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ref: 2734fa85452cd5886212183adbb727038a263a98
parent: ff6a0f490a9f7b11ec7e370dfd0a923cd0318d40
author: Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir <>
date: Mon May 13 16:28:18 EDT 2024

riow(1): mention having to put the rc pipeline into its own script

--- a/sys/man/1/riow
+++ b/sys/man/1/riow
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 .I -s label
-.I riow
+.I Riow
 provides keyboard controlling for
 .IR rio (1)
 in the manner of
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
 .I /dev/kbdtap
 (see \fIrio\fR(4)) and
 .IR /dev/wsys .
-.I riow
+.I Riow
 outputs the current desktop number onto fd 3, which can be used by programs like
 .IR bar (1).
 .SS Running
@@ -29,17 +28,24 @@
 with status output to
 .IR bar (1):
+	#!/bin/rc
 	</dev/kbdtap riow >/dev/kbdtap |[3] bar
 Example of running
 .I riow
 with other programs handling input:
+	#!/bin/rc
 	</dev/kbdtap ktrans -G |
 		reform/shortcuts |
 		riow >/dev/kbdtap |[3] bar
+Both examples assume putting the rc pipeline into a script and executing
+it with
+.IR window (1)
+if they are required to start using
+.I riostart
 .SS Keyboard shortcuts
 .B Kmod4+0…9