ref: b52bcd65975a21d0d101091259058f758b6ad8a0
parent: cddc935127865becd680193b693b210f15be601d
author: yenatch <>
date: Wed Jan 22 09:45:07 EST 2014
split viridian and oaks lab text into text/maps/
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -124726,962 +124726,13 @@
INCLUDE "text/maps/reds_house_1f.asm"
INCLUDE "text/maps/blues_house.asm"
-_OaksLabGaryText1: ; 94d5b (25:4d5b)
- text $53, ": Yo"
- line $52, "! Gramps"
- cont "isn't around!"
- done
-_OaksLabText40: ; 94d79 (25:4d79)
- text $53, ": Heh, I"
- line "don't need to be"
- cont "greedy like you!"
- para "Go ahead and"
- line "choose, ", $52, "!"
- done
-_OaksLabText41: ; 94dbd (25:4dbd)
- text $53, ": My"
- line "#MON looks a"
- cont "lot stronger."
- done
-_OaksLabText39: ; 94ddf (25:4ddf)
- text "Those are #"
- line "BALLs. They"
- cont "contain #MON!"
- done
-_OaksLabCharmanderText: ; 94e06 (25:4e06)
- text "So! You want the"
- line "fire #MON,"
- cont "CHARMANDER?"
- done
-_OaksLabSquirtleText: ; 94e2f (25:4e2f)
- text "So! You want the"
- line "water #MON,"
- cont "SQUIRTLE?"
- done
-_OaksLabBulbasaurText: ; 94e57 (25:4e57)
- text "So! You want the"
- line "plant #MON,"
- cont "BULBASAUR?"
- done
-_OaksLabMonEnergeticText: ; 94e80 (25:4e80)
- text "This #MON is"
- line "really energetic!"
- prompt
-_OaksLabReceivedMonText: ; 94ea0 (25:4ea0)
- text $52, " received"
- line "a @"
- TX_RAM $cd6d
- text "!@@"
-_OaksLabLastMonText: ; 94eb6 (25:4eb6)
- text "That's PROF.OAK's"
- line "last #MON!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1d2f0: ; 94ed2 (25:4ed2)
- text "OAK: Now, ", $52, ","
- line "which #MON do"
- cont "you want?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1d2f5: ; 94ef8 (25:4ef8)
- text "OAK: If a wild"
- line "#MON appears,"
- cont "your #MON can"
- cont "fight against it!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1d2fa: ; 94f36 (25:4f36)
- text "OAK: ", $52, ","
- line "raise your young"
- cont "#MON by making"
- cont "it fight!"
- done
-_OaksLabDeliverParcelText1: ; 94f69 (25:4f69)
- text "OAK: Oh, ", $52, "!"
- para "How is my old"
- line "#MON?"
- para "Well, it seems to"
- line "like you a lot."
- para "You must be"
- line "talented as a"
- cont "#MON trainer!"
- para "What? You have"
- line "something for me?"
- para $52, " delivered"
- line "OAK's PARCEL.@@"
-_OaksLabDeliverParcelText2: ; 9500f (25:500f)
- db $0
- para "Ah! This is the"
- line "custom # BALL"
- cont "I ordered!"
- cont "Thank you!"
- done
-_OaksLabAroundWorldText: ; 95045 (25:5045)
- text "#MON around the"
- line "world wait for"
- cont "you, ", $52, "!"
- done
-_OaksLabGivePokeballsText1: ; 9506d (25:506d)
- text "OAK: You can't get"
- line "detailed data on"
- cont "#MON by just"
- cont "seeing them."
- para "You must catch"
- line "them! Use these"
- cont "to capture wild"
- cont "#MON."
- para $52, " got 5"
- line "# BALLs!@@"
-_OaksLabGivePokeballsText2: ; 950f2 (25:50f2)
- db $0
- para "When a wild"
- line "#MON appears,"
- cont "it's fair game."
- para "Just throw a #"
- line "BALL at it and try"
- line "to catch it!"
- para "This won't always"
- line "work, though."
- para "A healthy #MON"
- line "could escape. You"
- cont "have to be lucky!"
- done
-_OaksLabPleaseVisitText: ; 9519e (25:519e)
- text "OAK: Come see me"
- line "sometimes."
- para "I want to know how"
- line "your #DEX is"
- cont "coming along."
- done
-_UnnamedText_1d31d: ; 951e9 (25:51e9)
- text "OAK: Good to see "
- line "you! How is your "
- cont "#DEX coming? "
- cont "Here, let me take"
- cont "a look!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_1d32c: ; 95236 (25:5236)
- text "It's encyclopedia-"
- line "like, but the"
- cont "pages are blank!"
- done
-_OaksLabText8: ; 95268 (25:5268)
- text "?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1d340: ; 9526b (25:526b)
- text "PROF.OAK is the"
- line "authority on"
- cont "#MON!"
- para "Many #MON"
- line "trainers hold him"
- cont "in high regard!"
- done
-_OaksLabRivalWaitingText: ; 952bb (25:52bb)
- text $53, ": Gramps!"
- line "I'm fed up with"
- cont "waiting!"
- done
-_OaksLabChooseMonText: ; 952df (25:52df)
- text "OAK: ", $53, "?"
- line "Let me think..."
- para "Oh, that's right,"
- line "I told you to"
- cont "come! Just wait!"
- para "Here, ", $52, "!"
- para "There are 3"
- line "#MON here!"
- para "Haha!"
- para "They are inside"
- line "the # BALLs."
- para "When I was young,"
- line "I was a serious"
- cont "#MON trainer!"
- para "In my old age, I"
- line "have only 3 left,"
- cont "but you can have"
- cont "one! Choose!"
- done
-_OaksLabRivalInterjectionText: ; 953dc (25:53dc)
- text $53, ": Hey!"
- line "Gramps! What"
- cont "about me?"
- done
-_OaksLabBePatientText: ; 953fc (25:53fc)
- text "OAK: Be patient!"
