ref: e61578785bb7c94d0e64ece95a07a965c2654638
parent: c17994c6bf7d282924046b95bf7144738693f818
parent: 55d7491f3d9c8f191bc6246df6294902b5aa907b
author: volvet <>
date: Mon Feb 17 08:24:21 EST 2014
Merge pull request #286 from mstorsjo/remove-hw-decode Remove stub interfaces for hw decoding
--- a/codec/api/svc/codec_app_def.h
+++ b/codec/api/svc/codec_app_def.h
@@ -97,13 +97,10 @@
DECODER_OPTION_END_OF_STREAM, /* Indicate bitstream of the final frame to be decoded */
DECODER_OPTION_VCL_NAL, //feedback whether or not have VCL NAL in current AU for application layer
DECODER_OPTION_TEMPORAL_ID, //feedback temporal id for application layer
- DECODER_OPTION_MODE, // indicates the decoding mode
DECODER_OPTION_FRAME_NUM, //feedback current decoded frame number
DECODER_OPTION_IDR_PIC_ID, // feedback current frame belong to which IDR period
DECODER_OPTION_LTR_MARKING_FLAG, // feedback wether current frame mark a LTR
DECODER_OPTION_LTR_MARKED_FRAME_NUM, // feedback frame num marked by current Frame
typedef enum { //feedback that whether or not have VCL NAL in current AU
--- a/codec/api/svc/codec_def.h
+++ b/codec/api/svc/codec_def.h
@@ -160,32 +160,6 @@
int iSkipFrameStep; //how many frames to skip
} SRateThresholds, *PRateThresholds;
-/*new interface*/
-typedef struct WelsDeviceInfo {
- int bSupport; /* a logic flag provided by decoder which indicates whether GPU decoder can work based on the following device info. */
- char Vendor[128]; // vendor name
- char Device[128]; // device name
- char Driver[128]; // driver version
- char DriverDate[128]; // driver release date
-} Device_Info;
-typedef enum TagBufferProperty {
- BUFFER_HOST = 0, // host memory
- BUFFER_DEVICE = 1, // device memory including surface and shared handle
- // for DXVA: shared handle
- // for VDA : iosurface
- //SURFACE_DEVICE , // surface
- //SHARED_HANDLE // shared handle
-} EBufferProperty;
-typedef enum TagDecodeMode {
- AUTO_MODE = 0, // decided by decoder itself, dynamic mode switch, delayed switch
- SW_MODE = 1, // decoded by CPU, instant switch
- GPU_MODE = 2, // decoded by GPU, instant switch
- SWITCH_MODE = 3 // switch to the other mode, forced mode switch, delayed switch
-} EDecodeMode;
typedef struct TagSysMemBuffer {
int iWidth; //width of decoded pic for display
int iHeight; //height of decoded pic for display
@@ -193,24 +167,10 @@
int iStride[2]; //stride of 2 component
} SSysMEMBuffer;
-typedef struct TagVideoMemBuffer {
- int iSurfaceWidth; // used for surface create
- int iSurfaceHeight;
- int D3Dformat; //type is "D3DFORMAT"
- int D3DPool; // type is "D3DPOOL";
- int iLeftTopX;
- int iLeftTopY;
- int iRightBottomX;
- int iRightBottomY;
-} SVideoMemBuffer;
typedef struct TagBufferInfo {
- EBufferProperty eBufferProperty; //0: host memory; 1: device memory;
int iBufferStatus; // 0: one frame data is not ready; 1: one frame data is ready
- EDecodeMode eWorkMode; //indicate what the real working mode in decoder
union {
SSysMEMBuffer sSystemBuffer;
- SVideoMemBuffer sVideoBuffer;
} UsrData;
} SBufferInfo;
--- a/codec/console/dec/src/d3d9_utils.cpp
+++ b/codec/console/dec/src/d3d9_utils.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@
#define SAFE_RELEASE(p) if(p) { (p)->Release(); (p) = NULL; }
#define SAFE_FREE(p) if(p) { free (p); (p) = NULL; }
-HRESULT Dump2YUV (void* pDst[3], void* pSurface, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iStride[2]);
HRESULT Dump2Surface (void* pDst[3], void* pSurface, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iStride[2]);
HRESULT InitWindow (HWND* hWnd);
@@ -122,7 +121,7 @@
return hResult;
BOOL bWindowed = pFp ? FALSE : TRUE;
- BOOL bNeedD3D9 = ! (!bWindowed && pInfo->eBufferProperty == BUFFER_HOST);
