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ref: 6d55af3999630bb0bd1a86398bb2f1d6106cb10e
parent: 07eaba52251a3f8bb0aa9ea4ce92e37e5d61b563
author: Ulrich Klauer <>
date: Tue Mar 6 20:18:01 EST 2012

Avoid unnecessary (de)interleaving

Up to now, effects' output buffers always held channel-interleaved
samples. For non-MCHAN effects that operate on each channel
separately, it was therefore necessary to deinterleave the input data
before calling the effect's flow() and to re-interleave the output
afterwards. This meant that between two non-MCHAN effects (e.g.,
"equalizer 300 1.2o +2 equalizer 4k 0.8o -3") there was a
deinterleave/interleave cycle that was a no-op, but computationally

This commit changes the semantics of the output buffer such that it
may hold either interleaved or uninterleaved samples, depending on
what the following effect expects. Thus, at most one conversion is
necessary between effects (none, if both effects are of the same
type). This improves processing speed for any effects chain that
contains at least two adjacent non-MCHAN effects.

As it turns out, the new (de)interleave code is also more efficient
by itself, yielding a further speedup.

--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@
   -------  ----------------------  ----------------------  -------
   14.4.0   E mixer                 remix                   2013-03-04
+Internal improvements:
+  o Speed optimization for effects that operate on channels
+    independently. (Ulrich Klauer)
 sox-14.4.1	20xx-xx-xx
--- a/src/effects.c
+++ b/src/effects.c
@@ -209,15 +209,43 @@
   return SOX_SUCCESS;
+/* An effect's output buffer (effp->obuf) generally has this layout:
+ *   |. . . A1A2A3B1B2B3C1C2C3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
+ *    ^0    ^obeg             ^oend                               ^bufsiz
+ * (where A1 is the first sample of channel 1, A2 the first sample of
+ * channel 2, etc.), i.e. the channels are interleaved.
+ * However, while sox_flow_effects() is running, output buffers are
+ * adapted to how the following effect expects its input, to avoid
+ * back-and-forth conversions.  If the following effect operates on
+ * each of several channels separately (flows > 1), the layout is
+ * changed to this uninterleaved form:
+ *   |. A1B1C1. . . . . . . A2B2C2. . . . . . . A3B3C3. . . . . . |
+ *    ^0    ^obeg             ^oend                               ^bufsiz
+ *    <--- channel 1 ----><--- channel 2 ----><--- channel 3 ---->
+ * The buffer is logically subdivided into channel buffers of size
+ * bufsiz/flows each, starting at offsets 0, bufsiz/flows,
+ * 2*(bufsiz/flows) etc.  Within the channel buffers, the data starts
+ * at position obeg/flows and ends before oend/flows.  In case bufsiz
+ * is not evenly divisible by flows, there will be an unused area at
+ * the very end of the output buffer.
+ * The interleave() and deinterleave() functions convert between these
+ * two representations.
+ */
+static void interleave(size_t flows, size_t length, sox_sample_t *from,
+    size_t bufsiz, size_t offset, sox_sample_t *to);
+static void deinterleave(size_t flows, size_t length, sox_sample_t *from,
+    sox_sample_t *to, size_t bufsiz, size_t offset);
 static int flow_effect(sox_effects_chain_t * chain, size_t n)
-  sox_effect_t * effp1 = &chain->effects[n - 1][0];
-  sox_effect_t * effp = &chain->effects[n][0];
+  sox_effect_t *effp1 = chain->effects[n - 1];
+  sox_effect_t *effp = chain->effects[n];
   int effstatus = SOX_SUCCESS;
-  size_t i, f = 0;
-  const sox_sample_t *ibuf;
+  size_t f = 0;
   size_t idone = effp1->oend - effp1->obeg;
   size_t obeg = sox_globals.bufsiz - effp->oend;
+  sox_bool il_change = (effp->flows == 1) !=
+      (chain->length == n + 1 || chain->effects[n+1]->flows == 1);
   size_t pre_idone = idone;
   size_t pre_odone = obeg;
@@ -225,21 +253,21 @@
   if (effp->flows == 1) {     /* Run effect on all channels at once */
