shithub: leaf

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ref: adff8a84ea9ea74abc7f375c02fd3e37c955250b
parent: 4266dc064d0f7b4422d5b6d30bd63fd2252e503d
author: Matthew Wang <>
date: Fri Jan 8 07:41:14 EST 2021

use iframe-resizer content js

diff: cannot open b/doxygen/js//null: file does not exist: 'b/doxygen/js//null'
--- a/doxygen/header.html
+++ b/doxygen/header.html
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
     <link href="$relpath^tabs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
     <script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^jquery.js"></script>
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+    <script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^../js/iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js"></script>
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     $treeview $search $mathjax
     <link href="$relpath^$stylesheet" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@@ -25,21 +26,6 @@
 <body class="bg-washed-green black-70 ph0 sans-serif" onload="iframeResizePipe()">
-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doxygen/js/iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+/*! iFrame Resizer (iframeSizer.contentWindow.min.js) - v4.2.11 - 2021-01-05
+ *  Desc: Include this file in any page being loaded into an iframe
+ *        to force the iframe to resize to the content size.
+ *  Requires: iframeResizer.min.js on host page.
+ *  Copyright: (c) 2021 David J. Bradshaw -
+ *  License: MIT
+ */
+!function(u){if("undefined"!=typeof window){var n=!0,o=10,i="",r=0,a="",t=null,c="",s=!1,d={resize:1,click:1},l=128,f=!0,m=1,h="bodyOffset",g=h,p=!0,v="",y={},w=32,b=null,T=!1,E="[iFrameSizer]",O=E.length,S="",M={max:1,min:1,bodyScroll:1,documentElementScroll:1},I="child",N=!0,A=window.parent,C="*",z=0,k=!1,e=null,R=16,x=1,L="scroll",F=L,P=window,D=function(){re("onMessage function not defined")},j=function(){},q=function(){},H={height:function(){return re("Custom height calculation function not defined"),document.documentElement.offsetHeight},width:function(){return re("Custom width calculation function not defined"),document.body.scrollWidth}},W={},B=!1;try{var J=Object.create({},{passive:{get:function(){B=!0}}});window.addEventListener("test",ee,J),window.removeEventListener("test",ee,J)}catch(e){}var U,V,X,Y,K,Q,||function(){return(new Date).getTime()},Z={bodyOffset:function(){return document.body.offsetHeight+pe("marginTop")+pe("marginBottom")},offset:function(){return Z.bodyOffset()},bodyScroll:function(){return document.body.scrollHeight},custom:function(){return H.height()},documentElementOffset:function(){return document.documentElement.offsetHeight},documentElementScroll:function(){return document.documentElement.scrollHeight},max:function(){return Math.max.apply(null,ye(Z))},min:function(){return Math.min.apply(null,ye(Z))},grow:function(){return Z.max()},lowestElement:function(){return Math.max(Z.bodyOffset()||Z.documentElementOffset(),ve("bottom",be()))},taggedElement:function(){return we("bottom","data-iframe-height")}},$={bodyScroll:function(){return document.body.scrollWidth},bodyOffset:function(){return document.body.offsetWidth},custom:function(){return H.width()},documentElementScroll:function(){return document.documentElement.scrollWidth},documentElementOffset:function(){return document.documentElement.offsetWidth},scroll:function(){return Math.max($.bodyScroll(),$.documentElementScroll())},max:function(){return Math.max.apply(null,ye($))},min:function(){return Math.min.apply(null,ye($))},rightMostElement:function(){return ve("right",be())},taggedElement:function(){return we("right","data-iframe-width")}},_=(U=Te,K=null,Q=0,function(){var e=G(),t=R-(e-(Q=Q||e));return V=this,X=arguments,t<=0||R<t?(K&&(clearTimeout(K),K=null),Q=e,Y=U.apply(V,X),K||(V=X=null)):K=K||setTimeout(Ee,t),Y});te(window,"message",function(t){var n={init:function(){,A=t.source,ae(),f=!1,setTimeout(function(){p=!1},l)},reset:function(){p?ie("Page reset ignored by init"):(ie("Page size reset by host page"),Me("resetPage"))},resize:function(){Oe("resizeParent","Parent window requested size check")},moveToAnchor:function(){y.findTarget(i())},inPageLink:function(){this.moveToAnchor()},pageInfo:function(){var e=i();ie("PageInfoFromParent called from parent: "+e),q(JSON.parse(e)),ie(" --")},message:function(){var e=i();ie("onMessage called from parent: "+e),D(JSON.parse(e)),ie(" --")}};function o(){return"]")[1].split(":")[0]}function i(){return":")+1)}function r(){return":")[2]in{true:1,false:1}}function e(){var e=o();e in n?n[e]():("undefined"==typeof module||!module.exports)&&"iFrameResize"in window||"jQuery"in window&&"iFrameResize"in window.jQuery.prototype||r()||re("Unexpected message ("")")}E===("",O)&&(!1===f?e():r()?n.init():ie('Ignored message of type "'+o()+'". Received before initialization.'))