- line $53, ", you can"
- cont "have one too!"
- done
-_OaksLabLeavingText: ; 95427 (25:5427)
- text "OAK: Hey! Don't go"
- line "away yet!"
- done
-_OaksLabRivalPickingMonText: ; 95444 (25:5444)
- text $53, ": I'll take"
- line "this one, then!"
- done
-_OaksLabRivalReceivedMonText: ; 95461 (25:5461)
- text $53, " received"
- line "a @"
- TX_RAM $cd6d
- text "!@@"
-_OaksLabRivalChallengeText: ; 95477 (25:5477)
- text $53, ": Wait"
- line $52, "!"
- cont "Let's check out"
- cont "our #MON!"
- para "Come on, I'll take"
- line "you on!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1d3be: ; 954b6 (25:54b6)
- text "WHAT?"
- line "Unbelievable!"
- cont "I picked the"
- cont "wrong #MON!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_1d3c3: ; 954e4 (25:54e4)
- text $53, ": Yeah! Am"
- line "I great or what?"
- prompt
-_OaksLabRivalToughenUpText: ; 95502 (25:5502)
- text $53, ": Okay!"
- line "I'll make my"
- cont "#MON fight to"
- cont "toughen it up!"
- para $52, "! Gramps!"
- line "Smell you later!"
- done
-_OaksLabText21: ; 95551 (25:5551)
- text $53, ": Gramps!"
- done
-_OaksLabText22: ; 9555d (25:555d)
- text $53, ": What did"
- line "you call me for?"
- done
-_OaksLabText23: ; 9557b (25:557b)
- text "OAK: Oh right! I"
- line "have a request"
- cont "of you two."
- done
-_OaksLabText24: ; 955a8 (25:55a8)
- text "On the desk there"
- line "is my invention,"
- cont "#DEX!"
- para "It automatically"
- line "records data on"
- cont "#MON you've"
- cont "seen or caught!"
- para "It's a hi-tech"
- line "encyclopedia!"
- done
-_OaksLabText25: ; 9562a (25:562a)
- text "OAK: ", $52, " and"
- line $53, "! Take"
- cont "these with you!"
- para $52, " got"
- line "#DEX from OAK!@@"
-_OaksLabText26: ; 95664 (25:5664)
- text "To make a complete"
- line "guide on all the"
- cont "#MON in the"
- cont "world..."
- para "That was my dream!"
- para "But, I'm too old!"
- line "I can't do it!"
- para "So, I want you two"
- line "to fulfill my"
- cont "dream for me!"
- para "Get moving, you"
- line "two!"
- para "This is a great"
- line "undertaking in"
- cont "#MON history!"
- done
-_OaksLabText27: ; 95741 (25:5741)
- text $53, ": Alright"
- line "Gramps! Leave it"
- cont "all to me!"
- para $52, ", I hate to"
- line "say it, but I"
- cont "don't need you!"
- para "I know! I'll"
- line "borrow a TOWN MAP"
- cont "from my sis!"
- para "I'll tell her not"
- line "to lend you one,"
- cont $52, "! Hahaha!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1d405: ; 957eb (25:57eb)
- text "I study #MON as"
- line "PROF.OAK's AIDE."
- done
-_UnnamedText_441cc: ; 9580c (25:580c)
- text "#DEX comp-"
- line "letion is:"
- para "@"
- TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
- text " #MON seen"
- line "@"
- TX_NUM $ffdc, 1, 3
- text " #MON owned"
- para "PROF.OAK's"
- line "Rating:"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_44201: ; 95858 (25:5858)
- text "You still have"
- line "lots to do."
- cont "Look for #MON"
- cont "in grassy areas!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_44206: ; 95893 (25:5893)
- text "You're on the"
- line "right track! "
- cont "Get a FLASH HM"
- cont "from my AIDE!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4420b: ; 958cc (25:58cc)
- text "You still need"
- line "more #MON!"
- cont "Try to catch"
- cont "other species!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_44210: ; 95903 (25:5903)
- text "Good, you're"
- line "trying hard!"
- cont "Get an ITEMFINDER"
- cont "from my AIDE!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_44215: ; 9593d (25:593d)
- text "Looking good!"
- line "Go find my AIDE"
- cont "when you get 50!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4421a: ; 9596d (25:596d)
- text "You finally got at"
- line "least 50 species!"
- cont "Be sure to get"
- cont "EXP.ALL from my"
- cont "AIDE!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4421f: ; 959b8 (25:59b8)
- text "Ho! This is geting"
- line "even better!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_44224: ; 959d9 (25:59d9)
- text "Very good!"
- line "Go fish for some"
- cont "marine #MON!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_44229: ; 95a03 (25:5a03)
- text "Wonderful!"
- line "Do you like to"
- cont "collect things?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4422e: ; 95a2e (25:5a2e)
- text "I'm impressed!"
- line "It must have been"
- cont "difficult to do!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_44233: ; 95a60 (25:5a60)
- text "You finally got at"
- line "least 100 species!"
- cont "I can't believe"
- cont "how good you are!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_44238: ; 95aa8 (25:5aa8)
- text "You even have the"
- line "evolved forms of"
- cont "#MON! Super!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4423d: ; 95ad9 (25:5ad9)
- text "Excellent! Trade"
- line "with friends to"
- cont "get some more!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_44242: ; 95b0a (25:5b0a)
- text "Outstanding!"
- line "You've become a"
- cont "real pro at this!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_44247: ; 95b39 (25:5b39)
- text "I have nothing"
- line "left to say!"
- cont "You're the"
- cont "authority now!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4424c: ; 95b6f (25:5b6f)
- text "Your #DEX is"
- line "entirely complete!"
- cont "Congratulations!"
- done
-_ViridianPokeCenterText2: ; 95ba1 (25:5ba1)
-_ViridianPokeCenterText1: ; 95ba1 (25:5ba1)
- text "You can use that"
- line "PC in the corner."
