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ref: 73513b951f661c0bd4d38782c56935fc3159353b
parent: 8848fb89b3c7c196add6dca1fb58b5b0f4e0adc6
author: Matthew Wang <>
date: Fri Dec 11 11:45:39 EST 2020

adding to docs

--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-analysis.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-analysis.h
@@ -40,21 +40,22 @@
      @fn void    tEnvelopeFollower_init          (tEnvelopeFollower* const follower, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tEnvelopeFollower to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param follower A pointer to the tEnvelopeFollower to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tEnvelopeFollower to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param follower A pointer to the tEnvelopeFollower to initialize.
      @param attackThreshold Amplitude threshold for determining an envelope onset. 0.0 to 1.0
      @param decayCoefficient Multiplier to determine the envelope rate of decay. 0.0 to 1.0, above 0.95 recommended.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tEnvelopeFollower_initToPool    (tEnvelopeFollower* const follower, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tEnvelopeFollower to a specified mempool.
-     @param follower A pointer to the tEnvelopeFollower to be initialized.
+     @param follower A pointer to the tEnvelopeFollower to initialize.
      @param attackThreshold Amplitude threshold for determining an envelope onset. 0.0 to 1.0
      @param decayCoefficient Multiplier to determine the envelope rate of decay. 0.0 to 1.0, above 0.95 recommended.
-     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tEnvelopeFollower should be initialized.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tEnvelopeFollower_free          (tEnvelopeFollower* const follower)
      @brief Free a tEnvelopeFollower from its mempool.
-     @param follower A pointer to the tEnvelopeFollower to be freed.
+     @param follower A pointer to the tEnvelopeFollower to free.
      @fn float   tEnvelopeFollower_tick          (tEnvelopeFollower* const follower, float input)
      @brief Tick the tEnvelopeFollower.
@@ -68,8 +69,9 @@
      @param decayCoefficient Multiplier to determine the envelope rate of decay. 0.0 to 1.0, above 0.95 recommended.
      @fn void    tEnvelopeFollower_setAttackThreshold  (tEnvelopeFollower* const follower, float attackThresh)
-     @brief Set the envelope attack  threshold.
+     @brief Set the envelope attack threshold.
      @param follower A pointer to the relevant tEnvelopeFollower.
+     @param attackThreshold The new threshold to determine envelope onset as an amplitude from 0.0 to 1.0
      @} */
@@ -96,23 +98,24 @@
      @defgroup tzerocrossingcounter tZeroCrossingCounter
      @ingroup analysis
-     @brief Counts the amount of zero crossings within a window of the input audio data
+     @brief Count the amount of zero crossings within a window of the input audio data
      @fn void    tZeroCrossingCounter_init         (tZeroCrossingCounter* const counter, int maxWindowSize, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tZeroCrossingCounter to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param counter A pointer to the tZeroCrossingCounter to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tZeroCrossingCounter to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param counter A pointer to the tZeroCrossingCounter to initialize.
      @param maxWindowSize The max and initial size of the window.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tZeroCrossingCounter_initToPool   (tZeroCrossingCounter* const counter, int maxWindowSize, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tZeroCrossingCounter to a specified mempool.
-     @param counter A pointer to the tZeroCrossingCounter to be initialized.
+     @param counter A pointer to the tZeroCrossingCounter to initialize.
      @param maxWindowSize The max and initial size of the window.
-     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tZeroCrossingCounter should be initialized.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tZeroCrossingCounter_free         (tZeroCrossingCounter* const counter)
      @brief Free a tZeroCrossingCounter from its mempool.
-     @param counter A pointer to the tZeroCrossingCounter to be freed.
+     @param counter A pointer to the tZeroCrossingCounter to free.
      @fn float   tZeroCrossingCounter_tick         (tZeroCrossingCounter* const counter, float input)
      @brief Tick the tZeroCrossingCounter.
@@ -156,32 +159,37 @@
      @defgroup tpowerfollower tPowerFollower
      @ingroup analysis
-     @brief
+     @brief Measure and output the power of an input signal.
      @fn void    tPowerFollower_init         (tPowerFollower* const, float factor, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tPowerFollower to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param
+     @brief Initialize a tPowerFollower to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param follower A pointer to the tPowerFollower to initialize.
+     @param factor
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPowerFollower_initToPool   (tPowerFollower* const, float factor, tMempool* const)
      @brief Initialize a tPowerFollower to a specified mempool.
-     @param
+     @param follower A pointer to the tPowerFollower to initialize.
+     @param factor
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPowerFollower_free         (tPowerFollower* const)
-     @brief
-     @param
+     @brief Free a tPowerFollower from its mempool.
+     @param follower A pointer to the tPowerFollower to free.
      @fn float   tPowerFollower_tick         (tPowerFollower* const, float input)
-     @param
+     @param follower A pointer to the relevant tPowerFollower.
+     @param input The input sample
      @fn float   tPowerFollower_sample       (tPowerFollower* const)
-     @param
+     @param follower A pointer to the relevant tPowerFollower.
      @fn int     tPowerFollower_setFactor    (tPowerFollower* const, float factor)
-     @param
+     @param follower A pointer to the relevant tPowerFollower.
      @} */
@@ -214,24 +222,33 @@
      @fn void    tEnvPD_init             (tEnvPD* const, int windowSize, int hopSize, int blockSize, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tEnvPD to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param
+     @brief Initialize a tEnvPD to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param env A pointer to the tEnvPD to initialize.
+     @param windowSize
+     @param hopSize
+     @param blockSize
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tEnvPD_initToPool       (tEnvPD* const, int windowSize, int hopSize, int blockSize, tMempool* const)
      @brief Initialize a tEnvPD to a specified mempool.
-     @param
+     @param env A pointer to the tEnvPD to initialize.
+     @param windowSize
+     @param hopSize
+     @param blockSize
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tEnvPD_free             (tEnvPD* const)
-     @brief
-     @param
+     @brief Free a tEnvPD from its mempool.
+     @param env  A pointer to the tEnvPD to free.
      @fn float   tEnvPD_tick             (tEnvPD* const)
-     @param
+     @param env
      @fn void    tEnvPD_processBlock     (tEnvPD* const, float* in)
-     @param
+     @param env
+     @param input
      @} */
@@ -270,44 +287,58 @@
      @defgroup tattackdetection tAttackDetection
      @ingroup analysis
-     @brief
+     @brief Detect attacks in an input signal
      @fn void    tAttackDetection_init           (tAttackDetection* const, int blocksize, int atk, int rel, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tAttackDetection to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param
+     @brief Initialize a tAttackDetection to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param detection A pointer to the tAttackDetection to initialize.
+     @param blockSize
+     @param attack
+     @param release
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tAttackDetection_initToPool     (tAttackDetection* const, int blocksize, int atk, int rel, tMempool* const)
      @brief Initialize a tAttackDetection to a specified mempool.
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the tAttackDetection to initialize.
+     @param blockSize
+     @param attack
+     @param release
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tAttackDetection_free           (tAttackDetection* const)
-     @brief
-     @param
+     @brief Free a tAttackDetection from its mempool.
+     @param detection A pointer to the tAttackDetection to free.
      @fn void    tAttackDetection_setBlocksize   (tAttackDetection* const, int size)
      @brief Set expected input blocksize
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tAttackDetection.
+     @param blockSize
      @fn void    tAttackDetection_setSamplerate  (tAttackDetection* const, int inRate)
      @brief Set attack detection sample rate
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tAttackDetection.
