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ref: 36a368c30aa4bd602cdfcfeeb33a68e4305b6c9c
parent: 426ebbc78f39df9d553fde35bae0abc74ccfa8a9
author: glenda <glenda@cirno>
date: Fri May 3 10:02:50 EDT 2024

add acore.c from nix.

--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/src/nix/pc64/acore.c
@@ -1,0 +1,323 @@
+#include "u.h"
+#include "../port/lib.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+#include <tos.h>
+#include <pool.h>
+#include "amd64.h"
+#include "ureg.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "../port/pmc.h"
+ * NIX code run at the AC.
+ * This is the "AC kernel".
+ */
+ * FPU:
+ *
+ * The TC handles the FPU by keeping track of the state for the
+ * current process. If it has been used and must be saved, it is saved, etc.
+ * When a process gets to the AC, we handle the FPU directly, and save its
+ * state before going back to the TC (or the TC state would be stale).
+ *
+ * Because of this, each time the process comes back to the AC and
+ * uses the FPU it will get a device not available trap and
+ * the state will be restored. This could be optimized because the AC
+ * is single-process, and we do not have to disable the FPU while
+ * saving, so it does not have to be restored.
+ */
+extern char* acfpunm(Ureg* ureg, void*);
+extern char* acfpumf(Ureg* ureg, void*);
+extern char* acfpuxf(Ureg* ureg, void*);
+extern void acfpusysprocsetup(Proc*);
+extern void _acsysret(void);
+extern void _actrapret(void);
+ACVctl *acvctl[256];
+ * Test inter core calls by calling a cores to print something, and then
+ * waiting for it to complete.
+ */
+static void
+	print("called: %s\n", (char*)m->icc->data);
+testicc(int i)
+	Mach *mp;
+	if((mp = sys->machptr[i]) != nil && mp->online != 0){
+		if(mp->nixtype != NIXAC){
+			print("testicc: core %d is not an AC\n", i);
+			return;
+		}
+		print("calling core %d... ", i);
+		mp->icc->flushtlb = 0;
+		snprint((char*)mp->icc->data, ICCLNSZ, "<%d>", i);
+		mfence();
+		mp->icc->fn = testiccfn;
+		mwait(&mp->icc->fn);
+	}
+ * Check if the AC kernel (mach) stack has more than 4*KiB free.
+ * Do not call panic, the stack is gigantic.
+ */
+static void
+	char dummy;
+	char *sstart;
+	sstart = (char *)m - PGSZ - 4*PTSZ - MACHSTKSZ;
+	if(&dummy < sstart + 4*KiB){
+		print("ac kernel stack overflow, cpu%d stopped\n", m->machno);
+		DONE();
+	}
+ * Main scheduling loop done by the application core.
+ * Some of functions run will not return.
+ * The system call handler will reset the stack and
+ * call acsched again.
+ * We loop because some functions may return and we should
+ * wait for another call.
+ */
+	acmmuswitch();
+	for(;;){
+		acstackok();
+		mwait(&m->icc->fn);
+		if(m->icc->flushtlb)
+			acmmuswitch();
+		DBG("acsched: cpu%d: fn %#p\n", m->machno, m->icc->fn);
+		m->icc->fn();
+		DBG("acsched: cpu%d: idle\n", m->machno);
+		mfence();
+		m->icc->fn = nil;
+	}
+	extern Page mach0pml4;
+	DBG("acmmuswitch mpl4 %#p mach0pml4 %#p m0pml4 %#p\n", m->pml4->pa,, sys->machptr[0]->pml4->pa);
+	cr3put(m->pml4->pa);
+ * Beware: up is not set when this function is called.
+ */
+	void xactouser(u64int);
+	Ureg *u;
+	acfpusysprocsetup(m->proc);
+	u = m->proc->dbgreg;
+	DBG("cpu%d: touser usp = %#p entry %#p\n", m->machno, u->sp, u->pc);
+	xactouser(u->sp);
+	panic("actouser");
+	/* done by actrap() */
+ * Entered in AP core context, upon traps (system calls go through acsyscall)
+ * using up->dbgreg means cores MUST be homogeneous.
+ *
+ * BUG: We should setup some trapenable() mechanism for the AC,
+ * so that code like fpu.c could arrange for handlers specific for
+ * the AC, instead of doint that by hand here.
