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ref: 5d1c070ffb32715850294ac0602e8f0effce7dd7
parent: 43938deb94e79f59bff176d423d100ed29f5a6c3
author: Paul Brossier <>
date: Sat Mar 4 22:21:16 EST 2006

updated to new bench-pitch, fixed gettruth
updated to new bench-pitch, fixed gettruth

--- a/python/aubio/bench/
+++ b/python/aubio/bench/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 	if maxdepth >= 0: maxstring = " -maxdepth %d " % maxdepth	
 	else: maxstring = ""
-        cmd = '%s' * 5 % ('find ',datapath,maxstring,' -type ',filter)
+        cmd = '%s' * 6 % ('find ',datapath,maxstring,' -type ',filter, "| sort -n")
         return runcommand(cmd)
 def list_wav_files(datapath,maxdepth = -1):
--- a/python/aubio/task/
+++ b/python/aubio/task/
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@
 			return False,False
 		elif floatpit:
-				self.truth = aubio_miditofreq(float(floatpit))
-				print "ground truth found in filename:", self.truth
-				tasksil = tasksilence(self.input)
+				self.truth = float(floatpit)
+				#print "ground truth found in filename:", self.truth
+				tasksil = tasksilence(self.input,params=self.params)
 				time,pitch =[],[]
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
 					time, pitch = [], []
 					for i in range(len(values)):
-						pitch.append(values[i][1])
+						pitch.append(aubio_freqtomidi(values[i][1]))
 					return time,pitch
-	def eval(self,results):
+	def oldeval(self,results):
 		def mmean(l):
 			return sum(l)/max(float(len(l)),1)
@@ -104,23 +104,44 @@
 			med = percental(res,len(res)/2) 
 		return self.truth, self.truth-med, self.truth-avg
-	def neweval(self,results):
+	def eval(self,pitch,tol=0.9):
 		timet,pitcht = self.gettruth()
-		for i in timet:
-			print results[i]
-		return self.truth, self.truth-med, self.truth-avg
+		pitch = [aubio_freqtomidi(i) for i in pitch]
+		for i in range(len(pitch)):
+			if pitch[i] == "nan" or pitch[i] == -1:
+				pitch[i] = -1
+		time = [ i*self.params.step for i in range(len(pitch)) ]
+		assert len(timet) == len(time) 
+		assert len(pitcht) == len(pitch)
+		osil, esil, opit, epit, echr = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+		for i in range(len(pitcht)):
+			if pitcht[i] == -1: # currently silent
+				osil += 1 # count a silence
+				if pitch[i] == -1. or pitch[i] == "nan": 
+					esil += 1 # found a silence
+			else:
+				opit +=1
+				if abs(pitcht[i] - pitch[i]) < tol:
+					epit += 1
+					echr += 1
+				elif abs(pitcht[i] - pitch[i]) % 12. < tol:
+					echr += 1
+				#else:
+				#	print timet[i], pitcht[i], time[i], pitch[i]
+		#print "origsilence", "foundsilence", "origpitch", "foundpitch", "orig pitchroma", "found pitchchroma"
+		#print 100.*esil/float(osil), 100.*epit/float(opit), 100.*echr/float(opit)
+		return osil, esil, opit, epit, echr
 	def plot(self,pitch,wplot,oplots,outplot=None):
 		import numarray
 		import Gnuplot
-		self.eval(pitch)
 		downtime = self.params.step*numarray.arange(len(pitch))
-		oplots.append(Gnuplot.Data(downtime,pitch,with='lines',
+		oplots.append(Gnuplot.Data(downtime,pitch,with='linespoints',
-	def plotplot(self,wplot,oplots,outplot=None,multiplot = 1):
+	def plotplot(self,wplot,oplots,outplot=None,multiplot = 0):
 		from aubio.gnuplot import gnuplot_init, audio_to_array, make_audio_plot
 		import re
 		import Gnuplot
@@ -131,6 +152,7 @@
 		# check if ground truth exists
 		timet,pitcht = self.gettruth()
 		if timet and pitcht:
+			pitcht = [aubio_miditofreq(i) for i in pitcht]
 			oplots = [Gnuplot.Data(timet,pitcht,with='lines',
 				title='ground truth')] + oplots
--- a/python/test/bench/pitch/bench-pitch
+++ b/python/test/bench/pitch/bench-pitch
