CPU opcode reference
This is the list of opcodes supported by rgbasm(1), including
a short description, the number of bytes needed to encode them and the number
of CPU cycles at 1MHz (or 2MHz in GBC dual speed mode) needed to complete
Note: All arithmetic/logic operations that use register
A as destination can omit the destination as it is assumed
it's register A. The following two lines have the same
List of abbreviations used in this document.
- r8
- Any of the 8-bit registers (A, B,
C, D, E,
H, L).
- r16
- Any of the general-purpose 16-bit registers (BC,
DE, HL).
- n8
- 8-bit integer constant.
- n16
- 16-bit integer constant.
- e8
- 8-bit offset (
128 to
- u3
- 3-bit unsigned integer constant (0 to
- cc
- Condition codes:
- Z:
- Execute if Z is set.
- NZ:
- Execute if Z is not set.
- C:
- Execute if C is set.
- NC:
- Execute if C is not set.
- vec
- One of the RST vectors (0x00,
0x08, 0x10, 0x18,
0x20, 0x28, 0x30 and
- ADC A,r8
- ADC A,[HL]
- ADC A,n8
- ADD A,r8
- ADD A,[HL]
- ADD A,n8
- AND A,r8
- AND A,[HL]
- AND A,n8
- CP A,r8
- CP A,[HL]
- CP A,n8
- DEC r8
- DEC [HL]
- INC r8
- INC [HL]
- OR A,r8
- OR A,[HL]
- OR A,n8
- SBC A,r8
- SBC A,[HL]
- SBC A,n8
- SUB A,r8
- SUB A,[HL]
- SUB A,n8
- XOR A,r8
- XOR A,[HL]
- XOR A,n8
- LD r8,r8
- LD r8,n8
- LD r16,n16
- LD [HL],r8
- LD [HL],n8
- LD r8,[HL]
- LD [r16],A
- LD [n16],A
- LD [$FF00+n8],A
- LD [$FF00+C],A
- LD A,[r16]
- LD A,[n16]
- LD A,[$FF00+n8]
- LD A,[$FF00+C]
- LD [HL+],A
- LD [HL-],A
- LD A,[HL+]
- LD A,[HL-]
Add the value in r8 plus the carry flag to
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: Set if overflow from bit 3.
- C: Set if overflow from bit 7.
Add the value pointed by HL plus the carry flag to
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: See ADC A,r8
Add the value n8 plus the carry flag to
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: See ADC A,r8
Add the value in r8 to A.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: Set if overflow from bit 3.
- C: Set if overflow from bit 7.
Add the value pointed by HL to A.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: See ADD A,r8
Add the value n8 to A.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: See ADD A,r8
Add the value in r16 to HL.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
- N: 0
- H: Set if overflow from bit 11.
- C: Set if overflow from bit 15.
Add the value in SP to HL.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: See ADD HL,r16
Add the signed value e8 to SP.
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
- Z: 0
- N: 0
- H: Set if overflow from bit 3.
- C: Set if overflow from bit 7.
Bitwise AND between the value in r8 and
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 1
- C: 0
Bitwise AND between the value pointed by HL and
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: See AND A,r8
Bitwise AND between the value in n8 and
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: See AND A,r8
Test bit u3 in register r8, set the
zero flag if bit not set.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
- Z: Set if the selected bit is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 1
Test bit u3 in the byte pointed by HL,
set the zero flag if bit not set.
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 2
Flags: See BIT u3,r8
Call address n16.
Cycles: 6
Bytes: 3
Flags: None affected.
Call address n16 if condition cc is
Cycles: 6/3
Bytes: 3
Flags: None affected.
Complement Carry Flag.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Complemented.
Subtract the value in r8 from A and set
flags accordingly, but don't store the result.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 1
- H: Set if no borrow from bit 4.
- C: Set if no borrow (set if r8
> A).
Subtract the value pointed by HL from A and
set flags accordingly, but don't store the result.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: See CP A,r8
Subtract the value n8 from A and set
flags accordingly, but don't store the result.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: See CP A,r8
Complement accumulator (A = ~A).
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
Decimal adjust register A to get a correct BCD representation after an
arithmetic instruction.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- H: 0
- C: Set or reset depending on the operation.
Decrement value in register r8 by 1.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 1
- H: Set if no borrow from bit 4.
Decrement the value pointed by HL by 1.
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 1
Flags: See DEC r8
Decrement value in register r16 by 1.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Decrement value in register SP by 1.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Disable Interrupts.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Enable Interrupts.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Enter CPU low power mode.
Cycles: -
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Increment value in register r8 by 1.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: Set if overflow from bit 3.
Increment the value pointed by HL by 1.
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 1
Flags: See INC r8
Increment value in register r16 by 1.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Increment value in register SP by 1.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Absolute jump to address n16.
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 3
Flags: None affected.
Absolute jump to address n16 if condition
cc is met.
Cycles: 4/3
Bytes: 3
Flags: None affected.
Jump to address in HL, that is, load PC with
value in register HL.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Relative jump by adding e8 to the current address.
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Relative jump by adding e8 to the current address if
condition cc is met.
Cycles: 3/2
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Store value in register on the right into register on the left.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Load value n8 into register r8.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Load value n16 into register r16.
