ref: 866192e9213de1cf6a1a21942a4b816a3f9db7f7
parent: 211ad7c132ef024289affc4d21f625ddb3d2e8ce
author: cbagwell <cbagwell>
date: Wed Sep 1 22:45:58 EDT 2004
Moving testcd script around
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -1,0 +1,244 @@
+# create WAV-Files that can be used for an audio Test CD
+# all files are created in the current directory
+# Command Line options:
+# filename_prefix audio_length
+# filename_prefix is what each soundfile starts with. Defaults to
+# using testcd as the prefix.
+# audio_length is the length of audio data in seconds. Defaults to 30
+# seconds.
+# length of sample file in seconds
+if [ "$2" = "" ] ; then
+ LENGTH="30"
+# use 'fade' effect for smooth start and end of tone
+# a different default volume
+#output file type
+#our binary
+# filenameprefix
+if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
+ PRE="testcd"
+ PRE=$1;
+# 2 channel 16 bit signed linear int with CD sampling rate
+SOXOPT="-t nul -c 2 -r 44100 -s -w - "
+# file with list of filenames
+#summarise seconds
+#summarize file numbers
+ FC="$(( $FC + 1 ))"
+ LEN="$2"
+ FADE=" fade $FT $LEN $FT"
+ TC="$(( $TC + $LEN ))"
+ if [ $FC -lt 10 ] ; then
+ NAME="${PRE}_0${FC}_${1}${OFT}"
+ else
+ NAME="${PRE}_${FC}_${1}${OFT}"
+ fi
+ echo -n -e " \t$1"
+ echo "$NAME" >>$LST
+#empty / delete list file
+echo "" >$LST
+# ok, lets start with the actual creation of the files
+# fixed frequencies,
+FREQ=" 19.4 23.1 27.5 32.7 38.9 46.2"
+FREQ="$FREQ 55.0 64.4 77.8 92.5 110.0 130.8 155.6 185.0"
+FREQ="$FREQ 220.0 261.6 311.1 367.0 440.0 523.3 622.3 740.0"
+FREQ="$FREQ 880.0 1046 1245 1480 1760 2093 2489 2960"
+FREQ="$FREQ 3520 4186 4978 5920 7040 8372 9956 11840"
+FREQ="$FREQ 14080 16744 19912"
+#FREQ="5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000"
+echo -e "\n--- different frequencies"
+for f in $FREQ; do
+ newname "${f}hz" $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f $FADE $VOL
+# frequency sweep
+# need some mark every octave
+FREQ="220-3520" #4
+FREQ="55-14080" # 8 oct
+FREQ="13.75-28160" # 10 oct
+TGES="$(( $OCT * $TOCT ))"
+echo -e "\n--- frequency sweep range $FREQ"
+newname ${FREQ}hz $TGES
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $MARKFREQ synth square amod 0.1 0 97 94 vol -3 db synth $LEN sine mix $FREQ $VOL
+FREQ="28160-13.75" # 9 oct
+newname ${FREQ}hz $TGES
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $MARKFREQ synth square amod 0.1 0 97 94 vol -3 db synth $LEN sine mix $FREQ $VOL
+# CD frequencies
+FREQ="22050 11025 5512.5 "
+echo -e "\n--- different frequencies $FREQ"
+for f in $FREQ; do
+ newname "cd${f}hz" $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f $FADE $VOL
+# similar frequencies
+echo -e "\n--- similar frequencies"
+newname ${FREQ1}_${FREQ2} $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $FREQ1 synth sine mix $FREQ2 $FADE $VOL
+newname ${FREQ1}_${FREQ2} $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $FREQ1 synth sine mix $FREQ2 $FADE $VOL
+echo -e "\n--- noise"
+newname whitenoise $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN whitenoise $FADE $VOL
+newname pinknoise $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN pinknoise $FADE $VOL
+newname brownnoise $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN brownnoise $FADE $VOL
+# square waves
+FREQ="100 1000 10000"
+echo -e "\n--- square waves at $FREQ"
+for f in $FREQ; do
+ newname ${f}_square $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN square $f vol -12 db $FADE
+# different volumes at a few frequencies
+FREQ="100 1000 10000"
+DB="0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96"
