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ref: a53b433420d35a54180c76421b082031a8b35204
parent: f42ea7f0f61c638d45eaa92782798c69f0d7b86c
author: Matthew Wang <>
date: Mon Dec 2 10:56:59 EST 2019

updated all object with new internal structure so that everything goes in the mempool

binary files a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store differ
binary files a/LEAF/.DS_Store b/LEAF/.DS_Store differ
--- a/LEAF/Externals/atkdetect.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +1,0 @@
-#include "atkdetect.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/********Private function prototypes**********/
-static void atkDetect_init(t_atkDetect *a, int blocksize, int atk, int rel);
-static void atkDetect_envelope(t_atkDetect *a, t_float *in);
-t_atkDetect *atkDetect_new(int blocksize)
-	t_atkDetect *a = NULL;
-	a = (t_atkDetect*)malloc(sizeof(t_atkDetect));
-	atkDetect_init(a, blocksize, DEFATTACK, DEFRELEASE);
-	return (a);
-t_atkDetect *atkDetect_new_expanded(int blocksize, int atk, int rel)
-	t_atkDetect *a = NULL;
-	a = (t_atkDetect*)malloc(sizeof(t_atkDetect));
-	atkDetect_init(a, blocksize, atk, rel);
-	return (a);
-void atkDetect_free(t_atkDetect *a)
-	free(a);
-/*******Public Functions***********/
-void atkDetect_set_blocksize(t_atkDetect *a, int size)
-	if(!((size==64)|(size==128)|(size==256)|(size==512)|(size==1024)|(size==2048)))
-	a->blocksize = size;
-	return;
-void atkDetect_set_samplerate(t_atkDetect *a, int inRate)
-	a->samplerate = inRate;
-	//Reset atk and rel to recalculate coeff
-	atkDetect_set_atk(a, a->atk);
-	atkDetect_set_rel(a, a->rel);
-	return;
-void atkDetect_set_threshold(t_atkDetect *a, t_float thres)
-	a->threshold = thres;
-	return;
-void atkDetect_set_atk(t_atkDetect *a, int inAtk)
-	a->atk = inAtk;
-	a->atk_coeff = pow(0.01, 1.0/(a->atk * a->samplerate * 0.001));
-	return;
-void atkDetect_set_rel(t_atkDetect *a, int inRel)
-	a->rel = inRel;
-	a->rel_coeff = pow(0.01, 1.0/(a->rel * a->samplerate * 0.001));
-	return;
-int atkDetect_detect(t_atkDetect *a, t_float *in)
-	int result;
-	atkDetect_envelope(a, in);
-	if(a->env >= a->prevAmp*2) //2 times greater = 6dB increase
-		result = 1;
-	else
-		result = 0;
-	a->prevAmp = a->env;
-	return result;
-/*******Private Functions**********/
-static void atkDetect_init(t_atkDetect *a, int blocksize, int atk, int rel)
-	a->env = 0;
-	a->blocksize = blocksize;
-	a->threshold = DEFTHRESHOLD;
-	a->samplerate = DEFSAMPLERATE;
-	a->prevAmp = 0;
-	a->env = 0;
-	atkDetect_set_atk(a, atk);
-	atkDetect_set_rel(a, rel);
-static void atkDetect_envelope(t_atkDetect *a, t_float *in)
-	int i = 0;
-	t_float tmp;
-	for(i = 0; i < a->blocksize; ++i){
-		tmp = fastabs(in[i]);
-		if(tmp > a->env)
-			a->env = a->atk_coeff * (a->env - tmp) + tmp;
-		else
-			a->env = a->rel_coeff * (a->env - tmp) + tmp;
-	}
--- a/LEAF/Externals/atkdetect.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +1,0 @@
-#ifndef atkdetect_h
-#define atkdetect_h
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-atkdetect lib written for DSP2G project
-Original author: Kenny Carlsen (
-Implements a simple attack detector using envelope detection
-Designed to be fed into the solad library used in DPS2G for
-the purpose of reducing latency while time domain pitch shifting.
-Function atkDetect_new() is a constructor.  It returns a pointer which is
-needed in all other external calls to lib atkdetect functions
-Function atkDetect_free() is a destructor.  This function should be called
-to deallocate all memory used by atkDetect instance.
-Function atkDetect_set_blocksize() changes the analysis block size.  Valid sizes are 128,
-256, 512, 1024, and 2048.  Default size is 1024.
-Function atkDetect_set_samplerate() changes the sample rate of the attack detector and thus
-the attack and release coefficients of the envelope detector. Default rate is 44100
-Function atkDetect_set_threshold() sets the RMS level a frame must exceed (over the previous frame)
-to be detected as an attack (example: frame 2 is an 'attack' if RMS(frame2) > RMS(frame1)*2)
-Default value is 6dB RMS (or a doubling of the amplitude)
-Functions atkDetect_set_atk/rel() set the attack/release values in msec and calculate the atk/rel coefficients
-for the envelope detector.  Default value is 10 msec.
-Function atkDetect_detect() evaluates the RMS level of the input signal and determines if an attack
-exists in the given frame
-version 0.2 June 2017
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define DEFSAMPLERATE 44100
-#define DEFBLOCKSIZE 1024
-#define DEFATTACK	10
-#define DEFRELEASE	10
-#define t_float float
-typedef struct t_atkDetect
-	t_float env;
-	//Attack & Release times in msec
-	int atk;
-	int rel;
-	//Attack & Release coefficients based on times
-	t_float atk_coeff;
-	t_float rel_coeff;
-	int blocksize;
-	int samplerate;
-	//RMS amplitude of previous block - used to decide if attack is present
-	t_float prevAmp;
-	t_float threshold;
-t_atkDetect *atkDetect_new(int blocksize);
-t_atkDetect *atkDetect_new_expanded(int blocksize, int atk, int rel);
-void atkDetect_free(t_atkDetect *a);
-// set expected input blocksize
-void atkDetect_set_blocksize(t_atkDetect *a, int size);
-// change atkDetector sample rate
-void atkDetect_set_samplerate(t_atkDetect *a, int inRate);
-// set attack time and coeff
-void atkDetect_set_atk(t_atkDetect *a, int inAtk);
-// set release time and coeff
-void atkDetect_set_rel(t_atkDetect *a, int inRel);
-// set level above which values are identified as attacks
-void atkDetect_set_threshold(t_atkDetect *a, t_float thres);
-// find largest transient in input block, return index of attack
-int atkDetect_detect(t_atkDetect *a, t_float *in);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Externals/d_fft_mayer.c
+++ b/LEAF/Externals/d_fft_mayer.c
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
 void mayer_realfft(int n, REAL *real)
- REAL a,b,c,d;
+    REAL a,b;
  int i,j,k;
  for (i=1,j=n-1,k=n/2;i<k;i++,j--) {
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
 void mayer_realifft(int n, REAL *real)
- REAL a,b,c,d;
+    REAL a,b;
  int i,j,k;
  for (i=1,j=n-1,k=n/2;i<k;i++,j--) {
   a = real[i];
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-analysis.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-analysis.h
@@ -13,163 +13,173 @@
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-global.h"
 #include "leaf-mempool.h"
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-filters.h"
-/* Envelope Follower */
-typedef struct _tEnvelopeFollower
-    float y;
-    float a_thresh;
-    float d_coeff;
-} tEnvelopeFollower;
-void    tEnvelopeFollower_init           (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff);
-void    tEnvelopeFollower_free           (tEnvelopeFollower*  const);
-float   tEnvelopeFollower_tick           (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float x);
-int     tEnvelopeFollower_decayCoeff     (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float decayCoeff);
-int     tEnvelopeFollower_attackThresh   (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float attackThresh);
+    //==============================================================================
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* PowerEnvelopeFollower */
-typedef struct _tPowerFollower {
-    float factor, oneminusfactor;
-    float curr;
+    /* Envelope Follower */
+    typedef struct _tEnvelopeFollower
+    {
+        float y;
+        float a_thresh;
+        float d_coeff;
+    } _tEnvelopeFollower;
-} tPowerFollower;
-void    tPowerFollower_init      (tPowerFollower* const, float factor);
-void    tPowerFollower_free      (tPowerFollower* const);
-float   tPowerFollower_tick      (tPowerFollower* const, float input);
-float   tPowerFollower_sample    (tPowerFollower* const);
-int     tPowerFollower_setFactor   (tPowerFollower* const, float factor);
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-// ENV~ from PD, modified for LEAF
+    typedef _tEnvelopeFollower* tEnvelopeFollower;
+    void    tEnvelopeFollower_init           (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff);
+    void    tEnvelopeFollower_free           (tEnvelopeFollower*  const);
+    float   tEnvelopeFollower_tick           (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float x);
+    int     tEnvelopeFollower_decayCoeff     (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float decayCoeff);
+    int     tEnvelopeFollower_attackThresh   (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float attackThresh);
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    /* PowerEnvelopeFollower */
+    typedef struct _tPowerFollower {
+        float factor, oneminusfactor;
+        float curr;
+    } _tPowerFollower;
+    typedef _tPowerFollower* tPowerFollower;
+    void    tPowerFollower_init      (tPowerFollower* const, float factor);
+    void    tPowerFollower_free      (tPowerFollower* const);
+    float   tPowerFollower_tick      (tPowerFollower* const, float input);
+    float   tPowerFollower_sample    (tPowerFollower* const);
+    int     tPowerFollower_setFactor   (tPowerFollower* const, float factor);
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    // ENV~ from PD, modified for LEAF
 #define MAXOVERLAP 32
 #define INITVSTAKEN 64
 #define ENV_WINDOW_SIZE 1024
 #define ENV_HOP_SIZE 256
-typedef struct _tEnvPD
-    uint16_t x_phase;                    /* number of points since last output */
-    uint16_t x_period;                   /* requested period of output */
-    uint16_t x_realperiod;               /* period rounded up to vecsize multiple */
-    uint16_t x_npoints;                  /* analysis window size in samples */
-    float x_result;                 /* result to output */
-    float x_sumbuf[MAXOVERLAP];     /* summing buffer */
-    float x_f;
-    uint16_t windowSize, hopSize, blockSize;
-    uint16_t x_allocforvs;               /* extra buffer for DSP vector size */
-} tEnvPD;
-void    tEnvPD_init           (tEnvPD* const, int windowSize, int hopSize, int blockSize);
-void    tEnvPD_free           (tEnvPD* const);
-float   tEnvPD_tick           (tEnvPD* const);
-void    tEnvPD_processBlock   (tEnvPD* const, float* in);
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* tAttackDetection */
+    typedef struct _tEnvPD
+    {
+        float buf[ENV_WINDOW_SIZE + INITVSTAKEN];
+        uint16_t x_phase;                    /* number of points since last output */
+        uint16_t x_period;                   /* requested period of output */
+        uint16_t x_realperiod;               /* period rounded up to vecsize multiple */
+        uint16_t x_npoints;                  /* analysis window size in samples */
+        float x_result;                 /* result to output */
+        float x_sumbuf[MAXOVERLAP];     /* summing buffer */
+        float x_f;
+        uint16_t windowSize, hopSize, blockSize;
+        uint16_t x_allocforvs;               /* extra buffer for DSP vector size */
+    } _tEnvPD;
+    typedef _tEnvPD* tEnvPD;
+    void    tEnvPD_init           (tEnvPD* const, int windowSize, int hopSize, int blockSize);
+    void    tEnvPD_free           (tEnvPD* const);
+    float   tEnvPD_tick           (tEnvPD* const);
+    void    tEnvPD_processBlock   (tEnvPD* const, float* in);
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    /* tAttackDetection */
 #define DEFBLOCKSIZE 1024
 #define DEFATTACK    10
 #define DEFRELEASE    10
-typedef struct _tAttackDetection
-    float env;
-    //Attack & Release times in msec
-    int atk;
-    int rel;
+    typedef struct _tAttackDetection
+    {
+        float env;
+        //Attack & Release times in msec
+        int atk;
+        int rel;
+        //Attack & Release coefficients based on times
+        float atk_coeff;
+        float rel_coeff;
+        int blocksize;
+        int samplerate;
+        //RMS amplitude of previous block - used to decide if attack is present
+        float prevAmp;
+        float threshold;
+    } _tAttackDetection;
-    //Attack & Release coefficients based on times
-    float atk_coeff;
-    float rel_coeff;
+    typedef _tAttackDetection* tAttackDetection;
-    int blocksize;
-    int samplerate;
+    void    tAttackDetection_init            (tAttackDetection* const, int blocksize);
+    void    tAttackDetection_init_expanded   (tAttackDetection* const, int blocksize, int atk, int rel);
+    void    tAttackDetection_free            (tAttackDetection* const);
-    //RMS amplitude of previous block - used to decide if attack is present
-    float prevAmp;
+    // set expected input blocksize
+    void    tAttackDetection_setBlocksize    (tAttackDetection* const, int size);
-    float threshold;
-} tAttackDetection;
-void    tAttackDetection_init            (tAttackDetection* const, int blocksize);
-void    tAttackDetection_init_expanded   (tAttackDetection* const, int blocksize, int atk, int rel);
-void    tAttackDetection_free            (tAttackDetection* const);
-// set expected input blocksize
-void    tAttackDetection_setBlocksize    (tAttackDetection* const, int size);
-// change atkDetector sample rate
-void    tAttackDetection_setSamplerate   (tAttackDetection* const, int inRate);
-// set attack time and coeff
-void    tAttackDetection_setAtk          (tAttackDetection* const, int inAtk);
-// set release time and coeff
-void    tAttackDetection_setRel          (tAttackDetection* const, int inRel);
-// set level above which values are identified as attacks
-void    tAttackDetection_setThreshold    (tAttackDetection* const, float thres);
-// find largest transient in input block, return index of attack
-int     tAttackDetection_detect          (tAttackDetection* const, float *in);
-// tSNAC: period detector
+    // change atkDetector sample rate
+    void    tAttackDetection_setSamplerate   (tAttackDetection* const, int inRate);
+    // set attack time and coeff
+    void    tAttackDetection_setAtk          (tAttackDetection* const, int inAtk);
+    // set release time and coeff
+    void    tAttackDetection_setRel          (tAttackDetection* const, int inRel);
+    // set level above which values are identified as attacks
+    void    tAttackDetection_setThreshold    (tAttackDetection* const, float thres);
+    // find largest transient in input block, return index of attack
+    int     tAttackDetection_detect          (tAttackDetection* const, float *in);
+    //==============================================================================
+    // tSNAC: period detector
 #define SNAC_FRAME_SIZE 1024           // default analysis framesize // should be the same as (or smaller than?) PS_FRAME_SIZE
 #define DEFOVERLAP 1                // default overlap
 #define DEFBIAS 0.2f        // default bias
 #define DEFMINRMS 0.003f   // default minimum RMS
 #define SEEK 0.85f       // seek-length as ratio of framesize
-typedef struct _tSNAC
-    float* inputbuf;
-    float* processbuf;
-    float* spectrumbuf;
-    float* biasbuf;
-    uint16_t timeindex;
-    uint16_t framesize;
-    uint16_t overlap;
-    uint16_t periodindex;
-    float periodlength;
-    float fidelity;
-    float biasfactor;
-    float minrms;
+    typedef struct _tSNAC
+    {
+        float* inputbuf;
+        float* processbuf;
+        float* spectrumbuf;
+        float* biasbuf;
+        uint16_t timeindex;
+        uint16_t framesize;
+        uint16_t overlap;
+        uint16_t periodindex;
+        float periodlength;
+        float fidelity;
+        float biasfactor;
+        float minrms;
+    } _tSNAC;
-} tSNAC;
-void    tSNAC_init          (tSNAC* const, int overlaparg);    // constructor
-void    tSNAC_free          (tSNAC* const);    // destructor
-void    tSNAC_ioSamples     (tSNAC *s, float *in, float *out, int size);
-void    tSNAC_setOverlap    (tSNAC *s, int lap);
-void    tSNAC_setBias       (tSNAC *s, float bias);
-void    tSNAC_setMinRMS     (tSNAC *s, float rms);
-/*To get freq, perform SAMPLE_RATE/snac_getperiod() */
-float   tSNAC_getPeriod     (tSNAC *s);
-float   tSNAC_getfidelity   (tSNAC *s);
+    typedef _tSNAC* tSNAC;
+    void    tSNAC_init          (tSNAC* const, int overlaparg);    // constructor
+    void    tSNAC_free          (tSNAC* const);    // destructor
+    void    tSNAC_ioSamples     (tSNAC *s, float *in, float *out, int size);
+    void    tSNAC_setOverlap    (tSNAC *s, int lap);
+    void    tSNAC_setBias       (tSNAC *s, float bias);
+    void    tSNAC_setMinRMS     (tSNAC *s, float rms);
+    /*To get freq, perform SAMPLE_RATE/snac_getperiod() */
+    float   tSNAC_getPeriod     (tSNAC *s);
+    float   tSNAC_getfidelity   (tSNAC *s);
 #define DEFPITCHRATIO 2.0f
 #define DEFTIMECONSTANT 100.0f
 #define DEFHOPSIZE 64
@@ -177,46 +187,48 @@
 #define FBA 20
 #define HPFREQ 40.0f
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-// Period detection
-typedef struct _tPeriodDetection
-    tEnvPD env;
-    tSNAC snac;
-    float* inBuffer;
-    float* outBuffer;
-    int frameSize;
-    int bufSize;
-    int framesPerBuffer;
-    int curBlock;
-    int lastBlock;
-    int i;
-    int indexstore;
-    int iLast;
-    int index;
-    float period;
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    // Period detection
+    typedef struct _tPeriodDetection
+    {
+        tEnvPD env;
+        tSNAC snac;
+        float* inBuffer;
+        float* outBuffer;
+        int frameSize;
+        int bufSize;
+        int framesPerBuffer;
+        int curBlock;
+        int lastBlock;
+        int i;
+        int indexstore;
+        int iLast;
+        int index;
+        float period;
+        uint16_t hopSize;
+        uint16_t windowSize;
+        uint8_t fba;
+        float timeConstant;
+        float radius;
+        float max;
+        float lastmax;
+        float deltamax;
+    } _tPeriodDetection;
-    uint16_t hopSize;
-    uint16_t windowSize;
-    uint8_t fba;
+    typedef _tPeriodDetection* tPeriodDetection;
-    float timeConstant;
-    float radius;
-    float max;
-    float lastmax;
-    float deltamax;
+    void       tPeriodDetection_init                    (tPeriodDetection* const, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize);
+    void       tPeriodDetection_free                    (tPeriodDetection* const);
-void       tPeriodDetection_init                    (tPeriodDetection* const, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize);
-void       tPeriodDetection_free                    (tPeriodDetection* const);
-float      tPeriodDetection_findPeriod              (tPeriodDetection* const, float sample);
-void       tPeriodDetection_setHopSize              (tPeriodDetection* p, int hs);
-void       tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize           (tPeriodDetection* p, int ws);
+    float      tPeriodDetection_findPeriod              (tPeriodDetection* const, float sample);
+    void       tPeriodDetection_setHopSize              (tPeriodDetection* p, int hs);
+    void       tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize           (tPeriodDetection* p, int ws);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -224,3 +236,4 @@
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-delay.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-delay.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-delay.h
+ Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:24pm
+ Author:  Michael R Mulshine
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-delay.h
-    Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:24pm
-    Author:  Michael R Mulshine
@@ -12,141 +12,149 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-math.h"
-/* Non-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tDelay
-    float gain;
-    float* buff;
+    //==============================================================================
-    float lastOut, lastIn;
+    /* Non-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tDelay
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float* buff;
+        float lastOut, lastIn;
+        uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
+        uint32_t delay, maxDelay;
+    } _tDelay;
-    uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
+    typedef _tDelay* tDelay;
-    uint32_t delay, maxDelay;
+    void        tDelay_init         (tDelay*  const, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
+    void        tDelay_free         (tDelay* const);
-} tDelay;
-void        tDelay_init         (tDelay*  const, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
-void        tDelay_free         (tDelay* const);
-int         tDelay_setDelay     (tDelay*  const, uint32_t delay);
-uint32_t    tDelay_getDelay     (tDelay*  const);
-void        tDelay_tapIn        (tDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tDelay_tapOut       (tDelay*  const, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tDelay_addTo        (tDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tDelay_tick         (tDelay*  const, float sample);
-float       tDelay_getLastOut   (tDelay*  const);
-float       tDelay_getLastIn    (tDelay*  const);
+    int         tDelay_setDelay     (tDelay*  const, uint32_t delay);
+    uint32_t    tDelay_getDelay     (tDelay*  const);
+    void        tDelay_tapIn        (tDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tDelay_tapOut       (tDelay*  const, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tDelay_addTo        (tDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tDelay_tick         (tDelay*  const, float sample);
+    float       tDelay_getLastOut   (tDelay*  const);
+    float       tDelay_getLastIn    (tDelay*  const);
-/* Linearly-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tLinearDelay
-    float gain;
-    float* buff;
+    //==============================================================================
-    float lastOut, lastIn;
+    /* Linearly-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tLinearDelay
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float* buff;
+        float lastOut, lastIn;
+        uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
+        uint32_t maxDelay;
+        float delay;
+        float alpha, omAlpha;
+    } _tLinearDelay;
-    uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
+    typedef _tLinearDelay* tLinearDelay;
-    uint32_t maxDelay;
+    void        tLinearDelay_init        (tLinearDelay*  const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
+    void        tLinearDelay_free        (tLinearDelay*  const);
-    float delay;
+    int         tLinearDelay_setDelay    (tLinearDelay*  const, float delay);
+    float       tLinearDelay_getDelay    (tLinearDelay*  const);
+    void        tLinearDelay_tapIn       (tLinearDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tLinearDelay_tapOut      (tLinearDelay*  const, float tapDelay);
+    float       tLinearDelay_addTo       (tLinearDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tLinearDelay_tick        (tLinearDelay*  const, float sample);
+    void        tLinearDelay_tickIn      (tLinearDelay*  const, float input);
+    float       tLinearDelay_tickOut     (tLinearDelay*  const);
+    float       tLinearDelay_getLastOut  (tLinearDelay*  const);
+    float       tLinearDelay_getLastIn   (tLinearDelay*  const);
-    float alpha, omAlpha;
+    //==============================================================================
-} tLinearDelay;
-void        tLinearDelay_init        (tLinearDelay*  const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
-void        tLinearDelay_free        (tLinearDelay* const);
-int         tLinearDelay_setDelay    (tLinearDelay*  const, float delay);
-float       tLinearDelay_getDelay    (tLinearDelay*  const);
-void        tLinearDelay_tapIn       (tLinearDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tLinearDelay_tapOut      (tLinearDelay*  const, float tapDelay);
-float       tLinearDelay_addTo       (tLinearDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tLinearDelay_tick        (tLinearDelay*  const, float sample);
-void   		tLinearDelay_tickIn 		(tLinearDelay* const d, float input);
-float   	tLinearDelay_tickOut 	(tLinearDelay* const d);
-float       tLinearDelay_getLastOut  (tLinearDelay*  const);
-float       tLinearDelay_getLastIn   (tLinearDelay*  const);
+    /* Allpass-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tAllpassDelay
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float* buff;
+        float lastOut, lastIn;
+        uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
+        uint32_t maxDelay;
+        float delay;
+        float alpha, omAlpha, coeff;
+        float apInput;
+    } _tAllpassDelay;
-/* Allpass-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tAllpassDelay
-    float gain;
-    float* buff;
+    typedef _tAllpassDelay* tAllpassDelay;
-    float lastOut, lastIn;
+    void        tAllpassDelay_init        (tAllpassDelay*  const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
+    void        tAllpassDelay_free        (tAllpassDelay* const);
-    uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
+    int         tAllpassDelay_setDelay    (tAllpassDelay*  const, float delay);
+    float       tAllpassDelay_getDelay    (tAllpassDelay*  const);
+    void        tAllpassDelay_tapIn       (tAllpassDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tAllpassDelay_tapOut      (tAllpassDelay*  const, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tAllpassDelay_addTo       (tAllpassDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tAllpassDelay_tick        (tAllpassDelay*  const, float sample);
+    float       tAllpassDelay_getLastOut  (tAllpassDelay*  const);
+    float       tAllpassDelay_getLastIn   (tAllpassDelay*  const);
-    uint32_t maxDelay;
+    //==============================================================================
-    float delay;
+    /* Linear interpolating delay with fixed read and write pointers, variable rate. */
+    typedef struct _tTapeDelay
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float* buff;
+        float lastOut, lastIn;
+        uint32_t inPoint;
+        uint32_t maxDelay;
+        float delay, inc, idx;
+        float apInput;
+    } _tTapeDelay;
-    float alpha, omAlpha, coeff;
+    typedef _tTapeDelay* tTapeDelay;
-    float apInput;
+    void        tTapeDelay_init        (tTapeDelay*  const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
+    void        tTapeDelay_free        (tTapeDelay* const);
-} tAllpassDelay;
-void        tAllpassDelay_init        (tAllpassDelay*  const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
-void        tAllpassDelay_free        (tAllpassDelay* const);
-int         tAllpassDelay_setDelay    (tAllpassDelay*  const, float delay);
-float       tAllpassDelay_getDelay    (tAllpassDelay*  const);
-void        tAllpassDelay_tapIn       (tAllpassDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tAllpassDelay_tapOut      (tAllpassDelay*  const, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tAllpassDelay_addTo       (tAllpassDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tAllpassDelay_tick        (tAllpassDelay*  const, float sample);
-float       tAllpassDelay_getLastOut  (tAllpassDelay*  const);
-float       tAllpassDelay_getLastIn   (tAllpassDelay*  const);
+    void         tTapeDelay_setDelay    (tTapeDelay*  const, float delay);
+    float       tTapeDelay_getDelay    (tTapeDelay*  const);
+    void        tTapeDelay_tapIn       (tTapeDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tTapeDelay_tapOut      (tTapeDelay* const d, float tapDelay);
+    float       tTapeDelay_addTo       (tTapeDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
+    float       tTapeDelay_tick        (tTapeDelay*  const, float sample);
+    float       tTapeDelay_getLastOut  (tTapeDelay*  const);
+    float       tTapeDelay_getLastIn   (tTapeDelay*  const);
-/* Linear interpolating delay with fixed read and write pointers, variable rate. */
-typedef struct _tTapeDelay
-    float gain;
-    float* buff;
+    //==============================================================================
-    float lastOut, lastIn;
-    uint32_t inPoint;
-    uint32_t maxDelay;
-    float delay, inc, idx;
-    float apInput;
-} tTapeDelay;
-void        tTapeDelay_init        (tTapeDelay*  const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
-void        tTapeDelay_free        (tTapeDelay* const);
-int         tTapeDelay_setDelay    (tTapeDelay*  const, float delay);
-float       tTapeDelay_getDelay    (tTapeDelay*  const);
-void        tTapeDelay_tapIn       (tTapeDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tTapeDelay_tapOut      (tTapeDelay* const d, float tapDelay);
-float       tTapeDelay_addTo       (tTapeDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
-float       tTapeDelay_tick        (tTapeDelay*  const, float sample);
-float       tTapeDelay_getLastOut  (tTapeDelay*  const);
-float       tTapeDelay_getLastIn   (tTapeDelay*  const);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -154,3 +162,4 @@
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-distortion.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-distortion.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-distortion.h
+ Created: 25 Oct 2019 10:23:28am
+ Author:  Matthew Wang
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-distortion.h
-    Created: 25 Oct 2019 10:23:28am
-    Author:  Matthew Wang
@@ -12,83 +12,88 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-global.h"
 #include "leaf-mempool.h"
 #include "leaf-math.h"
-/* tLockhartWavefolder */
-typedef struct _tLockhartWavefolder
-    double Ln1;
-    double Fn1;
-    float xn1;
+    //==============================================================================
-} tLockhartWavefolder;
-void    tLockhartWavefolder_init    (tLockhartWavefolder* const);
-void    tLockhartWavefolder_free    (tLockhartWavefolder* const);
-float   tLockhartWavefolder_tick    (tLockhartWavefolder* const, float samp);
+    /* tLockhartWavefolder */
-typedef struct _tCrusher
-    float srr;
-    float mult, div;
-    float rnd;
+    typedef struct _tLockhartWavefolder
+    {
+        double Ln1;
+        double Fn1;
+        float xn1;
+    } _tLockhartWavefolder;
-    uint32_t  op; //which bitwise operation (0-7)
+    typedef _tLockhartWavefolder* tLockhartWavefolder;
-    float gain;
+    void    tLockhartWavefolder_init    (tLockhartWavefolder* const);
+    void    tLockhartWavefolder_free    (tLockhartWavefolder* const);
-} tCrusher;
-void    tCrusher_init    (tCrusher* const);
-void    tCrusher_free    (tCrusher* const);
-float   tCrusher_tick    (tCrusher* const, float input);
-// 0.0 - 1.0
-void    tCrusher_setOperation (tCrusher* const, float op);
-// 0.0 - 1.0
-void    tCrusher_setQuality (tCrusher* const, float val);
-// what division to round to
-void    tCrusher_setRound (tCrusher* const, float rnd);
-// sampling ratio
-void    tCrusher_setSamplingRatio (tCrusher* const, float ratio);
+    float   tLockhartWavefolder_tick    (tLockhartWavefolder* const, float samp);
+    //==============================================================================
-typedef struct _tOversampler
-    int ratio;
-    float* pCoeffs;
-    float* upState;
-    float* downState;
-    int numTaps;
-    int phaseLength;
-} tOversampler;
-void        tOversampler_init(tOversampler* const, int order, oBool extraQuality);
-void        tOversampler_free(tOversampler* const);
-void        tOversampler_upsample(tOversampler* const, float input, float* output);
-float       tOversampler_downsample(tOversampler *const os, float* input);
-float       tOversampler_tick(tOversampler* const, float input, float (*effectTick)(float));
-int         tOversampler_getLatency(tOversampler* const os);
+    typedef struct _tCrusher
+    {
+        float srr;
+        float mult, div;
+        float rnd;
+        uint32_t  op; //which bitwise operation (0-7)
+        float gain;
+    } _tCrusher;
+    typedef _tCrusher* tCrusher;
+    void    tCrusher_init    (tCrusher* const);
+    void    tCrusher_free    (tCrusher* const);
+    float   tCrusher_tick    (tCrusher* const, float input);
+    // 0.0 - 1.0
+    void    tCrusher_setOperation (tCrusher* const, float op);
+    // 0.0 - 1.0
+    void    tCrusher_setQuality (tCrusher* const, float val);
+    // what division to round to
+    void    tCrusher_setRound (tCrusher* const, float rnd);
+    // sampling ratio
+    void    tCrusher_setSamplingRatio (tCrusher* const, float ratio);
+    //==============================================================================
+    typedef struct _tOversampler
+    {
+        int ratio;
+        float* pCoeffs;
+        float* upState;
+        float* downState;
+        int numTaps;
+        int phaseLength;
+    } _tOversampler;
+    typedef _tOversampler* tOversampler;
+    void        tOversampler_init(tOversampler* const, int order, oBool extraQuality);
+    void        tOversampler_free(tOversampler* const);
+    void        tOversampler_upsample(tOversampler* const, float input, float* output);
+    float       tOversampler_downsample(tOversampler* const os, float* input);
+    float       tOversampler_tick(tOversampler* const, float input, float (*effectTick)(float));
+    int         tOversampler_getLatency(tOversampler* const os);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -96,4 +101,5 @@
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-dynamics.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-dynamics.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-dynamics.h
+ Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:57:05am
+ Author:  airship
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-dynamics.h
-    Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:57:05am
-    Author:  airship
@@ -13,63 +13,67 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-global.h"
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-analysis.h"
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* Compressor */
-typedef struct _tCompressor
-    float tauAttack, tauRelease;
-    float T, R, W, M; // Threshold, compression Ratio, decibel Width of knee transition, decibel Make-up gain
-    float x_G[2], y_G[2], x_T[2], y_T[2];
+    //==============================================================================
-    oBool isActive;
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-void    tCompressor_init    (tCompressor* const);
-void    tCompressor_free    (tCompressor* const);
-float   tCompressor_tick    (tCompressor* const, float input);
+    /* Compressor */
+    typedef struct _tCompressor
+    {
+        float tauAttack, tauRelease;
+        float T, R, W, M; // Threshold, compression Ratio, decibel Width of knee transition, decibel Make-up gain
+        float x_G[2], y_G[2], x_T[2], y_T[2];
+        oBool isActive;
+    } _tCompressor;
-/* Feedback leveller */
-// An auto VCA that you put into a feedback circuit to make it stay at the same level.
-// It can enforce level bidirectionally (amplifying and attenuating as needed) or
-// just attenutating. The former option allows for infinite sustain strings, for example, while
-// The latter option allows for decaying strings, which can never exceed
-// a specific level.
-typedef struct _tFeedbackLeveler {
-    float targetLevel;    // target power level
-    float strength;        // how strongly level difference affects the VCA
-    int      mode;            // 0 for upwards limiting only, 1 for biderctional limiting
-    float curr;
-    tPowerFollower pwrFlw;    // internal power follower needed for level tracking
+    typedef _tCompressor* tCompressor;
-} tFeedbackLeveler;
-void    tFeedbackLeveler_init      (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode);
-void    tFeedbackLeveler_free      (tFeedbackLeveler* const);
-float   tFeedbackLeveler_tick      (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float input);
-float   tFeedbackLeveler_sample    (tFeedbackLeveler* const);
-void     tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel   (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float TargetLevel);
-void     tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor   (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float factor);
-void     tFeedbackLeveler_setMode   (tFeedbackLeveler* const, int mode); // 0 for upwards limiting only, 1 for biderctional limiting
-void     tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength   (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float strength);
+    void    tCompressor_init    (tCompressor* const);
+    void    tCompressor_free    (tCompressor* const);
+    float   tCompressor_tick    (tCompressor* const, float input);
+    ///
+    /* Feedback leveller */
+    // An auto VCA that you put into a feedback circuit to make it stay at the same level.
+    // It can enforce level bidirectionally (amplifying and attenuating as needed) or
+    // just attenutating. The former option allows for infinite sustain strings, for example, while
+    // The latter option allows for decaying strings, which can never exceed
+    // a specific level.