+     @param sampleRate
      @fn void    tAttackDetection_setAttack      (tAttackDetection* const, int inAtk)
      @brief Set attack time and coeff
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tAttackDetection.
+     @param attack
      @fn void    tAttackDetection_setRelease     (tAttackDetection* const, int inRel)
      @brief Set release time and coeff
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tAttackDetection.
+     @param release
      @fn void    tAttackDetection_setThreshold   (tAttackDetection* const, float thres)
      @brief Set level above which values are identified as attacks
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tAttackDetection.
+     @param threshold
      @fn int     tAttackDetection_detect         (tAttackDetection* const, float *in)
      @brief Find the largest transient in input block, return index of attack
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tAttackDetection.
+     @param input
      @} */
@@ -318,9 +349,7 @@
     typedef struct _tAttackDetection
         tMempool mempool;
         float env;
         //Attack & Release times in msec
@@ -362,40 +391,52 @@
      @fn void    tSNAC_init          (tSNAC* const, int overlaparg, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tSNAC to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param
+     @brief Initialize a tSNAC to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param snac A pointer to the tSNAC to initialize.
+     @param overlap
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSNAC_initToPool    (tSNAC* const, int overlaparg, tMempool* const)
      @brief Initialize a tSNAC to a specified mempool.
-     @param
+     @param snac A pointer to the tSNAC to initialize.
+     @param overlap
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSNAC_free          (tSNAC* const)
-     @brief
-     @param
+     @brief Free a tSNAC from its mempool.
+     @param snac A pointer to the tSNAC to free.
      @fn void    tSNAC_ioSamples     (tSNAC *s, float *in, float *out, int size)
-     @param
+     @param snac A pointer to the relevant tSNAC.
+     @param input
+     @param output
+     @param size
      @fn void    tSNAC_setOverlap    (tSNAC *s, int lap)
-     @param
+     @param snac A pointer to the relevant tSNAC.
+     @param overlap
      @fn void    tSNAC_setBias       (tSNAC *s, float bias)
-     @param
+     @param snac A pointer to the relevant tSNAC.
+     @param bias
      @fn void    tSNAC_setMinRMS     (tSNAC *s, float rms)
-     @param
+     @param snac A pointer to the relevant tSNAC.
+     @param rms
      @fn float   tSNAC_getPeriod     (tSNAC *s)
-     @param
+     @param snac A pointer to the relevant tSNAC.
+     @return The detected period of the input
      @fn float   tSNAC_getFidelity   (tSNAC *s)
-     @param
+     @param snac A pointer to the relevant tSNAC.
+     @return The periodic fidelity of the input
      @} */
@@ -407,7 +448,6 @@
     typedef struct _tSNAC
         tMempool mempool;
         float* inputbuf;
@@ -441,55 +481,70 @@
     float   tSNAC_getPeriod     (tSNAC *s);
     float   tSNAC_getFidelity   (tSNAC *s);
      @defgroup tperioddetection tPeriodDetection
      @ingroup analysis
-     */
-    /*!
      @fn void    tPeriodDetection_init               (tPeriodDetection* const, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tPeriodDetection to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param
+     @brief Initialize a tPeriodDetection to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param detection A pointer to the tPeriodDetection to initialize.
+     @param in
+     @param out
+     @param bufferSize
+     @param frameSize
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPeriodDetection_initToPool  (tPeriodDetection* const, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize, tMempool* const)
      @brief Initialize a tPeriodDetection to a specified mempool.
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the tPeriodDetection to initialize.
+     @param in
+     @param out
+     @param bufferSize
+     @param frameSize
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPeriodDetection_free               (tPeriodDetection* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tPeriodDetection from its mempool.
+     @param detection A pointer to the tPeriodDetection to free.
      @fn float   tPeriodDetection_tick               (tPeriodDetection* const, float sample)
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tPeriodDetection.
+     @param input
+     @return
      @fn float   tPeriodDetection_getPeriod          (tPeriodDetection* const)
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tPeriodDetection.
+     @return The detected period.
      @fn void    tPeriodDetection_setHopSize         (tPeriodDetection* const, int hs)
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tPeriodDetection.
+     @param hopSize
      @fn void    tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize      (tPeriodDetection* const, int ws)
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tPeriodDetection.
+     @param windowSize
      @fn void    tPeriodDetection_setFidelityThreshold(tPeriodDetection* const, float threshold)
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tPeriodDetection.
+     @param threshold
      @fn void    tPeriodDetection_setAlpha           (tPeriodDetection* const, float alpha)
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tPeriodDetection.
+     @param alpha
      @fn void    tPeriodDetection_setTolerance       (tPeriodDetection* const, float tolerance)
-     @param
+     @param detection A pointer to the relevant tPeriodDetection.
+     @param tolerance
      @} */
@@ -502,7 +557,6 @@
     typedef struct _tPeriodDetection
         tMempool mempool;
         tEnvPD env;
@@ -683,20 +737,22 @@
      @defgroup tperioddetector tPeriodDetector
      @ingroup analysis
-     @brief
+     @brief Period detection algorithm from Joel de Guzman's Q Audio DSP Library
      @fn void    tPeriodDetector_init    (tPeriodDetector* const detector, float lowestFreq, float highestFreq, float hysteresis, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tPeriodDetector to the default LEAF mempool.
+     @brief Initialize a tPeriodDetector to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPeriodDetector_initToPool  (tPeriodDetector* const detector, float lowestFreq, float highestFreq, float hysteresis, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tPeriodDetector to a specified mempool.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPeriodDetector_free    (tPeriodDetector* const detector)
-     @brief
-     @param
+     @brief Free a tPeriodDetector from its mempool.
+     @param detector A pointer to the tPeriodDetector to free.
      @fn int     tPeriodDetector_tick    (tPeriodDetector* const detector, float sample)
@@ -814,14 +870,15 @@
      @defgroup tpitchdetector tPitchDetector
      @ingroup analysis
-     @brief
+     @brief Pitch detection algorithm from Joel de Guzman's Q Audio DSP Library
      @fn void    tPitchDetector_init (tPitchDetector* const detector, float lowestFreq, float highestFreq, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tPitchDetector to the default LEAF mempool.
+     @brief Initialize a tPitchDetector to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
      @param detector A pointer to the relevant tPitchDetector.
      @param lowestFreq
      @param highestFreq
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPitchDetector_initToPool   (tPitchDetector* const detector, float lowestFreq, float highestFreq, tMempool* const mempool)
@@ -829,15 +886,16 @@
      @param detector A pointer to the relevant tPitchDetector.
      @param lowestFreq
      @param highestFreq
-     @param mempool
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPitchDetector_free (tPitchDetector* const detector)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tPitchDetector from its mempool.
      @param detector A pointer to the relevant tPitchDetector.
      @fn int     tPitchDetector_tick    (tPitchDetector* const detector, float sample)
      @param detector A pointer to the relevant tPitchDetector.
+     @param input
      @fn float   tPitchDetector_getFrequency    (tPitchDetector* const detector)
@@ -850,6 +908,7 @@
      @fn float   tPitchDetector_harmonic    (tPitchDetector* const detector, int harmonicIndex)
      @param detector A pointer to the relevant tPitchDetector.
+     @param harmonicIndex
      @fn float   tPitchDetector_predictFrequency (tPitchDetector* const detector)
@@ -899,10 +958,76 @@
     void    tPitchDetector_setHysteresis    (tPitchDetector* const detector, float hysteresis);
+    //==============================================================================
+    /*!