     idone -= idone % effp->in_signal.channels;
-    effstatus = effp->handler.flow(effp, &effp1->obuf[effp1->obeg],
-                                   &effp->obuf[effp->oend], &idone, &obeg);
+    effstatus = effp->handler.flow(effp, effp1->obuf + effp1->obeg,
+                    il_change ? chain->il_buf : effp->obuf + effp->oend,
+                    &idone, &obeg);
     if (obeg % effp->out_signal.channels != 0) {
       lsx_fail("multi-channel effect flowed asymmetrically!");
       effstatus = SOX_EOF;
+    if (il_change)
+      deinterleave(chain->effects[n+1]->flows, obeg, chain->il_buf,
+          effp->obuf, sox_globals.bufsiz, effp->oend);
   } else {               /* Run effect on each channel individually */
-    sox_sample_t *obuf = &effp->obuf[effp->oend];
+    sox_sample_t *obuf = il_change ? chain->il_buf : effp->obuf;
+    size_t flow_offs = sox_globals.bufsiz/effp->flows;
     size_t idone_last = 0, odone_last = 0; /* Initialised to prevent warning */
-    ibuf = &effp1->obuf[effp1->obeg];
-    for (i = 0; i < idone; i += effp->flows)
-      for (f = 0; f < effp->flows; ++f)
-        chain->ibufc[f][i / effp->flows] = *ibuf++;
     if (sox_globals.use_threads && effp->flows > 1)
@@ -248,7 +276,9 @@
         size_t idonec = idone / effp->flows;
         size_t odonec = obeg / effp->flows;
         int eff_status_c = effp->handler.flow(&chain->effects[n][f],
-            chain->ibufc[f], chain->obufc[f], &idonec, &odonec);
+            effp1->obuf + f*flow_offs + effp1->obeg/effp->flows,
+            obuf + f*flow_offs + effp->oend/effp->flows,
+            &idonec, &odonec);
         if (!f) {
           idone_last = idonec;
           odone_last = odonec;
@@ -265,7 +295,9 @@
         size_t idonec = idone / effp->flows;
         size_t odonec = obeg / effp->flows;
         int eff_status_c = effp->handler.flow(&chain->effects[n][f],
-            chain->ibufc[f], chain->obufc[f], &idonec, &odonec);
+            effp1->obuf + f*flow_offs + effp1->obeg/effp->flows,
+            obuf + f*flow_offs + effp->oend/effp->flows,
+            &idonec, &odonec);
         if (f && (idonec != idone_last || odonec != odone_last)) {
           lsx_fail("flowed asymmetrically!");
           effstatus = SOX_EOF;
@@ -278,18 +310,22 @@
-    for (i = 0; i < odone_last; ++i)
-      for (f = 0; f < effp->flows; ++f)
-        *obuf++ = chain->obufc[f][i];
     idone = effp->flows * idone_last;
     obeg = effp->flows * odone_last;
+    if (il_change)
+      interleave(effp->flows, obeg, chain->il_buf, sox_globals.bufsiz,
+          effp->oend, effp->obuf + effp->oend);
   effp1->obeg += idone;
   if (effp1->obeg == effp1->oend)
     effp1->obeg = effp1->oend = 0;
-  else if (effp1->oend - effp1->obeg < effp->imin ) { /* Need to refill? */
-    memmove(effp1->obuf, &effp1->obuf[effp1->obeg], (effp1->oend - effp1->obeg) * sizeof(*effp1->obuf));
+  else if (effp1->oend - effp1->obeg < effp->imin) { /* Need to refill? */
+    size_t flow_offs = sox_globals.bufsiz/effp->flows;
+    for (f = 0; f < effp->flows; ++f)
+      memcpy(effp1->obuf + f * flow_offs,
+          effp1->obuf + f * flow_offs + effp1->obeg/effp->flows,
+          (effp1->oend - effp1->obeg)/effp->flows * sizeof(*effp1->obuf));
     effp1->oend -= effp1->obeg;
     effp1->obeg = 0;
@@ -310,27 +346,37 @@
 /* The same as flow_effect but with no input */
 static int drain_effect(sox_effects_chain_t * chain, size_t n)
-  sox_effect_t * effp = &chain->effects[n][0];
+  sox_effect_t *effp = chain->effects[n];
   int effstatus = SOX_SUCCESS;
-  size_t i, f;
+  size_t f = 0;
   size_t obeg = sox_globals.bufsiz - effp->oend;
+  sox_bool il_change = (effp->flows == 1) !=
+      (chain->length == n + 1 || chain->effects[n+1]->flows == 1);
   size_t pre_odone = obeg;
   if (effp->flows == 1) { /* Run effect on all channels at once */
-    effstatus = effp->handler.drain(effp, &effp->obuf[effp->oend], &obeg);
