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ref: d1a81aa81fae9c76fc04b50b9d27d6989e2681f2
parent: b5a2fa5e5eafae34ec257f4935c2a3118ff45a43
author: Igor Böhm <>
date: Sat Nov 20 17:59:43 EST 2021

rsa(8): fix spelling and adjust macros to fix formating

--- a/sys/man/8/rsa
+++ b/sys/man/8/rsa
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 All the numbers are in hexadecimal except
-.I size ,
+.IR size ,
 which is decimal.
 An RSA public key omits the attributes beginning with
-.L ! .
+.LR ! .
 A key may have other attributes as well (for example, a
 .B service
 attribute identifying how this key is typically used),
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 option will set the comment.
 .I Rsa2jwk
-reads a Plan 9 RSA public or provate key and prints the public portion
+reads a Plan 9 RSA public or private key and prints the public portion
 as a RFC7517 formated JSON Web Key.
 .I Rsa2x509