B8,$7F,$50 ; “Enemy ”
+ db $E1,$E2,$50 ; PKMN
+ push de
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,l
+ ld hl,Char55Text
+ call $1B40
+ ld h,b
+ ld l,c
+ pop de
+ inc de
+ jp PlaceNextChar
+; equivalent to Char4B
+ db $17
+ dw $66A3
+ db $22
+ db $50
+ ld [hl],$E8 ; .
+ pop hl
+ ret
+; 1A95
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1A95,$20AF - $1A95
DelayFrame: ; 20AF
; delay for one frame