ref: 0727eb4374635401ffb12ac2175d841ae0a0f64c
parent: f8f67fcbceea754bba2268be11da9b7aba7a285a
author: Antonio Niño Díaz <>
date: Sat Jan 27 09:38:52 EST 2018
Add test to verify hex codes of all instructions Signed-off-by: Antonio Niño Díaz <>
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/link/all-instructions.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,237 @@
+SECTION "All instructions", ROM0
+ ; 8-bit Arithmetic and Logic Instructions
+alu_instruction_list : MACRO
+ \1 a,a
+ \1 a,b
+ \1 a,c
+ \1 a,d
+ \1 a,$DB
+ \1 a,e
+ \1 a,h
+ \1 a,[hl]
+ \1 a,l
+ alu_instruction_list adc
+ alu_instruction_list add
+ alu_instruction_list and
+ alu_instruction_list cp
+ alu_instruction_list or
+ alu_instruction_list sbc
+ alu_instruction_list sub
+ alu_instruction_list xor
+incdec_8bit_instruction_list : MACRO
+ \1 a
+ \1 b
+ \1 c
+ \1 d
+ \1 e
+ \1 h
+ \1 [hl]
+ \1 l
+ incdec_8bit_instruction_list inc
+ incdec_8bit_instruction_list dec
+ ; 16-bit Arithmetic Instructions
+ add hl,bc
+ add hl,de
+ add hl,hl
+ add hl,sp
+ inc bc
+ inc de
+ inc hl
+ inc sp
+ dec bc
+ dec de
+ dec hl
+ dec sp
+ ; Bit Operations Instructions
+bitop_u3_instruction_list : MACRO
+ REPT 8
+ \1 NBIT,a
+ \1 NBIT,b
+ \1 NBIT,c
+ \1 NBIT,d
+ \1 NBIT,e
+ \1 NBIT,h
+ \1 NBIT,[hl]
+ \1 NBIT,l
+ bitop_u3_instruction_list bit
+ bitop_u3_instruction_list res
+ bitop_u3_instruction_list set
+bitop_noarg_instruction_list : MACRO
+ \1 a
+ \1 b
+ \1 c
+ \1 d
+ \1 e
+ \1 h
+ \1 [hl]
+ \1 l
+ bitop_noarg_instruction_list swap
+ ; Bit Shift Instructions
+ rla
+ rlca
+ rra
+ rrca
+ bitop_noarg_instruction_list rl
+ bitop_noarg_instruction_list rlc
+ bitop_noarg_instruction_list rr
+ bitop_noarg_instruction_list rrc
+ bitop_noarg_instruction_list sla
+ bitop_noarg_instruction_list sra
+ bitop_noarg_instruction_list srl
+ ; Load Instructions
+ld_r8_x_instruction_list : MACRO
+ ld \1,a
+ ld \1,b
+ ld \1,c
+ ld \1,d
+ ld \1,$DB
+ ld \1,e
+ ld \1,h
+ ld \1,l
+ ld_r8_x_instruction_list a
+ ld_r8_x_instruction_list b
+ ld_r8_x_instruction_list c
+ ld_r8_x_instruction_list d
+ ld_r8_x_instruction_list e
+ ld_r8_x_instruction_list h
+ ld_r8_x_instruction_list [hl]
+ ld_r8_x_instruction_list l
+ld_x_r8_instruction_list : MACRO
+ ld a,\1
+ ld b,\1
+ ld c,\1
+ ld d,\1
+ ld e,\1
+ ld h,\1
+ ld l,\1
+ ld_x_r8_instruction_list a
+ ld_x_r8_instruction_list b
+ ld_x_r8_instruction_list c
+ ld_x_r8_instruction_list d
+ ld_x_r8_instruction_list e
+ ld_x_r8_instruction_list h
+ ld_x_r8_instruction_list [hl]
+ ld_x_r8_instruction_list l
+ ld bc,$ABCD
+ ld de,$ABCD
+ ld hl,$ABCD
+ ld sp,$ABCD
+ ld [bc],a
+ ld [de],a
+ ld [hl],a
+ ld [$ABCD],a
+ ldh [$ff00+$DB],a
+ ld [$ff00+c],a
+ ld a,[bc]
+ ld a,[de]
+ ld a,[hl]
+ ld a,[$ABCD]
+ ldh a,[$ff00+$DB]
+ ld a,[$ff00+c]
+ ld [hl+],a
+ ld [hl-],a
+ ld a,[hl+]
+ ld a,[hl-]
+ ; Jumps and Subroutines
+ call $ABCD
+ call z,$ABCD
+ call nz,$ABCD
+ call c,$ABCD
+ call nc,$ABCD
+ jp hl
+ jp $ABCD
+ jp z,$ABCD
+ jp nz,$ABCD
+ jp c,$ABCD
+ jp nc,$ABCD
+ jr jrlabel
+ jr z,jrlabel
+ jr nz,jrlabel
+ jr c,jrlabel
+ jr nc,jrlabel
+ ret
+ ret z
+ ret nz
+ ret c
+ ret nc
+ reti
+ rst $00
+ rst $08
+ rst $10
+ rst $18
+ rst $20
+ rst $28
+ rst $30
+ rst $38
+ ; Stack Operations Instructions
+ add sp,$DB
+ ld [$ABCD],sp
+ ld hl,sp+$DB
+ ld sp,hl
+ pop af
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ push af
+ push bc
+ push de
+ push hl
+ ; Miscellaneous Instructions
+ ccf
+ cpl
+ daa
+ di
+ ei
+ halt
+ nop
+ scf
+ stop
binary files /dev/null b/test/link/all-instructions.out.bin differ
--- a/test/link/
+++ b/test/link/
@@ -55,4 +55,9 @@
diff $gbtemp $gbtemp2
rc=$(($? || $rc))
+$RGBASM -o $otemp all-instructions.asm
+$RGBLINK -o $gbtemp $otemp
+diff all-instructions.out.bin $gbtemp
+rc=$(($? || $rc))
exit $rc
--- a/test/link/
+++ b/test/link/
@@ -25,4 +25,7 @@
$RGBLINK -o $gbtemp $otemp > romx-tiny-no-t.out 2>&1
$RGBLINK -t -o $gbtemp $otemp > romx-tiny-t.out 2>&1
+$RGBASM -o $otemp all-instructions.asm
+$RGBLINK -o all-instructions.out.bin $otemp 2>&1
exit 0