+echo -e "\n--- different volumes $DB db at Frequencies $FREQ"
+ for f in $FREQ; do
+ for d in $DB; do
+ newname ${f}_${d}db $LENGTH
+ $SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f vol -$d db $FADE
+ done
+# silence
+echo -e "\n-- silence"
+newname silence $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine 1000 vol 0
+# volume sweep at different frequencies
+FREQ="100 1000 10000"
+DB=100 # 10sec for 10db
+echo -e "\n--- volume sweep 0..100% at Frequencies $FREQ"
+for f in $FREQ; do
+ newname ${f}_dbsweep 200
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f synth exp amod 0.005 0 0 50 $DB
+# offset test - a 1K sine with 1Hz square offset of 10%
+echo -e "\n--- offset test, 1KHz tone with 1HZ 10% offset"
+newname offset $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN square 1 vol 0.1 synth sine mix 1000 $FADE $VOL
+newname offset1 $LENGTH
+$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN square 1 0 0 square 1 vol 0.1 $FADE
+# effects for different channels
+# silence on one channel, full power on the other - different frequencies
+FREQ="100 1000 10000"
+echo -e "\n--- single channel"
+for f in $FREQ; do
+ newname ${f}leftchan $LENGTH
+ $SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f synth square amod 0 100 square amod 0 0 $Fade $VOL
+ newname ${f}rightchan $LENGTH
+ $SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f synth square amod 0 0 square amod 0 100 $Fade $VOL
+# phase error between channels
+FREQ="100 1000 10000"
+# equal phase/ 24 degrees / 90 degrees / 180 degrees
+echo -e "\n--- phase error test between channels at $FREQ "
+for f in $FREQ; do
+ for p in $PHASE; do
+ newname ${f}hz_phase${p} $LENGTH
+ $SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f 0 0 sine $f 0 $p $FADE $VOL
+ done
+# end - show statistics
+echo -e "\n------------------\ncreated $FC files with prefix $PRE type $OFT"
+MIN="$(( $TC / 60 ))"
+echo "total length is $TC sec = $MIN min"
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +1,0 @@
-# create WAV-Files that can be used for an audio Test CD
-# all files are created in the current directory
-# Command Line options:
-# filename_prefix audio_length
-# filename_prefix is what each soundfile starts with. Defaults to
-# using testcd as the prefix.
-# audio_length is the length of audio data in seconds. Defaults to 30
-# seconds.
-# length of sample file in seconds
-if [ "$2" = "" ] ; then
- LENGTH="30"
-# use 'fade' effect for smooth start and end of tone
-# a different default volume
-#output file type
-#our binary
-# filenameprefix
-if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
- PRE="testcd"
- PRE=$1;
-# 2 channel 16 bit signed linear int with CD sampling rate
-SOXOPT="-t nul -c 2 -r 44100 -s -w - "
-# file with list of filenames
-#summarise seconds
-#summarize file numbers
- FC="$(( $FC + 1 ))"
- LEN="$2"
- FADE=" fade $FT $LEN $FT"
- TC="$(( $TC + $LEN ))"
- if [ $FC -lt 10 ] ; then
- NAME="${PRE}_0${FC}_${1}${OFT}"
- else
- NAME="${PRE}_${FC}_${1}${OFT}"
- fi
- echo -n -e " \t$1"
- echo "$NAME" >>$LST
-#empty / delete list file
-echo "" >$LST
-# ok, lets start with the actual creation of the files
-# fixed frequencies,
-FREQ=" 19.4 23.1 27.5 32.7 38.9 46.2"
-FREQ="$FREQ 55.0 64.4 77.8 92.5 110.0 130.8 155.6 185.0"
-FREQ="$FREQ 220.0 261.6 311.1 367.0 440.0 523.3 622.3 740.0"
-FREQ="$FREQ 880.0 1046 1245 1480 1760 2093 2489 2960"
-FREQ="$FREQ 3520 4186 4978 5920 7040 8372 9956 11840"
-FREQ="$FREQ 14080 16744 19912"
-#FREQ="5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000"
-echo -e "\n--- different frequencies"
-for f in $FREQ; do
- newname "${f}hz" $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f $FADE $VOL