+    typedef struct _tFeedbackLeveler {
+        float targetLevel;    // target power level
+        float strength;        // how strongly level difference affects the VCA
+        int      mode;            // 0 for upwards limiting only, 1 for biderctional limiting
+        float curr;
+        tPowerFollower pwrFlw;    // internal power follower needed for level tracking
+    } _tFeedbackLeveler;
+    typedef _tFeedbackLeveler* tFeedbackLeveler;
+    void    tFeedbackLeveler_init      (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode);
+    void    tFeedbackLeveler_free      (tFeedbackLeveler* const);
+    float   tFeedbackLeveler_tick      (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float input);
+    float   tFeedbackLeveler_sample    (tFeedbackLeveler* const);
+    void     tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel   (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float TargetLevel);
+    void     tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor   (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float factor);
+    void     tFeedbackLeveler_setMode   (tFeedbackLeveler* const, int mode); // 0 for upwards limiting only, 1 for biderctional limiting
+    void     tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength   (tFeedbackLeveler* const, float strength);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -77,3 +81,4 @@
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-effects.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-effects.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-effects.h
+ Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:54pm
+ Author:  Michael R Mulshine
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-effects.h
-    Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:54pm
-    Author:  Michael R Mulshine
@@ -12,81 +12,85 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-global.h"
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-analysis.h"
-/* tTalkbox */
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* tTalkbox */
-typedef struct _tTalkbox
-    float param[NUM_TALKBOX_PARAM];
-    int bufsize;
-    float* car0;
-    float* car1;
-    float* window;
-    float* buf0;
-    float* buf1;
+    typedef struct _tTalkbox
+    {
+        float param[NUM_TALKBOX_PARAM];
+        int bufsize;
+        float* car0;
+        float* car1;
+        float* window;
+        float* buf0;
+        float* buf1;
+        float emphasis;
+        int32_t K, N, O, pos;
+        float wet, dry, FX;
+        float d0, d1, d2, d3, d4;
+        float u0, u1, u2, u3, u4;
+    } _tTalkbox;
-    float emphasis;
-    int32_t K, N, O, pos;
-    float wet, dry, FX;
-    float d0, d1, d2, d3, d4;
-    float u0, u1, u2, u3, u4;
+    typedef _tTalkbox* tTalkbox;
-} tTalkbox;
-void        tTalkbox_init        (tTalkbox* const, int bufsize);
-void        tTalkbox_free        (tTalkbox* const);
-float       tTalkbox_tick        (tTalkbox* const, float synth, float voice);
-void        tTalkbox_update      (tTalkbox* const);
-void        tTalkbox_suspend     (tTalkbox* const);
-void        tTalkbox_lpcDurbin   (float *r, int p, float *k, float *g);
-void        tTalkbox_lpc         (float *buf, float *car, int32_t n, int32_t o);
-void		tTalkbox_setQuality  (tTalkbox* const, float quality);
-/* tVocoder */
+    void        tTalkbox_init        (tTalkbox* const, int bufsize);
+    void        tTalkbox_free        (tTalkbox* const);
+    float       tTalkbox_tick        (tTalkbox* const, float synth, float voice);
+    void        tTalkbox_update      (tTalkbox* const);
+    void        tTalkbox_suspend     (tTalkbox* const);
+    void        tTalkbox_lpcDurbin   (float *r, int p, float *k, float *g);
+    void        tTalkbox_lpc         (float *buf, float *car, int32_t n, int32_t o);
+    void        tTalkbox_setQuality  (tTalkbox* const, float quality);
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* tVocoder */
 #define NBANDS 16
-typedef struct _tVocoder
-    float param[NUM_VOCODER_PARAM];
-    float gain;         //output level
-    float thru, high;   //hf thru
-    float kout;         //downsampled output
-    int32_t  kval;      //downsample counter
-    int32_t  nbnd;      //number of bands
+    typedef struct _tVocoder
+    {
+        float param[NUM_VOCODER_PARAM];
+        float gain;         //output level
+        float thru, high;   //hf thru
+        float kout;         //downsampled output
+        int32_t  kval;      //downsample counter
+        int32_t  nbnd;      //number of bands
+        //filter coeffs and buffers - seems it's faster to leave this global than make local copy
+        float f[NBANDS][13]; //[0-8][0 1 2 | 0 1 2 3 | 0 1 2 3 | val rate]
+    } _tVocoder;
-    //filter coeffs and buffers - seems it's faster to leave this global than make local copy
-    float f[NBANDS][13]; //[0-8][0 1 2 | 0 1 2 3 | 0 1 2 3 | val rate]
+    typedef _tVocoder* tVocoder;
-} tVocoder;
-void        tVocoder_init        (tVocoder* const);
-void        tVocoder_free        (tVocoder* const);
-float       tVocoder_tick        (tVocoder* const, float synth, float voice);
-void        tVocoder_update      (tVocoder* const);
-void        tVocoder_suspend     (tVocoder* const);
+    void        tVocoder_init        (tVocoder* const);
+    void        tVocoder_free        (tVocoder* const);
+    float       tVocoder_tick        (tVocoder* const, float synth, float voice);
+    void        tVocoder_update      (tVocoder* const);
+    void        tVocoder_suspend     (tVocoder* const);
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* tSOLAD : pitch shifting algorithm that underlies tRetune etc */
+    //==============================================================================
+    //==============================================================================
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    /* tSOLAD : pitch shifting algorithm that underlies tRetune etc */
 #define LOOPSIZE (2048*2)      // (4096*2) // loop size must be power of two
 #define LOOPMASK (LOOPSIZE - 1)
@@ -93,183 +97,193 @@
 #define INITPERIOD 64.0f
 #define MAXPERIOD (float)((LOOPSIZE - w->blocksize) * 0.8f)
 #define MINPERIOD 8.0f
-typedef struct _tSOLAD
-    uint16_t timeindex;              // current reference time, write index
-    uint16_t blocksize;              // signal input / output block size
-    float pitchfactor;        // pitch factor between 0.25 and 4
-    float readlag;            // read pointer's lag behind write pointer
-    float period;             // period length in input signal
-    float jump;               // read pointer jump length and direction
-    float xfadelength;        // crossfade length expressed at input sample rate
-    float xfadevalue;         // crossfade phase and value
+    typedef struct _tSOLAD
+    {
+        uint16_t timeindex;              // current reference time, write index
+        uint16_t blocksize;              // signal input / output block size
+        float pitchfactor;        // pitch factor between 0.25 and 4
+        float readlag;            // read pointer's lag behind write pointer
+        float period;             // period length in input signal
+        float jump;               // read pointer jump length and direction
+        float xfadelength;        // crossfade length expressed at input sample rate
+        float xfadevalue;         // crossfade phase and value
+        float* delaybuf;
+    } _tSOLAD;
-    float* delaybuf;
+    typedef _tSOLAD* tSOLAD;
-} tSOLAD;
-void    tSOLAD_init             (tSOLAD* const);
-void    tSOLAD_free             (tSOLAD* const);
-// send one block of input samples, receive one block of output samples
-void    tSOLAD_ioSamples        (tSOLAD *w, float* in, float* out, int blocksize);
-// set periodicity analysis data
-void    tSOLAD_setPeriod        (tSOLAD *w, float period);
-// set pitch factor between 0.25 and 4
-void    tSOLAD_setPitchFactor   (tSOLAD *w, float pitchfactor);
-// force readpointer lag
-void    tSOLAD_setReadLag       (tSOLAD *w, float readlag);
-// reset state variables
-void    tSOLAD_resetState       (tSOLAD *w);
+    void    tSOLAD_init             (tSOLAD* const);
+    void    tSOLAD_free             (tSOLAD* const);
+    // send one block of input samples, receive one block of output samples
+    void    tSOLAD_ioSamples        (tSOLAD *w, float* in, float* out, int blocksize);
+    // set periodicity analysis data
+    void    tSOLAD_setPeriod        (tSOLAD *w, float period);
+    // set pitch factor between 0.25 and 4
+    void    tSOLAD_setPitchFactor   (tSOLAD *w, float pitchfactor);
+    // force readpointer lag
+    void    tSOLAD_setReadLag       (tSOLAD *w, float readlag);
+    // reset state variables
+    void    tSOLAD_resetState       (tSOLAD *w);
-// Pitch shift
-typedef struct _tPitchShift
-    tSOLAD sola;
-    tHighpass hp;
-    tPeriodDetection* p;
+    // Pitch shift
+    typedef struct _tPitchShift
+    {
+        tSOLAD sola;
+        tHighpass hp;
+        tPeriodDetection* p;
+        float* outBuffer;
+        int frameSize;
+        int bufSize;
+        int framesPerBuffer;
+        int curBlock;
+        int lastBlock;
+        int index;
+        float pitchFactor;
+        float timeConstant;
+        float radius;
+    } _tPitchShift;
-    float* outBuffer;
-    int frameSize;
-    int bufSize;
+    typedef _tPitchShift* tPitchShift;
-    int framesPerBuffer;
-    int curBlock;
-    int lastBlock;
-    int index;
+    void        tPitchShift_init                (tPitchShift* const, tPeriodDetection* const, float* out, int bufSize);
+    void        tPitchShift_free                (tPitchShift* const);
+    float       tPitchShift_shift               (tPitchShift* const);
+    float       tPitchShift_shiftToFunc         (tPitchShift* const, float (*fun)(float));
+    float       tPitchShift_shiftToFreq         (tPitchShift* const, float freq);
+    void        tPitchShift_setPitchFactor      (tPitchShift* const, float pf);
-    float pitchFactor;
-    float timeConstant;
-    float radius;
-} tPitchShift;
-void        tPitchShift_init                (tPitchShift* const, tPeriodDetection* const, float* out, int bufSize);
-void        tPitchShift_free                (tPitchShift* const);
-float       tPitchShift_shift               (tPitchShift* const);
-float       tPitchShift_shiftToFunc         (tPitchShift* const, float (*fun)(float));
-float       tPitchShift_shiftToFreq         (tPitchShift* const, float freq);
-void        tPitchShift_setPitchFactor      (tPitchShift* const, float pf);
+    // Retune
+    typedef struct _tRetune
+    {
+        tPeriodDetection pd;
+        tPitchShift* ps;
+        float* inBuffer;
+        float** outBuffers;
+        float* tickOutput;
+        int frameSize;
+        int bufSize;
+        uint16_t hopSize;
+        uint16_t windowSize;
+        uint8_t fba;
+        float* pitchFactor;
+        float timeConstant;
+        float radius;
+        float inputPeriod;
+        int numVoices;
+    } _tRetune;
-// Retune
-typedef struct _tRetune
-    tPeriodDetection pd;
-    tPitchShift* ps;
+    typedef _tRetune* tRetune;
-    float* inBuffer;
-    float** outBuffers;
-    float* tickOutput;
-    int frameSize;
-    int bufSize;
+    void        tRetune_init                (tRetune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize);
+    void        tRetune_free                (tRetune* const);
-    uint16_t hopSize;
-    uint16_t windowSize;
-    uint8_t fba;
+    float*      tRetune_tick                (tRetune* const, float sample);
+    void        tRetune_setNumVoices        (tRetune* const, int numVoices);
+    void        tRetune_setPitchFactors     (tRetune* const, float pf);
+    void        tRetune_setPitchFactor      (tRetune* const, float pf, int voice);
+    void        tRetune_setTimeConstant     (tRetune* const, float tc);
+    void        tRetune_setHopSize          (tRetune* const, int hs);
+    void        tRetune_setWindowSize       (tRetune* const, int ws);
+    float       tRetune_getInputPeriod      (tRetune* const);
+    float       tRetune_getInputFreq        (tRetune* const);
-    float* pitchFactor;
-    float timeConstant;
-    float radius;
+    // Autotune
+    typedef struct _tAutotune
+    {
+        tPeriodDetection pd;
+        tPitchShift* ps;
+        float* inBuffer;
+        float** outBuffers;
+        float* tickOutput;
+        int frameSize;
+        int bufSize;
+        uint16_t hopSize;
+        uint16_t windowSize;
+        uint8_t fba;
+        float* freq;
+        float timeConstant;
+        float radius;
+        float inputPeriod;
+        int numVoices;
+    } _tAutotune;
-    float inputPeriod;
+    typedef _tAutotune* tAutotune;
-    int numVoices;
-} tRetune;
-void        tRetune_init                (tRetune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize);
-void        tRetune_free                (tRetune* const);
-float*      tRetune_tick                (tRetune* const, float sample);
-void        tRetune_setNumVoices        (tRetune* const, int numVoices);
-void        tRetune_setPitchFactors     (tRetune* const, float pf);
-void        tRetune_setPitchFactor      (tRetune* const, float pf, int voice);
-void        tRetune_setTimeConstant     (tRetune* const, float tc);
-void        tRetune_setHopSize          (tRetune* const, int hs);
-void        tRetune_setWindowSize       (tRetune* const, int ws);
-float       tRetune_getInputPeriod      (tRetune* const);
-float       tRetune_getInputFreq        (tRetune* const);
+    void        tAutotune_init                (tAutotune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize);
+    void        tAutotune_free                (tAutotune* const);
-// Autotune
-typedef struct _tAutotune
-    tPeriodDetection pd;
-    tPitchShift* ps;
+    float*      tAutotune_tick                (tAutotune* const, float sample);
+    void        tAutotune_setNumVoices        (tAutotune* const, int numVoices);
+    void        tAutotune_setFreqs            (tAutotune* const, float f);
+    void        tAutotune_setFreq             (tAutotune* const, float f, int voice);
+    void        tAutotune_setTimeConstant     (tAutotune* const, float tc);
+    void        tAutotune_setHopSize          (tAutotune* const, int hs);
+    void        tAutotune_setWindowSize       (tAutotune* const, int ws);
+    float       tAutotune_getInputPeriod      (tAutotune* const);
+    float       tAutotune_getInputFreq        (tAutotune* const);
-    float* inBuffer;
-    float** outBuffers;
-    float* tickOutput;
-    int frameSize;
-    int bufSize;
+    //==============================================================================
-    uint16_t hopSize;
-    uint16_t windowSize;
-    uint8_t fba;
-    float* freq;
-    float timeConstant;
-    float radius;
+#define FORD 7
-    float inputPeriod;
+    typedef struct _tFormantShifter
+    {
+        int ford;
+        int bufsize;
+        float falph;
+        float flamb;
+        float* fk;
+        float* fb;
+        float* fc;
+        float* frb;
+        float* frc;
+        float* fsig;
+        float* fsmooth;
+        float fhp;
+        float flp;
+        float flpa;
+        float** fbuff;
+        float* ftvec;
+        float fmute;
+        float fmutealph;
+        unsigned int cbi;
+    } _tFormantShifter;
-    int numVoices;
-} tAutotune;
-void        tAutotune_init                (tAutotune* const, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize);
-void        tAutotune_free                (tAutotune* const);
-float*      tAutotune_tick                (tAutotune* const, float sample);
-void        tAutotune_setNumVoices        (tAutotune* const, int numVoices);
-void        tAutotune_setFreqs            (tAutotune* const, float f);
-void        tAutotune_setFreq             (tAutotune* const, float f, int voice);
-void        tAutotune_setTimeConstant     (tAutotune* const, float tc);
-void        tAutotune_setHopSize          (tAutotune* const, int hs);
-void        tAutotune_setWindowSize       (tAutotune* const, int ws);
-float       tAutotune_getInputPeriod      (tAutotune* const);
-float       tAutotune_getInputFreq        (tAutotune* const);
+    typedef _tFormantShifter* tFormantShifter;
-#define FORD 7
-typedef struct _tFormantShifter
-    int ford;
-    int bufsize;
-    float falph;
-    float flamb;
-    float* fk;
-    float* fb;
-    float* fc;
-    float* frb;
-    float* frc;
-    float* fsig;
-    float* fsmooth;
-    float fhp;
-    float flp;
-    float flpa;
-    float** fbuff;
-    float* ftvec;
-    float fmute;
-    float fmutealph;
-    unsigned int cbi;
+    void        tFormantShifter_init            (tFormantShifter* const, int bufsize, int order);
+    void        tFormantShifter_free            (tFormantShifter* const);
-} tFormantShifter;
-void        tFormantShifter_init            (tFormantShifter* const, int bufsize, int order);
-void        tFormantShifter_free            (tFormantShifter* const);
-float       tFormantShifter_tick            (tFormantShifter* const, float input, float fwarp);
-float       tFormantShifter_remove          (tFormantShifter* const, float input);
-float       tFormantShifter_add             (tFormantShifter* const, float input, float fwarp);
-void        tFormantShifter_ioSamples       (tFormantShifter* const, float* in, float* out, int size, float fwarp);
+    float       tFormantShifter_tick            (tFormantShifter* const, float input, float fwarp);
+    float       tFormantShifter_remove          (tFormantShifter* const, float input);
+    float       tFormantShifter_add             (tFormantShifter* const, float input, float fwarp);
+    void        tFormantShifter_ioSamples       (tFormantShifter* const, float* in, float* out, int size, float fwarp);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-electrical.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-electrical.h
@@ -11,79 +11,81 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-global.h"
 #include "leaf-math.h"
-typedef enum WDFComponentType
-    SeriesAdaptor = 0,
-    ParallelAdaptor,
-    Resistor,
-    Capacitor,
-    Inductor,
-    Inverter,
-    ResistiveSource,
-    IdealSource,
-    Diode,
-    DiodePair,
-    RootNil,
-    WDFComponentNil
-} WDFComponentType;
-typedef struct _tWDF tWDF; // needed to allow tWDF pointers in struct
-struct _tWDF
-    WDFComponentType type;
-    float port_resistance_up;
-    float port_resistance_left;
-    float port_resistance_right;
-    float port_conductance_up;
-    float port_conductance_left;
-    float port_conductance_right;
-    float incident_wave_up;
-    float incident_wave_left;
-    float incident_wave_right;
-    float reflected_wave_up;
-    float reflected_wave_left;
-    float reflected_wave_right;
-    float gamma_zero;
-    float sample_rate;
-    float value;
-    tWDF* child_left;
-    tWDF* child_right;
-    float (*get_port_resistance)(tWDF* const);
-    float (*get_reflected_wave_up)(tWDF* const, float);
-    float (*get_reflected_wave_down)(tWDF* const, float, float);
-    void (*set_incident_wave)(tWDF* const, float, float);
-//WDF Linear Components
-void tWDF_init(tWDF* const r, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR);
-void tWDF_free(tWDF* const r);
-float tWDF_tick(tWDF* const r, float sample, tWDF* const outputPoint, uint8_t paramsChanged);
-void tWDF_setValue(tWDF* const r, float value);
-void tWDF_setSampleRate(tWDF* const r, float sample_rate);
-uint8_t tWDF_isLeaf(tWDF* const r);
-float tWDF_getPortResistance(tWDF* const r);
-float tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(tWDF* const r, float input); //for tree, only uses input for resistive source
-float tWDF_getReflectedWaveDown(tWDF* const r, float input, float incident_wave); //for roots
-void tWDF_setIncidentWave(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input);
-float tWDF_getVoltage(tWDF* const r);
-float tWDF_getCurrent(tWDF* const r);
+    //==============================================================================
+    typedef enum WDFComponentType
+    {
+        SeriesAdaptor = 0,
+        ParallelAdaptor,
+        Resistor,
+        Capacitor,
+        Inductor,
+        Inverter,
+        ResistiveSource,
+        IdealSource,
+        Diode,
+        DiodePair,
+        RootNil,
+        WDFComponentNil
+    } WDFComponentType;
+    typedef struct _tWDF _tWDF; // needed to allow tWDF pointers in struct
+    typedef _tWDF* tWDF;
+    struct _tWDF
+    {
+        WDFComponentType type;
+        float port_resistance_up;
+        float port_resistance_left;
+        float port_resistance_right;
+        float port_conductance_up;
+        float port_conductance_left;
+        float port_conductance_right;
+        float incident_wave_up;
+        float incident_wave_left;
+        float incident_wave_right;
+        float reflected_wave_up;
+        float reflected_wave_left;
+        float reflected_wave_right;
+        float gamma_zero;
+        float sample_rate;
+        float value;
+        tWDF* child_left;
+        tWDF* child_right;
+        float (*get_port_resistance)(tWDF* const);
+        float (*get_reflected_wave_up)(tWDF* const, float);
+        float (*get_reflected_wave_down)(tWDF* const, float, float);
+        void (*set_incident_wave)(tWDF* const, float, float);
+    };
+    //WDF Linear Components
+    void tWDF_init(tWDF* const r, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR);
+    void tWDF_free(tWDF* const r);
+    float tWDF_tick(tWDF* const r, float sample, tWDF* const outputPoint, uint8_t paramsChanged);
+    void tWDF_setValue(tWDF* const r, float value);
+    void tWDF_setSampleRate(tWDF* const r, float sample_rate);
+    uint8_t tWDF_isLeaf(tWDF* const r);
+    float tWDF_getPortResistance(tWDF* const r);
+    float tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(tWDF* const r, float input); //for tree, only uses input for resistive source
+    float tWDF_getReflectedWaveDown(tWDF* const r, float input, float incident_wave); //for roots
+    void tWDF_setIncidentWave(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input);
+    float tWDF_getVoltage(tWDF* const r);
+    float tWDF_getCurrent(tWDF* const r);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-envelopes.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-envelopes.h
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-  ==============================================================================
+ ==============================================================================
+ leaf-envelopes.h
+ Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:17pm
+ Author:  Michael R Mulshine
+ ==============================================================================
+ */
-    leaf-envelopes.h
-    Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:17pm
-    Author:  Michael R Mulshine
-  ==============================================================================
@@ -14,123 +14,132 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-filters.h"
 #include "leaf-delay.h"
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* Attack-Decay envelope */
-typedef struct _tEnvelope {
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-    const float *exp_buff;
-    const float *inc_buff;
-    uint32_t buff_size;
+    /* Attack-Decay envelope */
+    typedef struct _tEnvelope {
+        const float *exp_buff;
+        const float *inc_buff;
+        uint32_t buff_size;
+        float next;
+        float attackInc, decayInc, rampInc;
+        oBool inAttack, inDecay, inRamp;
+        oBool loop;
+        float gain, rampPeak;
+        float attackPhase, decayPhase, rampPhase;
+    } _tEnvelope;
-    float next;
+    typedef _tEnvelope* tEnvelope;
-    float attackInc, decayInc, rampInc;
+    void    tEnvelope_init      (tEnvelope* const, float attack, float decay, oBool loop);
+    void    tEnvelope_free      (tEnvelope* const);
-    oBool inAttack, inDecay, inRamp;
+    float   tEnvelope_tick      (tEnvelope* const);
+    void     tEnvelope_setAttack (tEnvelope*  const, float attack);
+    void     tEnvelope_setDecay  (tEnvelope*  const, float decay);
+    void     tEnvelope_loop      (tEnvelope*  const, oBool loop);
+    void     tEnvelope_on        (tEnvelope*  const, float velocity);
-    oBool loop;
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-    float gain, rampPeak;
+    /* ADSR */
+    typedef struct _tADSR
+    {
+        const float *exp_buff;
+        const float *inc_buff;
+        uint32_t buff_size;
+        float next;
+        float attackInc, decayInc, releaseInc, rampInc;
+        oBool inAttack, inDecay, inSustain, inRelease, inRamp;
+        float sustain, gain, rampPeak, releasePeak;
+        float attackPhase, decayPhase, releasePhase, rampPhase;
+    } _tADSR;
-    float attackPhase, decayPhase, rampPhase;
+    typedef _tADSR* tADSR;
-} tEnvelope;
-void    tEnvelope_init      (tEnvelope* const, float attack, float decay, oBool loop);
-void    tEnvelope_free      (tEnvelope* const);
-float   tEnvelope_tick      (tEnvelope* const);
-int     tEnvelope_setAttack (tEnvelope*  const, float attack);
-int     tEnvelope_setDecay  (tEnvelope*  const, float decay);
-int     tEnvelope_loop      (tEnvelope*  const, oBool loop);
-int     tEnvelope_on        (tEnvelope*  const, float velocity);
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* ADSR */
-typedef struct _tADSR
-    const float *exp_buff;
-    const float *inc_buff;
-    uint32_t buff_size;
+    void    tADSR_init      (tADSR*  const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release);
+    void    tADSR_free      (tADSR*  const);
-    float next;
+    float   tADSR_tick      (tADSR*  const);
+    void    tADSR_setAttack (tADSR*  const, float attack);
+    void    tADSR_setDecay  (tADSR*  const, float decay);
+    void    tADSR_setSustain(tADSR*  const, float sustain);
+    void    tADSR_setRelease(tADSR*  const, float release);
+    void    tADSR_on        (tADSR*  const, float velocity);
+    void    tADSR_off       (tADSR*  const);
-    float attackInc, decayInc, releaseInc, rampInc;
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-    oBool inAttack, inDecay, inSustain, inRelease, inRamp;
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-    float sustain, gain, rampPeak, releasePeak;
+    /* Ramp */
+    typedef struct _tRamp {
+        float inc;
+        float inv_sr_ms;
+        float minimum_time;
+        float curr,dest;
+        float time;
+        int samples_per_tick;
+    } _tRamp;
-    float attackPhase, decayPhase, releasePhase, rampPhase;
+    typedef _tRamp* tRamp;
-} tADSR;
-void    tADSR_init      (tADSR*  const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release);
-void    tADSR_free      (tADSR*  const);
-float   tADSR_tick      (tADSR*  const);
-int     tADSR_setAttack (tADSR*  const, float attack);
-int     tADSR_setDecay  (tADSR*  const, float decay);
-int     tADSR_setSustain(tADSR*  const, float sustain);
-int     tADSR_setRelease(tADSR*  const, float release);
-int     tADSR_on        (tADSR*  const, float velocity);
-int     tADSR_off       (tADSR*  const);
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* Ramp */
-typedef struct _tRamp {
-    float inc;
-    float inv_sr_ms;
-    float minimum_time;
-    float curr,dest;
-    float time;
-    int samples_per_tick;
+    void    tRamp_init      (tRamp* const, float time, int samplesPerTick);
+    void    tRamp_free      (tRamp* const);
-} tRamp;
-void    tRamp_init      (tRamp* const, float time, int samplesPerTick);
-void    tRamp_free      (tRamp* const);
-float   tRamp_tick      (tRamp* const);
-float   tRamp_sample    (tRamp* const);
-int     tRamp_setTime   (tRamp* const, float time);
-int     tRamp_setDest   (tRamp* const, float dest);
-int     tRamp_setVal    (tRamp* const, float val);
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* Exponential Smoother */
-typedef struct _tExpSmooth {
-    float factor, oneminusfactor;
-    float curr,dest;
-} tExpSmooth;
-void    tExpSmooth_init      (tExpSmooth* const, float val, float factor);
-void    tExpSmooth_free      (tExpSmooth* const);
-float   tExpSmooth_tick      (tExpSmooth* const);
-float   tExpSmooth_sample    (tExpSmooth* const);
-int     tExpSmooth_setFactor   (tExpSmooth* const, float factor);
-int     tExpSmooth_setDest   (tExpSmooth* const, float dest);
-int     tExpSmooth_setVal    (tExpSmooth* const, float val);
+    float   tRamp_tick      (tRamp* const);
+    float   tRamp_sample    (tRamp* const);
+    void    tRamp_setTime   (tRamp* const, float time);
+    void    tRamp_setDest   (tRamp* const, float dest);
+    void    tRamp_setVal    (tRamp* const, float val);
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    /* Exponential Smoother */
+    typedef struct _tExpSmooth {
+        float factor, oneminusfactor;
+        float curr,dest;
+    } _tExpSmooth;
+    typedef _tExpSmooth* tExpSmooth;
+    void    tExpSmooth_init      (tExpSmooth* const, float val, float factor);
+    void    tExpSmooth_free      (tExpSmooth* const);
+    float   tExpSmooth_tick      (tExpSmooth* const);
+    float   tExpSmooth_sample    (tExpSmooth* const);
+    void    tExpSmooth_setFactor   (tExpSmooth* const, float factor);
+    void    tExpSmooth_setDest   (tExpSmooth* const, float dest);
+    void    tExpSmooth_setVal    (tExpSmooth* const, float val);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-filters.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-filters.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-filters.h
+ Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:10pm
+ Author:  Michael R Mulshine
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-filters.h
-    Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:10pm
-    Author:  Michael R Mulshine
@@ -12,297 +12,321 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-delay.h"
 #include "leaf-tables.h"
-/* tAllpass: Schroeder allpass. Comb-filter with feedforward and feedback. */
-typedef struct _tAllpass
-    float gain;
+    //==============================================================================
-    tLinearDelay delay;
+    /* tAllpass: Schroeder allpass. Comb-filter with feedforward and feedback. */
+    typedef struct _tAllpass
+    {
+        float gain;
+        tLinearDelay delay;
+        float lastOut;
+    } _tAllpass;
-    float lastOut;
+    typedef _tAllpass* tAllpass;
-} tAllpass;
-void        tAllpass_init           (tAllpass* const, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay);
-void        tAllpass_free           (tAllpass* const);
-float       tAllpass_tick           (tAllpass* const, float input);
-void        tAllpass_setGain        (tAllpass* const, float gain);
-void        tAllpass_setDelay       (tAllpass* const f, float delay);
+    void        tAllpass_init           (tAllpass* const, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay);
+    void        tAllpass_free           (tAllpass* const);
-/* tOnePole: OnePole filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tOnePole
-    float gain;
-    float a0,a1;
-    float b0,b1;
+    float       tAllpass_tick           (tAllpass* const, float input);
+    void        tAllpass_setGain        (tAllpass* const, float gain);
+    void        tAllpass_setDelay       (tAllpass* const f, float delay);
-    float coef;
-    float freq;
+    //==============================================================================
-    float lastIn, lastOut;
+    /* tOnePole: OnePole filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tOnePole
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float a0,a1;
+        float b0,b1;
+        float coef;
+        float freq;
+        float lastIn, lastOut;
+    } _tOnePole;
-} tOnePole;
-void        tOnePole_init           (tOnePole* const, float thePole);
-void        tOnePole_free           (tOnePole* const);
-float       tOnePole_tick           (tOnePole* const, float input);
-void        tOnePole_setB0          (tOnePole* const, float b0);
-void        tOnePole_setA1          (tOnePole* const, float a1);
-void        tOnePole_setPole        (tOnePole* const, float thePole);
-void        tOnePole_setFreq        (tOnePole* const, float freq);
-void        tOnePole_setCoefficients(tOnePole* const, float b0, float a1);
-void        tOnePole_setGain        (tOnePole* const, float gain);
+    typedef _tOnePole* tOnePole;
-/* TwoPole filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tTwoPole
-    float gain;
-    float a0, a1, a2;
-    float b0;
+    void        tOnePole_init           (tOnePole* const, float thePole);
+    void        tOnePole_free           (tOnePole* const);
-    float radius, frequency;
-    oBool normalize;
+    float       tOnePole_tick           (tOnePole* const, float input);
+    void        tOnePole_setB0          (tOnePole* const, float b0);
+    void        tOnePole_setA1          (tOnePole* const, float a1);
+    void        tOnePole_setPole        (tOnePole* const, float thePole);
+    void        tOnePole_setFreq        (tOnePole* const, float freq);
+    void        tOnePole_setCoefficients(tOnePole* const, float b0, float a1);
+    void        tOnePole_setGain        (tOnePole* const, float gain);
-    float lastOut[2];
+    //==============================================================================
-} tTwoPole;
-void        tTwoPole_init           (tTwoPole*  const);
-void        tTwoPole_free           (tTwoPole*  const);
-float       tTwoPole_tick           (tTwoPole*  const, float input);
-void        tTwoPole_setB0          (tTwoPole*  const, float b0);
-void        tTwoPole_setA1          (tTwoPole*  const, float a1);
-void        tTwoPole_setA2          (tTwoPole*  const, float a2);
-void        tTwoPole_setResonance   (tTwoPole*  const, float freq, float radius, oBool normalize);
-void        tTwoPole_setCoefficients(tTwoPole*  const, float b0, float a1, float a2);
-void        tTwoPole_setGain        (tTwoPole*  const, float gain);
+    /* TwoPole filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tTwoPole
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float a0, a1, a2;
+        float b0;
+        float radius, frequency;
+        oBool normalize;
+        float lastOut[2];
+    } _tTwoPole;
-/* OneZero filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tOneZero
-    float gain;
-    float b0,b1;
-    float lastIn, lastOut, frequency;
+    typedef _tTwoPole* tTwoPole;
-} tOneZero;
-void        tOneZero_init           (tOneZero*  const, float theZero);
-void        tOneZero_free           (tOneZero*  const);
-float       tOneZero_tick           (tOneZero*  const, float input);
-void        tOneZero_setB0          (tOneZero*  const, float b0);
-void        tOneZero_setB1          (tOneZero*  const, float b1);
-void        tOneZero_setZero        (tOneZero*  const, float theZero);
-void        tOneZero_setCoefficients(tOneZero*  const, float b0, float b1);
-void        tOneZero_setGain        (tOneZero*  const, float gain);
-float       tOneZero_getPhaseDelay(tOneZero *f, float frequency );
+    void        tTwoPole_init           (tTwoPole*  const);
+    void        tTwoPole_free           (tTwoPole*  const);
-/* TwoZero filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tTwoZero
-    float gain;
-    float b0, b1, b2;
+    float       tTwoPole_tick           (tTwoPole*  const, float input);
+    void        tTwoPole_setB0          (tTwoPole*  const, float b0);
+    void        tTwoPole_setA1          (tTwoPole*  const, float a1);
+    void        tTwoPole_setA2          (tTwoPole*  const, float a2);
+    void        tTwoPole_setResonance   (tTwoPole*  const, float freq, float radius, oBool normalize);
+    void        tTwoPole_setCoefficients(tTwoPole*  const, float b0, float a1, float a2);
+    void        tTwoPole_setGain        (tTwoPole*  const, float gain);
-    float frequency, radius;
+    //==============================================================================
-    float lastIn[2];
+    /* OneZero filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tOneZero
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float b0,b1;
+        float lastIn, lastOut, frequency;
+    } _tOneZero;
-} tTwoZero;
-void        tTwoZero_init           (tTwoZero*  const);
-void        tTwoZero_free           (tTwoZero*  const);
-float       tTwoZero_tick           (tTwoZero*  const, float input);
-void        tTwoZero_setB0          (tTwoZero*  const, float b0);
-void        tTwoZero_setB1          (tTwoZero*  const, float b1);
-void        tTwoZero_setB2          (tTwoZero*  const, float b2);
-void        tTwoZero_setNotch       (tTwoZero*  const, float frequency, float radius);
-void        tTwoZero_setCoefficients(tTwoZero*  const, float b0, float b1, float b2);
-void        tTwoZero_setGain        (tTwoZero*  const, float gain);
+    typedef _tOneZero* tOneZero;
-/* PoleZero filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tPoleZero
-    float gain;
-    float a0,a1;
-    float b0,b1;
+    void        tOneZero_init           (tOneZero*  const, float theZero);
+    void        tOneZero_free           (tOneZero*  const);
+    float       tOneZero_tick           (tOneZero*  const, float input);
+    void        tOneZero_setB0          (tOneZero*  const, float b0);
+    void        tOneZero_setB1          (tOneZero*  const, float b1);
+    void        tOneZero_setZero        (tOneZero*  const, float theZero);
+    void        tOneZero_setCoefficients(tOneZero*  const, float b0, float b1);
+    void        tOneZero_setGain        (tOneZero*  const, float gain);
+    float       tOneZero_getPhaseDelay(tOneZero *f, float frequency );
-    float lastIn, lastOut;
+    //==============================================================================
-} tPoleZero;
-void        tPoleZero_init              (tPoleZero*  const);
-void        tPoleZero_free              (tPoleZero*  const);
-float       tPoleZero_tick              (tPoleZero*  const, float input);
-void        tPoleZero_setB0             (tPoleZero*  const, float b0);
-void        tPoleZero_setB1             (tPoleZero*  const, float b1);
-void        tPoleZero_setA1             (tPoleZero*  const, float a1);
-void        tPoleZero_setCoefficients   (tPoleZero*  const, float b0, float b1, float a1);
-void        tPoleZero_setAllpass        (tPoleZero*  const, float coeff);
-void        tPoleZero_setBlockZero      (tPoleZero*  const, float thePole);
-void        tPoleZero_setGain           (tPoleZero*  const, float gain);
+    /* TwoZero filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tTwoZero
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float b0, b1, b2;
+        float frequency, radius;
+        float lastIn[2];
+    } _tTwoZero;
-/* BiQuad filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tBiQuad
-    float gain;
-    float a0, a1, a2;
-    float b0, b1, b2;
+    typedef _tTwoZero* tTwoZero;
-    float lastIn[2];
-    float lastOut[2];
+    void        tTwoZero_init           (tTwoZero*  const);
+    void        tTwoZero_free           (tTwoZero*  const);
-    float frequency, radius;
-    oBool normalize;
-} tBiQuad;
-void        tBiQuad_init           (tBiQuad*  const);
-void        tBiQuad_free           (tBiQuad*  const);
-float       tBiQuad_tick           (tBiQuad*  const, float input);
-void        tBiQuad_setB0          (tBiQuad*  const, float b0);
-void        tBiQuad_setB1          (tBiQuad*  const, float b1);
-void        tBiQuad_setB2          (tBiQuad*  const, float b2);
-void        tBiQuad_setA1          (tBiQuad*  const, float a1);
-void        tBiQuad_setA2          (tBiQuad*  const, float a2);
-void        tBiQuad_setNotch       (tBiQuad*  const, float freq, float radius);
-void        tBiQuad_setResonance   (tBiQuad*  const, float freq, float radius, oBool normalize);
-void        tBiQuad_setCoefficients(tBiQuad*  const, float b0, float b1, float b2, float a1, float a2);
-void        tBiQuad_setGain        (tBiQuad*  const, float gain);
+    float       tTwoZero_tick           (tTwoZero*  const, float input);
+    void        tTwoZero_setB0          (tTwoZero*  const, float b0);
+    void        tTwoZero_setB1          (tTwoZero*  const, float b1);
+    void        tTwoZero_setB2          (tTwoZero*  const, float b2);
+    void        tTwoZero_setNotch       (tTwoZero*  const, float frequency, float radius);
+    void        tTwoZero_setCoefficients(tTwoZero*  const, float b0, float b1, float b2);
+    void        tTwoZero_setGain        (tTwoZero*  const, float gain);
-/* State Variable Filter, algorithm from Andy Simper. */
-typedef enum SVFType
-    SVFTypeHighpass = 0,
-    SVFTypeLowpass,
-    SVFTypeBandpass,
-    SVFTypeNotch,
-    SVFTypePeak,
-} SVFType;
-typedef struct _tSVF
-    SVFType type;
-    float cutoff, Q;
-    float ic1eq,ic2eq;
