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ref: a6bce22ca9021e2b644e0da09f6872d08a5ed1ed
parent: 9391ee1da476dc6e28f879925ecca76d6697fc02
author: YamaArashi <>
date: Sat Feb 18 09:29:57 EST 2012

fix some labels/comments regarding stat names

hg-commit-id: 252f18ba93f8

--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -16495,20 +16495,20 @@
 	ld a,[$cf91]
 	sub a,HP_UP - 1
 	ld c,a
-.vitaminNameLoop\@ ; loop to get the address of the name of the vitamin
+.statNameLoop\@ ; loop to get the address of the name of the stat the vitamin increases
 	dec c
-	jr z,.next34\@
+	jr z,.gotStatName\@
 	ld a,[hli]
 	ld b,a
 	ld a,$50
 	cp b
-	jr nz,.vitaminNameInnerLoop\@
-	jr .vitaminNameLoop\@
+	jr nz,.statNameInnerLoop\@
+	jr .statNameLoop\@
 	ld de,$cf4b
 	ld bc,10
-	call CopyData ; copy the vitamin's name to $cf4b
+	call CopyData ; copy the stat's name to $cf4b
 	ld a,$8e
 	call $23b1 ; play sound
 	ld hl,VitaminStatRoseText