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ref: c26ca4c28256e50776f9bd3115989da4345c7777
parent: 7df6e780f9631d924d733b92e3cafe8038f72ae6
author: rrt <rrt>
date: Mon Apr 16 17:56:02 EDT 2007

LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.

Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.

diff: cannot open b/lpc10//null: file does not exist: 'b/lpc10//null'
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
-DIST_SUBDIRS = amr-wb src/libgsm src
+SUBDIRS = amr-wb lpc10 @LIBGSM_SUBDIR@ src
+DIST_SUBDIRS = amr-wb lpc10 src/libgsm src
 RM = rm -f
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 dnl Generate output files.
-AC_CONFIG_FILES(Makefile src/Makefile src/libgsm/Makefile amr-wb/Makefile)
+AC_CONFIG_FILES(Makefile src/Makefile src/libgsm/Makefile amr-wb/Makefile lpc10/Makefile)
 if test "$found_libgsm" = "yes"; then
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/.cvsignore
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+*.lo *.la .libs
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+noinst_HEADERS = lpc10.h
+liblpc10_la_SOURCES = analys.c bsynz.c chanwr.c dcbias.c \
+  decode.c deemp.c difmag.c dyptrk.c encode.c energy.c f2c.h f2clib.c \
+  ham84.c hp100.c invert.c irc2pc.c ivfilt.c lpcdec.c lpcenc.c lpcini.c \
+  lpfilt.c median.c mload.c onset.c pitsyn.c placea.c placev.c preemp.c \
+  prepro.c random.c rcchk.c synths.c tbdm.c voicin.c vparms.c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/README
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+Sun Jul  7 15:35:44 CDT 1996
+Andy Fingerhut (
+Before you can make any of the programs in this directory, you must
+change to the lpc10 directory and make the LPC-10 library.  See the
+README file there, and be especially sure to read the notes there
+about possible modifications you will need to make to the file lpc10.h
+in this directory.
+I've made up a Unix makefile for the programs nuke and unnuke, called
+makefile.unx.  I don't know how to create a makefile for Microsoft C.
+Feel free to send me one if you create one that works.
+The files in this directory are just some simple main programs that
+call the routines create_lpc10_encoder_state(), lpc10_encode(),
+create_lpc10_decoder_state(), and lpc10_decode().  Those four routines
+are defined in source files within the subdirectory lpc10, and are all
+that any application ever needs to use to compress and decompress
+speech with the LPC-10 coder.  The main programs in this directory are
+just intended as examples of how to use these routines.
+Optionally, an application could also use the routines
+init_lpc10_encoder_state() or init_lpc10_decoder_state() to
+reinitialize a state struct that was created by one of the create
+functions mentioned above.  This could be useful between talk spurts,
+for example, to flush out any possible remaining garbage state that
+could occur because some data was lost.  This shouldn't be necessary,
+since any old bad state should be flushed out or decay within a few
+frame times anyway (frame time = 22.5 ms).  I have heard lost packets
+(or maybe they were garbled?) produce interesting audio artifacts in
+the application Nautilus.
+Tue Aug 20 15:49:04 CDT 1996
+Andy Fingerhut (
+I have just completed making many changes to the C source code that
+allow multiple audio streams to be compressed or decompressed in an
+interleaved fashion.  This is useful, for example, for some Internet
+MBONE audio tools that can receive compressed audio from multiple
+sources simultaneously.  See one or more of the following
+demonstration programs for examples of the calling sequence:
+nuke - compressing one audio stream
+nuke2 - compressing two audio streams, alternating one frame from each
+unnuke - decompressing one audio stream
+unnuke2 - decompressing two audio streams, alternating one frame from each
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/README.lib
@@ -1,0 +1,89 @@
+Tue Aug 20 16:19:51 CDT 1996
+Andy Fingerhut (
+In release 1.4, there are quite a few hand modifications to the C code
+that was automatically created from the Fortran code with f2c.  They
+are all summarized in change log comments at the beginning of the
+changed files.  All of the original files from f2c were checked in to
+RCS before modification, so it is possible to see exactly what changes
+were made, for the extremely curious.  That precaution was also for my
+benefit, in case I ever recompile the Fortran sources, and want to
+make similar changes to that new C source code.
+Below is the README file for this directory included with the 1.3
+release of the LPC-10 package.  A few parts of it are a little out of
+date, but it is correct for the most part.
+Sun Jul  7 15:30:31 CDT 1996
+Andy Fingerhut (
+To create the LPC-10 library, copy the appropriate makefile to the
+proper name for easy use, e.g., for Unix, copy makefile.unx to the
+file "Makefile".  The file makefile.dos has been used with some
+version of the 'nmake' utility that comes with the Microsoft C
+compiler (the same one used for Nautilus v1.5a, which I believe
+specifies Microsoft C version 7.0 or later).
+Then edit the file lpc10.h in the directory above.  It should already
+be set up to work properly on any Unix compiler for which "int" is 32
+bits and "short" is 16 bits, and under the Microsoft C compiler
+configured so that "long" is 32 bits and "int" is 16 bits.  There must
+be a typedef for the two types INT32 and INT16 in that file.  You
+should choose types that compile to those sizes using your compiler,
+because there are places in the LPC-10 code that expect INT16's to
+have exactly 16 bits (at least, I *think* they must be no larger), and
+INT32's to have exactly 32 bits.
+A few notes on how these files were created
+(This section is mostly for my benefit, so I can remember what I did.
+You don't need to read it if you just want to use this package.  It
+might be useful to read it if you change the Fortran sources and want
+to recreate a usable library of C sources.  -- Andy)
+These C sources were created automatically from the Fortran sources
+using f2c, for the most part.  Listed below are the extra
+modifications that were made after this automatic conversion.  Many of
+them were made so that it was not necessary to install f2c in order to
+use this LPC-10 coder.
+Put all of those files that were necessary for only the coder, rather
+than an application that uses the coder, into this subdirectory called
+Copied f2c.h from the f2c distribution into this subdirectory.  Some
+modifications were made to the "typedef" statements in this file, to
+explicitly indicate the sizes (in bits) that different integer types
+should be.  The types INT32 and INT16 must be defined in a file called
+lpc10.h in the directory above.  Created the file f2clib.c, containing
+only the functions pow_ii(), r_sign(), and i_nint() from the f2c
+The f2c output originally had a file called contrl_com.c, that defined
+a small structure containing a few variables that were used in many
+different functions of the LPC10 code.  Every file containing
+functions that used it defined it as "extern", while contrl_com.c
+actually allocated storage for the structure.  Bill Dorsey, one of the
+lead developers of Nautilus, said that the Microsoft C compiler had
+problems either compiling this file, or linking it with all of the
+other compiled files, so he just eliminated that file and removed the
+"extern" keyword from the one of the files that declared it that way.
+The file chosen (arbitrarily) was analys.c.
+Copied the makefiles for Unix and Microsoft C from the Nautilus v1.5a
+distribution into the lpc10 directory.  Modified them to take out
+references to Nautilus.  These makefiles don't create an executable,
+but a library of compiled functions called liblpc10.a (Unix) or
+LPC10.LIB (DOS).  This library can be used when linking an executable
+that calls the functions lpcini_(), lpcenc_(), and lpcdec_().
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/analys.c
@@ -1,0 +1,621 @@
+$Log: analys.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:21  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:16:01  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:29:08  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int analys_(real *speech, integer *voice, integer *pitch, real *rms, real *rc, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st);
+/* comlen contrl_ 12 */
+/*:ref: preemp_ 14 5 6 6 4 6 6 */
+/*:ref: onset_ 14 7 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: placev_ 14 11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: lpfilt_ 14 4 6 6 4 4 */
+/*:ref: ivfilt_ 14 5 6 6 4 4 6 */
+/*:ref: tbdm_ 14 8 6 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: voicin_ 14 12 4 6 6 4 4 6 6 4 6 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: dyptrk_ 14 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: placea_ 14 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: dcbias_ 14 3 4 6 6 */
+/*:ref: energy_ 14 3 4 6 6 */
+/*:ref: mload_ 14 6 4 4 4 6 6 6 */
+/*:ref: invert_ 14 4 4 6 6 6 */
+/*:ref: rcchk_ 14 3 4 6 6 */
+/*:ref: initonset_ 14 0 */
+/*:ref: initvoicin_ 14 0 */
+/*:ref: initdyptrk_ 14 0 */
+/* Rerunning f2c -P may change prototypes or declarations. */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Common Block Declarations */
+extern struct {
+    integer order, lframe;
+    logical corrp;
+} contrl_;
+#define contrl_1 contrl_
+/* Table of constant values */
+static integer c__10 = 10;
+static integer c__181 = 181;
+static integer c__720 = 720;
+static integer c__3 = 3;
+static integer c__90 = 90;
+static integer c__156 = 156;
+static integer c__307 = 307;
+static integer c__462 = 462;
+static integer c__312 = 312;
+static integer c__60 = 60;
+static integer c__1 = 1;
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+/* 	ANALYS Version 55 */
+/* $Log: analys.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:21  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:16:01  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:29:08  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.9  1996/05/23  19:41:07  jaf */
+/* Commented out some unnecessary lines that were reading uninitialized */
+/* values. */
+/* Revision 1.8  1996/03/27  23:57:55  jaf */
+/* Added some comments about which indices of the local buffers INBUF, */
+/* LPBUF, etc., get read or modified by some of the subroutine calls.  I */
+/* just did this while trying to figure out the discrepancy between the */
+/* embedded code compiled with all local variables implicitly saved, and */
+/* without. */
+/* I added some debugging write statements in hopes of finding a problem. */
+/* None of them ever printed anything while running with the long input */
+/* speech file dam9.spd provided in the distribution. */
+/* Revision 1.7  1996/03/27  18:06:20  jaf */
+/* Commented out access to MAXOSP, which is just a debugging variable */
+/* that was defined in the COMMON block CONTRL in contrl.fh. */
+/* Revision 1.6  1996/03/26  19:31:33  jaf */
+/* Commented out trace statements. */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/21  15:19:35  jaf */
+/* Added comments for ENTRY PITDEC. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/19  20:54:27  jaf */
+/* Added a line to INITANALYS.  See comments there. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/19  20:52:49  jaf */
+/* Rearranged the order of the local variables quite a bit, to separate */
+/* them into groups of "constants", "locals that don't need to be saved */
+/* from one call to the next", and "local that do need to be saved from */
+/* one call to the next". */
+/* Several locals in the last set should have been given initial values, */
+/* but weren't.  I gave them all initial values of 0. */
+/* Added a separate ENTRY INITANALYS that initializes all local state */
+/* that should be, and also calls the corresponding entries of the */
+/* subroutines called by ANALYS that also have local state. */
+/* There used to be DATA statements in ANALYS.  I got rid of most of */
+/* them, and added a local logical variable FIRST that calls the entry */
+/* INITANALYS on the first call to ANALYS.  This is just so that one need */
+/* not remember to call INITANALYS first in order for the state to be */
+/* initialized. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/11  23:29:32  jaf */
+/* Added several comments with my own personal questions about the */
+/* Fortran 77 meaning of the parameters passed to the subroutine PREEMP. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:42:29  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+/* Input: */
+/*  SPEECH */
+/*       Indices 1 through LFRAME read. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  VOICE */
+/*       Indices 1 through 2 written. */
+/*  PITCH */
+/*       Written in subroutine DYPTRK, and then perhaps read and written */
+/*       some more. */
+/*  RMS */
+/*       Written. */
+/*  RC */
+/*       Indices 1 through ORDER written (ORDER defined in contrl.fh). */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
+/* Input: */
+/*  PITCH   - Encoded pitch index */
+/* Output: */
+/*  PTAU    - Decoded pitch period */
+/* This entry has no local state.  It accesses a "constant" array */
+/* declared in ANALYS. */
+/* Subroutine */ int analys_(real *speech, integer *voice, integer 
+	*pitch, real *rms, real *rc, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    static integer tau[60] = { 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,
+	    35,36,37,38,39,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62,64,66,68,70,72,
+	    74,76,78,80,84,88,92,96,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,
+	    140,144,148,152,156 };
+    static integer buflim[4] = { 181,720,25,720 };
+    static real precoef = .9375f;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    real amdf[60];
+    integer half;
+    real abuf[156];
+    real *bias;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int tbdm_(real *, integer *, integer *, integer *,
+	     real *, integer *, integer *, integer *);
+    integer *awin;
+    integer midx, ewin[6]	/* was [2][3] */;
+    real ivrc[2], temp;
+    real *zpre;
+    integer *vwin;
+    integer i__, j, lanal;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int rcchk_(integer *, real *, real *), mload_(
+	    integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *, real *);
+    real *inbuf, *pebuf;
+    real *lpbuf, *ivbuf;
+    real *rcbuf;
+    integer *osbuf;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int onset_(real *, integer *, integer *, integer *
+	    , integer *, integer *, integer *, struct lpc10_encoder_state *);
+    integer *osptr;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ placea_(integer *, integer *
+	    , integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *
+	    , integer *), dcbias_(integer *, real *, real *), placev_(integer 
+	    *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer 
+	    *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *);
+    integer ipitch;
+    integer *obound;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int preemp_(real *, real *, integer *, real *, 
+	    real *), voicin_(integer *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *, 
+	    real *, real *, integer *, real *, integer *, integer *, integer *,
+	    struct lpc10_encoder_state *);
+    integer *voibuf;
+    integer mintau;
+    real *rmsbuf;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int lpfilt_(real *, real *, integer *, integer *),
+	     ivfilt_(real *, real *, integer *, integer *, real *), energy_(
+	    integer *, real *, real *), invert_(integer *, real *, real *, 
+	    real *);
+    integer minptr, maxptr;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int dyptrk_(real *, integer *, integer *, integer 
+	    *, integer *, integer *, struct lpc10_encoder_state *);
+    real phi[100]	/* was [10][10] */, psi[10];
+/* $Log: analys.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:21  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:16:01  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:29:08  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Arguments to ANALYS */
+/* $Log: analys.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:21  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:16:01  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:29:08  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:05:55  jaf */
+/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
+/* embedded version. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:50  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:44:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Processing control variables: */
+/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
+/*  Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
+/*    and message and debug outputs. */
+/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
+/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
+/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
+/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
+/* 	integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/*  LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
+/*    Error correction */
+/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
+/* and that value is 10.  It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
+/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as 
+/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
+/* core of the coding and decoding routines.  Actually, I take that back. 
+/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
+/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is 
+/* compared against on each iteration. */
+/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
+/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP.  quant */
+/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
+/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
+/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
+/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
+/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE.  It doesn't affect the speed of the */
+/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is 
+/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
+/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE.  seems like a good */
+/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
+/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable 
+/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
+/* 	integer quant, nbits */
+/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm 
+/*  Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer, 
+/*    Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
+/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
+/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK.  When LPC10 is embedded into */
+/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK, 
+/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
+/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in 
+/* sread.f.  When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
+/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
+/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device.  It could be optionally */
+/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
+/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should 
+/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS.  I doubt that its value */
+/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
+/* embedded. */
+/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* 	integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/* 	common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
+/* 	common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/*       Arguments to entry PITDEC (below) */
+/* 	Parameters/constants */
+/*  Constants */
+/*    NF =     Number of frames */
+/*    AF =     Frame in which analysis is done */
+/*    OSLEN =  Length of the onset buffer */
+/*    LTAU =   Number of pitch lags */
+/*    SBUFL, SBUFH =   Start and end index of speech buffers */
+/*    LBUFL, LBUFH =   Start and end index of LPF speech buffer */
+/*   MINWIN, MAXWIN = Min and Max length of voicing (and analysis) windows
+/*    PWLEN, PWINH, PWINL = Length, upper and lower limits of pitch window
+ */
+/*    DVWINL, DVWINH = Default lower and upper limits of voicing window */
+/*       The tables TAU and BUFLIM, and the variable PRECOEF, are not */
+/*       Fortran PARAMETER's, but they are initialized with DATA */
+/*       statements, and never modified.  Thus, they need not have SAVE */
+/*       statements for them to keep their values from one invocation to 
+/*       the next. */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+/*  Data Buffers */
+/*    INBUF	Raw speech (with DC bias removed each frame) */
+/*    PEBUF	Preemphasized speech */
+/*    LPBUF	Low pass speech buffer */
+/*    IVBUF	Inverse filtered speech */
+/*    OSBUF	Indexes of onsets in speech buffers */
+/*    VWIN	Voicing window indices */
+/*    AWIN	Analysis window indices */
+/*    EWIN	Energy window indices */
+/*    VOIBUF	Voicing decisions on windows in VWIN */
+/*    RMSBUF	RMS energy */
+/*    RCBUF	Reflection Coefficients */
+/*  Pitch is handled separately from the above parameters. */
+/*  The following variables deal with pitch: */
+/*    MIDX	Encoded initial pitch estimate for analysis frame */
+/*    IPITCH	Initial pitch computed for frame AF (decoded from MIDX) */
+/*    PITCH 	The encoded pitch value (index into TAU) for the present */
+/* 		frame (delayed and smoothed by Dyptrack) */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (speech) {
+	--speech;
+	}
+    if (voice) {
+	--voice;
+	}
+    if (rc) {
+	--rc;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+/*   Calculations are done on future frame due to requirements */
+/*   of the pitch tracker.  Delay RMS and RC's 2 frames to give */
+/*   current frame parameters on return. */
+/*   Update all buffers */
+    inbuf = &(st->inbuf[0]);
+    pebuf = &(st->pebuf[0]);
+    lpbuf = &(st->lpbuf[0]);
+    ivbuf = &(st->ivbuf[0]);
+    bias = &(st->bias);
+    osbuf = &(st->osbuf[0]);
+    osptr = &(st->osptr);
+    obound = &(st->obound[0]);
+    vwin = &(st->vwin[0]);
+    awin = &(st->awin[0]);
+    voibuf = &(st->voibuf[0]);
+    rmsbuf = &(st->rmsbuf[0]);
+    rcbuf = &(st->rcbuf[0]);
+    zpre = &(st->zpre);
+    i__1 = 720 - contrl_1.lframe;
+    for (i__ = 181; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	inbuf[i__ - 181] = inbuf[contrl_1.lframe + i__ - 181];
+	pebuf[i__ - 181] = pebuf[contrl_1.lframe + i__ - 181];
+    }
+    i__1 = 540 - contrl_1.lframe;
+    for (i__ = 229; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	ivbuf[i__ - 229] = ivbuf[contrl_1.lframe + i__ - 229];
+    }
+    i__1 = 720 - contrl_1.lframe;
+    for (i__ = 25; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	lpbuf[i__ - 25] = lpbuf[contrl_1.lframe + i__ - 25];
+    }
+    j = 1;
+    i__1 = (*osptr) - 1;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	if (osbuf[i__ - 1] > contrl_1.lframe) {
+	    osbuf[j - 1] = osbuf[i__ - 1] - contrl_1.lframe;
+	    ++j;
+	}
+    }
+    *osptr = j;
+    voibuf[0] = voibuf[2];
+    voibuf[1] = voibuf[3];
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 2; ++i__) {
+	vwin[(i__ << 1) - 2] = vwin[(i__ + 1 << 1) - 2] - contrl_1.lframe;
+	vwin[(i__ << 1) - 1] = vwin[(i__ + 1 << 1) - 1] - contrl_1.lframe;
+	awin[(i__ << 1) - 2] = awin[(i__ + 1 << 1) - 2] - contrl_1.lframe;
+	awin[(i__ << 1) - 1] = awin[(i__ + 1 << 1) - 1] - contrl_1.lframe;
+/*       EWIN(*,J) is unused for J .NE. AF, so the following shift is 
+/*       unnecessary.  It also causes error messages when the C versio
+n */
+/*       of the code created from this by f2c is run with Purify.  It 
+/*       correctly complains that uninitialized memory is being read. 
+/* 	   EWIN(1,I) = EWIN(1,I+1) - LFRAME */
+/* 	   EWIN(2,I) = EWIN(2,I+1) - LFRAME */
+	obound[i__ - 1] = obound[i__];
+	voibuf[i__ * 2] = voibuf[(i__ + 1) * 2];
+	voibuf[(i__ << 1) + 1] = voibuf[(i__ + 1 << 1) + 1];
+	rmsbuf[i__ - 1] = rmsbuf[i__];
+	i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
+	    rcbuf[j + i__ * 10 - 11] = rcbuf[j + (i__ + 1) * 10 - 11];
+	}
+    }
+/*   Copy input speech, scale to sign+12 bit integers */
+/*   Remove long term DC bias. */
+/*       If the average value in the frame was over 1/4096 (after current 
+/*       BIAS correction), then subtract that much more from samples in */
+/*       next frame.  If the average value in the frame was under */
+/*       -1/4096, add 1/4096 more to samples in next frame.  In all other 
+/*       cases, keep BIAS the same. */
+    temp = 0.f;
+    i__1 = contrl_1.lframe;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	inbuf[720 - contrl_1.lframe + i__ - 181] = speech[i__] * 4096.f - 
+		(*bias);
+	temp += inbuf[720 - contrl_1.lframe + i__ - 181];
+    }
+    if (temp > (real) contrl_1.lframe) {
+	*bias += 1;
+    }
+    if (temp < (real) (-contrl_1.lframe)) {
+	*bias += -1;
+    }
+/*   Place Voicing Window */
+    i__ = 721 - contrl_1.lframe;
+    preemp_(&inbuf[i__ - 181], &pebuf[i__ - 181], &contrl_1.lframe, &precoef, 
+	    zpre);
+    onset_(pebuf, osbuf, osptr, &c__10, &c__181, &c__720, &contrl_1.lframe, st);
+/*       MAXOSP is just a debugging variable. */
+    placev_(osbuf, osptr, &c__10, &obound[2], vwin, &c__3, &contrl_1.lframe, 
+	    &c__90, &c__156, &c__307, &c__462);
+/*        The Pitch Extraction algorithm estimates the pitch for a frame 
+/*   of speech by locating the minimum of the average magnitude difference
+ */
+/*   function (AMDF).  The AMDF operates on low-pass, inverse filtered */
+/*   speech.  (The low-pass filter is an 800 Hz, 19 tap, equiripple, FIR 
+/*   filter and the inverse filter is a 2nd-order LPC filter.)  The pitch 
+/*   estimate is later refined by dynamic programming (DYPTRK).  However, 
+/*   since some of DYPTRK's parameters are a function of the voicing */
+/*  decisions, a voicing decision must precede the final pitch estimation.
