shithub: aubio

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ref: 4cc9fe5d89c4e4281cf9015429bd92e9773c1ea1
parent: 3ec9d9c8eb76d7d845c0a0145be59186528cc5a7
author: Paul Brossier <>
date: Tue Aug 23 20:52:49 EDT 2005

added bench tools

--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/aubio/bench/
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+from config import *
+class run_broadcast:
+        def __init__(self,command,*args):
+                for host in REMOTEHOSTS:
+                        command(host,args[0],args[1:])
+def remote_sync(host,path='',options=''):
+        optstring = ''
+        for i in options:
+                optstring = "%s %s" % (optstring,i)
+        print RSYNC_CMD,optstring,RSYNC_OPT,' --delete', 
+        print '%s%s%s%s%s' % (path,'/ ',host,':',path)
+def fetch_results(host,path='',options=''):
+        optstring = ''
+        for i in options:
+                optstring = "%s %s" % (optstring,i)
+        print RSYNC_CMD,optstring,RSYNC_OPT,' --update', 
+        print '%s%s%s%s%s' % (host,':',path,'/ ',path)
+def remote_queue(host,command,options=''):
+        print 'oarsub -p "hostname = \'',host,'\'',command
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/aubio/bench/
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+filefound = 0
+        filename = "/etc/aubio-bench.conf"
+        execfile(filename)
+        filefound = 1
+except IOError:
+        print "no system wide configuration file found in", filename
+        import os
+        filename = "%s%s%s" % (os.getenv('HOME'),os.sep,".aubio-bench.conf")
+        execfile(filename)
+        filefound = 1
+except IOError:
+        print "no user configuration file found in", filename
+if filefound == 0:
+        import sys
+        print "error: no configuration file found at all"
+        sys.exit(1)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/aubio/bench/
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+from config import *
+import commands,sys
+import re
+def runcommand(cmd,debug=0):
+        if VERBOSE >= VERBOSE_CMD or debug: print cmd
+        if debug: return 
+        status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+        if status == 0 or VERBOSE >= VERBOSE_OUT:
+                output = output.split('\n')
+        if VERBOSE >= VERBOSE_OUT: 
+                for i in output: 
+                        if i: print i
+        if not status == 0: 
+                print 'error:',status,output
+                print 'command returning error was',cmd
+                sys.exit(1)
+        return output 
+def list_files(datapath,filter='f'):
+        cmd = '%s%s%s%s' % ('find ',datapath,' -type ',filter)
+        return runcommand(cmd)
+def mkdir(path):
+        cmd = '%s%s' % ('mkdir -p ',path)
+        return runcommand(cmd)
+def act_on_data (action,datapath,respath,suffix='.txt',filter='f'):
+        """ execute action(datafile,resfile) on all files in datapath """
+        dirlist = list_files(datapath,filter=filter)
+        respath_in_datapath = re.split(datapath, respath,maxsplit=1)[1:]
+        if(respath_in_datapath and suffix == ''): 
+                print 'error: respath in datapath and no suffix used'
+                sys.exit(1)
+        for i in dirlist:
+                s = re.split(datapath, i,maxsplit=1)[1]
+                j = "%s%s%s%s"%(respath,'/',s,suffix)
+                action(i,j)
+def act_on_results (action,datapath,respath,filter='d'):
+        """ execute action(respath) an all subdirectories in respath """
+        dirlist = list_files(datapath,filter='d')
+        respath_in_datapath = re.split(datapath, respath,maxsplit=1)[1:]
+        if(respath_in_datapath and not filter == 'd' and suffix == ''): 
+                print 'warning: respath is in datapath'
+        for i in dirlist:
+                s = re.split(datapath, i ,maxsplit=1)[1]
+                action("%s%s%s"%(respath,'/',s))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/bench-cluster-test
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+from aubio.bench.broadcast import *
+run_broadcast(remote_queue,'echo coucou')
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/bench-onset
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+from aubio.bench.config import *
+from aubio.bench.node import *
+datapath = "%s%s" % (DATADIR,'/onset/DB')
+respath = '/var/tmp/DB-testings'
+MODES = 'hfc', 'complexdomain', 'energy', 'phase', 'specdiff', 'kl', 'mkl'
+THRESHOLD = range(1,14,1)
+#        prepareresultpath
+def compute_data(input,output):
+        aubiocmd = "%s%s %s%s" % \
+                ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=",LD_LIBRARY_PATH,AUBIOHOME,"/examples/aubioonset")
+        for m in MODES:
+                for k in THRESHOLD:
+                        cmd = "%s --input \"%s\" --onset %s --threshold %s > \"%s--%s--%s.txt\"" \
+                                % (aubiocmd,input,m,k/10.,output,m,k/10.)
+                        runcommand(cmd,debug=1)
+#        computedata
+act_on_data(compute_data,datapath,respath,suffix='',filter='f -name \'*.wav\'')
+#        gatherdata
+#act_on_data(my_print,datapath,respath,suffix='.txt',filter='f -name \'*.wav\'')
+#        gatherthreshold
+#        gathermodes
+#        comparediffs
+#        gatherdiffs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/bench-pitch
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+#from conf.aubio_benchrc import *
+from aubio.bench.config import *
+from aubio.bench.node import *
+import os
+datapath = "%s%s" % (DATADIR,'/pitch/isolated/piano/011pfnof')
+respath = '/var/tmp/isolated/testing'
+MODES = 'yin', 'mcomb', 'fcomb', 'schmitt'
+#        prepareresultpath
+def compute_data(input,output):
+        aubiocmd = "%s%s %s%s" % \
+                ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=",LD_LIBRARY_PATH,AUBIOHOME,"/python/aubiopitch")
+        for m in MODES:
+                cmd = "%s --input \"%s\" --mode %s --verbose --units midi > \"%s--%s.txt\"" \
+                        % (aubiocmd,input,m,output,m)
+                runcommand(cmd,debug=0)
+#        computedata
+act_on_data(compute_data,datapath,respath,suffix='',filter='f -name \'*.wav\'')
+#        gatherdata
+#act_on_data(my_print,datapath,respath,suffix='.txt',filter='f -name \'*.wav\'')
+#        gatherthreshold
+#        gathermodes
+#        comparediffs
+#        gatherdiffs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/bench-test
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+from aubio.bench.node import *
+datapath = '/var/www'
+respath = '/var/tmp'
+def my_print(input,output):
+        cmd = "%s %s %s" % ("time sleep 0.3; echo",input,output)
+        return runcommand(cmd,debug=0)