- para "The receptionist"
- line "told me. So kind!"
- done
-_ViridianPokeCenterText3: ; 95be8 (25:5be8)
- text "There's a #MON"
- line "CENTER in every"
- cont "town ahead."
- para "They don't charge"
- line "any money either!"
- done
-_ViridianMartText1: ; 95c36 (25:5c36)
- text "Okay! Say hi to"
- line "PROF.OAK for me!"
- done
-_ViridianMartText4: ; 95c58 (25:5c58)
- text "Hey! You came from"
- line "PALLET TOWN?"
- done
-ViridianMartParcelQuestText: ; 95c79 (25:5c79)
- text "You know PROF."
- line "OAK, right?"
- para "His order came in."
- line "Will you take it"
- cont "to him?"
- para $52, " got"
- line "OAK's PARCEL!@@"
-_ViridianMartText2: ; 95cd5 (25:5cd5)
- text "This shop sells"
- line "many ANTIDOTEs."
- done
-_ViridianMartText3: ; 95cf6 (25:5cf6)
- text "No! POTIONs are"
- line "all sold out."
- done
-_SchoolText1: ; 95d15 (25:5d15)
- text "Whew! I'm trying"
- line "to memorize all"
- cont "my notes."
- done
-_SchoolText2: ; 95d40 (25:5d40)
- text "Okay!"
- para "Be sure to read"
- line "the blackboard"
- cont "carefully!"
- done
-_ViridianHouseText1: ; 95d71 (25:5d71)
- text "Coming up with"
- line "nicknames is fun,"
- cont "but hard."
- para "Simple names are"
- line "the easiest to"
- cont "remember."
- done
-_ViridianHouseText2: ; 95dc7 (25:5dc7)
- text "My Daddy loves"
- line "#MON too."
- done
-_UnnamedText_1d5b1: ; 95de1 (25:5de1)
- text "SPEARY: Tetweet!"
- done
-_ViridianHouseText4: ; 95df3 (25:5df3)
- text "SPEAROW"
- line "Name: SPEARY"
- done
-_UnnamedText_74ace: ; 95e09 (25:5e09)
- text "Fwahahaha! This is"
- line "my hideout!"
- para "I planned to"
- line "resurrect TEAM"
- cont "ROCKET here!"
- para "But, you have"
- line "caught me again!"
- cont "So be it! This"
- cont "time, I'm not"
- cont "holding back!"
- para "Once more, you"
- line "shall face"
- cont "GIOVANNI, the"
- cont "greatest trainer!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_74ad3: ; 95ed5 (25:5ed5)
- text "Ha!"
- line "That was a truly"
- cont "intense fight!"
- cont "You have won!"
- cont "As proof, here is"
- cont "the EARTHBADGE!@@"
-_UnnamedText_74ad9: ; 95f2b (25:5f2b)
- text "Having lost, I"
- line "cannot face my"
- cont "underlings!"
- cont "TEAM ROCKET is"
- cont "finished forever!"
- para "I will dedicate my"
- line "life to the study"
- cont "of #MON!"
- para "Let us meet again"
- line "some day!"
- cont "Farewell!@@"
-_ViridianGymText12: ; 95fcc (25:5fcc)
- text "The EARTHBADGE"
- line "makes #MON of"
- cont "any level obey!"
- para "It is evidence of"
- line "your mastery as a"
- cont "#MON trainer!"
- para "With it, you can"
- line "enter the #MON"
- cont "LEAGUE!"
- para "It is my gift for"
- line "your #MON"
- cont "LEAGUE challenge!"
- done
-_ReceivedTM27Text: ; 96082 (25:6082)
- text $52, " received"
- line "TM27!@@"
-_TM27ExplanationText: ; 96095 (25:6095)
- db $0
- para "TM27 is FISSURE!"
- line "It will take out"
- cont "#MON with just"
- cont "one hit!"
- para "I made it when I"
- line "ran the GYM here,"
- cont "too long ago..."
- done
-_TM27NoRoomText: ; 96104 (25:6104)
- text "You do not have"
- line "space for this!"
- done
-_ViridianGymBattleText1: ; 96125 (25:6125)
- text "Heh! You must be"
- line "running out of"
- cont "steam by now!"
- done
-_ViridianGymEndBattleText1: ; 96154 (25:6154)
- text "I"
- line "ran out of gas!"
- prompt
-_ViridianGymAfterBattleText1: ; 96167 (25:6167)
- text "You need power to"
- line "keep up with our"
- cont "GYM LEADER!"
- done
-_ViridianGymBattleText2: ; 96197 (25:6197)
- text "Rrrroar! I'm"
- line "working myself"
- cont "into a rage!"
- done
-_ViridianGymEndBattleText2: ; 961c0 (25:61c0)
- text "Wargh!"
- prompt
-_ViridianGymAfterBattleText2: ; 961c8 (25:61c8)
- text "I'm still not"
- line "worthy!"
- done
-_ViridianGymBattleText3: ; 961de (25:61de)
- text "#MON and I, we"
- line "make wonderful"
- cont "music together!"
- done
-_ViridianGymEndBattleText3: ; 9620d (25:620d)
- text "You are in"
- line "perfect harmony!"
- prompt
-_ViridianGymAfterBattleText3: ; 9622a (25:622a)
- text "Do you know the"
- line "identity of our"
- cont "GYM LEADER?"
- done
-_ViridianGymBattleText4: ; 96257 (25:6257)
- text "Karate is the"
- line "ultimate form of"
- cont "martial arts!"
- done
-_ViridianGymEndBattleText4: ; 96285 (25:6285)
- text "Atcho!"
- prompt
-_ViridianGymAfterBattleText4: ; 9628d (25:628d)
- text "If my #MON"
- line "were as good at"
- cont "Karate as I..."
- done
-_ViridianGymBattleText5: ; 962b8 (25:62b8)
- text "The truly talented"
- line "win with style!"