+     @defgroup tdualpitchdetector tPitchDetector
+     @ingroup analysis
+     @brief Combined pitch detection algorithm using boht Joel de Guzman's Q Audio DSP Library and Katya Vetters algorithms
+     @{
+     @fn void tDualPitchDetector_init (tDualPitchDetector* const detector, float lowestFreq, float highestFreq, float* inBuffer, int bufSize, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @brief Initialize a tDualPitchDetector to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tDualPitchDetector.
+     @param lowestFreq
+     @param highestFreq
+     @param inputBuffer A buffer of float to store input to the pitch detector.
+     @param bufferSize Size of the input buffer.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
+     @fn void tDualPitchDetector_initToPool (tDualPitchDetector* const detector, float lowestFreq, float highestFreq, float* inBuffer, int bufSize, tMempool* const mempool)
+     @brief Initialize a tDualPitchDetector to a specified mempool.
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tPitchDualDetector.
+     @param lowestFreq
+     @param highestFreq
+     @param inputBuffer A buffer of float to store input to the pitch detector.
+     @param bufferSize Size of the input buffer.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
+     @fn void    tDualPitchDetector_free (tDualPitchDetector* const detector)
+     @brief Free a tDualPitchDetector from its mempool.
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tDualPitchDetector.
+     @fn int     tDualPitchDetector_tick    (tDualPitchDetector* const detector, float sample)
+     @brief
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tDualPitchDetector.
+     @param input
+     @fn float   tDualPitchDetector_getFrequency    (tDualPitchDetector* const detector)
+     @brief
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tDualPitchDetector.
+     @return The detected frequency.
+     @fn float   tDualPitchDetector_getPeriodicity  (tDualPitchDetector* const detector)
+     @brief
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tDualPitchDetector.
+     @return The periodicity of the input.
+     @fn float   tDualPitchDetector_harmonic    (tDualPitchDetector* const detector, int harmonicIndex)
+     @brief
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tDualPitchDetector.
+     @param harmonicIndex
+     @return
+     @fn float tDualPitchDetector_predictFrequency (tDualPitchDetector* const detector)
+     @brief
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tDualPitchDetector.
+     @return The predicted frequency in Hz.
+     @fn void    tDualPitchDetector_setHysteresis    (tDualPitchDetector* const detector, float hysteresis)
+     @brief Set the hysteresis used in zero crossing detection.
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tDualPitchDetector.
+     @param hysteresis The hysteresis in decibels. Defaults to -40db.
+     @fn void    tDualPitchDetector_setPeriodicityThreshold (tDualPitchDetector* const detector, float thresh)
+     @brief Set the threshold for periodicity of a signal to be considered as pitched.
+     @param detector A pointer to the relevant tDualPitchDetector.
+     @param threshold The periodicity threshold from 0.0 to 1.0 with 1.0 being perfectly periodic.
+     @} */
     typedef struct _tDualPitchDetector
         tMempool mempool;
         tPeriodDetection _pd1;
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-delay.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-delay.h
@@ -36,57 +36,75 @@
      @fn void        tDelay_init         (tDelay* const, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the tDelay to initialize.
+     @param initalLength
+     @param maxLength
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void        tDelay_initToPool   (tDelay* const, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the tDelay to initialize.
+     @param initalLength
+     @param maxLength
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void        tDelay_free         (tDelay* const)
-     @brief
-     @param
+     @brief Free a tDelay from its mempool.
+     @param delay A pointer to the tDelay to free.
      @fn void        tDelay_clear        (tDelay* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tDelay.
      @fn int         tDelay_setDelay     (tDelay* const, uint32_t delay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tDelay.
+     @param delayLength
      @fn uint32_t    tDelay_getDelay     (tDelay* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tDelay.
+     @return The current delay length.
      @fn void        tDelay_tapIn        (tDelay* const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tDelay.
+     @param input
+     @param position
      @fn float       tDelay_tapOut       (tDelay* const, uint32_t tapDelay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tDelay.
+     @param position
+     @return
      @fn float       tDelay_addTo        (tDelay* const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tDelay.
+     @param input
+     @param position
+     @return
      @fn float       tDelay_tick         (tDelay* const, float sample)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tDelay.
+     @param input
+     @return
      @fn float       tDelay_getLastOut   (tDelay* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tDelay.
+     @return
      @fn float       tDelay_getLastIn    (tDelay* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tDelay.
+     @return
      @} */
     typedef struct _tDelay
         tMempool mempool;
         float gain;
@@ -126,59 +144,67 @@
      @fn void    tLinearDelay_init        (tLinearDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the tLinearDelay to initialize.
+     @param initialLength
+     @param maxLength
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tLinearDelay_initToPool  (tLinearDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the tLinearDelay to initialize.
+     @param initialLength
+     @param maxLength
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tLinearDelay_free        (tLinearDelay* const)
-     @brief
-     @param
+     @brief Free a tLinearDelay from its mempool.
+     @param delay A pointer to the tLinearDelay to free.
      @fn void    tLinearDelay_clear         (tLinearDelay* const dl)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
-     @fn int     tLinearDelay_setDelay    (tLinearDelay* const, float delay)
+     @fn void   tLinearDelay_setDelay    (tLinearDelay* const, float delay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
+     @param delayLength
      @fn float   tLinearDelay_getDelay    (tLinearDelay* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
+     @return
      @fn void    tLinearDelay_tapIn       (tLinearDelay* const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
      @fn float     tLinearDelay_tapOut      (tLinearDelay* const, uint32_t tapDelay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
      @fn float   tLinearDelay_addTo       (tLinearDelay* const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
      @fn float   tLinearDelay_tick        (tLinearDelay* const, float sample)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
      @fn void    tLinearDelay_tickIn      (tLinearDelay* const, float input)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
      @fn float   tLinearDelay_tickOut     (tLinearDelay* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
      @fn float   tLinearDelay_getLastOut  (tLinearDelay* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
      @fn float   tLinearDelay_getLastIn   (tLinearDelay* const)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tLinearDelay.
      @} */
@@ -209,10 +235,10 @@
     void    tLinearDelay_free        (tLinearDelay* const);
     void    tLinearDelay_clear         (tLinearDelay* const dl);
-    int     tLinearDelay_setDelay    (tLinearDelay* const, float delay);
+    void    tLinearDelay_setDelay    (tLinearDelay* const, float delay);
     float   tLinearDelay_getDelay    (tLinearDelay* const);
     void    tLinearDelay_tapIn       (tLinearDelay* const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
-    float     tLinearDelay_tapOut      (tLinearDelay* const, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float   tLinearDelay_tapOut      (tLinearDelay* const, uint32_t tapDelay);
     float   tLinearDelay_addTo       (tLinearDelay* const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
     float   tLinearDelay_tick        (tLinearDelay* const, float sample);
     void    tLinearDelay_tickIn      (tLinearDelay* const, float input);
@@ -232,67 +258,90 @@
      @fn void       tHermiteDelay_init             (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the tHermiteDelay to initialize.
+     @param initialLength
+     @param maxLength
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tHermiteDelay_initToPool      (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const mp)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the tHermiteDelay to initialize.
+     @param initialLength
+     @param maxLength
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void     tHermiteDelay_free            (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
-     @brief
-     @param
+     @brief Free a tHermiteDelay from its mempool.
+     @param delay A pointer to the tHermiteDelay to free.
