ref: 10cf306c2ca81f283bcd58771dcd5b32b5bd83e2
parent: f218f29b032d1e2390a9be25dfd633732b6bd9f1
author: Paul Brossier <>
date: Wed Nov 7 12:13:27 EST 2007
pitchyinfft.c: redo indentation
--- a/src/pitchyinfft.c
+++ b/src/pitchyinfft.c
@@ -35,54 +35,54 @@
static const smpl_t freqs[] = {0., 20., 25., 31.5, 40., 50., 63., 80., 100.,
- 125., 160., 200., 250., 315., 400., 500., 630., 800., 1000., 1250.,
- 1600., 2000., 2500., 3150., 4000., 5000., 6300., 8000., 9000., 10000.,
- 12500., 15000., 20000., 25100};
+ 125., 160., 200., 250., 315., 400., 500., 630., 800., 1000., 1250.,
+ 1600., 2000., 2500., 3150., 4000., 5000., 6300., 8000., 9000., 10000.,
+ 12500., 15000., 20000., 25100};
static const smpl_t weight[] = {-75.8, -70.1, -60.8, -52.1, -44.2, -37.5,
- -31.3, -25.6, -20.9, -16.5, -12.6, -9.6, -7.0, -4.7, -3.0, -1.8, -0.8,
- -0.2, -0.0, 0.5, 1.6, 3.2, 5.4, 7.8, 8.1, 5.3, -2.4, -11.1, -12.8,
- -12.2, -7.4, -17.8, -17.8, -17.8};
+ -31.3, -25.6, -20.9, -16.5, -12.6, -9.6, -7.0, -4.7, -3.0, -1.8, -0.8,
+ -0.2, -0.0, 0.5, 1.6, 3.2, 5.4, 7.8, 8.1, 5.3, -2.4, -11.1, -12.8,
+ -12.2, -7.4, -17.8, -17.8, -17.8};
aubio_pitchyinfft_t * new_aubio_pitchyinfft (uint_t bufsize)
aubio_pitchyinfft_t * p = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_pitchyinfft_t);
- p->winput = new_fvec(bufsize,1);
- p->fft = new_aubio_fft(bufsize, 1);
- p->fftout = new_cvec(bufsize,1);
- p->sqrmag = new_fvec(bufsize,1);
- p->res = new_cvec(bufsize,1);
- p->yinfft = new_fvec(bufsize/2+1,1);
- p->win = new_fvec(bufsize,1);
+ p->winput = new_fvec(bufsize,1);
+ p->fft = new_aubio_fft(bufsize, 1);
+ p->fftout = new_cvec(bufsize,1);
+ p->sqrmag = new_fvec(bufsize,1);
+ p->res = new_cvec(bufsize,1);
+ p->yinfft = new_fvec(bufsize/2+1,1);
+ p->win = new_fvec(bufsize,1);
aubio_window(p->win->data[0], bufsize, aubio_win_hanningz);
p->weight = new_fvec(bufsize/2+1,1);
- uint_t i = 0, j = 1;
- smpl_t freq = 0, a0 = 0, a1 = 0, f0 = 0, f1 = 0;
- for (i=0; i<p->weight->length; i++) {
- freq = (smpl_t)i/(smpl_t)bufsize*(smpl_t)44100.;
- while (freq > freqs[j]) {
- j +=1;
- }
- a0 = weight[j-1];
- f0 = freqs[j-1];
- a1 = weight[j];
- f1 = freqs[j];
- if (f0 == f1) { // just in case
- p->weight->data[0][i] = a0;
- } else if (f0 == 0) { // y = ax+b
- p->weight->data[0][i] = (a1-a0)/f1*freq + a0;
- } else {
- p->weight->data[0][i] = (a1-a0)/(f1-f0)*freq +
- (a0 - (a1 - a0)/(f1/f0 - 1.));
- }
- while (freq > freqs[j]) {
- j +=1;
- }
- //AUBIO_DBG("%f\n",p->weight->data[0][i]);
- p->weight->data[0][i] = DB2LIN(p->weight->data[0][i]);
- //p->weight->data[0][i] = SQRT(DB2LIN(p->weight->data[0][i]));
- }
+ uint_t i = 0, j = 1;
+ smpl_t freq = 0, a0 = 0, a1 = 0, f0 = 0, f1 = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<p->weight->length; i++) {
+ freq = (smpl_t)i/(smpl_t)bufsize*(smpl_t)44100.;
+ while (freq > freqs[j]) {
+ j +=1;
+ }
+ a0 = weight[j-1];
+ f0 = freqs[j-1];
+ a1 = weight[j];
+ f1 = freqs[j];
+ if (f0 == f1) { // just in case
+ p->weight->data[0][i] = a0;
+ } else if (f0 == 0) { // y = ax+b
+ p->weight->data[0][i] = (a1-a0)/f1*freq + a0;
+ } else {
+ p->weight->data[0][i] = (a1-a0)/(f1-f0)*freq +