-# frequency sweep
-# need some mark every octave
-FREQ="220-3520" #4
-FREQ="55-14080" # 8 oct
-FREQ="13.75-28160" # 10 oct
-TGES="$(( $OCT * $TOCT ))"
-echo -e "\n--- frequency sweep range $FREQ"
-newname ${FREQ}hz $TGES
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $MARKFREQ synth square amod 0.1 0 97 94 vol -3 db synth $LEN sine mix $FREQ $VOL
-FREQ="28160-13.75" # 9 oct
-newname ${FREQ}hz $TGES
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $MARKFREQ synth square amod 0.1 0 97 94 vol -3 db synth $LEN sine mix $FREQ $VOL
-# CD frequencies
-FREQ="22050 11025 5512.5 "
-echo -e "\n--- different frequencies $FREQ"
-for f in $FREQ; do
- newname "cd${f}hz" $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f $FADE $VOL
-# similar frequencies
-echo -e "\n--- similar frequencies"
-newname ${FREQ1}_${FREQ2} $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $FREQ1 synth sine mix $FREQ2 $FADE $VOL
-newname ${FREQ1}_${FREQ2} $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $FREQ1 synth sine mix $FREQ2 $FADE $VOL
-echo -e "\n--- noise"
-newname whitenoise $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN whitenoise $FADE $VOL
-newname pinknoise $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN pinknoise $FADE $VOL
-newname brownnoise $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN brownnoise $FADE $VOL
-# square waves
-FREQ="100 1000 10000"
-echo -e "\n--- square waves at $FREQ"
-for f in $FREQ; do
- newname ${f}_square $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN square $f vol -12 db $FADE
-# different volumes at a few frequencies
-FREQ="100 1000 10000"
-DB="0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96"
-echo -e "\n--- different volumes $DB db at Frequencies $FREQ"
- for f in $FREQ; do
- for d in $DB; do
- newname ${f}_${d}db $LENGTH
- $SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f vol -$d db $FADE
- done
-# silence
-echo -e "\n-- silence"
-newname silence $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine 1000 vol 0
-# volume sweep at different frequencies
-FREQ="100 1000 10000"
-DB=100 # 10sec for 10db
-echo -e "\n--- volume sweep 0..100% at Frequencies $FREQ"
-for f in $FREQ; do
- newname ${f}_dbsweep 200
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f synth exp amod 0.005 0 0 50 $DB
-# offset test - a 1K sine with 1Hz square offset of 10%
-echo -e "\n--- offset test, 1KHz tone with 1HZ 10% offset"
-newname offset $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN square 1 vol 0.1 synth sine mix 1000 $FADE $VOL
-newname offset1 $LENGTH
-$SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN square 1 0 0 square 1 vol 0.1 $FADE
-# effects for different channels
-# silence on one channel, full power on the other - different frequencies
-FREQ="100 1000 10000"
-echo -e "\n--- single channel"
-for f in $FREQ; do
- newname ${f}leftchan $LENGTH
- $SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f synth square amod 0 100 square amod 0 0 $Fade $VOL
- newname ${f}rightchan $LENGTH
- $SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f synth square amod 0 0 square amod 0 100 $Fade $VOL
-# phase error between channels
-FREQ="100 1000 10000"
-# equal phase/ 24 degrees / 90 degrees / 180 degrees
-echo -e "\n--- phase error test between channels at $FREQ "
-for f in $FREQ; do
- for p in $PHASE; do
- newname ${f}hz_phase${p} $LENGTH
- $SOX $SOXOPT $NAME synth $LEN sine $f 0 0 sine $f 0 $p $FADE $VOL
- done
-# end - show statistics
-echo -e "\n------------------\ncreated $FC files with prefix $PRE type $OFT"
-MIN="$(( $TC / 60 ))"
-echo "total length is $TC sec = $MIN min"