+/*   See subroutines LPFILT, IVFILT, and TBDM. */
+/*       LPFILT reads indices LBUFH-LFRAME-29 = 511 through LBUFH = 720 */
+/*       of INBUF, and writes indices LBUFH+1-LFRAME = 541 through LBUFH 
+/*       = 720 of LPBUF. */
+    lpfilt_(&inbuf[228], &lpbuf[384], &c__312, &contrl_1.lframe);
+/*       IVFILT reads indices (PWINH-LFRAME-7) = 353 through PWINH = 540 
+/*       of LPBUF, and writes indices (PWINH-LFRAME+1) = 361 through */
+/*       PWINH = 540 of IVBUF. */
+    ivfilt_(&lpbuf[204], ivbuf, &c__312, &contrl_1.lframe, ivrc);
+/*       TBDM reads indices PWINL = 229 through */
+/*       (PWINL-1)+MAXWIN+(TAU(LTAU)-TAU(1))/2 = 452 of IVBUF, and writes 
+/*       indices 1 through LTAU = 60 of AMDF. */
+    tbdm_(ivbuf, &c__156, tau, &c__60, amdf, &minptr, &maxptr, &mintau);
+/*        Voicing decisions are made for each half frame of input speech. 
+/*   An initial voicing classification is made for each half of the */
+/*   analysis frame, and the voicing decisions for the present frame */
+/*   are finalized.  See subroutine VOICIN. */
+/*        The voicing detector (VOICIN) classifies the input signal as */
+/*   unvoiced (including silence) or voiced using the AMDF windowed */
+/*   maximum-to-minimum ratio, the zero crossing rate, energy measures, */
+/*   reflection coefficients, and prediction gains. */
+/*        The pitch and voicing rules apply smoothing and isolated */
+/*   corrections to the pitch and voicing estimates and, in the process, 
+/*   introduce two frames of delay into the corrected pitch estimates and 
+/*   voicing decisions. */
+    for (half = 1; half <= 2; ++half) {
+	voicin_(&vwin[4], inbuf, lpbuf, buflim, &half, &amdf[minptr - 1], &
+		amdf[maxptr - 1], &mintau, ivrc, obound, voibuf, &c__3, st);
+    }
+/*   Find the minimum cost pitch decision over several frames */
+/*   given the current voicing decision and the AMDF array */
+    dyptrk_(amdf, &c__60, &minptr, &voibuf[7], pitch, &midx, st);
+    ipitch = tau[midx - 1];
+/*   Place spectrum analysis and energy windows */
+    placea_(&ipitch, voibuf, &obound[2], &c__3, vwin, awin, ewin, &
+	    contrl_1.lframe, &c__156);
+/*  Remove short term DC bias over the analysis window, Put result in ABUF
+    lanal = awin[5] + 1 - awin[4];
+    dcbias_(&lanal, &pebuf[awin[4] - 181], abuf);
+/*       ABUF(1:LANAL) is now defined.  It is equal to */
+/*       PEBUF(AWIN(1,AF):AWIN(2,AF)) corrected for short term DC bias. */
+/*   Compute RMS over integer number of pitch periods within the */
+/*   analysis window. */
+/*   Note that in a hardware implementation this computation may be */
+/*   simplified by using diagonal elements of PHI computed by MLOAD. */
+    i__1 = ewin[5] - ewin[4] + 1;
+    energy_(&i__1, &abuf[ewin[4] - awin[4]], &rmsbuf[2]);
+/*   Matrix load and invert, check RC's for stability */
+    mload_(&contrl_1.order, &c__1, &lanal, abuf, phi, psi);
+    invert_(&contrl_1.order, phi, psi, &rcbuf[20]);
+    rcchk_(&contrl_1.order, &rcbuf[10], &rcbuf[20]);
+/*   Set return parameters */
+    voice[1] = voibuf[2];
+    voice[2] = voibuf[3];
+    *rms = rmsbuf[0];
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	rc[i__] = rcbuf[i__ - 1];
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* analys_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/bitio.c
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lpc10.h"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/bitio.h
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+int read_bits(FILE *f, INT32 *bits, int len);
+void write_bits(FILE *f, INT32 *bits, int len);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/bsynz.c
@@ -1,0 +1,427 @@
+$Log: bsynz.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:28  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:18:55  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:58  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int bsynz_(real *coef, integer *ip, integer *iv, real *sout, real *rms, real *ratio, real *g2pass, struct lpc10_decoder_state *st);
+/* comlen contrl_ 12 */
+/*:ref: random_ 4 0 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Common Block Declarations */
+extern struct {
+    integer order, lframe;
+    logical corrp;
+} contrl_;
+#define contrl_1 contrl_
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* 	BSYNZ Version 54 */
+/* $Log: bsynz.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:28  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:18:55  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:58  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/27  18:11:22  jaf */
+/* Changed the range of NOISE printed out in the debugging statements, */
+/* even though they are commented out.  I didn't discover this until I */
+/* tried comparing two different versions of the LPC-10 coder, each with */
+/* full tracing enabled. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/26  19:33:23  jaf */
+/* Commented out trace statements. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/20  17:12:54  jaf */
+/* Added comments about which indices of array arguments are read or */
+/* written. */
+/* Rearranged local variable declarations to indicate which need to be */
+/* saved from one invocation to the next.  Added entry INITBSYNZ to */
+/* reinitialize the local state variables, if desired. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:43:15  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/*   Synthesize One Pitch Epoch */
+/* Input: */
+/*  COEF  - Predictor coefficients */
+/*          Indices 1 through ORDER read. */
+/*  IP    - Pitch period (number of samples to synthesize) */
+/*  IV    - Voicing for the current epoch */
+/*  RMS   - Energy for the current epoch */
+/*  RATIO - Energy slope for plosives */
+/*  G2PASS- Sharpening factor for 2 pass synthesis */
+/* Output: */
+/*  SOUT  - Synthesized speech */
+/*          Indices 1 through IP written. */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
+/* Subroutine */ int bsynz_(real *coef, integer *ip, integer *iv, 
+	real *sout, real *rms, real *ratio, real *g2pass,
+			    struct lpc10_decoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    integer *ipo;
+    real *rmso;
+    static integer kexc[25] = { 8,-16,26,-48,86,-162,294,-502,718,-728,184,
+	    672,-610,-672,184,728,718,502,294,162,86,48,26,16,8 };
+    real *exc;
+    real *exc2;
+    real *lpi1;
+    real *lpi2;
+    real *lpi3;
+    real *hpi1;
+    real *hpi2;
+    real *hpi3;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1, i__2;
+    real r__1, r__2;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    double sqrt(doublereal);
+    /* Local variables */
+    real gain, xssq;
+    integer i__, j, k;
+    real noise[166], pulse;
+    integer px;
+    real sscale;
+    extern integer random_(struct lpc10_decoder_state *);
+    real xy, sum, ssq;
+    real lpi0, hpi0;
+/* $Log: bsynz.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:28  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:18:55  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:58  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: bsynz.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:28  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:18:55  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:58  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:05:55  jaf */
+/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
+/* embedded version. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:50  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:44:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Processing control variables: */
+/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
+/*  Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
+/*    and message and debug outputs. */
+/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
+/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
+/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
+/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
+/* 	integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/*  LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
+/*    Error correction */
+/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
+/* and that value is 10.  It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
+/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as 
+/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
+/* core of the coding and decoding routines.  Actually, I take that back. 
+/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
+/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is 
+/* compared against on each iteration. */
+/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
+/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP.  quant */
+/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
+/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
+/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
+/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
+/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE.  It doesn't affect the speed of the */
+/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is 
+/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
+/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE.  seems like a good */
+/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
+/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable 
+/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
+/* 	integer quant, nbits */
+/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm 
+/*  Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer, 
+/*    Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
+/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
+/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK.  When LPC10 is embedded into */
+/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK, 
+/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
+/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in 
+/* sread.f.  When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
+/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
+/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device.  It could be optionally */
+/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
+/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should 
+/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS.  I doubt that its value */
+/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
+/* embedded. */
+/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* 	integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/* 	common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
+/* 	common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/*       Function return value definitions */
+/* 	Parameters/constants */
+/*       KEXC is not a Fortran PARAMETER, but it is an array initialized 
+/*       with a DATA statement that is never modified. */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       NOISE is declared with range (1:MAXPIT+MAXORD), but only indices 
+/*       ORDER+1 through ORDER+IP are ever used, and I think that IP */
+/*       .LE. MAXPIT.  Why not declare it to be in the range (1:MAXPIT) */
+/*       and use that range? */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       I believe that only indices 1 through ORDER of EXC need to be */
+/*       saved from one invocation to the next, but we may as well save */
+/*       the whole array. */
+/*       None of these local variables were given initial values in the */
+/*       original code.  I'm guessing that 0 is a reasonable initial */
+/*       value for all of them. */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (coef) {
+	--coef;
+	}
+    if (sout) {
+	--sout;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+    ipo = &(st->ipo);
+    exc = &(st->exc[0]);
+    exc2 = &(st->exc2[0]);
+    lpi1 = &(st->lpi1);
+    lpi2 = &(st->lpi2);
+    lpi3 = &(st->lpi3);
+    hpi1 = &(st->hpi1);
+    hpi2 = &(st->hpi2);
+    hpi3 = &(st->hpi3);
+    rmso = &(st->rmso_bsynz);
+/*                  MAXPIT+MAXORD=166 */
+/*  Calculate history scale factor XY and scale filter state */
+/* Computing MIN */
+    r__1 = *rmso / (*rms + 1e-6f);
+    xy = min(r__1,8.f);
+    *rmso = *rms;
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	exc2[i__ - 1] = exc2[*ipo + i__ - 1] * xy;
+    }
+    *ipo = *ip;
+    if (*iv == 0) {
+/*  Generate white noise for unvoiced */
+	i__1 = *ip;
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	    exc[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1] = (real) (random_(st) / 64);
+	}
+/*  Impulse doublet excitation for plosives */
+/*       (RANDOM()+32768) is in the range 0 to 2**16-1.  Therefore the
+ */
+/*       following expression should be evaluated using integers with 
+at */
+/*       least 32 bits (16 isn't enough), and PX should be in the rang
+e */
+/*       ORDER+1+0 through ORDER+1+(IP-2) .EQ. ORDER+IP-1. */
+	px = (random_(st) + 32768) * (*ip - 1) / 65536 + contrl_1.order + 1;
+	r__1 = *ratio / 4 * 1.f;
+	pulse = r__1 * 342;
+	if (pulse > 2e3f) {
+	    pulse = 2e3f;
+	}
+	exc[px - 1] += pulse;
+	exc[px] -= pulse;
+/*  Load voiced excitation */
+    } else {
+	sscale = sqrt((real) (*ip)) / 6.928f;
+	i__1 = *ip;
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	    exc[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1] = 0.f;
+	    if (i__ <= 25) {
+		exc[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1] = sscale * kexc[i__ - 1];
+	    }
+	    lpi0 = exc[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1];
+	    r__2 = exc[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1] * .125f + *lpi1 * .75f;
+	    r__1 = r__2 + *lpi2 * .125f;
+	    exc[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1] = r__1 + *lpi3 * 0.f;
+	    *lpi3 = *lpi2;
+	    *lpi2 = *lpi1;
+	    *lpi1 = lpi0;
+	}
+	i__1 = *ip;
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	    noise[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1] = random_(st) * 1.f / 64;
+	    hpi0 = noise[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1];
+	    r__2 = noise[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1] * -.125f + *hpi1 * .25f;
+	    r__1 = r__2 + *hpi2 * -.125f;
+	    noise[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1] = r__1 + *hpi3 * 0.f;
+	    *hpi3 = *hpi2;
+	    *hpi2 = *hpi1;
+	    *hpi1 = hpi0;
+	}
+	i__1 = *ip;
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	    exc[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1] += noise[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1];
+	}
+    }
+/*   Synthesis filters: */
+/*    Modify the excitation with all-zero filter  1 + G*SUM */
+    xssq = 0.f;
+    i__1 = *ip;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	k = contrl_1.order + i__;
+	sum = 0.f;
+	i__2 = contrl_1.order;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    sum += coef[j] * exc[k - j - 1];
+	}
+	sum *= *g2pass;
+	exc2[k - 1] = sum + exc[k - 1];
+    }
+/*   Synthesize using the all pole filter  1 / (1 - SUM) */
+    i__1 = *ip;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	k = contrl_1.order + i__;
+	sum = 0.f;
+	i__2 = contrl_1.order;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    sum += coef[j] * exc2[k - j - 1];
+	}
+	exc2[k - 1] = sum + exc2[k - 1];
+	xssq += exc2[k - 1] * exc2[k - 1];
+    }
+/*  Save filter history for next epoch */
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	exc[i__ - 1] = exc[*ip + i__ - 1];
+	exc2[i__ - 1] = exc2[*ip + i__ - 1];
+    }
+/*  Apply gain to match RMS */
+    r__1 = *rms * *rms;
+    ssq = r__1 * *ip;
+    gain = sqrt(ssq / xssq);
+    i__1 = *ip;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	sout[i__] = gain * exc2[contrl_1.order + i__ - 1];
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* bsynz_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/chanwr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,227 @@
+$Log: chanwr.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:30  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:20:24  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:40:31  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int chanwr_(integer *order, integer *ipitv, integer *irms, integer *irc, integer *ibits, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st);
+extern int chanrd_(integer *order, integer *ipitv, integer *irms, integer *irc, integer *ibits);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* *********************************************************************** */
+/* 	CHANL Version 49 */
+/* $Log: chanwr.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:30  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:20:24  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:40:31  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/21  15:14:57  jaf */
+/* Added comments about which indices of argument arrays are read or */
+/* written, and about the one bit of local state in CHANWR.  CHANRD */
+/* has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  18:55:10  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining which of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next, and which */
+/* do not. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:43:31  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* *********************************************************************** */
+/* CHANWR: */
+/*   Place quantized parameters into bitstream */
+/* Input: */
+/*  ORDER  - Number of reflection coefficients (not really variable) */
+/*  IPITV  - Quantized pitch/voicing parameter */
+/*  IRMS   - Quantized energy parameter */
+/*  IRC    - Quantized reflection coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER read. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  IBITS  - Serial bitstream */
+/*           Indices 1 through 54 written. */
+/*           Bit 54, the SYNC bit, alternates from one call to the next. */
+/* Subroutine CHANWR maintains one bit of local state from one call to */
+/* the next, in the variable ISYNC.  I believe that this one bit is only */
+/* intended to allow a receiver to resynchronize its interpretation of */
+/* the bit stream, by looking for which of the 54 bits alternates every */
+/* frame time.  This is just a simple framing mechanism that is not */
+/* useful when other, higher overhead framing mechanisms are used to */
+/* transmit the coded frames. */
+/* I'm not going to make an entry to reinitialize this bit, since it */
+/* doesn't help a receiver much to know whether the first sync bit is a 0 */
+/* or a 1.  It needs to examine several frames in sequence to have */
+/* reasonably good assurance that its framing is correct. */
+/* CHANRD: */
+/*   Reconstruct parameters from bitstream */
+/* Input: */
+/*  ORDER  - Number of reflection coefficients (not really variable) */
+/*  IBITS  - Serial bitstream */
+/*           Indices 1 through 53 read (SYNC bit is ignored). */
+/* Output: */
+/*  IPITV  - Quantized pitch/voicing parameter */
+/*  IRMS   - Quantized energy parameter */
+/*  IRC    - Quantized reflection coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER written */
+/* Entry CHANRD has no local state. */
+/*   IBITS is 54 bits of LPC data ordered as follows: */
+/* 	R1-0, R2-0, R3-0,  P-0,  A-0, */
+/* 	R1-1, R2-1, R3-1,  P-1,  A-1, */
+/* 	R1-2, R4-0, R3-2,  A-2,  P-2, R4-1, */
+/* 	R1-3, R2-2, R3-3, R4-2,  A-3, */
+/* 	R1-4, R2-3, R3-4, R4-3,  A-4, */
+/* 	 P-3, R2-4, R7-0, R8-0,  P-4, R4-4, */
+/* 	R5-0, R6-0, R7-1,R10-0, R8-1, */
+/* 	R5-1, R6-1, R7-2, R9-0,  P-5, */
+/* 	R5-2, R6-2,R10-1, R8-2,  P-6, R9-1, */
+/* 	R5-3, R6-3, R7-3, R9-2, R8-3, SYNC */
+/* Subroutine */ int chanwr_0_(int n__, integer *order, integer *ipitv, 
+	integer *irms, integer *irc, integer *ibits,
+			       struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    integer *isync;
+    static integer bit[10] = { 2,4,8,8,8,8,16,16,16,16 };
+    static integer iblist[53] = { 13,12,11,1,2,13,12,11,1,2,13,10,11,2,1,10,
+	    13,12,11,10,2,13,12,11,10,2,1,12,7,6,1,10,9,8,7,4,6,9,8,7,5,1,9,8,
+	    4,6,1,5,9,8,7,5,6 };
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer itab[13], i__;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Parameters/constants */
+/*       These arrays are not Fortran PARAMETER's, but they are defined */
+/*       by DATA statements below, and their contents are never altered. 