+ BOOL bNeedD3D9 = ! (!bWindowed);
if (!m_bInitDone)
m_bInitDone = !bNeedD3D9;
@@ -147,14 +146,11 @@
HRESULT CD3D9Utils::Render (void* pDst[3], SBufferInfo* pInfo) {
- EBufferProperty eBufferProperty = pInfo->eBufferProperty;
- if (eBufferProperty == BUFFER_HOST) {
hResult = InitResource (NULL, pInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED (hResult))
hResult = Dump2Surface (pDst, m_lpD3D9RawSurfaceShare, pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth,
pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight, pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iStride);
- }
if (SUCCEEDED (hResult)) {
IDirect3DSurface9* pBackBuffer = NULL;
@@ -168,7 +164,6 @@
HRESULT CD3D9Utils::Dump (void* pDst[3], SBufferInfo* pInfo, FILE* pFp) {
- EBufferProperty eBufferProperty = pInfo->eBufferProperty;
int iStride[2];
int iWidth;
int iHeight;
@@ -223,12 +218,10 @@
m_d3dpp.hDeviceWindow = m_hWnd;
m_d3dpp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE;
hResult = m_lpD3D9->CreateDevice (uiAdapter, D3DDevType, NULL, dwBehaviorFlags, &m_d3dpp, &m_lpD3D9Device);
- if (pInfo->eBufferProperty == BUFFER_HOST) {
iWidth = pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth;
iHeight = pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight;
- }
hResult = m_lpD3D9Device->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface (iWidth, iHeight, (D3DFORMAT)D3Dformat, (D3DPOOL)D3Dpool,
&m_lpD3D9RawSurfaceShare, NULL);
@@ -297,7 +290,7 @@
return hResult;
BOOL bWindowed = pFp ? FALSE : TRUE;
- BOOL bNeedD3D9 = ! (!bWindowed && pInfo->eBufferProperty == BUFFER_HOST);
+ BOOL bNeedD3D9 = ! (!bWindowed);
if (!m_bInitDone)
m_bInitDone = !bNeedD3D9;
@@ -322,17 +315,11 @@
HRESULT CD3D9ExUtils::Render (void* pDst[3], SBufferInfo* pInfo) {
- EBufferProperty eBufferProperty = pInfo->eBufferProperty;
- if (eBufferProperty == BUFFER_HOST) {
hResult = InitResource (NULL, pInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED (hResult))
hResult = Dump2Surface (pDst, m_lpD3D9RawSurfaceShare, pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth,
pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight, pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iStride);
- } else if (eBufferProperty == BUFFER_DEVICE) {
- VOID* pSharedHandle = pDst[0];
- hResult = InitResource (pSharedHandle, pInfo);
- }
if (SUCCEEDED (hResult)) {
IDirect3DSurface9* pBackBuffer = NULL;
@@ -346,34 +333,14 @@
HRESULT CD3D9ExUtils::Dump (void* pDst[3], SBufferInfo* pInfo, FILE* pFp) {
- EBufferProperty eBufferProperty = pInfo->eBufferProperty;
int iStride[2];
int iWidth;
int iHeight;
- if (eBufferProperty != BUFFER_HOST) {
- iWidth = pInfo->UsrData.sVideoBuffer.iSurfaceWidth;
- iHeight = pInfo->UsrData.sVideoBuffer.iSurfaceHeight;
- iStride[0] = iWidth;
- iStride[1] = iWidth / 2;
- if (m_pDumpYUV == NULL) {
- m_pDumpYUV = (unsigned char*)malloc (iWidth * iHeight * 3 / 2 * sizeof (unsigned char));
- }
- if (m_pDumpYUV) {
- void* pSurface = pDst[1];
- pDst[0] = m_pDumpYUV;
- pDst[1] = m_pDumpYUV + iHeight * iStride[0] * sizeof (unsigned char);
- pDst[2] = m_pDumpYUV + iHeight * iStride[0] * 5 / 4 * sizeof (unsigned char);
- hResult = Dump2YUV (pDst, pSurface, iWidth, iHeight, iStride);
- }
- } else {
iWidth = pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth;
iHeight = pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight;
iStride[0] = pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iStride[0];
iStride[1] = pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iStride[1];
- }
if (pDst[0] && pDst[1] && pDst[2])
Write2File (pFp, (unsigned char**)pDst, iStride, iWidth, iHeight);
