shithub: aubio

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ref: 0b2892fa076aea21f128617f7d21b826f53797a8
parent: c00f17df1ff17102ec0f36d1313b5d8772172fb2
author: Paul Brossier <>
date: Fri Jul 13 15:39:07 EDT 2012 improve, also parse io/source

--- a/interfaces/python/
+++ b/interfaces/python/
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
 maintaining this bizarre file.
+param_numbers = {
+  'source': [0, 2],
 # do function: for now, only the following pattern is supported:
 # void aubio_<foo>_do (aubio_foo_t * o, 
@@ -80,20 +84,21 @@
 # the important bits: the size of the output for each objects. this data should
 # move into the C library at some point.
 defaultsizes = {
-    'resampler':    'input->length * self->ratio',
-    'specdesc':     '1',
-    'onset':        '1',
-    'pitchyin':     '1',
-    'pitchyinfft':  '1',
-    'pitchschmitt': '1',
-    'pitchmcomb':   '1',
-    'pitchfcomb':   '1',
-    'pitch':        '1',
-    'tss':          'self->hop_size',
-    'mfcc':         'self->n_coeffs',
-    'beattracking': 'self->hop_size',
-    'tempo':        '1',
-    'peakpicker':   '1',
+    'resampler':    ['input->length * self->ratio'],
+    'specdesc':     ['1'],
+    'onset':        ['1'],
+    'pitchyin':     ['1'],
+    'pitchyinfft':  ['1'],
+    'pitchschmitt': ['1'],
+    'pitchmcomb':   ['1'],
+    'pitchfcomb':   ['1'],
+    'pitch':        ['1'],
+    'tss':          ['self->hop_size', 'self->hop_size'],
+    'mfcc':         ['self->n_coeffs'],
+    'beattracking': ['self->hop_size'],
+    'tempo':        ['1'],
+    'peakpicker':   ['1'],
+    'source':       ['self->hop_size', '1'],
 # default value for variables
@@ -122,6 +127,7 @@
     'thrs': '0.5',
     'ratio': '0.5',
     'method': '"default"',
+    'uri': '"none"',
 # aubio to python
@@ -145,6 +151,7 @@
     'fvec_t*': 'PyAubio_CFvecToArray',
     'cvec_t*': 'PyAubio_CCvecToPyCvec',
     'smpl_t': 'PyFloat_FromDouble',
+    'uint_t*': 'PyInt_FromLong',
 def gen_new_init(newfunc, name):
@@ -256,24 +263,16 @@
 """ % locals()
     return s
-def gen_do(dofunc, name):
-    funcname = dofunc.split()[1].split('(')[0]
-    doparams = get_params_types_names(dofunc) 
-    # make sure the first parameter is the object
-    assert doparams[0]['type'] == "aubio_"+name+"_t*", \
-        "method is not in 'aubio_<name>_t"
-    # and remove it
-    doparams = doparams[1:]
-    # guess the input/output params, assuming we have less than 3
-    assert len(doparams) > 0, \
-        "no parameters for function do in object %s" % name
-    #assert (len(doparams) <= 2), \
-    #    "more than 3 parameters for do in object %s" % name
+def gen_do_input_params(inputparams):
+  inputdefs = ''
+  parseinput = ''
+  inputrefs = ''
+  inputvecs = ''
+  pytypes = ''
-    # build strings for inputs, assuming there is only one input 
-    inputparams = [doparams[0]]
+  if len(inputparams):
     # build the parsing string for PyArg_ParseTuple
-    pytypes = "".join([aubio2pytypes[p['type']] for p in doparams[0:1]])
+    pytypes = "".join([aubio2pytypes[p['type']] for p in inputparams])
     inputdefs = "/* input vectors python prototypes */\n  "
     inputdefs += "\n  ".join(["PyObject * " + p['name'] + "_obj;" for p in inputparams])
@@ -295,44 +294,82 @@
     # build the string for the input objects references
     inputrefs = ", ".join(["&" + p['name'] + "_obj" for p in inputparams])
     # end of inputs strings
+  return inputdefs, parseinput, inputrefs, inputvecs, pytypes
-    # build strings for outputs
-    outputparams = doparams[1:]
-    if len(outputparams) >= 1:
-        #assert len(outputparams) == 1, \
-        #    "too many output parameters"
-        outputvecs = "\n  /* output vectors prototypes */\n  "
-        outputvecs += "\n  ".join([p['type'] + ' ' + p['name'] + ";" for p in outputparams])
-        params = {
-          'name': p['name'], 'pytype': p['type'], 'autype': p['type'][:-3],
-          'length': defaultsizes[name]}
-        outputcreate = "\n  ".join(["""/* creating output %(name)s as a new_%(autype)s of length %(length)s */""" % \
-            params for p in outputparams]) 
-        outputcreate += "\n"
-        outputcreate += "\n  ".join(["""  %(name)s = new_%(autype)s (%(length)s);""" % \
-            params for p in outputparams]) 