-    float g,k,a1,a2,a3;
+    //==============================================================================
-} tSVF;
-void        tSVF_init       (tSVF*  const, SVFType type, float freq, float Q);
-void        tSVF_free       (tSVF*  const);
-float       tSVF_tick       (tSVF*  const, float v0);
-int         tSVF_setFreq    (tSVF*  const, float freq);
-int         tSVF_setQ       (tSVF*  const, float Q);
+    /* PoleZero filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tPoleZero
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float a0,a1;
+        float b0,b1;
+        float lastIn, lastOut;
+    } _tPoleZero;
-/* Efficient State Variable Filter for 14-bit control input, [0, 4096). */
-typedef struct _tEfficientSVF
-    SVFType type;
-    float cutoff, Q;
-    float ic1eq,ic2eq;
-    float g,k,a1,a2,a3;
+    typedef _tPoleZero* tPoleZero;
-} tEfficientSVF;
-void        tEfficientSVF_init      (tEfficientSVF*  const, SVFType type, uint16_t controlFreq, float Q);
-void        tEfficientSVF_free      (tEfficientSVF*  const);
-float       tEfficientSVF_tick      (tEfficientSVF*  const, float v0);
-int         tEfficientSVF_setFreq   (tEfficientSVF*  const, uint16_t controlFreq);
-int         tEfficientSVF_setQ      (tEfficientSVF*  const, float Q);
+    void        tPoleZero_init              (tPoleZero*  const);
+    void        tPoleZero_free              (tPoleZero*  const);
-/* Simple Highpass filter. */
-typedef struct _tHighpass
-    float xs, ys, R;
-    float frequency;
+    float       tPoleZero_tick              (tPoleZero*  const, float input);
+    void        tPoleZero_setB0             (tPoleZero*  const, float b0);
+    void        tPoleZero_setB1             (tPoleZero*  const, float b1);
+    void        tPoleZero_setA1             (tPoleZero*  const, float a1);
+    void        tPoleZero_setCoefficients   (tPoleZero*  const, float b0, float b1, float a1);
+    void        tPoleZero_setAllpass        (tPoleZero*  const, float coeff);
+    void        tPoleZero_setBlockZero      (tPoleZero*  const, float thePole);
+    void        tPoleZero_setGain           (tPoleZero*  const, float gain);
-} tHighpass;
-void        tHighpass_init      (tHighpass*  const, float freq);
-void        tHighpass_free      (tHighpass*  const);
-float       tHighpass_tick      (tHighpass*  const, float x);
-void        tHighpass_setFreq   (tHighpass*  const, float freq);
-float       tHighpass_getFreq   (tHighpass*  const);
+    //==============================================================================
-// Butterworth Filter
+    /* BiQuad filter, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tBiQuad
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float a0, a1, a2;
+        float b0, b1, b2;
+        float lastIn[2];
+        float lastOut[2];
+        float frequency, radius;
+        oBool normalize;
+    } _tBiQuad;
+    typedef _tBiQuad* tBiQuad;
+    void        tBiQuad_init           (tBiQuad*  const);
+    void        tBiQuad_free           (tBiQuad*  const);
+    float       tBiQuad_tick           (tBiQuad*  const, float input);
+    void        tBiQuad_setB0          (tBiQuad*  const, float b0);
+    void        tBiQuad_setB1          (tBiQuad*  const, float b1);
+    void        tBiQuad_setB2          (tBiQuad*  const, float b2);
+    void        tBiQuad_setA1          (tBiQuad*  const, float a1);
+    void        tBiQuad_setA2          (tBiQuad*  const, float a2);
+    void        tBiQuad_setNotch       (tBiQuad*  const, float freq, float radius);
+    void        tBiQuad_setResonance   (tBiQuad*  const, float freq, float radius, oBool normalize);
+    void        tBiQuad_setCoefficients(tBiQuad*  const, float b0, float b1, float b2, float a1, float a2);
+    void        tBiQuad_setGain        (tBiQuad*  const, float gain);
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* State Variable Filter, algorithm from Andy Simper. */
+    typedef enum SVFType
+    {
+        SVFTypeHighpass = 0,
+        SVFTypeLowpass,
+        SVFTypeBandpass,
+        SVFTypeNotch,
+        SVFTypePeak,
+    } SVFType;
+    typedef struct _tSVF
+    {
+        SVFType type;
+        float cutoff, Q;
+        float ic1eq,ic2eq;
+        float g,k,a1,a2,a3;
+    } _tSVF;
+    typedef _tSVF* tSVF;
+    void        tSVF_init       (tSVF*  const, SVFType type, float freq, float Q);
+    void        tSVF_free       (tSVF*  const);
+    float       tSVF_tick       (tSVF*  const, float v0);
+    void         tSVF_setFreq    (tSVF*  const, float freq);
+    void         tSVF_setQ       (tSVF*  const, float Q);
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* Efficient State Variable Filter for 14-bit control input, [0, 4096). */
+    typedef struct _tEfficientSVF
+    {
+        SVFType type;
+        float cutoff, Q;
+        float ic1eq,ic2eq;
+        float g,k,a1,a2,a3;
+    } _tEfficientSVF;
+    typedef _tEfficientSVF* tEfficientSVF;
+    void        tEfficientSVF_init      (tEfficientSVF*  const, SVFType type, uint16_t controlFreq, float Q);
+    void        tEfficientSVF_free      (tEfficientSVF*  const);
+    float       tEfficientSVF_tick      (tEfficientSVF*  const, float v0);
+    void         tEfficientSVF_setFreq   (tEfficientSVF*  const, uint16_t controlFreq);
+    void         tEfficientSVF_setQ      (tEfficientSVF*  const, float Q);
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* Simple Highpass filter. */
+    typedef struct _tHighpass
+    {
+        float xs, ys, R;
+        float frequency;
+    } _tHighpass;
+    typedef _tHighpass* tHighpass;
+    void        tHighpass_init      (tHighpass*  const, float freq);
+    void        tHighpass_free      (tHighpass*  const);
+    float       tHighpass_tick      (tHighpass*  const, float x);
+    void        tHighpass_setFreq   (tHighpass*  const, float freq);
+    float       tHighpass_getFreq   (tHighpass*  const);
+    //==============================================================================
+    // Butterworth Filter
 #define NUM_SVF_BW 16
-typedef struct _tButterworth
-    float gain;
+    typedef struct _tButterworth
+    {
+        float gain;
+        float N;
+        tSVF low[NUM_SVF_BW];
+        tSVF high[NUM_SVF_BW];
+        float f1,f2;
+    } _tButterworth;
-    float N;
+    typedef _tButterworth* tButterworth;
-    tSVF low[NUM_SVF_BW];
-    tSVF high[NUM_SVF_BW];
+    void        tButterworth_init       (tButterworth* const, int N, float f1, float f2);
+    void        tButterworth_free       (tButterworth* const);
-    float f1,f2;
+    float       tButterworth_tick       (tButterworth* const, float input);
+    void        tButterworth_setF1      (tButterworth* const, float in);
+    void        tButterworth_setF2      (tButterworth* const, float in);
+    void        tButterworth_setFreqs   (tButterworth* const, float f1, float f2);
-} tButterworth;
-void        tButterworth_init       (tButterworth* const, int N, float f1, float f2);
-void        tButterworth_free       (tButterworth* const);
-float       tButterworth_tick       (tButterworth* const, float input);
-void        tButterworth_setF1      (tButterworth* const, float in);
-void        tButterworth_setF2      (tButterworth* const, float in);
-void        tButterworth_setFreqs   (tButterworth* const, float f1, float f2);
-typedef struct _tFIR
-    float* past;
-    float* coeff;
-    int numTaps;
-} tFIR;
-void        tFIR_init       (tFIR* const, float* coeffs, int numTaps);
-void        tFIR_free       (tFIR* const);
-float       tFIR_tick       (tFIR* const, float input);
-void        tFIR_coeffs      (tFIR* const, float in);
+    //==============================================================================
+    typedef struct _tFIR
+    {
+        float* past;
+        float* coeff;
+        int numTaps;
+    } _tFIR;
+    typedef _tFIR* tFIR;
+    void        tFIR_init       (tFIR* const, float* coeffs, int numTaps);
+    void        tFIR_free       (tFIR* const);
+    float       tFIR_tick       (tFIR* const, float input);
+    void        tFIR_coeffs      (tFIR* const, float in);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -310,3 +334,4 @@
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-instruments.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-instruments.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-instruments.h
+ Created: 30 Nov 2018 10:24:44am
+ Author:  airship
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-instruments.h
-    Created: 30 Nov 2018 10:24:44am
-    Author:  airship
@@ -12,167 +12,174 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-math.h"
+#include "leaf-mempool.h"
 #include "leaf-oscillators.h"
 #include "leaf-filters.h"
 #include "leaf-envelopes.h"
-// 808 Cowbell
-typedef struct _t808Cowbell {
+    //==============================================================================
-    tSquare p[2];
-    tNoise stick;
-    tSVF bandpassOsc;
-    tSVF bandpassStick;
-    tEnvelope envGain;
-    tEnvelope envStick;
-    tEnvelope envFilter;
-    tHighpass highpass;
-    float oscMix;
-    float filterCutoff;
-    oBool useStick;
+    // 808 Cowbell
+    typedef struct _t808Cowbell {
+        tSquare p[2];
+        tNoise stick;
+        tSVF bandpassOsc;
+        tSVF bandpassStick;
+        tEnvelope envGain;
+        tEnvelope envStick;
+        tEnvelope envFilter;
+        tHighpass highpass;
+        float oscMix;
+        float filterCutoff;
+        oBool useStick;
+    } _t808Cowbell;
-} t808Cowbell;
-void    t808Cowbell_init             (t808Cowbell* const, int useStick);
-void    t808Cowbell_free             (t808Cowbell* const);
-float   t808Cowbell_tick             (t808Cowbell* const);
-void    t808Cowbell_on               (t808Cowbell* const, float vel);
-void    t808Cowbell_setDecay         (t808Cowbell* const, float decay);
-void    t808Cowbell_setHighpassFreq  (t808Cowbell* const, float freq);
-void    t808Cowbell_setBandpassFreq  (t808Cowbell* const, float freq);
-void    t808Cowbell_setFreq          (t808Cowbell* const, float freq);
-void    t808Cowbell_setOscMix        (t808Cowbell* const, float oscMix);
-void    t808Cowbell_setStick         (t808Cowbell* const, int useStick);
+    typedef _t808Cowbell* t808Cowbell;
-// 808 Hihat
-typedef struct _t808Hihat {
+    void    t808Cowbell_init             (t808Cowbell* const, int useStick);
+    void    t808Cowbell_free             (t808Cowbell* const);
+    float   t808Cowbell_tick             (t808Cowbell* const);
+    void    t808Cowbell_on               (t808Cowbell* const, float vel);
+    void    t808Cowbell_setDecay         (t808Cowbell* const, float decay);
+    void    t808Cowbell_setHighpassFreq  (t808Cowbell* const, float freq);
+    void    t808Cowbell_setBandpassFreq  (t808Cowbell* const, float freq);
+    void    t808Cowbell_setFreq          (t808Cowbell* const, float freq);
+    void    t808Cowbell_setOscMix        (t808Cowbell* const, float oscMix);
+    void    t808Cowbell_setStick         (t808Cowbell* const, int useStick);
+    //==============================================================================
+    // 808 Hihat
+    typedef struct _t808Hihat {
+        // 6 Square waves
+        tSquare p[6];
+        tNoise n;
+        tSVF bandpassOsc;
+        tSVF bandpassStick;
+        tEnvelope envGain;
+        tEnvelope envStick;
+        tEnvelope noiseFMGain;
+        tHighpass highpass;
+        tNoise stick;
+        float freq;
+        float stretch;
+        float FM_amount;
+        float oscNoiseMix;
+    } _t808Hihat;
-    // 6 Square waves
-    tSquare p[6];
-    tNoise n;
-    tSVF bandpassOsc;
-    tSVF bandpassStick;
-    tEnvelope envGain;
-    tEnvelope envStick;
-    tEnvelope noiseFMGain;
-    tHighpass highpass;
-    tNoise stick;
-    float freq;
-    float stretch;
-    float FM_amount;
-    float oscNoiseMix;
+    typedef _t808Hihat* t808Hihat;
-} t808Hihat;
-void        t808Hihat_init               (t808Hihat* const);
-void        t808Hihat_free               (t808Hihat* const);
-float       t808Hihat_tick               (t808Hihat* const);
-void        t808Hihat_on                 (t808Hihat* const, float vel);
-void        t808Hihat_setOscNoiseMix     (t808Hihat* const, float oscNoiseMix);
-void        t808Hihat_setDecay           (t808Hihat* const, float decay);
-void        t808Hihat_setHighpassFreq    (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
-void        t808Hihat_setOscBandpassFreq  (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
-void 		t808Hihat_setOscBandpassQ		(t808Hihat* const hihat, float Q);
-void        t808Hihat_setStickBandPassFreq  (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
-void 		t808Hihat_setStickBandPassQ		(t808Hihat* const hihat, float Q);
-void        t808Hihat_setOscFreq         (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
-void 		t808Hihat_setStretch				(t808Hihat* const hihat, float stretch);
-void 		t808Hihat_setFM					(t808Hihat* const hihat, float FM_amount);
+    void        t808Hihat_init               (t808Hihat* const);
+    void        t808Hihat_free               (t808Hihat* const);
-// 808 Snare
-typedef struct _t808Snare {
+    float       t808Hihat_tick               (t808Hihat* const);
+    void        t808Hihat_on                 (t808Hihat* const, float vel);
+    void        t808Hihat_setOscNoiseMix     (t808Hihat* const, float oscNoiseMix);
+    void        t808Hihat_setDecay           (t808Hihat* const, float decay);
+    void        t808Hihat_setHighpassFreq    (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
+    void        t808Hihat_setOscBandpassFreq  (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
+    void         t808Hihat_setOscBandpassQ        (t808Hihat* const hihat, float Q);
+    void        t808Hihat_setStickBandPassFreq  (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
+    void         t808Hihat_setStickBandPassQ        (t808Hihat* const hihat, float Q);
+    void        t808Hihat_setOscFreq         (t808Hihat* const, float freq);
+    void         t808Hihat_setStretch                (t808Hihat* const hihat, float stretch);
+    void         t808Hihat_setFM                    (t808Hihat* const hihat, float FM_amount);
-    // Tone 1, Tone 2, Noise
-    tTriangle tone[2]; // Tri (not yet antialiased or wavetabled)
-    tNoise noiseOsc;
-    tSVF toneLowpass[2];
-    tSVF noiseLowpass; // Lowpass from SVF filter
-    tEnvelope toneEnvOsc[2];
-    tEnvelope toneEnvGain[2];
-    tEnvelope noiseEnvGain;
-    tEnvelope toneEnvFilter[2];
-    tEnvelope noiseEnvFilter;
+    //==============================================================================
-    float toneGain[2];
-    float noiseGain;
+    // 808 Snare
+    typedef struct _t808Snare {
+        // Tone 1, Tone 2, Noise
+        tTriangle tone[2]; // Tri (not yet antialiased or wavetabled)
+        tNoise noiseOsc;
+        tSVF toneLowpass[2];
+        tSVF noiseLowpass; // Lowpass from SVF filter
+        tEnvelope toneEnvOsc[2];
+        tEnvelope toneEnvGain[2];
+        tEnvelope noiseEnvGain;
+        tEnvelope toneEnvFilter[2];
+        tEnvelope noiseEnvFilter;
+        float toneGain[2];
+        float noiseGain;
+        float toneNoiseMix;
+        float tone1Freq, tone2Freq;
+        float noiseFilterFreq;
+    } _t808Snare;
-    float toneNoiseMix;
+    typedef _t808Snare* t808Snare;
-    float tone1Freq, tone2Freq;
+    void        t808Snare_init                  (t808Snare* const);
+    void        t808Snare_free                  (t808Snare* const);
-    float noiseFilterFreq;
+    float       t808Snare_tick                  (t808Snare* const);
+    void        t808Snare_on                    (t808Snare* const, float vel);
+    void        t808Snare_setTone1Freq          (t808Snare* const, float freq);
+    void        t808Snare_setTone2Freq          (t808Snare* const, float freq);
+    void        t808Snare_setTone1Decay         (t808Snare* const, float decay);
+    void        t808Snare_setTone2Decay         (t808Snare* const, float decay);
+    void        t808Snare_setNoiseDecay         (t808Snare* const, float decay);
+    void        t808Snare_setToneNoiseMix       (t808Snare* const, float toneNoiseMix);
+    void        t808Snare_setNoiseFilterFreq    (t808Snare* const, float noiseFilterFreq);
+    void        t808Snare_setNoiseFilterQ       (t808Snare* const, float noiseFilterQ);
+    //==============================================================================
-} t808Snare;
-void        t808Snare_init                  (t808Snare* const);
-void        t808Snare_free                  (t808Snare* const);
-float       t808Snare_tick                  (t808Snare* const);
-void        t808Snare_on                    (t808Snare* const, float vel);
-void        t808Snare_setTone1Freq          (t808Snare* const, float freq);
-void        t808Snare_setTone2Freq          (t808Snare* const, float freq);
-void        t808Snare_setTone1Decay         (t808Snare* const, float decay);
-void        t808Snare_setTone2Decay         (t808Snare* const, float decay);
-void        t808Snare_setNoiseDecay         (t808Snare* const, float decay);
-void        t808Snare_setToneNoiseMix       (t808Snare* const, float toneNoiseMix);
-void        t808Snare_setNoiseFilterFreq    (t808Snare* const, float noiseFilterFreq);
-void        t808Snare_setNoiseFilterQ       (t808Snare* const, float noiseFilterQ);
+    // 808 Kick
+    typedef struct _t808Kick {
+        tCycle tone; // Tri
+        tNoise noiseOsc;
+        tSVF toneLowpass;
+        tEnvelope toneEnvOscChirp;
+        tEnvelope toneEnvOscSigh;
+        tEnvelope toneEnvGain;
+        tEnvelope noiseEnvGain;
+        tEnvelope toneEnvFilter;
+        float toneGain;
+        float noiseGain;
+        float toneInitialFreq;
+        float sighAmountInHz;
+        float chirpRatioMinusOne;
+        float noiseFilterFreq;
+    } _t808Kick;
-// 808 Kick
-typedef struct _t808Kick {
-    tCycle tone; // Tri
-    tNoise noiseOsc;
-    tSVF toneLowpass;
-    tEnvelope toneEnvOscChirp;
-    tEnvelope toneEnvOscSigh;
-    tEnvelope toneEnvGain;
-    tEnvelope noiseEnvGain;
-    tEnvelope toneEnvFilter;
-    float toneGain;
-    float noiseGain;
-    float toneInitialFreq;
-    float sighAmountInHz;
-    float chirpRatioMinusOne;
-    float noiseFilterFreq;
-} t808Kick;
-void        t808Kick_init                  (t808Kick* const);
-void        t808Kick_free                  (t808Kick* const);
-float       t808Kick_tick                  (t808Kick* const);
-void        t808Kick_on                    (t808Kick* const, float vel);
-void        t808Kick_setToneFreq          (t808Kick* const, float freq);
-void        t808Kick_setToneDecay         (t808Kick* const, float decay);
-void        t808Kick_setNoiseDecay         (t808Kick* const, float decay);
-void        t808Kick_setSighAmount         (t808Kick* const, float sigh);
-void        t808Kick_setChirpAmount         (t808Kick* const, float chirp);
-void        t808Kick_setToneNoiseMix       (t808Kick* const, float toneNoiseMix);
-void        t808Kick_setNoiseFilterFreq    (t808Kick* const, float noiseFilterFreq);
-void        t808Kick_setNoiseFilterQ       (t808Kick* const, float noiseFilterQ);
+    typedef _t808Kick* t808Kick;
+    void        t808Kick_init                  (t808Kick* const);
+    void        t808Kick_free                  (t808Kick* const);
+    float       t808Kick_tick                  (t808Kick* const);
+    void        t808Kick_on                    (t808Kick* const, float vel);
+    void        t808Kick_setToneFreq          (t808Kick* const, float freq);
+    void        t808Kick_setToneDecay         (t808Kick* const, float decay);
+    void        t808Kick_setNoiseDecay         (t808Kick* const, float decay);
+    void        t808Kick_setSighAmount         (t808Kick* const, float sigh);
+    void        t808Kick_setChirpAmount         (t808Kick* const, float chirp);
+    void        t808Kick_setToneNoiseMix       (t808Kick* const, float toneNoiseMix);
+    void        t808Kick_setNoiseFilterFreq    (t808Kick* const, float noiseFilterFreq);
+    void        t808Kick_setNoiseFilterQ       (t808Kick* const, float noiseFilterQ);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -180,5 +187,6 @@
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-midi.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-midi.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-midi.h
+ Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:29:26am
+ Author:  airship
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-midi.h
-    Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:29:26am
-    Author:  airship
@@ -13,104 +13,108 @@
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-global.h"
 #include "leaf-mempool.h"
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-envelopes.h"
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-// STACK implementation (fixed size)
-#define STACK_SIZE 128
-typedef struct _tStack
-    int data[STACK_SIZE];
-    uint16_t pos;
-    uint16_t size;
-    uint16_t capacity;
-    oBool ordered;
+    //==============================================================================
-} tStack;
-void    tStack_init                 (tStack* const);
-void    tStack_free                 (tStack* const);
-void    tStack_setCapacity          (tStack* const, uint16_t cap);
-int     tStack_addIfNotAlreadyThere (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
-void    tStack_add                  (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
-int     tStack_remove               (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
-void    tStack_clear                (tStack* const);
-int     tStack_first                (tStack* const);
-int     tStack_getSize              (tStack* const);
-int     tStack_contains             (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
-int     tStack_next                 (tStack* const);
-int     tStack_get                  (tStack* const, int which);
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* tPoly */
-typedef struct _tPoly
-    tStack stack;
-    tStack orderStack;
+    // STACK implementation (fixed size)
+#define STACK_SIZE 128
+    typedef struct _tStack
+    {
+        int data[STACK_SIZE];
+        uint16_t pos;
+        uint16_t size;
+        uint16_t capacity;
+        oBool ordered;
+    } _tStack;
-    tRamp* ramps;
-    float* rampVals;
-    oBool* firstReceived;
-    float glideTime;
-    oBool pitchGlideIsActive;
+    typedef _tStack* tStack;
-    int numVoices;
-    int maxNumVoices;
+    void    tStack_init                 (tStack* const);
+    void    tStack_free                 (tStack* const);
-    //int voices[POLY_NUM_MAX_VOICES][2];
-    int** voices;
+    void    tStack_setCapacity          (tStack* const, uint16_t cap);
+    int     tStack_addIfNotAlreadyThere (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
+    void    tStack_add                  (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
+    int     tStack_remove               (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
+    void    tStack_clear                (tStack* const);
+    int     tStack_first                (tStack* const);
+    int     tStack_getSize              (tStack* const);
+    int     tStack_contains             (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
+    int     tStack_next                 (tStack* const);
+    int     tStack_get                  (tStack* const, int which);
-    int notes[128][2];
+    /* tPoly */
+    typedef struct _tPoly
+    {
+        tStack stack;
+        tStack orderStack;
+        tRamp* ramps;
+        float* rampVals;
+        oBool* firstReceived;
+        float glideTime;
+        oBool pitchGlideIsActive;
+        int numVoices;
+        int maxNumVoices;
+        //int voices[POLY_NUM_MAX_VOICES][2];
+        int** voices;
+        int notes[128][2];
+        int CCs[128];
+        uint8_t CCsRaw[128];
+        int lastVoiceToChange;
+        float pitchBend;
+        tRamp pitchBendRamp;
+        int currentNote;
+        int currentVoice;
+        int currentVelocity;
+        int maxLength;
+    } _tPoly;
-    int CCs[128];
+    typedef _tPoly* tPoly;
-    uint8_t CCsRaw[128];
+    /* MPoly*/
+    void    tPoly_init(tPoly* const, int maxNumVoices);
+    void    tPoly_free(tPoly* const);
-    int lastVoiceToChange;
+    int     tPoly_noteOn(tPoly* const, int note, uint8_t vel);
+    int     tPoly_noteOff(tPoly* const, uint8_t note);
+    void    tPoly_orderedAddToStack(tPoly* const, uint8_t noteVal);
+    void    tPoly_setNumVoices(tPoly* const, uint8_t numVoices);
-    float pitchBend;
-    tRamp pitchBendRamp;
+    void    tPoly_setPitchBend(tPoly* const, float pitchBend);
+    void    tPoly_setPitchGlideActive(tPoly* const, oBool isActive);
+    void    tPoly_setPitchGlideTime(tPoly* const, float t);
+    void    tPoly_tickPitch(tPoly* const);
+    void    tPoly_tickPitchGlide(tPoly* const);
+    void    tPoly_tickPitchBend(tPoly* const);
-    int currentNote;
-    int currentVoice;
-    int currentVelocity;
-    int maxLength;
+    int     tPoly_getNumVoices(tPoly* const);
+    float   tPoly_getPitch(tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
+    int     tPoly_getKey(tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
+    int     tPoly_getVelocity(tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
+    int     tPoly_isOn(tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
-} tPoly;
-/* MPoly*/
-void    tPoly_init(tPoly* const, int maxNumVoices);
-void    tPoly_free(tPoly* const);
-int     tPoly_noteOn(tPoly* const, int note, uint8_t vel);
-int     tPoly_noteOff(tPoly* const, uint8_t note);
-void    tPoly_orderedAddToStack(tPoly* const, uint8_t noteVal);
-void    tPoly_setNumVoices(tPoly* const, uint8_t numVoices);
-void    tPoly_setPitchBend(tPoly* const, float pitchBend);
-void    tPoly_setPitchGlideActive(tPoly* const, oBool isActive);
-void    tPoly_setPitchGlideTime(tPoly* const, float t);
-void    tPoly_tickPitch(tPoly* const);
-void    tPoly_tickPitchGlide(tPoly* const);
-void    tPoly_tickPitchBend(tPoly* const);
+    //==============================================================================
-int     tPoly_getNumVoices(tPoly* const);
-float   tPoly_getPitch(tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
-int     tPoly_getKey(tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
-int     tPoly_getVelocity(tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
-int     tPoly_isOn(tPoly* const, uint8_t voice);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -118,4 +122,5 @@
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-oscillators.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-oscillators.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-oscillators.h
+ Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:00:58pm
+ Author:  Michael R Mulshine
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-oscillators.h
-    Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:00:58pm
-    Author:  Michael R Mulshine
@@ -12,169 +12,184 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-filters.h"
-/* tCycle: Cycle/Sine waveform. Wavetable synthesis.*/
-typedef struct _tCycle
-    // Underlying phasor
-    float phase;
-    float inc,freq;
-} tCycle;
-void        tCycle_init         (tCycle*  const);
-void        tCycle_free         (tCycle*  const);
-float       tCycle_tick         (tCycle*  const);
-int         tCycle_setFreq      (tCycle*  const, float freq);
-/* tTriangle: Anti-aliased Triangle waveform using wavetable interpolation. Wavetables constructed from sine components. */
-typedef struct _tTriangle
-    // Underlying phasor
-    float phase;
-    float inc,freq;
+    //==============================================================================
-} tTriangle;
-void        tTriangle_init      (tTriangle*  const);
-void        tTriangle_free      (tTriangle*  const);
-float       tTriangle_tick      (tTriangle*  const);
-int         tTriangle_setFreq   (tTriangle*  const, float freq);
-/* tSquare: Anti-aliased Square waveform using wavetable interpolation. Wavetables constructed from sine components. */
-typedef struct _tSquare
-    // Underlying phasor
-    float phase;
-    float inc,freq;
+    /* tCycle: Cycle/Sine waveform. Wavetable synthesis.*/
+    typedef struct _tCycle
+    {
+        // Underlying phasor
+        float phase;
+        float inc,freq;
+    } _tCycle;
-} tSquare;
-void        tSquare_init        (tSquare*  const);
-void        tSquare_free        (tSquare*  const);
-float       tSquare_tick        (tSquare*  const);
-int         tSquare_setFreq     (tSquare*  const, float freq);
+    typedef _tCycle* tCycle;
-/* tSawtooth: Anti-aliased Sawtooth waveform using wavetable interpolation. Wavetables constructed from sine components. */
-typedef struct _tSawtooth
-    // Underlying phasor
-    float phase;
-    float inc,freq;
+    void        tCycle_init         (tCycle*  const);
+    void        tCycle_free         (tCycle*  const);
-} tSawtooth;
-void        tSawtooth_init      (tSawtooth*  const);
-void        tSawtooth_free      (tSawtooth*  const);
-float       tSawtooth_tick      (tSawtooth*  const);
-int         tSawtooth_setFreq   (tSawtooth*  const, float freq);
+    float       tCycle_tick         (tCycle*  const);
+    void         tCycle_setFreq      (tCycle*  const, float freq);
-/* tPhasor: Aliasing phasor [0.0, 1.0) */
-typedef struct _tPhasor
-    float phase;
-    float inc,freq;
+    //==============================================================================
-} tPhasor;
-void        tPhasor_init        (tPhasor*  const);
-void        tPhasor_free        (tPhasor*  const);
-float       tPhasor_tick        (tPhasor*  const);
-int         tPhasor_setFreq     (tPhasor*  const, float freq);
-/* tNoise. WhiteNoise, PinkNoise. */
-typedef enum NoiseType
-    WhiteNoise=0,
-    PinkNoise,
-    NoiseTypeNil,
-} NoiseType;
-typedef struct _tNoise
-    NoiseType type;
-    float pinkb0, pinkb1, pinkb2;
-    float(*rand)(void);
+    /* tTriangle: Anti-aliased Triangle waveform using wavetable interpolation. Wavetables constructed from sine components. */
+    typedef struct _tTriangle
+    {
+        // Underlying phasor
+        float phase;
+        float inc,freq;
+    } _tTriangle;
-} tNoise;
-void        tNoise_init          (tNoise* const, NoiseType type);
-void        tNoise_free          (tNoise* const);
-float       tNoise_tick          (tNoise*  const);
+    typedef _tTriangle* tTriangle;
-/* tNeuron */
-typedef enum NeuronMode
-    NeuronNormal = 0,
-    NeuronTanh,
-    NeuronAaltoShaper,
-    NeuronModeNil
-} NeuronMode;
-typedef struct _tNeuron
-    tPoleZero f;
+    void        tTriangle_init      (tTriangle*  const);
+    void        tTriangle_free      (tTriangle*  const);
-    NeuronMode mode;
+    float       tTriangle_tick      (tTriangle*  const);
+    int         tTriangle_setFreq   (tTriangle*  const, float freq);
-    float voltage, current;
-    float timeStep;
+    //==============================================================================
-    float alpha[3];
-    float beta[3];
-    float rate[3];
-    float V[3];
-    float P[3];
-    float gK, gN, gL, C;
-} tNeuron;
-void        tNeuron_init        (tNeuron* const);
-void        tNeuron_free        (tNeuron* const);
-void        tNeuron_reset       (tNeuron* const);
-float       tNeuron_Tick        (tNeuron* const);
-void        tNeuron_setMode     (tNeuron* const, NeuronMode mode);
-void        tNeuron_setCurrent  (tNeuron* const, float current);
-void        tNeuron_setK        (tNeuron* const, float K);
-void        tNeuron_setL        (tNeuron* const, float L);
-void        tNeuron_setN        (tNeuron* const, float N);
-void        tNeuron_setC        (tNeuron* const, float C);
-void        tNeuron_setV1       (tNeuron* const, float V1);
-void        tNeuron_setV2       (tNeuron* const, float V2);
-void        tNeuron_setV3       (tNeuron* const, float V3);
-void        tNeuron_setTimeStep (tNeuron* const, float timestep);
+    /* tSquare: Anti-aliased Square waveform using wavetable interpolation. Wavetables constructed from sine components. */
+    typedef struct _tSquare
+    {
+        // Underlying phasor
+        float phase;
+        float inc,freq;
+    } _tSquare;
+    typedef _tSquare* tSquare;
+    void        tSquare_init        (tSquare*  const);
+    void        tSquare_free        (tSquare*  const);
+    float       tSquare_tick        (tSquare*  const);
+    int         tSquare_setFreq     (tSquare*  const, float freq);
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* tSawtooth: Anti-aliased Sawtooth waveform using wavetable interpolation. Wavetables constructed from sine components. */
+    typedef struct _tSawtooth
+    {
+        // Underlying phasor
+        float phase;
+        float inc,freq;
+    } _tSawtooth;
+    typedef _tSawtooth* tSawtooth;
+    void        tSawtooth_init      (tSawtooth*  const);
+    void        tSawtooth_free      (tSawtooth*  const);
+    float       tSawtooth_tick      (tSawtooth*  const);
+    int         tSawtooth_setFreq   (tSawtooth*  const, float freq);
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* tPhasor: Aliasing phasor [0.0, 1.0) */
+    typedef struct _tPhasor
+    {
+        float phase;
+        float inc,freq;
+    } _tPhasor;
+    typedef _tPhasor* tPhasor;
+    void        tPhasor_init        (tPhasor*  const);
+    void        tPhasor_free        (tPhasor*  const);
+    float       tPhasor_tick        (tPhasor*  const);
+    int         tPhasor_setFreq     (tPhasor*  const, float freq);
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* tNoise. WhiteNoise, PinkNoise. */
+    typedef enum NoiseType
+    {
+        WhiteNoise=0,
+        PinkNoise,
+        NoiseTypeNil,
+    } NoiseType;
+    typedef struct _tNoise
+    {
+        NoiseType type;
+        float pinkb0, pinkb1, pinkb2;
+        float(*rand)(void);
+    } _tNoise;
+    typedef _tNoise* tNoise;
+    void        tNoise_init          (tNoise* const, NoiseType type);
+    void        tNoise_free          (tNoise* const);
+    float       tNoise_tick          (tNoise*  const);
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* tNeuron */
+    typedef enum NeuronMode
+    {
+        NeuronNormal = 0,
+        NeuronTanh,
+        NeuronAaltoShaper,
+        NeuronModeNil
+    } NeuronMode;
+    typedef struct _tNeuron
+    {
+        tPoleZero f;
+        NeuronMode mode;
+        float voltage, current;
+        float timeStep;
+        float alpha[3];
+        float beta[3];
+        float rate[3];
+        float V[3];
+        float P[3];
+        float gK, gN, gL, C;
+    } _tNeuron;
+    typedef _tNeuron* tNeuron;
+    void        tNeuron_init        (tNeuron* const);
+    void        tNeuron_free        (tNeuron* const);
+    void        tNeuron_reset       (tNeuron* const);
+    float       tNeuron_Tick        (tNeuron* const);
+    void        tNeuron_setMode     (tNeuron* const, NeuronMode mode);
+    void        tNeuron_setCurrent  (tNeuron* const, float current);
+    void        tNeuron_setK        (tNeuron* const, float K);
+    void        tNeuron_setL        (tNeuron* const, float L);
+    void        tNeuron_setN        (tNeuron* const, float N);
+    void        tNeuron_setC        (tNeuron* const, float C);
+    void        tNeuron_setV1       (tNeuron* const, float V1);
+    void        tNeuron_setV2       (tNeuron* const, float V2);
+    void        tNeuron_setV3       (tNeuron* const, float V3);
+    void        tNeuron_setTimeStep (tNeuron* const, float timestep);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-physical.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-physical.h
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-  ==============================================================================
+ ==============================================================================
+ leaf-physical.h
+ Created: 30 Nov 2018 10:41:55am
+ Author:  airship
+ ==============================================================================
+ */
-    leaf-physical.h
-    Created: 30 Nov 2018 10:41:55am
-    Author:  airship
-  ==============================================================================
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-global.h"
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-delay.h"
@@ -24,194 +24,202 @@
 #include "leaf-oscillators.h"
 #include "leaf-envelopes.h"
 #include "leaf-dynamics.h"
-/* Karplus Strong model */
-typedef struct _tPluck
-    tAllpassDelay     delayLine; // Allpass or Linear??  big difference...
-    tOneZero    loopFilter;
-    tOnePole    pickFilter;
-    tNoise      noise;
-    float lastOut;
-    float loopGain;
-    float lastFreq;
+    //==============================================================================
-    float sr;
+    /* Karplus Strong model */
+    typedef struct _tPluck
+    {
+        tAllpassDelay     delayLine; // Allpass or Linear??  big difference...
+        tOneZero    loopFilter;
+        tOnePole    pickFilter;
+        tNoise      noise;
+        float lastOut;
+        float loopGain;
+        float lastFreq;
+        float sr;
+    } _tPluck;
-} tPluck;
-void        tPluck_init          (tPluck*  const, float lowestFrequency); //float delayBuff[DELAY_LENGTH]);
-void        tPluck_free          (tPluck*  const);
-float       tPluck_tick          (tPluck*  const);
-// Pluck the string.
-void        tPluck_pluck         (tPluck*  const, float amplitude);
-// Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
-void        tPluck_noteOn        (tPluck*  const, float frequency, float amplitude );
-// Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
-void        tPluck_noteOff       (tPluck*  const, float amplitude );
-// Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
-void        tPluck_setFrequency  (tPluck*  const, float frequency );
-// Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
-void        tPluck_controlChange (tPluck*  const, int number, float value);
-// tPluck Utilities.
-float       tPluck_getLastOut    (tPluck*  const);
+    typedef _tPluck* tPluck;
-/* Stif Karplus Strong model */
-typedef struct _tKarplusStrong
-    tAllpassDelay  delayLine;
-    tLinearDelay combDelay;
-    tOneZero filter;
-    tNoise   noise;
-    tBiQuad  biquad[4];
+    void        tPluck_init          (tPluck*  const, float lowestFrequency); //float delayBuff[DELAY_LENGTH]);
+    void        tPluck_free          (tPluck*  const);
+    float       tPluck_tick          (tPluck*  const);
+    // Pluck the string.
+    void        tPluck_pluck         (tPluck*  const, float amplitude);
-    uint32_t length;
-    float loopGain;
-    float baseLoopGain;
-    float lastFrequency;
-    float lastLength;
-    float stretching;
-    float pluckAmplitude;
-    float pickupPosition;
+    // Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
+    void        tPluck_noteOn        (tPluck*  const, float frequency, float amplitude );
-    float lastOut;
+    // Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
+    void        tPluck_noteOff       (tPluck*  const, float amplitude );
-} tKarplusStrong;
-typedef enum SKControlType
-    SKPickPosition = 0,
-    SKStringDamping,
-    SKDetune,
-    SKControlTypeNil
-} SKControlType;
-void        tKarplusStrong_init               (tKarplusStrong* const, float lowestFrequency); // float delayBuff[2][DELAY_LENGTH]);
-void        tKarplusStrong_free               (tKarplusStrong* const);
-float       tKarplusStrong_tick               (tKarplusStrong*  const);
-// Pluck the string.
-void        tKarplusStrong_pluck              (tKarplusStrong*  const, float amplitude);
-// Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
-void        tKarplusStrong_noteOn             (tKarplusStrong*  const, float frequency, float amplitude );
-// Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
-void        tKarplusStrong_noteOff            (tKarplusStrong*  const, float amplitude );
-// Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
-void        tKarplusStrong_setFrequency       (tKarplusStrong*  const, float frequency );
-// Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
-// Use SKPickPosition, SKStringDamping, or SKDetune for type.
-void        tKarplusStrong_controlChange      (tKarplusStrong*  const, SKControlType type, float value);
-// Set the stretch "factor" of the string (0.0 - 1.0).
-void        tKarplusStrong_setStretch         (tKarplusStrong*  const, float stretch );
-// Set the pluck or "excitation" position along the string (0.0 - 1.0).
-void        tKarplusStrong_setPickupPosition  (tKarplusStrong*  const, float position );
-// Set the base loop gain.
-void        tKarplusStrong_setBaseLoopGain    (tKarplusStrong*  const, float aGain );
-// tKarplusStrong utilities.