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 3
Flags: None affected.
Store value in register r8 into byte pointed by register
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Store value n8 into byte pointed by register
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Load value into register r8 from byte pointed by register
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Store value in register A into address pointed by register
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Store value in register A into address
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 3
Flags: None affected.
Store value in register A into high RAM or I/O registers.
The following synonym forces this encoding: LDH
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Store value in register A into high RAM or I/O registers.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Load value in register A from address pointed by register
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Load value in register A from address
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 3
Flags: None affected.
Load value in register A from high RAM or I/O registers.
The following synonym forces this encoding: LDH
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Load value in register A from high RAM or I/O registers.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Store value in register A into byte pointed by
HL and post-increment HL.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Store value in register A into byte pointed by
HL and post-decrement HL.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Load value into register A from byte pointed by
HL and post-increment HL.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Load value into register A from byte pointed by
HL and post-decrement HL.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Load value n16 into register SP.
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 3
Flags: None affected.
Store SP into addresses n16 (LSB) and
n16 + 1 (MSB).
Cycles: 5
Bytes: 3
Flags: None affected.
Add the signed value e8 to SP and store
the result in HL.
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 2
- Z: 0
- N: 0
- H: Set if overflow from bit 3.
- C: Set if overflow from bit 7.
Load register HL into register SP.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
No operation.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Bitwise OR between the value in r8 and
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: 0
Bitwise OR between the value pointed by HL and
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: See OR A,r8
Bitwise OR between the value in n8 and
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: See OR A,r8
Pop register AF from the stack.
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set from bit 7 of the popped low byte.
- N: Set from bit 6 of the popped low byte.
- H: Set from bit 5 of the popped low byte.
- C: Set from bit 4 of the popped low byte.
Pop register r16 from the stack.
Cycles: 3
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Push register AF into the stack. The low byte's bit 7
corresponds to the Z flag, its bit 6 to the
N flag, bit 5 to the H flag, and bit 4 to
the C flag. Bits 3 to 0 are reset.
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Push register r16 into the stack.
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Set bit u3 in register r8 to 0.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Set bit u3 in the byte pointed by HL to
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Return from subroutine.
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Return from subroutine if condition cc is met.
Cycles: 5/2
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Return from subroutine and enable interrupts.
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Rotate register r8 left through carry.
C <- [7 <- 0] <- C
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Rotate value pointed by HL left through carry.
C <- [7 <- 0] <- C
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: See RL r8
Rotate register A left through carry.
C <- [7 <- 0] <- C
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: 0
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Rotate register r8 left.
C <- [7 <- 0] <- [7]
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Rotate value pointed by HL left.
C <- [7 <- 0] <- [7]
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: See RLC r8
Rotate register A left.
C <- [7 <- 0] <- [7]
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: 0
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Rotate register r8 right through carry.
C -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Rotate value pointed by HL right through carry.
C -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: See RR r8
Rotate register A right through carry.
C -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: 0
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Rotate register r8 right.
[0] -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Rotate value pointed by HL right.
[0] -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: See RRC r8
Rotate register A right.
[0] -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: 0
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Call restart vector vec.
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 1
Flags: None affected.
Subtract the value in r8 and the carry flag from
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 1
- H: Set if no borrow from bit 4.
- C: Set if no borrow (set if r8
> A).
Subtract the value pointed by HL and the carry flag from
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: See SBC A,r8
Subtract the value n8 and the carry flag from
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: See SBC A,r8
Set Carry Flag.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
Set bit u3 in register r8 to 1.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Set bit u3 in the byte pointed by HL to
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Shift left arithmetic register r8.
C <- [7 <- 0] <- 0
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Shift left arithmetic value pointed by HL.
C <- [7 <- 0] <- 0
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: See SLA r8
Shift right arithmetic register r8.
[7] -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Shift right arithmetic value pointed by HL.
[7] -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: See SRA r8
Shift right logic register r8.
0 -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: Set according to result.
Shift right logic value pointed by HL.
0 -> [7 -> 0] -> C
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: See SRA r8
Enter CPU very low power mode. Also used to switch between double and normal
speed CPU modes in GBC.
Cycles: -
Bytes: 2
Flags: None affected.
Subtract the value in r8 from A.
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 1
- H: Set if no borrow from bit 4.
- C: Set if no borrow (set if r8
> A).
Subtract the value pointed by HL from A.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: See SUB A,r8
Subtract the value n8 from A.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: See SUB A,r8
Swap upper 4 bits in register r8 and the lower ones.
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: 0
Swap upper 4 bits in the byte pointed by HL and the lower
Cycles: 4
Bytes: 2
Flags: See SWAP r8
Bitwise XOR between the value in r8 and
Cycles: 1
Bytes: 1
- Z: Set if result is 0.
- N: 0
- H: 0
- C: 0
Bitwise XOR between the value pointed by HL and
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 1
Flags: See XOR A,r8
Bitwise XOR between the value in n8 and
Cycles: 2
Bytes: 2
Flags: See XOR A,r8
was originally written by Carsten Sørensen
as part of the ASMotor package, and was later packaged in RGBDS by Justin
Lloyd. It is now maintained by a number of contributors at