      @fn void    tHermiteDelay_clear            (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
      @fn float   tHermiteDelay_tick             (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float input)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @param input
+     @return
      @fn void       tHermiteDelay_tickIn         (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float input)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @param input
      @fn float   tHermiteDelay_tickOut         (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @return
      @fn int     tHermiteDelay_setDelay         (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float delay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @param delayLength
      @fn float     tHermiteDelay_tapOut         (tHermiteDelay* const dl, uint32_t tapDelay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @param position
+     @return
      @fn void     tHermiteDelay_tapIn         (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @param input
+     @param position
      @fn float     tHermiteDelay_addTo         (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @param input
+     @param position
+     @return
      @fn float   tHermiteDelay_getDelay         (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @return
      @fn float   tHermiteDelay_getLastOut     (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @return
      @fn float   tHermiteDelay_getLastIn     (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @return
      @fn void     tHermiteDelay_setGain         (tHermiteDelay* const dl, float gain)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @param gain
      @fn float     tHermiteDelay_getGain         (tHermiteDelay* const dl)
-     @param
+     @param delay A pointer to the relevant tHermiteDelay.
+     @return
      @} */
@@ -347,13 +396,15 @@
      @fn void    tAllpassDelay_init        (tAllpassDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tAllpassDelay_initToPool  (tAllpassDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tAllpassDelay_free        (tAllpassDelay* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tAllpassDelay from its mempool.
      @fn void    tAllpassDelay_clear       (tAllpassDelay* const)
@@ -443,13 +494,15 @@
      @fn void    tTapeDelay_init        (tTapeDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tTapeDelay_initToPool  (tTapeDelay* const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tTapeDelay_free        (tTapeDelay* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tTapeDelay from its mempool.
      @fn void    tTapeDelay_clear       (tTapeDelay* const)
@@ -542,13 +595,15 @@
      @fn void    tRingBuffer_init     (tRingBuffer* const ring, int size, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tRingBuffer_initToPool   (tRingBuffer* const ring, int size, tMempool* const mempool)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tRingBuffer_free     (tRingBuffer* const ring)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tRingBuffer from its mempool.
      @fn void    tRingBuffer_push     (tRingBuffer* const ring, float val)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-distortion.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-distortion.h
@@ -38,13 +38,15 @@
      @fn void    tSampleReducer_init    (tSampleReducer* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSampleReducer_initToPool   (tSampleReducer* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSampleReducer_free    (tSampleReducer* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tSampleReducer from its mempool.
      @fn float   tSampleReducer_tick    (tSampleReducer* const, float input)
@@ -86,13 +88,15 @@
      @fn void    tOversampler_init           (tOversampler* const, int order, int extraQuality, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tOversampler_initToPool     (tOversampler* const, int order, int extraQuality, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tOversampler_free           (tOversampler* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tOversampler from its mempool.
      @fn void    tOversampler_upsample       (tOversampler* const, float input, float* output)
@@ -147,13 +151,15 @@
      @fn void    tLockhartWavefolder_init    (tLockhartWavefolder* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tLockhartWavefolder_initToPool   (tLockhartWavefolder* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tLockhartWavefolder_free    (tLockhartWavefolder* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tLockhartWavefolder from its mempool.
      @fn float   tLockhartWavefolder_tick    (tLockhartWavefolder* const, float samp)
@@ -213,13 +219,15 @@
      @fn void    tCrusher_init    (tCrusher* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.f
      @fn void    tCrusher_initToPool   (tCrusher* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tCrusher_free    (tCrusher* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tCrusher from its mempool.
      @fn float   tCrusher_tick    (tCrusher* const, float input)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-dynamics.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-dynamics.h
@@ -40,13 +40,15 @@
      @fn void    tCompressor_init        (tCompressor* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tCompressor_initToPool  (tCompressor* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tCompressor_free        (tCompressor* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tCompressor from its mempool.
      @fn float   tCompressor_tick        (tCompressor* const, float input)
@@ -88,13 +90,15 @@
      @fn void tFeedbackLeveler_init (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void tFeedbackLeveler_initToPool (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tFeedbackLeveler_free           (tFeedbackLeveler* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tFeedbackLeveler from its mempool.
      @fn float   tFeedbackLeveler_tick           (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float input)
@@ -161,13 +165,15 @@
      @fn void    tThreshold_init        (tThreshold* const, float low, float high, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tThreshold_initToPool  (tThreshold* const, float low, float high, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tThreshold_free        (tThreshold* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tThreshold from its mempool.
      @fn int   tThreshold_tick        (tThreshold* const, float input)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-effects.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-effects.h
@@ -33,13 +33,15 @@
      @fn void    tTalkbox_init           (tTalkbox* const, int bufsize, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tTalkbox_initToPool     (tTalkbox* const, int bufsize, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tTalkbox_free           (tTalkbox* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tTalkbox from its mempool.
      @fn float   tTalkbox_tick           (tTalkbox* const, float synth, float voice)
@@ -150,13 +152,15 @@
      @fn void    tTalkboxFloat_init           (tTalkboxFloat* const, int bufsize, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tTalkboxFloat_initToPool     (tTalkboxFloat* const, int bufsize, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tTalkboxFloat_free           (tTalkboxFloat* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tTalkboxFloat from its mempool.
      @fn float   tTalkboxFloat_tick           (tTalkboxFloat* const, float synth, float voice)
@@ -262,13 +266,15 @@
      @fn void    tVocoder_init           (tVocoder* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tVocoder_initToPool     (tVocoder* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tVocoder_free           (tVocoder* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tVocoder from its mempool.
      @fn float   tVocoder_tick           (tVocoder* const, float synth, float voice)
@@ -327,13 +333,15 @@
      @fn void    tRosenbergGlottalPulse_init           (tRosenbergGlottalPulse* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tRosenbergGlottalPulse_initToPool     (tRosenbergGlottalPulse* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tRosenbergGlottalPulse_free           (tRosenbergGlottalPulse* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tRosenbergGlottalPulse from its mempool.
      @fn float   tRosenbergGlottalPulse_tick           (tRosenbergGlottalPulse* const)
@@ -399,13 +407,15 @@
      @fn void    tSOLAD_init             (tSOLAD* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSOLAD_initToPool       (tSOLAD* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSOLAD_free             (tSOLAD* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tSOLAD from its mempool.
      @fn void    tSOLAD_ioSamples        (tSOLAD *w, float* in, float* out, int blocksize)
@@ -484,13 +494,15 @@
      @fn void    tPitchShift_init            (tPitchShift* const, tPeriodDetection* const, float* out, int bufSize, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPitchShift_initToPool      (tPitchShift* const, tPeriodDetection* const, float* out, int bufSize, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPitchShift_free            (tPitchShift* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tPitchShift from its mempool.
      @fn float   tPitchShift_shift           (tPitchShift* const)
@@ -546,13 +558,15 @@
      @fn void    tSimpleRetune_init                  (tSimpleRetune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSimpleRetune_initToPool            (tSimpleRetune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSimpleRetune_free                  (tSimpleRetune* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tSimpleRetune from its mempool.
      @fn float*  tSimpleRetune_tick                  (tSimpleRetune* const, float sample)
@@ -616,13 +630,15 @@
      @fn void    tRetune_init                (tRetune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tRetune_initToPool          (tRetune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tRetune_free                (tRetune* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tRetune from its mempool.