}),te(window,"readystatechange",Ae),te(window.document,"mouseenter",Ce),te(window.document,"mouseleave",Ce),Ae()}function ee(){}function te(e,t,n,o){e.addEventListener(t,n,!!B&&(o||{}))}function ne(e){return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.slice(1)}function oe(e){return E+"["+S+"] "+e}function ie(e){T&&"object"==typeof window.console&&console.log(oe(e))}function re(e){"object"==typeof window.console&&console.warn(oe(e))}function ae(){!function(){function e(e){return"true"===e}var t=v.substr(O).split(":");S=t[0],r=u!==t[1]?Number(t[1]):r,s=u!==t[2]?e(t[2]):s,T=u!==t[3]?e(t[3]):T,w=u!==t[4]?Number(t[4]):w,n=u!==t[6]?e(t[6]):n,a=t[7],g=u!==t
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/doxygen/leaf/annotated.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/annotated.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
     <link href="tabs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js"></script>
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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 <body class="bg-washed-green black-70 ph0 sans-serif" onload="iframeResizePipe()">
-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/basic-oscillators_8c-example.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/basic-oscillators_8c-example.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/classes.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/classes.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
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-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/d__fft__mayer_8h_source.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/d__fft__mayer_8h_source.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/dir_127e6aa213d41105176fe0c3bbb2560c.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/dir_127e6aa213d41105176fe0c3bbb2560c.html
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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 <body class="bg-washed-green black-70 ph0 sans-serif" onload="iframeResizePipe()">
-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/dir_2638202b9749e6ce2c919e410b7e2f43.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/dir_2638202b9749e6ce2c919e410b7e2f43.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/dir_76a7f9c0effa62c8115652ccf2f83bfd.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/dir_76a7f9c0effa62c8115652ccf2f83bfd.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/dir_c32436ea5eb8693473f37766c9d9ff95.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/dir_c32436ea5eb8693473f37766c9d9ff95.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/examples.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/examples.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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     <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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 <body class="bg-washed-green black-70 ph0 sans-serif" onload="iframeResizePipe()">
-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/files.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/files.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@
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-    <iframe id="helpframe" src='' height='0' width='0' frameborder='0'></iframe>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/functions.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/functions.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/functions_vars.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/functions_vars.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
-        }
-    </script>
         <!-- do not remove this div, it is closed by doxygen! -->
         <div id="titlearea">
--- a/doxygen/leaf/globals.html
+++ b/doxygen/leaf/globals.html
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
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-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        function iframeResizePipe() {
-            // What's the page height?
-            var height = document.body.scrollHeight;
-            // Going to 'pipe' the data to the parent through the helpframe..
-            var pipe = document.getElementById('helpframe');
-            // Cachebuster a precaution here to stop browser caching interfering
-            pipe.src = '' + height + '&cacheb=' + Math.random();
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