ref: 7011e8a717f7406436dd2cf919c69725fc7e48da
parent: ca29f57118ee693cbb9078ebd48efc648535d20f
author: Paul Brossier <>
date: Wed May 17 15:47:36 EDT 2006
update phasevoc.h docs update phasevoc.h docs
--- a/src/phasevoc.h
+++ b/src/phasevoc.h
@@ -17,10 +17,17 @@
-/** @file
- * Phase vocoder object
- */
+/** \file
+ Phase vocoder object
+ This object implements a phase vocoder. The spectral frames are computed
+ using a HanningZ window and a swapped version of the signal to simplify the
+ phase relationships across frames. The window sizes and overlap are specified
+ at creation time. Multiple channels are fully supported.
#ifndef _PHASEVOC_H
#define _PHASEVOC_H
@@ -31,29 +38,65 @@
/** phasevocoder object */
typedef struct _aubio_pvoc_t aubio_pvoc_t;
-/** create phase vocoder object */
+/** create phase vocoder object
+ \param win_s size of analysis buffer (and length the FFT transform)
+ \param hop_s step size between two consecutive analysis
+ \param channels number of channels
aubio_pvoc_t * new_aubio_pvoc (uint_t win_s, uint_t hop_s, uint_t channels);
-/** delete phase vocoder object */
+/** delete phase vocoder object
+ \param pv phase vocoder object as returned by new_aubio_pvoc
void del_aubio_pvoc(aubio_pvoc_t *pv);
- * fill pvoc with inp[c][hop_s]
- * slide current buffer
- * calculate norm and phas of current grain
- */
+/** compute spectral frame
+ This function accepts an input vector of size [channels]x[hop_s]. The
+ analysis buffer is rotated and filled with the new data. After windowing of
+ this signal window, the Fourier transform is computed and returned in
+ fftgrain as two vectors, magnitude and phase.
+ \param pv phase vocoder object as returned by new_aubio_pvoc
+ \param in new input signal (hop_s long)
+ \param fftgrain output spectral frame
void aubio_pvoc_do(aubio_pvoc_t *pv, fvec_t *in, cvec_t * fftgrain);
- * do additive resynthesis to
- * from current norm and phase
- * to out[c][hop_s]
- */
+/** compute signal from spectral frame
+ This function takes an input spectral frame fftgrain of size
+ [channels]x[buf_s] and computes its inverse Fourier transform. Overlap-add
+ synthesis is then computed using the previously synthetised frames, and the
+ output stored in out.
+ \param pv phase vocoder object as returned by new_aubio_pvoc
+ \param fftgrain input spectral frame
+ \param out output signal (hop_s long)
void aubio_pvoc_rdo(aubio_pvoc_t *pv, cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t *out);
-/** get window size */
+/** get window size
+ \param pv phase vocoder to get the window size from
uint_t aubio_pvoc_get_win(aubio_pvoc_t* pv);
-/** get hop size */
+/** get hop size
+ \param pv phase vocoder to get the hop size from
uint_t aubio_pvoc_get_hop(aubio_pvoc_t* pv);
-/** get channel number */
+/** get channel number
+ \param pv phase vocoder to get the number of channels from
uint_t aubio_pvoc_get_channels(aubio_pvoc_t* pv);
#ifdef __cplusplus