@@ -419,17 +386,10 @@
m_d3dpp.hDeviceWindow = m_hWnd;
m_d3dpp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE;
hResult = m_lpD3D9->CreateDeviceEx (uiAdapter, D3DDevType, NULL, dwBehaviorFlags, &m_d3dpp, NULL, &m_lpD3D9Device);
- if (pInfo->eBufferProperty == BUFFER_HOST) {
iWidth = pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth;
iHeight = pInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight;
- } else {
- iWidth = pInfo->UsrData.sVideoBuffer.iSurfaceWidth;
- iHeight = pInfo->UsrData.sVideoBuffer.iSurfaceHeight;
- D3Dformat = (D3DFORMAT)pInfo->UsrData.sVideoBuffer.D3Dformat;
- D3Dpool = (D3DPOOL)pInfo->UsrData.sVideoBuffer.D3DPool;
- }
hResult = m_lpD3D9Device->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface (iWidth, iHeight, (D3DFORMAT)D3Dformat, (D3DPOOL)D3Dpool,
&m_lpD3D9RawSurfaceShare, &pSharedHandle);
@@ -440,40 +400,6 @@
return hResult;
-HRESULT Dump2YUV (void* pDst[3], void* pSurface, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iStride[2]) {
- HRESULT hResult = E_FAIL;
- if (!pDst[0] || !pDst[1] || !pDst[2] || !pSurface)
- return hResult;
- IDirect3DSurface9* pSurfaceData = (IDirect3DSurface9*)pSurface;
- D3DLOCKED_RECT sD3DLockedRect = {0};
- hResult = pSurfaceData->LockRect (&sD3DLockedRect, NULL, 0);
- unsigned char* pInY = (unsigned char*)sD3DLockedRect.pBits;
- unsigned char* pOutY = (unsigned char*)pDst[0];
- int iInStride = sD3DLockedRect.Pitch;
- int iOutStride = iStride[0];
- for (int j = 0; j < iHeight; j++)
- memcpy (pOutY + j * iOutStride, pInY + j * iInStride, iWidth); //confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage
- unsigned char* pOutV = (unsigned char*)pDst[1];
- unsigned char* pOutU = (unsigned char*)pDst[2];
- unsigned char* pInC = pInY + iInStride * iHeight;
- iOutStride = iStride[1];
- for (int i = 0; i < iHeight / 2; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < iWidth; j += 2) {
- pOutV[i * iOutStride + j / 2] = pInC[i * iInStride + j ];
- pOutU[i * iOutStride + j / 2] = pInC[i * iInStride + j + 1];
- }
- }
- pSurfaceData->UnlockRect();
- return hResult;
HRESULT Dump2Surface (void* pDst[3], void* pSurface, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iStride[2]) {
--- a/codec/console/dec/src/h264dec.cpp
+++ b/codec/console/dec/src/h264dec.cpp
@@ -81,9 +81,6 @@
int32_t iColorFormat = videoFormatInternal;
static int32_t iFrameNum = 0;
- EDecodeMode eDecoderMode = SW_MODE;
- EBufferProperty eOutputProperty = BUFFER_DEVICE;
CUtils cOutputModule;
double dElapsed = 0;
@@ -150,16 +147,6 @@
goto label_exit;
- if (pDecoder->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_MODE, &eDecoderMode)) {
- fprintf (stderr, "SetOption() failed, opt_id : %d ..\n", DECODER_OPTION_MODE);
- goto label_exit;
- }
- // set the output buffer property
- if (pYuvFile) {
- pDecoder->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_OUTPUT_PROPERTY, &eOutputProperty);
- }
#if defined ( STICK_STREAM_SIZE )
FILE* fpTrack = fopen ("3.len", "rb");
@@ -205,10 +192,6 @@
pDecoder->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_VCL_NAL, &iFeedbackVclNalInAu);
int32_t iFeedbackTidInAu;
pDecoder->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TEMPORAL_ID, &iFeedbackTidInAu);
- int32_t iSetMode;
- pDecoder->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_MODE, &iSetMode);
- int32_t iDeviceInfo;
- pDecoder->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_DEVICE_INFO, &iDeviceInfo);
//~end for
iStart = WelsTime();
@@ -229,13 +212,8 @@
if (sDstBufInfo.iBufferStatus == 1) {
cOutputModule.Process ((void**)pDst, &sDstBufInfo, pYuvFile);
- if (sDstBufInfo.eBufferProperty == BUFFER_HOST) {