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       ISYNC is only used by CHANWR, not by ENTRY CHANRD. */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --irc;
+    --ibits;
+    /* Function Body */
+    switch(n__) {
+	case 1: goto L_chanrd;
+	}
+    isync = &(st->isync);
+/* ***********************************************************************
+ */
+/* 	Place quantized parameters into bitstream */
+/* ***********************************************************************
+ */
+/*   Place parameters into ITAB */
+    itab[0] = *ipitv;
+    itab[1] = *irms;
+    itab[2] = 0;
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	itab[i__ + 2] = irc[*order + 1 - i__] & 32767;
+    }
+/*   Put 54 bits into IBITS array */
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 53; ++i__) {
+	ibits[i__] = itab[iblist[i__ - 1] - 1] & 1;
+	itab[iblist[i__ - 1] - 1] /= 2;
+    }
+    ibits[54] = *isync & 1;
+    *isync = 1 - *isync;
+    return 0;
+/* ***********************************************************************
+ */
+/* 	Reconstruct parameters from bitstream */
+/* ***********************************************************************
+ */
+/*   Reconstruct ITAB */
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 13; ++i__) {
+	itab[i__ - 1] = 0;
+    }
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 53; ++i__) {
+	itab[iblist[54 - i__ - 1] - 1] = (itab[iblist[54 - i__ - 1] - 1] << 1)
+		 + ibits[54 - i__];
+    }
+/*   Sign extend RC's */
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	if ((itab[i__ + 2] & bit[i__ - 1]) != 0) {
+	    itab[i__ + 2] -= bit[i__ - 1] << 1;
+	}
+    }
+/*   Restore variables */
+    *ipitv = itab[0];
+    *irms = itab[1];
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	irc[i__] = itab[*order + 4 - i__ - 1];
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* chanwr_ */
+/* Subroutine */ int chanwr_(integer *order, integer *ipitv, integer *irms, 
+	integer *irc, integer *ibits, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    return chanwr_0_(0, order, ipitv, irms, irc, ibits, st);
+    }
+/* Subroutine */ int chanrd_(integer *order, integer *ipitv, integer *irms, 
+	integer *irc, integer *ibits)
+    return chanwr_0_(1, order, ipitv, irms, irc, ibits, 0);
+    }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/dcbias.c
@@ -1,0 +1,97 @@
+$Log: dcbias.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:39  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:40:23  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int dcbias_(integer *len, real *speech, real *sigout);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* 	DCBIAS Version 50 */
+/* $Log: dcbias.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:39  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:40:23  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/18  21:19:22  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  16:44:53  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:44:21  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* Calculate and remove DC bias from buffer. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  LEN    - Length of speech buffers */
+/*  SPEECH - Input speech buffer */
+/*           Indices 1 through LEN read. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  SIGOUT - Output speech buffer */
+/*           Indices 1 through LEN written */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int dcbias_(integer *len, real *speech, real *sigout)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    real bias;
+    integer i__;
+/* 	Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --sigout;
+    --speech;
+    /* Function Body */
+    bias = 0.f;
+    i__1 = *len;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	bias += speech[i__];
+    }
+    bias /= *len;
+    i__1 = *len;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	sigout[i__] = speech[i__] - bias;
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* dcbias_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/decode.c
@@ -1,0 +1,593 @@
+$Log: decode.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:42  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:22:39  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:38  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int decode_(integer *ipitv, integer *irms, integer *irc, integer *voice, integer *pitch, real *rms, real *rc, struct lpc10_decoder_state *st);
+/* comlen contrl_ 12 */
+/*:ref: ham84_ 14 3 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: median_ 4 3 4 4 4 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Common Block Declarations */
+extern struct {
+    integer order, lframe;
+    logical corrp;
+} contrl_;
+#define contrl_1 contrl_
+/* Table of constant values */
+static integer c__2 = 2;
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* 	DECODE Version 54 */
+/* $Log: decode.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:42  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:22:39  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:38  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/05/23  20:06:03  jaf */
+/* Assigned PITCH a "default" value on the first call, since otherwise it */
+/* would be left uninitialized. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/26  19:35:18  jaf */
+/* Commented out trace statements. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/21  21:10:50  jaf */
+/* Added entry INITDECODE to reinitialize the local state of subroutine */
+/* DECODE. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/21  21:04:50  jaf */
+/* Determined which local variables should be saved from one invocation */
+/* to the next, and guessed initial values for some that should have been */
+/* saved, but weren't given initial values.  Many of the arrays are */
+/* "constants", and many local variables are only used if the "global" */
+/* variable CORRP is .TRUE. */
+/* Added comments explaining which indices of array arguments are read or */
+/* written. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/12 03:21:10  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/*   This subroutine provides error correction and decoding */
+/*   for all LPC parameters */
+/* Input: */
+/*  IPITV  - Index value of pitch */
+/*  IRMS   - Coded Energy */
+/*  CORRP  - Error correction: */
+/*    If FALSE, parameters are decoded directly with no delay.  If TRUE, */
+/*    most important parameter bits are protected by Hamming code and */
+/*    median smoothed.  This requires an additional frame of delay. */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  IRC    - Coded Reflection Coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER always read, then written. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  VOICE  - Half frame voicing decisions */
+/*           Indices 1 through 2 written. */
+/*  PITCH  - Decoded pitch */
+/*  RMS    - Energy */
+/*  RC     - Reflection coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER written. */
+/*  NOTE: Zero RC's should be done more directly, but this would affect */
+/*   coded parameter printout. */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
+/* Subroutine */ int decode_(integer *ipitv, integer *irms, 
+	integer *irc, integer *voice, integer *pitch, real *rms, real *rc,
+			     struct lpc10_decoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    logical *first;
+    static integer ethrs = 2048;
+    static integer ethrs1 = 128;
+    static integer ethrs2 = 1024;
+    static integer ethrs3 = 2048;
+    static integer ivtab[32] = { 24960,24960,24960,24960,25480,25480,25483,
+	    25480,16640,1560,1560,1560,16640,1816,1563,1560,24960,24960,24859,
+	    24856,26001,25881,25915,25913,1560,1560,7800,3640,1561,1561,3643,
+	    3641 };
+    static real corth[32]	/* was [4][8] */ = { 32767.f,10.f,5.f,0.f,
+	    32767.f,8.f,4.f,0.f,32.f,6.4f,3.2f,0.f,32.f,6.4f,3.2f,0.f,32.f,
+	    11.2f,6.4f,0.f,32.f,11.2f,6.4f,0.f,16.f,5.6f,3.2f,0.f,16.f,5.6f,
+	    3.2f,0.f };
+    static integer detau[128] = { 0,0,0,3,0,3,3,31,0,3,3,21,3,3,29,30,0,3,3,
+	    20,3,25,27,26,3,23,58,22,3,24,28,3,0,3,3,3,3,39,33,32,3,37,35,36,
+	    3,38,34,3,3,42,46,44,50,40,48,3,54,3,56,3,52,3,3,1,0,3,3,108,3,78,
+	    100,104,3,84,92,88,156,80,96,3,3,74,70,72,66,76,68,3,62,3,60,3,64,
+	    3,3,1,3,116,132,112,148,152,3,3,140,3,136,3,144,3,3,1,124,120,128,
+	    3,3,3,3,1,3,3,3,1,3,1,1,1 };
+    static integer rmst[64] = { 1024,936,856,784,718,656,600,550,502,460,420,
+	    384,352,328,294,270,246,226,206,188,172,158,144,132,120,110,102,
+	    92,84,78,70,64,60,54,50,46,42,38,34,32,30,26,24,22,20,18,17,16,15,
+	    14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 };
+    static integer detab7[32] = { 4,11,18,25,32,39,46,53,60,66,72,77,82,87,92,
+	    96,101,104,108,111,114,115,117,119,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,
+	    127 };
+    static real descl[8] = { .6953f,.625f,.5781f,.5469f,.5312f,.5391f,.4688f,
+	    .3828f };
+    integer *ivp2h;
+    static integer deadd[8] = { 1152,-2816,-1536,-3584,-1280,-2432,768,-1920 }
+	    ;
+    static integer qb[8] = { 511,511,1023,1023,1023,1023,2047,4095 };
+    static integer nbit[10] = { 8,8,5,5,4,4,4,4,3,2 };
+    static integer zrc[10] = { 0,0,0,0,0,3,0,2,0,0 };
+    static integer bit[5] = { 2,4,8,16,32 };
+    integer *iovoic;
+    integer *iavgp;
+    integer *iptold;
+    integer *erate;
+    integer *drc;
+    integer *dpit;
+    integer *drms;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1, i__2;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    integer pow_ii(integer *, integer *);
+    /* Local variables */
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int ham84_(integer *, integer *, integer *);
+    integer ipit, iout, i__, icorf, index, ivoic, ixcor, i1, i2, i4;
+    extern integer median_(integer *, integer *, integer *);
+    integer ishift, errcnt, lsb;
+/* $Log: decode.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:42  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:22:39  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:38  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: decode.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:42  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:22:39  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:38  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:05:55  jaf */
+/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
+/* embedded version. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:50  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:44:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Processing control variables: */
+/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
+/*  Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
+/*    and message and debug outputs. */
+/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
+/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
+/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
+/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
+/* 	integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/*  LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
+/*    Error correction */
+/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
+/* and that value is 10.  It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
+/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as 
+/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
+/* core of the coding and decoding routines.  Actually, I take that back. 
+/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
+/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is 
+/* compared against on each iteration. */
+/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
+/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP.  quant */
+/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
+/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
+/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
+/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
+/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE.  It doesn't affect the speed of the */
+/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is 
+/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
+/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE.  seems like a good */
+/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
+/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable 
+/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
+/* 	integer quant, nbits */
+/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm 
+/*  Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer, 
+/*    Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
+/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
+/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK.  When LPC10 is embedded into */
+/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK, 
+/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
+/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in 
+/* sread.f.  When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
+/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
+/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device.  It could be optionally */
+/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
+/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should 
+/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS.  I doubt that its value */
+/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
+/* embedded. */
+/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* 	integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/* 	common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
+/* 	common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/*       Function return value definitions */
+/*       Parameters/constants */
+/*       The variables below that are not Fortran PARAMETER's are */
+/*       initialized with DATA statements, and then never modified. */
+/*       The following are used regardless of CORRP's value. */
+/*       The following are used only if CORRP is .TRUE. */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       The following are used regardless of CORRP's value */
+/*       The following are used only if CORRP is .TRUE. */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       The following are used regardless of CORRP's value */
+/*       The following are used only if CORRP is .TRUE. */
+/*       I am guessing the initial values for IVP2H, IOVOIC, DRC, DPIT, */
+/*       and DRMS.  They should be checked to see if they are reasonable. 
+/*       I'm also guessing for ERATE, but I think 0 is the right initial 
+/*       value. */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (irc) {
+	--irc;
+	}
+    if (voice) {
+	--voice;
+	}
+    if (rc) {
+	--rc;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+    iptold = &(st->iptold);
+    first = &(st->first);
+    ivp2h = &(st->ivp2h);
+    iovoic = &(st->iovoic);
+    iavgp = &(st->iavgp);
+    erate = &(st->erate);
+    drc = &(st->drc[0]);
+    dpit = &(st->dpit[0]);
+    drms = &(st->drms[0]);
+/* DATA statements for "constants" defined above. */
+/* 800	FORMAT(1X,' <<ERRCOR IN>>',T32,6X,I6,I5,T50,10I8) */
+/*  If no error correction, do pitch and voicing then jump to decode */
+    i4 = detau[*ipitv];
+    if (! contrl_1.corrp) {
+	voice[1] = 1;
+	voice[2] = 1;
+	if (*ipitv <= 1) {
+	    voice[1] = 0;
+	}
+	if (*ipitv == 0 || *ipitv == 2) {
+	    voice[2] = 0;
+	}
+	*pitch = i4;
+	if (*pitch <= 4) {
+	    *pitch = *iptold;
+	}
+	if (voice[1] == 1 && voice[2] == 1) {
+	    *iptold = *pitch;
+	}
+	if (voice[1] != voice[2]) {
+	    *pitch = *iptold;
+	}
+	goto L900;
+    }
+/*  Do error correction pitch and voicing */
+    if (i4 > 4) {
+	dpit[0] = i4;
+	ivoic = 2;
+	*iavgp = (*iavgp * 15 + i4 + 8) / 16;
+    } else {
+	ivoic = i4;
+	dpit[0] = *iavgp;
+    }
+    drms[0] = *irms;
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	drc[i__ * 3 - 3] = irc[i__];
+    }
+/*  Determine index to IVTAB from V/UV decision */
+/*  If error rate is high then use alternate table */
+    index = (*ivp2h << 4) + (*iovoic << 2) + ivoic + 1;
+    i1 = ivtab[index - 1];
+    ipit = i1 & 3;
+    icorf = i1 / 8;
+    if (*erate < ethrs) {
+	icorf /= 64;
+    }
+/*  Determine error rate:  4=high    1=low */
+    ixcor = 4;
+    if (*erate < ethrs3) {
+	ixcor = 3;
+    }
+    if (*erate < ethrs2) {
+	ixcor = 2;
+    }
+    if (*erate < ethrs1) {
+	ixcor = 1;
+    }
+/*  Voice/unvoice decision determined from bits 0 and 1 of IVTAB */
+    voice[1] = icorf / 2 & 1;
+    voice[2] = icorf & 1;
+/*  Skip decoding on first frame because present data not yet available */
+    if (*first) {
+	*first = FALSE_;
+/*          Assign PITCH a "default" value on the first call, since */
+/*          otherwise it would be left uninitialized.  The two lines 
+/*          below were copied from above, since it seemed like a */
+/*          reasonable thing to do for the first call. */
+	*pitch = i4;
+	if (*pitch <= 4) {
+	    *pitch = *iptold;
+	}
+	goto L500;
+    }
+/*  If bit 4 of ICORF is set then correct RMS and RC(1) - RC(4). */
+/*    Determine error rate and correct errors using a Hamming 8,4 code */
+/*    during transition or unvoiced frame.  If IOUT is negative, */
+/*    more than 1 error occurred, use previous frame's parameters. */
+    if ((icorf & bit[3]) != 0) {
+	errcnt = 0;
+	lsb = drms[1] & 1;
+	index = (drc[22] << 4) + drms[1] / 2;
+	ham84_(&index, &iout, &errcnt);
+	drms[1] = drms[2];
+	if (iout >= 0) {
+	    drms[1] = (iout << 1) + lsb;
+	}
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 4; ++i__) {
+	    if (i__ == 1) {
+		i1 = ((drc[25] & 7) << 1) + (drc[28] & 1);
+	    } else {
+		i1 = drc[(9 - i__) * 3 - 2] & 15;
+	    }
+	    i2 = drc[(5 - i__) * 3 - 2] & 31;
+	    lsb = i2 & 1;
+	    index = (i1 << 4) + i2 / 2;
+	    ham84_(&index, &iout, &errcnt);
+	    if (iout >= 0) {
+		iout = (iout << 1) + lsb;
+		if ((iout & 16) == 16) {
+		    iout += -32;
+		}
+	    } else {
+		iout = drc[(5 - i__) * 3 - 1];
+	    }
+	    drc[(5 - i__) * 3 - 2] = iout;
+	}
+/*  Determine error rate */
+	*erate = *erate * .96875f + errcnt * 102;
+    }
+/*  Get unsmoothed RMS, RC's, and PITCH */
+    *irms = drms[1];
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	irc[i__] = drc[i__ * 3 - 2];
+    }
+    if (ipit == 1) {
+	dpit[1] = dpit[2];
+    }
+    if (ipit == 3) {
+	dpit[1] = dpit[0];
+    }
+    *pitch = dpit[1];
+/*  If bit 2 of ICORF is set then smooth RMS and RC's, */
+    if ((icorf & bit[1]) != 0) {
+	if ((i__1 = drms[1] - drms[0], (real) abs(i__1)) >= corth[ixcor + 3] 
+		&& (i__2 = drms[1] - drms[2], (real) abs(i__2)) >= corth[
+		ixcor + 3]) {
+	    *irms = median_(&drms[2], &drms[1], drms);
+	}
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 6; ++i__) {
+	    if ((i__1 = drc[i__ * 3 - 2] - drc[i__ * 3 - 3], (real) abs(i__1))
+		     >= corth[ixcor + (i__ + 2 << 2) - 5] && (i__2 = drc[i__ *
+		     3 - 2] - drc[i__ * 3 - 1], (real) abs(i__2)) >= corth[
+		    ixcor + (i__ + 2 << 2) - 5]) {
+		irc[i__] = median_(&drc[i__ * 3 - 1], &drc[i__ * 3 - 2], &drc[
+			i__ * 3 - 3]);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+/*  If bit 3 of ICORF is set then smooth pitch */
+    if ((icorf & bit[2]) != 0) {
+	if ((i__1 = dpit[1] - dpit[0], (real) abs(i__1)) >= corth[ixcor - 1] 
+		&& (i__2 = dpit[1] - dpit[2], (real) abs(i__2)) >= corth[
+		ixcor - 1]) {
+	    *pitch = median_(&dpit[2], &dpit[1], dpit);
+	}
+    }
+/*  If bit 5 of ICORF is set then RC(5) - RC(10) are loaded with */
+/*  values so that after quantization bias is removed in decode */
+/*  the values will be zero. */
+    if ((icorf & bit[4]) != 0) {
+	i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+	for (i__ = 5; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	    irc[i__] = zrc[i__ - 1];
+	}
+    }
+/*  House keeping  - one frame delay */
+    *iovoic = ivoic;
+    *ivp2h = voice[2];
+    dpit[2] = dpit[1];
+    dpit[1] = dpit[0];
+    drms[2] = drms[1];
+    drms[1] = drms[0];
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	drc[i__ * 3 - 1] = drc[i__ * 3 - 2];
+	drc[i__ * 3 - 2] = drc[i__ * 3 - 3];
+    }
+/* 801	FORMAT(1X,'<<ERRCOR OUT>>',T32,2I3,I6,I5,T50,10I8) */
+/*   Decode RMS */
+    *irms = rmst[(31 - *irms) * 2];
+/*  Decode RC(1) and RC(2) from log-area-ratios */
+/*  Protect from illegal coded value (-16) caused by bit errors */
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 2; ++i__) {
+	i2 = irc[i__];
+	i1 = 0;
+	if (i2 < 0) {
+	    i1 = 1;
+	    i2 = -i2;
+	    if (i2 > 15) {
+		i2 = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	i2 = detab7[i2 * 2];
+	if (i1 == 1) {
+	    i2 = -i2;
+	}
+	ishift = 15 - nbit[i__ - 1];
+	irc[i__] = i2 * pow_ii(&c__2, &ishift);
+    }
+/*  Decode RC(3)-RC(10) to sign plus 14 bits */
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 3; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	i2 = irc[i__];
+	ishift = 15 - nbit[i__ - 1];
+	i2 *= pow_ii(&c__2, &ishift);
+	i2 += qb[i__ - 3];
+	irc[i__] = i2 * descl[i__ - 3] + deadd[i__ - 3];
+    }
+/* 811	FORMAT(1X,'<<DECODE OUT>>',T45,I4,1X,10I8) */
+/*  Scale RMS and RC's to reals */
+    *rms = (real) (*irms);
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	rc[i__] = irc[i__] / 16384.f;
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* decode_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/deemp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,144 @@
+$Log: deemp.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:48  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:23:46  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:34  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int deemp_(real *x, integer *n, struct lpc10_decoder_state *st);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* 	DEEMP Version 48 */
+/* $Log: deemp.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:48  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:23:46  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:34  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/20  15:54:37  jaf */
+/* Added comments about which indices of array arguments are read or */
+/* written. */
+/* Added entry INITDEEMP to reinitialize the local state variables, if */
+/* desired. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/14  22:11:13  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining which of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next, and which */
+/* do not. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:44:53  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/*  De-Emphasize output speech with   1 / ( 1 - .75z**-1 ) */
+/*    cascaded with 200 Hz high pass filter */
+/*    ( 1 - 1.9998z**-1 + z**-2 ) / ( 1 - 1.75z**-1 + .78z**-2 ) */
+/*  WARNING!  The coefficients above may be out of date with the code */
+/*  below.  Either that, or some kind of transformation was performed */
+/*  on the coefficients above to create the code below. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  N  - Number of samples */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  X  - Speech */
+/*       Indices 1 through N are read before being written. */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
+/* Subroutine */ int deemp_(real *x, integer *n, struct lpc10_decoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    real *dei1;
+    real *dei2;
+    real *deo1;
+    real *deo2;
+    real *deo3;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    real r__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer k;
+    real dei0;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       All of the locals saved below were not given explicit initial */
+/*       values in the original code.  I think 0 is a safe choice. */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (x) {
+	--x;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+    dei1 = &(st->dei1);
+    dei2 = &(st->dei2);
+    deo1 = &(st->deo1);
+    deo2 = &(st->deo2);
+    deo3 = &(st->deo3);
+    i__1 = *n;
+    for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
+	dei0 = x[k];
+	r__1 = x[k] - *dei1 * 1.9998f + *dei2;
+	x[k] = r__1 + *deo1 * 2.5f - *deo2 * 2.0925f + *deo3 * .585f;
+	*dei2 = *dei1;
+	*dei1 = dei0;
+	*deo3 = *deo2;
+	*deo2 = *deo1;
+	*deo1 = x[k];
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* deemp_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/difmag.c
@@ -1,0 +1,123 @@
+$Log: difmag.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:50  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:31  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int difmag_(real *speech, integer *lpita, integer *tau, integer *ltau, integer *maxlag, real *amdf, integer *minptr, integer *maxptr);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ********************************************************************** */
+/* 	DIFMAG Version 49 */
+/* $Log: difmag.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:50  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:31  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/15  23:09:39  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  14:41:31  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:45:04  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*  Compute Average Magnitude Difference Function */
+/* Inputs: */
+/*  SPEECH - Low pass filtered speech */
+/*           Indices MIN_N1 through MAX_N1+LPITA-1 are read, where */
+/*      MIN_N1 = (MAXLAG - MAX_TAU)/2+1  MAX_TAU = max of TAU(I) for I=1,LTAU
+/*      MAX_N1 = (MAXLAG - MIN_TAU)/2+1  MIN_TAU = min of TAU(I) for I=1,LTAU
+/*  LPITA  - Length of speech buffer */
+/*  TAU    - Table of lags */
+/*           Indices 1 through LTAU read. */
+/*  LTAU   - Number of lag values to compute */
+/*  MAXLAG - Maximum possible lag value */
+/* Outputs: */
+/*  (All of these outputs are also read, but only after being written.) */
+/*  AMDF   - Average Magnitude Difference for each lag in TAU */
+/*           Indices 1 through LTAU written */
+/*  MINPTR - Index of minimum AMDF value */
+/*  MAXPTR - Index of maximum AMDF value */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int difmag_(real *speech, integer *lpita, integer *tau, 
+	integer *ltau, integer *maxlag, real *amdf, integer *minptr, integer *
+	maxptr)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1, i__2;
+    real r__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer i__, j, n1, n2;
+    real sum;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       None */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --amdf;
+    --tau;
+    --speech;
+    /* Function Body */
+    *minptr = 1;
+    *maxptr = 1;
+    i__1 = *ltau;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	n1 = (*maxlag - tau[i__]) / 2 + 1;
+	n2 = n1 + *lpita - 1;
+	sum = 0.f;
+	i__2 = n2;
+	for (j = n1; j <= i__2; j += 4) {
+	    sum += (r__1 = speech[j] - speech[j + tau[i__]], abs(r__1));
+	}
+	amdf[i__] = sum;
+	if (amdf[i__] < amdf[*minptr]) {
+	    *minptr = i__;
+	}
+	if (amdf[i__] > amdf[*maxptr]) {
+	    *maxptr = i__;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* difmag_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/dyptrk.c
@@ -1,0 +1,390 @@
+$Log: dyptrk.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:54  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:25:29  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:26  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int dyptrk_(real *amdf, integer *ltau, integer *minptr, integer *voice, integer *pitch, integer *midx, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st);
+/* comlen contrl_ 12 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Common Block Declarations */
+extern struct {
+    integer order, lframe;
+    logical corrp;
+} contrl_;
+#define contrl_1 contrl_
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* 	DYPTRK Version 52 */
+/* $Log: dyptrk.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:54  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:25:29  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:26  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/26  19:35:35  jaf */
+/* Commented out trace statements. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/19  18:03:22  jaf */
+/* Replaced the initialization "DATA P/60*DEPTH*0/" with "DATA P/120*0/", */
+/* because apparently Fortran (or at least f2c) can't handle expressions */
+/* like that. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/19  17:38:32  jaf */
+/* Added comments about the local variables that should be saved from one */
+/* invocation to the next.  None of them were given initial values in the */
+/* original code, but from my testing, it appears that initializing them */
+/* all to 0 works. */
+/* Added entry INITDYPTRK to reinitialize these local variables. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  16:32:17  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining which of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next, and which */
+/* do not. */
+/* WARNING!  Some of them that should are never given initial values in */
+/* this code.  Hopefully, Fortran 77 defines initial values for them, but */
+/* even so, giving them explicit initial values is preferable. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:45:14  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*   Dynamic Pitch Tracker */
+/* Input: */
+/*  AMDF   - Average Magnitude Difference Function array */
+/*           Indices 1 through LTAU read, and MINPTR */
+/*  LTAU   - Number of lags in AMDF */
+/*  MINPTR - Location of minimum AMDF value */
+/*  VOICE  - Voicing decision */
+/* Output: */
+/*  PITCH  - Smoothed pitch value, 2 frames delayed */
+/*  MIDX   - Initial estimate of current frame pitch */
+/* Compile time constant: */
+/*  DEPTH  - Number of frames to trace back */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
+/* Subroutine */ int dyptrk_(real *amdf, integer *ltau, integer *
+	minptr, integer *voice, integer *pitch, integer *midx,
+			       struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    real *s;
+    integer *p;
+    integer *ipoint;
+    real *alphax;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer pbar;
+    real sbar;
+    integer path[2], iptr, i__, j;
+    real alpha, minsc, maxsc;
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: dyptrk.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:54  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:25:29  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:26  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:05:55  jaf */
+/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
+/* embedded version. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:50  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:44:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Processing control variables: */
+/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
+/*  Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
+/*    and message and debug outputs. */
+/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
+/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
+/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
+/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
+/* 	integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/*  LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
+/*    Error correction */
+/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
+/* and that value is 10.  It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
+/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as 
+/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
+/* core of the coding and decoding routines.  Actually, I take that back. 
