ref: be326c65652d5e87e353172a4471458822ffd3da
parent: fcb573f4ac006b73827b6fc317fc7501e17004ae
author: Rangi <>
date: Tue Jul 14 11:14:32 EDT 2020
Factor out spinner tiles from RocketHideoutB2F since they're also used by ViridianGym, and to make their data and code more accessible
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/tilesets/spinner_tiles.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+spinner: MACRO
+; \1: source
+; \2: offset (BANK() chokes on literals)
+; \3: dest
+ dw \1 tile \2
+ db 1
+ db BANK(\1)
+ dw vTileset tile \3
+ spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 0, $20
+ spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 1, $21
+ spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 2, $30
+ spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 3, $31
+ spinner Facility_GFX, $20, $20
+ spinner Facility_GFX, $21, $21
+ spinner Facility_GFX, $30, $30
+ spinner Facility_GFX, $31, $31
+ spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 1, $3c
+ spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 3, $3d
+ spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 0, $4c
+ spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 2, $4d
+ spinner Gym_GFX, $3c, $3c
+ spinner Gym_GFX, $3d, $3d
+ spinner Gym_GFX, $4c, $4c
+ spinner Gym_GFX, $4d, $4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engine/overworld/spinners.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+ ld a, [wSpritePlayerStateData1ImageIndex]
+ srl a
+ srl a
+ ld hl, SpinnerPlayerFacingDirections
+ ld c, a
+ ld b, $0
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ld [wSpritePlayerStateData1ImageIndex], a
+ ld a, [wCurMapTileset]
+ ld hl, FacilitySpinnerArrows
+ jr z, .asm_44ff6
+ ld hl, GymSpinnerArrows
+ ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex]
+ bit 0, a
+ jr nz, .asm_45001
+ ld de, $18
+ add hl, de
+ ld a, $4
+ ld bc, $0
+ push af
+ push hl
+ push bc
+ add hl, bc
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld d, a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld c, a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld b, a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld h, [hl]
+ ld l, a
+ call CopyVideoData
+ pop bc
+ ld a, $6
+ add c
+ ld c, a
+ pop hl
+ pop af
+ dec a
+ jr nz, .asm_45006
+ ret
+INCLUDE "data/tilesets/spinner_tiles.asm"
+; This isn't the order of the facing directions. Rather, it's a list of
+; the facing directions that come next. For example, when the player is
+; facing down (00), the next facing direction is left (08).
+ db $08 ; down -> left
+ db $0C ; up -> right
+ db $04 ; left -> up
+ db $00 ; right -> down
+; these tiles are the animation for the tiles that push the player in dungeons like Rocket HQ
+ INCBIN "gfx/overworld/spinners.2bpp"
--- a/scripts/RocketHideoutB2F.asm
+++ b/scripts/RocketHideoutB2F.asm
@@ -313,99 +313,7 @@
ld [wCurMapScript], a
- ld a, [wSpritePlayerStateData1ImageIndex]
- srl a
- srl a
- ld hl, SpinnerPlayerFacingDirections
- ld c, a
- ld b, $0
- add hl, bc
- ld a, [hl]
- ld [wSpritePlayerStateData1ImageIndex], a
- ld a, [wCurMapTileset]
- ld hl, FacilitySpinnerArrows
- jr z, .asm_44ff6
- ld hl, GymSpinnerArrows
- ld a, [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex]
- bit 0, a
- jr nz, .asm_45001
- ld de, $18
- add hl, de
- ld a, $4
- ld bc, $0
- push af
- push hl
- push bc
- add hl, bc
- ld a, [hli]
- ld e, a
- ld a, [hli]
- ld d, a
- ld a, [hli]
- ld c, a
- ld a, [hli]
- ld b, a
- ld a, [hli]
- ld h, [hl]
- ld l, a
- call CopyVideoData
- pop bc
- ld a, $6
- add c
- ld c, a
- pop hl
- pop af
- dec a
- jr nz, .asm_45006
- ret
-spinner: MACRO
-; \1: source
-; \2: offset (BANK() chokes on literals)
-; \3: dest
- dw \1 tile \2
- db 1
- db BANK(\1)
- dw vTileset tile \3
- spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 0, $20
- spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 1, $21
- spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 2, $30
- spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 3, $31
- spinner Facility_GFX, $20, $20
- spinner Facility_GFX, $21, $21
- spinner Facility_GFX, $30, $30
- spinner Facility_GFX, $31, $31
- spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 1, $3c
- spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 3, $3d
- spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 0, $4c
- spinner SpinnerArrowAnimTiles, 2, $4d
- spinner Gym_GFX, $3c, $3c
- spinner Gym_GFX, $3d, $3d
- spinner Gym_GFX, $4c, $4c
- spinner Gym_GFX, $4d, $4d
-; This isn't the order of the facing directions. Rather, it's a list of
-; the facing directions that come next. For example, when the player is
-; facing down (00), the next facing direction is left (08).
- db $08 ; down -> left
- db $0C ; up -> right
- db $04 ; left -> up
- db $00 ; right -> down
-; these tiles are the animation for the tiles that push the player in dungeons like Rocket HQ
- INCBIN "gfx/overworld/spinners.2bpp"
+INCLUDE "engine/overworld/spinners.asm"
dw RocketHideout2Text1