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ref: b10b3137d2423629ee2641bf178196e243697c20
parent: 3dd66ec7cb4541a8909e2e4fc6da8d733f1ae0db
author: Ori Bernstein <>
date: Sat Jan 3 13:16:40 EST 2015

Fix namespace conflicts. doesn't work in namespace 'date'.

--- a/lib/date/date.myr
+++ b/lib/date/date.myr
@@ -45,16 +45,16 @@
 const mkinstant = {tm, tz 
 	var j, y, m, d
 	var t, e
-	var date
+	var inst
 	var off
-	date.actual = tm
+	inst.actual = tm
 	/* time zones */
-	std.assert(tz.len <= date._tzbuf.len, "time zone name too long\n")
+	std.assert(tz.len <= inst._tzbuf.len, "time zone name too long\n")
 	off =_zoneinfo.findtzoff(tz, tm) 
-	date.tzoff = off
-	std.slcp(date._tzbuf[:tz.len], tz)
-	date.tzname = date._tzbuf[:tz.len]
+	inst.tzoff = off
+	std.slcp(inst._tzbuf[:tz.len], tz)
+	inst.tzname = inst._tzbuf[:tz.len]
 	tm += off castto(std.time)
 	/* break up time */
@@ -63,16 +63,16 @@
 	/* microseconds, seconds, minutes, hours */
- 	= (t % 1_000_000) castto(int)
+ 	= (t % 1_000_000) castto(int)
 	t /= 1_000_000
-	date.s 	= (t % 60) castto(int)
+	inst.s 	= (t % 60) castto(int)
 	t /= 60
-	date.m	= (t % 60) castto(int)
+	inst.m	= (t % 60) castto(int)
 	t /= 60
-	date.h  = t castto(int)
+	inst.h  = t castto(int)
 	/* weekday */
-	date.wday = ((e + 4) % 7) castto(int)	/* the world started on Thursday */
+	inst.wday = ((e + 4) % 7) castto(int)	/* the world started on Thursday */
 	split up year, month, day.
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
 		m -= 9 
-	date.year = y castto(int)
-	date.mon = m castto(int)
- = (d + 1) castto(int)
-	-> date
+	inst.year = y castto(int)
+	inst.mon = m castto(int)
+ = (d + 1) castto(int)
+	-> inst
 const localoff = {tm
--- a/lib/date/fmt.myr
+++ b/lib/date/fmt.myr
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
 			| 'z':	o += timezone(buf[o:], d.tzoff)
 			| 'Z':	o += std.bfmt(buf[o:], "%s", d.tzname)
 			| '%':	o += std.bfmt(buf[o:], "%%")
+			| _:	std.fatal(1, "unknown format character %c\n", c)
 			o += std.bfmt(buf[o:], "%c", c)
--- a/lib/date/parse.myr
+++ b/lib/date/parse.myr
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
 			| 'Z':	o += std.bfmt(buf[o:], "%s", d.tzname)
 			| '%':	s = matchstr(s, "%", err)
+			| _:	std.fatal(1, "unknown format character %c\n", fc)
 			(sc, s) = std.striter(s)
@@ -199,17 +200,17 @@
-const time = {date
+const time = {inst
 	var t
 	var c, y, ya, m, u
 	t = 0
-	if date.mon > 2
-		m = (date.mon - 3) castto(std.time)
+	if inst.mon > 2
+		m = (inst.mon - 3) castto(std.time)
-		m = (date.mon + 9) castto(std.time)
-		y = (date.year - 1) castto(std.time)
+		m = (inst.mon + 9) castto(std.time)
+		y = (inst.year - 1) castto(std.time)
 	c = y / 100
@@ -217,13 +218,13 @@
 	u = (146097 * c) / 4 + \
 		(1461 * ya) / 4 + \
 		(153 * m + 2) / 5 + \
-		( castto(std.time)) + \
+		( castto(std.time)) + \
 	t += (u * 24*60*60*1_000_000)
-	t += (date.h castto(std.time)) * 60*60*1_000_000
-	t += (date.m castto(std.time)) * 60*1_000_000
-	t += (date.s castto(std.time)) * 1_000_000
-	t += castto(std.time)
+	t += (inst.h castto(std.time)) * 60*60*1_000_000
+	t += (inst.m castto(std.time)) * 60*1_000_000
+	t += (inst.s castto(std.time)) * 1_000_000
+	t += castto(std.time)
 	-> t