@@ -8,61 +8,104 @@
 	""" list of values to store per file """
 	valuenames = ['mode']
 	""" list of lists to store per file """
-	valuelists = ['orig', 'mean', 'med']
+	valuelists = ['truth', 'osil', 'esil', 'opit', 'epit', 'echr', 
+               'Msil', 'Mpit', 'Mchr']
 	""" list of values to print per dir """
-	printnames = [ 'mode']
+	printnames = [ 'mode', 'truth', 'Msil', 'Mpit', 'Mchr']
 	""" per dir """
-	formats = {'mode': "%12s" , 'thres': "%5.4s", 
-		'dist':  "%5.4s", 'prec': "%5.4s", 'recl':  "%5.4s",
-		'Ttrue': "%5.4s", 'Tfp':   "%5.4s", 'Tfn':   "%5.4s", 
-		'Tm':    "%5.4s", 'Td':    "%5.4s",
-		'aTtrue':"%5.4s", 'aTfp':  "%5.4s", 'aTfn':  "%5.4s", 
-		'aTm':   "%5.4s", 'aTd':   "%5.4s",
-		'mean':  "%5.40s", 'smean': "%5.40s", 
-		'amean':  "%5.40s", 'samean': "%5.40s"}
+	formats = {'mode': "%12s" , 
+		'truth': "%s",
+		'osil': "%s", 'esil': "%s", 
+		'opit': "%s", 'epit': "%s", 'echr': "%s",
+		'Msil': "%s", 'Mpit': "%s", 'Mchr': "%s"}
 	def dir_eval(self):
 		""" evaluate statistical data over the directory """
 		v = self.v
 		v['mode']      = self.params.pitchmode
 	def file_exec(self,input,output):
 		filetask = self.task(input,params=self.params)
 		computed_data = filetask.compute_all()
-		orig,mean,med = filetask.eval(computed_data)
+ 		osil, esil, opit, epit, echr = filetask.eval(computed_data)
+		self.v['truth'].append(int(filetask.truth))
+		assert opit > 0
-		self.v['orig'].append(orig)
-		self.v['mean'].append(mean)
-		self.v['med'].append(med)
+		self.v['osil'].append(osil)
+		self.v['esil'].append(esil)
+		self.v['opit'].append(opit)
+		self.v['epit'].append(epit)
+		self.v['echr'].append(echr)
+		self.v['Msil'].append(esil/float(osil)*100.)
+		self.v['Mpit'].append(epit/float(opit)*100.)
+		self.v['Mchr'].append(echr/float(opit)*100.)
 		#print results#, computed_data
 		#print input, results, results - float(input.split('.')[-2])
 	def run_bench(self,modes=['schmitt']):
 		from os.path import basename
-		d = []
 		self.modes = modes
+		d = []
 		for mode in self.modes:
 			self.params.pitchmode = mode
-			self.plotpitchtessiture(d,
-				self.v['orig'], 
-				self.v['med'],
-				plottitle=self.v['mode'],
-				plotmode='points')
-		#d.append('beta = .25,orig(x) title \"-2 octave\"')
-		d.append('beta = .50,orig(x) title \"-1 octave\"')
-		d.append('beta = 1.0,orig(x) title \"original\"')
-		d.append('beta = 2.0,orig(x) title \"+1 octave\"')
-		title = basename(self.datadir)
+			truth   = [i for i in range(min(self.v['truth']),max(self.v['truth'])+1)]
+			allOsil = [0 for i in range(min(self.v['truth']),max(self.v['truth'])+1)]
+			allEsil = [0 for i in range(min(self.v['truth']),max(self.v['truth'])+1)]
+			allOpit = [0 for i in range(min(self.v['truth']),max(self.v['truth'])+1)]
+			allEpit = [0 for i in range(min(self.v['truth']),max(self.v['truth'])+1)]
+			allEchr = [0 for i in range(min(self.v['truth']),max(self.v['truth'])+1)]
+			allMsil = [0 for i in range(min(self.v['truth']),max(self.v['truth'])+1)]
+			allMpit = [0 for i in range(min(self.v['truth']),max(self.v['truth'])+1)]
+			allMchr = [0 for i in range(min(self.v['truth']),max(self.v['truth'])+1)]
+			for i in range(len(self.v['truth'])):
+				allOsil[self.v['truth'][i]-min(self.v['truth'])] += self.v['osil'][i]
+				allEsil[self.v['truth'][i]-min(self.v['truth'])] += self.v['esil'][i]
+				allOpit[self.v['truth'][i]-min(self.v['truth'])] += self.v['opit'][i]
+				allEpit[self.v['truth'][i]-min(self.v['truth'])] += self.v['epit'][i]
+				allEchr[self.v['truth'][i]-min(self.v['truth'])] += self.v['echr'][i]
+			for i in range(len(truth)):
+				allMsil[i] = allEsil[i]/float(allOsil[i])*100.