+ * 
+ * All interrupts are masked while in the "kernel"
+ */
+actrap(Ureg *u)
+	char *n;
+	ACVctl *v;
+	n = nil;
+	_pmcupdate(m);
+	if(m->proc != nil){
+		m->proc->nactrap++;
+		m->proc->actime1 = fastticks(nil);
+	}
+	if(u->type < nelem(acvctl)){
+		v = acvctl[u->type];
+		if(v != nil){
+			DBG("actrap: cpu%d: %ulld\n", m->machno, u->type);
+			n = v->f(u, v->a);
+			if(n != nil)
+				goto Post;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	switch(u->type){
+	case IdtDF:
+		print("AC: double fault\n");
+		dumpregs(u);
+		ndnr();
+	case IdtIPI:
+		m->intr++;
+		DBG("actrap: cpu%d: IPI\n", m->machno);
+		apiceoi(IdtIPI);
+		break;
+	case IdtTIMER:
+		apiceoi(IdtTIMER);
+		panic("timer interrupt in an AC");
+		break;
+	case IdtPF:
+		/* this case is here for debug only */
+		m->pfault++;
+		DBG("actrap: cpu%d: PF cr2 %#ullx\n", m->machno, cr2get());
+		break;
+	default:
+		print("actrap: cpu%d: %ulld\n", m->machno, u->type);
+	}
+	m->icc->rc = ICCTRAP;
+	m->cr2 = cr2get();
+	memmove(m->proc->dbgreg, u, sizeof *u);
+	m->icc->note = n;
+	fpuprocsave(m->proc);
+	_pmcupdate(m);
+	mfence();
+	m->icc->fn = nil;
+	ready(m->proc);
+	mwait(&m->icc->fn);
+	if(m->icc->flushtlb)
+		acmmuswitch();
+	if(m->icc->fn != actrapret)
+		acsched();
+	DBG("actrap: ret\n");
+	memmove(u, m->proc->dbgreg, sizeof *u);
+	if(m->proc)
+		m->proc->actime += fastticks2us(fastticks(nil) - m->proc->actime1);
+	Proc *p;
+	/*
+	 * If we saved the Ureg into m->proc->dbgregs,
+	 * There's nothing else we have to do.
+	 * Otherwise, we should m->proc->dbgregs = u;
+	 */
+	DBG("acsyscall: cpu%d\n", m->machno);
+	_pmcupdate(m);
+	p = m->proc;
+	p->actime1 = fastticks(nil);
+	m->syscall++;	/* would also count it in the TS core */
+	m->icc->rc = ICCSYSCALL;
+	m->cr2 = cr2get();
+	fpuprocsave(p);
+	_pmcupdate(m);
+	mfence();
+	m->icc->fn = nil;
+	ready(p);
+	/*
+	 * The next call is probably going to make us jmp
+	 * into user code, forgetting all our state in this
+	 * stack, upon the next syscall.
+	 * We don't nest calls in the current stack for too long.
+	 */
+	acsched();
+ * Called in AP core context, to return from system call.
+ */
+	DBG("acsysret\n");
+	if(m->proc != nil)
+		m->proc->actime += fastticks2us(fastticks(nil) - m->proc->actime1);
+	_acsysret();
+dumpreg(void *u)
+	print("reg is %p\n", u);
+	ndnr();
+char *rolename[] = 
+	[NIXAC]	"AC",
+	[NIXTC]	"TC",
+	[NIXKC]	"KC",
+	[NIXXC]	"XC",
+acmodeset(int mode)
+	switch(mode){
+	case NIXAC:
+	case NIXKC:
+	case NIXTC:
+	case NIXXC:
+		break;
+	default:
+		panic("acmodeset: bad mode %d", mode);
+	}
+	m->nixtype = mode;
+	Mach *mp;
+	Proc *pp;
+	/*
+	 * Lower the priority of the apic to 0,
+	 * to accept interrupts.
+	 * Raise it later if needed to disable them.
+	 */
+	apicpri(0);
+	/*
+	 * Be sure a few  assembler assumptions still hold.
+	 * Someone moved m->stack and I had fun debugging...