- iWidth = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth;
- iHeight = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight;
- } else {
- iWidth = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sVideoBuffer.iSurfaceWidth;
- iHeight = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sVideoBuffer.iSurfaceHeight;
- }
+ iWidth = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth;
+ iHeight = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight;
if (pOptionFile != NULL) {
if (iWidth != iLastWidth && iHeight != iLastHeight) {
@@ -268,13 +246,8 @@
if (sDstBufInfo.iBufferStatus == 1) {
cOutputModule.Process ((void**)pDst, &sDstBufInfo, pYuvFile);
- if (sDstBufInfo.eBufferProperty == BUFFER_HOST) {
- iWidth = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth;
- iHeight = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight;
- } else {
- iWidth = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sVideoBuffer.iSurfaceWidth;
- iHeight = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sVideoBuffer.iSurfaceHeight;
- }
+ iWidth = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth;
+ iHeight = sDstBufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight;
if (pOptionFile != NULL) {
/* Anyway, we need write in case of final frame decoding */
--- a/codec/decoder/core/inc/decoder_context.h
+++ b/codec/decoder/core/inc/decoder_context.h
@@ -173,10 +173,6 @@
// Configuration
SDecodingParam* pParam;
uint32_t uiCpuFlag; // CPU compatibility detected
- int32_t iDecoderMode; // indicate decoder running mode
- int32_t iSetMode; // indicate decoder mode set from upper layer, this is read-only for decoder internal
- int32_t iDecoderOutputProperty; // indicate the output buffer property
- int32_t iModeSwitchType; // 1: optimal decision; 2: forced switch to the other mode; 0: no switch
int32_t iOutputColorFormat; // color space format to be outputed
VIDEO_BITSTREAM_TYPE eVideoType; //indicate the type of video to decide whether or not to do qp_delta error detection.
--- a/codec/decoder/core/inc/utils.h
+++ b/codec/decoder/core/inc/utils.h
@@ -64,8 +64,6 @@
extern void WelsLog (void* pPtr, int32_t iLevel, const char* kpFmt, ...);
-#define OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NAME(a) ((a == 0)?"system_memory":"video_memory")
#define BUFFER_STATUS_NAME(a) ((a == 0)?"unvalid":"valid")
--- a/codec/decoder/core/src/decoder.cpp
+++ b/codec/decoder/core/src/decoder.cpp
@@ -402,12 +402,6 @@
// open decoder
WelsOpenDecoder (pCtx);
- // decode mode setting
- pCtx->iDecoderMode = SW_MODE;
- pCtx->iSetMode = AUTO_MODE;
- pCtx->iDecoderOutputProperty = BUFFER_HOST;
- pCtx->iModeSwitchType = 0; // 0: do not do mode switch
return ERR_NONE;
--- a/codec/decoder/core/src/decoder_core.cpp
+++ b/codec/decoder/core/src/decoder_core.cpp
@@ -76,9 +76,6 @@
"DecodeFrameConstruction()::::output good I frame, %d x %d, crop_left:%d, crop_right:%d, crop_top:%d, crop_bottom:%d.\n",
kiWidth, kiHeight, pCtx->sFrameCrop.iLeftOffset, pCtx->sFrameCrop.iRightOffset, pCtx->sFrameCrop.iTopOffset,
- WelsLog (pCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO, "After decoding, set_mode:[%s], eWorkMode:[%s], eBufferProperty:[%s]\n",
- DECODER_MODE_NAME (pCtx->iSetMode), DECODER_MODE_NAME (pCtx->iDecoderMode),
- OUTPUT_PROPERTY_NAME (pDstInfo->eBufferProperty));
//////output:::normal path
@@ -99,7 +96,6 @@
ppDst[0] = ppDst[0] + pCtx->sFrameCrop.iTopOffset * 2 * pPic->iLinesize[0] + pCtx->sFrameCrop.iLeftOffset * 2;
ppDst[1] = ppDst[1] + pCtx->sFrameCrop.iTopOffset * pPic->iLinesize[1] + pCtx->sFrameCrop.iLeftOffset;
ppDst[2] = ppDst[2] + pCtx->sFrameCrop.iTopOffset * pPic->iLinesize[1] + pCtx->sFrameCrop.iLeftOffset;