- done
-_ViridianGymEndBattleText5: ; 962dc (25:62dc)
- text "I"
- line "lost my grip!"
- prompt
-_ViridianGymAfterBattleText5: ; 962ed (25:62ed)
- text "The LEADER will"
- line "scold me!"
- done
-_ViridianGymBattleText6: ; 96308 (25:6308)
- text "I'm the KARATE"
- line "KING! Your fate"
- cont "rests with me!"
- done
-_ViridianGymEndBattleText6: ; 96336 (25:6336)
- text "Ayah!"
- prompt
-_ViridianGymAfterBattleText6: ; 9633d (25:633d)
- text "#MON LEAGUE?"
- line "You? Don't get"
- cont "cocky!"
- done
-_ViridianGymBattleText7: ; 96360 (25:6360)
- text "Your #MON will"
- line "cower at the"
- cont "crack of my whip!"
- done
-_ViridianGymEndBattleText7: ; 9638f (25:638f)
- text "Yowch!"
- line "Whiplash!"
- prompt
-_ViridianGymAfterBattleText7: ; 963a1 (25:63a1)
- text "Wait! I was just"
- line "careless!"
- done
-_ViridianGymBattleText8: ; 963bd (25:63bd)
- text "VIRIDIAN GYM was"
- line "closed for a long"
- cont "time, but now our"
- cont "LEADER is back!"
- done
-_ViridianGymEndBattleText8: ; 96403 (25:6403)
- text "I"
- line "was beaten?"
- prompt
-_ViridianGymAfterBattleText8: ; 96412 (25:6412)
- text "You can go onto"
- line "#MON LEAGUE"
- cont "only by defeating"
- cont "our GYM LEADER!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_74bd4: ; 96451 (25:6451)
- text "Yo! Champ in"
- line "making!"
- para "Even I don't know"
- cont "identity!"
- para "This will be the"
- line "toughest of all"
- cont "the GYM LEADERs!"
- para "I heard that the"
- line "trainers here"
- cont "like ground-type"
- cont "#MON!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_74bd9: ; 964fb (25:64fb)
- text "Blow me away!"
- line "GIOVANNI was the"
- cont "GYM LEADER here?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c21a: ; 9652c (25:652c)
- text "Come again!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c21f: ; 96539 (25:6539)
- text "It's ¥50 for a"
- line "child's ticket."
- para "Would you like to"
- line "come in?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c224: ; 96572 (25:6572)
- text "Right, ¥50!"
- line "Thank you!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c229: ; 9658a (25:658a)
- text "You don't have"
- line "enough money."
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_5c22e: ; 965a7 (25:65a7)
- text "You can't sneak"
- line "in the back way!"
- para "Oh, whatever!"
- line "Do you know what"
- cont "AMBER is?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c233: ; 965f1 (25:65f1)
- text "There's a lab"
- line "somewhere trying"
- cont "to resurrect"
- cont "ancient #MON"
- cont "from AMBER."
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c238: ; 96636 (25:6636)
- text "AMBER is fossil-"
- line "ized tree sap."
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c23d: ; 96657 (25:6657)
- text "Please go to the"
- line "other side!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c242: ; 96675 (25:6675)
- text "Take plenty of"
- line "time to look!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c251: ; 96693 (25:6693)
- text "That is one"
- line "magnificent"
- cont "fossil!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c28e: ; 966b4 (25:66b4)
- text "Ssh! I think that"
- line "this chunk of"
- cont "AMBER contains"
- cont "#MON DNA!"
- para "It would be great"
- line "if #MON could"
- cont "be resurrected"
- cont "from it!"
- para "But, my colleagues"
- line "just ignore me!"
- para "So I have a favor"
- line "to ask!"
- para "Take this to a"
- line "#MON LAB and"
- cont "get it examined!"
- prompt
-_ReceivedOldAmberText: ; 96790 (25:6790)
- text $52, " received"
- line "OLD AMBER!@@"
-_UnnamedText_5c299: ; 967a8 (25:67a8)
- text "Ssh! Get the OLD"
- line "AMBER checked!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c29e: ; 967c9 (25:67c9)
- text "You don't have"
- line "space for this!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c2ad: ; 967e8 (25:67e8)
- text "We are proud of 2"
- line "fossils of very"
- cont "rare, prehistoric"
- cont "#MON!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5c2bc: ; 96823 (25:6823)
- text "The AMBER is"
- line "clear and gold!"
- done
-_MuseumF2Text1: ; 96841 (25:6841)
- text "MOON STONE?"
- para "What's so special"
- line "about it?"
- done
-_MuseumF2Text2: ; 96869 (25:6869)
- text "July 20, 1969!"
- para "The 1st lunar"
- line "landing!"
- para "I bought a color"
- line "TV to watch it!"
- done
-_MuseumF2Text3: ; 968b1 (25:68b1)
- text "We have a space"
- line "exhibit now."
- done
-_MuseumF2Text4: ; 968cf (25:68cf)
- text "I want a PIKACHU!"
- line "It's so cute!"
- para "I asked my Daddy"
- line "to catch me one!"
- done
-_MuseumF2Text5: ; 96911 (25:6911)
- text "Yeah, a PIKACHU"
- line "soon, I promise!"
- done
-_MuseumF2Text6: ; 96933 (25:6933)
- line "COLUMBIA"
- done
-_MuseumF2Text7: ; 9694b (25:694b)
- text "Meteorite that"
- line "fell on MT.MOON."
- cont "(MOON STONE?)"
- done
+INCLUDE "text/maps/oaks_lab.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_mart.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/school.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_gym.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/museum_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/museum_2f.asm"
_UnnamedText_5c49e: ; 9697a (25:697a)
text "I'm BROCK!"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/museum_1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,108 @@
+_UnnamedText_5c21a: ; 9652c (25:652c)
+ text "Come again!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c21f: ; 96539 (25:6539)
+ text "It's ¥50 for a"
+ line "child's ticket."
