ref: 5140276e1926e5cbbbbb8ffdc2dd923c5a7a94dc
parent: 660c1d824f10572727d987d7c3e166e286c6749e
author: Paul Brossier <>
date: Wed Feb 15 06:36:17 EST 2006
added aubioweb added aubioweb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/aubio/web/
@@ -1,0 +1,167 @@
+ #
+ # Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
+ # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
+ # may obtain a copy of the License at
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ # implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ # permissions and limitations under the License.
+ #
+ # Originally developed by Gregory Trubetskoy.
+ #
+ # $Id:,v 1.36 2004/02/16 19:47:27 grisha Exp $
+ This handler is conceputally similar to Zope's ZPublisher, except
+ that it:
+ 1. Is written specifically for mod_python and is therefore much faster
+ 2. Does not require objects to have a documentation string
+ 3. Passes all arguments as simply string
+ 4. Does not try to match Python errors to HTTP errors
+ 5. Does not give special meaning to '.' and '..'.
+ This is a modified version of mod_python.publisher.handler Only the first
+ directory argument is matched, the rest is left for path_info. A default
+ one must be provided.
+from mod_python import apache
+from mod_python import util
+from mod_python.publisher import resolve_object,process_auth,imp_suffixes
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+from types import *
+def configure_handler(req,default):
+ req.allow_methods(["GET", "POST"])
+ if req.method not in ["GET", "POST"]:
+ func_path = ""
+ if req.path_info:
+ func_path = req.path_info[1:] # skip first /
+ #func_path = func_path.replace("/", ".")
+ #if func_path[-1:] == ".":
+ # func_path = func_path[:-1]
+ # changed: only keep the first directory
+ func_path = re.sub('/.*','',func_path)
+ # default to 'index' if no path_info was given
+ if not func_path:
+ func_path = "index"
+ # if any part of the path begins with "_", abort
+ if func_path[0] == '_' or func_path.count("._"):
+ raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+ ## import the script
+ path, module_name = os.path.split(req.filename)
+ if not module_name:
+ module_name = "index"
+ # get rid of the suffix
+ # explanation: Suffixes that will get stripped off
+ # are those that were specified as an argument to the
+ # AddHandler directive. Everything else will be considered
+ # a package.module rather than module.suffix
+ exts = req.get_addhandler_exts()
+ if not exts:
+ # this is SetHandler, make an exception for Python suffixes
+ exts = imp_suffixes
+ if req.extension: # this exists if we're running in a | .ext handler
+ exts += req.extension[1:]
+ if exts:
+ suffixes = exts.strip().split()
+ exp = "\\." + "$|\\.".join(suffixes)
+ suff_matcher = re.compile(exp) # python caches these, so its fast
+ module_name = suff_matcher.sub("", module_name)
+ # import module (or reload if needed)
+ # the [path] argument tells import_module not to allow modules whose
+ # full path is not in [path] or below.
+ config = req.get_config()
+ autoreload=int(config.get("PythonAutoReload", 1))
+ log=int(config.get("PythonDebug", 0))
+ try:
+ module = apache.import_module(module_name,
+ autoreload=autoreload,
+ log=log,
+ path=[path])
+ except ImportError:
+ et, ev, etb = sys.exc_info()
+ # try again, using default module, perhaps this is a
+ # /directory/function (as opposed to /directory/module/function)
+ func_path = module_name
+ module_name = "index"
+ try:
+ module = apache.import_module(module_name,
+ autoreload=autoreload,
+ log=log,
+ path=[path])
+ except ImportError:
+ # raise the original exception
+ raise et, ev, etb
+ # does it have an __auth__?