+/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
+/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is 
+/* compared against on each iteration. */
+/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
+/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP.  quant */
+/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
+/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
+/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
+/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
+/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE.  It doesn't affect the speed of the */
+/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is 
+/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
+/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE.  seems like a good */
+/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
+/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable 
+/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
+/* 	integer quant, nbits */
+/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm 
+/*  Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer, 
+/*    Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
+/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
+/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK.  When LPC10 is embedded into */
+/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK, 
+/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
+/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in 
+/* sread.f.  When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
+/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
+/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device.  It could be optionally */
+/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
+/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should 
+/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS.  I doubt that its value */
+/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
+/* embedded. */
+/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* 	integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/* 	common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
+/* 	common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	Parameters/constants */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Note that PATH is only used for debugging purposes, and can be */
+/*       removed. */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       It would be a bit more "general" to define S(LTAU), if Fortran */
+/*       allows the argument of a function to be used as the dimension of 
+/*       a local array variable. */
+/*       IPOINT is always in the range 0 to DEPTH-1. */
+/*       WARNING! */
+/*       In the original version of this subroutine, IPOINT, ALPHAX, */
+/*       every element of S, and potentially any element of P with the */
+/*       second index value .NE. IPTR were read without being given */
+/*       initial values (all indices of P with second index equal to */
+/*       IPTR are all written before being read in this subroutine). */
+/*       From examining the code carefully, it appears that all of these 
+/*       should be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/*       I've run lpcsim with the "-l 6" option to see all of the */
+/*       debugging information that is printed out by this subroutine */
+/*       below, and it appears that S, P, IPOINT, and ALPHAX are all */
+/*       initialized to 0 (these initial values would likely be different 
+/*       on different platforms, compilers, etc.).  Given that the output 
+/*       of the coder sounds reasonable, I'm going to initialize these */
+/*       variables to 0 explicitly. */
+    s = &(st->s[0]);
+    p = &(st->p[0]);
+    ipoint = &(st->ipoint);
+    alphax = &(st->alphax);
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (amdf) {
+	--amdf;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+/*   Calculate the confidence factor ALPHA, used as a threshold slope in 
+/*   SEESAW.  If unvoiced, set high slope so that every point in P array 
+/*  is marked as a potential pitch frequency.  A scaled up version (ALPHAX
+/*   is used to maintain arithmetic precision. */
+    if (*voice == 1) {
+	*alphax = *alphax * .75f + amdf[*minptr] / 2.f;
+    } else {
+	*alphax *= .984375f;
+    }
+    alpha = *alphax / 16;
+    if (*voice == 0 && *alphax < 128.f) {
+	alpha = 8.f;
+    }
+/* SEESAW: Construct a pitch pointer array and intermediate winner functio
+/*   Left to right pass: */
+    iptr = *ipoint + 1;
+    p[iptr * 60 - 60] = 1;
+    i__ = 1;
+    pbar = 1;
+    sbar = s[0];
+    i__1 = *ltau;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	sbar += alpha;
+	if (sbar < s[i__ - 1]) {
+	    s[i__ - 1] = sbar;
+	    p[i__ + iptr * 60 - 61] = pbar;
+	} else {
+	    sbar = s[i__ - 1];
+	    p[i__ + iptr * 60 - 61] = i__;
+	    pbar = i__;
+	}
+    }
+/*   Right to left pass: */
+    i__ = pbar - 1;
+    sbar = s[i__];
+    while(i__ >= 1) {
+	sbar += alpha;
+	if (sbar < s[i__ - 1]) {
+	    s[i__ - 1] = sbar;
+	    p[i__ + iptr * 60 - 61] = pbar;
+	} else {
+	    pbar = p[i__ + iptr * 60 - 61];
+	    i__ = pbar;
+	    sbar = s[i__ - 1];
+	}
+	--i__;
+    }
+/*   Update S using AMDF */
+/*   Find maximum, minimum, and location of minimum */
+    s[0] += amdf[1] / 2;
+    minsc = s[0];
+    maxsc = minsc;
+    *midx = 1;
+    i__1 = *ltau;
+    for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	s[i__ - 1] += amdf[i__] / 2;
+	if (s[i__ - 1] > maxsc) {
+	    maxsc = s[i__ - 1];
+	}
+	if (s[i__ - 1] < minsc) {
+	    *midx = i__;
+	    minsc = s[i__ - 1];
+	}
+    }
+/*   Subtract MINSC from S to prevent overflow */
+    i__1 = *ltau;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	s[i__ - 1] -= minsc;
+    }
+    maxsc -= minsc;
+/*   Use higher octave pitch if significant null there */
+    j = 0;
+    for (i__ = 20; i__ <= 40; i__ += 10) {
+	if (*midx > i__) {
+	    if (s[*midx - i__ - 1] < maxsc / 4) {
+		j = i__;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    *midx -= j;
+/*   TRACE: look back two frames to find minimum cost pitch estimate */
+    j = *ipoint;
+    *pitch = *midx;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 2; ++i__) {
+	j = j % 2 + 1;
+	*pitch = p[*pitch + j * 60 - 61];
+	path[i__ - 1] = *pitch;
+    }
+/*       The following statement subtracts one from IPOINT, mod DEPTH.  I 
+/*       think the author chose to add DEPTH-1, instead of subtracting 1, 
+/*       because then it will work even if MOD doesn't work as desired on 
+/*       negative arguments. */
+    *ipoint = (*ipoint + 1) % 2;
+    return 0;
+} /* dyptrk_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/encode.c
@@ -1,0 +1,353 @@
+$Log: encode.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:56  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:21  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int encode_(integer *voice, integer *pitch, real *rms, real *rc, integer *ipitch, integer *irms, integer *irc);
+/* comlen contrl_ 12 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Common Block Declarations */
+extern struct {
+    integer order, lframe;
+    logical corrp;
+} contrl_;
+#define contrl_1 contrl_
+/* Table of constant values */
+static integer c__2 = 2;
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* 	ENCODE Version 54 */
+/* $Log: encode.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:56  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:21  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/26  19:35:50  jaf */
+/* Commented out trace statements. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/21  00:26:29  jaf */
+/* Added the comment that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* In the last check-in, I forgot to mention that I had added comments */
+/* explaining which indices of array arguments are read or written. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/21  00:22:39  jaf */
+/* Added comments explaining that all local arrays are effectively */
+/* constants. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  18:48:33  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:45:29  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/*  Quantize LPC parameters for transmission */
+/* INPUTS: */
+/*  VOICE  - Half frame voicing decisions */
+/*           Indices 1 through 2 read. */
+/*  PITCH  - Pitch */
+/*  RMS    - Energy */
+/*  RC     - Reflection coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER read. */
+/*  CORRP  - Error Correction: TRUE = yes, FALSE = none */
+/*           (this is defined in file control.fh) */
+/* OUTPUTS: */
+/*  IPITCH - Coded pitch and voicing */
+/*  IRMS   - Quantized energy */
+/*  IRC    - Quantized reflection coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through MAX(ORDER,2) written. */
+/*           If CORRP is .TRUE., then indices 1 through 10 written */
+/*           for unvoiced frames. */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int encode_(integer *voice, integer *pitch, real *rms, real *
+	rc, integer *ipitch, integer *irms, integer *irc)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    static integer enctab[16] = { 0,7,11,12,13,10,6,1,14,9,5,2,3,4,8,15 };
+    static integer entau[60] = { 19,11,27,25,29,21,23,22,30,14,15,7,39,38,46,
+	    42,43,41,45,37,53,49,51,50,54,52,60,56,58,26,90,88,92,84,86,82,83,
+	    81,85,69,77,73,75,74,78,70,71,67,99,97,113,112,114,98,106,104,108,
+	    100,101,76 };
+    static integer enadd[8] = { 1920,-768,2432,1280,3584,1536,2816,-1152 };
+    static real enscl[8] = { .0204f,.0167f,.0145f,.0147f,.0143f,.0135f,.0125f,
+	    .0112f };
+    static integer enbits[8] = { 6,5,4,4,4,4,3,3 };
+    static integer entab6[64] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,
+	    3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,
+	    9,10,10,11,11,12,13,14,15 };
+    static integer rmst[64] = { 1024,936,856,784,718,656,600,550,502,460,420,
+	    384,352,328,294,270,246,226,206,188,172,158,144,132,120,110,102,
+	    92,84,78,70,64,60,54,50,46,42,38,34,32,30,26,24,22,20,18,17,16,15,
+	    14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 };
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1, i__2;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    integer pow_ii(integer *, integer *);
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer idel, nbit, i__, j, i2, i3, mrk;
+/* $Log: encode.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:56  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:21  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: encode.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:56:56  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:21  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:05:55  jaf */
+/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
+/* embedded version. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:50  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:44:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Processing control variables: */
+/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
+/*  Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
+/*    and message and debug outputs. */
+/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
+/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
+/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
+/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
+/* 	integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/*  LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
+/*    Error correction */
+/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
+/* and that value is 10.  It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
+/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as 
+/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
+/* core of the coding and decoding routines.  Actually, I take that back. 
+/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
+/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is 
+/* compared against on each iteration. */
+/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
+/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP.  quant */
+/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
+/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
+/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
+/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
+/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE.  It doesn't affect the speed of the */
+/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is 
+/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
+/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE.  seems like a good */
+/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
+/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable 
+/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
+/* 	integer quant, nbits */
+/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm 
+/*  Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer, 
+/*    Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
+/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
+/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK.  When LPC10 is embedded into */
+/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK, 
+/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
+/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in 
+/* sread.f.  When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
+/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
+/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device.  It could be optionally */
+/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
+/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should 
+/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS.  I doubt that its value */
+/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
+/* embedded. */
+/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* 	integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/* 	common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
+/* 	common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/*       Parameters/constants */
+/*       These arrays are not Fortran PARAMETER's, but they are defined */
+/*       by DATA statements below, and their contents are never altered. 
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --irc;
+    --rc;
+    --voice;
+    /* Function Body */
+/*  Scale RMS and RC's to integers */
+    *irms = *rms;
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	irc[i__] = rc[i__] * 32768.f;
+    }
+/* 800	FORMAT(1X,/,' <<ENCODE IN>>',T32,2I3,I6,I5,T50,10I8) */
+/*  Encode pitch and voicing */
+    if (voice[1] != 0 && voice[2] != 0) {
+	*ipitch = entau[*pitch - 1];
+    } else {
+	if (contrl_1.corrp) {
+	    *ipitch = 0;
+	    if (voice[1] != voice[2]) {
+		*ipitch = 127;
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    *ipitch = (voice[1] << 1) + voice[2];
+	}
+    }
+/*  Encode RMS by binary table search */
+    j = 32;
+    idel = 16;
+    *irms = min(*irms,1023);
+    while(idel > 0) {
+	if (*irms > rmst[j - 1]) {
+	    j -= idel;
+	}
+	if (*irms < rmst[j - 1]) {
+	    j += idel;
+	}
+	idel /= 2;
+    }
+    if (*irms > rmst[j - 1]) {
+	--j;
+    }
+    *irms = 31 - j / 2;
+/*  Encode RC(1) and (2) as log-area-ratios */
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 2; ++i__) {
+	i2 = irc[i__];
+	mrk = 0;
+	if (i2 < 0) {
+	    i2 = -i2;
+	    mrk = 1;
+	}
+	i2 /= 512;
+	i2 = min(i2,63);
+	i2 = entab6[i2];
+	if (mrk != 0) {
+	    i2 = -i2;
+	}
+	irc[i__] = i2;
+    }
+/*  Encode RC(3) - (10) linearly, remove bias then scale */
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 3; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	i2 = irc[i__] / 2;
+	i2 = (i2 + enadd[contrl_1.order + 1 - i__ - 1]) * enscl[
+		contrl_1.order + 1 - i__ - 1];
+/* Computing MIN */
+	i__2 = max(i2,-127);
+	i2 = min(i__2,127);
+	nbit = enbits[contrl_1.order + 1 - i__ - 1];
+	i3 = 0;
+	if (i2 < 0) {
+	    i3 = -1;
+	}
+	i2 /= pow_ii(&c__2, &nbit);
+	if (i3 == -1) {
+	    --i2;
+	}
+	irc[i__] = i2;
+    }
+/*          Protect the most significant bits of the most */
+/*     important parameters during non-voiced frames. */
+/*     RC(1) - RC(4) are protected using 20 parity bits */
+/*     replacing RC(5) - RC(10). */
+    if (contrl_1.corrp) {
+	if (*ipitch == 0 || *ipitch == 127) {
+	    irc[5] = enctab[(irc[1] & 30) / 2];
+	    irc[6] = enctab[(irc[2] & 30) / 2];
+	    irc[7] = enctab[(irc[3] & 30) / 2];
+	    irc[8] = enctab[(*irms & 30) / 2];
+	    irc[9] = enctab[(irc[4] & 30) / 2] / 2;
+	    irc[10] = enctab[(irc[4] & 30) / 2] & 1;
+	}
+    }
+/* 801	FORMAT(1X,'<<ENCODE OUT>>',T32,2I3,I6,I5,T50,10I8) */
+    return 0;
+} /* encode_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/energy.c
@@ -1,0 +1,93 @@
+$Log: energy.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:00  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:17  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int energy_(integer *len, real *speech, real *rms);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* 	ENERGY Version 50 */
+/* $Log: energy.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:00  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:17  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/18  21:17:41  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  16:46:02  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:45:40  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* Compute RMS energy. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  LEN    - Length of speech buffer */
+/*  SPEECH - Speech buffer */
+/*           Indices 1 through LEN read. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  RMS    - Root Mean Square energy */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int energy_(integer *len, real *speech, real *rms)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    double sqrt(doublereal);
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer i__;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --speech;
+    /* Function Body */
+    *rms = 0.f;
+    i__1 = *len;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	*rms += speech[i__] * speech[i__];
+    }
+    *rms = sqrt(*rms / *len);
+    return 0;
+} /* energy_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/f2c.h
@@ -1,0 +1,219 @@
+$Log: f2c.h,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:02  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:26:28  jaf
+ * Any typedef defining a type that was used in lpc10_encoder_state or
+ * lpc10_decoder_state struct's was commented out here and added to
+ * lpc10.h.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:13  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ * f2c.h
+ *
+ * SCCS ID:  @(#)f2c.h 1.2 96/05/19
+ */
+/* f2c.h  --  Standard Fortran to C header file */
+/**  barf  [ba:rf]  2.  "He suggested using FORTRAN, and everybody barfed."
+	- From The Shogakukan DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLISH (Second edition) */
+#ifndef F2C_INCLUDE
+#define F2C_INCLUDE
+#include "lpc10.h"
+/*typedef long int integer;*/
+/*typedef INT32 integer;*/
+/*typedef short int shortint;*/
+/*typedef INT16 shortint;*/
+/*typedef float real;*/
+/* doublereal only used for function arguments to sqrt, exp, etc. */
+typedef double doublereal;
+/* 32 bits seems wasteful, but there really aren't that many logical
+ * variables around, and making them 32 bits could avoid word
+ * alignment problems, perhaps.  */
+/*typedef long int logical;*/
+/*typedef INT32 logical;*/
+/* The following types are not used in the translated C code for the
+ * LPC-10 coder, but they might be needed by the definitions down
+ * below, so they don't cause compilation errors.  */
+typedef char *address;
+typedef struct { real r, i; } complex;
+typedef struct { doublereal r, i; } doublecomplex;
+typedef short int shortlogical;
+typedef char logical1;
+typedef char integer1;
+/* typedef long long longint; */ /* system-dependent */
+#define TRUE_ (1)
+#define FALSE_ (0)
+/* Extern is for use with -E */
+#ifndef Extern
+#define Extern extern
+/* I/O stuff */
+#ifdef f2c_i2
+/* for -i2 */
+typedef short flag;
+typedef short ftnlen;
+typedef short ftnint;
+typedef long int flag;
+typedef long int ftnlen;
+typedef long int ftnint;
+/*external read, write*/
+typedef struct
+{	flag cierr;
+	ftnint ciunit;
+	flag ciend;
+	char *cifmt;
+	ftnint cirec;
+} cilist;
+/*internal read, write*/
+typedef struct
+{	flag icierr;
+	char *iciunit;
+	flag iciend;
+	char *icifmt;
+	ftnint icirlen;
+	ftnint icirnum;
+} icilist;
+typedef struct
+{	flag oerr;
+	ftnint ounit;
+	char *ofnm;
+	ftnlen ofnmlen;
+	char *osta;
+	char *oacc;
+	char *ofm;
+	ftnint orl;
+	char *oblnk;
+} olist;
+typedef struct
+{	flag cerr;
+	ftnint cunit;
+	char *csta;
+} cllist;
+/*rewind, backspace, endfile*/
+typedef struct
+{	flag aerr;
+	ftnint aunit;
+} alist;
+/* inquire */
+typedef struct
+{	flag inerr;
+	ftnint inunit;
+	char *infile;
+	ftnlen infilen;
+	ftnint	*inex;	/*parameters in standard's order*/
+	ftnint	*inopen;
+	ftnint	*innum;
+	ftnint	*innamed;
+	char	*inname;
+	ftnlen	innamlen;
+	char	*inacc;
+	ftnlen	inacclen;
+	char	*inseq;
+	ftnlen	inseqlen;
+	char 	*indir;
+	ftnlen	indirlen;
+	char	*infmt;
+	ftnlen	infmtlen;
+	char	*inform;
+	ftnint	informlen;
+	char	*inunf;
+	ftnlen	inunflen;
+	ftnint	*inrecl;
+	ftnint	*innrec;
+	char	*inblank;
+	ftnlen	inblanklen;
+} inlist;
+#define VOID void
+union Multitype {	/* for multiple entry points */
+	integer1 g;
+	shortint h;
+	integer i;
+	/* longint j; */
+	real r;
+	doublereal d;
+	complex c;
+	doublecomplex z;
+	};
+typedef union Multitype Multitype;
+/*typedef long int Long;*/	/* No longer used; formerly in Namelist */
+struct Vardesc {	/* for Namelist */
+	char *name;
+	char *addr;
+	ftnlen *dims;
+	int  type;
+	};
+typedef struct Vardesc Vardesc;
+struct Namelist {
+	char *name;
+	Vardesc **vars;
+	int nvars;
+	};
+typedef struct Namelist Namelist;
+#define abs(x) ((x) >= 0 ? (x) : -(x))
+#define dabs(x) (doublereal)abs(x)
+#define min(a,b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define max(a,b) ((a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define dmin(a,b) (doublereal)min(a,b)
+#define dmax(a,b) (doublereal)max(a,b)
+/* undef any lower-case symbols that your C compiler predefines, e.g.: */
+#ifndef Skip_f2c_Undefs
+#undef cray
+#undef gcos
+#undef mc68010
+#undef mc68020
+#undef mips
+#undef pdp11
+#undef sgi
+#undef sparc
+#undef sun
+#undef sun2
+#undef sun3
+#undef sun4
+#undef u370
+#undef u3b
+#undef u3b2
+#undef u3b5
+#undef unix
+#undef vax
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/f2clib.c
@@ -1,0 +1,83 @@
+$Log: f2clib.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:06  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:10  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ * f2clib.c
+ *
+ * SCCS ID:  @(#)f2clib.c 1.2 96/05/19
+ */
+#include "f2c.h"
+#ifdef KR_headers
+integer pow_ii(ap, bp) integer *ap, *bp;
+integer pow_ii(integer *ap, integer *bp)
+	integer pow, x, n;
+	unsigned long u;
+	x = *ap;
+	n = *bp;
+	if (n <= 0) {
+		if (n == 0 || x == 1)
+			return 1;
+		if (x != -1)
+			return x == 0 ? 1/x : 0;
+		n = -n;
+		}
+	u = n;
+	for(pow = 1; ; )
+		{
+		if(u & 01)
+			pow *= x;
+		if(u >>= 1)
+			x *= x;
+		else
+			break;
+		}
+	return(pow);
+	}
+#ifdef KR_headers
+double r_sign(a,b) real *a, *b;
+double r_sign(real *a, real *b)
+double x;
+x = (*a >= 0 ? *a : - *a);
+return( *b >= 0 ? x : -x);
+#ifdef KR_headers
+double floor();
+integer i_nint(x) real *x;
+#undef abs
+#include "math.h"
+integer i_nint(real *x)
+return( (*x)>=0 ?