-float       tKarplusStrong_getLastOut         (tKarplusStrong*  const);
+    // Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
+    void        tPluck_setFrequency  (tPluck*  const, float frequency );
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* Simple Living String */
-typedef struct _tSimpleLivingString {
-    float freq, waveLengthInSamples;        // the frequency of the string, determining delay length
-    float dampFreq;    // frequency for the bridge LP filter, in Hz
-    float decay; // amplitude damping factor for the string (only active in mode 0)
-    float levMode;
-    float curr;
-    tLinearDelay delayLine;
-    tOnePole bridgeFilter;
-    tHighpass DCblocker;
-    tFeedbackLeveler fbLev;
-    tExpSmooth wlSmooth;
-} tSimpleLivingString;
-void    tSimpleLivingString_init      (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode);
-void    tSimpleLivingString_free      (tSimpleLivingString* const);
-float   tSimpleLivingString_tick      (tSimpleLivingString* const, float input);
-float   tSimpleLivingString_sample    (tSimpleLivingString* const);
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setFreq               (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq);
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setWaveLength        (tSimpleLivingString* const, float waveLength); // in samples
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setDampFreq           (tSimpleLivingString* const, float dampFreq);
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setDecay             (tSimpleLivingString* const, float decay); // should be near 1.0
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setTargetLev        (tSimpleLivingString* const, float targetLev);
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor  (tSimpleLivingString* const, float levSmoothFactor);
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setLevStrength        (tSimpleLivingString* const, float levStrength);
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setLevMode        (tSimpleLivingString* const, int levMode);
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-/* Living String */
-typedef struct _tLivingString {
-    float freq, waveLengthInSamples;        // the frequency of the whole string, determining delay length
-    float pickPos;    // the pick position, dividing the string in two, in ratio
-    float prepIndex;    // the amount of pressure on the pickpoint of the string (near 0=soft obj, near 1=hard obj)
-    float dampFreq;    // frequency for the bridge LP filter, in Hz
-    float decay; // amplitude damping factor for the string (only active in mode 0)
-    float levMode;
-    float curr;
-    tLinearDelay delLF,delUF,delUB,delLB;    // delay for lower/upper/forward/backward part of the waveguide model
-    tOnePole bridgeFilter, nutFilter, prepFilterU, prepFilterL;
-    tHighpass DCblockerL, DCblockerU;
-    tFeedbackLeveler fbLevU, fbLevL;
-    tExpSmooth wlSmooth, ppSmooth;
-} tLivingString;
-void    tLivingString_init      (tLivingString* const, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex, float dampFreq, float decay,
-                                 float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode);
-void    tLivingString_free      (tLivingString* const);
-float   tLivingString_tick      (tLivingString* const, float input);
-float   tLivingString_sample    (tLivingString* const);
-int     tLivingString_setFreq               (tLivingString* const, float freq);
-int     tLivingString_setWaveLength            (tLivingString* const, float waveLength); // in samples
-int     tLivingString_setPickPos               (tLivingString* const, float pickPos);
-int     tLivingString_setPrepIndex             (tLivingString* const, float prepIndex);
-int     tLivingString_setDampFreq           (tLivingString* const, float dampFreq);
-int     tLivingString_setDecay                 (tLivingString* const, float decay); // should be near 1.0
-int     tLivingString_setTargetLev            (tLivingString* const, float targetLev);
-int     tLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor      (tLivingString* const, float levSmoothFactor);
-int     tLivingString_setLevStrength        (tLivingString* const, float levStrength);
-int     tLivingString_setLevMode            (tLivingString* const, int levMode);
+    // Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
+    void        tPluck_controlChange (tPluck*  const, int number, float value);
-// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-//Reed Table - borrowed from STK
-typedef struct _tReedTable {
-    float offset, slope;
-} tReedTable;
-void    tReedTable_init      (tReedTable* const, float offset, float slope);
-void    tReedTable_free      (tReedTable* const);
-float   tReedTable_tick      (tReedTable* const, float input);
-float   tReedTable_tanh_tick     (tReedTable* const p, float input); //tanh softclip version of reed table - replacing the hard clip in original stk code
-void     tReedTable_setOffset   (tReedTable* const, float offset);
-void     tReedTable_setSlope (tReedTable* const, float slope);
+    // tPluck Utilities.
+    float       tPluck_getLastOut    (tPluck*  const);
+    //==============================================================================
+    typedef enum SKControlType
+    {
+        SKPickPosition = 0,
+        SKStringDamping,
+        SKDetune,
+        SKControlTypeNil
+    } SKControlType;
+    /* Stif Karplus Strong model */
+    typedef struct _tKarplusStrong
+    {
+        tAllpassDelay  delayLine;
+        tLinearDelay combDelay;
+        tOneZero filter;
+        tNoise   noise;
+        tBiQuad  biquad[4];
+        uint32_t length;
+        float loopGain;
+        float baseLoopGain;
+        float lastFrequency;
+        float lastLength;
+        float stretching;
+        float pluckAmplitude;
+        float pickupPosition;
+        float lastOut;
+    } _tKarplusStrong;
+    typedef _tKarplusStrong* tKarplusStrong;
+    void        tKarplusStrong_init               (tKarplusStrong* const, float lowestFrequency); // float delayBuff[2][DELAY_LENGTH]);
+    void        tKarplusStrong_free               (tKarplusStrong* const);
+    float       tKarplusStrong_tick               (tKarplusStrong*  const);
+    // Pluck the string.
+    void        tKarplusStrong_pluck              (tKarplusStrong*  const, float amplitude);
+    // Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
+    void        tKarplusStrong_noteOn             (tKarplusStrong*  const, float frequency, float amplitude );
+    // Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
+    void        tKarplusStrong_noteOff            (tKarplusStrong*  const, float amplitude );
+    // Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
+    void        tKarplusStrong_setFrequency       (tKarplusStrong*  const, float frequency );
+    // Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
+    // Use SKPickPosition, SKStringDamping, or SKDetune for type.
+    void        tKarplusStrong_controlChange      (tKarplusStrong*  const, SKControlType type, float value);
+    // Set the stretch "factor" of the string (0.0 - 1.0).
+    void        tKarplusStrong_setStretch         (tKarplusStrong*  const, float stretch );
+    // Set the pluck or "excitation" position along the string (0.0 - 1.0).
+    void        tKarplusStrong_setPickupPosition  (tKarplusStrong*  const, float position );
+    // Set the base loop gain.
+    void        tKarplusStrong_setBaseLoopGain    (tKarplusStrong*  const, float aGain );
+    // tKarplusStrong utilities.
+    float       tKarplusStrong_getLastOut         (tKarplusStrong*  const);
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    /* Simple Living String */
+    typedef struct _tSimpleLivingString {
+        float freq, waveLengthInSamples;        // the frequency of the string, determining delay length
+        float dampFreq;    // frequency for the bridge LP filter, in Hz
+        float decay; // amplitude damping factor for the string (only active in mode 0)
+        float levMode;
+        float curr;
+        tLinearDelay delayLine;
+        tOnePole bridgeFilter;
+        tHighpass DCblocker;
+        tFeedbackLeveler fbLev;
+        tExpSmooth wlSmooth;
+    } _tSimpleLivingString;
+    typedef _tSimpleLivingString* tSimpleLivingString;
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_init      (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode);
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_free      (tSimpleLivingString* const);
+    float   tSimpleLivingString_tick      (tSimpleLivingString* const, float input);
+    float   tSimpleLivingString_sample    (tSimpleLivingString* const);
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_setFreq               (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq);
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_setWaveLength        (tSimpleLivingString* const, float waveLength); // in samples
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_setDampFreq           (tSimpleLivingString* const, float dampFreq);
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_setDecay             (tSimpleLivingString* const, float decay); // should be near 1.0
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_setTargetLev        (tSimpleLivingString* const, float targetLev);
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor  (tSimpleLivingString* const, float levSmoothFactor);
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_setLevStrength        (tSimpleLivingString* const, float levStrength);
+    void    tSimpleLivingString_setLevMode        (tSimpleLivingString* const, int levMode);
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    /* Living String */
+    typedef struct _tLivingString {
+        float freq, waveLengthInSamples;        // the frequency of the whole string, determining delay length
+        float pickPos;    // the pick position, dividing the string in two, in ratio
+        float prepIndex;    // the amount of pressure on the pickpoint of the string (near 0=soft obj, near 1=hard obj)
+        float dampFreq;    // frequency for the bridge LP filter, in Hz
+        float decay; // amplitude damping factor for the string (only active in mode 0)
+        float levMode;
+        float curr;
+        tLinearDelay delLF,delUF,delUB,delLB;    // delay for lower/upper/forward/backward part of the waveguide model
+        tOnePole bridgeFilter, nutFilter, prepFilterU, prepFilterL;
+        tHighpass DCblockerL, DCblockerU;
+        tFeedbackLeveler fbLevU, fbLevL;
+        tExpSmooth wlSmooth, ppSmooth;
+    } _tLivingString;
+    typedef _tLivingString* tLivingString;
+    void    tLivingString_init      (tLivingString* const, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex, float dampFreq, float decay,
+                                     float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode);
+    void    tLivingString_free      (tLivingString* const);
+    float   tLivingString_tick      (tLivingString* const, float input);
+    float   tLivingString_sample    (tLivingString* const);
+    void    tLivingString_setFreq               (tLivingString* const, float freq);
+    void    tLivingString_setWaveLength            (tLivingString* const, float waveLength); // in samples
+    void    tLivingString_setPickPos               (tLivingString* const, float pickPos);
+    void    tLivingString_setPrepIndex             (tLivingString* const, float prepIndex);
+    void    tLivingString_setDampFreq           (tLivingString* const, float dampFreq);
+    void    tLivingString_setDecay                 (tLivingString* const, float decay); // should be near 1.0
+    void    tLivingString_setTargetLev            (tLivingString* const, float targetLev);
+    void    tLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor      (tLivingString* const, float levSmoothFactor);
+    void    tLivingString_setLevStrength        (tLivingString* const, float levStrength);
+    void    tLivingString_setLevMode            (tLivingString* const, int levMode);
+    // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
+    //Reed Table - borrowed from STK
+    typedef struct _tReedTable {
+        float offset, slope;
+    } _tReedTable;
+    typedef _tReedTable* tReedTable;
+    void    tReedTable_init      (tReedTable* const, float offset, float slope);
+    void    tReedTable_free      (tReedTable* const);
+    float   tReedTable_tick      (tReedTable* const, float input);
+    float   tReedTable_tanh_tick     (tReedTable* const p, float input); //tanh softclip version of reed table - replacing the hard clip in original stk code
+    void     tReedTable_setOffset   (tReedTable* const, float offset);
+    void     tReedTable_setSlope (tReedTable* const, float slope);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -219,3 +227,4 @@
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-reverb.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-reverb.h
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-reverb.h
+ Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:04pm
+ Author:  Michael R Mulshine
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-reverb.h
-    Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:04pm
-    Author:  Michael R Mulshine
@@ -12,132 +12,138 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-global.h"
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-delay.h"
 #include "leaf-filters.h"
 #include "leaf-oscillators.h"
-/* PRCReverb: Reverb, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tPRCReverb
-    float mix, t60;
-    float inv_441;
+    //==============================================================================
-    tDelay allpassDelays[2];
-    tDelay combDelay;
-    float allpassCoeff;
-    float combCoeff;
+    /* PRCReverb: Reverb, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tPRCReverb
+    {
+        float mix, t60;
+        float inv_441;
+        tDelay allpassDelays[2];
+        tDelay combDelay;
+        float allpassCoeff;
+        float combCoeff;
+        float lastIn, lastOut;
+    } _tPRCReverb;
-    float lastIn, lastOut;
+    typedef _tPRCReverb* tPRCReverb;
-} tPRCReverb;
-void    tPRCReverb_init    (tPRCReverb* const, float t60);
-void    tPRCReverb_free    (tPRCReverb* const);
-float   tPRCReverb_tick    (tPRCReverb* const, float input);
-// Set reverb time in seconds.
-void    tPRCReverb_setT60  (tPRCReverb* const, float t60);
-// Set mix between dry input and wet output signal.
-void    tPRCReverb_setMix  (tPRCReverb* const, float mix);
-/* NReverb: Reverb, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
-typedef struct _tNReverb
-    float mix, t60;
+    void    tPRCReverb_init    (tPRCReverb* const, float t60);
+    void    tPRCReverb_free    (tPRCReverb* const);
-    float inv_sr, inv_441;
+    float   tPRCReverb_tick    (tPRCReverb* const, float input);
-    tDelay allpassDelays[8];
-    tDelay combDelays[6];
-    float allpassCoeff;
-    float combCoeffs[6];
-    float lowpassState;
+    // Set reverb time in seconds.
+    void    tPRCReverb_setT60  (tPRCReverb* const, float t60);
-    float lastIn, lastOut;
+    // Set mix between dry input and wet output signal.
+    void    tPRCReverb_setMix  (tPRCReverb* const, float mix);
-} tNReverb;
-void    tNReverb_init      (tNReverb* const, float t60);
-void    tNReverb_free      (tNReverb* const);
-float   tNReverb_tick      (tNReverb* const, float input);
-// Set reverb time in seconds.
-void    tNReverb_setT60    (tNReverb* const, float t60);
-// Set mix between dry input and wet output signal.
-void    tNReverb_setMix    (tNReverb*  const, float mix);
-typedef struct _tDattorroReverb
-    float   predelay;
-    float   input_filter;
-    float   feedback_filter;
-    float   feedback_gain;
-    float   mix;
+    //==============================================================================
+    /* NReverb: Reverb, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
+    typedef struct _tNReverb
+    {
+        float mix, t60;
+        float inv_sr, inv_441;
+        tDelay allpassDelays[8];
+        tDelay combDelays[6];
+        float allpassCoeff;
+        float combCoeffs[6];
+        float lowpassState;
+        float lastIn, lastOut;
+    } _tNReverb;
-    float   size, size_max, t;
+    typedef _tNReverb* tNReverb;
-    float   f1_delay_2_last,
-    f2_delay_2_last;
+    void    tNReverb_init      (tNReverb* const, float t60);
+    void    tNReverb_free      (tNReverb* const);
-    float   f1_last,
-    f2_last;
+    float   tNReverb_tick      (tNReverb* const, float input);
-    // INPUT
-    tTapeDelay  in_delay;
-    tOnePole    in_filter;
-    tAllpass    in_allpass[4];
+    // Set reverb time in seconds.
+    void    tNReverb_setT60    (tNReverb* const, float t60);
-    // FEEDBACK 1
-    tAllpass    f1_allpass;
-    tTapeDelay  f1_delay_1;
-    tOnePole    f1_filter;
-    tTapeDelay  f1_delay_2;
-    tTapeDelay  f1_delay_3;
-    tHighpass   f1_hp;
+    // Set mix between dry input and wet output signal.
+    void    tNReverb_setMix    (tNReverb*  const, float mix);
-    tCycle      f1_lfo;
+    //==============================================================================
-    // FEEDBACK 2
-    tAllpass    f2_allpass;
-    tTapeDelay  f2_delay_1;
-    tOnePole    f2_filter;
-    tTapeDelay  f2_delay_2;
-    tTapeDelay  f2_delay_3;
-    tHighpass   f2_hp;
+    typedef struct _tDattorroReverb
+    {
+        float   predelay;
+        float   input_filter;
+        float   feedback_filter;
+        float   feedback_gain;
+        float   mix;
+        float   size, size_max, t;
+        float   f1_delay_2_last,
+        f2_delay_2_last;
+        float   f1_last,
+        f2_last;
+        // INPUT
+        tTapeDelay  in_delay;
+        tOnePole    in_filter;
+        tAllpass    in_allpass[4];
+        // FEEDBACK 1
+        tAllpass    f1_allpass;
+        tTapeDelay  f1_delay_1;
+        tOnePole    f1_filter;
+        tTapeDelay  f1_delay_2;
+        tTapeDelay  f1_delay_3;
+        tHighpass   f1_hp;
+        tCycle      f1_lfo;
+        // FEEDBACK 2
+        tAllpass    f2_allpass;
+        tTapeDelay  f2_delay_1;
+        tOnePole    f2_filter;
+        tTapeDelay  f2_delay_2;
+        tTapeDelay  f2_delay_3;
+        tHighpass   f2_hp;
+        tCycle      f2_lfo;
+    } _tDattorroReverb;
-    tCycle      f2_lfo;
+    typedef _tDattorroReverb* tDattorroReverb;
-} tDattorroReverb;
-void    tDattorroReverb_init              (tDattorroReverb* const);
-void    tDattorroReverb_free              (tDattorroReverb* const);
-float   tDattorroReverb_tick              (tDattorroReverb* const, float input);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setMix            (tDattorroReverb* const, float mix);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setSize           (tDattorroReverb* const, float size);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay     (tDattorroReverb* const, float preDelay);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter    (tDattorroReverb* const, float freq);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter (tDattorroReverb* const, float freq);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain   (tDattorroReverb* const, float gain);
+    void    tDattorroReverb_init              (tDattorroReverb* const);
+    void    tDattorroReverb_free              (tDattorroReverb* const);
+    float   tDattorroReverb_tick              (tDattorroReverb* const, float input);
+    void    tDattorroReverb_setMix            (tDattorroReverb* const, float mix);
+    void    tDattorroReverb_setSize           (tDattorroReverb* const, float size);
+    void    tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay     (tDattorroReverb* const, float preDelay);
+    void    tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter    (tDattorroReverb* const, float freq);
+    void    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter (tDattorroReverb* const, float freq);
+    void    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain   (tDattorroReverb* const, float gain);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -145,3 +151,4 @@
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-sampling.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-sampling.h
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
+ leaf-sampling.h
+ Created: 23 Jan 2019 11:22:09am
+ Author:  Mike Mulshine
+ ==============================================================================*/
-Created: 23 Jan 2019 11:22:09am
-Author:  Mike Mulshine
@@ -13,108 +13,114 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
+    //==============================================================================
 #include "leaf-global.h"
 #include "leaf-math.h"
 #include "leaf-envelopes.h"
-typedef enum RecordMode
-    RecordOneShot = 0,
-    RecordLoop,
-    RecordModeNil
-} RecordMode;
-typedef struct _tBuffer
-    float* buff;
-    uint32_t idx;
-    uint32_t length;
+    //==============================================================================
-    RecordMode mode;
+    typedef enum RecordMode
+    {
+        RecordOneShot = 0,
+        RecordLoop,
+        RecordModeNil
+    } RecordMode;
-    int active;
+    typedef struct _tBuffer
+    {
+        float* buff;
+        uint32_t idx;
+        uint32_t length;
+        RecordMode mode;
+        int active;
+    } _tBuffer;
-} tBuffer;
-void  tBuffer_init (tBuffer* const, uint32_t length);
-void  tBuffer_free (tBuffer* const);
-void  tBuffer_tick (tBuffer* const, float sample);
-void  tBuffer_read(tBuffer* const, float* buff, uint32_t len);
-float tBuffer_get (tBuffer* const, int idx);
-void  tBuffer_record (tBuffer* const);
-void  tBuffer_stop (tBuffer* const);
-void  tBuffer_setRecordMode (tBuffer* const, RecordMode mode);
-void  tBuffer_clear (tBuffer* const);
-typedef enum PlayMode
-    PlayNormal,
-    PlayLoop,
-    PlayBackAndForth,
-    PlayModeNil
-} PlayMode;
-typedef struct _tSampler
-    tBuffer* samp;
+    typedef _tBuffer* tBuffer;
-    tRamp gain;
+    void  tBuffer_init (tBuffer* const, uint32_t length);
+    void  tBuffer_free (tBuffer* const);
-    float idx;
-    float inc;
-    float last;
-    float iinc;
-    int8_t dir;
-    int8_t flip;
-    int8_t bnf;
+    void  tBuffer_tick (tBuffer* const, float sample);
-    int32_t start;
-    int32_t end;
-    uint32_t len;
-    uint32_t cfxlen;
-    PlayMode mode;
-    int retrigger;
+    void  tBuffer_read(tBuffer* const, float* buff, uint32_t len);
-    int active;
-} tSampler;
-void    tSampler_init      (tSampler* const, tBuffer* const);
-void    tSampler_free      (tSampler* const);
-float   tSampler_tick      (tSampler* const);
-void    tSampler_setSample (tSampler* const, tBuffer* s);
-void    tSampler_setMode   (tSampler* const, PlayMode mode);
-void    tSampler_play      (tSampler* const);
-void    tSampler_stop      (tSampler* const);
-void    tSampler_setStart  (tSampler* const, int32_t start);
-void    tSampler_setEnd    (tSampler* const, int32_t end);
-void    tSampler_setCrossfadeLength  (tSampler* const p, uint32_t length);
-void    tSampler_setRate   (tSampler* const, float rate);
+    float tBuffer_get (tBuffer* const, int idx);
+    void  tBuffer_record (tBuffer* const);
+    void  tBuffer_stop (tBuffer* const);
+    void  tBuffer_setRecordMode (tBuffer* const, RecordMode mode);
+    void  tBuffer_clear (tBuffer* const);
+    uint32_t tBuffe_getLength(tBuffer* const);
+    //==============================================================================
+    typedef enum PlayMode
+    {
+        PlayNormal,
+        PlayLoop,
+        PlayBackAndForth,
+        PlayModeNil
+    } PlayMode;
+    typedef struct _tSampler
+    {
+        tBuffer samp;
+        tRamp gain;
+        float idx;
+        float inc;
+        float last;
+        float iinc;
+        int8_t dir;
+        int8_t flip;
+        int8_t bnf;
+        int32_t start;
+        int32_t end;
+        uint32_t len;
+        uint32_t cfxlen;
+        PlayMode mode;
+        int retrigger;
+        int active;
+    } _tSampler;
+    typedef _tSampler* tSampler;
+    void    tSampler_init      (tSampler* const, uint32_t length);
+    void    tSampler_free      (tSampler* const);
+    float   tSampler_tick      (tSampler* const);
+    tBuffer tSampler_getBuffer (tSampler* const);
+    void    tSampler_setMode   (tSampler* const, PlayMode mode);
+    void    tSampler_play      (tSampler* const);
+    void    tSampler_stop      (tSampler* const);
+    void    tSampler_setStart  (tSampler* const, int32_t start);
+    void    tSampler_setEnd    (tSampler* const, int32_t end);
+    void    tSampler_setCrossfadeLength  (tSampler* const p, uint32_t length);
+    void    tSampler_setRate   (tSampler* const, float rate);
+    //==============================================================================
 #ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -122,3 +128,4 @@
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-analysis.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-analysis.c
@@ -22,41 +22,49 @@
 /* Envelope Follower */
-void    tEnvelopeFollower_init(tEnvelopeFollower* const e, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff)
+void    tEnvelopeFollower_init(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff)
+    _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef = (_tEnvelopeFollower*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tEnvelopeFollower));
     e->y = 0.0f;
     e->a_thresh = attackThreshold;
     e->d_coeff = decayCoeff;
-void tEnvelopeFollower_free(tEnvelopeFollower* const e)
+void tEnvelopeFollower_free(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef)
+    _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef;
+    leaf_free(e);
 float   tEnvelopeFollower_tick(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, float x)
+    _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef;
     if (x < 0.0f ) x = -x;  /* Absolute value. */
-    if ((x >= ef->y) && (x > ef->a_thresh)) ef->y = x;                      /* If we hit a peak, ride the peak to the top. */
-    else                                    ef->y = ef->y * ef->d_coeff;    /* Else, exponential decay of output. */
+    if ((x >= e->y) && (x > e->a_thresh)) e->y = x;                      /* If we hit a peak, ride the peak to the top. */
+    else                                    e->y = e->y * e->d_coeff;    /* Else, exponential decay of output. */
     //ef->y = envelope_pow[(uint16_t)(ef->y * (float)UINT16_MAX)] * ef->d_coeff; //not quite the right behavior - too much loss of precision?
     //ef->y = powf(ef->y, 1.000009f) * ef->d_coeff;  // too expensive
-    if( ef->y < VSF)   ef->y = 0.0f;
+    if( e->y < VSF)   e->y = 0.0f;
-    return ef->y;
+    return e->y;
 int     tEnvelopeFollower_decayCoeff(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, float decayCoeff)
-    return ef->d_coeff = decayCoeff;
+    _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef;
+    return e->d_coeff = decayCoeff;
 int     tEnvelopeFollower_attackThresh(tEnvelopeFollower* const ef, float attackThresh)
-    return ef->a_thresh = attackThresh;
+    _tEnvelopeFollower* e = *ef;
+    return e->a_thresh = attackThresh;
@@ -66,20 +74,26 @@
 /* Power Follower */
-void    tPowerFollower_init(tPowerFollower* const p, float factor)
+void    tPowerFollower_init(tPowerFollower* const pf, float factor)
+    _tPowerFollower* p = *pf = (_tPowerFollower*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPowerFollower));
-void tPowerFollower_free(tPowerFollower* const p)
+void tPowerFollower_free(tPowerFollower* const pf)
+    _tPowerFollower* p = *pf;
+    leaf_free(p);
-int     tPowerFollower_setFactor(tPowerFollower* const p, float factor)
+int     tPowerFollower_setFactor(tPowerFollower* const pf, float factor)
+    _tPowerFollower* p = *pf;
     if (factor<0) factor=0;
     if (factor>1) factor=1;
@@ -87,14 +101,16 @@
     return 0;
-float   tPowerFollower_tick(tPowerFollower* const p, float input)
+float   tPowerFollower_tick(tPowerFollower* const pf, float input)
+    _tPowerFollower* p = *pf;
     p->curr = p->factor*input*input+p->oneminusfactor*p->curr;
     return p->curr;
-float   tPowerFollower_sample(tPowerFollower* const p)
+float   tPowerFollower_sample(tPowerFollower* const pf)
+    _tPowerFollower* p = *pf;
     return p->curr;
@@ -105,8 +121,10 @@
 /* ---------------- env~ - simple envelope follower. ----------------- */
-void tEnvPD_init(tEnvPD* const x, int ws, int hs, int bs)
+void tEnvPD_init(tEnvPD* const xpd, int ws, int hs, int bs)
+    _tEnvPD* x = *xpd = (_tEnvPD*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tEnvPD));
     int period = hs, npoints = ws;
     int i;
@@ -145,18 +163,23 @@
     // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-void tEnvPD_free (tEnvPD* const x)
+void tEnvPD_free (tEnvPD* const xpd)
+    _tEnvPD* x = *xpd;
+    leaf_free(x);
-float tEnvPD_tick (tEnvPD* const x)
+float tEnvPD_tick (tEnvPD* const xpd)
+    _tEnvPD* x = *xpd;
     return powtodb(x->x_result);
-void tEnvPD_processBlock(tEnvPD* const x, float* in)
+void tEnvPD_processBlock(tEnvPD* const xpd, float* in)
+    _tEnvPD* x = *xpd;
     int n = x->blockSize;
     int count;
@@ -199,26 +222,33 @@
-void tAttackDetection_init(tAttackDetection* const a, int blocksize)
+void tAttackDetection_init(tAttackDetection* const ad, int blocksize)
-    atkdtk_init(a, blocksize, DEFATTACK, DEFRELEASE);
+    *ad = (_tAttackDetection*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tAttackDetection));
+    atkdtk_init(ad, blocksize, DEFATTACK, DEFRELEASE);
-void tAttackDetection_init_expanded(tAttackDetection* const a, int blocksize, int atk, int rel)
+void tAttackDetection_init_expanded(tAttackDetection* const ad, int blocksize, int atk, int rel)
-    atkdtk_init(a, blocksize, atk, rel);
+    *ad = (_tAttackDetection*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tAttackDetection));
+    atkdtk_init(ad, blocksize, atk, rel);
-void tAttackDetection_free(tAttackDetection *a)
+void tAttackDetection_free(tAttackDetection* const ad)
+    _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
+    leaf_free(a);
 /*******Public Functions***********/
-void tAttackDetection_setBlocksize(tAttackDetection* const a, int size)
+void tAttackDetection_setBlocksize(tAttackDetection* const ad, int size)
+    _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
         size = DEFBLOCKSIZE;
@@ -228,45 +258,45 @@
-void tAttackDetection_setSamplerate(tAttackDetection* const a, int inRate)
+void tAttackDetection_setSamplerate(tAttackDetection* const ad, int inRate)
+    _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
     a->samplerate = inRate;
     //Reset atk and rel to recalculate coeff
-    tAttackDetection_setAtk(a, a->atk);
-    tAttackDetection_setRel(a, a->rel);
-    return;
+    tAttackDetection_setAtk(ad, a->atk);
+    tAttackDetection_setRel(ad, a->rel);
-void tAttackDetection_setThreshold(tAttackDetection* const a, float thres)
+void tAttackDetection_setThreshold(tAttackDetection* const ad, float thres)
+    _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
     a->threshold = thres;
-    return;
-void tAttackDetection_setAtk(tAttackDetection* const a, int inAtk)
+void tAttackDetection_setAtk(tAttackDetection* const ad, int inAtk)
+    _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
     a->atk = inAtk;
     a->atk_coeff = pow(0.01, 1.0/(a->atk * a->samplerate * 0.001));
-    return;
-void tAttackDetection_setRel(tAttackDetection* const a, int inRel)
+void tAttackDetection_setRel(tAttackDetection* const ad, int inRel)
+    _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
     a->rel = inRel;
     a->rel_coeff = pow(0.01, 1.0/(a->rel * a->samplerate * 0.001));
-    return;
-int tAttackDetection_detect(tAttackDetection* const a, float *in)
+int tAttackDetection_detect(tAttackDetection* const ad, float *in)
+    _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
     int result;
-    atkdtk_envelope(a, in);
+    atkdtk_envelope(ad, in);
     if(a->env >= a->prevAmp*2) //2 times greater = 6dB increase
         result = 1;
@@ -276,13 +306,14 @@
     a->prevAmp = a->env;
     return result;
 /*******Private Functions**********/
-static void atkdtk_init(tAttackDetection* const a, int blocksize, int atk, int rel)
+static void atkdtk_init(tAttackDetection* const ad, int blocksize, int atk, int rel)
+    _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
     a->env = 0;
     a->blocksize = blocksize;
     a->threshold = DEFTHRESHOLD;
@@ -291,12 +322,14 @@
     a->env = 0;
-    tAttackDetection_setAtk(a, atk);
-    tAttackDetection_setRel(a, rel);
+    tAttackDetection_setAtk(ad, atk);
+    tAttackDetection_setRel(ad, rel);
-static void atkdtk_envelope(tAttackDetection* const a, float *in)
+static void atkdtk_envelope(tAttackDetection* const ad, float *in)
+    _tAttackDetection* a = *ad;
     int i = 0;
     float tmp;
     for(i = 0; i < a->blocksize; ++i){
@@ -313,8 +346,10 @@
-void    tPeriodDetection_init    (tPeriodDetection* const p, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize)
+void    tPeriodDetection_init    (tPeriodDetection* const pd, float* in, float* out, int bufSize, int frameSize)
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd = (_tPeriodDetection*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPeriodDetection));
     p->inBuffer = in;
     p->outBuffer = out;
     p->bufSize = bufSize;
@@ -336,14 +371,19 @@
     p->radius = expf(-1000.0f * p->hopSize * leaf.invSampleRate / p->timeConstant);
-void tPeriodDetection_free (tPeriodDetection* const p)
+void tPeriodDetection_free (tPeriodDetection* const pd)
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
+    leaf_free(p);
-float tPeriodDetection_findPeriod (tPeriodDetection* p, float sample)
+float tPeriodDetection_findPeriod (tPeriodDetection* pd, float sample)
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
     int i, iLast;
     i = (p->curBlock*p->frameSize);
@@ -375,13 +415,15 @@
     return p->period;
-void tPeriodDetection_setHopSize(tPeriodDetection* p, int hs)
+void tPeriodDetection_setHopSize(tPeriodDetection* pd, int hs)
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
     p->hopSize = hs;
-void tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize(tPeriodDetection* p, int ws)
+void tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize(tPeriodDetection* pd, int ws)
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
     p->windowSize = ws;
@@ -417,8 +459,10 @@
-void tSNAC_init(tSNAC* const s, int overlaparg)
+void tSNAC_init(tSNAC* const snac, int overlaparg)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac = (_tSNAC*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSNAC));
     s->biasfactor = DEFBIAS;
     s->timeindex = 0;
     s->periodindex = 0;
@@ -432,16 +476,19 @@
     s->spectrumbuf = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * (SNAC_FRAME_SIZE / 2));
     s->biasbuf = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * SNAC_FRAME_SIZE);
-    snac_biasbuf(s);
-    tSNAC_setOverlap(s, overlaparg);
+    snac_biasbuf(snac);
+    tSNAC_setOverlap(snac, overlaparg);
-void tSNAC_free(tSNAC* const s)
+void tSNAC_free(tSNAC* const snac)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
+    leaf_free(s);
 /************************** public access functions****************************/
@@ -448,8 +495,10 @@
-void tSNAC_ioSamples(tSNAC* const s, float *in, float *out, int size)
+void tSNAC_ioSamples(tSNAC* const snac, float *in, float *out, int size)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     int timeindex = s->timeindex;
     int mask = s->framesize - 1;
     int outindex = 0;
@@ -457,7 +506,7 @@
     float *processbuf = s->processbuf;
     // call analysis function when it is time
-    if(!(timeindex & (s->framesize / s->overlap - 1))) snac_analyzeframe(s);
+    if(!(timeindex & (s->framesize / s->overlap - 1))) snac_analyzeframe(snac);
@@ -468,25 +517,28 @@
     s->timeindex = timeindex;
-void tSNAC_setOverlap(tSNAC* const s, int lap)
+void tSNAC_setOverlap(tSNAC* const snac, int lap)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     if(!((lap==1)|(lap==2)|(lap==4)|(lap==8))) lap = DEFOVERLAP;
     s->overlap = lap;
-void tSNAC_setBias(tSNAC* const s, float bias)
+void tSNAC_setBias(tSNAC* const snac, float bias)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     if(bias > 1.) bias = 1.;
     if(bias < 0.) bias = 0.;
     s->biasfactor = bias;
-    snac_biasbuf(s);
+    snac_biasbuf(snac);
-void tSNAC_setMinRMS(tSNAC* const s, float rms)
+void tSNAC_setMinRMS(tSNAC* const snac, float rms)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     if(rms > 1.) rms = 1.;
     if(rms < 0.) rms = 0.;
     s->minrms = rms;
@@ -494,14 +546,16 @@
-float tSNAC_getPeriod(tSNAC* const s)
+float tSNAC_getPeriod(tSNAC* const snac)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
-float tSNAC_getFidelity(tSNAC* const s)
+float tSNAC_getFidelity(tSNAC* const snac)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
@@ -512,8 +566,10 @@
 // main analysis function
-static void snac_analyzeframe(tSNAC* const s)
+static void snac_analyzeframe(tSNAC* const snac)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     int n, tindex = s->timeindex;
     int framesize = s->framesize;
     int mask = framesize - 1;
@@ -534,15 +590,17 @@
     for(n=framesize; n<(framesize<<1); n++) processbuf[n] = 0.;
     // call analysis procedures
-    snac_autocorrelation(s);
-    snac_normalize(s);
-    snac_pickpeak(s);
-    snac_periodandfidelity(s);
+    snac_autocorrelation(snac);
+    snac_normalize(snac);
+    snac_pickpeak(snac);
+    snac_periodandfidelity(snac);
-static void snac_autocorrelation(tSNAC* const s)
+static void snac_autocorrelation(tSNAC* const snac)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     int n, m;
     int framesize = s->framesize;
     int fftsize = framesize * 2;
@@ -574,8 +632,10 @@
-static void snac_normalize(tSNAC* const s)
+static void snac_normalize(tSNAC* const snac)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     int framesize = s->framesize;
     int framesizeplustimeindex = s->framesize + s->timeindex;
     int timeindexminusone = s->timeindex - 1;
@@ -611,8 +671,10 @@
-static void snac_periodandfidelity(tSNAC* const s)
+static void snac_periodandfidelity(tSNAC* const snac)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     float periodlength;
@@ -619,7 +681,7 @@
         periodlength = (float)s->periodindex +
         interpolate3phase(s->processbuf, s->periodindex);
-        if(periodlength < 8) periodlength = snac_spectralpeak(s, periodlength);
+        if(periodlength < 8) periodlength = snac_spectralpeak(snac, periodlength);
         s->periodlength = periodlength;
         s->fidelity = interpolate3max(s->processbuf, s->periodindex);
@@ -627,8 +689,10 @@
 // select the peak which most probably represents period length
-static void snac_pickpeak(tSNAC* const s)
+static void snac_pickpeak(tSNAC* const snac)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     int n, peakindex=0;
     int seek = s->framesize * SEEK;
     float *processbuf= s->processbuf;
@@ -669,8 +733,10 @@
 // verify period length via frequency domain (up till SR/4)
 // frequency domain is more precise than lag domain for period lengths < 8
 // argument 'periodlength' is initial estimation from autocorrelation
-static float snac_spectralpeak(tSNAC* const s, float periodlength)
+static float snac_spectralpeak(tSNAC* const snac, float periodlength)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     if(periodlength < 4.) return periodlength;
     float max = 0.;
@@ -713,8 +779,9 @@
 // modified logarithmic bias function
-static void snac_biasbuf(tSNAC* const s)
+static void snac_biasbuf(tSNAC* const snac)
+    _tSNAC* s = *snac;
     int n;
     int maxperiod = (int)(s->framesize * (float)SEEK);
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-delay.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-delay.c
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Delay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void    tDelay_init (tDelay*  const d, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+void    tDelay_init (tDelay*  const dl, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl = (_tDelay*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tDelay));
     d->maxDelay = maxDelay;
     d->delay = delay;
@@ -35,16 +37,21 @@
     d->gain = 1.0f;
-    tDelay_setDelay(d, d->delay);
+    tDelay_setDelay(dl, d->delay);
-void tDelay_free(tDelay* const d)
+void tDelay_free(tDelay* const dl)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
+    leaf_free(d);
-float   tDelay_tick (tDelay* const d, float input)
+float   tDelay_tick (tDelay* const dl, float input)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     // Input
     d->lastIn = input;
     d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
@@ -57,12 +64,12 @@
     return d->lastOut;
-int     tDelay_setDelay (tDelay* const d, uint32_t delay)
+int     tDelay_setDelay (tDelay* const dl, uint32_t delay)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     d->delay = LEAF_clip(0.0f, delay,  d->maxDelay);
     // read chases write
     if ( d->inPoint >= delay )  d->outPoint = d->inPoint - d->delay;
     else                        d->outPoint = d->maxDelay + d->inPoint - d->delay;
@@ -70,8 +77,10 @@
     return 0;
-float tDelay_tapOut (tDelay* const d, uint32_t tapDelay)
+float tDelay_tapOut (tDelay* const dl, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -81,8 +90,10 @@
-void tDelay_tapIn (tDelay* const d, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+void tDelay_tapIn (tDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -91,8 +102,10 @@
     d->buff[tap] = value;
-float tDelay_addTo (tDelay* const d, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+float tDelay_addTo (tDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -101,35 +114,42 @@
     return (d->buff[tap] += value);
-uint32_t   tDelay_getDelay (tDelay* const d)
+uint32_t   tDelay_getDelay (tDelay* const dl)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->delay;
-float   tDelay_getLastOut (tDelay* const d)
+float   tDelay_getLastOut (tDelay* const dl)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->lastOut;
-float   tDelay_getLastIn (tDelay* const d)
+float   tDelay_getLastIn (tDelay* const dl)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->lastIn;
-void tDelay_setGain (tDelay* const d, float gain)
+void tDelay_setGain (tDelay* const dl, float gain)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     if (gain < 0.0f)    d->gain = 0.0f;
     else                d->gain = gain;
-float tDelay_getGain (tDelay* const d)
+float tDelay_getGain (tDelay* const dl)
+    _tDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->gain;
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LinearDelay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void   tLinearDelay_init (tLinearDelay* const d, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+void   tLinearDelay_init (tLinearDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl = (_tLinearDelay*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tLinearDelay));
     d->maxDelay = maxDelay;
     if (delay > maxDelay)   d->delay = maxDelay;
@@ -146,16 +166,21 @@
     d->inPoint = 0;
     d->outPoint = 0;
-    tLinearDelay_setDelay(d, d->delay);
+    tLinearDelay_setDelay(dl, d->delay);
-void tLinearDelay_free(tLinearDelay* const d)
+void tLinearDelay_free(tLinearDelay* const dl)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
+    leaf_free(d);
-float   tLinearDelay_tick (tLinearDelay* const d, float input)
+float   tLinearDelay_tick (tLinearDelay* const dl, float input)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
     // Increment input pointer modulo length.