+ para "Would you like to"
+ line "come in?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c224: ; 96572 (25:6572)
+ text "Right, ¥50!"
+ line "Thank you!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c229: ; 9658a (25:658a)
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "enough money."
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_5c22e: ; 965a7 (25:65a7)
+ text "You can't sneak"
+ line "in the back way!"
+ para "Oh, whatever!"
+ line "Do you know what"
+ cont "AMBER is?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c233: ; 965f1 (25:65f1)
+ text "There's a lab"
+ line "somewhere trying"
+ cont "to resurrect"
+ cont "ancient #MON"
+ cont "from AMBER."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c238: ; 96636 (25:6636)
+ text "AMBER is fossil-"
+ line "ized tree sap."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c23d: ; 96657 (25:6657)
+ text "Please go to the"
+ line "other side!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c242: ; 96675 (25:6675)
+ text "Take plenty of"
+ line "time to look!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c251: ; 96693 (25:6693)
+ text "That is one"
+ line "magnificent"
+ cont "fossil!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c28e: ; 966b4 (25:66b4)
+ text "Ssh! I think that"
+ line "this chunk of"
+ cont "AMBER contains"
+ cont "#MON DNA!"
+ para "It would be great"
+ line "if #MON could"
+ cont "be resurrected"
+ cont "from it!"
+ para "But, my colleagues"
+ line "just ignore me!"
+ para "So I have a favor"
+ line "to ask!"
+ para "Take this to a"
+ line "#MON LAB and"
+ cont "get it examined!"
+ prompt
+_ReceivedOldAmberText: ; 96790 (25:6790)
+ text $52, " received"
+ line "OLD AMBER!@@"
+_UnnamedText_5c299: ; 967a8 (25:67a8)
+ text "Ssh! Get the OLD"
+ line "AMBER checked!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c29e: ; 967c9 (25:67c9)
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "space for this!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c2ad: ; 967e8 (25:67e8)
+ text "We are proud of 2"
+ line "fossils of very"
+ cont "rare, prehistoric"
+ cont "#MON!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5c2bc: ; 96823 (25:6823)
+ text "The AMBER is"
+ line "clear and gold!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/museum_2f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+_MuseumF2Text1: ; 96841 (25:6841)
+ text "MOON STONE?"
+ para "What's so special"
+ line "about it?"
+ done
+_MuseumF2Text2: ; 96869 (25:6869)
+ text "July 20, 1969!"
+ para "The 1st lunar"
+ line "landing!"
+ para "I bought a color"
+ line "TV to watch it!"
+ done
+_MuseumF2Text3: ; 968b1 (25:68b1)
+ text "We have a space"
+ line "exhibit now."
+ done
+_MuseumF2Text4: ; 968cf (25:68cf)
+ text "I want a PIKACHU!"
+ line "It's so cute!"
+ para "I asked my Daddy"
+ line "to catch me one!"
+ done
+_MuseumF2Text5: ; 96911 (25:6911)
+ text "Yeah, a PIKACHU"
+ line "soon, I promise!"
+ done
+_MuseumF2Text6: ; 96933 (25:6933)
+ line "COLUMBIA"
+ done
+_MuseumF2Text7: ; 9694b (25:694b)
+ text "Meteorite that"
+ line "fell on MT.MOON."
+ cont "(MOON STONE?)"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/oaks_lab.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,478 @@
+_OaksLabGaryText1: ; 94d5b (25:4d5b)
+ text $53, ": Yo"
+ line $52, "! Gramps"
+ cont "isn't around!"
+ done
+_OaksLabText40: ; 94d79 (25:4d79)
+ text $53, ": Heh, I"
+ line "don't need to be"
+ cont "greedy like you!"
+ para "Go ahead and"
+ line "choose, ", $52, "!"
+ done
+_OaksLabText41: ; 94dbd (25:4dbd)
+ text $53, ": My"
+ line "#MON looks a"
+ cont "lot stronger."
+ done
+_OaksLabText39: ; 94ddf (25:4ddf)
+ text "Those are #"
+ line "BALLs. They"
+ cont "contain #MON!"
+ done
+_OaksLabCharmanderText: ; 94e06 (25:4e06)
+ text "So! You want the"
+ line "fire #MON,"
+ cont "CHARMANDER?"
+ done
+_OaksLabSquirtleText: ; 94e2f (25:4e2f)
+ text "So! You want the"
+ line "water #MON,"
+ cont "SQUIRTLE?"
+ done
+_OaksLabBulbasaurText: ; 94e57 (25:4e57)
+ text "So! You want the"
+ line "plant #MON,"
+ cont "BULBASAUR?"
+ done
+_OaksLabMonEnergeticText: ; 94e80 (25:4e80)
+ text "This #MON is"
+ line "really energetic!"
+ prompt
+_OaksLabReceivedMonText: ; 94ea0 (25:4ea0)
+ text $52, " received"
+ line "a @"
+ TX_RAM $cd6d
+ text "!@@"
+_OaksLabLastMonText: ; 94eb6 (25:4eb6)
+ text "That's PROF.OAK's"
+ line "last #MON!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1d2f0: ; 94ed2 (25:4ed2)
+ text "OAK: Now, ", $52, ","
+ line "which #MON do"
+ cont "you want?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1d2f5: ; 94ef8 (25:4ef8)
+ text "OAK: If a wild"
+ line "#MON appears,"
+ cont "your #MON can"
+ cont "fight against it!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1d2fa: ; 94f36 (25:4f36)
+ text "OAK: ", $52, ","
+ line "raise your young"
+ cont "#MON by making"
+ cont "it fight!"
+ done
+_OaksLabDeliverParcelText1: ; 94f69 (25:4f69)
+ text "OAK: Oh, ", $52, "!"
+ para "How is my old"
+ line "#MON?"
+ para "Well, it seems to"
+ line "like you a lot."