+	floor(*x + .5) : -floor(.5 - *x) );
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/ham84.c
@@ -1,0 +1,116 @@
+$Log: ham84.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:14  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:07  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int ham84_(integer *input, integer *output, integer *errcnt);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* 	HAM84 Version 45G */
+/* $Log: ham84.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:14  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:07  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/21  15:26:00  jaf */
+/* Put comment header in standard form. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  22:00:13  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:47:04  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/*  Hamming 8,4 Decoder - can correct 1 out of seven bits */
+/*   and can detect up to two errors. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  INPUT  - Seven bit data word, 4 bits parameter and */
+/*           4 bits parity information */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  ERRCNT - Sums errors detected by Hamming code */
+/* Output: */
+/*  OUTPUT - 4 corrected parameter bits */
+/* This subroutine is entered with an eight bit word in INPUT.  The 8th */
+/* bit is parity and is stripped off.  The remaining 7 bits address the */
+/* hamming 8,4 table and the output OUTPUT from the table gives the 4 */
+/* bits of corrected data.  If bit 4 is set, no error was detected. */
+/* ERRCNT is the number of errors counted. */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int ham84_(integer *input, integer *output, integer *errcnt)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    static integer dactab[128] = { 16,0,0,3,0,5,14,7,0,9,14,11,14,13,30,14,0,
+	    9,2,7,4,7,7,23,9,25,10,9,12,9,14,7,0,5,2,11,5,21,6,5,8,11,11,27,
+	    12,5,14,11,2,1,18,2,12,5,2,7,12,9,2,11,28,12,12,15,0,3,3,19,4,13,
+	    6,3,8,13,10,3,13,29,14,13,4,1,10,3,20,4,4,7,10,9,26,10,4,13,10,15,
+	    8,1,6,3,6,5,22,6,24,8,8,11,8,13,6,15,1,17,2,1,4,1,6,15,8,1,10,15,
+	    12,15,15,31 };
+    integer i__, j, parity;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Parameters/constants */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*  Determine parity of input word */
+    parity = *input & 255;
+    parity ^= parity / 16;
+    parity ^= parity / 4;
+    parity ^= parity / 2;
+    parity &= 1;
+    i__ = dactab[*input & 127];
+    *output = i__ & 15;
+    j = i__ & 16;
+    if (j != 0) {
+/*          No errors detected in seven bits */
+	if (parity != 0) {
+	    ++(*errcnt);
+	}
+    } else {
+/*          One or two errors detected */
+	++(*errcnt);
+	if (parity == 0) {
+/*             Two errors detected */
+	    ++(*errcnt);
+	    *output = -1;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* ham84_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/hp100.c
@@ -1,0 +1,159 @@
+$Log: hp100.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:16  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:28:05  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:04  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int hp100_(real *speech, integer *start, integer *end,
+		  struct lpc10_encoder_state *st);
+extern int inithp100_(void);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*      HP100 Version 55 */
+/* $Log: hp100.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:16  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:28:05  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:04  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.6  1996/03/15  16:45:25  jaf */
+/* Rearranged a few comments. */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/14  23:20:54  jaf */
+/* Added comments about when INITHP100 should be used. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/14  23:08:08  jaf */
+/* Added an entry named INITHP100 that initializes the local state of */
+/* subroutine HP100. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/14  22:09:20  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining which of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next, and which */
+/* do not. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/02/12  15:05:54  jaf */
+/* Added lots of comments explaining why I changed one line, which was a */
+/* declaration with initializations. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:47:12  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*    100 Hz High Pass Filter */
+/* Jan 92 - corrected typo (1.937148 to 1.935715), */
+/*          rounded coefficients to 7 places, */
+/*          corrected and merged gain (.97466**4), */
+/*          merged numerator into first two sections. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  start, end - Range of samples to filter */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  speech(end) - Speech data. */
+/*                Indices start through end are read and modified. */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
+/* INITHP100. */
+/* Subroutine */ int hp100_(real *speech, integer *start, integer *end,
+	struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    /* Temporary local copies of variables in lpc10_encoder_state.
+       I've only created these because it might cause the loop below
+       to execute a bit faster to access local variables, rather than
+       variables in the lpc10_encoder_state structure.  It is just a
+       guess that it will be faster. */
+    real z11;
+    real z21;
+    real z12;
+    real z22;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer i__;
+    real si, err;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (speech) {
+	--speech;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+    z11 = st->z11;
+    z21 = st->z21;
+    z12 = st->z12;
+    z22 = st->z22;
+    i__1 = *end;
+    for (i__ = *start; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	si = speech[i__];
+	err = si + z11 * 1.859076f - z21 * .8648249f;
+	si = err - z11 * 2.f + z21;
+	z21 = z11;
+	z11 = err;
+	err = si + z12 * 1.935715f - z22 * .9417004f;
+	si = err - z12 * 2.f + z22;
+	z22 = z12;
+	z12 = err;
+	speech[i__] = si * .902428f;
+    }
+    st->z11 = z11;
+    st->z21 = z21;
+    st->z12 = z12;
+    st->z22 = z22;
+    return 0;
+} /* hp100_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/invert.c
@@ -1,0 +1,178 @@
+$Log: invert.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:18  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:00  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int invert_(integer *order, real *phi, real *psi, real *rc);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/* 	INVERT Version 45G */
+/* $Log: invert.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:18  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:00  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/18  20:52:47  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  16:51:32  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Eliminated a comment from the original, describing a local array X */
+/* that appeared nowhere in the code. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:47:20  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* **************************************************************** */
+/*  Invert a covariance matrix using Choleski decomposition method. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  ORDER            - Analysis order */
+/*  PHI(ORDER,ORDER) - Covariance matrix */
+/*                    Indices (I,J) read, where ORDER .GE. I .GE. J .GE. 1.*/
+/*                     All other indices untouched. */
+/*  PSI(ORDER)       - Column vector to be predicted */
+/*                     Indices 1 through ORDER read. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  RC(ORDER)        - Pseudo reflection coefficients */
+/*                    Indices 1 through ORDER written, and then possibly read.
+/* Internal: */
+/*  V(ORDER,ORDER)   - Temporary matrix */
+/*                     Same indices written as read from PHI. */
+/*                     Many indices may be read and written again after */
+/*                     initially being copied from PHI, but all indices */
+/*                     are written before being read. */
+/*  NOTE: Temporary matrix V is not needed and may be replaced */
+/*    by PHI if the original PHI values do not need to be preserved. */
+/* Subroutine */ int invert_(integer *order, real *phi, real *psi, real *rc)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer phi_dim1, phi_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
+    real r__1, r__2;
+    /* Local variables */
+    real save;
+    integer i__, j, k;
+    real v[100]	/* was [10][10] */;
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: invert.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:18  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:32:00  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/* 	Parameters/constants */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*  Decompose PHI into V * D * V' where V is a triangular matrix whose */
+/*   main diagonal elements are all 1, V' is the transpose of V, and */
+/*   D is a vector.  Here D(n) is stored in location V(n,n). */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --rc;
+    --psi;
+    phi_dim1 = *order;
+    phi_offset = phi_dim1 + 1;
+    phi -= phi_offset;
+    /* Function Body */
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
+	i__2 = *order;
+	for (i__ = j; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
+	    v[i__ + j * 10 - 11] = phi[i__ + j * phi_dim1];
+	}
+	i__2 = j - 1;
+	for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
+	    save = v[j + k * 10 - 11] * v[k + k * 10 - 11];
+	    i__3 = *order;
+	    for (i__ = j; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
+		v[i__ + j * 10 - 11] -= v[i__ + k * 10 - 11] * save;
+	    }
+	}
+/*  Compute intermediate results, which are similar to RC's */
+	if ((r__1 = v[j + j * 10 - 11], abs(r__1)) < 1e-10f) {
+	    goto L100;
+	}
+	rc[j] = psi[j];
+	i__2 = j - 1;
+	for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
+	    rc[j] -= rc[k] * v[j + k * 10 - 11];
+	}
+	v[j + j * 10 - 11] = 1.f / v[j + j * 10 - 11];
+	rc[j] *= v[j + j * 10 - 11];
+/* Computing MAX */
+/* Computing MIN */
+	r__2 = rc[j];
+	r__1 = min(r__2,.999f);
+	rc[j] = max(r__1,-.999f);
+    }
+    return 0;
+/*  Zero out higher order RC's if algorithm terminated early */
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (i__ = j; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	rc[i__] = 0.f;
+    }
+/*  Back substitute for PC's (if needed) */
+/* 110	DO J = ORDER,1,-1 */
+/* 	   PC(J) = RC(J) */
+/* 	   DO I = 1,J-1 */
+/* 	      PC(J) = PC(J) - PC(I)*V(J,I) */
+/* 	   END DO */
+/* 	END DO */
+    return 0;
+} /* invert_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/irc2pc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,136 @@
+$Log: irc2pc.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:19  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:56  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int irc2pc_(real *rc, real *pc, integer *order, real *gprime, real *g2pass);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* 	IRC2PC Version 48 */
+/* $Log: irc2pc.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:19  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:56  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/20  15:47:19  jaf */
+/* Added comments about which indices of array arguments are read or */
+/* written. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/14  16:59:04  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:47:27  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/*   Convert Reflection Coefficients to Predictor Coeficients */
+/* Inputs: */
+/*  RC     - Reflection coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER read. */
+/*  ORDER  - Number of RC's */
+/*  GPRIME - Excitation modification gain */
+/* Outputs: */
+/*  PC     - Predictor coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER written. */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER-1 are read after being written. */
+/*  G2PASS - Excitation modification sharpening factor */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int irc2pc_(real *rc, real *pc, integer *order, real *gprime,
+	 real *g2pass)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1, i__2;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    double sqrt(doublereal);
+    /* Local variables */
+    real temp[10];
+    integer i__, j;
+/* 	Arguments */
+/* $Log: irc2pc.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:19  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:56  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --pc;
+    --rc;
+    /* Function Body */
+    *g2pass = 1.f;
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	*g2pass *= 1.f - rc[i__] * rc[i__];
+    }
+    *g2pass = *gprime * sqrt(*g2pass);
+    pc[1] = rc[1];
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	i__2 = i__ - 1;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    temp[j - 1] = pc[j] - rc[i__] * pc[i__ - j];
+	}
+	i__2 = i__ - 1;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+	    pc[j] = temp[j - 1];
+	}
+	pc[i__] = rc[i__];
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* irc2pc_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/ivfilt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,120 @@
+$Log: ivfilt.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:20  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:53  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int ivfilt_(real *lpbuf, real *ivbuf, integer *len, integer *nsamp, real *ivrc);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* 	IVFILT Version 48 */
+/* $Log: ivfilt.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:20  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:53  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/15  21:36:29  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  00:01:00  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:47:34  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*   2nd order inverse filter, speech is decimated 4:1 */
+/* Input: */
+/*  LEN    - Length of speech buffers */
+/*  NSAMP  - Number of samples to filter */
+/*  LPBUF  - Low pass filtered speech buffer */
+/*           Indices LEN-NSAMP-7 through LEN read. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  IVBUF  - Inverse filtered speech buffer */
+/*           Indices LEN-NSAMP+1 through LEN written. */
+/*  IVRC   - Inverse filter reflection coefficients (for voicing) */
+/*          Indices 1 and 2 both written (also read, but only after writing).
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int ivfilt_(real *lpbuf, real *ivbuf, integer *len, integer *
+	nsamp, real *ivrc)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer i__, j, k;
+    real r__[3], pc1, pc2;
+/* 	Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       None */
+/*  Calculate Autocorrelations */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --ivbuf;
+    --lpbuf;
+    --ivrc;
+    /* Function Body */
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 3; ++i__) {
+	r__[i__ - 1] = 0.f;
+	k = i__ - 1 << 2;
+	i__1 = *len;
+	for (j = (i__ << 2) + *len - *nsamp; j <= i__1; j += 2) {
+	    r__[i__ - 1] += lpbuf[j] * lpbuf[j - k];
+	}
+    }
+/*  Calculate predictor coefficients */
+    pc1 = 0.f;
+    pc2 = 0.f;
+    ivrc[1] = 0.f;
+    ivrc[2] = 0.f;
+    if (r__[0] > 1e-10f) {
+	ivrc[1] = r__[1] / r__[0];
+	ivrc[2] = (r__[2] - ivrc[1] * r__[1]) / (r__[0] - ivrc[1] * r__[1]);
+	pc1 = ivrc[1] - ivrc[1] * ivrc[2];
+	pc2 = ivrc[2];
+    }
+/*  Inverse filter LPBUF into IVBUF */
+    i__1 = *len;
+    for (i__ = *len + 1 - *nsamp; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	ivbuf[i__] = lpbuf[i__] - pc1 * lpbuf[i__ - 4] - pc2 * lpbuf[i__ - 8];
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* ivfilt_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/lpc10.h
@@ -1,0 +1,223 @@
+$Log: lpc10.h,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:22  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:47:31  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifndef __LPC10_H__
+#define __LPC10_H__
+#include "../src/soxstdint.h"
+#define LPC10_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME 180
+  The "#if defined"'s in this file are by no means intended to be
+  complete.  They are what Nautilus uses, which has been successfully
+  compiled under DOS with the Microsoft C compiler, and under a few
+  versions of Unix with the GNU C compiler.
+ */
+typedef int16_t		INT16;
+typedef int32_t		INT32;
+/* The initial values for every member of this structure is 0, except
+   where noted in comments. */
+/* These two lines are copied from f2c.h.  There should be a more
+   elegant way of doing this than having the same declarations in two
+   files. */
+typedef float real;
+typedef INT32 integer;
+typedef INT32 logical;
+typedef INT16 shortint;
+struct lpc10_encoder_state {
+    /* State used only by function hp100 */
+    real z11;
+    real z21;
+    real z12;
+    real z22;
+    /* State used by function analys */
+    real inbuf[540], pebuf[540];
+    real lpbuf[696], ivbuf[312];
+    real bias;
+    integer osbuf[10];  /* no initial value necessary */
+    integer osptr;     /* initial value 1 */
+    integer obound[3];
+    integer vwin[6]	/* was [2][3] */;   /* initial value vwin[4] = 307; vwin[5] = 462; */
+    integer awin[6]	/* was [2][3] */;   /* initial value awin[4] = 307; awin[5] = 462; */
+    integer voibuf[8]	/* was [2][4] */;
+    real rmsbuf[3];
+    real rcbuf[30]	/* was [10][3] */;
+    real zpre;
+    /* State used by function onset */
+    real n;
+    real d__;   /* initial value 1.f */
+    real fpc;   /* no initial value necessary */
+    real l2buf[16];
+    real l2sum1;
+    integer l2ptr1;   /* initial value 1 */
+    integer l2ptr2;   /* initial value 9 */
+    integer lasti;    /* no initial value necessary */
+    logical hyst;   /* initial value FALSE_ */
+    /* State used by function voicin */
+    real dither;   /* initial value 20.f */
+    real snr;
+    real maxmin;
+    real voice[6]	/* was [2][3] */;   /* initial value is probably unnecessary */
+    integer lbve, lbue, fbve, fbue;
+    integer ofbue, sfbue;
+    integer olbue, slbue;
+    /* Initial values:
+	lbve = 3000;
+	fbve = 3000;
+	fbue = 187;
+	ofbue = 187;
+	sfbue = 187;
+	lbue = 93;
+	olbue = 93;
+	slbue = 93;
+	snr = (real) (fbve / fbue << 6);
+	*/
+    /* State used by function dyptrk */
+    real s[60];
+    integer p[120]	/* was [60][2] */;
+    integer ipoint;
+    real alphax;
+    /* State used by function chanwr */
+    integer isync;
+struct lpc10_decoder_state {
+    /* State used by function decode */
+    integer iptold;   /* initial value 60 */
+    logical first;   /* initial value TRUE_ */
+    integer ivp2h;
+    integer iovoic;
+    integer iavgp;   /* initial value 60 */
+    integer erate;
+    integer drc[30]	/* was [3][10] */;
+    integer dpit[3];
+    integer drms[3];
+    /* State used by function synths */
+    real buf[360];
+    integer buflen;   /* initial value 180 */
+    /* State used by function pitsyn */
+    integer ivoico;   /* no initial value necessary as long as first_pitsyn is initially TRUE_ */
+    integer ipito;   /* no initial value necessary as long as first_pitsyn is initially TRUE_ */
+    real rmso;   /* initial value 1.f */
+    real rco[10];   /* no initial value necessary as long as first_pitsyn is initially TRUE_ */
+    integer jsamp;   /* no initial value necessary as long as first_pitsyn is initially TRUE_ */
+    logical first_pitsyn;   /* initial value TRUE_ */
+    /* State used by function bsynz */
+    integer ipo;
+    real exc[166];
+    real exc2[166];
+    real lpi1;
+    real lpi2;
+    real lpi3;
+    real hpi1;
+    real hpi2;
+    real hpi3;
+    real rmso_bsynz;
+    /* State used by function random */
+    integer j;   /* initial value 2 */
+    integer k;   /* initial value 5 */
+    shortint y[5];  /* initial value { -21161,-8478,30892,-10216,16950 } */
+    /* State used by function deemp */
+    real dei1;
+    real dei2;
+    real deo1;
+    real deo2;
+    real deo3;
+  Calling sequence:
+  Call create_lpc10_encoder_state(), which returns a pointer to an
+  already initialized lpc10_encoder_state structure.
+  lpc10_encode reads indices 0 through (LPC10_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME-1) of
+  array speech[], and writes indices 0 through
+  (LPC10_BITS_IN_COMPRESSED_FRAME-1) of array bits[], and both reads
+  and writes the lpc10_encoder_state structure contents.  The
+  lpc10_encoder_state structure should *not* be initialized for every
+  frame of encoded speech.  Once at the beginning of execution, done
+  automatically for you by create_lpc10_encoder_state(), is enough.
+  init_lpc10_encoder_state() reinitializes the lpc10_encoder_state
+  structure.  This might be useful if you are finished processing one
+  sound sample, and want to reuse the same lpc10_encoder_state
+  structure to process another sound sample.  There might be other
+  uses as well.
+  Note that the comments in the lpc10/lpcenc.c file imply that indices
+  1 through 180 of array speech[] are read.  These comments were
+  written for the Fortran version of the code, before it was
+  automatically converted to C by the conversion program f2c.  f2c
+  seems to use the convention that the pointers to arrays passed as
+  function arguments point to the first index used in the Fortran
+  code, whatever index that might be (usually 1), and then it modifies
+  the pointer inside of the function, like so:
+  if (speech) {
+      --speech;
+  }
+  So that the code can access the first value at index 1 and the last
+  at index 180.  This makes the translated C code "closer" to the
+  original Fortran code.
+  The calling sequence for the decoder is similar to the encoder.  The
+  only significant difference is that the array bits[] is read
+  (indices 0 through (LPC10_BITS_IN_COMPRESSED_FRAME-1)), and the
+  array speech[] is written (indices 0 through
+  */
+struct lpc10_encoder_state * create_lpc10_encoder_state (void);
+void init_lpc10_encoder_state (struct lpc10_encoder_state *st);
+int lpc10_encode (real *speech, INT32 *bits, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st);
+struct lpc10_decoder_state * create_lpc10_decoder_state (void);
+void init_lpc10_decoder_state (struct lpc10_decoder_state *st);
+int lpc10_decode (INT32 *bits, real *speech, struct lpc10_decoder_state *st);
+#endif /* __LPC10_H__ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/lpcdec.c
@@ -1,0 +1,277 @@
+$Log: lpcdec.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:24  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:30:11  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Changed name of function from lpcenc_ to lpc10_encode, simply to make
+ * all lpc10 functions have more consistent naming with each other.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:48  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int lpcdec_(integer *bits, real *speech);
+extern int initlpcdec_(void);
+/* comlen contrl_ 12 */
+/*:ref: chanrd_ 14 5 4 4 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: decode_ 14 7 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 */
+/*:ref: synths_ 14 6 4 4 6 6 6 4 */
+/*:ref: initdecode_ 14 0 */
+/*:ref: initsynths_ 14 0 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Common Block Declarations */
+extern struct {
+    integer order, lframe;
+    logical corrp;
+} contrl_;
+#define contrl_1 contrl_
+/* Table of constant values */
+static integer c__10 = 10;
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* $Log: lpcdec.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:24  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:30:11  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Changed name of function from lpcenc_ to lpc10_encode, simply to make
+ * all lpc10 functions have more consistent naming with each other.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:48  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/03/28  00:03:00  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* Decode 54 bits to one frame of 180 speech samples. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  BITS   - 54 encoded bits, stored 1 per array element. */
+/*           Indices 1 through 53 read (SYNC bit ignored). */
+/* Output: */
+/*  SPEECH - Speech encoded as real values in the range [-1,+1]. */
+/*           Indices 1 through 180 written. */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
+/* Subroutine */ int lpc10_decode(integer *bits, real *speech,
+				  struct lpc10_decoder_state *st)
+    integer irms, voice[2], pitch, ipitv;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int decode_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
+	    integer *, integer *, real *, real *, struct lpc10_decoder_state *);
+    real rc[10];
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int chanrd_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
+	    integer *, integer *), synths_(integer *, 
+	    integer *, real *, real *, real *, integer *,
+					   struct lpc10_decoder_state *);
+    integer irc[10], len;
+    real rms;
+/* $Log: lpcdec.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:24  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:30:11  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Changed name of function from lpcenc_ to lpc10_encode, simply to make
+ * all lpc10 functions have more consistent naming with each other.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:48  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: lpcdec.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:24  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:30:11  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Changed name of function from lpcenc_ to lpc10_encode, simply to make
+ * all lpc10 functions have more consistent naming with each other.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:48  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:05:55  jaf */
+/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
+/* embedded version. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:50  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:44:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Processing control variables: */
+/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
+/*  Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
+/*    and message and debug outputs. */
+/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
+/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
+/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
+/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
+/* 	integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/*  LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
+/*    Error correction */
+/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
+/* and that value is 10.  It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
+/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as 
+/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
+/* core of the coding and decoding routines.  Actually, I take that back. 