@@ -176,8 +201,10 @@
     return d->lastOut;
-void   tLinearDelay_tickIn (tLinearDelay* const d, float input)
+void   tLinearDelay_tickIn (tLinearDelay* const dl, float input)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
     // Increment input pointer modulo length.
@@ -184,8 +211,10 @@
     if (++(d->inPoint) == d->maxDelay )    d->inPoint = 0;
-float   tLinearDelay_tickOut (tLinearDelay* const d)
+float   tLinearDelay_tickOut (tLinearDelay* const dl)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     uint32_t idx = (uint32_t) d->outPoint;
     d->lastOut =    LEAF_interpolate_hermite (d->buff[((idx - 1) + d->maxDelay) % d->maxDelay],
@@ -200,8 +229,10 @@
     return d->lastOut;
-int     tLinearDelay_setDelay (tLinearDelay* const d, float delay)
+int     tLinearDelay_setDelay (tLinearDelay* const dl, float delay)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     d->delay = LEAF_clip(0.0f, delay,  d->maxDelay);
     float outPointer = d->inPoint - d->delay;
@@ -219,8 +250,10 @@
     return 0;
-float tLinearDelay_tapOut (tLinearDelay* const d, float tapDelay)
+float tLinearDelay_tapOut (tLinearDelay* const dl, float tapDelay)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     float tap = (float) d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1.f;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -244,8 +277,10 @@
-void tLinearDelay_tapIn (tLinearDelay* const d, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+void tLinearDelay_tapIn (tLinearDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -254,8 +289,10 @@
     d->buff[tap] = value;
-float tLinearDelay_addTo (tLinearDelay* const d, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+float tLinearDelay_addTo (tLinearDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -264,35 +301,42 @@
     return (d->buff[tap] += value);
-float   tLinearDelay_getDelay (tLinearDelay *d)
+float   tLinearDelay_getDelay (tLinearDelay* const dl)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->delay;
-float   tLinearDelay_getLastOut (tLinearDelay* const d)
+float   tLinearDelay_getLastOut (tLinearDelay* const dl)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->lastOut;
-float   tLinearDelay_getLastIn (tLinearDelay* const d)
+float   tLinearDelay_getLastIn (tLinearDelay* const dl)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->lastIn;
-void tLinearDelay_setGain (tLinearDelay* const d, float gain)
+void tLinearDelay_setGain (tLinearDelay* const dl, float gain)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     if (gain < 0.0f)    d->gain = 0.0f;
     else                d->gain = gain;
-float tLinearDelay_getGain (tLinearDelay* const d)
+float tLinearDelay_getGain (tLinearDelay* const dl)
+    _tLinearDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->gain;
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AllpassDelay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void  tAllpassDelay_init (tAllpassDelay* const d, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+void  tAllpassDelay_init (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl = (_tAllpassDelay*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tAllpassDelay));
     d->maxDelay = maxDelay;
     if (delay > maxDelay)   d->delay = maxDelay;
@@ -309,18 +353,23 @@
     d->inPoint = 0;
     d->outPoint = 0;
-    tAllpassDelay_setDelay(d, d->delay);
+    tAllpassDelay_setDelay(dl, d->delay);
     d->apInput = 0.0f;
-void tAllpassDelay_free(tAllpassDelay* const d)
+void tAllpassDelay_free(tAllpassDelay* const dl)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
+    leaf_free(d);
-float   tAllpassDelay_tick (tAllpassDelay* const d, float input)
+float   tAllpassDelay_tick (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float input)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
     // Increment input pointer modulo length.
@@ -340,11 +389,12 @@
     return d->lastOut;
-int     tAllpassDelay_setDelay (tAllpassDelay* const d, float delay)
+int     tAllpassDelay_setDelay (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float delay)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     d->delay = LEAF_clip(0.5f, delay,  d->maxDelay);
     // outPoint chases inPoint
     float outPointer = (float)d->inPoint - d->delay + 1.0f;
@@ -373,8 +423,10 @@
     return 0;
-float tAllpassDelay_tapOut (tAllpassDelay* const d, uint32_t tapDelay)
+float tAllpassDelay_tapOut (tAllpassDelay* const dl, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -384,8 +436,10 @@
-void tAllpassDelay_tapIn (tAllpassDelay* const d, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+void tAllpassDelay_tapIn (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -394,8 +448,10 @@
     d->buff[tap] = value;
-float tAllpassDelay_addTo (tAllpassDelay* const d, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+float tAllpassDelay_addTo (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -404,35 +460,42 @@
     return (d->buff[tap] += value);
-float   tAllpassDelay_getDelay (tAllpassDelay* const d)
+float   tAllpassDelay_getDelay (tAllpassDelay* const dl)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->delay;
-float   tAllpassDelay_getLastOut (tAllpassDelay* const d)
+float   tAllpassDelay_getLastOut (tAllpassDelay* const dl)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->lastOut;
-float   tAllpassDelay_getLastIn (tAllpassDelay* const d)
+float   tAllpassDelay_getLastIn (tAllpassDelay* const dl)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->lastIn;
-void tAllpassDelay_setGain (tAllpassDelay* const d, float gain)
+void tAllpassDelay_setGain (tAllpassDelay* const dl, float gain)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     if (gain < 0.0f)    d->gain = 0.0f;
     else                d->gain = gain;
-float tAllpassDelay_getGain (tAllpassDelay* const d)
+float tAllpassDelay_getGain (tAllpassDelay* const dl)
+    _tAllpassDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->gain;
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TapeDelay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void   tTapeDelay_init (tTapeDelay* const d, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+void   tTapeDelay_init (tTapeDelay* const dl, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl = (_tTapeDelay*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tTapeDelay));
     d->maxDelay = maxDelay;
     d->buff = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * maxDelay);
@@ -446,18 +509,23 @@
     d->inc = 1.0f;
     d->inPoint = 0;
-    tTapeDelay_setDelay(d, delay);
+    tTapeDelay_setDelay(dl, delay);
-void tTapeDelay_free(tTapeDelay* const d)
+void tTapeDelay_free(tTapeDelay* const dl)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
+    leaf_free(d);
 //#define SMOOTH_FACTOR 10.f
-float   tTapeDelay_tick (tTapeDelay* const d, float input)
+float   tTapeDelay_tick (tTapeDelay* const dl, float input)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     d->buff[d->inPoint] = input * d->gain;
     // Increment input pointer modulo length.
@@ -485,20 +553,22 @@
-void tTapeDelay_setRate(tTapeDelay* const d, float rate)
+void tTapeDelay_setRate(tTapeDelay* const dl, float rate)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     d->inc = rate;
-int     tTapeDelay_setDelay (tTapeDelay* const d, float delay)
+void     tTapeDelay_setDelay (tTapeDelay* const dl, float delay)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     d->delay = LEAF_clip(1.f, delay,  d->maxDelay);
-    return 0;
-float tTapeDelay_tapOut (tTapeDelay* const d, float tapDelay)
+float tTapeDelay_tapOut (tTapeDelay* const dl, float tapDelay)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     float tap = (float) d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1.f;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -518,8 +588,10 @@
-void tTapeDelay_tapIn (tTapeDelay* const d, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+void tTapeDelay_tapIn (tTapeDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -528,8 +600,10 @@
     d->buff[tap] = value;
-float tTapeDelay_addTo (tTapeDelay* const d, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+float tTapeDelay_addTo (tTapeDelay* const dl, float value, uint32_t tapDelay)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     int32_t tap = d->inPoint - tapDelay - 1;
     // Check for wraparound.
@@ -538,29 +612,34 @@
     return (d->buff[tap] += value);
-float   tTapeDelay_getDelay (tTapeDelay *d)
+float   tTapeDelay_getDelay (tTapeDelay *dl)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->delay;
-float   tTapeDelay_getLastOut (tTapeDelay* const d)
+float   tTapeDelay_getLastOut (tTapeDelay* const dl)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->lastOut;
-float   tTapeDelay_getLastIn (tTapeDelay* const d)
+float   tTapeDelay_getLastIn (tTapeDelay* const dl)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->lastIn;
-void tTapeDelay_setGain (tTapeDelay* const d, float gain)
+void tTapeDelay_setGain (tTapeDelay* const dl, float gain)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     if (gain < 0.0f)    d->gain = 0.0f;
     else                d->gain = gain;
-float tTapeDelay_getGain (tTapeDelay* const d)
+float tTapeDelay_getGain (tTapeDelay* const dl)
+    _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
     return d->gain;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-distortion.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-distortion.c
@@ -21,16 +21,20 @@
-void tLockhartWavefolder_init(tLockhartWavefolder* const w)
+void tLockhartWavefolder_init(tLockhartWavefolder* const wf)
+     _tLockhartWavefolder* w = *wf = (_tLockhartWavefolder*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tLockhartWavefolder));
     w->Ln1 = 0.0;
     w->Fn1 = 0.0;
     w->xn1 = 0.0f;
-void tLockhardWavefolder_free(tLockhartWavefolder* const w)
+void tLockhardWavefolder_free(tLockhartWavefolder* const wf)
+    _tLockhartWavefolder* w = *wf;
+    leaf_free(w);
 double tLockhartWavefolderLambert(double x, double ln)
@@ -63,8 +67,9 @@
     return w;
-float tLockhartWavefolder_tick(tLockhartWavefolder* const w, float samp)
+float tLockhartWavefolder_tick(tLockhartWavefolder* const wf, float samp)
+    _tLockhartWavefolder* w = *wf;
     float out = 0.0f;
     // Constants
@@ -123,8 +128,10 @@
 #define SCALAR 5000.f
-void    tCrusher_init    (tCrusher* const c)
+void    tCrusher_init    (tCrusher* const cr)
+    _tCrusher* c = *cr = (_tCrusher*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tCrusher));
     c->op = 4;
     c->div = SCALAR;
     c->rnd = 0.25f;
@@ -133,13 +140,17 @@
     c->gain = (c->div / SCALAR) * 0.7f + 0.3f;
-void    tCrusher_free    (tCrusher* const c)
+void    tCrusher_free    (tCrusher* const cr)
+    _tCrusher* c = *cr;
+    leaf_free(c);
-float   tCrusher_tick    (tCrusher* const c, float input)
+float   tCrusher_tick    (tCrusher* const cr, float input)
+    _tCrusher* c = *cr;
     float sample = input;
     sample *= SCALAR; // SCALAR is 5000 by default
@@ -160,14 +171,17 @@
-void    tCrusher_setOperation (tCrusher* const c, float op)
+void    tCrusher_setOperation (tCrusher* const cr, float op)
+    _tCrusher* c = *cr;
     c->op = (uint32_t) (op * 8.0f);
 // 0.0 - 1.0
-void    tCrusher_setQuality (tCrusher* const c, float val)
+void    tCrusher_setQuality (tCrusher* const cr, float val)
+    _tCrusher* c = *cr;
     val = LEAF_clip(0.0f, val, 1.0f);
     c->div = 0.01f + val * SCALAR;
@@ -176,13 +190,15 @@
 // what decimal to round to
-void    tCrusher_setRound (tCrusher* const c, float rnd)
+void    tCrusher_setRound (tCrusher* const cr, float rnd)
+    _tCrusher* c = *cr;
     c->rnd = fabsf(rnd);
-void    tCrusher_setSamplingRatio (tCrusher* const c, float ratio)
+void    tCrusher_setSamplingRatio (tCrusher* const cr, float ratio)
+    _tCrusher* c = *cr;
     c->srr = ratio;
@@ -191,8 +207,10 @@
 // Oversampler
 // Latency is equal to the phase length (numTaps / ratio)
-void tOversampler_init(tOversampler* const os, int ratio, oBool extraQuality)
+void tOversampler_init(tOversampler* const osr, int ratio, oBool extraQuality)
+    _tOversampler* os = *osr = (_tOversampler*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tOversampler));
     uint8_t offset = 0;
     if (extraQuality) offset = 6;
     if (ratio == 2 || ratio == 4  ||
@@ -208,28 +226,35 @@
-void tOversampler_free(tOversampler* const os)
+void tOversampler_free(tOversampler* const osr)
+    _tOversampler* os = *osr;
+    leaf_free(os);
-float tOversampler_tick(tOversampler* const os, float input, float (*effectTick)(float))
+float tOversampler_tick(tOversampler* const osr, float input, float (*effectTick)(float))
+    _tOversampler* os = *osr;
     float buf[os->ratio];
-    tOversampler_upsample(os, input, buf);
+    tOversampler_upsample(osr, input, buf);
     for (int i = 0; i < os->ratio; ++i) {
         buf[i] = effectTick(buf[i]);
-    return tOversampler_downsample(os, buf);
+    return tOversampler_downsample(osr, buf);
 // From CMSIS DSP Library
-void tOversampler_upsample(tOversampler* const os, float input, float* output)
+void tOversampler_upsample(tOversampler* const osr, float input, float* output)
+    _tOversampler* os = *osr;
     float *pState = os->upState;                 /* State pointer */
     const float *pCoeffs = os->pCoeffs;               /* Coefficient pointer */
     float *pStateCur;
@@ -319,8 +344,10 @@
 // From CMSIS DSP Library
-float tOversampler_downsample(tOversampler *const os, float* input)
+float tOversampler_downsample(tOversampler *const osr, float* input)
+    _tOversampler* os = *osr;
     float *pState = os->downState;                 /* State pointer */
     const float *pCoeffs = os->pCoeffs;               /* Coefficient pointer */
     float *pStateCur;                          /* Points to the current sample of the state */
@@ -401,7 +428,8 @@
     return output;
-int tOversampler_getLatency(tOversampler* const os)
+int tOversampler_getLatency(tOversampler* const osr)
+    _tOversampler* os = *osr;
     return os->phaseLength;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-dynamics.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-dynamics.c
@@ -41,8 +41,10 @@
  return c;
-void    tCompressor_init(tCompressor* const c)
+void    tCompressor_init(tCompressor* const comp)
+    _tCompressor* c = *comp = (_tCompressor*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tCompressor));
     c->tauAttack = 100;
     c->tauRelease = 100;
@@ -54,14 +56,18 @@
     c->W = 1.0f; // decibel Make-up gain
-void tCompressor_free(tCompressor* const c)
+void tCompressor_free(tCompressor* const comp)
+    _tCompressor* c = *comp;
+    leaf_free(c);
 int ccount = 0;
-float tCompressor_tick(tCompressor* const c, float in)
+float tCompressor_tick(tCompressor* const comp, float in)
+    _tCompressor* c = *comp;
     float slope, overshoot;
     float alphaAtt, alphaRel;
@@ -115,14 +121,14 @@
     return attenuation * in;
 /* Feedback Leveler */
-void    tFeedbackLeveler_init(tFeedbackLeveler* const p, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode)
+void    tFeedbackLeveler_init(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode)
+    _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb = (_tFeedbackLeveler*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tFeedbackLeveler));
@@ -130,29 +136,36 @@
-void tFeedbackLeveler_free(tFeedbackLeveler* const p)
+void tFeedbackLeveler_free(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb)
+    _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
+    leaf_free(p);
-void     tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(tFeedbackLeveler* const p, float strength)
+void     tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float strength)
 {    // strength is how strongly level diff is affecting the amp ratio
     // try 0.125 for a start
+    _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
-void     tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(tFeedbackLeveler* const p, float factor)
+void     tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float factor)
+    _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
-void     tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(tFeedbackLeveler* const p, int mode)
+void     tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, int mode)
 {    // 0 for decaying with upwards lev limiting, 1 for constrained absolute level (also downwards limiting)
+    _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
-float   tFeedbackLeveler_tick(tFeedbackLeveler* const p, float input)
+float   tFeedbackLeveler_tick(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float input)
+    _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
     float levdiff=(tPowerFollower_tick(&p->pwrFlw, input)-p->targetLevel);
     if (p->mode==0 && levdiff<0) levdiff=0;
@@ -159,14 +172,16 @@
     return p->curr;
-float   tFeedbackLeveler_sample(tFeedbackLeveler* const p)
+float   tFeedbackLeveler_sample(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb)
+    _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
     return p->curr;
-void     tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel   (tFeedbackLeveler* const p, float TargetLevel)
+void     tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel   (tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float TargetLevel)
+    _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-effects.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-effects.c
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ leaf-vocoder.c
+ Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:54pm
+ Author:  Michael R Mulshine
+ ==============================================================================*/
-    leaf-vocoder.c
-    Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:54pm
-    Author:  Michael R Mulshine
 #if _WIN32 || _WIN64
 #include "..\Inc\leaf-effects.c"
@@ -24,8 +24,11 @@
-void tTalkbox_init(tTalkbox* const v, int bufsize)
+void tTalkbox_init(tTalkbox* const voc, int bufsize)
+    _tTalkbox* v = *voc = (_tTalkbox*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tTalkbox));
     v->param[0] = 0.5f;  //wet
     v->param[1] = 0.0f;  //dry
     v->param[2] = 0; // Swap
@@ -39,20 +42,27 @@
     v->buf0 =   (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize);
     v->buf1 =   (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * v->bufsize);
-    tTalkbox_update(v);
+    tTalkbox_update(voc);
+    tTalkbox_suspend(voc);
-void tTalkbox_free(tTalkbox* const v)
+void tTalkbox_free(tTalkbox* const voc)
+    _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
+    leaf_free(v);
-void tTalkbox_update(tTalkbox* const v) ///update internal parameters...
+void tTalkbox_update(tTalkbox* const voc) ///update internal parameters...
+    _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
     float fs = leaf.sampleRate;
     if(fs <  8000.0f) fs =  8000.0f;
     if(fs > 96000.0f) fs = 96000.0f;
@@ -78,8 +88,10 @@
     v->dry = 2.0f * v->param[1] * v->param[1];
-void tTalkbox_suspend(tTalkbox* const v) ///clear any buffers...
+void tTalkbox_suspend(tTalkbox* const voc) ///clear any buffers...
+    _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
     v->pos = v->K = 0;
     v->emphasis = 0.0f;
     v->FX = 0;
@@ -162,9 +174,10 @@
     *g = sqrtf(e);
-float tTalkbox_tick(tTalkbox* const v, float synth, float voice)
+float tTalkbox_tick(tTalkbox* const voc, float synth, float voice)
+    _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
     int32_t  p0=v->pos, p1 = (v->pos + v->N/2) % v->N;
     float e=v->emphasis, w, o, x, dr, fx=v->FX;
     float p, q, h0=0.3f, h1=0.77f;
@@ -204,7 +217,7 @@
     v->emphasis = e;
     v->pos = p0;
     v->FX = fx;
     float den = 1.0e-10f; //(float)pow(10.0f, -10.0f * param[4]);
     if(fabs(v->d0) < den) v->d0 = 0.0f; //anti-denormal (doesn't seem necessary but P4?)
     if(fabs(v->d1) < den) v->d1 = 0.0f;
@@ -217,10 +230,12 @@
     return o;
-void tTalkbox_setQuality(tTalkbox* const v, float quality)
+void tTalkbox_setQuality(tTalkbox* const voc, float quality)
-	v->param[3] = quality;
-	v->O = (int32_t)((0.0001f + 0.0004f * v->param[3]) * leaf.sampleRate);
+    _tTalkbox* v = *voc;
+    v->param[3] = quality;
+    v->O = (int32_t)((0.0001f + 0.0004f * v->param[3]) * leaf.sampleRate);
@@ -228,8 +243,10 @@
-void   tVocoder_init        (tVocoder* const v)
+void   tVocoder_init        (tVocoder* const voc)
+    _tVocoder* v = *voc = (_tVocoder*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tVocoder));
     v->param[0] = 0.33f;  //input select
     v->param[1] = 0.50f;  //output dB
     v->param[2] = 0.40f;  //hi thru
@@ -239,16 +256,20 @@
     v->param[6] = 0.6667f;//freq range
     v->param[7] = 0.33f;  //num bands
-    tVocoder_update(v);
+    tVocoder_update(voc);
-void tVocoder_free (tVocoder* const v)
+void tVocoder_free (tVocoder* const voc)
+    _tVocoder* v = *voc;
+    leaf_free(v);
-void        tVocoder_update      (tVocoder* const v)
+void        tVocoder_update      (tVocoder* const voc)
+    _tVocoder* v = *voc;
     float tpofs = 6.2831853f * leaf.invSampleRate;
     float rr, th, re;
@@ -329,11 +350,13 @@
-float       tVocoder_tick        (tVocoder* const v, float synth, float voice)
+float       tVocoder_tick        (tVocoder* const voc, float synth, float voice)
+    _tVocoder* v = *voc;
     float a, b, o=0.0f, aa, bb, oo = v->kout, g = v->gain, ht = v->thru, hh = v->high, tmp;
     uint32_t i, k = v->kval, nb = v->nbnd;
     a = voice; //speech
     b = synth; //synth
@@ -377,7 +400,7 @@
     o += oo * g; //effect of interpolating back up to Fs would be minimal (aliasing >16kHz)
     v->kout = oo;
     v->kval = k & 0x1;
     if(fabs(v->f[0][11])<1.0e-10) v->f[0][11] = 0.0f; //catch HF envelope denormal
@@ -386,14 +409,16 @@
         if(fabs(v->f[i][3])<1.0e-10 || fabs(v->f[i][7])<1.0e-10)
             for(k=3; k<12; k++) v->f[i][k] = 0.0f; //catch reson & envelope denormals
-    if(fabs(o)>10.0f) tVocoder_suspend(v); //catch instability
+    if(fabs(o)>10.0f) tVocoder_suspend(voc); //catch instability
     return o;
-void        tVocoder_suspend     (tVocoder* const v)
+void        tVocoder_suspend     (tVocoder* const voc)
+    _tVocoder* v = *voc;
     int32_t i, j;
     for(i=0; i<v->nbnd; i++) for(j=3; j<12; j++) v->f[i][j] = 0.0f; //zero band filters and envelopes
@@ -405,8 +430,10 @@
-void tRetune_init(tRetune* const r, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize)
+void tRetune_init(tRetune* const rt, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt = (_tRetune*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tRetune));
     r->bufSize = bufSize;
     r->frameSize = frameSize;
     r->numVoices = numVoices;
@@ -417,7 +444,7 @@
     r->hopSize = DEFHOPSIZE;
     r->windowSize = DEFWINDOWSIZE;
     r->fba = FBA;
-    tRetune_setTimeConstant(r, DEFTIMECONSTANT);
+    tRetune_setTimeConstant(rt, DEFTIMECONSTANT);
     r->inputPeriod = 0.0f;
@@ -437,8 +464,10 @@
-void tRetune_free(tRetune* const r)
+void tRetune_free(tRetune* const rt)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
@@ -450,10 +479,13 @@
+    leaf_free(r);
-float* tRetune_tick(tRetune* const r, float sample)
+float* tRetune_tick(tRetune* const rt, float sample)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     r->inputPeriod = tPeriodDetection_findPeriod(&r->pd, sample);
     for (int v = 0; v < r->numVoices; ++v)
@@ -460,12 +492,14 @@
         r->tickOutput[v] = tPitchShift_shift(&r->ps[v]);
     return r->tickOutput;
-void tRetune_setNumVoices(tRetune* const r, int numVoices)
+void tRetune_setNumVoices(tRetune* const rt, int numVoices)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
@@ -491,8 +525,10 @@
-void tRetune_setPitchFactors(tRetune* const r, float pf)
+void tRetune_setPitchFactors(tRetune* const rt, float pf)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
         r->pitchFactor[i] = pf;
@@ -500,37 +536,49 @@
-void tRetune_setPitchFactor(tRetune* const r, float pf, int voice)
+void tRetune_setPitchFactor(tRetune* const rt, float pf, int voice)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     r->pitchFactor[voice] = pf;
     tPitchShift_setPitchFactor(&r->ps[voice], r->pitchFactor[voice]);
-void tRetune_setTimeConstant(tRetune* const r, float tc)
+void tRetune_setTimeConstant(tRetune* const rt, float tc)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     r->timeConstant = tc;
     r->radius = expf(-1000.0f * r->hopSize * leaf.invSampleRate / r->timeConstant);
-void tRetune_setHopSize(tRetune* const r, int hs)
+void tRetune_setHopSize(tRetune* const rt, int hs)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     r->hopSize = hs;
     tPeriodDetection_setHopSize(&r->pd, r->hopSize);
-void tRetune_setWindowSize(tRetune* const r, int ws)
+void tRetune_setWindowSize(tRetune* const rt, int ws)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     r->windowSize = ws;
     tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize(&r->pd, r->windowSize);
-float tRetune_getInputPeriod(tRetune* const r)
+float tRetune_getInputPeriod(tRetune* const rt)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     return r->inputPeriod;
-float tRetune_getInputFreq(tRetune* const r)
+float tRetune_getInputFreq(tRetune* const rt)
+    _tRetune* r = *rt;
     return 1.0f/r->inputPeriod;
@@ -538,8 +586,10 @@
-void tAutotune_init(tAutotune* const r, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize)
+void tAutotune_init(tAutotune* const rt, int numVoices, int bufSize, int frameSize)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt = (_tAutotune*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tAutotune));
     r->bufSize = bufSize;
     r->frameSize = frameSize;
     r->numVoices = numVoices;
@@ -550,7 +600,7 @@
     r->hopSize = DEFHOPSIZE;
     r->windowSize = DEFWINDOWSIZE;
     r->fba = FBA;
-    tAutotune_setTimeConstant(r, DEFTIMECONSTANT);
+    tAutotune_setTimeConstant(rt, DEFTIMECONSTANT);
@@ -572,8 +622,10 @@
     r->inputPeriod = 0.0f;
-void tAutotune_free(tAutotune* const r)
+void tAutotune_free(tAutotune* const rt)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
@@ -585,10 +637,13 @@
+    leaf_free(r);
-float* tAutotune_tick(tAutotune* const r, float sample)
+float* tAutotune_tick(tAutotune* const rt, float sample)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     r->inputPeriod = tPeriodDetection_findPeriod(&r->pd, sample);
     for (int v = 0; v < r->numVoices; ++v)
@@ -599,8 +654,10 @@
     return r->tickOutput;
-void tAutotune_setNumVoices(tAutotune* const r, int numVoices)
+void tAutotune_setNumVoices(tAutotune* const rt, int numVoices)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
@@ -626,8 +683,10 @@
-void tAutotune_setFreqs(tAutotune* const r, float f)
+void tAutotune_setFreqs(tAutotune* const rt, float f)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     for (int i = 0; i < r->numVoices; ++i)
         r->freq[i] = f;
@@ -634,36 +693,48 @@
-void tAutotune_setFreq(tAutotune* const r, float f, int voice)
+void tAutotune_setFreq(tAutotune* const rt, float f, int voice)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     r->freq[voice] = f;
-void tAutotune_setTimeConstant(tAutotune* const r, float tc)
+void tAutotune_setTimeConstant(tAutotune* const rt, float tc)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     r->timeConstant = tc;
     r->radius = expf(-1000.0f * r->hopSize * leaf.invSampleRate / r->timeConstant);
-void tAutotune_setHopSize(tAutotune* const r, int hs)
+void tAutotune_setHopSize(tAutotune* const rt, int hs)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     r->hopSize = hs;
     tPeriodDetection_setHopSize(&r->pd, r->hopSize);
-void tAutotune_setWindowSize(tAutotune* const r, int ws)
+void tAutotune_setWindowSize(tAutotune* const rt, int ws)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     r->windowSize = ws;
     tPeriodDetection_setWindowSize(&r->pd, r->windowSize);
-float tAutotune_getInputPeriod(tAutotune* const r)
+float tAutotune_getInputPeriod(tAutotune* const rt)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     return r->inputPeriod;
-float tAutotune_getInputFreq(tAutotune* const r)
+float tAutotune_getInputFreq(tAutotune* const rt)
+    _tAutotune* r = *rt;
     return 1.0f/r->inputPeriod;
@@ -671,36 +742,41 @@
-static int pitchshift_attackdetect(tPitchShift* ps)
+static int pitchshift_attackdetect(_tPitchShift* ps)
     float envout;
-    envout = tEnvPD_tick(&ps->p->env);
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *ps->p;
+    envout = tEnvPD_tick(&p->env);
     if (envout >= 1.0f)
-        ps->p->lastmax = ps->p->max;
-        if (envout > ps->p->max)
+        p->lastmax = p->max;
+        if (envout > p->max)
-            ps->p->max = envout;
+            p->max = envout;
-            ps->p->deltamax = envout - ps->p->max;
-            ps->p->max = ps->p->max * ps->radius;
+            p->deltamax = envout - p->max;
+            p->max = p->max * ps->radius;
-        ps->p->deltamax = ps->p->max - ps->p->lastmax;
+        p->deltamax = p->max - p->lastmax;
-    ps->p->fba = ps->p->fba ? (ps->p->fba - 1) : 0;
+    p->fba = p->fba ? (p->fba - 1) : 0;
-    return (ps->p->fba == 0 && (ps->p->max > 60 && ps->p->deltamax > 6)) ? 1 : 0;
+    return (p->fba == 0 && (p->max > 60 && p->deltamax > 6)) ? 1 : 0;
-void tPitchShift_init (tPitchShift* const ps, tPeriodDetection* p, float* out, int bufSize)
+void tPitchShift_init (tPitchShift* const psr, tPeriodDetection* pd, float* out, int bufSize)
-    ps->p = p;
+    _tPitchShift* ps = *psr = (_tPitchShift*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPitchShift));
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *pd;
+    ps->p = pd;
     ps->outBuffer = out;
     ps->bufSize = bufSize;
     ps->frameSize = p->frameSize;
@@ -717,64 +793,75 @@
     tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(&ps->sola, DEFPITCHRATIO);
-void tPitchShift_free(tPitchShift* const ps)
+void tPitchShift_free(tPitchShift* const psr)
+    _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
+    leaf_free(ps);
-void tPitchShift_setPitchFactor(tPitchShift* ps, float pf)
+void tPitchShift_setPitchFactor(tPitchShift* psr, float pf)
+    _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
     ps->pitchFactor = pf;
-float tPitchShift_shift (tPitchShift* ps)
+float tPitchShift_shift (tPitchShift* psr)
+    _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *ps->p;
     float period, out;
     int i, iLast;
-    i = ps->p->i;
-    iLast = ps->p->iLast;
+    i = p->i;
+    iLast = p->iLast;
     out = tHighpass_tick(&ps->hp, ps->outBuffer[iLast]);
-    if (ps->p->indexstore >= ps->frameSize)
+    if (p->indexstore >= ps->frameSize)
-        period = ps->p->period;
+        period = p->period;
         if(pitchshift_attackdetect(ps) == 1)
-            ps->p->fba = 5;
-            tSOLAD_setReadLag(&ps->sola, ps->p->windowSize);
+            p->fba = 5;
+            tSOLAD_setReadLag(&ps->sola, p->windowSize);
         tSOLAD_setPeriod(&ps->sola, period);
         tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(&ps->sola, ps->pitchFactor);
-        tSOLAD_ioSamples(&ps->sola, &(ps->p->inBuffer[i]), &(ps->outBuffer[i]), ps->frameSize);
+        tSOLAD_ioSamples(&ps->sola, &(p->inBuffer[i]), &(ps->outBuffer[i]), ps->frameSize);
     return out;
-float tPitchShift_shiftToFreq (tPitchShift* ps, float freq)
+float tPitchShift_shiftToFreq (tPitchShift* psr, float freq)
+    _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *ps->p;
     float period, out;
     int i, iLast;
-    i = ps->p->i;
-    iLast = ps->p->iLast;
+    i = p->i;
+    iLast = p->iLast;
     out = tHighpass_tick(&ps->hp, ps->outBuffer[iLast]);
-    if (ps->p->indexstore >= ps->frameSize)
+    if (p->indexstore >= ps->frameSize)
-        period = ps->p->period;
+        period = p->period;
         if(pitchshift_attackdetect(ps) == 1)
-            ps->p->fba = 5;
-            tSOLAD_setReadLag(&ps->sola, ps->p->windowSize);
+            p->fba = 5;
+            tSOLAD_setReadLag(&ps->sola, p->windowSize);
         tSOLAD_setPeriod(&ps->sola, period);
@@ -781,32 +868,35 @@
         if (period != 0) ps->pitchFactor = period*freq*leaf.invSampleRate;
         else ps->pitchFactor = 1.0f;
         tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(&ps->sola, ps->pitchFactor);
-        tSOLAD_ioSamples(&ps->sola, &(ps->p->inBuffer[i]), &(ps->outBuffer[i]), ps->frameSize);
+        tSOLAD_ioSamples(&ps->sola, &(p->inBuffer[i]), &(ps->outBuffer[i]), ps->frameSize);
     return out;
-float tPitchShift_shiftToFunc (tPitchShift* ps, float (*fun)(float))
+float tPitchShift_shiftToFunc (tPitchShift* psr, float (*fun)(float))
+    _tPitchShift* ps = *psr;
+    _tPeriodDetection* p = *ps->p;
     float period, out;
     int i, iLast;
-    i = ps->p->i;
-    iLast = ps->p->iLast;
+    i = p->i;
+    iLast = p->iLast;
     out = tHighpass_tick(&ps->hp, ps->outBuffer[iLast]);
-    if (ps->p->indexstore >= ps->frameSize)
+    if (p->indexstore >= ps->frameSize)
-        period = ps->p->period;
+        period = p->period;
         if(pitchshift_attackdetect(ps) == 1)
-            ps->p->fba = 5;
-            tSOLAD_setReadLag(&ps->sola, ps->p->windowSize);
+            p->fba = 5;
+            tSOLAD_setReadLag(&ps->sola, p->windowSize);
         tSOLAD_setPeriod(&ps->sola, period);
@@ -814,10 +904,10 @@
         ps->pitchFactor = period/fun(period);
         tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(&ps->sola, ps->pitchFactor);
-        tSOLAD_ioSamples(&ps->sola, &(ps->p->inBuffer[i]), &(ps->outBuffer[i]), ps->frameSize);
+        tSOLAD_ioSamples(&ps->sola, &(p->inBuffer[i]), &(ps->outBuffer[i]), ps->frameSize);
-        if (ps->curBlock >= ps->p->framesPerBuffer) ps->curBlock = 0;
+        if (ps->curBlock >= p->framesPerBuffer) ps->curBlock = 0;
         if (ps->lastBlock >= ps->framesPerBuffer) ps->lastBlock = 0;
@@ -832,10 +922,10 @@
 /***************** static function declarations *******************************/
-static void solad_init(tSOLAD *w);
-static inline float read_sample(tSOLAD *w, float floatindex);
-static void pitchdown(tSOLAD *w, float *out);
-static void pitchup(tSOLAD *w, float *out);
+static void solad_init(_tSOLAD *w);
+static inline float read_sample(_tSOLAD *w, float floatindex);
+static void pitchdown(_tSOLAD *w, float *out);
+static void pitchup(_tSOLAD *w, float *out);
 /***************** public access functions ************************************/
@@ -842,21 +932,28 @@
 // init
-void     tSOLAD_init(tSOLAD* const w)
+void     tSOLAD_init(tSOLAD* const wp)
+    _tSOLAD* w = *wp = (_tSOLAD*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSOLAD));
     w->pitchfactor = 1.;
     w->delaybuf = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * (LOOPSIZE+16));
-void tSOLAD_free(tSOLAD* const w)
+void tSOLAD_free(tSOLAD* const wp)
+    _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
+    leaf_free(w);
 // send one block of input samples, receive one block of output samples
-void tSOLAD_ioSamples(tSOLAD* const w, float* in, float* out, int blocksize)
+void tSOLAD_ioSamples(tSOLAD* const wp, float* in, float* out, int blocksize)
+    _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
     int i = w->timeindex;
     int n = w->blocksize = blocksize;
@@ -871,22 +968,28 @@
 // set periodicity analysis data
-void tSOLAD_setPeriod(tSOLAD* const w, float period)
+void tSOLAD_setPeriod(tSOLAD* const wp, float period)
+    _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
     if(period > MAXPERIOD) period = MAXPERIOD;
     if(period > MINPERIOD) w->period = period;  // ignore period when too small
 // set pitch factor between 0.25 and 4
-void tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(tSOLAD* const w, float pitchfactor)
+void tSOLAD_setPitchFactor(tSOLAD* const wp, float pitchfactor)
+    _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
     if (pitchfactor <= 0.0f) return;
     w->pitchfactor = pitchfactor;
 // force readpointer lag
-void tSOLAD_setReadLag(tSOLAD* const w, float readlag)
+void tSOLAD_setReadLag(tSOLAD* const wp, float readlag)
+    _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
     if(readlag < 0) readlag = 0;
     if(readlag < w->readlag)               // do not jump backward, only forward
@@ -898,8 +1001,10 @@
 // reset state variables
-void tSOLAD_resetState(tSOLAD* const w)
+void tSOLAD_resetState(tSOLAD* const wp)
+    _tSOLAD* w = *wp;
     int n = LOOPSIZE + 1;
     float *buf = w->delaybuf;
@@ -939,7 +1044,7 @@
-static void pitchdown(tSOLAD* const w, float *out)
+static void pitchdown(_tSOLAD* const w, float *out)
     int n = w->blocksize;
     float refindex = (float)(w->timeindex + LOOPSIZE); // no negative values!
