ref: 19c8f0ca4b28dc190dc1ee2358c7c6d959f42291
parent: 625b492724942c09c567994377c5c1bce9e58460
author: robs <robs>
date: Sun May 17 09:49:15 EDT 2009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -1,0 +1,308 @@
+# SoX script: (c) 2009
+# Based on an original idea by Carsten Borchardt
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# This script generate files containing audio tones of various
+# frequencies and power levels that can be used to test an audio
+# system's reproduction quality and response. By default, the
+# generated files are suitable for writing to a test CD (using a
+# programme such as k3b).
+# The audio files are created in the current directory and a list of
+# the files generated is also created. A description of each
+# generated file is sent to the console as the script executes.
+# RATE (default 44100) is the sample-rate at which to generate the
+# test tones. Use 48000 to test a PC/work-station or DAT system.
+# AUDIO_LENGTH (default 36) sets the length in seconds of (most of)
+# the test-tones.
+# Other parameters can be changed in the Configuration section below.
+# Note: this script has been tested with SoX 14.3.0. It works
+# to a lesser extent with 14.2.0.
+# Configuration:
+sox=sox # Where is sox? E.g. ../src/sox, /usr/local/bin/sox
+type=wav # File type, e.g. flac, cdda
+rate=44100 # Default sample rate
+#chans2="-c 2" # Uncomment for all files to have 2 channels
+part_octave=6 # 5 for harmonic split, 6 for true half octave
+tone_length=36 # In seconds; not used for sweeps
+fade_time=.05 # Fade in/out time (for smooth start and end of tone)
+#gain="gain -9" # Uncomment for different default volume
+#NDD=-D # Uncomment to disable TPDF default dither (v14.3.0)
+vol_dither="-f ge" # Type of dither to be used for volume tests
+plot=yes # Uncomment to enable PNG plots
+ [ -n "$plot" ] && [ -n "$name" ] && $sox $D "$name" -n remix - \
+ spectrogram -wk -x$((1000 / $length)) -o "`basename "$name" $type`png"
+next_file() # Generate incrementing file name; update variables
+ plot # the previous file
+ file_count=$(($file_count + 1))
+ name=`printf "%02i-%s.$type" $file_count "$1" | tr / "~"`
+ echo " $name"
+ echo "$name" >> $log
+ length=$tone_length; [ -n "$2" ] && length=$2
+ total_length=$(($total_length + $length))
+ output="-b 16 $chans2 --comment="" $name"
+ fade="fade h $fade_time $length $fade_time"
+# Initialisation:
+soxver=`$sox --version | sed "s/.* v//" ` # Find out sox version
+major=`echo $soxver | cut -d . -f1`
+minor=`echo $soxver | cut -d . -f2`
+soxver=$(($major * 100 + $minor)) # Ignore patch number
+[ -n "$1" ] && rate="$1"
+[ -n "$2" ] && tone_length="$2"
+log="`basename "$0"`.log"
+: > $log # Initialise log file
+total_length=0 # In seconds
+freqs="100 1k 10k"
+input="$sox $NDD -r $rate -n"
+[ $soxver -ge 1403 ] && H=-h
+[ $soxver -ge 1403 ] && D=-D
+[ $soxver -ge 1403 ] && J="-j 0"
+echo "Creating test audio files with sample-rate = $rate"
+echo; echo "Silence:"
+next_file silence
+$input $D $output trim 0 $length
+echo; echo "Noise colours:"
+next_file white-noise
+$input $output synth $length whitenoise $fade $gain
+next_file pink-noise
+$input $output synth $length pinknoise $fade $gain
+next_file brown-noise
+$input $output synth $length brownnoise $fade $gain
+echo; echo "Single, fixed frequency pure tones, half octave steps:"
+note=-60 # 5 octaves below middle A = 13.75Hz
+while [ $note -le 67 ]; do # 5 and a bit octaves above middle A ~= 20kHz
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/bc ]; then
+ freq=`echo "scale = 9; 440 * e($note / 12 * l(2))" | bc -l`
+ next_file `printf "%.1f" $freq`Hz
+ else
+ next_file %$note
+ fi
+ $input $output synth $J sine %$note $fade $gain
+ note=$(($note + $part_octave))
+ part_octave=$((12 - $part_octave))
+echo; echo "Single, fixed frequency pure tones, decade/sub-decade steps:"
+for freq in 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k; do
+ next_file "${freq}hz"