+ para "You must be"
+ line "talented as a"
+ cont "#MON trainer!"
+ para "What? You have"
+ line "something for me?"
+ para $52, " delivered"
+ line "OAK's PARCEL.@@"
+_OaksLabDeliverParcelText2: ; 9500f (25:500f)
+ db $0
+ para "Ah! This is the"
+ line "custom # BALL"
+ cont "I ordered!"
+ cont "Thank you!"
+ done
+_OaksLabAroundWorldText: ; 95045 (25:5045)
+ text "#MON around the"
+ line "world wait for"
+ cont "you, ", $52, "!"
+ done
+_OaksLabGivePokeballsText1: ; 9506d (25:506d)
+ text "OAK: You can't get"
+ line "detailed data on"
+ cont "#MON by just"
+ cont "seeing them."
+ para "You must catch"
+ line "them! Use these"
+ cont "to capture wild"
+ cont "#MON."
+ para $52, " got 5"
+ line "# BALLs!@@"
+_OaksLabGivePokeballsText2: ; 950f2 (25:50f2)
+ db $0
+ para "When a wild"
+ line "#MON appears,"
+ cont "it's fair game."
+ para "Just throw a #"
+ line "BALL at it and try"
+ line "to catch it!"
+ para "This won't always"
+ line "work, though."
+ para "A healthy #MON"
+ line "could escape. You"
+ cont "have to be lucky!"
+ done
+_OaksLabPleaseVisitText: ; 9519e (25:519e)
+ text "OAK: Come see me"
+ line "sometimes."
+ para "I want to know how"
+ line "your #DEX is"
+ cont "coming along."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1d31d: ; 951e9 (25:51e9)
+ text "OAK: Good to see "
+ line "you! How is your "
+ cont "#DEX coming? "
+ cont "Here, let me take"
+ cont "a look!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_1d32c: ; 95236 (25:5236)
+ text "It's encyclopedia-"
+ line "like, but the"
+ cont "pages are blank!"
+ done
+_OaksLabText8: ; 95268 (25:5268)
+ text "?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1d340: ; 9526b (25:526b)
+ text "PROF.OAK is the"
+ line "authority on"
+ cont "#MON!"
+ para "Many #MON"
+ line "trainers hold him"
+ cont "in high regard!"
+ done
+_OaksLabRivalWaitingText: ; 952bb (25:52bb)
+ text $53, ": Gramps!"
+ line "I'm fed up with"
+ cont "waiting!"
+ done
+_OaksLabChooseMonText: ; 952df (25:52df)
+ text "OAK: ", $53, "?"
+ line "Let me think..."
+ para "Oh, that's right,"
+ line "I told you to"
+ cont "come! Just wait!"
+ para "Here, ", $52, "!"
+ para "There are 3"
+ line "#MON here!"
+ para "Haha!"
+ para "They are inside"
+ line "the # BALLs."
+ para "When I was young,"
+ line "I was a serious"
+ cont "#MON trainer!"
+ para "In my old age, I"
+ line "have only 3 left,"
+ cont "but you can have"
+ cont "one! Choose!"
+ done
+_OaksLabRivalInterjectionText: ; 953dc (25:53dc)
+ text $53, ": Hey!"
+ line "Gramps! What"
+ cont "about me?"
+ done
+_OaksLabBePatientText: ; 953fc (25:53fc)
+ text "OAK: Be patient!"
+ line $53, ", you can"
+ cont "have one too!"
+ done
+_OaksLabLeavingText: ; 95427 (25:5427)
+ text "OAK: Hey! Don't go"
+ line "away yet!"
+ done
+_OaksLabRivalPickingMonText: ; 95444 (25:5444)
+ text $53, ": I'll take"
+ line "this one, then!"
+ done
+_OaksLabRivalReceivedMonText: ; 95461 (25:5461)
+ text $53, " received"
+ line "a @"
+ TX_RAM $cd6d
+ text "!@@"
+_OaksLabRivalChallengeText: ; 95477 (25:5477)
+ text $53, ": Wait"
+ line $52, "!"
+ cont "Let's check out"
+ cont "our #MON!"
+ para "Come on, I'll take"
+ line "you on!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1d3be: ; 954b6 (25:54b6)
+ text "WHAT?"
+ line "Unbelievable!"
+ cont "I picked the"
+ cont "wrong #MON!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_1d3c3: ; 954e4 (25:54e4)
+ text $53, ": Yeah! Am"
+ line "I great or what?"
+ prompt
+_OaksLabRivalToughenUpText: ; 95502 (25:5502)
+ text $53, ": Okay!"
+ line "I'll make my"
+ cont "#MON fight to"
+ cont "toughen it up!"
+ para $52, "! Gramps!"
+ line "Smell you later!"
+ done
+_OaksLabText21: ; 95551 (25:5551)
+ text $53, ": Gramps!"
+ done
+_OaksLabText22: ; 9555d (25:555d)
+ text $53, ": What did"
+ line "you call me for?"
+ done
+_OaksLabText23: ; 9557b (25:557b)
+ text "OAK: Oh right! I"
+ line "have a request"
+ cont "of you two."
+ done
+_OaksLabText24: ; 955a8 (25:55a8)
+ text "On the desk there"
+ line "is my invention,"
+ cont "#DEX!"
+ para "It automatically"
+ line "records data on"
+ cont "#MON you've"
+ cont "seen or caught!"
+ para "It's a hi-tech"
+ line "encyclopedia!"
+ done
+_OaksLabText25: ; 9562a (25:562a)
+ text "OAK: ", $52, " and"
+ line $53, "! Take"
+ cont "these with you!"
+ para $52, " got"
+ line "#DEX from OAK!@@"
+_OaksLabText26: ; 95664 (25:5664)
+ text "To make a complete"
+ line "guide on all the"
+ cont "#MON in the"
+ cont "world..."
+ para "That was my dream!"
+ para "But, I'm too old!"