      @fn float*  tRetune_tick                (tRetune* const, float sample)
@@ -691,13 +707,15 @@
      @fn void    tFormantShifter_init            (tFormantShifter* const, int order, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tFormantShifter_initToPool      (tFormantShifter* const, int order, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tFormantShifter_free            (tFormantShifter* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tFormantShifter from its mempool.
      @fn float   tFormantShifter_tick            (tFormantShifter* const, float input)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-electrical.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-electrical.h
@@ -37,13 +37,15 @@
      @fn void    tWDF_init                   (tWDF* const, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tWDF_initToPool             (tWDF* const, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tWDF_free                   (tWDF* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tWDF from its mempool.
      @fn float   tWDF_tick                   (tWDF* const, float sample, tWDF* const outputPoint, uint8_t paramsChanged)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-envelopes.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-envelopes.h
@@ -43,13 +43,15 @@
      @fn void    tEnvelope_init          (tEnvelope* const, float attack, float decay, int loop, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tEnvelope_initToPool    (tEnvelope* const, float attack, float decay, int loop, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tEnvelope_free          (tEnvelope* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tEnvelope from its mempool.
      @fn float   tEnvelope_tick          (tEnvelope* const)
@@ -121,13 +123,15 @@
      @fn void    tExpSmooth_init         (tExpSmooth* const, float val, float factor, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tExpSmooth_initToPool   (tExpSmooth* const, float val, float factor, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tExpSmooth_free         (tExpSmooth* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tExpSmooth from its mempool.
      @fn float   tExpSmooth_tick         (tExpSmooth* const)
@@ -191,13 +195,15 @@
      @fn void    tADSR_init    (tADSR* const adsrenv, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tADSR_initToPool    (tADSR* const adsrenv, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, tMempool* const mp)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tADSR_free          (tADSR* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tADSR from its mempool.
      @fn float   tADSR_tick          (tADSR* const)
@@ -283,13 +289,15 @@
      @fn void    tADSR2_init          (tADSR2* const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tADSR2_initToPool    (tADSR2* const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tADSR2_free          (tADSR2* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tADSR2 from its mempool.
      @fn float   tADSR2_tick          (tADSR2* const)
@@ -377,13 +385,15 @@
      @fn void    tADSR3_init          (tADSR3* const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tADSR3_initToPool    (tADSR3* const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tADSR3_free          (tADSR3* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tADSR3 from its mempool.
      @fn float   tADSR3_tick          (tADSR3* const)
@@ -482,13 +492,15 @@
      @fn void    tADSR4_init          (tADSR4* const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, float* expBuffer, int bufferSize, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tADSR4_initToPool    (tADSR4* const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release, float* expBuffer, int bufferSize, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tADSR4_free          (tADSR4* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tADSR4 from its mempool.
      @fn float   tADSR4_tick          (tADSR4* const)
@@ -577,13 +589,15 @@
      @fn void    tRamp_init          (tRamp* const, float time, int samplesPerTick, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tRamp_initToPool    (tRamp* const, float time, int samplesPerTick, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tRamp_free          (tRamp* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tRamp from its mempool.
      @fn float   tRamp_tick          (tRamp* const)
@@ -642,13 +656,15 @@
      @fn void    tRampUpDown_init          (tRampUpDown* const, float upTime, float downTime, int samplesPerTick, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tRampUpDown_initToPool    (tRampUpDown* const, float upTime, float downTime, int samplesPerTick, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tRampUpDown_free          (tRampUpDown* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tRampUpDown from its mempool.
      @fn float   tRampUpDown_tick          (tRampUpDown* const)
@@ -715,13 +731,15 @@
      @fn void    tSlide_init          (tSlide* const, float upSlide, float downSlide, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSlide_initToPool    (tSlide* const, float upSlide, float downSlide, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSlide_free          (tSlide* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tSlide from its mempool.
      @fn float   tSlide_tick         (tSlide* const, float in)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-filters.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-filters.h
@@ -39,13 +39,15 @@
      @fn void    tAllpass_init           (tAllpass* const, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tAllpass_initToPool     (tAllpass* const, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tAllpass_free           (tAllpass* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tAllpass from its mempool.
      @fn float   tAllpass_tick           (tAllpass* const, float input)
@@ -96,13 +98,15 @@
      @fn void    tOnePole_init           (tOnePole* const, float thePole, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tOnePole_initToPool     (tOnePole* const, float thePole, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tOnePole_free           (tOnePole* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tOnePole from its mempool.
      @fn float   tOnePole_tick           (tOnePole* const, float input)
@@ -170,13 +174,15 @@
      @fn void    tTwoPole_init           (tTwoPole* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tTwoPole_initToPool     (tTwoPole* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tTwoPole_free           (tTwoPole* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tTwoPole from its mempool.
      @fn float   tTwoPole_tick           (tTwoPole* const, float input)
@@ -249,13 +255,15 @@
      @fn void    tOneZero_init           (tOneZero* const, float theZero, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tOneZero_initToPool     (tOneZero* const, float theZero, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tOneZero_free           (tOneZero* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tOneZero from its mempool.
      @fn float   tOneZero_tick           (tOneZero* const, float input)
@@ -322,13 +330,15 @@
      @fn void    tTwoZero_init           (tTwoZero* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tTwoZero_initToPool     (tTwoZero* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tTwoZero_free           (tTwoZero* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tTwoZero from its mempool.
      @fn float   tTwoZero_tick           (tTwoZero* const, float input)
@@ -400,13 +410,15 @@
      @fn void    tPoleZero_init              (tPoleZero* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPoleZero_initToPool        (tPoleZero* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPoleZero_free              (tPoleZero* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tPoleZero from its mempool.
@@ -483,13 +495,15 @@
      @fn void    tBiQuad_init           (tBiQuad* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tBiQuad_initToPool     (tBiQuad* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tBiQuad_free           (tBiQuad* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tBiQuad from its mempool.
@@ -580,13 +594,15 @@
      @fn void    tSVF_init           (tSVF* const, SVFType type, float freq, float Q, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSVF_initToPool     (tSVF* const, SVFType type, float freq, float Q, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSVF_free           (tSVF* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tSVF from its mempool.
      @fn float   tSVF_tick           (tSVF* const, float v0)
@@ -650,13 +666,15 @@
      @fn void    tEfficientSVF_init          (tEfficientSVF* const, SVFType type, uint16_t input, float Q, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tEfficientSVF_initToPool    (tEfficientSVF* const, SVFType type, uint16_t input, float Q, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tEfficientSVF_free          (tEfficientSVF* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tEfficientSVF from its mempool.
      @fn float   tEfficientSVF_tick          (tEfficientSVF* const, float v0)
@@ -704,13 +722,15 @@
      @fn void    tHighpass_init          (tHighpass* const, float freq, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tHighpass_initToPool    (tHighpass* const, float freq, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tHighpass_free          (tHighpass* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tHighpass from its mempool.
      @fn float   tHighpass_tick          (tHighpass* const, float x)
@@ -756,13 +776,15 @@
      @fn void    tButterworth_init           (tButterworth* const, int N, float f1, float f2, LEAF* const leaf, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tButterworth_initToPool     (tButterworth* const, int N, float f1, float f2, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tButterworth_free           (tButterworth* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tButterworth from its mempool.
      @fn float   tButterworth_tick           (tButterworth* const, float input)
@@ -821,13 +843,15 @@
      @fn void    tFIR_init           (tFIR* const, float* coeffs, int numTaps, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tFIR_initToPool     (tFIR* const, float* coeffs, int numTaps, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tFIR_free           (tFIR* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tFIR from its mempool.