+/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
+/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is 
+/* compared against on each iteration. */
+/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
+/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP.  quant */
+/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
+/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
+/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
+/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
+/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE.  It doesn't affect the speed of the */
+/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is 
+/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
+/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE.  seems like a good */
+/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
+/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable 
+/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
+/* 	integer quant, nbits */
+/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm 
+/*  Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer, 
+/*    Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
+/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
+/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK.  When LPC10 is embedded into */
+/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK, 
+/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
+/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in 
+/* sread.f.  When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
+/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
+/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device.  It could be optionally */
+/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
+/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should 
+/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS.  I doubt that its value */
+/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
+/* embedded. */
+/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* 	integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/* 	common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
+/* 	common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Uncoded speech parameters */
+/*       Coded speech parameters */
+/*       Others */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       None */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (bits) {
+	--bits;
+	}
+    if (speech) {
+	--speech;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+    chanrd_(&c__10, &ipitv, &irms, irc, &bits[1]);
+    decode_(&ipitv, &irms, irc, voice, &pitch, &rms, rc, st);
+    synths_(voice, &pitch, &rms, rc, &speech[1], &len, st);
+    return 0;
+} /* lpcdec_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/lpcenc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,166 @@
+$Log: lpcenc.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:26  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:31:21  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Changed name of function from lpcenc_ to lpc10_encode, simply to make
+ * all lpc10 functions have more consistent naming with each other.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:44  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int lpcenc_(real *speech, integer *bits);
+extern int initlpcenc_(void);
+/*:ref: prepro_ 14 2 6 4 */
+/*:ref: analys_ 14 5 6 4 4 6 6 */
+/*:ref: encode_ 14 7 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: chanwr_ 14 5 4 4 4 4 4 */
+/*:ref: initprepro_ 14 0 */
+/*:ref: initanalys_ 14 0 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Table of constant values */
+static integer c__180 = 180;
+static integer c__10 = 10;
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* $Log: lpcenc.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:26  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:31:21  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Changed name of function from lpcenc_ to lpc10_encode, simply to make
+ * all lpc10 functions have more consistent naming with each other.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:44  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/28  00:01:22  jaf */
+/* Commented out some trace statements. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/03/28  00:00:27  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* Encode one frame of 180 speech samples to 54 bits. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  SPEECH - Speech encoded as real values in the range [-1,+1]. */
+/*           Indices 1 through 180 read, and modified (by PREPRO). */
+/* Output: */
+/*  BITS   - 54 encoded bits, stored 1 per array element. */
+/*           Indices 1 through 54 written. */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
+/* Subroutine */ int lpc10_encode(real *speech, integer *bits,
+				  struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    integer irms, voice[2], pitch, ipitv;
+    real rc[10];
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int encode_(integer *, integer *, real *, real *, 
+	    integer *, integer *, integer *), chanwr_(integer *, integer *, 
+	    integer *, integer *, integer *, struct lpc10_encoder_state *),
+            analys_(real *, integer *, 
+	    integer *, real *, real *, struct lpc10_encoder_state *),
+            prepro_(real *, integer *, struct lpc10_encoder_state *);
+    integer irc[10];
+    real rms;
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: lpcenc.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:26  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:31:21  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Changed name of function from lpcenc_ to lpc10_encode, simply to make
+ * all lpc10 functions have more consistent naming with each other.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:44  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Uncoded speech parameters */
+/*       Coded speech parameters */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       None */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (speech) {
+	--speech;
+	}
+    if (bits) {
+	--bits;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+    prepro_(&speech[1], &c__180, st);
+    analys_(&speech[1], voice, &pitch, &rms, rc, st);
+    encode_(voice, &pitch, &rms, rc, &ipitv, &irms, irc);
+    chanwr_(&c__10, &ipitv, &irms, irc, &bits[1], st);
+    return 0;
+} /* lpcenc_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/lpcini.c
@@ -1,0 +1,403 @@
+$Log: lpcini.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:30  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:35:41  jaf
+ * Added functions for allocating and initializing lpc10_encoder_state
+ * and lpc10_decoder_state structures.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:40  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int lpcini_(void);
+/* comlen contrl_ 12 */
+/*:ref: initlpcenc_ 14 0 */
+/*:ref: initlpcdec_ 14 0 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+#include <malloc.h>
+/* Common Block Declarations */
+struct {
+    integer order, lframe;
+    logical corrp;
+} contrl_;
+#define contrl_1 contrl_
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* $Log: lpcini.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:30  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:35:41  jaf
+ * Added functions for allocating and initializing lpc10_encoder_state
+ * and lpc10_decoder_state structures.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:40  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/03/28  00:04:05  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* Initialize COMMON block variables used by LPC-10 encoder and decoder, */
+/* and call initialization routines for both of them. */
+/* Subroutine */ int lpcini_(void)
+/* $Log: lpcini.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:30  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:35:41  jaf
+ * Added functions for allocating and initializing lpc10_encoder_state
+ * and lpc10_decoder_state structures.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:40  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/* $Log: lpcini.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:30  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:35:41  jaf
+ * Added functions for allocating and initializing lpc10_encoder_state
+ * and lpc10_decoder_state structures.
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:40  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:05:55  jaf */
+/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
+/* embedded version. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:50  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:44:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Processing control variables: */
+/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
+/*  Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
+/*    and message and debug outputs. */
+/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
+/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
+/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
+/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
+/* 	integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/*  LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
+/*    Error correction */
+/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
+/* and that value is 10.  It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
+/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as 
+/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
+/* core of the coding and decoding routines.  Actually, I take that back. 
+/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
+/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is 
+/* compared against on each iteration. */
+/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
+/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP.  quant */
+/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
+/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
+/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
+/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
+/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE.  It doesn't affect the speed of the */
+/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is 
+/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
+/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE.  seems like a good */
+/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
+/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable 
+/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
+/* 	integer quant, nbits */
+/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm 
+/*  Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer, 
+/*    Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
+/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
+/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK.  When LPC10 is embedded into */
+/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK, 
+/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
+/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in 
+/* sread.f.  When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
+/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
+/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device.  It could be optionally */
+/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
+/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should 
+/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS.  I doubt that its value */
+/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
+/* embedded. */
+/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* 	integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/* 	common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
+/* 	common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+    contrl_1.order = 10;
+    contrl_1.lframe = 180;
+    contrl_1.corrp = TRUE_;
+    return 0;
+} /* lpcini_ */
+/* Allocate memory for, and initialize, the state that needs to be
+   kept from encoding one frame to the next for a single
+   LPC-10-compressed audio stream.  Return 0 if malloc fails,
+   otherwise return pointer to new structure. */
+struct lpc10_encoder_state *
+    struct lpc10_encoder_state *st;
+    st = (struct lpc10_encoder_state *)
+	malloc((unsigned) sizeof (struct lpc10_encoder_state));
+    if (st != 0) {
+	init_lpc10_encoder_state(st);
+    }
+    return (st);
+void init_lpc10_encoder_state(struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    int i;
+    lpcini_();
+    /* State used only by function hp100 */
+    st->z11 = 0.0f;
+    st->z21 = 0.0f;
+    st->z12 = 0.0f;
+    st->z22 = 0.0f;
+    /* State used by function analys */
+    for (i = 0; i < 540; i++) {
+	st->inbuf[i] = 0.0f;
+	st->pebuf[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 696; i++) {
+	st->lpbuf[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 312; i++) {
+	st->ivbuf[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    st->bias = 0.0f;
+    /* integer osbuf[10];   no initial value necessary */
+    st->osptr = 1;
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+	st->obound[i] = 0;
+    }
+    st->vwin[4] = 307;
+    st->vwin[5] = 462;
+    st->awin[4] = 307;
+    st->awin[5] = 462;
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+	st->voibuf[i] = 0;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+	st->rmsbuf[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
+	st->rcbuf[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    st->zpre = 0.0f;
+    /* State used by function onset */
+    st->n = 0.0f;
+    st->d__ = 1.0f;
+    /* real fpc;    no initial value necessary */
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+	st->l2buf[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    st->l2sum1 = 0.0f;
+    st->l2ptr1 = 1;
+    st->l2ptr2 = 9;
+    /* integer lasti;     no initial value necessary */
+    st->hyst = FALSE_;
+    /* State used by function voicin */
+    st->dither = 20.0f;
+    st->maxmin = 0.0f;
+    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+	st->voice[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    st->lbve = 3000;
+    st->fbve = 3000;
+    st->fbue = 187;
+    st->ofbue = 187;
+    st->sfbue = 187;
+    st->lbue = 93;
+    st->olbue = 93;
+    st->slbue = 93;
+    st->snr = (real) (st->fbve / st->fbue << 6);
+    /* State used by function dyptrk */
+    for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
+	st->s[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 120; i++) {
+	st->p[i] = 0;
+    }
+    st->ipoint = 0;
+    st->alphax = 0.0f;
+    /* State used by function chanwr */
+    st->isync = 0;
+/* Allocate memory for, and initialize, the state that needs to be
+   kept from decoding one frame to the next for a single
+   LPC-10-compressed audio stream.  Return 0 if malloc fails,
+   otherwise return pointer to new structure. */
+struct lpc10_decoder_state *
+    struct lpc10_decoder_state *st;
+    st = (struct lpc10_decoder_state *)
+	malloc((unsigned) sizeof (struct lpc10_decoder_state));
+    if (st != 0) {
+	init_lpc10_decoder_state(st);
+    }
+    return (st);
+void init_lpc10_decoder_state(struct lpc10_decoder_state *st)
+    int i;
+    lpcini_();
+    /* State used by function decode */
+    st->iptold = 60;
+    st->first = TRUE_;
+    st->ivp2h = 0;
+    st->iovoic = 0;
+    st->iavgp = 60;
+    st->erate = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
+	st->drc[i] = 0;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+	st->dpit[i] = 0;
+	st->drms[i] = 0;
+    }
+    /* State used by function synths */
+    for (i = 0; i < 360; i++) {
+	st->buf[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    st->buflen = 180;
+    /* State used by function pitsyn */
+    /* ivoico;    no initial value necessary as long as first_pitsyn is initially TRUE_ */
+    /* ipito;    no initial value necessary as long as first_pitsyn is initially TRUE_ */
+    st->rmso = 1.0f;
+    /* rco[10];    no initial value necessary as long as first_pitsyn is initially TRUE_ */
+    /* integer jsamp;    no initial value necessary as long as first_pitsyn is initially TRUE_ */
+    st->first_pitsyn = TRUE_;
+    /* State used by function bsynz */
+    st->ipo = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < 166; i++) {
+	st->exc[i] = 0.0f;
+	st->exc2[i] = 0.0f;
+    }
+    st->lpi1 = 0.0f;
+    st->lpi2 = 0.0f;
+    st->lpi3 = 0.0f;
+    st->hpi1 = 0.0f;
+    st->hpi2 = 0.0f;
+    st->hpi3 = 0.0f;
+    st->rmso_bsynz = 0.0f;
+    /* State used by function random */
+    st->j = 2;
+    st->k = 5;
+    st->y[0] = (shortint) -21161;
+    st->y[1] = (shortint) -8478;
+    st->y[2] = (shortint) 30892;
+    st->y[3] = (shortint) -10216;
+    st->y[4] = (shortint) 16950;
+    /* State used by function deemp */
+    st->dei1 = 0.0f;
+    st->dei2 = 0.0f;
+    st->deo1 = 0.0f;
+    st->deo2 = 0.0f;
+    st->deo3 = 0.0f;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/lpfilt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,115 @@
+$Log: lpfilt.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:31  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:35  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int lpfilt_(real *inbuf, real *lpbuf, integer *len, integer *nsamp);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* *********************************************************************** */
+/* 	LPFILT Version 55 */
+/* $Log: lpfilt.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:31  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:35  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/15  16:53:49  jaf */
+/* Just put comment header in standard form. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/12  23:58:06  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:47:44  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* *********************************************************************** */
+/*   31 Point Equiripple FIR Low-Pass Filter */
+/*     Linear phase, delay = 15 samples */
+/* 	Passband:  ripple = 0.25 dB, cutoff =  800 Hz */
+/* 	Stopband:  atten. =  40. dB, cutoff = 1240 Hz */
+/* Inputs: */
+/*  LEN    - Length of speech buffers */
+/*  NSAMP  - Number of samples to filter */
+/*  INBUF  - Input speech buffer */
+/*           Indices len-nsamp-29 through len are read. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  LPBUF  - Low passed speech buffer (must be different array than INBUF) */
+/*           Indices len+1-nsamp through len are written. */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int lpfilt_(real *inbuf, real *lpbuf, integer *len, integer *
+	nsamp)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer j;
+    real t;
+/* 	Arguments */
+/* 	Parameters/constants */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       None */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --lpbuf;
+    --inbuf;
+    /* Function Body */
+    i__1 = *len;
+    for (j = *len + 1 - *nsamp; j <= i__1; ++j) {
+	t = (inbuf[j] + inbuf[j - 30]) * -.0097201988f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 1] + inbuf[j - 29]) * -.0105179986f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 2] + inbuf[j - 28]) * -.0083479648f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 3] + inbuf[j - 27]) * 5.860774e-4f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 4] + inbuf[j - 26]) * .0130892089f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 5] + inbuf[j - 25]) * .0217052232f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 6] + inbuf[j - 24]) * .0184161253f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 7] + inbuf[j - 23]) * 3.39723e-4f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 8] + inbuf[j - 22]) * -.0260797087f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 9] + inbuf[j - 21]) * -.0455563702f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 10] + inbuf[j - 20]) * -.040306855f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 11] + inbuf[j - 19]) * 5.029835e-4f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 12] + inbuf[j - 18]) * .0729262903f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 13] + inbuf[j - 17]) * .1572008878f;
+	t += (inbuf[j - 14] + inbuf[j - 16]) * .2247288674f;
+	t += inbuf[j - 15] * .250535965f;
+	lpbuf[j] = t;
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* lpfilt_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/median.c
@@ -1,0 +1,79 @@
+$Log: median.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:37  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:31  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern integer median_(integer *d1, integer *d2, integer *d3);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* 	MEDIAN Version 45G */
+/* $Log: median.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:37  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:31  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/14  22:30:22  jaf */
+/* Just rearranged the comments and local variable declarations a bit. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:47:53  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*  Find median of three values */
+/* Input: */
+/*  D1,D2,D3 - Three input values */
+/* Output: */
+/*  MEDIAN - Median value */
+integer median_(integer *d1, integer *d2, integer *d3)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer ret_val;
+/*       Arguments */
+    ret_val = *d2;
+    if (*d2 > *d1 && *d2 > *d3) {
+	ret_val = *d1;
+	if (*d3 > *d1) {
+	    ret_val = *d3;
+	}
+    } else if (*d2 < *d1 && *d2 < *d3) {
+	ret_val = *d1;
+	if (*d3 < *d1) {
+	    ret_val = *d3;
+	}
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+} /* median_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/mload.c
@@ -1,0 +1,153 @@
+$Log: mload.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:41  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:25  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int mload_(integer *order, integer *awins, integer *awinf, real *speech, real *phi, real *psi);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* 	MLOAD Version 48 */
+/* $Log: mload.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:41  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:25  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/27  23:59:51  jaf */
+/* Added some more accurate comments about which indices of the argument */
+/* array SPEECH are read.  I thought that this might be the cause of a */
+/* problem I've been having, but it isn't. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/26  19:16:53  jaf */
+/* Commented out the code at the end that copied the lower triangular */
+/* half of PHI into the upper triangular half (making the resulting */
+/* matrix symmetric).  The upper triangular half was never used by later */
+/* code in subroutine ANALYS. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/18  21:16:00  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  16:47:41  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:48:01  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* Load a covariance matrix. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  ORDER            - Analysis order */
+/*  AWINS            - Analysis window start */
+/*  AWINF            - Analysis window finish */
+/*  SPEECH(AWINF)    - Speech buffer */
+/*                     Indices MIN(AWINS, AWINF-(ORDER-1)) through */
+/*                             MAX(AWINF, AWINS+(ORDER-1)) read. */
+/*                     As long as (AWINF-AWINS) .GE. (ORDER-1), */
+/*                     this is just indices AWINS through AWINF. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  PHI(ORDER,ORDER) - Covariance matrix */
+/*                    Lower triangular half and diagonal written, and read.*/
+/*                     Upper triangular half untouched. */
+/*  PSI(ORDER)       - Prediction vector */
+/*                     Indices 1 through ORDER written, */
+/*                     and most are read after that. */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int mload_(integer *order, integer *awins, integer *awinf, 
+	real *speech, real *phi, real *psi)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer phi_dim1, phi_offset, i__1, i__2;
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer c__, i__, r__, start;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*   Load first column of triangular covariance matrix PHI */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --psi;
+    phi_dim1 = *order;
+    phi_offset = phi_dim1 + 1;
+    phi -= phi_offset;
+    --speech;
+    /* Function Body */
+    start = *awins + *order;
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (r__ = 1; r__ <= i__1; ++r__) {
+	phi[r__ + phi_dim1] = 0.f;
+	i__2 = *awinf;
+	for (i__ = start; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
+	    phi[r__ + phi_dim1] += speech[i__ - 1] * speech[i__ - r__];
+	}
+    }
+/*   Load last element of vector PSI */
+    psi[*order] = 0.f;
+    i__1 = *awinf;
+    for (i__ = start; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	psi[*order] += speech[i__] * speech[i__ - *order];
+    }
+/*   End correct to get additional columns of PHI */
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (r__ = 2; r__ <= i__1; ++r__) {
+	i__2 = r__;
+	for (c__ = 2; c__ <= i__2; ++c__) {
+	    phi[r__ + c__ * phi_dim1] = phi[r__ - 1 + (c__ - 1) * phi_dim1] - 
+		    speech[*awinf + 1 - r__] * speech[*awinf + 1 - c__] + 
+		    speech[start - r__] * speech[start - c__];
+	}
+    }
+/*   End correct to get additional elements of PSI */
+    i__1 = *order - 1;
+    for (c__ = 1; c__ <= i__1; ++c__) {
+	psi[c__] = phi[c__ + 1 + phi_dim1] - speech[start - 1] * speech[start 
+		- 1 - c__] + speech[*awinf] * speech[*awinf - c__];
+    }
+/*   Copy lower triangular section into upper (why bother?) */
+/*       I'm commenting this out, since the upper triangular half of PHI 
+/*       is never used by later code, unless a sufficiently high level of 
+/*       tracing is turned on. */
+/* 	DO R = 1,ORDER */
+/* 	   DO C = 1,R-1 */
+/* 	      PHI(C,R) = PHI(R,C) */
+/* 	   END DO */
+/* 	END DO */
+    return 0;
+} /* mload_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/onset.c
@@ -1,0 +1,309 @@
+$Log: onset.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:43  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:37:55  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:18  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int onset_(real *pebuf, integer *osbuf, integer *osptr, integer *oslen, integer *sbufl, integer *sbufh, integer *lframe, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Table of constant values */
+static real c_b2 = 1.f;
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+/* 	ONSET Version 49 */
+/* $Log: onset.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:43  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:37:55  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:18  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/15  16:41:01  jaf */
+/* Just rearranged INITONSET assignment orders to be consistent with */
+/* order of DATA statements in ONSET. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/15  15:48:27  jaf */
+/* Changed some comments, and only reordered the DATA statements (their */
+/* meaning wasn't changed). */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/14  23:53:06  jaf */
+/* Added an entry INITONSET that reinitializes the local state variables */
+/* of subroutine ONSET. */
+/* Rearranged quite a few comments, adding more explaining which */
+/* arguments were inputs, and how the modified ones can be changed. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/12  23:53:00  jaf */
+/* Lots of comments added about the local state of this subroutine that */
+/* must be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* One constant 180 replaced with LFRAME, which should be "more general", */
+/* even though it would probably require many more changes than this to */
+/* get this coder to work for other frame sizes. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:48:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+/* 	Floating point version */
+/*   Detection of onsets in (or slightly preceding) the futuremost frame */
+/*   of speech. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  PEBUF(SBUFL:SBUFH)  - Preemphasized speech */
+/*                        Indices SBUFH-LFRAME through SBUFH are read. */
+/*  OSLEN  - Maximum number of onsets that can be stored in OSBUF. */
+/*  SBUFL, SBUFH        - Range of PEBUF */
+/*  LFRAME              - length of a frame, in samples */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  OSBUF(OSLEN) - Buffer which holds sorted indexes of onsets */
+/*                 Indices A through B are modified, where A */
+/*                 is the original value of OSPTR, and B is the final */
+/*                 value of OSPTR-1.  B is at most OSLEN. */
+/*  OSPTR        - Free pointer into OSBUF */
+/*                 Initial value should be .LE. OSLEN+1. */
+/*                 If so, final value grows by one for each new onset */
+/*                 found, and final value will be .LE. OSLEN+1. */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this subroutine, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY INITONSET. */
+/* Subroutine */ int onset_(real *pebuf, integer *osbuf, integer *
+	osptr, integer *oslen, integer *sbufl, integer *sbufh, integer *
+	lframe, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    real *n;
+    real *d__;
+    real *l2buf;
+    real *l2sum1;
+    integer *l2ptr1;
+    integer *l2ptr2;
+    logical *hyst;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer pebuf_offset, i__1;
+    real r__1;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    double r_sign(real *, real *);
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer i__;
+    integer *lasti;
+    real l2sum2;
+    real *fpc;
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: onset.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:43  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:37:55  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:18  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Parameters/constants */
+/*   Parameters for onset detection algorithm: */
+/*    L2		Threshold for filtered slope of FPC (function of L2WID!) */
+/*    L2LAG	Lag due to both filters which compute filtered slope of FPC */
+/*    L2WID	Width of the filter which computes the slope of FPC */
+/*    OSHYST	The number of samples of slope(FPC) which must be below */
+/* 	        the threshold before a new onset may be declared. */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+/*   Variables */
+/*    N, D       Numerator and denominator of prediction filters */
+/*    FPC        Current prediction coefs */
+/*    L2BUF, L2SUM1, L2SUM2    State of slope filter */
+/*       The only "significant" change I've made is to change L2SUM2 out 
+/*       of the list of local variables that need to be saved, since it */
+/*       didn't need to be. */
+/*       L2SUM1 need not be, but avoiding saving it would require a small 
+/*       change to the body of the code.  See comments below for an */
+/*       example of how the code could be changed to avoid saving L2SUM1. 
+/*       FPC and LASTI are saved from one invocation to the next, but */
+/*       they are not given initial values.  This is acceptable, because 
+/*       FPC will be assigned a value the first time that this function */
+/*       is called after D is initialized to 1, since the formula to */
+/*       change D will not change it to 0 in one step, and the IF (D */
+/*       .NE. 0) statement will execute its THEN part, initializing FPC. 