+ line "I can't do it!"
+ para "So, I want you two"
+ line "to fulfill my"
+ cont "dream for me!"
+ para "Get moving, you"
+ line "two!"
+ para "This is a great"
+ line "undertaking in"
+ cont "#MON history!"
+ done
+_OaksLabText27: ; 95741 (25:5741)
+ text $53, ": Alright"
+ line "Gramps! Leave it"
+ cont "all to me!"
+ para $52, ", I hate to"
+ line "say it, but I"
+ cont "don't need you!"
+ para "I know! I'll"
+ line "borrow a TOWN MAP"
+ cont "from my sis!"
+ para "I'll tell her not"
+ line "to lend you one,"
+ cont $52, "! Hahaha!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1d405: ; 957eb (25:57eb)
+ text "I study #MON as"
+ line "PROF.OAK's AIDE."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_441cc: ; 9580c (25:580c)
+ text "#DEX comp-"
+ line "letion is:"
+ para "@"
+ TX_NUM $ffdb, 1, 3
+ text " #MON seen"
+ line "@"
+ TX_NUM $ffdc, 1, 3
+ text " #MON owned"
+ para "PROF.OAK's"
+ line "Rating:"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_44201: ; 95858 (25:5858)
+ text "You still have"
+ line "lots to do."
+ cont "Look for #MON"
+ cont "in grassy areas!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_44206: ; 95893 (25:5893)
+ text "You're on the"
+ line "right track! "
+ cont "Get a FLASH HM"
+ cont "from my AIDE!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_4420b: ; 958cc (25:58cc)
+ text "You still need"
+ line "more #MON!"
+ cont "Try to catch"
+ cont "other species!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_44210: ; 95903 (25:5903)
+ text "Good, you're"
+ line "trying hard!"
+ cont "Get an ITEMFINDER"
+ cont "from my AIDE!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_44215: ; 9593d (25:593d)
+ text "Looking good!"
+ line "Go find my AIDE"
+ cont "when you get 50!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_4421a: ; 9596d (25:596d)
+ text "You finally got at"
+ line "least 50 species!"
+ cont "Be sure to get"
+ cont "EXP.ALL from my"
+ cont "AIDE!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_4421f: ; 959b8 (25:59b8)
+ text "Ho! This is geting"
+ line "even better!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_44224: ; 959d9 (25:59d9)
+ text "Very good!"
+ line "Go fish for some"
+ cont "marine #MON!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_44229: ; 95a03 (25:5a03)
+ text "Wonderful!"
+ line "Do you like to"
+ cont "collect things?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_4422e: ; 95a2e (25:5a2e)
+ text "I'm impressed!"
+ line "It must have been"
+ cont "difficult to do!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_44233: ; 95a60 (25:5a60)
+ text "You finally got at"
+ line "least 100 species!"
+ cont "I can't believe"
+ cont "how good you are!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_44238: ; 95aa8 (25:5aa8)
+ text "You even have the"
+ line "evolved forms of"
+ cont "#MON! Super!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_4423d: ; 95ad9 (25:5ad9)
+ text "Excellent! Trade"
+ line "with friends to"
+ cont "get some more!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_44242: ; 95b0a (25:5b0a)
+ text "Outstanding!"
+ line "You've become a"
+ cont "real pro at this!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_44247: ; 95b39 (25:5b39)
+ text "I have nothing"
+ line "left to say!"
+ cont "You're the"
+ cont "authority now!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_4424c: ; 95b6f (25:5b6f)
+ text "Your #DEX is"
+ line "entirely complete!"
+ cont "Congratulations!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/school.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+_SchoolText1: ; 95d15 (25:5d15)
+ text "Whew! I'm trying"
+ line "to memorize all"
+ cont "my notes."
+ done
+_SchoolText2: ; 95d40 (25:5d40)
+ text "Okay!"
+ para "Be sure to read"
+ line "the blackboard"
+ cont "carefully!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/viridian_gym.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,237 @@
+_UnnamedText_74ace: ; 95e09 (25:5e09)
+ text "Fwahahaha! This is"
+ line "my hideout!"
+ para "I planned to"
+ line "resurrect TEAM"
+ cont "ROCKET here!"
+ para "But, you have"
+ line "caught me again!"
+ cont "So be it! This"
+ cont "time, I'm not"
+ cont "holding back!"
+ para "Once more, you"
+ line "shall face"
+ cont "GIOVANNI, the"
+ cont "greatest trainer!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_74ad3: ; 95ed5 (25:5ed5)
+ text "Ha!"
+ line "That was a truly"
+ cont "intense fight!"
+ cont "You have won!"
+ cont "As proof, here is"
+ cont "the EARTHBADGE!@@"
+_UnnamedText_74ad9: ; 95f2b (25:5f2b)
+ text "Having lost, I"
+ line "cannot face my"
+ cont "underlings!"
+ cont "TEAM ROCKET is"
+ cont "finished forever!"
+ para "I will dedicate my"
+ line "life to the study"
+ cont "of #MON!"
+ para "Let us meet again"
+ line "some day!"
+ cont "Farewell!@@"
+_ViridianGymText12: ; 95fcc (25:5fcc)
+ text "The EARTHBADGE"
+ line "makes #MON of"
+ cont "any level obey!"
+ para "It is evidence of"
+ line "your mastery as a"
+ cont "#MON trainer!"
+ para "With it, you can"
+ line "enter the #MON"
+ cont "LEAGUE!"
+ para "It is my gift for"
+ line "your #MON"
+ cont "LEAGUE challenge!"
+ done
+_ReceivedTM27Text: ; 96082 (25:6082)
+ text $52, " received"
+ line "TM27!@@"
+_TM27ExplanationText: ; 96095 (25:6095)
+ db $0
+ para "TM27 is FISSURE!"
+ line "It will take out"
+ cont "#MON with just"
+ cont "one hit!"
+ para "I made it when I"
+ line "ran the GYM here,"
+ cont "too long ago..."