+    effstatus = effp->handler.drain(effp,
+                    il_change ? chain->il_buf : effp->obuf + effp->oend,
+                    &obeg);
     if (obeg % effp->out_signal.channels != 0) {
       lsx_fail("multi-channel effect drained asymmetrically!");
       effstatus = SOX_EOF;
+    if (il_change)
+      deinterleave(chain->effects[n+1]->flows, obeg, chain->il_buf,
+          effp->obuf, sox_globals.bufsiz, effp->oend);
   } else {                       /* Run effect on each channel individually */
-    sox_sample_t *obuf = &effp->obuf[effp->oend];
+    sox_sample_t *obuf = il_change ? chain->il_buf : effp->obuf;
+    size_t flow_offs = sox_globals.bufsiz/effp->flows;
     size_t odone_last = 0; /* Initialised to prevent warning */
     for (f = 0; f < effp->flows; ++f) {
       size_t odonec = obeg / effp->flows;
-      int eff_status_c = effp->handler.drain(&chain->effects[n][f], chain->obufc[f], &odonec);
+      int eff_status_c = effp->handler.drain(&chain->effects[n][f],
+          obuf + f*flow_offs + effp->oend/effp->flows,
+          &odonec);
       if (f && (odonec != odone_last)) {
         lsx_fail("drained asymmetrically!");
         effstatus = SOX_EOF;
@@ -341,10 +387,11 @@
         effstatus = SOX_EOF;
-    for (i = 0; i < odone_last; ++i)
-      for (f = 0; f < effp->flows; ++f)
-        *obuf++ = chain->obufc[f][i];
-    obeg = f * odone_last;
+    obeg = effp->flows * odone_last;
+    if (il_change)
+      interleave(effp->flows, obeg, chain->il_buf, sox_globals.bufsiz,
+          effp->oend, effp->obuf + effp->oend);
   if (!obeg)   /* This is the only thing that drain has and flow hasn't */
     effstatus = SOX_EOF;
@@ -365,30 +412,43 @@
   int flow_status = SOX_SUCCESS;
   size_t e, source_e = 0;               /* effect indices */
-  size_t f, max_flows = 0;
+  size_t max_flows = 0;
   sox_bool draining = sox_true;
   for (e = 0; e < chain->length; ++e) {
-    chain->effects[e][0].obuf = lsx_realloc(chain->effects[e][0].obuf,
-        sox_globals.bufsiz * sizeof(chain->effects[e][0].obuf[0]));
-      /* Possibly there is already a buffer, if this is a used effect;
-         it may still contain samples in that case. */
+    sox_effect_t *effp = chain->effects[e];
+    effp->obuf =
+        lsx_realloc(effp->obuf, sox_globals.bufsiz * sizeof(*effp->obuf));
       /* Memory will be freed by sox_delete_effect() later. */
-    max_flows = max(max_flows, chain->effects[e][0].flows);
+      /* Possibly there was already a buffer, if this is a used effect;
+         it may still contain samples in that case. */
+      if (effp->oend > sox_globals.bufsiz) {
+        lsx_warn("buffer size insufficient; buffered samples were dropped");
+        /* can only happen if bufsize has been reduced since the last run */
+        effp->obeg = effp->oend = 0;
+      }
+    max_flows = max(max_flows, effp->flows);
-  if (max_flows == 1) /* don't need interleave buffers */
-    max_flows = 0;
-  chain->ibufc = lsx_calloc(max_flows, sizeof(*chain->ibufc));
-  chain->obufc = lsx_calloc(max_flows, sizeof(*chain->obufc));
-  for (f = 0; f < max_flows; ++f) {
-    chain->ibufc[f] = lsx_calloc(sox_globals.bufsiz / 2, sizeof(chain->ibufc[f][0]));
-    chain->obufc[f] = lsx_calloc(sox_globals.bufsiz / 2, sizeof(chain->obufc[f][0]));
+  if (max_flows > 1) /* might need interleave buffer */
+    chain->il_buf = lsx_malloc(sox_globals.bufsiz * sizeof(sox_sample_t));
+  else
+    chain->il_buf = NULL;
+  /* Go through the effects, and if there are samples in one of the
+     buffers, deinterleave it (if necessary).  */
+  for (e = 0; e + 1 < chain->length; e++) {
+    sox_effect_t *effp = chain->effects[e];
+    if (effp->oend > effp->obeg && chain->effects[e+1]->flows > 1) {
+      sox_sample_t *sw = chain->il_buf; chain->il_buf = effp->obuf; effp->obuf = sw;
+      deinterleave(chain->effects[e+1]->flows, effp->oend - effp->obeg,
+          chain->il_buf, effp->obuf, sox_globals.bufsiz, effp->obeg);