-        returnval = ""
-        if len(outputparams) > 1:
-            returnval += "PyObject *outputs = PyList_New(0);\n"
-            for p in outputparams:
-                returnval += "  PyList_Append( outputs, (PyObject *)" + aubiovectopyobj[p['type']] + " (" + p['name'] + ")" +");\n"
-            returnval += "  return outputs;"
-        else:
-            if defaultsizes[name] == '1':
-                returnval += "return (PyObject *)PyFloat_FromDouble(" + p['name'] + "->data[0])"
-            else:
-                returnval += "return (PyObject *)" + aubiovectopyobj[p['type']] + " (" + p['name'] + ")"
+def gen_do_output_params(outputparams, name):
+  outputvecs = ""
+  outputcreate = ""
+  if len(outputparams):
+    outputvecs = "  /* output vectors prototypes */\n"
+    for p in outputparams:
+      params = {
+        'name': p['name'], 'pytype': p['type'], 'autype': p['type'][:-3],
+        'length': defaultsizes[name].pop(0) }
+      if (p['type'] == 'uint_t*'):
+        outputvecs += '  uint_t' + ' ' + p['name'] + ";\n"
+        outputcreate += "  %(name)s = 0;\n" % params
+      else:
+        outputvecs += "  " + p['type'] + ' ' + p['name'] + ";\n"
+        outputcreate += "  /* creating output %(name)s as a new_%(autype)s of length %(length)s */\n" % params
+        outputcreate += "  %(name)s = new_%(autype)s (%(length)s);\n" % params
+  returnval = "";
+  if len(outputparams) > 1:
+    returnval += "  PyObject *outputs = PyList_New(0);\n"
+    for p in outputparams:
+      returnval += "  PyList_Append( outputs, (PyObject *)" + aubiovectopyobj[p['type']] + " (" + p['name'] + ")" +");\n"
+    returnval += "  return outputs;"
+  elif len(outputparams) == 1:
+    if defaultsizes[name] == '1':
+      returnval += "  return (PyObject *)PyFloat_FromDouble(" + p['name'] + "->data[0])"
-        # no output
-        outputvecs = ""
-        outputcreate = ""
-        #returnval = "Py_None";
-        returnval = "return (PyObject *)" + aubiovectopyobj[p['type']] + " (" + p['name'] + ")"
-    # end of output strings
+      returnval += "  return (PyObject *)" + aubiovectopyobj[p['type']] + " (" + p['name'] + ")"
+  else:
+    returnval = "  return Py_None;";
+  # end of output strings
+  return outputvecs, outputcreate, returnval
+def gen_do(dofunc, name):
+    funcname = dofunc.split()[1].split('(')[0]
+    doparams = get_params_types_names(dofunc) 
+    # make sure the first parameter is the object
+    assert doparams[0]['type'] == "aubio_"+name+"_t*", \
+        "method is not in 'aubio_<name>_t"
+    # and remove it
+    doparams = doparams[1:]
+    n_param = len(doparams)
+    if name in param_numbers.keys():
+      n_input_param, n_output_param = param_numbers[name]
+    else:
+      n_input_param, n_output_param = 1, n_param - 1
+    assert n_output_param + n_input_param == n_param, "n_output_param + n_input_param != n_param for %s" % name
+    inputparams = doparams[:n_input_param]
+    outputparams = doparams[n_input_param:n_input_param + n_output_param]
+    inputdefs, parseinput, inputrefs, inputvecs, pytypes = gen_do_input_params(inputparams);
+    outputvecs, outputcreate, returnval = gen_do_output_params(outputparams, name)
+    # build strings for outputs
     # build the parameters for the  _do() call
-    doparams_string = "self->o, " + ", ".join([p['name'] for p in doparams])
+    doparams_string = "self->o"
+    for p in doparams:
+      if p['type'] == 'uint_t*':
+        doparams_string += ", &" + p['name']
+      else:
+        doparams_string += ", " + p['name']
+    if n_input_param:
+      arg_parse_tuple = """\
+  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "%(pytypes)s", %(inputrefs)s)) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+""" % locals()
+    else:
+      arg_parse_tuple = ""
     # put it all together
     s = """\
 /* function Py_%(name)s_do */
@@ -339,22 +376,20 @@
 static PyObject * 
 Py_%(name)s_do(Py_%(name)s * self, PyObject * args)
-  %(inputdefs)s
-  %(inputvecs)s
-  %(outputvecs)s
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "%(pytypes)s", %(inputrefs)s)) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  %(parseinput)s
-  %(outputcreate)s
   /* compute _do function */
   %(funcname)s (%(doparams_string)s);
-  %(returnval)s;
 """ % locals()
     return s