+/*       LASTI's value will not be used until HYST is .TRUE., and */
+/*       whenever HYST is changed from its initial value of .FALSE., */
+/*       LASTI is assigned a value. */
+/*       In a C version of this coder, it would be nice if all of these */
+/*       saved things, in this and all other subroutines, could be stored 
+/*       in a single struct lpc10_coder_state_t, initialized with a call 
+/*       to a function like lpc10_init(&lpc10_coder_state).  In this way, 
+/*       a program that used these functions could conveniently alternate 
+/*       coding more than one distinct audio stream. */
+    n = &(st->n);
+    d__ = &(st->d__);
+    fpc = &(st->fpc);
+    l2buf = &(st->l2buf[0]);
+    l2sum1 = &(st->l2sum1);
+    l2ptr1 = &(st->l2ptr1);
+    l2ptr2 = &(st->l2ptr2);
+    lasti = &(st->lasti);
+    hyst = &(st->hyst);
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (osbuf) {
+	--osbuf;
+	}
+    if (pebuf) {
+	pebuf_offset = *sbufl;
+	pebuf -= pebuf_offset;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+/*       The following line subtracted a hard-coded "180" from LASTI, */
+/*       instead of using a variable like LFRAME or a constant like */
+/*       MAXFRM.  I changed it to LFRAME, for "generality". */
+    if (*hyst) {
+	*lasti -= *lframe;
+    }
+    i__1 = *sbufh;
+    for (i__ = *sbufh - *lframe + 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+/*   Compute FPC; Use old FPC on divide by zero; Clamp FPC to +/- 1. 
+	*n = (pebuf[i__] * pebuf[i__ - 1] + (*n) * 63.f) / 64.f;
+/* Computing 2nd power */
+	r__1 = pebuf[i__ - 1];
+	*d__ = (r__1 * r__1 + (*d__) * 63.f) / 64.f;
+	if ((*d__) != 0.f) {
+	    if (abs(*n) > (*d__)) {
+		*fpc = r_sign(&c_b2, n);
+	    } else {
+		*fpc = (*n) / (*d__);
+	    }
+	}
+/*   Filter FPC */
+/*       In order to allow L2SUM1 not to be saved from one invocation 
+of */
+/*       this subroutine to the next, one could change the sequence of
+ */
+/*       assignments below, up to the IF statement, to the following. 
+ In */
+/*       addition, the initial value of L2PTR2 should be changed to */
+/*       L2WID/2 instead of L2WID/2+1. */
+/*       L2SUM1 = L2BUF(L2PTR2) */
+/*       L2PTR2 = MOD(L2PTR2,L2WID)+1 */
+/*       L2SUM1 = L2SUM1 - L2BUF(L2PTR2) + FPC */
+/*       L2BUF(L2PTR2) = L2SUM1 */
+/* *       The following lines didn't change from the original: */
+/*       L2SUM2 = L2BUF(L2PTR1) */
+/*       L2BUF(L2PTR1) = FPC */
+/*       L2PTR1 = MOD(L2PTR1,L2WID)+1 */
+	l2sum2 = l2buf[*l2ptr1 - 1];
+	*l2sum1 = *l2sum1 - l2buf[*l2ptr2 - 1] + *fpc;
+	l2buf[*l2ptr2 - 1] = *l2sum1;
+	l2buf[*l2ptr1 - 1] = *fpc;
+	*l2ptr1 = *l2ptr1 % 16 + 1;
+	*l2ptr2 = *l2ptr2 % 16 + 1;
+	if ((r__1 = *l2sum1 - l2sum2, abs(r__1)) > 1.7f) {
+	    if (! (*hyst)) {
+/*   Ignore if buffer full */
+		if (*osptr <= *oslen) {
+		    osbuf[*osptr] = i__ - 9;
+		    ++(*osptr);
+		}
+		*hyst = TRUE_;
+	    }
+	    *lasti = i__;
+/*       After one onset detection, at least OSHYST sample times m
+ust go */
+/*       by before another is allowed to occur. */
+	} else if ((*hyst) && i__ - *lasti >= 10) {
+	    *hyst = FALSE_;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* onset_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/pitsyn.c
@@ -1,0 +1,559 @@
+$Log: pitsyn.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:45  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:40:12  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:12  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int pitsyn_(integer *order, integer *voice, integer *pitch, real *rms, real *rc, integer *lframe, integer *ivuv, integer *ipiti, real *rmsi, real *rci, integer *nout, real *ratio, struct lpc10_decoder_state *st);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* 	PITSYN Version 53 */
+/* $Log: pitsyn.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:45  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:40:12  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:12  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/25  18:49:07  jaf */
+/* Added commments about which indices of array arguments are read or */
+/* written. */
+/* Rearranged local variable declarations to indicate which need to be */
+/* saved from one invocation to the next.  Added entry INITPITSYN to */
+/* reinitialize local state variables, if desired. */
+/* Added lots of comments about proving that the maximum number of pitch */
+/* periods (NOUT) that can be returned is 16.  The call to STOP that */
+/* could happen if NOUT got too large was removed as a result. */
+/* Also proved that the total number of samples returned from N calls, */
+/* each with identical values of LFRAME, will always be in the range */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:48:18  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/*   Synthesize a single pitch epoch */
+/* Input: */
+/*  ORDER  - Synthesis order (number of RC's) */
+/*  VOICE  - Half frame voicing decisions */
+/*           Indices 1 through 2 read. */
+/*  LFRAME - Length of speech buffer */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  PITCH  - Pitch */
+/*           This value should be in the range MINPIT (20) to MAXPIT */
+/*           (156), inclusive. */
+/*           PITCH can be modified under some conditions. */
+/*  RMS    - Energy  (can be modified) */
+/*           RMS is changed to 1 if the value passed in is less than 1. */
+/*  RC     - Reflection coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER can be temporarily overwritten with */
+/*           RCO, and then replaced with original values, under some */
+/*           conditions. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  IVUV   - Pitch epoch voicing decisions */
+/*           Indices (I) of IVUV, IPITI, and RMSI are written, */
+/*           and indices (J,I) of RCI are written, */
+/*           where I ranges from 1 to NOUT, and J ranges from 1 to ORDER. */
+/*  IPITI  - Pitch epoch length */
+/*  RMSI   - Pitch epoch energy */
+/*  RCI    - Pitch epoch RC's */
+/*  NOUT   - Number of pitch periods in this frame */
+/*           This is at least 0, at least 1 if MAXPIT .LT. LFRAME (this */
+/*           is currently true on every call), and can never be more than */
+/*           (LFRAME+MAXPIT-1)/PITCH, which is currently 16 with */
+/*           LFRAME=180, MAXPIT=156, and PITCH .GE. 20, as SYNTHS */
+/*           guarantees when it calls this subroutine. */
+/*  RATIO  - Previous to present energy ratio */
+/*           Always assigned a value. */
+/* Subroutine */ int pitsyn_(integer *order, integer *voice, 
+	integer *pitch, real *rms, real *rc, integer *lframe, integer *ivuv, 
+	integer *ipiti, real *rmsi, real *rci, integer *nout, real *ratio,
+			       struct lpc10_decoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    real *rmso;
+    logical *first;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer rci_dim1, rci_offset, i__1, i__2;
+    real r__1;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    double log(doublereal), exp(doublereal);
+    /* Local variables */
+    real alrn, alro, yarc[10], prop;
+    integer i__, j, vflag, jused, lsamp;
+    integer *jsamp;
+    real slope;
+    integer *ipito;
+    real uvpit;
+    integer ip, nl, ivoice;
+    integer *ivoico;
+    integer istart;
+    real *rco;
+    real xxy;
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: pitsyn.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:45  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:40:12  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:12  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       LSAMP is initialized in the IF (FIRST) THEN clause, but it is */
+/*       not used the first time through, and it is given a value before 
+/*       use whenever FIRST is .FALSE., so it appears unnecessary to */
+/*       assign it a value when FIRST is .TRUE. */
+/*       Local state */
+/* FIRST  - .TRUE. only on first call to PITSYN. */
+/* IVOICO - Previous VOICE(2) value. */
+/* IPITO  - Previous PITCH value. */
+/* RMSO   - Previous RMS value. */
+/* RCO    - Previous RC values. */
+/* JSAMP  - If this routine is called N times with identical values of */
+/*          LFRAME, then the total length of all pitch periods returned */
+/*          is always N*LFRAME-JSAMP, and JSAMP is always in the range 0 
+/*          to MAXPIT-1 (see below for why this is so).  Thus JSAMP is */
+/*          the number of samples "left over" from the previous call to */
+/*          PITSYN, that haven't been "used" in a pitch period returned */
+/*          from this subroutine.  Every time this subroutine is called, 
+/*          it returns pitch periods with a total length of at most */
+/*          LFRAME+JSAMP. */
+/* IVOICO, IPITO, RCO, and JSAMP need not be assigned an initial value */
+/* with a DATA statement, because they are always initialized on the */
+/* first call to PITSYN. */
+/* FIRST and RMSO should be initialized with DATA statements, because */
+/* even on the first call, they are used before being initialized. */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (rc) {
+	--rc;
+	}
+    if (rci) {
+	rci_dim1 = *order;
+	rci_offset = rci_dim1 + 1;
+	rci -= rci_offset;
+	}
+    if (voice) {
+	--voice;
+	}
+    if (ivuv) {
+	--ivuv;
+	}
+    if (ipiti) {
+	--ipiti;
+	}
+    if (rmsi) {
+	--rmsi;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+    ivoico = &(st->ivoico);
+    ipito = &(st->ipito);
+    rmso = &(st->rmso);
+    rco = &(st->rco[0]);
+    jsamp = &(st->jsamp);
+    first = &(st->first_pitsyn);
+    if (*rms < 1.f) {
+	*rms = 1.f;
+    }
+    if (*rmso < 1.f) {
+	*rmso = 1.f;
+    }
+    uvpit = 0.f;
+    *ratio = *rms / (*rmso + 8.f);
+    if (*first) {
+	lsamp = 0;
+	ivoice = voice[2];
+	if (ivoice == 0) {
+	    *pitch = *lframe / 4;
+	}
+	*nout = *lframe / *pitch;
+	*jsamp = *lframe - *nout * *pitch;
+/*          SYNTHS only calls this subroutine with PITCH in the range 
+20 */
+/*          to 156.  LFRAME = MAXFRM = 180, so NOUT is somewhere in th
+e */
+/*          range 1 to 9. */
+/*          JSAMP is "LFRAME mod PITCH", so it is in the range 0 to */
+/*          (PITCH-1), or 0 to MAXPIT-1=155, after the first call. */
+	i__1 = *nout;
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	    i__2 = *order;
+	    for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+		rci[j + i__ * rci_dim1] = rc[j];
+	    }
+	    ivuv[i__] = ivoice;
+	    ipiti[i__] = *pitch;
+	    rmsi[i__] = *rms;
+	}
+	*first = FALSE_;
+    } else {
+	vflag = 0;
+	lsamp = *lframe + *jsamp;
+	slope = (*pitch - *ipito) / (real) lsamp;
+	*nout = 0;
+	jused = 0;
+	istart = 1;
+	if (voice[1] == *ivoico && voice[2] == voice[1]) {
+	    if (voice[2] == 0) {
+/* SSUV - -   0  ,  0  ,  0 */
+		*pitch = *lframe / 4;
+		*ipito = *pitch;
+		if (*ratio > 8.f) {
+		    *rmso = *rms;
+		}
+	    }
+/* SSVC - -   1  ,  1  ,  1 */
+	    slope = (*pitch - *ipito) / (real) lsamp;
+	    ivoice = voice[2];
+	} else {
+	    if (*ivoico != 1) {
+		if (*ivoico == voice[1]) {
+/* UV2VC2 - -  0  ,  0  ,  1 */
+		    nl = lsamp - *lframe / 4;
+		} else {
+/* UV2VC1 - -  0  ,  1  ,  1 */
+		    nl = lsamp - *lframe * 3 / 4;
+		}
+		ipiti[1] = nl / 2;
+		ipiti[2] = nl - ipiti[1];
+		ivuv[1] = 0;
+		ivuv[2] = 0;
+		rmsi[1] = *rmso;
+		rmsi[2] = *rmso;
+		i__1 = *order;
+		for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+		    rci[i__ + rci_dim1] = rco[i__ - 1];
+		    rci[i__ + (rci_dim1 << 1)] = rco[i__ - 1];
+		    rco[i__ - 1] = rc[i__];
+		}
+		slope = 0.f;
+		*nout = 2;
+		*ipito = *pitch;
+		jused = nl;
+		istart = nl + 1;
+		ivoice = 1;
+	    } else {
+		if (*ivoico != voice[1]) {
+/* VC2UV1 - -   1  ,  0  ,  0 */
+		    lsamp = *lframe / 4 + *jsamp;
+		} else {
+/* VC2UV2 - -   1  ,  1  ,  0 */
+		    lsamp = *lframe * 3 / 4 + *jsamp;
+		}
+		i__1 = *order;
+		for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+		    yarc[i__ - 1] = rc[i__];
+		    rc[i__] = rco[i__ - 1];
+		}
+		ivoice = 1;
+		slope = 0.f;
+		vflag = 1;
+	    }
+	}
+/* Here is the value of most variables that are used below, depending 
+on */
+/* the values of IVOICO, VOICE(1), and VOICE(2).  VOICE(1) and VOICE(2
+) */
+/* are input arguments, and IVOICO is the value of VOICE(2) on the */
+/* previous call (see notes for the IF (NOUT .NE. 0) statement near th
+e */
+/* end).  Each of these three values is either 0 or 1.  These three */
+/* values below are given as 3-bit long strings, in the order IVOICO, 
+/* VOICE(1), and VOICE(2).  It appears that the code above assumes tha
+t */
+/* the bit sequences 010 and 101 never occur, but I wonder whether a 
+/* large enough number of bit errors in the channel could cause such a
+ */
+/* thing to happen, and if so, could that cause NOUT to ever go over 1
+1? */
+/* Note that all of the 180 values in the table are really LFRAME, but
+ */
+/* 180 has fewer characters, and it makes the table a little more */
+/* concrete.  If LFRAME is ever changed, keep this in mind.  Similarly
+, */
+/* 135's are 3*LFRAME/4, and 45's are LFRAME/4.  If LFRAME is not a */
+/* multiple of 4, then the 135 for NL-JSAMP is actually LFRAME-LFRAME/
+4, */
+/* and the 45 for NL-JSAMP is actually LFRAME-3*LFRAME/4. */
+/* Note that LSAMP-JSAMP is given as the variable.  This was just for 
+/* brevity, to avoid adding "+JSAMP" to all of the column entries. */
+/* Similarly for NL-JSAMP. */
+/* Variable    | 000  001    011,010  111       110       100,101 */
+/* ------------+-------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ISTART      | 1    NL+1   NL+1     1         1         1 */
+/* LSAMP-JSAMP | 180  180    180      180       135       45 */
+/* IPITO       | 45   PITCH  PITCH    oldPITCH  oldPITCH  oldPITCH */
+/* SLOPE       | 0    0      0        seebelow  0         0 */
+/* JUSED       | 0    NL     NL       0         0         0 */
+/* PITCH       | 45   PITCH  PITCH    PITCH     PITCH     PITCH */
+/* NL-JSAMP    | --   135    45       --        --        -- */
+/* VFLAG       | 0    0      0        0         1         1 */
+/* NOUT        | 0    2      2        0         0         0 */
+/* IVOICE      | 0    1      1        1         1         1 */
+/* while_loop  | once once   once     once      twice     twice */
+/* ISTART      | --   --     --       --        JUSED+1   JUSED+1 */
+/* LSAMP-JSAMP | --   --     --       --        180       180 */
+/* IPITO       | --   --     --       --        oldPITCH  oldPITCH */
+/* SLOPE       | --   --     --       --        0         0 */
+/* JUSED       | --   --     --       --        ??        ?? */
+/* PITCH       | --   --     --       --        PITCH     PITCH */
+/* NL-JSAMP    | --   --     --       --        --        -- */
+/* VFLAG       | --   --     --       --        0         0 */
+/* NOUT        | --   --     --       --        ??        ?? */
+/* IVOICE      | --   --     --       --        0         0 */
+/* UVPIT is always 0.0 on the first pass through the DO WHILE (.TRUE.)
+ */
+/* loop below. */
+/* The only possible non-0 value of SLOPE (in column 111) is */
+/* Column 101 is identical to 100.  Any good properties we can prove 
+/* for 100 will also hold for 101.  Similarly for 010 and 011. */
+/* SYNTHS calls this subroutine with PITCH restricted to the range 20 
+to */
+/* 156.  IPITO is similarly restricted to this range, after the first 
+/* call.  IP below is also restricted to this range, given the */
+/* definitions of IPITO, SLOPE, UVPIT, and that I is in the range ISTA
+RT */
+/* to LSAMP. */
+	while(TRUE_) {
+/*             JUSED is the total length of all pitch periods curr
+ently */
+/*             in the output arrays, in samples. */
+/*             An invariant of the DO I = ISTART,LSAMP loop below,
+ under */
+/*             the condition that IP is always in the range 1 thro
+ugh */
+/*             MAXPIT, is: */
+/*             (I - MAXPIT) .LE. JUSED .LE. (I-1) */
+/*             Note that the final value of I is LSAMP+1, so that 
+after */
+/*             the DO loop is complete, we know: */
+/*             (LSAMP - MAXPIT + 1) .LE. JUSED .LE. LSAMP */
+	    i__1 = lsamp;
+	    for (i__ = istart; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+		r__1 = *ipito + slope * i__;
+		ip = r__1 + .5f;
+		if (uvpit != 0.f) {
+		    ip = uvpit;
+		}
+		if (ip <= i__ - jused) {
+		    ++(*nout);
+/*                   The following check is no longer nece
+ssary, now that */
+/*                   we can prove that NOUT will never go 
+over 16. */
+/* 		    IF (NOUT .GT. 16) STOP 'PITSYN: too many epochs' 
+		    ipiti[*nout] = ip;
+		    *pitch = ip;
+		    ivuv[*nout] = ivoice;
+		    jused += ip;
+		    prop = (jused - ip / 2) / (real) lsamp;
+		    i__2 = *order;
+		    for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+			alro = log((rco[j - 1] + 1) / (1 - rco[j - 1]));
+			alrn = log((rc[j] + 1) / (1 - rc[j]));
+			xxy = alro + prop * (alrn - alro);
+			xxy = exp(xxy);
+			rci[j + *nout * rci_dim1] = (xxy - 1) / (xxy + 1);
+		    }
+		    rmsi[*nout] = log(*rmso) + prop * (log(*rms) - log(*rmso));
+		    rmsi[*nout] = exp(rmsi[*nout]);
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (vflag != 1) {
+		goto L100;
+	    }
+/*             I want to prove what range UVPIT must lie in after 
+the */
+/*             assignments to it below.  To do this, I must determ
+ine */
+/*             what range (LSAMP-ISTART) must lie in, after the */
+/*             assignments to ISTART and LSAMP below. */
+/*             Let oldLSAMP be the value of LSAMP at this point in
+ the */
+/*             execution.  This is 135+JSAMP in state 110, or 45+J
+SAMP in */
+/*             states 100 or 101. */
+/*             Given the loop invariant on JUSED above, we know th
+at: */
+/*             (oldLSAMP - MAXPIT + 1) .LE. JUSED .LE. oldLSAMP */
+/*             ISTART is one more than this. */
+/*             Let newLSAMP be the value assigned to LSAMP below. 
+ This */
+/*             is 180+JSAMP.  Thus (newLSAMP-oldLSAMP) is either 4
+5 or */
+/*             135, depending on the state. */
+/*             Thus, the range of newLSAMP-ISTART is: */
+/*             (newLSAMP-(oldLSAMP+1)) .LE. newLSAMP-ISTART */
+/*             .LE. (newLSAMP-(oldLSAMP - MAXPIT + 2)) */
+/*             or: */
+/*             46 .LE. newLSAMP-ISTART .LE. 133+MAXPIT .EQ. 289 */
+/*             Therefore, UVPIT is in the range 23 to 144 after th
+e first */
+/*             assignment to UVPIT below, and after the conditiona
+l */
+/*             assignment, it is in the range 23 to 90. */
+/*             The important thing is that it is in the range 20 t
+o 156, */
+/*             so that in the loop above, IP is always in this ran
+ge. */
+	    vflag = 0;
+	    istart = jused + 1;
+	    lsamp = *lframe + *jsamp;
+	    slope = 0.f;
+	    ivoice = 0;
+	    uvpit = (real) ((lsamp - istart) / 2);
+	    if (uvpit > 90.f) {
+		uvpit /= 2;
+	    }
+	    *rmso = *rms;
+	    i__1 = *order;
+	    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+		rc[i__] = yarc[i__ - 1];
+		rco[i__ - 1] = yarc[i__ - 1];
+	    }
+	}
+	*jsamp = lsamp - jused;
+    }
+/*       Given that the maximum pitch period MAXPIT .LT. LFRAME (this is 
+/*       currently true on every call, since SYNTHS always sets */
+/*       LFRAME=180), NOUT will always be .GE. 1 at this point. */
+    if (*nout != 0) {
+	*ivoico = voice[2];
+	*ipito = *pitch;
+	*rmso = *rms;
+	i__1 = *order;
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	    rco[i__ - 1] = rc[i__];
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* pitsyn_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/placea.c
@@ -1,0 +1,220 @@
+$Log: placea.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:47  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:07  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int placea_(integer *ipitch, integer *voibuf, integer *obound, integer *af, integer *vwin, integer *awin, integer *ewin, integer *lframe, integer *maxwin);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* *********************************************************************** */
+/* 	PLACEA Version 48 */
+/* $Log: placea.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:47  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:07  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/19  20:41:55  jaf */
+/* Added some conditions satisfied by the output values in EWIN. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/19  20:24:17  jaf */
+/* Added some conditions satisfied by the output values in AWIN. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/18  21:40:04  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  16:43:09  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:48:31  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* *********************************************************************** */
+/* Input: */
+/*  IPITCH */
+/*  VOIBUF */
+/*          Indices (2,AF-2), (1,AF-1), (2,AF-1), (1,AF), and (2,AF) read.*/
+/*           All other indices untouched. */
+/*  OBOUND */
+/*  AF */
+/*  VWIN */
+/*           Indices (1,AF) and (2,AF) read. */
+/*           All other indices untouched. */
+/*  LFRAME */
+/*  MAXWIN */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  AWIN */
+/*           Index (1,AF-1) read. */
+/*           Indices (1,AF) and (2,AF) written, and then read. */
+/*           All other indices untouched. */
+/*           In all cases (except possibly one), the final values will */
+/*           satisfy the condition: AWIN(2,AF)-AWIN(1,AF)+1 = MAXWIN. */
+/*           In that other case, */
+/*           AWIN(1,AF)=VWIN(1,AF) and AWIN(2,AF)=VWIN(2,AF). */
+/* Output: */
+/*  EWIN */
+/*           Indices (1,AF) and (2,AF) written. */
+/*           All other indices untouched. */
+/*           In all cases, the final values will satisfy the condition: */
+/*           AWIN(1,AF) .LE. EWIN(1,AF) .LE. EWIN(2,AF) .LE. AWIN(2,AF) */
+/*           In other words, the energy window is a sub-window of */
+/*           the analysis window. */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int placea_(integer *ipitch, integer *voibuf, integer *
+	obound, integer *af, integer *vwin, integer *awin, integer *ewin, 
+	integer *lframe, integer *maxwin)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    real r__1;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    integer i_nint(real *);
+    /* Local variables */
+    logical allv, winv;
+    integer i__, j, k, l, hrange;
+    logical ephase;
+    integer lrange;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    ewin -= 3;
+    awin -= 3;
+    vwin -= 3;
+    --voibuf;
+    /* Function Body */
+    lrange = (*af - 2) * *lframe + 1;
+    hrange = *af * *lframe;
+/*   Place the Analysis window based on the voicing window */
+/*   placement, onsets, tentative voicing decision, and pitch. */
+/*   Case 1:  Sustained Voiced Speech */
+/*   If the five most recent voicing decisions are */
+/*   voiced, then the window is placed phase-synchronously with the */
+/*   previous window, as close to the present voicing window if possible. 