+ realm, user, passwd = process_auth(req, module)
+ # resolve the object ('traverse')
+ try:
+ object = resolve_object(req, module, func_path, realm, user, passwd)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # changed, return the default path instead
+ #raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+ object = default
+ # not callable, a class or an unbound method
+ if (not callable(object) or
+ type(object) is ClassType or
+ (hasattr(object, 'im_self') and not object.im_self)):
+ result = str(object)
+ else:
+ # callable, (but not a class or unbound method)
+ # process input, if any
+ req.form = util.FieldStorage(req, keep_blank_values=1)
+ result = util.apply_fs_data(object, req.form, req=req)
+ if result or req.bytes_sent > 0 or
+ if result is None:
+ result = ""
+ else:
+ result = str(result)
+ # unless content_type was manually set, we will attempt
+ # to guess it
+ if not req._content_type_set:
+ # make an attempt to guess content-type
+ if result[:100].strip()[:6].lower() == '<html>' \
+ or result.find('</') > 0:
+ req.content_type = 'text/html'
+ else:
+ req.content_type = 'text/plain'
+ if req.method != "HEAD":
+ req.write(result)
+ else:
+ req.write("")
+ return apache.OK
+ else:
+ req.log_error("mod_python.publisher: %s returned nothing." % `object`)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/aubio/web/
@@ -1,0 +1,287 @@
+from aubio.bench.node import *
+def parse_args(req):
+ req.basehref = BASEHREF
+ req.datadir = DATADIR
+ if req.path_info: path_info = req.path_info
+ else: path_info = '/'
+ location = re.sub('^/show_[a-z0-9]*/','',path_info)
+ location = re.sub('^/play_[a-z0-9]*/','',location)
+ location = re.sub('^/index/','',location)
+ location = re.sub('^/','',location)
+ location = re.sub('/$','',location)
+ datapath = "%s/%s" % (DATADIR,location)
+ respath = "%s/%s" % (DATADIR,location)
+ last = re.sub('/$','',location)
+ last = last.split('/')[-1]
+ first = path_info.split('/')[1]
+ # store some of this in the mp_request
+ req.location, req.datapath, req.respath = location, datapath, respath
+ req.first, req.last = first, last
+ if location:
+ if not (os.path.isfile(datapath) or
+ os.path.isdir(datapath) or
+ location in ['feedback','email']):
+ # the path was not understood
+ from mod_python import apache
+ req.write("<html> path not found %s</html>" % (datapath))
+ raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.OK
+ #from mod_python import apache
+ #raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+def navigation(req):
+ """ main html navigation header """
+ from mod_python import psp
+ req.content_type = "text/html"
+ parse_args(req)
+ datapath = req.datapath
+ location = req.location
+ # deal with session
+ if req.sess.is_new():
+ msg = "<b>Welcome %s</b><br>" % req.sess['login']
+ else:
+ msg = "<b>Welcome back %s</b><br>" % req.sess['login']
+ # start writing
+ tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='header.tmpl')
+ = { 'title': "aubioweb / %s / %s" % (req.first,location),
+ 'basehref': '/~piem/',
+ 'message': msg,
+ 'action': req.first})
+ req.write("<h2>Content of ")
+ print_link(req,"","/")
+ y = location.split('/')
+ for i in range(len(y)-1):
+ print_link(req,"/".join(y[:i+1]),y[i])
+ req.write(" / ")
+ req.write("%s</h2>\n" % y[-1])
+ a = {'show_info' : 'info',
+ 'show_sound': 'waveform',
+ 'show_onset': 'onset',
+ 'index' : 'index',
+ 'show_pitch': 'pitch',
+ 'play_m3u': 'stream (m3u/ogg)',
+ 'play_ogg': 'save (ogg)',
+ 'play_wav': 'save (wav)',
+ }
+ # print task lists (only remaining tasks)
+ print_link(req,re.sub('%s.*'%req.last,'',location),"go up")
+ akeys = a.keys(); akeys.sort();
+ curkey = req.first
+ for akey in akeys:
+ if akey != curkey:
+ req.write(":: ")
+ print_link(req,"/".join((akey,location)),a[akey])
+ else:
+ req.write(":: ")
+ req.write("<b>%s</b>" % a[akey])
+ req.write("<br>")
+ # list the content of the directories
+ listdir,listfiles = [],[]
+ if os.path.isdir(datapath):
+ listfiles = list_snd_files(datapath)
+ listdir = list_dirs(datapath)
+ listdir.pop(0) # kick the current dir
+ elif os.path.isfile(datapath):
+ listfiles = [datapath]
+ listdir = [re.sub(req.last,'',location)]
+ link_list(req,listdir,title="Subdirectories")
+ link_list(req,listfiles,title="Files")
+def footer(req):
+ """ html navigation footer """
+ from mod_python import psp
+ tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='footer.tmpl')
