ref: 80efe36b6365192e400326c94f8112cba7a68617
parent: 08658463252ec87befd7691f93c6173472c68c5f
author: Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir <>
date: Tue Dec 31 20:20:29 EST 2024
fix broken >= and <= References:
--- a/compiler.lsp
+++ b/compiler.lsp
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
;; lambda, main compilation loop
-(define (fits-i8 x) (and (fixnum? x) (>= x -128) (<= x 127)))
+(define (fits-i8 x) (and (fixnum? x) (>= 127 x -128)))
(define (compile-in g env tail? x (outl #f))
(cond ((symbol? x) (compile-sym g env x #t))
--- a/flisp.boot
+++ b/flisp.boot
@@ -48,11 +48,13 @@
1+ #fn("6000n10KM:" #() 1+) 1-
#fn("6000n10K~:" #() 1-) 1arg-lambda? #fn("7000n10B;3E04700<51;3:04710TK62:" #(is-lambda?
length=) 1arg-lambda?)
- <= #fn("9000z0700f2;I:047172052S:" #(> every nan?) <=) >
- #fn("<000z1\x8d\x8a620862186>1_51486<0162:" #(#0#
- #fn("7000n21V;IE041<0L2;3;04A<1<1=62:" #() f)) >)
- >= #fn("9000z0700f2;I:047172052S:" #(< every nan?) >=) Instructions
- #table(call.l 81 trycatch 75 largc 79 loadg.l 68 aref2 23 box 90 cadr 36 argc 62 setg 71 load0 21 vector? 45 fixnum? 41 loadc0 17 loada0 0 div0 59 keyargs 89 call 5 loada.l 69 brt.l 50 sub2 78 add2 29 loadc.l 70 loadc 9 builtin? 43 set-car! 47 brt 25 ret 10 loadi8 66 tapply 77 loadvoid 93 loada1 1 shift 46 boolean? 39 atom? 24 cdr 13 brne.l 83 / 58 loadf 31 equal? 52 apply 54 dup 11 loadt 20 jmp.l 48 null? 38 not 35 = 60 set-cdr! 30 eq? 33 * 57 load1 27 bound? 42 brf 3 function? 44 box.l 91 < 28 brnn.l 84 jmp 16 loadv 2 for 76 lvargc 80 dummy_eof 94 + 55 brne 19 compare 61 neg 37 loadv.l 67 number? 40 vargc 74 brn 85 brbound 88 vector 63 loadc1 22 setg.l 72 cons? 18 brf.l 49 aref 92 symbol? 34 aset! 64 car 12 cons 32 tcall.l 82 - 56 brn.l 86 optargs 87 closure 14 pop 4 eqv? 51 list 53 seta 15 seta.l 73 brnn 26 loadnil 65 loadg 7 loada 8 tcall 6)
+ <= #fn("<000z1\x8d\x8a620862186>1_51486<0152S:" #(#0#
+ #fn("7000n21J40O:1<0L2;IE0470051;I;04A<1<1=62:" #(nan?) f)) <=)
+ > #fn("<000z1\x8d\x8a620862186>1_51486<0162:" #(#0#
+ #fn("7000n21V;IE041<0L2;3;04A<1<1=62:" #() f)) >)
+ >= #fn("<000z1\x8d\x8a620862186>1_51486<0152S:" #(#0#
+ #fn("7000n21J40O:01<L2;IE0470051;I;04A<1<1=62:" #(nan?) f)) >=)
