ref: 9259fccc33f5a2dcf0df4344716de74e32d51926
parent: cfc18cad149e9b9d9bae05ce50d9a339e19d3aa4
author: David <gek@katherine>
date: Tue Mar 9 09:19:22 EST 2021
Automatic commit.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SDL_Examples/include/stringutil.h
@@ -1,0 +1,329 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+//Before we get on, "stringutil.h" is the most C-ish name for a source code file ever, amirite?
+#define STRUTIL_ALLOC(s) malloc(s)
+#define STRUTIL_FREE(s) free(s)
+#define STRUTIL_REALLOC(s, t) realloc(s,t)
+#define strcata strcatalloc
+#define strcataf1 strcatallocf1
+#define strcataf2 strcatallocf2
+#define strcatafb strcatallocfb
+//Strcat but with malloc.
+static inline char* strcatalloc(const char* s1, const char* s2){
+ char* d = NULL; d = STRUTIL_ALLOC(strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1);
+ if(d){
+ strcpy(d, s1);
+ strcat(d, s2);
+ }
+ return d;
+//Free the first argument.
+static inline char* strcatallocf1(char* s1, const char* s2){
+ char* d = NULL; d = STRUTIL_ALLOC(strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1);
+ if(d){
+ strcpy(d, s1);
+ strcat(d, s2);
+ }
+ return d;
+//Free the second argument.
+static inline char* strcatallocf2(const char* s1, char* s2){
+ char* d = NULL; d = STRUTIL_ALLOC(strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1);
+ if(d){
+ strcpy(d, s1);
+ strcat(d, s2);
+ }
+ return d;
+//Free both arguments
+static inline char* strcatallocfb(char* s1, char* s2){
+ char* d = NULL; d = STRUTIL_ALLOC(strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1);
+ if(d){
+ strcpy(d, s1);
+ strcat(d, s2);
+ }
+ return d;
+//Convert a non-null-terminated URL into a null terminated one.
+static inline char* str_null_terminated_alloc(const char* in, unsigned int len){
+ char* d = NULL; d = malloc(len+1);
+ if(d){
+ memcpy(d,in,len);
+ d[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ return d;
+static inline unsigned int strprefix(const char *pre, const char *str)
+ size_t lenpre = strlen(pre),
+ lenstr = strlen(str);
+ return lenstr < lenpre ? 0 : memcmp(pre, str, lenpre) == 0;
+//Someone once said sub-string search was an O(n^2) algorithm. What the hell?
+static inline int strfind(const char* text, const char* subtext){
+ int ti = 0;
+ int si = 0;
+ int st = strlen(subtext);
+ for(;text[ti] != '\0';ti++){
+ if(text[ti] == subtext[si]) {
+ si++;
+ if(subtext[si] == '\0') return (ti - st)+1;
+ }else {
+ si = 0;
+ if(subtext[si] == '\0') return (ti - st);
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+//Read file until terminator character is found.
+//Returns the number of characters copied.
+static inline unsigned int read_until_terminator(FILE* f, char* buf, const unsigned int buflen, char terminator){
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ char c;
+ for(i = 0; i < (buflen-1); i++)
+ {
+ if(feof(f))break;
+ c = fgetc(f);
+ if(c == terminator)break;
+ buf[i] = c;
+ }
+ return i;
+//Same as above but allocates memory to guarantee it can hold the entire thing. Grows naturally.
+static inline char* read_until_terminator_alloced(FILE* f, unsigned int* lenout, char terminator, unsigned int initsize){
+ char c;
+ char* buf = STRUTIL_ALLOC(initsize);
+ if(!buf) return NULL;
+ unsigned int bcap = initsize;
+ unsigned int blen = 0;
+ while(1){
+ if(feof(f)){break;}
+ c = fgetc(f);
+ if(c == terminator) {break;}
+ if(blen == (bcap-1)) //Grow the buffer.
+ {
+ bcap<<=1;
+ char* bufold = buf;
+ buf = STRUTIL_REALLOC(buf, bcap);
+ if(!buf){free(bufold); return NULL;}
+ }
+ buf[blen++] = c;
+ }
+ *lenout = blen;
+ return buf;
+static inline void* read_file_into_alloced_buffer(FILE* f, unsigned int* len){
+ void* buf = NULL;
+ if(!f) return NULL;
+ fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
+ *len = ftell(f);
+ fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET);
+ buf = STRUTIL_ALLOC(*len + 1);
+ if(!buf) return NULL;
+ fread(buf, 1, *len, f);
+ ((char*)buf)[*len] = '\0';
+ return buf;
+* Token names must be alphabetic (a-z, A-Z)
+* The token mark must be escaped with a backslash.
+* Token names which are substrings of other ones must be listed later
+static inline char* strencodealloc(const char* inbuf, const char** tokens, unsigned long long ntokens, char esc, char tokmark){
+ unsigned long long lenin = strlen(inbuf);
+ char c; unsigned long long i = 0;
+ char c_str[512] = {0}; //We are going to be sprintf-ing to this buffer.
+ char* out = NULL;
+ c_str[0] = esc;
+ c_str[1] = tokmark;
+ out = strcatalloc(c_str, "");
+ c_str[0] = 0;
+ c_str[1] = 0;
+ //Write out all the token entries. format is namelength~definition
+ for(unsigned long long j = 0; j < ntokens; j++){
+ out = strcataf1(out, tokens[2*j]);
+ //Write out the length of the token.
+ snprintf(c_str, 512, "%llu", (unsigned long long)strlen(tokens[2*j+1]));
+ out = strcataf1(out, c_str);
+ c_str[0] = tokmark;
+ c_str[1] = 0;
+ out = strcataf1(out, c_str);
+ out = strcataf1(out, tokens[2*j+1]);
+ }
+ c_str[0] = esc;
+ c_str[1] = 0;
+ out = strcataf1(out, c_str);
+ //We have now created the header. Now to begin encoding the text.