+ = { 'time': -req.mtime+req.request_time })
+def apply_on_data(req, func,**keywords):
+ # bug: hardcoded snd file filter
+ act_on_data(func,req.datapath,req.respath,
+ filter="f -maxdepth 1 -name '*.wav' -o -name '*.aif'",**keywords)
+def print_link(req,target,name,basehref=BASEHREF):
+ req.write("<a href='%s/%s'>%s</a>\n" % (basehref,target,name))
+def print_img(req,target,name='',basehref=BASEHREF):
+ if name == '': name = target
+ req.write("<img src='%s/%s' alt='%s' title='%s'>\n" % (basehref,target,name,name))
+def link_list(req,targetlist,basehref=BASEHREF,title=None):
+ if len(targetlist) > 1:
+ if title: req.write("<h3>%s</h3>"%title)
+ req.write('<ul>')
+ for i in targetlist:
+ s = re.split('%s/'%DATADIR,i,maxsplit=1)[1]
+ if s:
+ req.write('<li>')
+ print_link(req,s,s)
+ req.write('</li>')
+ req.write('</ul>')
+def print_list(req,list):
+ req.write("<pre>\n")
+ for i in list: req.write("%s\n" % i)
+ req.write("</pre>\n")
+def print_command(req,command):
+ req.write("<h4>%s</h4>\n" % re.sub('%%','%',command))
+ def print_runcommand(input,output):
+ cmd = re.sub('(%)?%i','%s' % input, command)
+ cmd = re.sub('(%)?%o','%s' % output, cmd)
+ print_list(req,runcommand(cmd))
+ apply_on_data(req,print_runcommand)
+def datapath_to_location(input):
+ location = re.sub(DATADIR,'',input)
+ return re.sub('^/*','',location)
+## drawing hacks
+def draw_func(req,func):
+ import re
+ req.content_type = "image/png"
+ # build location (strip the func_path, add DATADIR)
+ location = re.sub('^/draw_[a-z]*/','%s/'%DATADIR,req.path_info)
+ location = re.sub('.png$','',location)
+ if not os.path.isfile(location):
+ from mod_python import apache
+ raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+ # replace location in func
+ cmd = re.sub('(%)?%i','%s' % location, func)
+ # add PYTHONPATH at the beginning,
+ cmd = "%s%s 2> /dev/null" % (PYTHONPATH,cmd)
+ for each in runcommand(cmd):
+ req.write("%s\n"%each)
+def show_task(req,task):
+ def show_task_file(input,output,task):
+ location = datapath_to_location(input)
+ print_img(req,"draw_%s/%s" % (task,location))
+ navigation(req)
+ req.write("<h3>%s</h3>\n" % task)
+ apply_on_data(req,show_task_file,task=task)
+ footer(req)
+## waveform_foo
+def draw_sound(req):
+ #draw_func(req,"aubioplot-audio %%i stdout 2> /dev/null")
+ draw_func(req,"gdtest %%i 2> /dev/null")
+def show_sound(req):
+ show_task(req,"sound")
+## pitch foo
+def draw_pitch(req,threshold='0.3'):
+ draw_func(req,"aubiopitch -i %%i -p -m yin -t %s -O stdout -B 2048 -H 1024" % threshold)
+def show_pitch(req):
+ show_task(req,"pitch")
+## onset foo
+def draw_onset(req,threshold='0.3'):
+ draw_func(req,"aubiocut -i %%i -p -m complex -t %s -O stdout" % threshold)
+def show_onset(req,threshold='0.3',details=''):
+ def onset_file(input,output):
+ location = datapath_to_location(input)
+ print_img(req,"draw_onset/%s?threshold=%s"%(location,threshold))
+ print_link(req,"?threshold=%s" % (float(threshold)-0.1),"-")
+ req.write("%s\n" % threshold)
+ print_link(req,"?threshold=%s" % (float(threshold)+0.1),"+")
+ # bug: hardcoded sndfile extension
+ anote = re.sub('\.wav$','.txt',input)
+ if anote == input: anote = ""
+ res = get_extract(input,threshold)
+ if os.path.isfile(anote):
+ tru = get_anote(anote)
+ print_list(req,get_results(tru,res,0.05))
+ else:
+ req.write("no ground truth found<br>\n")
+ if details:
+ req.write("<h4>Extraction</h4>\n")
+ print_list(req,res)
+ else:
+ req.write("<a href='%s/show_onset/%s?details=yes&threshold=%s'>details</a><br>\n" %
+ (req.basehref,location,threshold))
+ if details and os.path.isfile(anote):
+ req.write("<h4>Computed differences</h4>\n")
+ ldiffs = get_diffs(tru,res,0.05)
+ print_list(req,ldiffs)
+ req.write("<h4>Annotations</h4>\n")
+ print_list(req,tru)
+ navigation(req)
+ req.write("<h3>Onset</h3>\n")
+ apply_on_data(req,onset_file)
+ footer(req)
+def get_anote(anote):
+ import aubio.onsetcompare
+ # FIXME: should import with txtfile.read_datafile
+ return aubio.onsetcompare.load_onsets(anote)
+def get_diffs(anote,extract,tol):
+ import aubio.onsetcompare
+ return aubio.onsetcompare.onset_diffs(anote,extract,tol)
+def get_extract(datapath,threshold='0.3'):
+ cmd = "%saubiocut -v -m complex -t %s -i %s" % (PYTHONPATH,threshold,datapath)
+ lo = runcommand(cmd)
+ for i in range(len(lo)): lo[i] = float(lo[i])
+ return lo
+def get_results(anote,extract,tol):
+ import aubio.onsetcompare