      @fn float   tFIR_tick           (tFIR* const, float input)
@@ -865,13 +889,15 @@
      @fn void    tMedianFilter_init           (tMedianFilter* const, int size, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.f
      @fn void    tMedianFilter_initToPool     (tMedianFilter* const, int size, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tMedianFilter_free           (tMedianFilter* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tMedianFilter from its mempool.
      @fn float   tMedianFilter_tick           (tMedianFilter* const, float input)
@@ -911,13 +937,15 @@
      @fn void    tVZFilter_init           (tVZFilter* const, VZFilterType type, float freq, float Q, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tVZFilter_initToPool     (tVZFilter* const, VZFilterType type, float freq, float Q, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tVZFilter_free           (tVZFilter* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tVZFilter from its mempool.
      @fn void    tVZFilter_setSampleRate  (tVZFilter* const, float sampleRate)
@@ -1032,13 +1060,15 @@
      @fn void    tDiodeFilter_init           (tDiodeFilter* const, float freq, float Q, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tDiodeFilter_initToPool     (tDiodeFilter* const, float freq, float Q, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tDiodeFilter_free           (tDiodeFilter* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tDiodeFilter from its mempool.
      @fn float   tDiodeFilter_tick               (tDiodeFilter* const, float input)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-instruments.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-instruments.h
@@ -40,13 +40,15 @@
      @fn void    t808Cowbell_init            (t808Cowbell* const, int useStick, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    t808Cowbell_initToPool      (t808Cowbell* const, int useStick, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    t808Cowbell_free            (t808Cowbell* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a t808Cowbell from its mempool.
      @fn float   t808Cowbell_tick            (t808Cowbell* const)
@@ -125,13 +127,15 @@
      @fn void    t808Hihat_init                  (t808Hihat* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    t808Hihat_initToPool            (t808Hihat* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    t808Hihat_free                  (t808Hihat* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a t808Hihat from its mempool.
      @fn float   t808Hihat_tick                  (t808Hihat* const)
@@ -235,13 +239,15 @@
      @fn void    t808Snare_init                  (t808Snare* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    t808Snare_initToPool            (t808Snare* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    t808Snare_free                  (t808Snare* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a t808Snare from its mempool.
      @fn float   t808Snare_tick                  (t808Snare* const)
@@ -339,13 +345,15 @@
      @fn void    t808Kick_init               (t808Kick* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    t808Kick_initToPool         (t808Kick* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    t808Kick_free               (t808Kick* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a t808Kick from its mempool.
      @fn float   t808Kick_tick               (t808Kick* const)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-mempool.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-mempool.h
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
         mpool_node_t* head;        // first node of memory pool free list
-    //! Initialize a tMempool for a given memory location and size to the default LEAF mempool.
+    //! Initialize a tMempool for a given memory location and size to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
-     @param pool A pointer to the tMempool to be initialized.
+     @param pool A pointer to the tMempool to initialize.
      @param memory A pointer to the chunk of memory to be used as a mempool.
      @param size The size of the chunk of memory to be used as a mempool.
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
     //! Free a tMempool from its mempool.
-     @param pool A pointer to the tMempool to be freed.
+     @param pool A pointer to the tMempool to free.
     void    tMempool_free           (tMempool* const pool);
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
     //! Initialize a tMempool for a given memory location and size to a specified mempool.
-     @param pool A pointer to the tMempool to be initialized.
+     @param pool A pointer to the tMempool to initialize.
      @param memory A pointer to the chunk of memory to be used as a mempool.
      @param size The size of the chuck of memory to be used as a mempool.
-     @param poolTo A pointer to the tMempool to which a tMempool should be initialized.
+     @param poolTo A pointer to the tMempool to which this tMempool should be initialized.
     void    tMempool_initToPool     (tMempool* const mp, char* memory, size_t size, tMempool* const mem, LEAF* const leaf);
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-midi.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-midi.h
@@ -39,17 +39,18 @@
      @fn void    tStack_init                 (tStack* const stack, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tStack to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param stack A pointer to the tStack to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tStack to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param stack A pointer to the tStack to initialize.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tStack_initToPool           (tStack* const stack, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tStack to a specified mempool.
-     @param stack A pointer to the tStack to be initialized.
-     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tStack should be initialized.
+     @param stack A pointer to the tStack to initialize.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tStack_free                 (tStack* const stack)
      @brief Free a tStack from its mempool.
-     @param stack A pointer to the tStack to be freed.
+     @param stack A pointer to the tStack to free.
      @fn void    tStack_setCapacity          (tStack* const stack, uint16_t cap)
      @brief Set the capacity of the stack.
@@ -140,18 +141,19 @@
      @fn void    tPoly_init                  (tPoly* const poly, int maxNumVoices, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tPoly to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param poly A pointer to the tPoly to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tPoly to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param poly A pointer to the tPoly to initialize.
      @param maxNumVoices The maximum number of voices this tPoly can handle at once.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPoly_initToPool            (tPoly* const poly, int maxNumVoices, tMempool* const pool)
      @brief Initialize a tPoly to a specified mempool.
-     @param poly A pointer to the tPoly to be initialized.
-     @param pool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tPoly should be initialized.
+     @param poly A pointer to the tPoly to initialize.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPoly_free                  (tPoly* const poly)
      @brief Free a tPoly from its mempool.
-     @param poly A pointer to the tPoly to be freed.
+     @param poly A pointer to the tPoly to free.
      @fn int     tPoly_noteOn                (tPoly* const poly, int note, uint8_t vel)
      @brief Add a note with a given velocity to the poly handler.
@@ -317,18 +319,19 @@
      @fn void    tSimplePoly_init                  (tSimplePoly* const poly, int maxNumVoices, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tSimplePoly to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param poly A pointer to the tSimplePoly to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tSimplePoly to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param poly A pointer to the tSimplePoly to initialize.
      @param maxNumVoices The maximum number of voices this tSimplePoly can handle at once.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSimplePoly_initToPool            (tSimplePoly* const poly, int maxNumVoices, tMempool* const pool)
      @brief Initialize a tSimplePoly to a specified mempool.
-     @param poly A pointer to the tSimplePoly to be initialized.
-     @param pool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tSimplePoly should be initialized.
+     @param poly A pointer to the tSimplePoly to initialize.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSimplePoly_free                  (tSimplePoly* const poly)
      @brief Free a tSimplePoly from its mempool.
-     @param poly A pointer to the tSimplePoly to be freed.
+     @param poly A pointer to the tSimplePoly to free.
      @fn int     tSimplePoly_noteOn                (tSimplePoly* const poly, int note, uint8_t vel)
      @brief Add a note with a given velocity to the poly handler.
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-oscillators.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-oscillators.h
@@ -35,21 +35,22 @@
      @fn void    tTable_init         (tTable* const osc, float* table, int size, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tTable to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tTable to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tTable to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tTable to initialize.
      @param table A pointer to the wave table data.
      @param size The number of samples in the wave table.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tTable_initToPool   (tTable* const osc, float* table, int size, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tTable to a specified mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tTable to be initialized.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tTable to initialize.
      @param table A pointer to the wave table data.
      @param size The number of samples in the wave table.
-     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tTable should be initialized.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tTable_free         (tTable* const osc)
      @brief Free a tTable from its mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tTable to be freed.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tTable to free.
      @fn float   tTable_tick         (tTable* const osc)
      @brief Tick a tTable oscillator.