@@ -1057,7 +1162,7 @@
  possibility is done. A previous crossfade must be completed before a forward
  jump is allowed.
-static void pitchup(tSOLAD* const w, float *out)
+static void pitchup(_tSOLAD* const w, float *out)
     int n = w->blocksize;
     float refindex = (float)(w->timeindex + LOOPSIZE); // no negative values
@@ -1123,7 +1228,7 @@
 // read one sample from delay buffer, with linear interpolation
-static inline float read_sample(tSOLAD* const w, float floatindex)
+static inline float read_sample(_tSOLAD* const w, float floatindex)
     int index = (int)floatindex;
     float fraction = floatindex - (float)index;
@@ -1133,7 +1238,7 @@
     return (buf[index] + (fraction * (buf[index+1] - buf[index])));
-static void solad_init(tSOLAD* const w)
+static void solad_init(_tSOLAD* const w)
     w->timeindex = 0;
     w->xfadevalue = -1;
@@ -1145,8 +1250,10 @@
-void tFormantShifter_init(tFormantShifter* const fs, int bufsize, int order)
+void tFormantShifter_init(tFormantShifter* const fsr, int bufsize, int order)
+    _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr = (_tFormantShifter*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tFormantShifter));
     fs->ford = order;
     fs->bufsize = bufsize;
     fs->fk = (float*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * fs->ford);
@@ -1175,8 +1282,10 @@
     fs->cbi = 0;
-void tFormantShifter_free(tFormantShifter* const fs)
+void tFormantShifter_free(tFormantShifter* const fsr)
+    _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr;
@@ -1190,16 +1299,19 @@
+    leaf_free(fs);
-float tFormantShifter_tick(tFormantShifter* fs, float in, float fwarp)
+float tFormantShifter_tick(tFormantShifter* fsr, float in, float fwarp)
-    return tFormantShifter_add(fs, tFormantShifter_remove(fs, in), fwarp);
+    return tFormantShifter_add(fsr, tFormantShifter_remove(fsr, in), fwarp);
-float tFormantShifter_remove(tFormantShifter* fs, float in)
+float tFormantShifter_remove(tFormantShifter* fsr, float in)
+    _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr;
     float fa, fb, fc, foma, falph, ford, flpa, flamb, tf, fk;
     int ti4;
     ford = fs->ford;
@@ -1238,8 +1350,10 @@
     return fa;
-float tFormantShifter_add(tFormantShifter* fs, float in, float fwarp)
+float tFormantShifter_add(tFormantShifter* fsr, float in, float fwarp)
+    _tFormantShifter* fs = *fsr;
     float fa, fb, fc, foma, falph, ford, flpa, flamb, tf, tf2, f0resp, f1resp, frlamb;
     int ti4;
     ford = fs->ford;
@@ -1247,7 +1361,7 @@
     foma = (1.0f - falph);
     flpa = fs->flpa;
     flamb = fs->flamb;
-    tf = exp2(fwarp/2.0f) * (1+flamb)/(1-flamb);
+    tf = exp2f(fwarp*0.5f) * (1+flamb)/(1-flamb);
     frlamb = (tf-1)/(tf+1);
     ti4 = fs->cbi;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-electrical.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-electrical.c
@@ -46,8 +46,10 @@
 static float get_reflected_wave_for_diode_pair(tWDF* const n, float input, float incident_wave);
-void tWDF_init(tWDF* const r, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR)
+void tWDF_init(tWDF* const wdf, WDFComponentType type, float value, tWDF* const rL, tWDF* const rR)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf = (_tWDF*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tWDF));
 	r->type = type;
     r->child_left = rL;
     r->child_right = rR;
@@ -163,19 +165,23 @@
-void tWDF_free(tWDF* const r)
+void tWDF_free(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
+    leaf_free(r);
-float tWDF_tick(tWDF* const r, float sample, tWDF* const outputPoint, uint8_t paramsChanged)
+float tWDF_tick(tWDF* const wdf, float sample, tWDF* const outputPoint, uint8_t paramsChanged)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     tWDF* child;
     if (r->child_left != NULL) child = r->child_left;
     else child = r->child_right;
 	//step 0 : update port resistances if something changed
-	if (paramsChanged) tWDF_getPortResistance(r);
+	if (paramsChanged) tWDF_getPortResistance(wdf);
 	//step 1 : set inputs to what they should be
 	float input = sample;
@@ -184,7 +190,7 @@
 	r->incident_wave_up = tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(child, input);
 	//step 3 : do root scattering computation
-	r->reflected_wave_up = tWDF_getReflectedWaveDown(r, input, r->incident_wave_up);
+	r->reflected_wave_up = tWDF_getReflectedWaveDown(wdf, input, r->incident_wave_up);
 	//step 4 : propogate waves down the tree
 	tWDF_setIncidentWave(child, r->reflected_wave_up, input);
@@ -193,49 +199,58 @@
     return tWDF_getVoltage(outputPoint);
-void tWDF_setValue(tWDF* const r, float value)
+void tWDF_setValue(tWDF* const wdf, float value)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	r->value = value;
-void tWDF_setSampleRate(tWDF* const r, float sample_rate)
+void tWDF_setSampleRate(tWDF* const wdf, float sample_rate)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->sample_rate = sample_rate;
-uint8_t tWDF_isLeaf(tWDF* const r)
+uint8_t tWDF_isLeaf(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     if (r->child_left == NULL && r->child_right == NULL) return 1;
     return 0;
-float tWDF_getPortResistance(tWDF* const r)
+float tWDF_getPortResistance(tWDF* const wdf)
-	return r->get_port_resistance(r);
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
+	return r->get_port_resistance(wdf);
-void tWDF_setIncidentWave(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input)
+void tWDF_setIncidentWave(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
-	r->set_incident_wave(r, incident_wave, input);
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
+	r->set_incident_wave(wdf, incident_wave, input);
-float tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(tWDF* const r, float input)
+float tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
-	return r->get_reflected_wave_up(r, input);
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
+	return r->get_reflected_wave_up(wdf, input);
-float tWDF_getReflectedWaveDown(tWDF* const r, float input, float incident_wave)
+float tWDF_getReflectedWaveDown(tWDF* const wdf, float input, float incident_wave)
-    return r->get_reflected_wave_down(r, input, incident_wave);
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
+    return r->get_reflected_wave_down(wdf, input, incident_wave);
-float tWDF_getVoltage(tWDF* const r)
+float tWDF_getVoltage(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	return ((r->incident_wave_up * 0.5f) + (r->reflected_wave_up * 0.5f));
-float tWDF_getCurrent(tWDF* const r)
+float tWDF_getCurrent(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	return (((r->incident_wave_up * 0.5f) - (r->reflected_wave_up * 0.5f)) * r->port_conductance_up);
@@ -243,8 +258,10 @@
 //============ Get and Calculate Port Resistances ===================
-static float get_port_resistance_for_resistor(tWDF* const r)
+static float get_port_resistance_for_resistor(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	r->port_resistance_up = r->value;
 	r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->value;
@@ -251,8 +268,10 @@
 	return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_capacitor(tWDF* const r)
+static float get_port_resistance_for_capacitor(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	r->port_conductance_up = r->sample_rate * 2.0f * r->value; //based on trapezoidal discretization
 	r->port_resistance_up = (1.0f / r->port_conductance_up);
@@ -259,8 +278,10 @@
 	return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_inductor(tWDF* const r)
+static float get_port_resistance_for_inductor(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->port_resistance_up = r->sample_rate * 2.0f * r->value; //based on trapezoidal discretization
     r->port_conductance_up = (1.0f / r->port_resistance_up);
@@ -267,8 +288,10 @@
     return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_resistive(tWDF* const r)
+static float get_port_resistance_for_resistive(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->port_resistance_up = r->value;
     r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
@@ -275,8 +298,10 @@
     return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_inverter(tWDF* const r)
+static float get_port_resistance_for_inverter(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->port_resistance_up = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_left);
     r->port_conductance_up = 1.0f / r->port_resistance_up;
@@ -283,8 +308,10 @@
     return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_series(tWDF* const r)
+static float get_port_resistance_for_series(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	r->port_resistance_left = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_left);
 	r->port_resistance_right = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_right);
 	r->port_resistance_up = r->port_resistance_left + r->port_resistance_right;
@@ -296,8 +323,10 @@
 	return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_parallel(tWDF* const r)
+static float get_port_resistance_for_parallel(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	r->port_resistance_left = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_left);
 	r->port_resistance_right = tWDF_getPortResistance(r->child_right);
 	r->port_resistance_up = (r->port_resistance_left * r->port_resistance_right) / (r->port_resistance_left + r->port_resistance_right);
@@ -309,8 +338,10 @@
 	return r->port_resistance_up;
-static float get_port_resistance_for_root(tWDF* const r)
+static float get_port_resistance_for_root(tWDF* const wdf)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     tWDF* child;
     if (r->child_left != NULL) child = r->child_left;
     else child = r->child_right;
@@ -324,24 +355,29 @@
 //================ Set Incident Waves ===============================
-static void set_incident_wave_for_leaf(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input)
+static void set_incident_wave_for_leaf(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	r->incident_wave_up = incident_wave;
-static void set_incident_wave_for_leaf_inverted(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input)
+static void set_incident_wave_for_leaf_inverted(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->incident_wave_up = -1.0f * incident_wave;
-static void set_incident_wave_for_inverter(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input)
+static void set_incident_wave_for_inverter(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->incident_wave_up = incident_wave;
     tWDF_setIncidentWave(r->child_left, -1.0f * incident_wave, input);
-static void set_incident_wave_for_series(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input)
+static void set_incident_wave_for_series(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->incident_wave_up = incident_wave;
 	float gamma_left = r->port_resistance_left * r->gamma_zero;
 	float gamma_right = r->port_resistance_right * r->gamma_zero;
@@ -357,8 +393,10 @@
-static void set_incident_wave_for_parallel(tWDF* const r, float incident_wave, float input)
+static void set_incident_wave_for_parallel(tWDF* const wdf, float incident_wave, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->incident_wave_up = incident_wave;
 	float gamma_left = r->port_conductance_left * r->gamma_zero;
 	float gamma_right = r->port_conductance_right * r->gamma_zero;
@@ -373,39 +411,46 @@
 //================ Get Reflected Waves ==============================
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_resistor(tWDF* const r, float input)
+static float get_reflected_wave_for_resistor(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	r->reflected_wave_up = 0.0f;
 	return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_capacitor(tWDF* const r, float input)
+static float get_reflected_wave_for_capacitor(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	r->reflected_wave_up = r->incident_wave_up;
 	return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_resistive(tWDF* const r, float input)
+static float get_reflected_wave_for_resistive(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->reflected_wave_up = input;
     return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_inverter(tWDF* const r, float input)
+static float get_reflected_wave_for_inverter(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
     r->reflected_wave_up = -1.0f * tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_left, input);
     return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_series(tWDF* const r, float input)
+static float get_reflected_wave_for_series(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	//-( downPorts[0]->a + downPorts[1]->a );
     r->reflected_wave_up = (-1.0f * (tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_left, input) + tWDF_getReflectedWaveUp(r->child_right, input)));
 	return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_parallel(tWDF* const r, float input)
+static float get_reflected_wave_for_parallel(tWDF* const wdf, float input)
+    _tWDF* r = *wdf;
 	float gamma_left = r->port_conductance_left * r->gamma_zero;
 	float gamma_right = r->port_conductance_right * r->gamma_zero;
 	//return ( dl * downPorts[0]->a + dr * downPorts[1]->a );
@@ -413,7 +458,7 @@
 	return r->reflected_wave_up;
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_ideal(tWDF* const n, float input, float incident_wave)
+static float get_reflected_wave_for_ideal(tWDF* const wdf, float input, float incident_wave)
     return (2.0f * input) - incident_wave;
@@ -462,15 +507,19 @@
 #define Is_DIODE    2.52e-9f
 #define VT_DIODE    0.02585f
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_diode(tWDF* const n, float input, float incident_wave)
+static float get_reflected_wave_for_diode(tWDF* const wdf, float input, float incident_wave)
+    _tWDF* n = *wdf;
     float a = incident_wave;
     float r = n->port_resistance_up;
     return a + 2.0f*r*Is_DIODE - 2.0f*VT_DIODE*lambertW(a, r, Is_DIODE, 1.0f/VT_DIODE);
-static float get_reflected_wave_for_diode_pair(tWDF* const n, float input, float incident_wave)
+static float get_reflected_wave_for_diode_pair(tWDF* const wdf, float input, float incident_wave)
+    _tWDF* n = *wdf;
     float a = incident_wave;
     float sgn = 0.0f;
     if (a > 0.0f) sgn = 1.0f;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-envelopes.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-envelopes.c
@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Envelope ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void    tEnvelope_init(tEnvelope* const env, float attack, float decay, oBool loop)
+void    tEnvelope_init(tEnvelope* const envlp, float attack, float decay, oBool loop)
+    _tEnvelope* env = *envlp = (_tEnvelope*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tEnvelope));
     env->exp_buff = exp_decay;
     env->inc_buff = attack_decay_inc;
     env->buff_size = sizeof(exp_decay);
@@ -63,13 +65,16 @@
-void tEnvelope_free(tEnvelope* const env)
+void tEnvelope_free(tEnvelope* const envlp)
+    _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
+    leaf_free(env);
-int     tEnvelope_setAttack(tEnvelope* const env, float attack)
+void     tEnvelope_setAttack(tEnvelope* const envlp, float attack)
+    _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
     int32_t attackIndex;
     if (attack < 0.0f) {
@@ -81,12 +86,12 @@
     env->attackInc = env->inc_buff[attackIndex];
-    return 0;
-int     tEnvelope_setDecay(tEnvelope* const env, float decay)
+void     tEnvelope_setDecay(tEnvelope* const envlp, float decay)
+    _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
     int32_t decayIndex;
     if (decay < 0.0f) {
@@ -97,21 +102,20 @@
         decayIndex = ((int32_t)(8192.0f * 8.0f)) - 1; 
-    env->decayInc = env->inc_buff[decayIndex]; 
-    return 0;
+    env->decayInc = env->inc_buff[decayIndex];
-int     tEnvelope_loop(tEnvelope* const env, oBool loop)
+void     tEnvelope_loop(tEnvelope* const envlp, oBool loop)
+    _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
     env->loop = loop;
-    return 0;
-int     tEnvelope_on(tEnvelope* const env, float velocity)
+void     tEnvelope_on(tEnvelope* const envlp, float velocity)
+    _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
     if (env->inAttack || env->inDecay) // In case envelope retriggered while it is still happening.
         env->rampPhase = 0;
@@ -128,12 +132,12 @@
     env->decayPhase = 0;
     env->inDecay = OFALSE;
     env->gain = velocity;
-    return 0;
-float   tEnvelope_tick(tEnvelope* const env)
+float   tEnvelope_tick(tEnvelope* const envlp)
+    _tEnvelope* env = *envlp;
     if (env->inRamp)
         if (env->rampPhase > UINT16_MAX)
@@ -203,8 +207,10 @@
 /* ADSR */
-void    tADSR_init(tADSR* const adsr, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release)
+void    tADSR_init(tADSR* const adsrenv, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release)
+    _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv = (_tADSR*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tADSR));
     adsr->exp_buff = exp_decay;
     adsr->inc_buff = attack_decay_inc;
     adsr->buff_size = sizeof(exp_decay);
@@ -257,13 +263,17 @@
     adsr->rampInc = adsr->inc_buff[rampIndex];
-void tADSR_free(tADSR* const adsr)
+void tADSR_free(tADSR* const adsrenv)
+    _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
+    leaf_free(adsr);
-int     tADSR_setAttack(tADSR* const adsr, float attack)
+void     tADSR_setAttack(tADSR* const adsrenv, float attack)
+    _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
     int32_t attackIndex;
     if (attack < 0.0f) {
@@ -275,12 +285,12 @@
     adsr->attackInc = adsr->inc_buff[attackIndex];
-    return 0;
-int     tADSR_detDecay(tADSR* const adsr, float decay)
+void     tADSR_detDecay(tADSR* const adsrenv, float decay)
+    _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
     int32_t decayIndex;
     if (decay < 0.0f) {
@@ -292,21 +302,21 @@
     adsr->decayInc = adsr->inc_buff[decayIndex];
-    return 0;
-int     tADSR_setSustain(tADSR *const adsr, float sustain)
+void     tADSR_setSustain(tADSR* const adsrenv, float sustain)
+    _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
     if (sustain > 1.0f)      adsr->sustain = 1.0f;
     else if (sustain < 0.0f) adsr->sustain = 0.0f;
     else                     adsr->sustain = sustain;
-    return 0;
-int     tADSR_setRelease(tADSR* const adsr, float release)
+void     tADSR_setRelease(tADSR* const adsrenv, float release)
+    _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
     int32_t releaseIndex;
     if (release < 0.0f) {
@@ -318,12 +328,12 @@
     adsr->releaseInc = adsr->inc_buff[releaseIndex];
-    return 0;
-int tADSR_on(tADSR* const adsr, float velocity)
+void tADSR_on(tADSR* const adsrenv, float velocity)
+    _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
     if ((adsr->inAttack || adsr->inDecay) || (adsr->inSustain || adsr->inRelease)) // In case ADSR retriggered while it is still happening.
         adsr->rampPhase = 0;
@@ -342,14 +352,14 @@
     adsr->inSustain = OFALSE;
     adsr->inRelease = OFALSE;
     adsr->gain = velocity;
-    return 0;
-int tADSR_off(tADSR* const adsr)
+void tADSR_off(tADSR* const adsrenv)
-    if (adsr->inRelease) return 0;
+    _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
+    if (adsr->inRelease) return;
     adsr->inAttack = OFALSE;
     adsr->inDecay = OFALSE;
     adsr->inSustain = OFALSE;
@@ -356,12 +366,12 @@
     adsr->inRelease = OTRUE;
     adsr->releasePeak = adsr->next;
-    return 0;
-float   tADSR_tick(tADSR* const adsr)
+float   tADSR_tick(tADSR* const adsrenv)
+    _tADSR* adsr = *adsrenv;
     if (adsr->inRamp)
         if (adsr->rampPhase > UINT16_MAX)
@@ -440,8 +450,10 @@
 /* Ramp */
-void    tRamp_init(tRamp* const ramp, float time, int samples_per_tick)
+void    tRamp_init(tRamp* const r, float time, int samples_per_tick)
+    _tRamp* ramp = *r = (_tRamp*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tRamp));
     ramp->inv_sr_ms = 1.0f/(leaf.sampleRate*0.001f);
 	ramp->minimum_time = ramp->inv_sr_ms * samples_per_tick;
     ramp->curr = 0.0f;
@@ -460,13 +472,17 @@
     ramp->inc = ((ramp->dest - ramp->curr) / ramp->time * ramp->inv_sr_ms) * (float)ramp->samples_per_tick;
-void tRamp_free(tRamp* const ramp)
+void tRamp_free(tRamp* const r)
+    _tRamp* ramp = *r;
+    leaf_free(ramp);
-int     tRamp_setTime(tRamp* const r, float time)
+void     tRamp_setTime(tRamp* const ramp, float time)
+    _tRamp* r = *ramp;
 	if (time < r->minimum_time)
 		r->time = r->minimum_time;
@@ -476,24 +492,25 @@
 		r->time = time;
     r->inc = ((r->dest-r->curr)/r->time * r->inv_sr_ms) * ((float)r->samples_per_tick);
-    return 0;
-int     tRamp_setDest(tRamp* const r, float dest)
+void     tRamp_setDest(tRamp* const ramp, float dest)
+    _tRamp* r = *ramp;
     r->dest = dest;
     r->inc = ((r->dest-r->curr)/r->time * r->inv_sr_ms) * ((float)r->samples_per_tick);
-    return 0;
-int     tRamp_setVal(tRamp* const r, float val)
+void     tRamp_setVal(tRamp* const ramp, float val)
+    _tRamp* r = *ramp;
     r->curr = val;
     r->inc = ((r->dest-r->curr)/r->time * r->inv_sr_ms) * ((float)r->samples_per_tick);
-    return 0;
-float   tRamp_tick(tRamp* const r) {
+float   tRamp_tick(tRamp* const ramp)
+    _tRamp* r = *ramp;
     r->curr += r->inc;
@@ -504,13 +521,15 @@
     return r->curr;
-float   tRamp_sample(tRamp* const r) {
+float   tRamp_sample(tRamp* const ramp)
+    _tRamp* r = *ramp;
     return r->curr;
-void    tRampSampleRateChanged(tRamp* const r)
+void    tRampSampleRateChanged(tRamp* const ramp)
+    _tRamp* r = *ramp;
     r->inv_sr_ms = 1.0f / (leaf.sampleRate * 0.001f);
     r->inc = ((r->dest-r->curr)/r->time * r->inv_sr_ms)*((float)r->samples_per_tick);
@@ -517,8 +536,10 @@
 /* Exponential Smoother */
-void    tExpSmooth_init(tExpSmooth* const smooth, float val, float factor)
+void    tExpSmooth_init(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, float val, float factor)
 {	// factor is usually a value between 0 and 0.1. Lower value is slower. 0.01 for example gives you a smoothing time of about 10ms
+    _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth = (_tExpSmooth*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tExpSmooth));
 	if (factor<0) factor=0;
@@ -527,13 +548,17 @@
-void tExpSmooth_free(tExpSmooth* const smooth)
+void tExpSmooth_free(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth)
+    _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
+    leaf_free(smooth);
-int     tExpSmooth_setFactor(tExpSmooth* const smooth, float factor)
+void     tExpSmooth_setFactor(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, float factor)
 {	// factor is usually a value between 0 and 0.1. Lower value is slower. 0.01 for example gives you a smoothing time of about 10ms
+    _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
 	if (factor<0)
@@ -540,29 +565,30 @@
 		if (factor>1) factor=1;
-    return 0;
-int     tExpSmooth_setDest(tExpSmooth* const smooth, float dest)
+void     tExpSmooth_setDest(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, float dest)
+    _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
-    return 0;
-int     tExpSmooth_setVal(tExpSmooth* const smooth, float val)
+void     tExpSmooth_setVal(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth, float val)
+    _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
-    return 0;
-float   tExpSmooth_tick(tExpSmooth* const smooth)
+float   tExpSmooth_tick(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth)
+    _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
     smooth->curr = smooth->factor*smooth->dest+smooth->oneminusfactor*smooth->curr;
     return smooth->curr;
-float   tExpSmooth_sample(tExpSmooth* const smooth)
+float   tExpSmooth_sample(tExpSmooth* const expsmooth)
+    _tExpSmooth* smooth = *expsmooth;
     return smooth->curr;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-filters.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-filters.c
@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OnePole Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void    tAllpass_init(tAllpass* const f, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+void    tAllpass_init(tAllpass* const ft, float initDelay, uint32_t maxDelay)
+    _tAllpass* f = *ft = (_tAllpass*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tAllpass));
     f->gain = 0.7f;
     f->lastOut = 0.0f;
@@ -30,23 +32,32 @@
     tLinearDelay_init(&f->delay, initDelay, maxDelay);
-void tAllpass_free(tAllpass* const f)
+void tAllpass_free(tAllpass* const ft)
+    _tAllpass* f = *ft;
+    leaf_free(f);
-void    tAllpass_setDelay(tAllpass* const f, float delay)
+void    tAllpass_setDelay(tAllpass* const ft, float delay)
+    _tAllpass* f = *ft;
     tLinearDelay_setDelay(&f->delay, delay);
-void    tAllpass_setGain(tAllpass* const f, float gain)
+void    tAllpass_setGain(tAllpass* const ft, float gain)
+    _tAllpass* f = *ft;
     f->gain = gain;
-float   tAllpass_tick(tAllpass* const f, float input)
+float   tAllpass_tick(tAllpass* const ft, float input)
+    _tAllpass* f = *ft;
     float s1 = (-f->gain) * f->lastOut + input;
     float s2 = tLinearDelay_tick(&f->delay, s1) + (f->gain) * input;
@@ -56,8 +67,10 @@
     return f->lastOut;
-void tButterworth_init(tButterworth* const f, int N, float f1, float f2)
+void tButterworth_init(tButterworth* const ft, int N, float f1, float f2)
+    _tButterworth* f = *ft = (_tButterworth*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tButterworth));
 	f->f1 = f1;
 	f->f2 = f2;
 	f->gain = 1.0f;
@@ -73,17 +86,23 @@
-void tButterworth_free(tButterworth* const f)
+void tButterworth_free(tButterworth* const ft)
+    _tButterworth* f = *ft;
     for(int i = 0; i < f->N/2; ++i)
+    leaf_free(f);
-float tButterworth_tick(tButterworth* const f, float samp)
+float tButterworth_tick(tButterworth* const ft, float samp)
+    _tButterworth* f = *ft;
 	for(int i = 0; i < ((f->N)/2); ++i)
 		samp = tSVF_tick(&f->low[i],samp);
@@ -92,20 +111,26 @@
 	return samp;
-void tButterworth_setF1(tButterworth* const f, float f1)
+void tButterworth_setF1(tButterworth* const ft, float f1)
+    _tButterworth* f = *ft;
 	f->f1 = f1;
 	for(int i = 0; i < ((f->N)/2); ++i)		tSVF_setFreq(&f->low[i], f1);
-void tButterworth_setF2(tButterworth* const f, float f2)
+void tButterworth_setF2(tButterworth* const ft, float f2)
+    _tButterworth* f = *ft;
 	f->f2 = f2;
 	for(int i = 0; i < ((f->N)/2); ++i)		tSVF_setFreq(&f->high[i], f2);
-void tButterworth_setFreqs(tButterworth* const f, float f1, float f2)
+void tButterworth_setFreqs(tButterworth* const ft, float f1, float f2)
+    _tButterworth* f = *ft;
 	f->f1 = f1;
 	f->f2 = f2;
 	for(int i = 0; i < ((f->N)/2); ++i)
@@ -116,21 +141,27 @@
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OneZero Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void    tOneZero_init(tOneZero* const f, float theZero)
+void    tOneZero_init(tOneZero* const ft, float theZero)
+    _tOneZero* f = *ft = (_tOneZero*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tOneZero));
     f->gain = 1.0f;
     f->lastIn = 0.0f;
     f->lastOut = 0.0f;
-    tOneZero_setZero(f, theZero);
+    tOneZero_setZero(ft, theZero);
-void    tOneZero_free(tOneZero* const f)
+void    tOneZero_free(tOneZero* const ft)
+    _tOneZero* f = *ft;
+    leaf_free(f);
-float   tOneZero_tick(tOneZero* const f, float input)
+float   tOneZero_tick(tOneZero* const ft, float input)
+    _tOneZero* f = *ft;
     float in = input * f->gain;
     float out = f->b1 * f->lastIn + f->b0 * in;
@@ -139,8 +170,10 @@
     return out;
-void    tOneZero_setZero(tOneZero* const f, float theZero)
+void    tOneZero_setZero(tOneZero* const ft, float theZero)
+    _tOneZero* f = *ft;
     if (theZero > 0.0f) f->b0 = 1.0f / (1.0f + theZero);
     else                f->b0 = 1.0f / (1.0f - theZero);
@@ -148,29 +181,36 @@
-void    tOneZero_setB0(tOneZero* const f, float b0)
+void    tOneZero_setB0(tOneZero* const ft, float b0)
+    _tOneZero* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = b0;
-void    tOneZero_setB1(tOneZero* const f, float b1)
+void    tOneZero_setB1(tOneZero* const ft, float b1)
+    _tOneZero* f = *ft;
     f->b1 = b1;
-void    tOneZero_setCoefficients(tOneZero* const f, float b0, float b1)
+void    tOneZero_setCoefficients(tOneZero* const ft, float b0, float b1)
+    _tOneZero* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = b0;
     f->b1 = b1;
-void    tOneZero_setGain(tOneZero *f, float gain)
+void    tOneZero_setGain(tOneZero *ft, float gain)
+    _tOneZero* f = *ft;
     f->gain = gain;
-float   tOneZero_getPhaseDelay(tOneZero* const f, float frequency )
+float   tOneZero_getPhaseDelay(tOneZero* const ft, float frequency )
+    _tOneZero* f = *ft;
     if ( frequency <= 0.0f) frequency = 0.05f;
     f->frequency = frequency;
@@ -198,20 +238,26 @@
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TwoZero Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void    tTwoZero_init(tTwoZero* const f)
+void    tTwoZero_init(tTwoZero* const ft)
+    _tTwoZero* f = *ft = (_tTwoZero*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tTwoZero));
     f->gain = 1.0f;
     f->lastIn[0] = 0.0f;
     f->lastIn[1] = 0.0f;
-void    tTwoZero_free(tTwoZero* const f)
+void    tTwoZero_free(tTwoZero* const ft)
+    _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
+    leaf_free(f);
-float   tTwoZero_tick(tTwoZero* const f, float input)
+float   tTwoZero_tick(tTwoZero* const ft, float input)
+    _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
     float in = input * f->gain;
     float out = f->b2 * f->lastIn[1] + f->b1 * f->lastIn[0] + f->b0 * in;
@@ -221,8 +267,10 @@
     return out;
-void    tTwoZero_setNotch(tTwoZero* const f, float freq, float radius)
+void    tTwoZero_setNotch(tTwoZero* const ft, float freq, float radius)
+    _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
     // Should also deal with frequency being > half sample rate / nyquist. See STK
     if (freq < 0.0f)    freq = 0.0f;
     if (radius < 0.0f)  radius = 0.0f;
@@ -243,64 +291,77 @@
-void    tTwoZero_setB0(tTwoZero* const f, float b0)
+void    tTwoZero_setB0(tTwoZero* const ft, float b0)
+    _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = b0;
-void    tTwoZero_setB1(tTwoZero* const f, float b1)
+void    tTwoZero_setB1(tTwoZero* const ft, float b1)
+    _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
     f->b1 = b1;
-void    tTwoZero_setCoefficients(tTwoZero* const f, float b0, float b1, float b2)
+void    tTwoZero_setCoefficients(tTwoZero* const ft, float b0, float b1, float b2)
+    _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = b0;
     f->b1 = b1;
     f->b2 = b2;
-void    tTwoZero_setGain(tTwoZero* const f, float gain)
+void    tTwoZero_setGain(tTwoZero* const ft, float gain)
+    _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
     f->gain = gain;
-void tTwoZeroSampleRateChanged(tTwoZero* const f)
+void tTwoZeroSampleRateChanged(tTwoZero* const ft)
-    tTwoZero_setNotch(f, f->frequency, f->radius);
+    _tTwoZero* f = *ft;
+    tTwoZero_setNotch(ft, f->frequency, f->radius);
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OnePole Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void    tOnePole_init(tOnePole* const f, float freq)
+void    tOnePole_init(tOnePole* const ft, float freq)
+    _tOnePole* f = *ft = (_tOnePole*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tOnePole));
     f->gain = 1.0f;
     f->a0 = 1.0;
-    tOnePole_setFreq(f, freq);
+    tOnePole_setFreq(ft, freq);
     f->lastIn = 0.0f;
     f->lastOut = 0.0f;
-void    tOnePole_free(tOnePole* const f)
+void    tOnePole_free(tOnePole* const ft)
+    _tOnePole* f = *ft;
+    leaf_free(f);
-void    tOnePole_setB0(tOnePole* const f, float b0)
+void    tOnePole_setB0(tOnePole* const ft, float b0)
+    _tOnePole* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = b0;
-void    tOnePole_setA1(tOnePole* const f, float a1)
+void    tOnePole_setA1(tOnePole* const ft, float a1)
+    _tOnePole* f = *ft;
     if (a1 >= 1.0f)     a1 = 0.999999f;
     f->a1 = a1;
-void    tOnePole_setPole(tOnePole* const f, float thePole)
+void    tOnePole_setPole(tOnePole* const ft, float thePole)
+    _tOnePole* f = *ft;
     if (thePole >= 1.0f)    thePole = 0.999999f;
     // Normalize coefficients for peak unity gain.
@@ -310,30 +371,32 @@
     f->a1 = -thePole;
-void        tOnePole_setFreq        (tOnePole* const f, float freq)
+void        tOnePole_setFreq        (tOnePole* const ft, float freq)
+    _tOnePole* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = freq * TWO_PI * leaf.invSampleRate;
     f->b0 = LEAF_clip(0.0f, f->b0, 1.0f);
     f->a1 = 1.0f - f->b0;
-void    tOnePole_setCoefficients(tOnePole* const f, float b0, float a1)
+void    tOnePole_setCoefficients(tOnePole* const ft, float b0, float a1)
+    _tOnePole* f = *ft;
     if (a1 >= 1.0f)     a1 = 0.999999f;
     f->b0 = b0;
     f->a1 = a1;
-void    tOnePole_setGain(tOnePole* const f, float gain)
+void    tOnePole_setGain(tOnePole* const ft, float gain)
+    _tOnePole* f = *ft;
     f->gain = gain;
-float   tOnePole_tick(tOnePole* const f, float input)
+float   tOnePole_tick(tOnePole* const ft, float input)
+    _tOnePole* f = *ft;
     float in = input * f->gain;
     float out = (f->b0 * in) + (f->a1 * f->lastOut);
@@ -344,8 +407,10 @@
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TwoPole Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void    tTwoPole_init(tTwoPole* const f)
+void    tTwoPole_init(tTwoPole* const ft)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft = (_tTwoPole*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tTwoPole));
     f->gain = 1.0f;
     f->a0 = 1.0;
     f->b0 = 1.0;
@@ -354,13 +419,17 @@
     f->lastOut[1] = 0.0f;
-void    tTwoPole_free(tTwoPole* const f)
+void    tTwoPole_free(tTwoPole* const ft)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
+    leaf_free(f);
-float   tTwoPole_tick(tTwoPole* const f, float input)
+float   tTwoPole_tick(tTwoPole* const ft, float input)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
     float in = input * f->gain;
     float out = (f->b0 * in) - (f->a1 * f->lastOut[0]) - (f->a2 * f->lastOut[1]);
@@ -370,24 +439,29 @@
     return out;
-void    tTwoPole_setB0(tTwoPole* const f, float b0)
+void    tTwoPole_setB0(tTwoPole* const ft, float b0)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = b0;
-void    tTwoPole_setA1(tTwoPole* const f, float a1)
+void    tTwoPole_setA1(tTwoPole* const ft, float a1)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
     f->a1 = a1;
-void    tTwoPole_setA2(tTwoPole* const f, float a2)
+void    tTwoPole_setA2(tTwoPole* const ft, float a2)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
     f->a2 = a2;
-void    tTwoPole_setResonance(tTwoPole* const f, float frequency, float radius, oBool normalize)
+void    tTwoPole_setResonance(tTwoPole* const ft, float frequency, float radius, oBool normalize)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
     if (frequency < 0.0f)   frequency = 0.0f; // need to also handle when frequency > nyquist
     if (radius < 0.0f)      radius = 0.0f;
     if (radius >= 1.0f)     radius = 0.999999f;
@@ -408,20 +482,24 @@
-void    tTwoPole_setCoefficients(tTwoPole* const f, float b0, float a1, float a2)
+void    tTwoPole_setCoefficients(tTwoPole* const ft, float b0, float a1, float a2)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = b0;
     f->a1 = a1;
     f->a2 = a2;
-void    tTwoPole_setGain(tTwoPole* const f, float gain)
+void    tTwoPole_setGain(tTwoPole* const ft, float gain)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
     f->gain = gain;
-void     tTwoPoleSampleRateChanged (tTwoPole* const f)
+void     tTwoPoleSampleRateChanged (tTwoPole* const ft)
+    _tTwoPole* f = *ft;
     f->a2 = f->radius * f->radius;
     f->a1 =  -2.0f * f->radius * cos(TWO_PI * f->frequency * leaf.invSampleRate);
@@ -435,8 +513,10 @@
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PoleZero Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void   tPoleZero_init(tPoleZero* const f)
+void   tPoleZero_init(tPoleZero* const pzf)
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf = (_tPoleZero*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPoleZero));
     f->gain = 1.0f;
     f->b0 = 1.0;
     f->a0 = 1.0;
@@ -445,88 +525,105 @@
     f->lastOut = 0.0f;
-void   tPoleZero_free(tPoleZero* const f)
+void   tPoleZero_free(tPoleZero* const pzf)
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
+    leaf_free(f);
 void    tPoleZero_setB0(tPoleZero* const pzf, float b0)
-    pzf->b0 = b0;
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
+    f->b0 = b0;
 void    tPoleZero_setB1(tPoleZero* const pzf, float b1)
-    pzf->b1 = b1;
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
+    f->b1 = b1;
 void    tPoleZero_setA1(tPoleZero* const pzf, float a1)
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
     if (a1 >= 1.0f) // a1 should be less than 1.0
         a1 = 0.999999f;
-    pzf->a1 = a1;
+    f->a1 = a1;
 void    tPoleZero_setCoefficients(tPoleZero* const pzf, float b0, float b1, float a1)
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
     if (a1 >= 1.0f) // a1 should be less than 1.0
         a1 = 0.999999f;
-    pzf->b0 = b0;
-    pzf->b1 = b1;
-    pzf->a1 = a1;
+    f->b0 = b0;
+    f->b1 = b1;
+    f->a1 = a1;
 void    tPoleZero_setAllpass(tPoleZero* const pzf, float coeff)
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
     if (coeff >= 1.0f) // allpass coefficient >= 1.0 makes filter unstable
         coeff = 0.999999f;
-    pzf->b0 = coeff;
-    pzf->b1 = 1.0f;
-    pzf->a0 = 1.0f;
-    pzf->a1 = coeff;
+    f->b0 = coeff;
+    f->b1 = 1.0f;
+    f->a0 = 1.0f;
+    f->a1 = coeff;
 void    tPoleZero_setBlockZero(tPoleZero* const pzf, float thePole)
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
     if (thePole >= 1.0f) // allpass coefficient >= 1.0 makes filter unstable
         thePole = 0.999999f;
-    pzf->b0 = 1.0f;
-    pzf->b1 = -1.0f;
-    pzf->a0 = 1.0f;
-    pzf->a1 = -thePole;
+    f->b0 = 1.0f;
+    f->b1 = -1.0f;
+    f->a0 = 1.0f;
+    f->a1 = -thePole;
 void    tPoleZero_setGain(tPoleZero* const pzf, float gain)
-    pzf->gain = gain;
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
+    f->gain = gain;
 float   tPoleZero_tick(tPoleZero* const pzf, float input)
-    float in = input * pzf->gain;
-    float out = (pzf->b0 * in) + (pzf->b1 * pzf->lastIn) - (pzf->a1 * pzf->lastOut);
+    _tPoleZero* f = *pzf;
-    pzf->lastIn = in;
-    pzf->lastOut = out;
+    float in = input * f->gain;
+    float out = (f->b0 * in) + (f->b1 * f->lastIn) - (f->a1 * f->lastOut);
+    f->lastIn = in;
+    f->lastOut = out;
     return out;
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BiQuad Filter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void    tBiQuad_init(tBiQuad* const f)
+void    tBiQuad_init(tBiQuad* const ft)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft = (_tBiQuad*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tBiQuad));
     f->gain = 1.0f;
     f->b0 = 0.0f;
@@ -538,13 +635,17 @@
     f->lastOut[1] = 0.0f;
-void    tBiQuad_free(tBiQuad* const f)
+void    tBiQuad_free(tBiQuad* const ft)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
+    leaf_free(f);
-float   tBiQuad_tick(tBiQuad* const f, float input)
+float   tBiQuad_tick(tBiQuad* const ft, float input)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     float in = input * f->gain;
     float out = f->b0 * in + f->b1 * f->lastIn[0] + f->b2 * f->lastIn[1];
     out -= f->a2 * f->lastOut[1] + f->a1 * f->lastOut[0];
@@ -558,8 +659,10 @@
     return out;
-void    tBiQuad_setResonance(tBiQuad* const f, float freq, float radius, oBool normalize)
+void    tBiQuad_setResonance(tBiQuad* const ft, float freq, float radius, oBool normalize)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     // Should also deal with frequency being > half sample rate / nyquist. See STK
     if (freq < 0.0f)    freq = 0.0f;
     if (radius < 0.0f)  radius = 0.0f;
@@ -580,8 +683,10 @@
-void    tBiQuad_setNotch(tBiQuad* const f, float freq, float radius)
+void    tBiQuad_setNotch(tBiQuad* const ft, float freq, float radius)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     // Should also deal with frequency being > half sample rate / nyquist. See STK
     if (freq < 0.0f)    freq = 0.0f;
     if (radius < 0.0f)  radius = 0.0f;
@@ -592,40 +697,47 @@
     // Does not attempt to normalize filter gain.