- pDstInfo->eBufferProperty = BUFFER_HOST;
pDstInfo->iBufferStatus = 1;
return 0;
@@ -935,7 +931,6 @@
memset (pDq, 0, sizeof (SDqLayer));
- if (pCtx->iDecoderMode == SW_MODE) {
do {
const int32_t kiHshift = iPlaneIdx ? 1 : 0;
@@ -1015,7 +1010,6 @@
(NULL == pCtx->sMb.pInterPredictionDoneFlag[i])
- } // end of if(pCtx->iDecoderMode == SW_MODE)
pCtx->pDqLayersList[i] = pDq;
++ i;
@@ -1579,8 +1573,6 @@
- pDstInfo->eBufferProperty = (EBufferProperty)pCtx->iDecoderOutputProperty;
iErr = DecodeCurrentAccessUnit (pCtx, ppDst, iStride, &iWidth, &iHeight, pDstInfo);
--- a/codec/decoder/core/src/pic_queue.cpp
+++ b/codec/decoder/core/src/pic_queue.cpp
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
iLumaSize = iPicWidth * iPicHeight;
iChromaSize = iPicChromaWidth * iPicChromaHeight;
- if (pCtx->iDecoderMode == SW_MODE) {
pPic->pBuffer[0] = static_cast<uint8_t*> (WelsMalloc (iLumaSize /* luma */
+ (iChromaSize << 1) /* Cb,Cr */, "_pic->buffer[0]"));
@@ -93,7 +92,6 @@
pPic->pData[0] = pPic->pBuffer[0] + (1 + pPic->iLinesize[0]) * PADDING_LENGTH;
pPic->pData[1] = pPic->pBuffer[1] + /*WELS_ALIGN*/ (((1 + pPic->iLinesize[1]) * PADDING_LENGTH) >> 1);
pPic->pData[2] = pPic->pBuffer[2] + /*WELS_ALIGN*/ (((1 + pPic->iLinesize[2]) * PADDING_LENGTH) >> 1);
- }
--- a/codec/decoder/plus/src/welsDecoderExt.cpp
+++ b/codec/decoder/plus/src/welsDecoderExt.cpp
@@ -259,32 +259,6 @@
m_pDecContext->bEndOfStreamFlag = iVal ? true : false;
return cmResultSuccess;
- } else if (eOptID == DECODER_OPTION_MODE) {
- if (pOption == NULL)
- return cmInitParaError;
- iVal = * ((int*)pOption);
- m_pDecContext->iSetMode = iVal;
- if (iVal == SW_MODE) {
- m_pDecContext->iDecoderOutputProperty = BUFFER_HOST;
- } else {
-#if !defined(__APPLE__)
- m_pDecContext->iDecoderOutputProperty = BUFFER_DEVICE;
- m_pDecContext->iDecoderOutputProperty = BUFFER_HOST;//BUFFER_HOST;//BUFFER_DEVICE;
- }
- return cmResultSuccess;
- if (pOption == NULL)
- return cmInitParaError;
- iVal = * ((int*)pOption);
- if (m_pDecContext->iSetMode != SW_MODE)
- m_pDecContext->iDecoderOutputProperty = iVal;
@@ -339,19 +313,6 @@
iVal = m_pDecContext->iFeedbackTidInAu;
* ((int*)pOption) = iVal;
return cmResultSuccess;
- } else if (DECODER_OPTION_MODE == eOptID) {
- if (pOption == NULL)
- return cmInitParaError;
- iVal = m_pDecContext->iSetMode;
- * ((int*)pOption) = iVal;
- return cmResultSuccess;
- } else if (DECODER_OPTION_DEVICE_INFO == eOptID) {
- if (pOption == NULL)
- return cmInitParaError;
- return cmResultSuccess;
return cmInitParaError;
@@ -390,7 +351,6 @@
m_pDecContext->iErrorCode = dsErrorFree; //initialize at the starting of AU decoding.
m_pDecContext->iFeedbackVclNalInAu = FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_NAL; //initialize
memset (pDstInfo, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
- pDstInfo->eBufferProperty = (EBufferProperty)m_pDecContext->iDecoderOutputProperty;
m_pDecContext->bReferenceLostAtT0Flag = false; //initialize for LTR
@@ -406,8 +366,6 @@
pDstInfo); //iErrorCode has been modified in this function
- pDstInfo->eWorkMode = (EDecodeMode)m_pDecContext->iDecoderMode;
if (m_pDecContext->iErrorCode) {
ENalUnitType eNalType =
NAL_UNIT_UNSPEC_0; //for NBR, IDR frames are expected to decode as followed if error decoding an IDR currently
@@ -447,7 +405,6 @@
DstInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iStride[1] = pStride[1];
DstInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth = iWidth;
DstInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight = iHeight;
- DstInfo.eBufferProperty = BUFFER_HOST;
eDecState = DecodeFrame2 (kpSrc, kiSrcLen, (void**)ppDst, &DstInfo);
if (eDecState == dsErrorFree) {