+				allMpit[i] = allEpit[i]/float(allOpit[i])*100.
+				allMchr[i] = allEchr[i]/float(allOpit[i])*100.
+			plot = []
+			self.plotpitchtessiture(plot,
+				truth, 
+				allMpit,
+				plottitle="%s %s" % (self.v['mode'],self.params.bufsize),
+				plotmode='lines')
+			self.plotpitchtessiture(plot,
+				truth, 
+				allMchr,
+				plottitle="%s %s" % (self.v['mode'],"%12"),
+				plotmode='lines')
+			"""
+			self.plotpitchtessiture(plot,
+				truth, 
+				allMsil,
+				plottitle="%s %s" % (self.v['mode'],"sil"),
+				plotmode='lines')
+			"""
+			title = basename(self.datadir)
+			d.append(plot)
 		outplot = "_-_".join(('pitchtessiture',title))
+		self.xmin = 20. #min(self.v['truth'])
+		self.xmax = 110. #max(self.v['truth'])
 		for ext in ('ps','png','svg',''):
-				plottitle=title,
+				plottitle="".join(['Performance against MIDI Note number (',
+					title,
+					", %s" % len(self.sndlist), " samples)"]),
+		#d.append('beta = .25,orig(x) title \"-2 octave\"')
+		#d.append('beta = .50,orig(x) title \"-1 octave\"')
+		#d.append('beta = 1.0,orig(x) title \"original\"')
+		#d.append('beta = 2.0,orig(x) title \"+1 octave\"')
 	Plot functions 
@@ -72,18 +115,38 @@
 		import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
 		d.append(Gnuplot.Data(lx, ly, with=plotmode, title="%s" % (plottitle) ))
-	def plotplotpitchtessiture(self,d,plottitle='',outplot=0,extension=''):
+	def plotplotpitchtessiture(self,d,plottitle='',outplot=0,extension='',multiplot=1):
 		from aubio.gnuplot import gnuplot_create
 		g = gnuplot_create(outplot=outplot,extension=extension) 
-		g.title(plottitle)
-		g('orig(x) = beta*x')
-		g.xlabel('original pitch (Hz)')
-		g.ylabel('detected pitch (Hz)')
-		g('set key left top')
-		g('set log xy')
-		g('set xrange [50:2000]')
-		g('set yrange [50:2000]')
-		g.plot(*d)
+		#g.title(plottitle)
+		#g('orig(x) = beta*x')
+		#g.xlabel('original pitch (Hz)')
+		#g.ylabel('detected pitch (Hz)')
+		#g('set key left top')
+		#g('set log xy')
+		#g('set xrange [50:2000]')
+		g('set yrange [0:100]')
+		#g.plot(*d)
+		if multiplot:
+			g('set multiplot')
+			for i in range(len(d)):
+				# plot onset detection functions
+				g('set size   1,%f' % ( 1.0/float(len(d)) ) )
+				g('set origin 0,%f' % ( 1.0*float(len(d)-i-1)/float(len(d)) ) )
+				# erase axis
+				g('set border 3')
+				g('set xtics nomirror')
+				g('set ytics nomirror')
+				g('set key left top')
+				g('set xrange [%f:%f]' % (self.xmin,self.xmax)) #(self.xmax - (self.xmax-self.xmin)*5./4.,self.xmax))
+				#g.ylabel('%Correct detections')
+				if i == len(d)-1:
+					g.xlabel(plottitle)
+				g.plot(*d[i])
+				g('unset title')
+			g('unset multiplot')
+		else:
+			g.plot(*d)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -93,13 +156,15 @@
 	if len(sys.argv) > 2:
 		for each in sys.argv[3:-1]: print each
 	modes = ['schmitt', 'yin', 'mcomb', 'fcomb']
-	#modes = ['fcomb']
+	modes = ['schmitt', 'yin', 'fcomb']
 	params = taskparams()
-	params.bufsize = 4096 
-	params.hopsize = params.bufsize/4
-	params.silence = -1000.
-	params.pitchsmooth = 50
+	params.bufsize = 2048 
+	params.hopsize = params.bufsize/8
+	params.silence = -60.
+	params.pitchsmooth = 0 
+	params.pitchmax = 20000
+	params.pitchmin = 20
 	benchpitch = benchpitch(datapath,params=params)
 	benchpitch.task = taskpitch