+ orig, missed, merged, expc, bad, doubled = aubio.onsetcompare.onset_roc(anote,extract,tol)
+ s =("GD %2.8f\t" % (100*float(orig-missed-merged)/(orig)),
+ "FP %2.8f\t" % (100*float(bad+doubled)/(orig)) ,
+ "GD-merged %2.8f\t" % (100*float(orig-missed)/(orig)) ,
+ "FP-pruned %2.8f\t" % (100*float(bad)/(orig)) )
+ return s
+# play m3u foo
+def play_m3u(req):
+ def show_task_file(input,output,task):
+ location = datapath_to_location(input)
+ req.write("http://%s%s/play_ogg/%s\n" % (HOSTNAME,BASEHREF,re.sub("play_m3u",task,location)))
+ req.content_type = "audio/mpegurl"
+ parse_args(req)
+ apply_on_data(req,show_task_file,task="play_ogg")
+# play wav foo
+def play_wav(req):
+ req.content_type = "audio/x-wav"
+ func = "cat %%i"
+ # build location (strip the func_path, add DATADIR)
+ location = re.sub('^/play_wav/','%s/'%DATADIR,req.path_info)
+ if not os.path.isfile(location):
+ from mod_python import apache
+ raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+ # replace location in func
+ cmd = re.sub('(%)?%i','%s' % location, func)
+ # add PYTHONPATH at the beginning,
+ cmd = "%s 2> /dev/null" % cmd
+ for each in runcommand(cmd):
+ req.write("%s\n"%each)
+# play ogg foo
+def play_ogg(req):
+ req.content_type = "application/ogg"
+ func = "oggenc -o - %%i"
+ # build location (strip the func_path, add DATADIR)
+ location = re.sub('^/play_ogg/','%s/'%DATADIR,req.path_info)
+ location = re.sub('.ogg$','',location)
+ if not os.path.isfile(location):
+ from mod_python import apache
+ raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+ # replace location in func
+ cmd = re.sub('(%)?%i','%s' % location, func)
+ # add PYTHONPATH at the beginning,
+ cmd = "%s 2> /dev/null" % cmd
+ for each in runcommand(cmd):
+ req.write("%s\n"%each)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/
@@ -1,0 +1,113 @@
+doc = """
+This script works with mod_python to browse a collection of annotated wav files
+and results.
+you will need to have at least the following packages need to be installed (the
+name of the command line tool is precised in parenthesis):
+libapache-mod-python (apache2 prefered)
+sndfile-programs (sndfile-info)
+vorbis-tools (oggenc)
+Try the command line tools in aubio/python to test your installation.
+NOTE: this script is probably horribly insecure.
+example configuration for apache to put in your preferred virtual host.
+<Directory /home/piem/public_html/aubioweb>
+ # Minimal config
+ AddHandler mod_python .py
+ # Disable these in production
+ PythonDebug On
+ PythonAutoReload on
+ # Default handler in url
+ PythonHandler aubioweb
+ ## Authentication stuff (optional)
+ #PythonAuthenHandler aubioweb
+ #AuthType Basic
+ #AuthName "Restricted Area"
+ #require valid-user
+ # make default listing
+ DirectoryIndex aubioweb/
+from aubio.web.html import *
+def handler(req):
+ from aubio.web.browser import *
+ from mod_python import Session
+ req.sess = Session.Session(req)
+ req.sess['login']='new aubio user'
+ return configure_handler(req,index)
+def index(req,threshold='0.3'):
+ navigation(req)
+ print_command(req,"sfinfo %%i")
+ return footer(req)
+def show_info(req,verbose=''):
+ navigation(req)
+ print_command(req,"sndfile-info %%i")
+ return footer(req)
+def feedback(req):
+ navigation(req)
+ req.write("""
+ Please provide feedback below:
+ <p>
+ <form action="/~piem/aubioweb/email" method="POST">
+ Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
+ Email: <input type="text" name="email"><br>
+ Comment: <textarea name="comment" rows=4 cols=20></textarea><br>
+ <input type="submit">
+ </form>
+ """)
+def email(req,name,email,comment):
+ import smtplib
+ # make sure the user provided all the parameters
+ if not (name and email and comment):
+ return "A required parameter is missing, \
+ please go back and correct the error"
+ # create the message text
+ msg = """\
+From: %s
+Subject: feedback
+To: %s
+I have the following comment:
+Thank You,
+""" % (email, WEBMASTER, comment, name)
+ # send it out
+ conn = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER)
+ try:
+ conn.sendmail(email, [WEBMASTER], msg)
+ except smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused:
+ return """<html>please provide a valid email</html>"""
+ conn.quit()
+ # provide feedback to the user
+ s = """\
+Dear %s,<br>
+Thank You for your kind comments, we
+will get back to you shortly.
+</html>""" % name
+ return s