shithub: ifilter

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ref: 61bdd5418803e3e64df2a6debe4b9159129e164d
parent: ba413ddffe893bcaac763e1c08920c0312a20b33
author: phil9 <>
date: Fri Dec 9 04:49:21 EST 2022

remove old README

--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +1,0 @@
-Basic image filters.
-Filters read an image from standard input, apply a transformation
-and dumps the resulting image to standard output.
-cfilter implements basic color filters.
-Usage: image/cfilter -f grayscale|sepia|invert|shade|tint [-r ratio]
-Available filters are:
-- grayscale
-- sepia
-- invert
-- shade(1)
-- tint(1)
-1: these filters use the ratio argument to determine the transformation ratio.
-blur implements blurring algorithms.
-Usage: image/blur -f box|gaussian [-s size]
-Available filters are:
-- box: 3x3 box blur
-- gaussian: Gaussian blur using `-s` as the convolution kernel radius (ie kernel will be a matrix r*r with r=2*s+1)
-pixelate implements a pixelation algorithm.
-Usage: image/pixelate [-s size]
-size is the output pixel size (defaults to 8)
-Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm.
-Usage: image/dither
-Author: phil9
-License: MIT