+	 */
+	mp = 0;
+	pp = 0;
+	assert((uintptr)&mp->proc == 16);
+	assert((uintptr)&pp->dbgreg == 24);
+	assert((uintptr)&mp->stack == 24);
--- a/sys/src/nix/pc64/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +1,0 @@
-CONFLIST=pc64 pccpu64
-# must match mem.h
-DEVS=`{rc ../port/mkdevlist $CONF}
-	alarm.$O\
-	alloc.$O\
-	allocb.$O\
-	auth.$O\
-	cache.$O\
-	chan.$O\
-	dev.$O\
-	edf.$O\
-	fault.$O\
-	iomap.$O\
-	memmap.$O\
-	page.$O\
-	parse.$O\
-	pgrp.$O\
-	portclock.$O\
-	print.$O\
-	proc.$O\
-	qio.$O\
-	qlock.$O\
-	random.$O\
-	rdb.$O\
-	rebootcmd.$O\
-	segment.$O\
-	syscallfmt.$O\
-	sysfile.$O\
-	sysproc.$O\
-	taslock.$O\
-	tod.$O\
-	xalloc.$O\
-	userinit.$O\
-	l.$O\
-	cga.$O\
-	fpu.$O\
-	i8253.$O\
-	i8259.$O\
-	main.$O\
-	memory.$O\
-	mmu.$O\
-	irq.$O\
-	trap.$O\
-	bootargs.$O\
-	$CONF.root.$O\
-	$CONF.rootc.$O\
-	$DEVS\
-	$PORT\
-	/$objtype/lib/libmemlayer.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libmemdraw.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libdraw.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libip.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libsec.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libmp.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libc.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libfis.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libaml.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libdtracy.a\
-ETHER=`{cd ../pc; echo devether.c ether*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-AUDIO=`{cd ../pc; echo devaudio.c audio*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-VGA=`{cd ../pc; echo devvga.c screen.c vga*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-SDEV=`{cd ../pc; echo sd*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-	$LD -o $target -T$KTZERO -R4096 -l $prereq
-	size $target
-install:V:	$p$CONF
-	cp $p$CONF /$objtype/
-	for(i in $EXTRACOPIES)
-		import $i / /n/$i && cp $p$CONF $p$CONF.gz /n/$i/$objtype/
-# copies generated by the rule below
-PCHEADERS=usbehci.h screen.h mp.h io.h ahci.h \
-	yukdump.h
-REPCH=`{echo $PCHEADERS | sed 's/\.h//g; s/ /|/g'}
-^($REPCH)\.h:R:	../pc/\1.h
-	cp $prereq .
-REPCC=`{../port/mkfilelist ../pc}
-^($REPCC)\.$O:R:	'../pc/\1.c'
-	$CC $CFLAGS -I. -. ../pc/$stem1.c
-<|../port/mkbootrules $CONF
-l.$O rebootcode.$O apbootstrap.$O:	mem.h
-$ETHER: 			../port/etherif.h ../port/netif.h
-$AUDIO:				../port/audioif.h
-ether8003.$O ether8390.$O:	ether8390.h
-etheryuk.$O:			yukdump.h
-$VGA mouse.$O:			screen.h /sys/include/memdraw.h
-vgavesa.$O:			/386/include/ureg.h
-mp.$O:				mp.h apbootstrap.i
-apic.$O squidboy.$O:		mp.h
-archmp.$O archacpi.$O:		mp.h
-sd53c8xx.$O:			../pc/sd53c8xx.i
-../pc/sd53c8xx.i:		../pc/sd53c8xx.n
-	cd ../pc && mk sd53c8xx.i
-$SDEV pmmc.$O:			../port/sd.h
-sdiahci.$O:			ahci.h
-devaoe.$O sdaoe.$O:		../port/aoe.h
-main.$O:			rebootcode.i
-devusb.$O usbuhci.$O usbohci.$O usbehci.$O usbehcipc.$O usbxhci.$O: ../port/usb.h
-usbehci.$O usbehcipc.$O:	usbehci.h
-trap.$O main.$O:		/sys/include/tos.h
-ether8169.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
-etherdp83820.$O:		../port/ethermii.h
-etherigbe.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
-ethervgbe.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
-ethervt6102.$O:			../port/ethermii.h
-ethervt6105m.$O:		../port/ethermii.h
-etherwpi.$O:			../port/wifi.h
-etherrt2860.$O: 		../port/wifi.h
-initcode.out:		init9.$O initcode.$O /$objtype/lib/libc.a
-	$LD -l -R1 -s -o $target $prereq
-$O.rebootcode:		rebootcode.$O
-	$LD -l -R1 -s -o $target -T$REBOOTADDR $prereq
-rebootcode.out:		$O.rebootcode
-	dd -if $prereq(1) -of $target -bs 1 -iseek 40
-$O.apbootstrap:		apbootstrap.$O
-	$LD -l -R1 -s -o $target -T$APBOOTSTRAP $prereq
-apbootstrap.out:	$O.apbootstrap
-	dd -if $prereq(1) -of $target -bs 1 -iseek 40
-sd53c8xx.i:	sd53c8xx.n
-	aux/na $prereq > $target
-	$CC -a -w main.c>acid
-	rm -f $stem.c [9bz]$stem [9bz]$stem.gz boot$stem.* $O.rebootcode $O.apbootstrap $PCHEADERS