-void tBiQuad_setEqualGainZeros(tBiQuad* const f)
+void tBiQuad_setEqualGainZeros(tBiQuad* const ft)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = 1.0f;
     f->b1 = 0.0f;
     f->b2 = -1.0f;
-void    tBiQuad_setB0(tBiQuad* const f, float b0)
+void    tBiQuad_setB0(tBiQuad* const ft, float b0)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = b0;
-void    tBiQuad_setB1(tBiQuad* const f, float b1)
+void    tBiQuad_setB1(tBiQuad* const ft, float b1)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     f->b1 = b1;
-void    tBiQuad_setB2(tBiQuad* const f, float b2)
+void    tBiQuad_setB2(tBiQuad* const ft, float b2)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     f->b2 = b2;
-void    tBiQuad_setA1(tBiQuad* const f, float a1)
+void    tBiQuad_setA1(tBiQuad* const ft, float a1)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     f->a1 = a1;
-void    tBiQuad_setA2(tBiQuad* const f, float a2)
+void    tBiQuad_setA2(tBiQuad* const ft, float a2)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     f->a2 = a2;
-void    tBiQuad_setCoefficients(tBiQuad* const f, float b0, float b1, float b2, float a1, float a2)
+void    tBiQuad_setCoefficients(tBiQuad* const ft, float b0, float b1, float b2, float a1, float a2)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     f->b0 = b0;
     f->b1 = b1;
     f->b2 = b2;
@@ -633,13 +745,15 @@
     f->a2 = a2;
-void    tBiQuad_setGain(tBiQuad* const f, float gain)
+void    tBiQuad_setGain(tBiQuad* const ft, float gain)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     f->gain = gain;
-void    tBiQuadSampleRateChanged(tBiQuad* const f)
+void    tBiQuadSampleRateChanged(tBiQuad* const ft)
+    _tBiQuad* f = *ft;
     f->a2 = f->radius * f->radius;
     f->a1 = -2.0f * f->radius * cosf(TWO_PI * f->frequency * leaf.invSampleRate);
@@ -652,8 +766,10 @@
 /* Highpass */
-void    tHighpass_init(tHighpass* const f, float freq)
+void    tHighpass_init(tHighpass* const ft, float freq)
+    _tHighpass* f = *ft = (_tHighpass*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tHighpass));
     f->R = (1.0f-((freq * 2.0f * 3.14f)* leaf.invSampleRate));
     f->ys = 0.0f;
     f->xs = 0.0f;
@@ -661,58 +777,48 @@
     f->frequency = freq;
-void    tHighpass_free(tHighpass* const f)
+void    tHighpass_free(tHighpass* const ft)
+    _tHighpass* f = *ft;
+    leaf_free(f);
-void     tHighpass_setFreq(tHighpass* const f, float freq)
+void     tHighpass_setFreq(tHighpass* const ft, float freq)
+    _tHighpass* f = *ft;
     f->frequency = freq;
     f->R = (1.0f-((freq * 2.0f * 3.14f) * leaf.invSampleRate));
-float     tHighpass_getFreq(tHighpass* const f)
+float     tHighpass_getFreq(tHighpass* const ft)
+    _tHighpass* f = *ft;
     return f->frequency;
 // From JOS DC Blocker
-float   tHighpass_tick(tHighpass* const f, float x)
+float   tHighpass_tick(tHighpass* const ft, float x)
+    _tHighpass* f = *ft;
     f->ys = x - f->xs + f->R * f->ys;
     f->xs = x;
     return f->ys;
-void tHighpassSampleRateChanged(tHighpass* const f)
+void tHighpassSampleRateChanged(tHighpass* const ft)
+    _tHighpass* f = *ft;
     f->R = (1.0f-((f->frequency * 2.0f * 3.14f) * leaf.invSampleRate));
-float   tSVF_tick(tSVF* const svf, float v0)
-    float v1,v2,v3;
-    v3 = v0 - svf->ic2eq;
-    v1 = (svf->a1 * svf->ic1eq) + (svf->a2 * v3);
-    v2 = svf->ic2eq + (svf->a2 * svf->ic1eq) + (svf->a3 * v3);
-    svf->ic1eq = (2.0f * v1) - svf->ic1eq;
-    svf->ic2eq = (2.0f * v2) - svf->ic2eq;
-    if (svf->type == SVFTypeLowpass)        return v2;
-    else if (svf->type == SVFTypeBandpass)  return v1;
-    else if (svf->type == SVFTypeHighpass)  return v0 - (svf->k * v1) - v2;
-    else if (svf->type == SVFTypeNotch)     return v0 - (svf->k * v1);
-    else if (svf->type == SVFTypePeak)      return v0 - (svf->k * v1) - (2.0f * v2);
-    else                                    return 0.0f;
 // Less efficient, more accurate version of SVF, in which cutoff frequency is taken as floating point Hz value and tanh
 // is calculated when frequency changes.
-void tSVF_init(tSVF* const svf, SVFType type, float freq, float Q)
+void tSVF_init(tSVF* const svff, SVFType type, float freq, float Q)
+    _tSVF* svf = *svff = (_tSVF*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSVF));
     svf->type = type;
     svf->ic1eq = 0;
@@ -732,34 +838,58 @@
     svf->a3 = a3;
-void tSVF_free(tSVF* const svf)
+void tSVF_free(tSVF* const svff)
+    _tSVF* svf = *svff;
+    leaf_free(svf);
-int     tSVF_setFreq(tSVF* const svf, float freq)
+float   tSVF_tick(tSVF* const svff, float v0)
+    _tSVF* svf = *svff;
+    float v1,v2,v3;
+    v3 = v0 - svf->ic2eq;
+    v1 = (svf->a1 * svf->ic1eq) + (svf->a2 * v3);
+    v2 = svf->ic2eq + (svf->a2 * svf->ic1eq) + (svf->a3 * v3);
+    svf->ic1eq = (2.0f * v1) - svf->ic1eq;
+    svf->ic2eq = (2.0f * v2) - svf->ic2eq;
+    if (svf->type == SVFTypeLowpass)        return v2;
+    else if (svf->type == SVFTypeBandpass)  return v1;
+    else if (svf->type == SVFTypeHighpass)  return v0 - (svf->k * v1) - v2;
+    else if (svf->type == SVFTypeNotch)     return v0 - (svf->k * v1);
+    else if (svf->type == SVFTypePeak)      return v0 - (svf->k * v1) - (2.0f * v2);
+    else                                    return 0.0f;
+void     tSVF_setFreq(tSVF* const svff, float freq)
+    _tSVF* svf = *svff;
     svf->g = tanf(PI * freq * leaf.invSampleRate);
     svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
     svf->a2 = svf->g * svf->a1;
     svf->a3 = svf->g * svf->a2;
-    return 0;
-int     tSVF_setQ(tSVF* const svf, float Q)
+void     tSVF_setQ(tSVF* const svff, float Q)
+    _tSVF* svf = *svff;
     svf->k = 1.0f/Q;
     svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
     svf->a2 = svf->g * svf->a1;
     svf->a3 = svf->g * svf->a2;
-    return 0;
 // Efficient version of tSVF where frequency is set based on 12-bit integer input for lookup in tanh wavetable.
-void   tEfficientSVF_init(tEfficientSVF* const svf, SVFType type, uint16_t input, float Q)
+void   tEfficientSVF_init(tEfficientSVF* const svff, SVFType type, uint16_t input, float Q)
+    _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff = (_tEfficientSVF*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tEfficientSVF));
     svf->type = type;
     svf->ic1eq = 0;
@@ -779,13 +909,17 @@
     svf->a3 = a3;
-void tEfficientSVF_free(tEfficientSVF* const svf)
+void tEfficientSVF_free(tEfficientSVF* const svff)
+    _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff;
+    leaf_free(svf);
-float   tEfficientSVF_tick(tEfficientSVF* const svf, float v0)
+float   tEfficientSVF_tick(tEfficientSVF* const svff, float v0)
+    _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff;
     float v1,v2,v3;
     v3 = v0 - svf->ic2eq;
     v1 = (svf->a1 * svf->ic1eq) + (svf->a2 * v3);
@@ -802,27 +936,30 @@
-int     tEfficientSVF_setFreq(tEfficientSVF* const svf, uint16_t input)
+void     tEfficientSVF_setFreq(tEfficientSVF* const svff, uint16_t input)
+    _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff;
     svf->g = filtertan[input];
     svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
     svf->a2 = svf->g * svf->a1;
     svf->a3 = svf->g * svf->a2;
-    return 0;
-int     tEfficientSVF_setQ(tEfficientSVF* const svf, float Q)
+void     tEfficientSVF_setQ(tEfficientSVF* const svff, float Q)
+    _tEfficientSVF* svf = *svff;
     svf->k = 1.0f/Q;
     svf->a1 = 1.0f/(1.0f + svf->g * (svf->g + svf->k));
     svf->a2 = svf->g * svf->a1;
     svf->a3 = svf->g * svf->a2;
-    return 0;
-void	tFIR_init(tFIR* const fir, float* coeffs, int numTaps){
+void	tFIR_init(tFIR* const firf, float* coeffs, int numTaps)
+    _tFIR* fir = *firf = (_tFIR*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tFIR));
     fir->numTaps = numTaps;
     fir->coeff = coeffs;
     fir->past = (float*)leaf_alloc(sizeof(float) * fir->numTaps);
@@ -829,7 +966,10 @@
     for (int i = 0; i < fir->numTaps; ++i) fir->past[i] = 0.0f;
-float	tFIR_tick(tFIR* const fir, float input){
+float	tFIR_tick(tFIR* const firf, float input)
+    _tFIR* fir = *firf;
 	fir->past[0] = input;
 	float y = 0.0f;
 	for (int i = 0; i < fir->numTaps; ++i) y += fir->past[i]*fir->coeff[i];
@@ -837,7 +977,10 @@
 	return y;
-void	tFIR_free(tFIR* const fir)
+void	tFIR_free(tFIR* const firf)
+     _tFIR* fir = *firf;
+    leaf_free(fir);
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-instruments.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-instruments.c
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
 // ----------------- COWBELL ----------------------------//
-void t808Cowbell_init(t808Cowbell* const cowbell, int useStick) {
+void t808Cowbell_init(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, int useStick)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst = (_t808Cowbell*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_t808Cowbell));
     tSquare_setFreq(&cowbell->p[0], 540.0f);
@@ -45,8 +47,10 @@
     cowbell->useStick = useStick;
-void t808Cowebell_free(t808Cowbell* const cowbell)
+void t808Cowebell_free(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
@@ -56,10 +60,13 @@
+    leaf_free(cowbell);
-void t808Cowbell_on(t808Cowbell* const cowbell, float vel)
+void t808Cowbell_on(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float vel)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
     tEnvelope_on(&cowbell->envGain, vel);
     if (cowbell->useStick)
@@ -66,7 +73,9 @@
-float t808Cowbell_tick(t808Cowbell* const cowbell) {
+float t808Cowbell_tick(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
     float sample = 0.0f;
@@ -88,42 +97,49 @@
     return sample;
-void t808Cowbell_setDecay(t808Cowbell* const cowbell, float decay)
+void t808Cowbell_setDecay(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float decay)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
-void t808Cowbell_setHighpassFreq(t808Cowbell *cowbell, float freq)
+void t808Cowbell_setHighpassFreq(t808Cowbell *cowbellInst, float freq)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
-void t808Cowbell_setBandpassFreq(t808Cowbell* const cowbell, float freq)
+void t808Cowbell_setBandpassFreq(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float freq)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
     cowbell->filterCutoff = freq;
-void t808Cowbell_setFreq(t808Cowbell* const cowbell, float freq)
+void t808Cowbell_setFreq(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float freq)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
-void t808Cowbell_setOscMix(t808Cowbell* const cowbell, float oscMix)
+void t808Cowbell_setOscMix(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, float oscMix)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
     cowbell->oscMix = oscMix;
-void t808Cowbell_setStick(t808Cowbell* const cowbell, int useStick)
+void t808Cowbell_setStick(t808Cowbell* const cowbellInst, int useStick)
+    _t808Cowbell* cowbell = *cowbellInst;
     cowbell->useStick = useStick;
 // ----------------- HIHAT ----------------------------//
-void t808Hihat_init(t808Hihat* const hihat)
+void t808Hihat_init(t808Hihat* const hihatInst)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst = (_t808Hihat*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_t808Hihat));
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
@@ -153,8 +169,10 @@
     tSquare_setFreq(&hihat->p[5], 8.21f * hihat->freq);
-void t808Hihat_free(t808Hihat* const hihat)
+void t808Hihat_free(t808Hihat* const hihatInst)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
@@ -170,26 +188,29 @@
+    leaf_free(hihat);
-void t808Hihat_on(t808Hihat* const hihat, float vel) {
+void t808Hihat_on(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float vel)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
     tEnvelope_on(&hihat->envGain, vel);
     tEnvelope_on(&hihat->envStick, vel);
-void t808Hihat_setOscNoiseMix(t808Hihat* const hihat, float oscNoiseMix) {
+void t808Hihat_setOscNoiseMix(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float oscNoiseMix)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
     hihat->oscNoiseMix = oscNoiseMix;
-float t808Hihat_tick(t808Hihat* const hihat) {
+float t808Hihat_tick(t808Hihat* const hihatInst)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
     float sample = 0.0f;
     float gainScale = 0.1666f;
     float myNoise = tNoise_tick(&hihat->n);
@@ -220,57 +241,68 @@
     return sample;
-void t808Hihat_setDecay(t808Hihat* const hihat, float decay)
+void t808Hihat_setDecay(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float decay)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
-void t808Hihat_setHighpassFreq(t808Hihat* const hihat, float freq)
+void t808Hihat_setHighpassFreq(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float freq)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
-void t808Hihat_setStretch(t808Hihat* const hihat, float stretch)
+void t808Hihat_setStretch(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float stretch)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
     hihat->stretch = stretch;
-void t808Hihat_setFM(t808Hihat* const hihat, float FM_amount)
+void t808Hihat_setFM(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float FM_amount)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
     hihat->FM_amount = FM_amount;
-void t808Hihat_setOscBandpassFreq(t808Hihat* const hihat, float freq)
+void t808Hihat_setOscBandpassFreq(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float freq)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
-void t808Hihat_setOscBandpassQ(t808Hihat* const hihat, float Q)
+void t808Hihat_setOscBandpassQ(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float Q)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
-void t808Hihat_setStickBandPassFreq(t808Hihat* const hihat, float freq)
+void t808Hihat_setStickBandPassFreq(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float freq)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
-void t808Hihat_setStickBandPassQ(t808Hihat* const hihat, float Q)
+void t808Hihat_setStickBandPassQ(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float Q)
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
-void t808Hihat_setOscFreq(t808Hihat* const hihat, float freq)
+void t808Hihat_setOscFreq(t808Hihat* const hihatInst, float freq)
-		hihat->freq = freq;
+    _t808Hihat* hihat = *hihatInst;
+    hihat->freq = freq;
 // ----------------- SNARE ----------------------------//
-void t808Snare_init(t808Snare* const snare)
+void t808Snare_init(t808Snare* const snareInst)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst = (_t808Snare*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_t808Snare));
     float ratio[2] = {1.0, 1.5};
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
@@ -295,8 +327,10 @@
     snare->noiseGain = 1.0f;
-void        t808Snare_free                  (t808Snare* const snare)
+void        t808Snare_free                  (t808Snare* const snareInst)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
@@ -306,15 +340,18 @@
+    leaf_free(snare);
-void t808Snare_on(t808Snare* const snare, float vel)
+void t808Snare_on(t808Snare* const snareInst, float vel)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
         tEnvelope_on(&snare->toneEnvOsc[i], vel);
@@ -326,53 +363,62 @@
     tEnvelope_on(&snare->noiseEnvFilter, vel);
-void t808Snare_setTone1Freq(t808Snare* const snare, float freq)
+void t808Snare_setTone1Freq(t808Snare* const snareInst, float freq)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
     snare->tone1Freq = freq;
     tTriangle_setFreq(&snare->tone[0], freq);
-void t808Snare_setTone2Freq(t808Snare* const snare, float freq)
+void t808Snare_setTone2Freq(t808Snare* const snareInst, float freq)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
     snare->tone2Freq = freq;
-void t808Snare_setTone1Decay(t808Snare* const snare, float decay)
+void t808Snare_setTone1Decay(t808Snare* const snareInst, float decay)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
-void t808Snare_setTone2Decay(t808Snare* const snare, float decay)
+void t808Snare_setTone2Decay(t808Snare* const snareInst, float decay)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
-void t808Snare_setNoiseDecay(t808Snare* const snare, float decay)
+void t808Snare_setNoiseDecay(t808Snare* const snareInst, float decay)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
-void t808Snare_setToneNoiseMix(t808Snare* const snare, float toneNoiseMix)
+void t808Snare_setToneNoiseMix(t808Snare* const snareInst, float toneNoiseMix)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
     snare->toneNoiseMix = toneNoiseMix;
-void t808Snare_setNoiseFilterFreq(t808Snare* const snare, float noiseFilterFreq)
+void t808Snare_setNoiseFilterFreq(t808Snare* const snareInst, float noiseFilterFreq)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
     snare->noiseFilterFreq = noiseFilterFreq;
-void t808Snare_setNoiseFilterQ(t808Snare* const snare, float noiseFilterQ)
+void t808Snare_setNoiseFilterQ(t808Snare* const snareInst, float noiseFilterQ)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
     tSVF_setQ(&snare->noiseLowpass, noiseFilterQ);
 static float tone[2];
-float t808Snare_tick(t808Snare* const snare)
+float t808Snare_tick(t808Snare* const snareInst)
+    _t808Snare* snare = *snareInst;
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
         tTriangle_setFreq(&snare->tone[i], snare->tone1Freq + (20.0f * tEnvelope_tick(&snare->toneEnvOsc[i])));
@@ -393,8 +439,10 @@
 // ----------------- KICK ----------------------------//
-void        t808Kick_init        			(t808Kick* const kick)
+void        t808Kick_init        			(t808Kick* const kickInst)
+    _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst = (_t808Kick*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_t808Kick));
 	kick->toneInitialFreq = 40.0f;
 	kick->sighAmountInHz = 7.0f;
@@ -409,8 +457,10 @@
 	kick->noiseGain = 0.3f;
-void        t808Kick_free                  (t808Kick* const kick)
+void        t808Kick_free                  (t808Kick* const kickInst)
+    _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
@@ -418,10 +468,14 @@
+    leaf_free(kick);
-float       t808Kick_tick                  (t808Kick* const kick)
+float       t808Kick_tick                  (t808Kick* const kickInst)
+    _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
 	tCycle_setFreq(&kick->tone, (kick->toneInitialFreq * (1.0f + (kick->chirpRatioMinusOne * tEnvelope_tick(&kick->toneEnvOscChirp)))) + (kick->sighAmountInHz * tEnvelope_tick(&kick->toneEnvOscSigh)));
 	float sample = tCycle_tick(&kick->tone) * tEnvelope_tick(&kick->toneEnvGain);
 	sample+= tNoise_tick(&kick->noiseOsc) * tEnvelope_tick(&kick->noiseEnvGain);
@@ -430,8 +484,9 @@
 	return sample;
-void        t808Kick_on                    (t808Kick* const kick, float vel)
+void        t808Kick_on                    (t808Kick* const kickInst, float vel)
+    _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
 	tEnvelope_on(&kick->toneEnvOscChirp, vel);
 	tEnvelope_on(&kick->toneEnvOscSigh, vel);
 	tEnvelope_on(&kick->toneEnvGain, vel);
@@ -438,23 +493,25 @@
 	tEnvelope_on(&kick->noiseEnvGain, vel);
-void        t808Kick_setToneFreq          (t808Kick* const kick, float freq)
+void        t808Kick_setToneFreq          (t808Kick* const kickInst, float freq)
+    _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
 	kick->toneInitialFreq = freq;
-void        t808Kick_setToneDecay         (t808Kick* const kick, float decay)
+void        t808Kick_setToneDecay         (t808Kick* const kickInst, float decay)
+    _t808Kick* kick = *kickInst;
 	tEnvelope_setDecay(&kick->toneEnvGain,decay * 3.0f);
-void        t808Kick_setNoiseDecay         (t808Kick* const kick, float decay);
-void        t808Kick_setSighAmount         (t808Kick* const kick, float sigh);
-void        t808Kick_setChirpAmount         (t808Kick* const kick, float chirp);
-void        t808Kick_setToneNoiseMix       (t808Kick* const kick, float toneNoiseMix);
-void        t808Kick_setNoiseFilterFreq    (t808Kick* const kick, float noiseFilterFreq);
-void        t808Kick_setNoiseFilterQ       (t808Kick* const kick, float noiseFilterQ);
+void        t808Kick_setNoiseDecay         (t808Kick* const kickInst, float decay);
+void        t808Kick_setSighAmount         (t808Kick* const kickInst, float sigh);
+void        t808Kick_setChirpAmount         (t808Kick* const kickInst, float chirp);
+void        t808Kick_setToneNoiseMix       (t808Kick* const kickInst, float toneNoiseMix);
+void        t808Kick_setNoiseFilterFreq    (t808Kick* const kickInst, float noiseFilterFreq);
+void        t808Kick_setNoiseFilterQ       (t808Kick* const kickInst, float noiseFilterQ);
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-mempool.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-mempool.c
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
             freed_node->size += header_size + other_node->size;
             // If we are merging with the head, move the head forward
             if (other_node == pool->head) pool->head = pool->head->next;
-            // Delink the merged node (Shouldn't really be necessary since we're formatting)
+            // Delink the merged node
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-midi.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-midi.c
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
 // POLY
-void tPoly_init(tPoly* const poly, int maxNumVoices)
+void tPoly_init(tPoly* const polyh, int maxNumVoices)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh = (_tPoly*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPoly));
     poly->numVoices = maxNumVoices;
     poly->maxNumVoices = maxNumVoices;
     poly->lastVoiceToChange = 0;
@@ -60,8 +62,10 @@
     poly->pitchGlideIsActive = OFALSE;
-void tPoly_free(tPoly* const poly)
+void tPoly_free(tPoly* const polyh)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; i++)
@@ -75,16 +79,19 @@
+    leaf_free(poly);
-void tPoly_tickPitch(tPoly* poly)
+void tPoly_tickPitch(tPoly* polyh)
-    tPoly_tickPitchGlide(poly);
-    tPoly_tickPitchBend(poly);
+    tPoly_tickPitchGlide(polyh);
+    tPoly_tickPitchBend(polyh);
-void tPoly_tickPitchGlide(tPoly* poly)
+void tPoly_tickPitchGlide(tPoly* polyh)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; ++i)
@@ -91,25 +98,29 @@
-void tPoly_tickPitchBend(tPoly* poly)
+void tPoly_tickPitchBend(tPoly* polyh)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
 //instead of including in dacsend, should have a separate pitch bend ramp, that is added when the ramps are ticked and sent to DAC
-void tPoly_setPitchBend(tPoly* const poly, float pitchBend)
+void tPoly_setPitchBend(tPoly* const polyh, float pitchBend)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     poly->pitchBend = pitchBend;
     tRamp_setDest(&poly->pitchBendRamp, poly->pitchBend);
-int tPoly_noteOn(tPoly* const poly, int note, uint8_t vel)
+int tPoly_noteOn(tPoly* const polyh, int note, uint8_t vel)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     // if not in keymap or already on stack, dont do anything. else, add that note.
     if (tStack_contains(&poly->stack, note) >= 0) return -1;
-        tPoly_orderedAddToStack(poly, note);
+        tPoly_orderedAddToStack(polyh, note);
         tStack_add(&poly->stack, note);
         int alteredVoice = -1;
@@ -172,8 +183,10 @@
 int16_t noteToTest = -1;
-int tPoly_noteOff(tPoly* const poly, uint8_t note)
+int tPoly_noteOff(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t note)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     tStack_remove(&poly->stack, note);
     tStack_remove(&poly->orderStack, note);
     poly->notes[note][0] = 0;
@@ -222,8 +235,9 @@
     return deactivatedVoice;
-void tPoly_orderedAddToStack(tPoly* const poly, uint8_t noteVal)
+void tPoly_orderedAddToStack(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t noteVal)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     uint8_t j;
     int myPitch, thisPitch, nextPitch;
@@ -232,11 +246,11 @@
     int whereToInsert = 0;
-    for (j = 0; j < ns.size; j++)
+    for (j = 0; j < ns->size; j++)
         myPitch = noteVal;
-        thisPitch =[j];
-        nextPitch =[j+1];
+        thisPitch = ns->data[j];
+        nextPitch = ns->data[j+1];
         if (myPitch > thisPitch)
@@ -249,30 +263,33 @@
     //first move notes that are already in the stack one position to the right
-    for (j = ns.size; j > whereToInsert; j--)
+    for (j = ns->size; j > whereToInsert; j--)
-[j] =[(j - 1)];
+        ns->data[j] = ns->data[(j - 1)];
     //then, insert the new note into the front of the stack
-[whereToInsert] =  noteVal;
+    ns->data[whereToInsert] =  noteVal;
-    ns.size++;
+    ns->size++;
-void tPoly_setNumVoices(tPoly* const poly, uint8_t numVoices)
+void tPoly_setNumVoices(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t numVoices)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     poly->numVoices = (numVoices > poly->maxNumVoices) ? poly->maxNumVoices : numVoices;
-void tPoly_setPitchGlideActive(tPoly* const poly, oBool isActive)
+void tPoly_setPitchGlideActive(tPoly* const polyh, oBool isActive)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     poly->pitchGlideIsActive = isActive;
-void tPoly_setPitchGlideTime(tPoly* const poly, float t)
+void tPoly_setPitchGlideTime(tPoly* const polyh, float t)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     poly->glideTime = t;
     for (int i = 0; i < poly->maxNumVoices; ++i)
@@ -280,28 +297,33 @@
-int tPoly_getNumVoices(tPoly* const poly)
+int tPoly_getNumVoices(tPoly* const polyh)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     return poly->numVoices;
-float tPoly_getPitch(tPoly* const poly, uint8_t voice)
+float tPoly_getPitch(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t voice)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     return tRamp_sample(&poly->ramps[voice]) + tRamp_sample(&poly->pitchBendRamp);
-int tPoly_getKey(tPoly* const poly, uint8_t voice)
+int tPoly_getKey(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t voice)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     return poly->voices[voice][0];
-int tPoly_getVelocity(tPoly* const poly, uint8_t voice)
+int tPoly_getVelocity(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t voice)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     return poly->voices[voice][1];
-int tPoly_isOn(tPoly* const poly, uint8_t voice)
+int tPoly_isOn(tPoly* const polyh, uint8_t voice)
+    _tPoly* poly = *polyh;
     return (poly->voices[voice][0] > 0) ? 1 : 0;
@@ -310,8 +332,10 @@
 /* Stack */
-void tStack_init(tStack* const ns)
+void tStack_init(tStack* const stack)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack = (_tStack*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tStack));
     ns->ordered = OFALSE;
     ns->size = 0;
     ns->pos = 0;
@@ -320,14 +344,17 @@
     for (int i = 0; i < STACK_SIZE; i++) ns->data[i] = -1;
-void tStack_free(tStack* const ns)
+void tStack_free(tStack* const stack)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
+    leaf_free(ns);
 // If stack contains note, returns index. Else returns -1;
-int tStack_contains(tStack* const ns, uint16_t noteVal)
+int tStack_contains(tStack* const stack, uint16_t noteVal)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     for (int i = 0; i < ns->size; i++)
         if (ns->data[i] == noteVal)    return i;
@@ -335,8 +362,10 @@
     return -1;
-void tStack_add(tStack* const ns, uint16_t noteVal)
+void tStack_add(tStack* const stack, uint16_t noteVal)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     uint8_t j;
     int whereToInsert = 0;
@@ -367,13 +396,15 @@
-int tStack_addIfNotAlreadyThere(tStack* const ns, uint16_t noteVal)
+int tStack_addIfNotAlreadyThere(tStack* const stack, uint16_t noteVal)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     uint8_t j;
     int added = 0;
-    if (tStack_contains(ns, noteVal) == -1)
+    if (tStack_contains(stack, noteVal) == -1)
         int whereToInsert = 0;
         if (ns->ordered)
@@ -410,10 +441,12 @@
 // Remove noteVal. return 1 if removed, 0 if not
-int tStack_remove(tStack* const ns, uint16_t noteVal)
+int tStack_remove(tStack* const stack, uint16_t noteVal)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     uint8_t k;
-    int foundIndex = tStack_contains(ns, noteVal);
+    int foundIndex = tStack_contains(stack, noteVal);
     int removed = 0;
     if (foundIndex >= 0)
@@ -440,14 +473,14 @@
         removed = 1;
     return removed;
 // Doesn't change size of data types
-void tStack_setCapacity(tStack* const ns, uint16_t cap)
+void tStack_setCapacity(tStack* const stack, uint16_t cap)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     if (cap <= 0)
         ns->capacity = 1;
     else if (cap <= STACK_SIZE)
@@ -470,13 +503,17 @@
-int tStack_getSize(tStack* const ns)
+int tStack_getSize(tStack* const stack)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     return ns->size;
-void tStack_clear(tStack* const ns)
+void tStack_clear(tStack* const stack)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     for (int i = 0; i < STACK_SIZE; i++)
         ns->data[i] = -1;
@@ -486,8 +523,10 @@
 // Next item in order of addition to stack. Return 0-31 if there is a next item to move to. Returns -1 otherwise.
