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ref: c80eddf988523b81c2e26b57a648ee6069c8955c
parent: 509ee98219bae35c3edae81ed36f3c40ab9dbd5b
author: yenatch <>
date: Wed Mar 21 14:55:09 EDT 2018

add wEvosMoves instead of using eevee

--- a/engine/menu/party_menu.asm
+++ b/engine/menu/party_menu.asm
@@ -140,19 +140,19 @@
 	rl b
 	ld c, a
 	add hl, bc
-	ld de, wcd6d
+	ld de, wEvosMoves
 	ld a, BANK(EvosMovesPointerTable)
 	ld bc, 2
 	call FarCopyData
-	ld hl, wcd6d
+	ld hl, wEvosMoves
 	ld a, [hli]
 	ld h, [hl]
 	ld l, a
-	ld de, wcd6d
+	ld de, wEvosMoves
 	ld a, BANK(EvosMovesPointerTable)
-	ld bc, EeveeEvosEnd - EeveeEvosMoves
+	ld bc, wEvosMoves.end - wEvosMoves
 	call FarCopyData
-	ld hl, wcd6d
+	ld hl, wEvosMoves
 	ld de, .notAbleToEvolveText
 ; loop through the pokemon's evolution entries
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -1237,6 +1237,8 @@
 ; FormatMovesString stores the number of moves minus one here
 	ds 1
 wcd6d:: ds 4 ; buffer for various data
 wStatusScreenCurrentPP:: ; cd71
@@ -1248,6 +1250,13 @@
 wNormalMaxPPList:: ; cd78
 ; list of normal max PP (without PP up) values
 	ds 9
+wEvosMoves:: ds 13
 wSerialOtherGameboyRandomNumberListBlock:: ; cd81
 ; buffer for transferring the random number list generated by the other gameboy