+ done
+_TM27NoRoomText: ; 96104 (25:6104)
+ text "You do not have"
+ line "space for this!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymBattleText1: ; 96125 (25:6125)
+ text "Heh! You must be"
+ line "running out of"
+ cont "steam by now!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymEndBattleText1: ; 96154 (25:6154)
+ text "I"
+ line "ran out of gas!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianGymAfterBattleText1: ; 96167 (25:6167)
+ text "You need power to"
+ line "keep up with our"
+ cont "GYM LEADER!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymBattleText2: ; 96197 (25:6197)
+ text "Rrrroar! I'm"
+ line "working myself"
+ cont "into a rage!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymEndBattleText2: ; 961c0 (25:61c0)
+ text "Wargh!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianGymAfterBattleText2: ; 961c8 (25:61c8)
+ text "I'm still not"
+ line "worthy!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymBattleText3: ; 961de (25:61de)
+ text "#MON and I, we"
+ line "make wonderful"
+ cont "music together!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymEndBattleText3: ; 9620d (25:620d)
+ text "You are in"
+ line "perfect harmony!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianGymAfterBattleText3: ; 9622a (25:622a)
+ text "Do you know the"
+ line "identity of our"
+ cont "GYM LEADER?"
+ done
+_ViridianGymBattleText4: ; 96257 (25:6257)
+ text "Karate is the"
+ line "ultimate form of"
+ cont "martial arts!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymEndBattleText4: ; 96285 (25:6285)
+ text "Atcho!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianGymAfterBattleText4: ; 9628d (25:628d)
+ text "If my #MON"
+ line "were as good at"
+ cont "Karate as I..."
+ done
+_ViridianGymBattleText5: ; 962b8 (25:62b8)
+ text "The truly talented"
+ line "win with style!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymEndBattleText5: ; 962dc (25:62dc)
+ text "I"
+ line "lost my grip!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianGymAfterBattleText5: ; 962ed (25:62ed)
+ text "The LEADER will"
+ line "scold me!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymBattleText6: ; 96308 (25:6308)
+ text "I'm the KARATE"
+ line "KING! Your fate"
+ cont "rests with me!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymEndBattleText6: ; 96336 (25:6336)
+ text "Ayah!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianGymAfterBattleText6: ; 9633d (25:633d)
+ text "#MON LEAGUE?"
+ line "You? Don't get"
+ cont "cocky!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymBattleText7: ; 96360 (25:6360)
+ text "Your #MON will"
+ line "cower at the"
+ cont "crack of my whip!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymEndBattleText7: ; 9638f (25:638f)
+ text "Yowch!"
+ line "Whiplash!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianGymAfterBattleText7: ; 963a1 (25:63a1)
+ text "Wait! I was just"
+ line "careless!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymBattleText8: ; 963bd (25:63bd)
+ text "VIRIDIAN GYM was"
+ line "closed for a long"
+ cont "time, but now our"
+ cont "LEADER is back!"
+ done
+_ViridianGymEndBattleText8: ; 96403 (25:6403)
+ text "I"
+ line "was beaten?"
+ prompt
+_ViridianGymAfterBattleText8: ; 96412 (25:6412)
+ text "You can go onto"
+ line "#MON LEAGUE"
+ cont "only by defeating"
+ cont "our GYM LEADER!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_74bd4: ; 96451 (25:6451)
+ text "Yo! Champ in"
+ line "making!"
+ para "Even I don't know"
+ cont "identity!"
+ para "This will be the"
+ line "toughest of all"
+ cont "the GYM LEADERs!"
+ para "I heard that the"
+ line "trainers here"
+ cont "like ground-type"
+ cont "#MON!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_74bd9: ; 964fb (25:64fb)
+ text "Blow me away!"
+ line "GIOVANNI was the"
+ cont "GYM LEADER here?"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/viridian_house.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+_ViridianHouseText1: ; 95d71 (25:5d71)
+ text "Coming up with"
+ line "nicknames is fun,"
+ cont "but hard."
+ para "Simple names are"
+ line "the easiest to"
+ cont "remember."
+ done
+_ViridianHouseText2: ; 95dc7 (25:5dc7)
+ text "My Daddy loves"
+ line "#MON too."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1d5b1: ; 95de1 (25:5de1)
+ text "SPEARY: Tetweet!"
+ done
+_ViridianHouseText4: ; 95df3 (25:5df3)
+ text "SPEAROW"
+ line "Name: SPEARY"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/viridian_mart.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+_ViridianPokeCenterText2: ; 95ba1 (25:5ba1)
+_ViridianPokeCenterText1: ; 95ba1 (25:5ba1)
+ text "You can use that"
+ line "PC in the corner."
+ para "The receptionist"
+ line "told me. So kind!"
+ done
+_ViridianPokeCenterText3: ; 95be8 (25:5be8)
+ text "There's a #MON"
+ line "CENTER in every"
+ cont "town ahead."
+ para "They don't charge"
+ line "any money either!"
+ done
+_ViridianMartText1: ; 95c36 (25:5c36)
+ text "Okay! Say hi to"
+ line "PROF.OAK for me!"
+ done
+_ViridianMartText4: ; 95c58 (25:5c58)
+ text "Hey! You came from"
+ line "PALLET TOWN?"
+ done
+ViridianMartParcelQuestText: ; 95c79 (25:5c79)
+ text "You know PROF."
+ line "OAK, right?"
+ para "His order came in."
+ line "Will you take it"
+ cont "to him?"
+ para $52, " got"
+ line "OAK's PARCEL!@@"
+_ViridianMartText2: ; 95cd5 (25:5cd5)
+ text "This shop sells"
+ line "many ANTIDOTEs."
+ done
+_ViridianMartText3: ; 95cf6 (25:5cf6)
+ text "No! POTIONs are"
+ line "all sold out."
+ done