@@ -92,17 +93,18 @@
      @fn void    tCycle_init         (tCycle* const osc, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tCycle to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tCycle to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tCycle to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tCycle to initialize.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tCycle_initToPool   (tCycle* const osc, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tCycle to a specified mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tCycle to be initialized.
-     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tCycle should be initialized.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tCycle to initialize.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tCycle_free         (tCycle* const osc)
      @brief Free a tCycle from its mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tCycle to be freed.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tCycle to free.
      @fn float   tCycle_tick         (tCycle* const osc)
      @brief Tick a tCycle oscillator.
@@ -144,17 +146,18 @@
      @fn void    tTriangle_init         (tTriangle* const osc, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tTriangle to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tTriangle to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tTriangle to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tTriangle to initialize.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tTriangle_initToPool   (tTriangle* const osc, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tTriangle to a specified mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tTriangle to be initialized.
-     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tTriangle should be initialized.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tTriangle to initialize.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tTriangle_free         (tTriangle* const osc)
      @brief Free a tTriangle from its mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tTriangle to be freed.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tTriangle to free.
      @fn float   tTriangle_tick         (tTriangle* const osc)
      @brief Tick a tTriangle oscillator.
@@ -198,17 +201,18 @@
      @fn void    tSquare_init         (tSquare* const osc, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tSquare to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tSquare to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tSquare to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tSquare to initialize.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSquare_initToPool   (tSquare* const osc, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tSquare to a specified mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tSquare to be initialized.
-     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tSquare should be initialized.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tSquare to initialize.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSquare_free         (tSquare* const osc)
      @brief Free a tSquare from its mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tSquare to be freed.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tSquare to free.
      @fn float   tSquare_tick         (tSquare* const osc)
      @brief Tick a tSquare oscillator.
@@ -254,17 +258,18 @@
      @fn void    tSawtooth_init         (tSawtooth* const osc, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tSawtooth to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tSawtooth to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tSawtooth to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tSawtooth to initialize.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSawtooth_initToPool   (tSawtooth* const osc, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tSawtooth to a specified mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tSawtooth to be initialized.
-     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tSawtooth should be initialized.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tSawtooth to initialize.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSawtooth_free         (tSawtooth* const osc)
      @brief Free a tSawtooth from its mempool.
-     @param osc A pointer to the tSawtooth to be freed.
+     @param osc A pointer to the tSawtooth to free.
      @fn float   tSawtooth_tick         (tSawtooth* const osc)
      @brief Tick a tSawtooth oscillator.
@@ -309,13 +314,15 @@
      @fn void    tTri_init          (tTri* const osc, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tTri_initToPool    (tTri* const osc, tMempool* const mempool)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tTri_free          (tTri* const osc)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tTri from its mempool.
      @fn float   tTri_tick          (tTri* const osc)
@@ -363,13 +370,15 @@
      @fn void    tPulse_init        (tPulse* const osc, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPulse_initToPool  (tPulse* const osc, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPulse_free        (tPulse* const osc)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tPulse from its mempool.
      @fn float   tPulse_tick        (tPulse* const osc)
@@ -416,13 +425,15 @@
      @fn void    tSaw_init          (tSaw* const osc, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSaw_initToPool    (tSaw* const osc, tMempool* const mempool)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSaw_free          (tSaw* const osc)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tSaw from its mempool.
      @fn float   tSaw_tick          (tSaw* const osc)
@@ -463,13 +474,15 @@
      @fn void    tPhasor_init        (tPhasor* const osc, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPhasor_initToPool  (tPhasor* const osc, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPhasor_free        (tPhasor* const osc)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tPhasor from its mempool.
      @fn float   tPhasor_tick        (tPhasor* const osc)
@@ -511,13 +524,15 @@
      @fn void    tNoise_init         (tNoise* const noise, NoiseType type, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tNoise_initToPool   (tNoise* const noise, NoiseType type, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tNoise_free         (tNoise* const noise)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tNoise from its mempool.
      @fn float   tNoise_tick         (tNoise* const noise)
@@ -566,17 +581,18 @@
      @fn void    tNeuron_init        (tNeuron* const neuron, LEAF* const leaf)
-     @brief Initialize a tNeuron to the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param neuron A pointer to the tNeuron to be initialized.
+     @brief Initialize a tNeuron to the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param neuron A pointer to the tNeuron to initialize.
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tNeuron_initToPool  (tNeuron* const neuron, tMempool* const mempool)
      @brief Initialize a tNeuron to a specified mempool.
-     @param neuron A pointer to the tNeuron to be initialized.
-     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to which the tNeuron should be initialized.
+     @param neuron A pointer to the tNeuron to initialize.
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tNeuron_free        (tNeuron* const neuron)
      @brief Free a tNeuron from its mempool.
-     @param neuron A pointer to the tNeuron to be freed.
+     @param neuron A pointer to the tNeuron to free.
      @fn void    tNeuron_reset       (tNeuron* const neuron)
      @brief Reset the neuron model.
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-physical.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-physical.h
@@ -45,13 +45,15 @@
      @fn void    tPluck_init          (tPluck* const, float lowestFrequency, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPluck_initToPool    (tPluck* const, float lowestFrequency, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPluck_free          (tPluck* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tPluck from its mempool.
      @fn float   tPluck_tick          (tPluck* const)
@@ -126,13 +128,15 @@
      @fn void    tKarplusStrong_init               (tKarplusStrong* const, float lowestFrequency, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tKarplusStrong_initToPool         (tKarplusStrong* const, float lowestFrequency, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tKarplusStrong_free               (tKarplusStrong* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tKarplusStrong from its mempool.
      @fn float   tKarplusStrong_tick               (tKarplusStrong* const)
@@ -236,13 +240,15 @@
      @fn void    tSimpleLivingString_init   (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSimpleLivingString_initToPool     (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSimpleLivingString_free                (tSimpleLivingString* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tSimpleLivingString from its mempool.
      @fn float   tSimpleLivingString_tick                (tSimpleLivingString* const, float input)
@@ -335,13 +341,15 @@
      @fn void    tLivingString_init                  (tLivingString* const, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tLivingString_initToPool            (tLivingString* const, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tLivingString_free                  (tLivingString* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tLivingString from its mempool.
      @fn float   tLivingString_tick                  (tLivingString* const, float input)
@@ -448,13 +456,15 @@
      @fn void    tComplexLivingString_init  (tComplexLivingString* const, float freq, float pickPos, float prepPos, float prepIndex, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tComplexLivingString_initToPool    (tComplexLivingString* const, float freq, float pickPos, float prepPos, float prepIndex, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tComplexLivingString_free                  (tComplexLivingString* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tComplexLivingString from its mempool.
      @fn float   tComplexLivingString_tick                  (tComplexLivingString* const, float input)
@@ -569,13 +579,15 @@
      @fn void    tReedTable_init         (tReedTable* const, float offset, float slope, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tReedTable_initToPool   (tReedTable* const, float offset, float slope, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tReedTable_free         (tReedTable* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tReedTable from its mempool.
      @fn float   tReedTable_tick         (tReedTable* const, float input)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-reverb.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-reverb.h
@@ -41,13 +41,15 @@
      @fn void    tPRCReverb_init         (tPRCReverb* const, float t60, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tPRCReverb_initToPool   (tPRCReverb* const, float t60, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tPRCReverb_free         (tPRCReverb* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tPRCReverb from its mempool.