+ Instructions #table(call.l 81 trycatch 75 largc 79 loadg.l 68 aref2 23 box 90 cadr 36 argc 62 setg 71 load0 21 vector? 45 fixnum? 41 loadc0 17 loada0 0 div0 59 keyargs 89 call 5 loada.l 69 brt.l 50 sub2 78 add2 29 loadc.l 70 loadc 9 builtin? 43 set-car! 47 brt 25 ret 10 loadi8 66 tapply 77 loadvoid 93 loada1 1 shift 46 boolean? 39 atom? 24 cdr 13 brne.l 83 / 58 loadf 31 equal? 52 apply 54 dup 11 loadt 20 jmp.l 48 null? 38 not 35 = 60 set-cdr! 30 eq? 33 * 57 load1 27 bound? 42 brf 3 function? 44 box.l 91 < 28 brnn.l 84 jmp 16 loadv 2 for 76 lvargc 80 dummy_eof 94 + 55 brne 19 compare 61 neg 37 loadv.l 67 number? 40 vargc 74 brn 85 brbound 88 vector 63 loadc1 22 setg.l 72 cons? 18 brf.l 49 aref 92 symbol? 34 aset! 64 car 12 cons 32 tcall.l 82 - 56 brn.l 86 optargs 87 closure 14 pop 4 eqv? 51 list 53 seta 15 seta.l 73 brnn 26 loadnil 65 loadg 7 loada 8 tcall 6)
__init_globals #fn("5000n020w1422w3424w5476w7478w947:w;:" #(#fn("6000n0702161:" #(princ
"#;> ")) *prompt* "/" *directory-separator* "\n" *linefeed* *stdout* *output-stream* *stdin*
*input-stream* *stderr*
@@ -243,7 +245,7 @@
extend-env #fn("8000n370182E530P:" #(vars-to-env) extend-env) filter
#fn("9000n2\x8d20210>1?65148601qe163:" #(#0#
#fn("8000n382\x8d1B3Q04A1<513?0821<qPN=?2@30O41=?1@\x0e/4=:" #() filter-)) filter)
- fits-i8 #fn("7000n10Y;3F04700r\xb052;3:04710r\xaf62:" #(>= <=) fits-i8) foldl
+ fits-i8 #fn("8000n10Y;3<0470r\xaf0r\xb063:" #(>=) fits-i8) foldl
#fn("9000n382J401:700082<15282=63:" #(foldl) foldl) foldr #fn(":000n382J401:082<700182=5362:" #(foldr) foldr)
get-defined-vars #fn("7000n170A<05161:" #(delete-duplicates) #(#2=(#fn("8000n10H340q:0<20Cj00=B3d00TR;37040Te1;IS040TB;3E0471051R;3:0471051e1;I404q:0<22C?07324A<0=52}2:q:" #(define
caadr begin nconc #fn(map)) #(#2#)))))
binary files a/flisp.boot.builtin b/flisp.boot.builtin differ
--- a/system.lsp
+++ b/system.lsp
@@ -184,13 +184,21 @@
(define-macro (> a . rest)
`(< ,@(reverse! rest) ,a))
-(define (<= . rest)
- (not (or (apply > rest)
- (every nan? rest))))
+(define (<= a . rest)
+ (define (f a rest)
+ (unless (null? rest)
+ (or (< (car rest) a)
+ (nan? a)
+ (f (car rest) (cdr rest)))))
+ (not (f a rest)))
-(define (>= . rest)
- (not (or (apply < rest)
- (every nan? rest))))
+(define (>= a . rest)
+ (define (f a rest)
+ (unless (null? rest)
+ (or (< a (car rest))
+ (nan? a)
+ (f (car rest) (cdr rest)))))
+ (not (f a rest)))
(define (negative? x) (< x 0))
(define (zero? x) (= x 0))
--- a/test/unittest.lsp
+++ b/test/unittest.lsp
@@ -148,6 +148,12 @@
(assert (>= "ab" "aa"))
(assert (>= "ab" "aa" "aa"))
+; one or more than two arguments
+(assert (and (> 0) (< 0) (>= 0) (<= 0)))
+(assert (and (> 2 1 0) (< 0 1 2) (>= 2 1 0) (<= 0 1 2)))
+(assert (and (>= 2 1 1) (<= 1 1 2)))
+(assert (not (and (>= 2 1 2) (<= 2 1 2))))
; comparing numbers and runes
(assert (< 9 #\newline))
(assert (not (< 10 #\newline)))