+ (a0 - (a1 - a0)/(f1/f0 - 1.));
+ }
+ while (freq > freqs[j]) {
+ j +=1;
+ }
+ //AUBIO_DBG("%f\n",p->weight->data[0][i]);
+ p->weight->data[0][i] = DB2LIN(p->weight->data[0][i]);
+ //p->weight->data[0][i] = SQRT(DB2LIN(p->weight->data[0][i]));
+ }
return p;
@@ -94,60 +94,60 @@
cvec_t * res = (cvec_t *)p->res;
fvec_t * yin = (fvec_t *)p->yinfft;
for (l=0; l < input->length; l++){
- p->winput->data[0][l] = p->win->data[0][l] * input->data[0][l];
+ p->winput->data[0][l] = p->win->data[0][l] * input->data[0][l];
for (l=0; l < p->fftout->length; l++){
- p->sqrmag->data[0][l] = SQR(p->fftout->norm[0][l]);
- p->sqrmag->data[0][l] *= p->weight->data[0][l];
+ p->sqrmag->data[0][l] = SQR(p->fftout->norm[0][l]);
+ p->sqrmag->data[0][l] *= p->weight->data[0][l];
for (l=1; l < p->fftout->length; l++){
- p->sqrmag->data[0][(p->fftout->length-1)*2-l] =
- SQR(p->fftout->norm[0][l]);
- p->sqrmag->data[0][(p->fftout->length-1)*2-l] *=
- p->weight->data[0][l];
+ p->sqrmag->data[0][(p->fftout->length-1)*2-l] =
+ SQR(p->fftout->norm[0][l]);
+ p->sqrmag->data[0][(p->fftout->length-1)*2-l] *=
+ p->weight->data[0][l];
for (l=0; l < p->sqrmag->length/2+1; l++) {
- sum += p->sqrmag->data[0][l];
+ sum += p->sqrmag->data[0][l];
sum *= 2.;
- yin->data[0][0] = 1.;
+ yin->data[0][0] = 1.;
for (tau=1; tau < yin->length; tau++) {
- yin->data[0][tau] = sum -
- res->norm[0][tau]*COS(res->phas[0][tau]);
- tmp += yin->data[0][tau];
- yin->data[0][tau] *= tau/tmp;
+ yin->data[0][tau] = sum -
+ res->norm[0][tau]*COS(res->phas[0][tau]);
+ tmp += yin->data[0][tau];
+ yin->data[0][tau] *= tau/tmp;
- tau = vec_min_elem(yin);
+ tau = vec_min_elem(yin);
if (yin->data[0][tau] < tol) {
- /* no interpolation */
- //return tau;
- /* 3 point quadratic interpolation */
- //return vec_quadint_min(yin,tau,1);
- /* additional check for (unlikely) octave doubling in higher frequencies */
- if (tau>35) {
- return vec_quadint_min(yin,tau,1);
- } else {
- /* should compare the minimum value of each interpolated peaks */
- halfperiod = FLOOR(tau/2+.5);
- if (yin->data[0][halfperiod] < tol)
- return vec_quadint_min(yin,halfperiod,1);
- else
- return vec_quadint_min(yin,tau,1);
- }
+ /* no interpolation */
+ //return tau;
+ /* 3 point quadratic interpolation */
+ //return vec_quadint_min(yin,tau,1);
+ /* additional check for (unlikely) octave doubling in higher frequencies */
+ if (tau>35) {
+ return vec_quadint_min(yin,tau,1);
+ } else {
+ /* should compare the minimum value of each interpolated peaks */
+ halfperiod = FLOOR(tau/2+.5);
+ if (yin->data[0][halfperiod] < tol)
+ return vec_quadint_min(yin,halfperiod,1);
+ else
+ return vec_quadint_min(yin,tau,1);
+ }
} else
- return 0;
+ return 0;
void del_aubio_pitchyinfft(aubio_pitchyinfft_t *p){
- del_fvec(p->win);
- del_aubio_fft(p->fft);
- del_fvec(p->yinfft);
- del_fvec(p->sqrmag);
- del_cvec(p->res);
- del_cvec(p->fftout);
- del_fvec(p->winput);
- del_fvec(p->weight);
+ del_fvec(p->win);
+ del_aubio_fft(p->fft);
+ del_fvec(p->yinfft);
+ del_fvec(p->sqrmag);
+ del_cvec(p->res);
+ del_cvec(p->fftout);
+ del_fvec(p->winput);
+ del_fvec(p->weight);