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ref: e8bc8e94bd36ab5bf59f0f9a918bd452c9549c0e
parent: 8c3f717231630680ccda9e2bff134dd8ee372928
author: Paul Brossier <>
date: Wed Apr 10 07:45:59 EDT 2013

python/tests/eval_pitch: add evaluation script against TONAS database

--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/tests/eval_pitch
@@ -1,0 +1,143 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+Script to evaluate pitch algorithms against TONAS database.
+Example run:
+    $ ./eval_pitch /path/to/TONAS/*/*.wav
+    OK:  94.74% vx r:  96.87% vx f:  15.83% f0:  96.02% %12:   0.50% /path/to/TONAS/Deblas/01-D_AMairena.wav
+    OK:  89.89% vx r:  93.21% vx f:  13.81% f0:  90.74% %12:   1.51% /path/to/TONAS/Deblas/02-D_ChanoLobato.wav
+    OK:  96.02% vx r:  96.73% vx f:  10.91% f0:  96.42% %12:   0.00% /path/to/TONAS/Deblas/03-D_Chocolate.wav
+    [...]
+    OK:  82.35% vx r:  95.52% vx f:  67.09% f0:  89.80% %12:   0.95% /path/to/TONAS/Martinetes2/80-M2_Rancapinos.wav
+    OK:  61.97% vx r:  85.71% vx f:  22.03% f0:  55.63% %12:   8.57% /path/to/TONAS/Martinetes2/81-M2_SDonday.wav
+    OK:  75.26% vx r:  91.63% vx f:  27.27% f0:  75.99% %12:   5.05% /path/to/TONAS/Martinetes2/82-M2_TiaAnicalaPiriniaca.wav
+    OK:  82.77% vx r:  92.74% vx f:  38.27% f0:  87.33% %12:   1.67% 69 files, total_length: 1177.69s, total runtime: 25.91s
+import sys
+import time
+import os.path
+import numpy
+from utils import array_from_text_file, array_from_yaml_file
+from aubio import source, pitch, freqtomidi
+start = time.time()
+freq_tol = .50 # more or less half a tone
+methods = ["default", "yinfft", "mcomb", "yin", "fcomb", "schmitt", "specacf"]
+method = methods[0]
+downsample = 1
+tolerance =  0.35
+silence = -40.
+skip = 1
+if method in ["yinfft", "default"]:
+    downsample = 1
+    tolerance = 0.45
+elif method == "mcomb":
+    downsample = 4
+elif method == "yin":
+    downsample = 4
+    tolerance = 0.2
+samplerate = 44100 / downsample
+hop_s = 512 / downsample
+win_s = 2048 / downsample
+def get_pitches (filename, samplerate = samplerate, win_s = win_s, hop_s = hop_s):
+    s = source(filename, samplerate, hop_s)
+    samplerate = s.samplerate
+    p = pitch(method, win_s, hop_s, samplerate)
+    p.set_unit("freq")
+    p.set_tolerance(tolerance)
+    p.set_silence(silence)
+    # list of pitches, in samples
+    pitches = []
+    # total number of frames read
+    total_frames = 0
+    while True:
+        samples, read = s()
+        new_pitch = p(samples)[0]
+        pitches.append([total_frames/float(samplerate), new_pitch])
+        total_frames += read
+        if read < hop_s: break
+    return numpy.array(pitches)
+total_correct_f0, total_correct_sil, total_missed, total_incorrect, total_fp, total_total = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+total_correct_chroma, total_voiced = 0, 0
+for source_file in sys.argv[1:]:
+    ground_truth_file = source_file.replace('.wav', '.f0.Corrected')
+    if os.path.isfile(ground_truth_file):
+        ground_truth = array_from_text_file(ground_truth_file)[:,[0,2]]
+        experiment = get_pitches(source_file)
+        # check that we have the same length, more or less one frame
+        assert abs(len(ground_truth) - len(experiment)) < 2
+        # align experiment by skipping first results
+        experiment = experiment[skip:]
+        experiment[:,0] -= experiment[0,0]
+        # trim to shortest list
+        maxlen = min(len(ground_truth), len(experiment))
+        experiment = experiment[:maxlen]
+        ground_truth = ground_truth[:maxlen]
+        # get difference matrix
+        diffmat = abs(experiment - ground_truth)
+        # make sure we got the timing right
+        assert max(diffmat[:,0]) < 10e-4, source_file
+        truth_pitches = freqtomidi(ground_truth[:,1])
+        exper_pitches = freqtomidi(experiment[:,1])
+        total = len(truth_pitches)
+        unvoiced = len(truth_pitches[truth_pitches == 0])
+        voiced = total - unvoiced
+        correct_sil, fp, missed, correct_f0, correct_chroma, incorrect = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+        for a, b in zip(truth_pitches, exper_pitches):
+            if a == 0 and b == 0:
+                correct_sil += 1
+            elif a == 0 and b != 0:
+                fp += 1
+            elif a != 0 and b == 0:
+                missed += 1
+            elif abs(b - a) < freq_tol:
+                correct_f0 += 1
+            elif abs(b - a) % 12. < freq_tol:
+                correct_chroma += 1
+            else:
+                incorrect += 1
+        assert correct_sil + fp + missed + correct_f0 + correct_chroma + incorrect == total
+        assert unvoiced == correct_sil + fp
+        assert voiced == missed + correct_f0 + correct_chroma + incorrect
+        print "OK: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. * (correct_f0 + correct_sil) / total )),
+        print "vx r: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. - 100. * missed / voiced)),
+        print "vx f: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. * fp / unvoiced)),
+        print "f0: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. * correct_f0 / voiced)),
+        print "%%12: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. * correct_chroma / voiced)),
+        print source_file
+        total_correct_sil += correct_sil
+        total_correct_f0 += correct_f0
+        total_correct_chroma += correct_chroma
+        total_missed += missed
+        total_incorrect += incorrect
+        total_fp += fp
+        total_voiced += voiced
+        total_total += total
+    else:
+        print "ERR", "could not find ground_truth_file", ground_truth_file
+print "OK: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. * (total_correct_f0 + total_correct_sil) / total_total )),
+print "vx r: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. - 100. * total_missed / total_voiced)),
+print "vx f: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. * (total_fp) / (total_correct_sil + total_fp))),
+print "f0: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. * total_correct_f0 / total_voiced)),
+print "%%12: %6s%%" % ("%.2f" % (100. * total_correct_chroma / total_voiced)),
+print "%d files," % len(sys.argv[1:]),
+print "total_length: %.2fs," % ((total_total * hop_s) / float(samplerate)),
+print "total runtime: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start)