+ for(i=0; i<lenin; i++){
+ for(unsigned long long t = 0; t < ntokens; t++) //t- the token we are processing.
+ if(strprefix(tokens[t*2+1], inbuf+i)){ //Matched at least one
+ unsigned long long howmany = 1;
+ unsigned long long curtoklen = strlen(tokens[t*2+1]); //Length of the current token we are counting
+ for(unsigned long long h=1;i+h*curtoklen < lenin;h++){
+ if(strprefix(tokens[t*2+1], inbuf+i+h*curtoklen))
+ {howmany++;}
+ else
+ break; //The number of these things is limited.
+ }
+ //We know what token and how many, write it to out
+ c_str[0] = tokmark;
+ c_str[1] = 0;
+ out = strcataf1(out, c_str);
+ if(howmany > 1){
+ snprintf(c_str, 512, "%llu", (unsigned long long)howmany);
+ out = strcataf1(out, c_str);
+ }
+ out = strcataf1(out, tokens[t*2]);
+ i+=howmany*curtoklen;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Test if we need to escape a sequence.
+ if(inbuf[i] == esc || inbuf[i] == tokmark){
+ c_str[0] = esc;
+ c_str[1] = 0;
+ out = strcataf1(out, c_str);
+ }
+ //We were unable to find a match, just write the character out.
+ c_str[0] = inbuf[i];
+ c_str[1] = 0;
+ out = strcataf1(out, c_str);
+ }
+ return out;
+static inline char* strdecodealloc(char* inbuf){
+ unsigned long long lenin = strlen(inbuf);
+ if(lenin < 3) {
+ //puts("\nToo Short!\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char esc = inbuf[0]; //The escape character is the first one.
+ char tokmark = inbuf[1]; //Begin token character.
+ //printf("Escape is %c, tokmark is %c\n", esc, tokmark);
+ char c; unsigned long long i = 2;
+ char c_str[2] = {0,0};
+ //Our decoded text.
+ char* out = strcatalloc("","");
+ //Tokens for replacement, even is the token,
+ //odd is its definition
+ char** tokens = NULL;
+ //unsigned long long* toklens = NULL;
+ unsigned long long ntokens = 0;
+//#define {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}} {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}}
+ //Retrieve the tokens.
+ {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}}; //has to occur before the loop.
+ while(c != esc){ ntokens++;
+ tokens = STRUTIL_REALLOC(tokens, ntokens * 2 * sizeof(char*));
+ //toklens = STRUTIL_REALLOC(toklens, ntokens * sizeof(unsigned long long));
+ //toklens[ntokens-1] = 0;
+ tokens[(ntokens-1)*2] = strcatalloc("","");
+ tokens[(ntokens-1)*2+1] = strcatalloc("","");
+ //name of token is tokens[(ntokens-1)*2] and its definition is tokens[(ntokens-1)*2+1]
+ //Get the name of the token.
+ if(!isalpha(c)) goto end; //Error! Can't have Break out.
+ while(isalpha(c)){
+ c_str[0] = c;
+ tokens[(ntokens-1)*2] = strcatallocf1(tokens[(ntokens-1)*2], c_str);
+ {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};
+ }
+ //The last retrieve() got us the first digit of the token length.
+ //Get the length of the token
+ unsigned long long l = 0;
+ if(!isdigit(c)) goto end;
+ while(isdigit(c) && c!=tokmark){
+ c_str[0] = c;
+ l *= 10;
+ l += atoi(c_str);
+ {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};
+ }
+ //toklens[ntokens-1] = l;
+ //We have the name of the token and its length, the last {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}} got us the token character (~ in my example)
+ //Now we can grab the token definition.
+ for(unsigned long long vv = 0; vv < l; vv++){
+ {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};
+ c_str[0] = c;
+ tokens[(ntokens-1)*2+1] = strcatallocf1(tokens[(ntokens-1)*2+1], c_str);
+ }
+ {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};
+ // printf("\nTOKEN %s IS %s, length %llu",tokens[(ntokens-1)*2] ,tokens[(ntokens-1)*2+1], l);
+ }
+ //Now we attempt to build our string
+ {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};
+ long long doescape = 0;
+ while(i<=lenin){
+ if(!doescape && c==esc){
+ doescape=1;{if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};continue;
+ }
+ if(!doescape && c==tokmark){
+ //Handle digits prefixing a token.
+ unsigned long long l = 0;
+ {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};
+ if(isdigit(c))
+ while(isdigit(c)){
+ c_str[0] = c;
+ l *= 10;
+ l += atoi(c_str);
+ {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};
+ }
+ else {l=1;}
+ i--;
+ for(unsigned long long t = 0; t < ntokens; t++)
+ if(strprefix(tokens[t*2], inbuf+i)){
+ //MATCH!
+ for(unsigned long long q = 0; q < l; q++)
+ out = strcatallocf1(out, tokens[t*2+1]);
+ i+=strlen(tokens[t*2]);
+ break; //break out of the for.
+ }
+ if(i<=lenin) {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};
+ continue;
+ }else{
+ c_str[0] = c;
+ out = strcatallocf1(out, c_str);
+ doescape = 0;
+ {if(i <= lenin) c = inbuf[i++]; else {goto end;}};
+ }
+ }
+ end:
+ if(tokens){
+ for(unsigned long long j = 0; j < ntokens; j++)
+ {STRUTIL_FREE(tokens[j*2]);STRUTIL_FREE(tokens[j*2+1]);}
+ STRUTIL_FREE(tokens);
+ }
+ //if(toklens)STRUTIL_FREE(toklens);
+ return out;