-int tStack_next(tStack* const ns)
+int tStack_next(tStack* const stack)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     int step = 0;
     if (ns->size != 0) // if there is at least one note in the stack
@@ -509,12 +548,14 @@
-int tStack_get(tStack* const ns, int which)
+int tStack_get(tStack* const stack, int which)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     return ns->data[which];
-int tStack_first(tStack* const ns)
+int tStack_first(tStack* const stack)
+    _tStack* ns = *stack;
     return ns->data[0];
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-oscillators.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-oscillators.c
@@ -21,29 +21,34 @@
 // Cycle
-void    tCycle_init(tCycle* const c)
+void    tCycle_init(tCycle* const cy)
+    _tCycle* c = *cy = (_tCycle*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tCycle));
     c->inc      =  0.0f;
     c->phase    =  0.0f;
-void    tCycle_free(tCycle* const c)
+void    tCycle_free(tCycle* const cy)
+    _tCycle* c = *cy;
+    leaf_free(c);
-int     tCycle_setFreq(tCycle* const c, float freq)
+void     tCycle_setFreq(tCycle* const cy, float freq)
+    _tCycle* c = *cy;
     if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
     c->freq = freq;
     c->inc = freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
-    return 0;
-float   tCycle_tick(tCycle* const c)
+float   tCycle_tick(tCycle* const cy)
+    _tCycle* c = *cy;
     // Phasor increment
     c->phase += c->inc;
     while (c->phase >= 1.0f) c->phase -= 1.0f;
@@ -58,31 +63,39 @@
     return (samp0 + (samp1 - samp0) * fracPart);
-void     tCycleSampleRateChanged (tCycle* const c)
+void     tCycleSampleRateChanged (tCycle* const cy)
+    _tCycle* c = *cy;
     c->inc = c->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
 /* Triangle */
-void    tTriangle_start(tTriangle* const c)
+void    tTriangle_start(tTriangle* const cy)
-void   tTriangle_init(tTriangle* const c)
+void   tTriangle_init(tTriangle* const cy)
+    _tTriangle* c = *cy = (_tTriangle*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tTriangle));
     c->inc      =  0.0f;
     c->phase    =  0.0f;
-void   tTriangle_free(tTriangle* const c)
+void   tTriangle_free(tTriangle* const cy)
+    _tTriangle* c = *cy;
+    leaf_free(c);
-int tTriangle_setFreq(tTriangle* const c, float freq)
+int tTriangle_setFreq(tTriangle* const cy, float freq)
+    _tTriangle* c = *cy;
     if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
     c->freq = freq;
@@ -92,8 +105,10 @@
-float   tTriangle_tick(tTriangle* const c)
+float   tTriangle_tick(tTriangle* const cy)
+    _tTriangle* c = *cy;
     // Phasor increment
     c->phase += c->inc;
     while (c->phase >= 1.0f) c->phase -= 1.0f;
@@ -167,26 +182,34 @@
     return out;
-void     tTriangleSampleRateChanged (tTriangle*  const c)
+void     tTriangleSampleRateChanged (tTriangle*  const cy)
+    _tTriangle* c = *cy;
     c->inc = c->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
 /* Square */
-void   tSquare_init(tSquare* const c)
+void   tSquare_init(tSquare* const cy)
+    _tSquare* c = *cy = (_tSquare*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSquare));
     c->inc      =  0.0f;
     c->phase    =  0.0f;
-void   tSquare_free(tSquare* const c)
+void   tSquare_free(tSquare* const cy)
+    _tSquare* c = *cy;
+    leaf_free(c);
-int     tSquare_setFreq(tSquare*  const c, float freq)
+int     tSquare_setFreq(tSquare*  const cy, float freq)
+    _tSquare* c = *cy;
     if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
     c->freq = freq;
@@ -195,8 +218,10 @@
     return 0;
-float   tSquare_tick(tSquare* const c)
+float   tSquare_tick(tSquare* const cy)
+    _tSquare* c = *cy;
     // Phasor increment
     c->phase += c->inc;
     while (c->phase >= 1.0f) c->phase -= 1.0f;
@@ -269,26 +294,34 @@
     return out;
-void     tSquareSampleRateChanged (tSquare*  const c)
+void     tSquareSampleRateChanged (tSquare*  const cy)
+    _tSquare* c = *cy;
     c->inc = c->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
 // Sawtooth
-void    tSawtooth_init(tSawtooth* const c)
+void    tSawtooth_init(tSawtooth* const cy)
+    _tSawtooth* c = *cy = (_tSawtooth*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSawtooth));
     c->inc      = 0.0f;
     c->phase    = 0.0f;
-void    tSawtooth_free(tSawtooth* const c)
+void    tSawtooth_free(tSawtooth* const cy)
+    _tSawtooth* c = *cy;
+    leaf_free(c);
-int     tSawtooth_setFreq(tSawtooth* const c, float freq)
+int     tSawtooth_setFreq(tSawtooth* const cy, float freq)
+    _tSawtooth* c = *cy;
     if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
     c->freq = freq;
@@ -297,8 +330,10 @@
     return 0;
-float   tSawtooth_tick(tSawtooth* const c)
+float   tSawtooth_tick(tSawtooth* const cy)
+    _tSawtooth* c = *cy;
     // Phasor increment
     c->phase += c->inc;
     while (c->phase >= 1.0f) c->phase -= 1.0f;
@@ -372,31 +407,41 @@
     return out;
-void     tSawtoothSampleRateChanged (tSawtooth* const c)
+void     tSawtoothSampleRateChanged (tSawtooth* const cy)
+    _tSawtooth* c = *cy;
     c->inc = c->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
 /* Phasor */
-void     tPhasorSampleRateChanged (tPhasor* const p)
+void     tPhasorSampleRateChanged (tPhasor* const ph)
+    _tPhasor* p = *ph;
     p->inc = p->freq * leaf.invSampleRate;
-void    tPhasor_init(tPhasor* const p)
+void    tPhasor_init(tPhasor* const ph)
+    _tPhasor* p = *ph = (_tPhasor*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPhasor));
     p->phase = 0.0f;
     p->inc = 0.0f;
-void    tPhasor_free(tPhasor* const p)
+void    tPhasor_free(tPhasor* const ph)
+    _tPhasor* p = *ph;
+    leaf_free(p);
-int     tPhasor_setFreq(tPhasor* const p, float freq)
+int     tPhasor_setFreq(tPhasor* const ph, float freq)
+    _tPhasor* p = *ph;
     if (freq < 0.0f) freq = 0.0f;
     p->freq = freq;
@@ -405,8 +450,10 @@
     return 0;
-float   tPhasor_tick(tPhasor* const p)
+float   tPhasor_tick(tPhasor* const ph)
+    _tPhasor* p = *ph;
     p->phase += p->inc;
     if (p->phase >= 1.0f) p->phase -= 1.0f;
@@ -415,19 +462,25 @@
 /* Noise */
-void    tNoise_init(tNoise* const n, NoiseType type)
+void    tNoise_init(tNoise* const ns, NoiseType type)
+    _tNoise* n = *ns = (_tNoise*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tNoise));
     n->type = type;
     n->rand = leaf.random;
-void    tNoise_free(tNoise* const n)
+void    tNoise_free(tNoise* const ns)
+    _tNoise* n = *ns;
+    leaf_free(n);
-float   tNoise_tick(tNoise* const n)
+float   tNoise_tick(tNoise* const ns)
+    _tNoise* n = *ns;
     float rand = (n->rand() * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
     if (n->type == PinkNoise)
@@ -448,13 +501,15 @@
 /* Neuron */
-void     tNeuronSampleRateChanged(tNeuron* n)
+void     tNeuronSampleRateChanged(tNeuron* nr)
-void    tNeuron_init(tNeuron* const n)
+void    tNeuron_init(tNeuron* const nr)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr = (_tNeuron*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tNeuron));
     tPoleZero_setBlockZero(&n->f, 0.99f);
@@ -482,13 +537,17 @@
     n->rate[2] = n->gL/n->C;
-void    tNeuron_free(tNeuron* const n)
+void    tNeuron_free(tNeuron* const nr)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
+    leaf_free(n);
-void   tNeuron_reset(tNeuron* const n)
+void   tNeuron_reset(tNeuron* const nr)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     tPoleZero_setBlockZero(&n->f, 0.99f);
@@ -516,51 +575,61 @@
-void        tNeuron_setV1(tNeuron* const n, float V1)
+void        tNeuron_setV1(tNeuron* const nr, float V1)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->V[0] = V1;
-void        tNeuron_setV2(tNeuron* const n, float V2)
+void        tNeuron_setV2(tNeuron* const nr, float V2)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->V[1] = V2;
-void        tNeuron_setV3(tNeuron* const n, float V3)
+void        tNeuron_setV3(tNeuron* const nr, float V3)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->V[2] = V3;
-void        tNeuron_setTimeStep(tNeuron* const n, float timeStep)
+void        tNeuron_setTimeStep(tNeuron* const nr, float timeStep)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->timeStep = timeStep;
-void        tNeuron_setK(tNeuron* const n, float K)
+void        tNeuron_setK(tNeuron* const nr, float K)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->gK = K;
-void        tNeuron_setL(tNeuron* const n, float L)
+void        tNeuron_setL(tNeuron* const nr, float L)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->gL = L;
     n->rate[2] = n->gL/n->C;
-void        tNeuron_setN(tNeuron* const n, float N)
+void        tNeuron_setN(tNeuron* const nr, float N)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->gN = N;
-void        tNeuron_setC(tNeuron* const n, float C)
+void        tNeuron_setC(tNeuron* const nr, float C)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->C = C;
     n->rate[2] = n->gL/n->C;
-float   tNeuron_tick(tNeuron* const n)
+float   tNeuron_tick(tNeuron* const nr)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     float output = 0.0f;
     float voltage = n->voltage;
@@ -633,12 +702,14 @@
-void        tNeuron_setMode  (tNeuron* const n, NeuronMode mode)
+void        tNeuron_setMode  (tNeuron* const nr, NeuronMode mode)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->mode = mode;
-void        tNeuron_setCurrent  (tNeuron* const n, float current)
+void        tNeuron_setCurrent  (tNeuron* const nr, float current)
+    _tNeuron* n = *nr;
     n->current = current;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-physical.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-physical.c
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
 /* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tPluck ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
-void    tPluck_init         (tPluck* const p, float lowestFrequency)
+void    tPluck_init         (tPluck* const pl, float lowestFrequency)
+    _tPluck* p = *pl = (_tPluck*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPluck));
     if ( lowestFrequency <= 0.0f )  lowestFrequency = 10.0f;
     tNoise_init(&p->noise, WhiteNoise);
@@ -29,29 +31,37 @@
     tAllpassDelay_init(&p->delayLine, 0.0f, leaf.sampleRate * 2);
-    tPluck_setFrequency(p, 220.0f);
+    tPluck_setFrequency(pl, 220.0f);
-void tPluck_free (tPluck* const p)
+void tPluck_free (tPluck* const pl)
+    _tPluck* p = *pl;
+    leaf_free(p);
-float   tPluck_getLastOut    (tPluck *p)
+float   tPluck_getLastOut    (tPluck* const pl)
+    _tPluck* p = *pl;
     return p->lastOut;
-float   tPluck_tick          (tPluck *p)
+float   tPluck_tick          (tPluck* const pl)
+    _tPluck* p = *pl;
     return (p->lastOut = 3.0f * tAllpassDelay_tick(&p->delayLine, tOneZero_tick(&p->loopFilter, tAllpassDelay_getLastOut(&p->delayLine) * p->loopGain ) ));
-void    tPluck_pluck         (tPluck* const p, float amplitude)
+void    tPluck_pluck         (tPluck* const pl, float amplitude)
+    _tPluck* p = *pl;
     if ( amplitude < 0.0f)      amplitude = 0.0f;
     else if (amplitude > 1.0f)  amplitude = 1.0f;
@@ -64,16 +74,19 @@
 // Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
-void    tPluck_noteOn        (tPluck* const p, float frequency, float amplitude )
+void    tPluck_noteOn        (tPluck* const pl, float frequency, float amplitude )
+    _tPluck* p = *pl;
     p->lastFreq = frequency;
-    tPluck_setFrequency( p, frequency );
-    tPluck_pluck( p, amplitude );
+    tPluck_setFrequency( pl, frequency );
+    tPluck_pluck( pl, amplitude );
 // Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
-void    tPluck_noteOff       (tPluck* const p, float amplitude )
+void    tPluck_noteOff       (tPluck* const pl, float amplitude )
+    _tPluck* p = *pl;
     if ( amplitude < 0.0f)      amplitude = 0.0f;
     else if (amplitude > 1.0f)  amplitude = 1.0f;
@@ -81,8 +94,10 @@
 // Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
-void    tPluck_setFrequency  (tPluck* const p, float frequency )
+void    tPluck_setFrequency  (tPluck* const pl, float frequency )
+    _tPluck* p = *pl;
     if ( frequency <= 0.0f )   frequency = 0.001f;
     // Delay = length - filter delay.
@@ -97,19 +112,22 @@
 // Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
-void    tPluck_controlChange (tPluck* const p, int number, float value)
+void    tPluck_controlChange (tPluck* const pl, int number, float value)
-void tPluckSampleRateChanged(tPluck* const p)
+void tPluckSampleRateChanged(tPluck* const pl)
-    //tPluckSetFrequency(p, p->lastFreq);
+    _tPluck* p = *pl;
+    tPluck_setFrequency(pl, p->lastFreq);
 /* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tKarplusStrong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
-void    tKarplusStrong_init          (tKarplusStrong* const p, float lowestFrequency)
+void    tKarplusStrong_init          (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float lowestFrequency)
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl = (_tKarplusStrong*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tKarplusStrong));
     if ( lowestFrequency <= 0.0f )  lowestFrequency = 8.0f;
     tAllpassDelay_init(&p->delayLine, 0.0f, leaf.sampleRate * 2);
@@ -132,12 +150,14 @@
     p->baseLoopGain = 0.995f;
     p->loopGain = 0.999f;
-    tKarplusStrong_setFrequency( p, 220.0f );
+    tKarplusStrong_setFrequency( pl, 220.0f );
-void tKarplusStrong_free (tKarplusStrong* const p)
+void tKarplusStrong_free (tKarplusStrong* const pl)
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
@@ -147,15 +167,20 @@
+    leaf_free(p);
-float   tKarplusStrong_getLastOut    (tKarplusStrong* const p)
+float   tKarplusStrong_getLastOut    (tKarplusStrong* const pl)
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
     return p->lastOut;
-float   tKarplusStrong_tick          (tKarplusStrong* const p)
+float   tKarplusStrong_tick          (tKarplusStrong* const pl)
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
     float temp = tAllpassDelay_getLastOut(&p->delayLine) * p->loopGain;
     // Calculate allpass stretching.
@@ -171,8 +196,10 @@
     return p->lastOut;
-void    tKarplusStrong_pluck         (tKarplusStrong* const p, float amplitude)
+void    tKarplusStrong_pluck         (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float amplitude)
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
     if ( amplitude < 0.0f)      amplitude = 0.0f;
     else if (amplitude > 1.0f)  amplitude = 1.0f;
@@ -187,15 +214,17 @@
 // Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.;
-void    tKarplusStrong_noteOn        (tKarplusStrong* const p, float frequency, float amplitude )
+void    tKarplusStrong_noteOn        (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float frequency, float amplitude )
-    tKarplusStrong_setFrequency( p, frequency );
-    tKarplusStrong_pluck( p, amplitude );
+    tKarplusStrong_setFrequency( pl, frequency );
+    tKarplusStrong_pluck( pl, amplitude );
 // Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay).
-void    tKarplusStrong_noteOff       (tKarplusStrong* const p, float amplitude )
+void    tKarplusStrong_noteOff       (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float amplitude )
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
     if ( amplitude < 0.0f)      amplitude = 0.0f;
     else if (amplitude > 1.0f)  amplitude = 1.0f;
@@ -203,8 +232,10 @@
 // Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency.
-void    tKarplusStrong_setFrequency  (tKarplusStrong* const p, float frequency )
+void    tKarplusStrong_setFrequency  (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float frequency )
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
     if ( frequency <= 0.0f )   frequency = 0.001f;
     p->lastFrequency = frequency;
@@ -216,7 +247,7 @@
     p->loopGain = p->baseLoopGain + (frequency * 0.000005f);
     if (p->loopGain >= 1.0f) p->loopGain = 0.99999f;
-    tKarplusStrong_setStretch(p, p->stretching);
+    tKarplusStrong_setStretch(pl, p->stretching);
     tLinearDelay_setDelay(&p->combDelay, 0.5f * p->pickupPosition * p->lastLength );
@@ -223,8 +254,10 @@
 // Set the stretch "factor" of the string (0.0 - 1.0).
-void    tKarplusStrong_setStretch         (tKarplusStrong* const p, float stretch )
+void    tKarplusStrong_setStretch         (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float stretch )
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
     p->stretching = stretch;
     float coefficient;
     float freq = p->lastFrequency * 2.0f;
@@ -248,8 +281,10 @@
 // Set the pluck or "excitation" position along the string (0.0 - 1.0).
-void    tKarplusStrong_setPickupPosition  (tKarplusStrong* const p, float position )
+void    tKarplusStrong_setPickupPosition  (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float position )
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
     if (position < 0.0f)        p->pickupPosition = 0.0f;
     else if (position <= 1.0f)  p->pickupPosition = position;
     else                        p->pickupPosition = 1.0f;
@@ -258,8 +293,10 @@
 // Set the base loop gain.
-void    tKarplusStrong_setBaseLoopGain    (tKarplusStrong* const p, float aGain )
+void    tKarplusStrong_setBaseLoopGain    (tKarplusStrong* const pl, float aGain )
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
     p->baseLoopGain = aGain;
     p->loopGain = p->baseLoopGain + (p->lastFrequency * 0.000005f);
     if ( p->loopGain > 0.99999f ) p->loopGain = 0.99999f;
@@ -266,7 +303,7 @@
 // Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0).
-void    tKarplusStrong_controlChange (tKarplusStrong* const p, SKControlType type, float value)
+void    tKarplusStrong_controlChange (tKarplusStrong* const pl, SKControlType type, float value)
     if ( value < 0.0f )         value = 0.0f;
     else if (value > 128.0f)   value = 128.0f;
@@ -274,27 +311,30 @@
     float normalizedValue = value * INV_128;
     if (type == SKPickPosition) // 4
-        tKarplusStrong_setPickupPosition( p, normalizedValue );
+        tKarplusStrong_setPickupPosition( pl, normalizedValue );
     else if (type == SKStringDamping) // 11
-        tKarplusStrong_setBaseLoopGain( p, 0.97f + (normalizedValue * 0.03f) );
+        tKarplusStrong_setBaseLoopGain( pl, 0.97f + (normalizedValue * 0.03f) );
     else if (type == SKDetune) // 1
-        tKarplusStrong_setStretch( p, 0.91f + (0.09f * (1.0f - normalizedValue)) );
+        tKarplusStrong_setStretch( pl, 0.91f + (0.09f * (1.0f - normalizedValue)) );
-void    tKarplusStrongSampleRateChanged (tKarplusStrong* const c)
+void    tKarplusStrongSampleRateChanged (tKarplusStrong* const pl)
-    tKarplusStrong_setFrequency(c, c->lastFrequency);
-    tKarplusStrong_setStretch(c, c->stretching);
+    _tKarplusStrong* p = *pl;
+    tKarplusStrong_setFrequency(pl, p->lastFrequency);
+    tKarplusStrong_setStretch(pl, p->stretching);
 /* Simple Living String*/
-void    tSimpleLivingString_init(tSimpleLivingString* const p, float freq, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode)
+void    tSimpleLivingString_init(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float freq, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl = (_tSimpleLivingString*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSimpleLivingString));
     tExpSmooth_init(&p->wlSmooth, leaf.sampleRate/freq, 0.01); // smoother for string wavelength (not freq, to avoid expensive divisions)
-    tSimpleLivingString_setFreq(p, freq);
+    tSimpleLivingString_setFreq(pl, freq);
     tLinearDelay_init(&p->delayLine,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400);
     tOnePole_init(&p->bridgeFilter, dampFreq);
@@ -303,72 +343,80 @@
-void tSimpleLivingString_free(tSimpleLivingString* const p)
+void tSimpleLivingString_free(tSimpleLivingString* const pl)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
+    leaf_free(p);
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setFreq(tSimpleLivingString* const p, float freq)
+void     tSimpleLivingString_setFreq(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float freq)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
     if (freq<20) freq=20;
     else if (freq>10000) freq=10000;
     p->waveLengthInSamples = leaf.sampleRate/freq;
     tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->wlSmooth, p->waveLengthInSamples);
-    return 0;
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setWaveLength(tSimpleLivingString* const p, float waveLength)
+void     tSimpleLivingString_setWaveLength(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float waveLength)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
     if (waveLength<4.8) waveLength=4.8;
     else if (waveLength>2400) waveLength=2400;
     p->waveLengthInSamples = waveLength;
     tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->wlSmooth, p->waveLengthInSamples);
-    return 0;
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setDampFreq(tSimpleLivingString* const p, float dampFreq)
+void     tSimpleLivingString_setDampFreq(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float dampFreq)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
     tOnePole_setFreq(&p->bridgeFilter, dampFreq);
-    return 0;
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setDecay(tSimpleLivingString* const p, float decay)
+void     tSimpleLivingString_setDecay(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float decay)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
-    return 0;
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setTargetLev(tSimpleLivingString* const p, float targetLev)
+void     tSimpleLivingString_setTargetLev(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float targetLev)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
     tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel(&p->fbLev, targetLev);
-    return 0;
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor(tSimpleLivingString* const p, float levSmoothFactor)
+void     tSimpleLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float levSmoothFactor)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
     tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(&p->fbLev, levSmoothFactor);
-    return 0;
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setLevStrength(tSimpleLivingString* const p, float levStrength)
+void     tSimpleLivingString_setLevStrength(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float levStrength)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
     tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(&p->fbLev, levStrength);
-    return 0;
-int     tSimpleLivingString_setLevMode(tSimpleLivingString* const p, int levMode)
+void     tSimpleLivingString_setLevMode(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, int levMode)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
     tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(&p->fbLev, levMode);
-    return 0;
-float   tSimpleLivingString_tick(tSimpleLivingString* const p, float input)
+float   tSimpleLivingString_tick(tSimpleLivingString* const pl, float input)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
     float stringOut=tOnePole_tick(&p->bridgeFilter,tLinearDelay_tickOut(&p->delayLine));
     float stringInput=tHighpass_tick(&p->DCblocker, tFeedbackLeveler_tick(&p->fbLev, (p->levMode==0?p->decay*stringOut:stringOut)+input));
     tLinearDelay_tickIn(&p->delayLine, stringInput);
@@ -377,20 +425,23 @@
     return p->curr;
-float   tSimpleLivingString_sample(tSimpleLivingString* const p)
+float   tSimpleLivingString_sample(tSimpleLivingString* const pl)
+    _tSimpleLivingString* p = *pl;
     return p->curr;
 /* Living String*/
-void    tLivingString_init(tLivingString* const p, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode)
+void    tLivingString_init(tLivingString* const pl, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl = (_tLivingString*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tLivingString));
     tExpSmooth_init(&p->wlSmooth, leaf.sampleRate/freq, 0.01); // smoother for string wavelength (not freq, to avoid expensive divisions)
-    tLivingString_setFreq(p, freq);
+    tLivingString_setFreq(pl, freq);
     tExpSmooth_init(&p->ppSmooth, pickPos, 0.01); // smoother for pick position
-    tLivingString_setPickPos(p, pickPos);
+    tLivingString_setPickPos(pl, pickPos);
     tLinearDelay_init(&p->delLF,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400);
     tLinearDelay_init(&p->delUF,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400);
@@ -408,8 +459,10 @@
-void tLivingString_free(tLivingString* const p)
+void tLivingString_free(tLivingString* const pl)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
@@ -424,89 +477,93 @@
+    leaf_free(p);
-int     tLivingString_setFreq(tLivingString* const p, float freq)
+void     tLivingString_setFreq(tLivingString* const pl, float freq)
 {    // NOTE: It is faster to set wavelength in samples directly
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     if (freq<20) freq=20;
     else if (freq>10000) freq=10000;
     p->waveLengthInSamples = leaf.sampleRate/freq;
     tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->wlSmooth, p->waveLengthInSamples);
-    return 0;
-int     tLivingString_setWaveLength(tLivingString* const p, float waveLength)
+void     tLivingString_setWaveLength(tLivingString* const pl, float waveLength)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     if (waveLength<4.8) waveLength=4.8;
     else if (waveLength>2400) waveLength=2400;
     p->waveLengthInSamples = waveLength;
     tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->wlSmooth, p->waveLengthInSamples);
-    return 0;
-int     tLivingString_setPickPos(tLivingString* const p, float pickPos)
+void     tLivingString_setPickPos(tLivingString* const pl, float pickPos)
 {    // between 0 and 1
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     if (pickPos<0.f) pickPos=0.f;
     else if (pickPos>1.f) pickPos=1.f;
     p->pickPos = pickPos;
     tExpSmooth_setDest(&p->ppSmooth, p->pickPos);
-    return 0;
-int     tLivingString_setPrepIndex(tLivingString* const p, float prepIndex)
+void     tLivingString_setPrepIndex(tLivingString* const pl, float prepIndex)
 {    // between 0 and 1
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     if (prepIndex<0.f) prepIndex=0.f;
     else if (prepIndex>1.f) prepIndex=1.f;
     p->prepIndex = prepIndex;
-    return 0;
-int     tLivingString_setDampFreq(tLivingString* const p, float dampFreq)
+void     tLivingString_setDampFreq(tLivingString* const pl, float dampFreq)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     tOnePole_setFreq(&p->bridgeFilter, dampFreq);
     tOnePole_setFreq(&p->nutFilter, dampFreq);
     tOnePole_setFreq(&p->prepFilterU, dampFreq);
     tOnePole_setFreq(&p->prepFilterL, dampFreq);
-    return 0;
-int     tLivingString_setDecay(tLivingString* const p, float decay)
+void     tLivingString_setDecay(tLivingString* const pl, float decay)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
-    return 0;
-int     tLivingString_setTargetLev(tLivingString* const p, float targetLev)
+void     tLivingString_setTargetLev(tLivingString* const pl, float targetLev)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel(&p->fbLevU, targetLev);
     tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel(&p->fbLevL, targetLev);
-    return 0;
-int     tLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor(tLivingString* const p, float levSmoothFactor)
+void     tLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor(tLivingString* const pl, float levSmoothFactor)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(&p->fbLevU, levSmoothFactor);
     tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(&p->fbLevL, levSmoothFactor);
-    return 0;
-int     tLivingString_setLevStrength(tLivingString* const p, float levStrength)
+void     tLivingString_setLevStrength(tLivingString* const pl, float levStrength)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(&p->fbLevU, levStrength);
     tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(&p->fbLevL, levStrength);
-    return 0;
-int     tLivingString_setLevMode(tLivingString* const p, int levMode)
+void     tLivingString_setLevMode(tLivingString* const pl, int levMode)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(&p->fbLevU, levMode);
     tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(&p->fbLevL, levMode);
-    return 0;
-float   tLivingString_tick(tLivingString* const p, float input)
+float   tLivingString_tick(tLivingString* const pl, float input)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     // from pickPos upwards=forwards
     float fromLF=tLinearDelay_tickOut(&p->delLF);
     float fromUF=tLinearDelay_tickOut(&p->delUF);
@@ -539,8 +596,9 @@
     return p->curr;
-float   tLivingString_sample(tLivingString* const p)
+float   tLivingString_sample(tLivingString* const pl)
+    _tLivingString* p = *pl;
     return p->curr;
@@ -547,19 +605,25 @@
 ///Reed Table model
 //default values from STK are 0.6 offset and -0.8 slope
-void    tReedTable_init      (tReedTable* const p, float offset, float slope)
+void    tReedTable_init      (tReedTable* const pm, float offset, float slope)
+    _tReedTable* p = *pm = (_tReedTable*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tReedTable));
     p->offset = offset;
     p->slope = slope;
-void    tReedTable_free      (tReedTable* const p)
+void    tReedTable_free      (tReedTable* const pm)
-    ;
+    _tReedTable* p = *pm;
+    leaf_free(p);
-float   tReedTable_tick      (tReedTable* const p, float input)
+float   tReedTable_tick      (tReedTable* const pm, float input)
+    _tReedTable* p = *pm;
     // The input is differential pressure across the reed.
     float output = p->offset + (p->slope * input);
@@ -575,8 +639,10 @@
     return output;
-float   tReedTable_tanh_tick     (tReedTable* const p, float input)
+float   tReedTable_tanh_tick     (tReedTable* const pm, float input)
+    _tReedTable* p = *pm;
     // The input is differential pressure across the reed.
     float output = p->offset + (p->slope * input);
@@ -585,12 +651,14 @@
     return tanhf(output);
-void     tReedTable_setOffset   (tReedTable* const p, float offset)
+void     tReedTable_setOffset   (tReedTable* const pm, float offset)
+    _tReedTable* p = *pm;
     p->offset = offset;
-void     tReedTable_setSlope   (tReedTable* const p, float slope)
+void     tReedTable_setSlope   (tReedTable* const pm, float slope)
+    _tReedTable* p = *pm;
     p->slope = slope;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-reverb.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-reverb.c
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@
 // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PRCReverb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ //
-void    tPRCReverb_init(tPRCReverb* const r, float t60)
+void    tPRCReverb_init(tPRCReverb* const rev, float t60)
+    _tPRCReverb* r = *rev = (_tPRCReverb*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tPRCReverb));
     if (t60 <= 0.0f) t60 = 0.001f;
     r->inv_441 = 1.0f/44100.0f;
@@ -47,21 +49,26 @@
     tDelay_init(&r->allpassDelays[1], lengths[1], lengths[1] * 2);
     tDelay_init(&r->combDelay, lengths[2], lengths[2] * 2);
-    tPRCReverb_setT60(r, t60);
+    tPRCReverb_setT60(rev, t60);
     r->allpassCoeff = 0.7f;
     r->mix = 0.5f;
-void tPRCReverb_free(tPRCReverb* const r)
+void tPRCReverb_free(tPRCReverb* const rev)
+    _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
+    leaf_free(r);
-void    tPRCReverb_setT60(tPRCReverb* const r, float t60)
+void    tPRCReverb_setT60(tPRCReverb* const rev, float t60)
+    _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
     if ( t60 <= 0.0f ) t60 = 0.001f;
     r->t60 = t60;
@@ -70,13 +77,16 @@
-void    tPRCReverb_setMix(tPRCReverb* const r, float mix)
+void    tPRCReverb_setMix(tPRCReverb* const rev, float mix)
+    _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
     r->mix = mix;
-float   tPRCReverb_tick(tPRCReverb* const r, float input)
+float   tPRCReverb_tick(tPRCReverb* const rev, float input)
+    _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
     float temp, temp0, temp1, temp2;
     float out;
@@ -107,14 +117,17 @@
     return out;
-void     tPRCReverbSampleRateChanged (tPRCReverb* const r)
+void     tPRCReverbSampleRateChanged (tPRCReverb* const rev)
+    _tPRCReverb* r = *rev;
     r->combCoeff = pow(10.0f, (-3.0f * tDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelay) * leaf.invSampleRate / r->t60 ));
 /* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NReverb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ */
-void    tNReverb_init(tNReverb* const r, float t60)
+void    tNReverb_init(tNReverb* const rev, float t60)
+    _tNReverb* r = *rev = (_tNReverb*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tNReverb));
     if (t60 <= 0.0f) t60 = 0.001f;
     r->inv_441 = 1.0f/44100.0f;
@@ -150,13 +163,15 @@
         tDelay_setDelay(&r->combDelays[i], lengths[i+2]);
-    tNReverb_setT60(r, t60);
+    tNReverb_setT60(rev, t60);
     r->allpassCoeff = 0.7f;
     r->mix = 0.3f;
-void    tNReverb_free(tNReverb* const r)
+void    tNReverb_free(tNReverb* const rev)
+    _tNReverb* r = *rev;
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
@@ -166,10 +181,14 @@
+    leaf_free(r);
-void    tNReverb_setT60(tNReverb* const r, float t60)
+void    tNReverb_setT60(tNReverb* const rev, float t60)
+    _tNReverb* r = *rev;
     if (t60 <= 0.0f)           t60 = 0.001f;
     r->t60 = t60;
@@ -178,13 +197,15 @@
-void    tNReverb_setMix(tNReverb* const r, float mix)
+void    tNReverb_setMix(tNReverb* const rev, float mix)
+    _tNReverb* r = *rev;
     r->mix = mix;
-float   tNReverb_tick(tNReverb* const r, float input)
+float   tNReverb_tick(tNReverb* const rev, float input)
+    _tNReverb* r = *rev;
     r->lastIn = input;
     float temp, temp0, temp1, temp2, out;
@@ -237,8 +258,9 @@
     return out;
-void     tNReverbSampleRateChanged (tNReverb* const r)
+void     tNReverbSampleRateChanged (tNReverb* const rev)
+    _tNReverb* r = *rev;
     for (int i=0; i<6; i++)   r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3.0 * tDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelays[i]) * leaf.invSampleRate / r->t60 ));
@@ -250,8 +272,10 @@
 float       in_allpass_gains[4] = { 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.625f, 0.625f };
-void    tDattorroReverb_init              (tDattorroReverb* const r)
+void    tDattorroReverb_init              (tDattorroReverb* const rev)
+    _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev = (_tDattorroReverb*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tDattorroReverb));
     r->size_max = 2.0f;
     r->size = 1.f;
     r->t = r->size * leaf.sampleRate * 0.001f;
@@ -298,21 +322,23 @@
-    tDattorroReverb_setMix(r, 0.5f);
+    tDattorroReverb_setMix(rev, 0.5f);
-    tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay(r,  0.f);
+    tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay(rev,  0.f);
-    tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter(r, 10000.f);
+    tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter(rev, 10000.f);
-    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter(r, 5000.f);
+    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter(rev, 5000.f);
-    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain(r, 0.4f);
+    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain(rev, 0.4f);
-void    tDattorroReverb_free              (tDattorroReverb* const r)
+void    tDattorroReverb_free              (tDattorroReverb* const rev)
+    _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
     // INPUT
@@ -347,10 +373,14 @@
+    leaf_free(r);
-float   tDattorroReverb_tick              (tDattorroReverb* const r, float input)
+float   tDattorroReverb_tick              (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float input)
+    _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
     // INPUT
     float in_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->in_delay, input);
@@ -449,13 +479,16 @@
     return (input * (1.0f - r->mix) + sample * r->mix);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setMix            (tDattorroReverb* const r, float mix)
+void    tDattorroReverb_setMix            (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float mix)
+    _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
     r->mix = LEAF_clip(0.0f, mix, 1.0f);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setSize           (tDattorroReverb* const r, float size)
+void    tDattorroReverb_setSize           (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float size)
+    _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
     r->size = LEAF_clip(0.01f, size*r->size_max, r->size_max);
     r->t = r->size * leaf.sampleRate * 0.001f;
@@ -483,22 +516,28 @@
     tTapeDelay_setDelay(&r->f2_delay_3, SAMP(106.28f));
-void    tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay     (tDattorroReverb* const r, float preDelay)
+void    tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay     (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float preDelay)
+    _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
     r->predelay = LEAF_clip(0.0f, preDelay, 200.0f);
     tTapeDelay_setDelay(&r->in_delay, SAMP(r->predelay));
-void    tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter    (tDattorroReverb* const r, float freq)
+void    tDattorroReverb_setInputFilter    (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float freq)
+    _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
     r->input_filter = LEAF_clip(0.0f, freq, 20000.0f);
     tOnePole_setFreq(&r->in_filter, r->input_filter);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter (tDattorroReverb* const r, float freq)
+void    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackFilter (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float freq)
+    _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
     r->feedback_filter = LEAF_clip(0.0f, freq, 20000.0f);
     tOnePole_setFreq(&r->f1_filter, r->feedback_filter);
@@ -505,7 +544,8 @@
     tOnePole_setFreq(&r->f2_filter, r->feedback_filter);
-void    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain   (tDattorroReverb* const r, float gain)
+void    tDattorroReverb_setFeedbackGain   (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float gain)
+    _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
     r->feedback_gain = gain;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-sampling.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-sampling.c
@@ -23,26 +23,32 @@
-void  tBuffer_init (tBuffer* const s, uint32_t length)
+void  tBuffer_init (tBuffer* const sb, uint32_t length)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb = (_tBuffer*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tBuffer));
     s->buff = (float*) leaf_alloc( sizeof(float) * length);
     s->length = length;
     s->active = 0;
     s->idx = 0;
     s->mode = RecordOneShot;
-    tBuffer_clear(s);
+    tBuffer_clear(sb);
-void  tBuffer_free (tBuffer* const s)
+void  tBuffer_free (tBuffer* const sb)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb;
+    leaf_free(s);
-void tBuffer_tick (tBuffer* const s, float sample)
+void tBuffer_tick (tBuffer* const sb, float sample)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb;
     if (s->active == 1)
         s->buff[s->idx] = sample;
@@ -53,7 +59,7 @@
             if (s->mode == RecordOneShot)
-                tBuffer_stop(s);
+                tBuffer_stop(sb);
             else if (s->mode == RecordLoop)
@@ -63,8 +69,9 @@
-void  tBuffer_read(tBuffer* const s, float* buff, uint32_t len)
+void  tBuffer_read(tBuffer* const sb, float* buff, uint32_t len)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb;
     for (int i = 0; i < s->length; i++)
         if (i < len)    s->buff[i] = buff[i];
@@ -72,31 +79,35 @@
-float tBuffer_get (tBuffer* const s, int idx)
+float tBuffer_get (tBuffer* const sb, int idx)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb;
     if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= s->length)) return 0.f;
     return s->buff[idx];
-void  tBuffer_record(tBuffer* const s)
+void  tBuffer_record(tBuffer* const sb)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb;
     s->active = 1;
     s->idx = 0;
-void  tBuffer_stop(tBuffer* const s)
+void  tBuffer_stop(tBuffer* const sb)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb;
     s->active = 0;
-void  tBuffer_setRecordMode (tBuffer* const s, RecordMode mode)
+void  tBuffer_setRecordMode (tBuffer* const sb, RecordMode mode)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb;
     s->mode = mode;
-void  tBuffer_clear (tBuffer* const s)
+void  tBuffer_clear (tBuffer* const sb)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb;
     for (int i = 0; i < s->length; i++)
         s->buff[i] = 0.f;
@@ -103,12 +114,20 @@
+uint32_t tBuffe_getLength(tBuffer* const sb)
+    _tBuffer* s = *sb;
+    return s->length;
-void tSampler_init(tSampler* const p, tBuffer* const s)
+void tSampler_init(tSampler* const sp, uint32_t length)
-    p->samp = s;
+    _tSampler* p = *sp = (_tSampler*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSampler));
+    tBuffer_init(&p->samp, length);
     p->active = 0;
     p->start = 0;
@@ -132,13 +151,24 @@
     tRamp_setVal(&p->gain, 0.f);
-void tSampler_free         (tSampler* const p)
+void tSampler_free         (tSampler* const sp)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
+    leaf_free(p);
-float tSampler_tick        (tSampler* const p)
+tBuffer tSampler_getBuffer (tSampler* const sp)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
+    return p->samp;
+float tSampler_tick        (tSampler* const sp)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
     if (p->active == 0)         return 0.f;
     if ((p->inc == 0.0f) || (p->len < 4))
@@ -331,18 +361,16 @@
     return p->last;
-void tSampler_setSample    (tSampler* const p, tBuffer* s)
+void tSampler_setMode      (tSampler* const sp, PlayMode mode)
-    p->samp = s;
-void tSampler_setMode      (tSampler* const p, PlayMode mode)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
     p->mode = mode;
-void tSampler_setCrossfadeLength  (tSampler* const p, uint32_t length)
+void tSampler_setCrossfadeLength  (tSampler* const sp, uint32_t length)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
     uint32_t cfxlen = LEAF_clip(0, length, 1000);
     //if (cfxlen > p->len)  cfxlen = p->len * 0.25f;
@@ -350,8 +378,10 @@
     p->cfxlen = cfxlen;
-void tSampler_play         (tSampler* const p)
+void tSampler_play         (tSampler* const sp)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
     if (p->active != 0)
         p->active = -1;
@@ -379,15 +409,19 @@
-void tSampler_stop         (tSampler* const p)
+void tSampler_stop         (tSampler* const sp)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
     p->active = -1;
     tRamp_setDest(&p->gain, 0.f);
-static void handleStartEndChange(tSampler* const p)
+static void handleStartEndChange(tSampler* const sp)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
     p->len = abs(p->end - p->start);
     //if (p->len < p->cfxlen) p->cfxlen = p->len * 0.9f;
@@ -402,22 +436,28 @@
-void tSampler_setStart     (tSampler* const p, int32_t start)
+void tSampler_setStart     (tSampler* const sp, int32_t start)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
     p->start = LEAF_clipInt(0, start, (p->samp->length - 1));
-    handleStartEndChange(p);
+    handleStartEndChange(sp);
-void tSampler_setEnd       (tSampler* const p, int32_t end)
+void tSampler_setEnd       (tSampler* const sp, int32_t end)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
     p->end = LEAF_clipInt(0, end, (p->samp->length - 1));
-    handleStartEndChange(p);
+    handleStartEndChange(sp);
-void tSampler_setRate      (tSampler* const p, float rate)
+void tSampler_setRate      (tSampler* const sp, float rate)
+    _tSampler* p = *sp;
     if (rate < 0.f)
         rate = -rate;
--- a/LEAF_JUCEPlugin/LEAF.jucer
+++ b/LEAF_JUCEPlugin/LEAF.jucer
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
     <GROUP id="{14C5E2CD-5D51-3FD3-5677-28BECA29E95E}" name="Source">
       <GROUP id="{C9F79DF0-2C57-F2B0-7B1B-78A14937E038}" name="LEAF">
         <GROUP id="{B591B686-9726-94F1-28CD-B08349461C76}" name="Externals">
-          <FILE id="oBE37z" name="atkdetect.c" compile="1" resource="0" file="../LEAF/Externals/atkdetect.c"/>
-          <FILE id="MchITp" name="atkdetect.h" compile="0" resource="0" file="../LEAF/Externals/atkdetect.h"/>
           <FILE id="O0YJRY" name="d_fft_mayer.c" compile="1" resource="0" file="../LEAF/Externals/d_fft_mayer.c"/>
           <FILE id="HdG3WV" name="d_fft_mayer.h" compile="0" resource="0" file="../LEAF/Externals/d_fft_mayer.h"/>
           <FILE id="Hu4b98" name="trigtbl.h" compile="0" resource="0" file="../LEAF/Externals/trigtbl.h"/>
--- a/LEAF_JUCEPlugin/Source/LEAFLink.cpp
+++ b/LEAF_JUCEPlugin/Source/LEAFLink.cpp
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
             return cComboBoxStates[i];
+    return -1;
 void setComboBoxState(String name, int idx)