+    }
   e = chain->length - 1;
   while (source_e < chain->length) {
-#define have_imin (e > 0 && e < chain->length && chain->effects[e - 1][0].oend - chain->effects[e - 1][0].obeg >= chain->effects[e][0].imin)
-    size_t osize = chain->effects[e][0].oend - chain->effects[e][0].obeg;
+#define have_imin (e > 0 && e < chain->length && chain->effects[e - 1]->oend - chain->effects[e - 1]->obeg >= chain->effects[e]->imin)
+    size_t osize = chain->effects[e]->oend - chain->effects[e]->obeg;
     if (e == source_e && (draining || !have_imin)) {
       if (drain_effect(chain, e) == SOX_EOF) {
@@ -401,7 +461,7 @@
       source_e = e;
       draining = sox_true;
-    if (e < chain->length && chain->effects[e][0].oend - chain->effects[e][0].obeg > osize) /* False for output */
+    if (e < chain->length && chain->effects[e]->oend - chain->effects[e]->obeg > osize) /* False for output */
     else if (e == source_e)
       draining = sox_true;
@@ -416,13 +476,19 @@
-  for (f = 0; f < max_flows; ++f) {
-    free(chain->ibufc[f]);
-    free(chain->obufc[f]);
+  /* If an effect's output buffer still has samples, and if it is
+     uninterleaved, then re-interleave it. Necessary since it might
+     be reused, and at that time possibly followed by an MCHAN effect. */
+  for (e = 0; e + 1 < chain->length; e++) {
+    sox_effect_t *effp = chain->effects[e];
+    if (effp->oend > effp->obeg && chain->effects[e+1]->flows > 1) {
+      sox_sample_t *sw = chain->il_buf; chain->il_buf = effp->obuf; effp->obuf = sw;
+      interleave(chain->effects[e+1]->flows, effp->oend - effp->obeg,
+          chain->il_buf, sox_globals.bufsiz, effp->obeg, effp->obuf);
+    }
-  free(chain->obufc);
-  free(chain->ibufc);
+  free(chain->il_buf);
   return flow_status;
@@ -549,4 +615,51 @@
       return eh;                 /* Found it. */
   return NULL;
+/*----------------------------- Helper functions -----------------------------*/
+/* interleave() parameters:
+ *   flows: number of samples per wide sample
+ *   length: number of samples to copy
+ *     [pertaining to the (non-interleaved) source buffer:]
+ *   from: start address
+ *   bufsiz: total size
+ *   offset: position at which to start reading
+ *     [pertaining to the (interleaved) destination buffer:]
+ *   to: start address
+ */
+static void interleave(size_t flows, size_t length, sox_sample_t *from,
+    size_t bufsiz, size_t offset, sox_sample_t *to)
+  size_t i, f;
+  size_t wide_samples = length/flows;
+  size_t flow_offs = bufsiz/flows;
+  from += offset/flows;
+  for (i = 0; i < wide_samples; i++)
+    for (f = 0; f < flows; f++)
+      *to++ = from[f*flow_offs + i];
+/* deinterleave() parameters:
+ *   flows: number of samples per wide sample
+ *   length: number of samples to copy
+ *     [pertaining to the (interleaved) source buffer:]
+ *   from: start address
+ *     [pertaining to the (non-interleaved) destination buffer:]
+ *   to: start address
+ *   bufsiz: total size
+ *   offset: position at which to start writing
+ */
+static void deinterleave(size_t flows, size_t length, sox_sample_t *from,
+    sox_sample_t *to, size_t bufsiz, size_t offset)
+  size_t i, f;
+  size_t wide_samples = length/flows;
+  size_t flow_offs = bufsiz/flows;
+  to += offset/flows;
+  for (i = 0; i < wide_samples; i++)
+    for (f = 0; f < flows; f++)
+      to[f*flow_offs + i] = *from++;
--- a/src/sox.h
+++ b/src/sox.h
@@ -1627,8 +1627,7 @@
   sox_encodinginfo_t const * out_enc;      /**< Output encoding */
   /* The following items are private to the libSoX effects chain functions. */
   size_t table_size;                       /**< Size of effects table (including unused entries) */
-  sox_sample_t **ibufc;                    /**< Channel interleave buffer */
-  sox_sample_t **obufc;                    /**< Channel interleave buffer */
+  sox_sample_t *il_buf;                    /**< Channel interleave buffer */
 } sox_effects_chain_t;