      @fn void    tPRCReverb_clear        (tPRCReverb* const)
@@ -107,13 +109,15 @@
      @fn void    tNReverb_init           (tNReverb* const, float t60, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tNReverb_initToPool     (tNReverb* const, float t60, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tNReverb_free           (tNReverb* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tNReverb from its mempool.
      @fn void    tNReverb_clear          (tNReverb* const)
@@ -179,13 +183,15 @@
      @fn void    tDattorroReverb_init              (tDattorroReverb* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tDattorroReverb_initToPool        (tDattorroReverb* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tDattorroReverb_free              (tDattorroReverb* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tDattorroReverb from its mempool.
      @fn void    tDattorroReverb_clear             (tDattorroReverb* const)
--- a/leaf/Inc/leaf-sampling.h
+++ b/leaf/Inc/leaf-sampling.h
@@ -42,13 +42,15 @@
      @fn void  tBuffer_init                  (tBuffer* const, uint32_t length, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void  tBuffer_initToPool            (tBuffer* const, uint32_t length, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void  tBuffer_free                  (tBuffer* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tBuffer from its mempool.
      @fn void  tBuffer_tick                  (tBuffer* const, float sample)
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@
     typedef _tBuffer* tBuffer;
     void  tBuffer_init                  (tBuffer* const, uint32_t length, LEAF* const leaf);
-    void  tBuffer_initToPool 			(tBuffer* const sb, uint32_t length, tMempool* const mp);
+    void  tBuffer_initToPool             (tBuffer* const sb, uint32_t length, tMempool* const mp);
     void  tBuffer_free                  (tBuffer* const);
     void  tBuffer_tick                  (tBuffer* const, float sample);
@@ -140,7 +142,7 @@
     float tBuffer_get                   (tBuffer* const, int idx);
     void  tBuffer_record                (tBuffer* const);
     void  tBuffer_stop                  (tBuffer* const);
-    void tBuffer_setBuffer				(tBuffer* const sb, float* externalBuffer, int length, int channels, int sampleRate);
+    void tBuffer_setBuffer                (tBuffer* const sb, float* externalBuffer, int length, int channels, int sampleRate);
     int   tBuffer_getRecordPosition     (tBuffer* const);
     void   tBuffer_setRecordPosition    (tBuffer* const, int pos);
     void  tBuffer_setRecordMode         (tBuffer* const, RecordMode mode);
@@ -147,8 +149,8 @@
     void  tBuffer_clear                 (tBuffer* const);
     uint32_t tBuffer_getBufferLength    (tBuffer* const);
     uint32_t tBuffer_getRecordedLength  (tBuffer* const sb);
-    void 	tBuffer_setRecordedLength	(tBuffer* const sb, int length);
-    int 	tBuffer_isActive			(tBuffer* const sb);
+    void     tBuffer_setRecordedLength    (tBuffer* const sb, int length);
+    int     tBuffer_isActive            (tBuffer* const sb);
@@ -161,13 +163,15 @@
      @fn void    tSampler_init               (tSampler* const, tBuffer* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tSampler_initToPool         (tSampler* const, tBuffer* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tSampler_free               (tSampler* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tSampler from its mempool.
      @fn float   tSampler_tick               (tSampler* const)
@@ -232,7 +236,7 @@
         float ticksPerSevenMs;
         float rateFactor;
         uint32_t channels;
         tRamp gain;
         float idx;
@@ -263,11 +267,11 @@
     typedef _tSampler* tSampler;
     void    tSampler_init               (tSampler* const, tBuffer* const, LEAF* const leaf);
-    void 	tSampler_initToPool			(tSampler* const sp, tBuffer* const b, tMempool* const mp, LEAF* const leaf);
+    void     tSampler_initToPool            (tSampler* const sp, tBuffer* const b, tMempool* const mp, LEAF* const leaf);
     void    tSampler_free               (tSampler* const);
     float   tSampler_tick               (tSampler* const);
-    float	tSampler_tickStereo        	(tSampler* const sp, float* outputArray);
+    float    tSampler_tickStereo            (tSampler* const sp, float* outputArray);
     void    tSampler_setSample          (tSampler* const, tBuffer* const);
     void    tSampler_setMode            (tSampler* const, PlayMode mode);
     void    tSampler_play               (tSampler* const);
@@ -289,13 +293,15 @@
      @fn void    tAutoSampler_init               (tAutoSampler* const, tBuffer* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tAutoSampler_initToPool         (tAutoSampler* const, tBuffer* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tAutoSampler_free               (tAutoSampler* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tAutoSampler from its mempool.
      @fn float   tAutoSampler_tick               (tAutoSampler* const, float input)
@@ -353,7 +359,7 @@
     typedef _tAutoSampler* tAutoSampler;
     void    tAutoSampler_init               (tAutoSampler* const, tBuffer* const, LEAF* const leaf);
-    void    tAutoSampler_initToPool 		(tAutoSampler* const as, tBuffer* const b, tMempool* const mp, LEAF* const leaf);
+    void    tAutoSampler_initToPool         (tAutoSampler* const as, tBuffer* const b, tMempool* const mp, LEAF* const leaf);
     void    tAutoSampler_free               (tAutoSampler* const);
     float   tAutoSampler_tick               (tAutoSampler* const, float input);
@@ -365,9 +371,9 @@
     void    tAutoSampler_setWindowSize      (tAutoSampler* const, uint32_t size);
     void    tAutoSampler_setCrossfadeLength (tAutoSampler* const, uint32_t length);
     void    tAutoSampler_setRate            (tAutoSampler* const, float rate);
+    /*!
      @defgroup tMBSampler tMBSampler
      @ingroup sampling
@@ -376,13 +382,15 @@
      @fn void    tMBSampler_init               (tMBSampler* const, tBuffer* const, LEAF* const leaf)
+     @param leaf A pointer to the leaf instance.
      @fn void    tMBSampler_initToPool         (tMBSampler* const, tBuffer* const, tMempool* const)
+     @param mempool A pointer to the tMempool to use.
      @fn void    tMBSampler_free               (tMBSampler* const)
-     @brief
+     @brief Free a tMBSampler from its mempool.
      @fn float   tMBSampler_tick               (tMBSampler* const)
@@ -428,7 +436,7 @@
      @} */
 #define FILLEN 256
     typedef struct _tMBSampler
@@ -477,3 +485,4 @@
--- a/leaf/Src/leaf-delay.c
+++ b/leaf/Src/leaf-delay.c
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
     return d->lastOut;
-int     tLinearDelay_setDelay (tLinearDelay* const dl, float delay)
+void     tLinearDelay_setDelay (tLinearDelay* const dl, float delay)
     _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
@@ -279,8 +279,6 @@
     d->omAlpha = 1.0f - d->alpha;
     if ( d->outPoint == d->maxDelay ) d->outPoint = 0;
-    return 0;
 float tLinearDelay_tapOut (tLinearDelay* const dl, uint32_t tapDelay)
--- a/leaf/leaf.h
+++ b/leaf/leaf.h
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
      @param sampleRate The audio sample rate.
      @param blockSize The audio block size.
-     @param memory A pointer to the memory that will make up the default LEAF mempool.
-     @param memorySize The size of the memory that will make up the default LEAF mempool.
+     @param memory A pointer to the memory that will make up the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
+     @param memorySize The size of the memory that will make up the default mempool of a LEAF instance.
      @param random A pointer to a random number function. Should return a float >= 0 and < 1.
     void        LEAF_init            (LEAF* const leaf, float sampleRate, int blockSize, char* memory, size_t memorySize, float(*random)(void));