+ $input $output synth sine $freq $fade $gain
+echo; echo "Single, fixed frequency pure tones, CD frequency sub-harmonics:"
+for freq in 5512.5 11025 16537.5 22050; do
+ next_file "cd-${freq}hz"
+ $input $output synth $length sine $freq 0 25 $fade $gain
+echo; echo "Sweep frequency @ 1 semitone/s, with a mark @ each octave of \`A':"
+for freq in %-60/%67 %67/%-60; do
+ next_file ${freq}_sweep 127
+ $input $output synth sine %30 \
+ synth sine amod 8.333333333333333333 0 $phase1 \
+ synth squa amod 0.08333333333333333333 0 $phase2 1 gain -9 \
+ synth $length sine mix $freq gain $H 3 $gain
+ phase1=41.66666666666666667
+ phase2=42.66666666666666667
+echo; echo "Dual, fixed frequency pure tones:"
+next_file 9kHz+10kHz
+$input $output synth $length sine 9k synth sine mix 10k $fade $gain
+next_file 440hz+445hz
+$input $output synth $length sine 440 synth sine mix 445 $fade $gain
+echo; echo "Single, fixed frequency harmonic tones:"
+for freq in 100 1k 5k; do
+ for shape in square saw; do
+ next_file ${freq}hz_$shape
+ $input $output synth $length $shape $freq $fade gain -3
+ done
+echo; echo "Single, fixed frequency pure tones, 12dB attenuation steps:"
+for freq in $freqs; do
+ for att in 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108; do
+ next_file ${freq}hz_${att}dB_att
+ $input $output synth $length sine $freq gain $H -$att $fade dither $vol_dither
+ done
+if [ $soxver -ge 1403 ]; then
+ echo; echo "Sweep volume @ 1dB/s, -108->0->-108dB, with a mark (-40dB) every 12dB:"
+ for freq in $freqs; do
+ next_file ${freq}hz_108dB-sweep 216
+ $input $output synth $length sin $freq sin %30 \
+ synth squ amod 0 100 sine amod 8.333333333333333333 0 75 \
+ synth exp amod 0.00462962962962962963 0 0 50 54 \
+ squ amod 0.08333333333333333333 0 1 1 \
+ remix 1v.99,2v.01 dither $vol_dither
+ done
+ echo; echo "Sweep volume @ 1dB/s, -96->0->-96dB, with a mark (-40dB) every 12dB:"
+ for freq in $freqs; do
+ next_file ${freq}hz_96dB-sweep 198
+ $input $output synth $length sin $freq sin %30 \
+ synth squ amod 0 100 sine amod 8.333333333333333333 0 75 \
+ synth exp amod 0.005050505050505050505 0 0 50 96 \
+ squ amod 0.08333333333333333333 0 1 1 \
+ remix 1v.99,2v.01 dither $vol_dither
+ done
+echo; echo "1kHz tone offset with 1Hz:"
+next_file offset_10%_square
+$input $output synth $length square 1 sine 1000 remix 1v0.05,2v0.95 gain $H 0 $fade $gain
+next_file offset_50%_sine
+$input $output synth $length sine 1 synth sine mix 1000 $fade $gain
+echo; echo "Silence on one channel, full volume on the other:"
+for freq in $freqs; do
+ next_file ${freq}hz_left-chan
+ $input $output synth $length sine $freq remix 1 0 gain $H 0 $fade $gain
+ next_file ${freq}hz_right-chan
+ $input $output synth $length sine $freq remix 0 1 gain $H 0 $fade $gain
+echo; echo "Phase difference (24, 90, 180 degrees) between channels:"
+for freq in $freqs; do
+ for phase in 6.667 25 50; do
+ next_file ${freq}hz_phase-$phase
+ $input $output synth $length sine $freq sine $freq 0 $phase $fade $gain
+ done
+if [ $soxver -ge 1403 ]; then
+ echo; echo "Plucked scale:"
+ options=
+ overdrive=
+ for f in pluck pluck_dist; do
+ next_file $f 42
+ note=-29
+ :>tmp.s32
+ while [ $note -lt 17 ]; do
+ $input -t s32 - synth .4 pluck %$note $options >> tmp.s32
+ note=$(($note + 1))
+ done
+ $input -t s32 - synth 1.2 pluck %$note $options >> tmp.s32
+ while [ $note -gt -29 ]; do
+ $input -t s32 - synth .4 pluck %$note $options >> tmp.s32
+ note=$(($note - 1))
+ done
+ $input -t s32 - synth pluck %$note $options fade h 0 2 .1 >> tmp.s32
+ $sox -r $rate -c 1 tmp.s32 $output compand .1,.2 6:-70,-60,-20 -7 -15 .1 \
+ $overdrive pad 0 2 remix 1 1 reverb 30
+ rm -f tmp.s32
+ options="0 0 60 60"
+ overdrive="overdrive 30 gain -9"
+ done
+plot # the last file
+minutes=$(($total_length / 60))
+seconds=$(($total_length - $minutes * 60))
+echo; echo "Sample-rate = $rate; # files created = $file_count; total audio length = `printf "%i:%02i" $minutes $seconds`"