+/*   If onsets bound the voicing window, then preference is given to */
+/*   a phase-synchronous placement which does not overlap these onsets. */
+/*   Case 2:  Voiced Transition */
+/*   If at least one voicing decision in AF is voicied, and there are no 
+/*   onsets, then the window is placed as in case 1. */
+/*   Case 3:  Unvoiced Speech or Onsets */
+/*   If both voicing decisions in AF are unvoiced, or there are onsets, */
+/*   then the window is placed coincident with the voicing window. */
+/*   Note:  During phase-synchronous placement of windows, the length */
+/*   is not altered from MAXWIN, since this would defeat the purpose */
+/*   of phase-synchronous placement. */
+/* Check for case 1 and case 2 */
+    allv = voibuf[(*af - 2 << 1) + 2] == 1;
+    allv = allv && voibuf[(*af - 1 << 1) + 1] == 1;
+    allv = allv && voibuf[(*af - 1 << 1) + 2] == 1;
+    allv = allv && voibuf[(*af << 1) + 1] == 1;
+    allv = allv && voibuf[(*af << 1) + 2] == 1;
+    winv = voibuf[(*af << 1) + 1] == 1 || voibuf[(*af << 1) + 2] == 1;
+    if (allv || winv && *obound == 0) {
+/* APHASE:  Phase synchronous window placement. */
+/* Get minimum lower index of the window. */
+	i__ = (lrange + *ipitch - 1 - awin[(*af - 1 << 1) + 1]) / *ipitch;
+	i__ *= *ipitch;
+	i__ += awin[(*af - 1 << 1) + 1];
+/* L = the actual length of this frame's analysis window. */
+	l = *maxwin;
+/* Calculate the location where a perfectly centered window would star
+t. */
+	k = (vwin[(*af << 1) + 1] + vwin[(*af << 1) + 2] + 1 - l) / 2;
+/* Choose the actual location to be the pitch multiple closest to this
+. */
+	r__1 = (real) (k - i__) / *ipitch;
+	awin[(*af << 1) + 1] = i__ + i_nint(&r__1) * *ipitch;
+	awin[(*af << 1) + 2] = awin[(*af << 1) + 1] + l - 1;
+/* If there is an onset bounding the right of the voicing window and t
+he */
+/* analysis window overlaps that, then move the analysis window backwa
+rd */
+/* to avoid this onset. */
+	if (*obound >= 2 && awin[(*af << 1) + 2] > vwin[(*af << 1) + 2]) {
+	    awin[(*af << 1) + 1] -= *ipitch;
+	    awin[(*af << 1) + 2] -= *ipitch;
+	}
+/* Similarly for the left of the voicing window. */
+	if ((*obound == 1 || *obound == 3) && awin[(*af << 1) + 1] < vwin[(*
+		af << 1) + 1]) {
+	    awin[(*af << 1) + 1] += *ipitch;
+	    awin[(*af << 1) + 2] += *ipitch;
+	}
+/* If this placement puts the analysis window above HRANGE, then */
+/* move it backward an integer number of pitch periods. */
+	while(awin[(*af << 1) + 2] > hrange) {
+	    awin[(*af << 1) + 1] -= *ipitch;
+	    awin[(*af << 1) + 2] -= *ipitch;
+	}
+/* Similarly if the placement puts the analysis window below LRANGE. 
+	while(awin[(*af << 1) + 1] < lrange) {
+	    awin[(*af << 1) + 1] += *ipitch;
+	    awin[(*af << 1) + 2] += *ipitch;
+	}
+/* Make Energy window be phase-synchronous. */
+	ephase = TRUE_;
+/* Case 3 */
+    } else {
+	awin[(*af << 1) + 1] = vwin[(*af << 1) + 1];
+	awin[(*af << 1) + 2] = vwin[(*af << 1) + 2];
+	ephase = FALSE_;
+    }
+/* RMS is computed over an integer number of pitch periods in the analysis
+ */
+/*window.  When it is not placed phase-synchronously, it is placed as clos
+/* as possible to onsets. */
+    j = (awin[(*af << 1) + 2] - awin[(*af << 1) + 1] + 1) / *ipitch * *ipitch;
+    if (j == 0 || ! winv) {
+	ewin[(*af << 1) + 1] = vwin[(*af << 1) + 1];
+	ewin[(*af << 1) + 2] = vwin[(*af << 1) + 2];
+    } else if (! ephase && *obound == 2) {
+	ewin[(*af << 1) + 1] = awin[(*af << 1) + 2] - j + 1;
+	ewin[(*af << 1) + 2] = awin[(*af << 1) + 2];
+    } else {
+	ewin[(*af << 1) + 1] = awin[(*af << 1) + 1];
+	ewin[(*af << 1) + 2] = awin[(*af << 1) + 1] + j - 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* placea_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/placev.c
@@ -1,0 +1,259 @@
+$Log: placev.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:53  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:02  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int placev_(integer *osbuf, integer *osptr, integer *oslen, integer *obound, integer *vwin, integer *af, integer *lframe, integer *minwin, integer *maxwin, integer *dvwinl, integer *dvwinh);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+/* 	PLACEV Version 48 */
+/* $Log: placev.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:53  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:31:02  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.6  1996/03/19  20:42:19  jaf */
+/* Added some conditions satisfied by the output values in VWIN. */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/19  18:37:56  jaf */
+/* Strengthened the specification of which indices of VWIN are read and */
+/* written. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/15  16:38:33  jaf */
+/* One tiny comment added. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/15  16:36:13  jaf */
+/* Added comments giving In/Out status of arguments. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/12  23:56:01  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:48:39  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ****************************************************************** */
+/* Input: */
+/*  OSBUF	Buffer which holds sorted indexes of onsets */
+/*       	I believe that only indices 1 through OSPTR-1 can be read. */
+/*  OSLEN */
+/*  OSPTR	Free pointer into OSBUF */
+/*  AF */
+/*  LFRAME */
+/*  MINWIN */
+/*  MAXWIN */
+/*  DVWINL */
+/*  DVWINH	(This argument is never used.  Should it be?) */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  VWIN		Buffer of Voicing Window Positions (Modified) */
+/*       	Index (2,AF-1) is read. */
+/*       	Indices (1,AF) and (2,AF) are written, */
+/*       	and then possibly read. */
+/*       	All other indices are unused. */
+/*              In all cases, the final values will satsify the condition:*/
+/*               VWIN(2,AF)-VWIN(1,AF)+1 .LE. MAXWIN */
+/*               I'm not certain yet, but they may also satisfy: */
+/*               MINWIN .LE. VWIN(2,AF)-VWIN(1,AF)+1 */
+/* Output: */
+/*  OBOUND	This variable is set by this procedure and used */
+/* 		in placing analysis windows (PLACEA).  Bit 1 */
+/* 		indicates whether an onset bounds the left side */
+/* 		of the voicing window, and bit 2 indicates whether */
+/* 		an onset bounds the right side of the voicing window. */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int placev_(integer *osbuf, integer *osptr, integer *oslen, 
+	integer *obound, integer *vwin, integer *af, integer *lframe, integer 
+	*minwin, integer *maxwin, integer *dvwinl, integer *dvwinh)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1, i__2;
+    /* Local variables */
+    logical crit;
+    integer i__, q, osptr1, hrange, lrange;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*   Variables */
+/*    LRANGE, HRANGE  Range in which window is placed */
+/*    OSPTR1     OSPTR excluding samples in 3F */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       None */
+/*   Voicing Window Placement */
+/*         __________________ __________________ ______________ */
+/*        |                  |                  | */
+/*        |        1F        |        2F        |        3F ... */
+/*        |__________________|__________________|______________ */
+/*    Previous | */
+/*      Window | */
+/*  ...________| */
+/*             |                                | */
+/*      ------>| This window's placement range  |<------ */
+/*             |                                | */
+/*   There are three cases.  Note that these are different from those */
+/*   given in the LPC-10e phase 1 report. */
+/*   1.  If there are no onsets in this range, then the voicing window */
+/*   is centered in the pitch window.  If such a placement is not within 
+/*   the window's placement range, then the window is placed in the left- 
+/*   most portion of the placement range.  Its length is always MAXWIN. */
+/*   2.  If the first onset is in 2F and there is sufficient room to place
+ */
+/*   the window immediately before this onset, then the window is placed 
+/*   there, and its length is set to the maximum possible under these */
+/*   constraints. */
+/* 	"Critical Region Exception":  If there is another onset in 2F */
+/* 	such that a window can be placed between the two onsets, the */
+/* 	window is placed there (ie, as in case 3). */
+/*   3.  Otherwise, the window is placed immediately after the onset.  The
+ */
+/*   window's length */
+/*  is the longest length that can fit in the range under these constraint
+/*  except that the window may be shortened even further to avoid overlapp
+/*  other onsets in the placement range.  In any case, the window's length
+/*   is at least MINWIN. */
+/*   Note that the values of MINWIN and LFRAME must be chosen such */
+/*   that case 2 = false implies case 3 = true.   This means that */
+/*   MINWIN <= LFRAME/2.  If this were not the case, then a fourth case */
+/*   would have to be added for when the window cannot fit either before 
+/*   or after the onset. */
+/*   Note also that onsets which weren't in 2F last time may be in 1F this
+ */
+/*  time, due to the filter delays in computing onsets.  The result is tha
+/*   occasionally a voicing window will overlap that onset.  The only way 
+/*   to circumvent this problem is to add more delay in processing input 
+/*   speech.  In the trade-off between delay and window-placement, window 
+/*   placement lost. */
+/* Compute the placement range */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --osbuf;
+    vwin -= 3;
+    /* Function Body */
+/* Computing MAX */
+    i__1 = vwin[(*af - 1 << 1) + 2] + 1, i__2 = (*af - 2) * *lframe + 1;
+    lrange = max(i__1,i__2);
+    hrange = *af * *lframe;
+/* Compute OSPTR1, so the following code only looks at relevant onsets. */
+    for (osptr1 = *osptr - 1; osptr1 >= 1; --osptr1) {
+	if (osbuf[osptr1] <= hrange) {
+	    goto L90;
+	}
+    }
+    ++osptr1;
+/* Check for case 1 first (fast case): */
+    if (osptr1 <= 1 || osbuf[osptr1 - 1] < lrange) {
+/* Computing MAX */
+	i__1 = vwin[(*af - 1 << 1) + 2] + 1;
+	vwin[(*af << 1) + 1] = max(i__1,*dvwinl);
+	vwin[(*af << 1) + 2] = vwin[(*af << 1) + 1] + *maxwin - 1;
+	*obound = 0;
+    } else {
+/* Search backward in OSBUF for first onset in range. */
+/* This code relies on the above check being performed first. */
+	for (q = osptr1 - 1; q >= 1; --q) {
+	    if (osbuf[q] < lrange) {
+		goto L100;
+	    }
+	}
+	++q;
+/* Check for case 2 (placement before onset): */
+/* Check for critical region exception: */
+	i__1 = osptr1 - 1;
+	for (i__ = q + 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	    if (osbuf[i__] - osbuf[q] >= *minwin) {
+		crit = TRUE_;
+		goto L105;
+	    }
+	}
+	crit = FALSE_;
+/* Computing MAX */
+	i__1 = (*af - 1) * *lframe, i__2 = lrange + *minwin - 1;
+	if (! crit && osbuf[q] > max(i__1,i__2)) {
+	    vwin[(*af << 1) + 2] = osbuf[q] - 1;
+/* Computing MAX */
+	    i__1 = lrange, i__2 = vwin[(*af << 1) + 2] - *maxwin + 1;
+	    vwin[(*af << 1) + 1] = max(i__1,i__2);
+	    *obound = 2;
+/* Case 3 (placement after onset) */
+	} else {
+	    vwin[(*af << 1) + 1] = osbuf[q];
+	    ++q;
+	    if (q >= osptr1) {
+		goto L120;
+	    }
+	    if (osbuf[q] > vwin[(*af << 1) + 1] + *maxwin) {
+		goto L120;
+	    }
+	    if (osbuf[q] < vwin[(*af << 1) + 1] + *minwin) {
+		goto L110;
+	    }
+	    vwin[(*af << 1) + 2] = osbuf[q] - 1;
+	    *obound = 3;
+	    return 0;
+/* Computing MIN */
+	    i__1 = vwin[(*af << 1) + 1] + *maxwin - 1;
+	    vwin[(*af << 1) + 2] = min(i__1,hrange);
+	    *obound = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* placev_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/preemp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,134 @@
+$Log: preemp.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:56  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:58  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int preemp_(real *inbuf, real *pebuf, integer *nsamp, real *coef, real *z__);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ******************************************************************* */
+/* 	PREEMP Version 55 */
+/* $Log: preemp.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:57:56  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:58  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/14  23:16:29  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/11  23:23:34  jaf */
+/* Added a bunch of comments to an otherwise simple subroutine. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:48:48  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ******************************************************************* */
+/*   Preemphasize speech with a single-zero filter. */
+/*  (When coef = .9375, preemphasis is as in LPC43.) */
+/* Inputs: */
+/*  NSAMP  - Number of samples to filter */
+/*  INBUF  - Input speech buffer */
+/*           Indices 1 through NSAMP are read. */
+/*  COEF   - Preemphasis coefficient */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  Z      - Filter state */
+/* Output: */
+/*  PEBUF  - Preemphasized speech buffer (can be equal to INBUF) */
+/*           Indices 1 through NSAMP are modified. */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int preemp_(real *inbuf, real *pebuf, integer *nsamp, real *
+	coef, real *z__)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    real temp;
+    integer i__;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables */
+/*       None of these need to have their values saved from one */
+/*       invocation to the next. */
+/*       Logically, this subroutine computes the output sequence */
+/*       pebuf(1:nsamp) defined by: */
+/*       pebuf(i) = inbuf(i) - coef * inbuf(i-1) */
+/*       where inbuf(0) is defined by the value of z given as input to */
+/*       this subroutine. */
+/*       What is this filter's frequency response and phase response? */
+/*       Why is this filter applied to the speech? */
+/*       Could it be more efficient to apply multiple filters */
+/*       simultaneously, by combining them into one equivalent filter? */
+/*       Are there ever cases when "factoring" one high-order filter into 
+/*       multiple smaller-order filter actually reduces the number of */
+/*       arithmetic operations needed to perform them? */
+/*       When I first read this subroutine, I didn't understand why the */
+/*       variable temp was used.  It seemed that the statements in the do 
+/*       loop could be replaced with the following: */
+/*           pebuf(i) = inbuf(i) - coef * z */
+/*           z = inbuf(i) */
+/*       The reason for temp is so that even if pebuf and inbuf are the */
+/*       same arrays in memory (i.e., they are aliased), then this */
+/*       subroutine will still work correctly.  I didn't realize this */
+/*       until seeing the comment after PEBUF above that says "(can be */
+/*       equal to INBUF)". */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --pebuf;
+    --inbuf;
+    /* Function Body */
+    i__1 = *nsamp;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	temp = inbuf[i__] - *coef * *z__;
+	*z__ = inbuf[i__];
+	pebuf[i__] = temp;
+/* L10: */
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* preemp_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/prepro.c
@@ -1,0 +1,107 @@
+$Log: prepro.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:00  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:40:51  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:54  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int prepro_(real *speech, integer *length,
+		   struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+/*:ref: hp100_ 14 3 6 4 4 */
+/*:ref: inithp100_ 14 0 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Table of constant values */
+static integer c__1 = 1;
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* 	PREPRO Version 48 */
+/* $Log: prepro.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:00  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:40:51  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:54  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/14  23:22:56  jaf */
+/* Added comments about when INITPREPRO should be used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/14  23:09:27  jaf */
+/* Added an entry named INITPREPRO that initializes the local state of */
+/* this subroutine, and those it calls (if any). */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:48:54  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*    Pre-process input speech: */
+/* Inputs: */
+/*  LENGTH - Number of SPEECH samples */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  SPEECH(LENGTH) - Speech data. */
+/*                   Indices 1 through LENGTH are read and modified. */
+/* This subroutine has no local state maintained from one call to the */
+/* next, but HP100 does.  If you want to switch to using a new audio */
+/* stream for this filter, or reinitialize its state for any other */
+/* reason, call the ENTRY INITPREPRO. */
+/* Subroutine */ int prepro_(real *speech, integer *length,
+			     struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int hp100_(real *, integer *, integer *, struct lpc10_encoder_state *);
+/*       Arguments */
+/*   High Pass Filter at 100 Hz */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (speech) {
+	--speech;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+    hp100_(&speech[1], &c__1, length, st);
+    return 0;
+} /* prepro_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/random.c
@@ -1,0 +1,115 @@
+$Log: random.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:05  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:41:32  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:49  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern integer random_(struct lpc10_decoder_state *st);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ********************************************************************** */
+/* 	RANDOM Version 49 */
+/* $Log: random.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:05  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:41:32  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:49  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/20  16:13:54  jaf */
+/* Rearranged comments a little bit, and added comments explaining that */
+/* even though there is local state here, there is no need to create an */
+/* ENTRY for reinitializing it. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/14  22:25:29  jaf */
+/* Just rearranged the comments and local variable declarations a bit. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:49:01  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*  Pseudo random number generator based on Knuth, Vol 2, p. 27. */
+/* Function Return: */
+/*  RANDOM - Integer variable, uniformly distributed over -32768 to 32767 */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next. */
+/* In the context of the LPC10 coder, there is no reason to reinitialize */
+/* this local state when switching between audio streams, because its */
+/* results are only used to generate noise for unvoiced frames. */
+integer random_(struct lpc10_decoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    integer *j;
+    integer *k;
+    shortint *y;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer ret_val;
+/* 	Parameters/constants */
+/*       Local state */
+/*   The following is a 16 bit 2's complement addition, */
+/*   with overflow checking disabled */
+    j = &(st->j);
+    k = &(st->k);
+    y = &(st->y[0]);
+    y[*k - 1] += y[*j - 1];
+    ret_val = y[*k - 1];
+    --(*k);
+    if (*k <= 0) {
+	*k = 5;
+    }
+    --(*j);
+    if (*j <= 0) {
+	*j = 5;
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+} /* random_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/rcchk.c
@@ -1,0 +1,109 @@
+$Log: rcchk.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:08  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:41  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int rcchk_(integer *order, real *rc1f, real *rc2f);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* 	RCCHK Version 45G */
+/* $Log: rcchk.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:08  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:41  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/27  18:13:47  jaf */
+/* Commented out a call to subroutine ERROR. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/18  15:48:53  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  16:55:22  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:49:08  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*  Check RC's, repeat previous frame's RC's if unstable */
+/* Input: */
+/*  ORDER - Number of RC's */
+/*  RC1F  - Previous frame's RC's */
+/*          Indices 1 through ORDER may be read. */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  RC2F  - Present frame's RC's */
+/*          Indices 1 through ORDER may be read, and written. */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int rcchk_(integer *order, real *rc1f, real *rc2f)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    real r__1;
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer i__;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --rc2f;
+    --rc1f;
+    /* Function Body */
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	if ((r__1 = rc2f[i__], abs(r__1)) > .99f) {
+	    goto L10;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+/*       Note: In version embedded in other software, all calls to ERROR 
+/*       should probably be removed. */
+/*       This call to ERROR is only needed for debugging purposes. */
+/*       CALL ERROR('RCCHK',2,I) */
+    i__1 = *order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	rc2f[i__] = rc1f[i__];
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* rcchk_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/synths.c
@@ -1,0 +1,396 @@
+$Log: synths.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:10  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:42:59  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:33  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int synths_(integer *voice, integer *pitch, real *rms, real *rc, real *speech, integer *k, struct lpc10_decoder_state *st);
+/* comlen contrl_ 12 */
+/*:ref: pitsyn_ 14 12 4 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 4 6 */
+/*:ref: irc2pc_ 14 5 6 6 4 6 6 */
+/*:ref: bsynz_ 14 7 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 */
+/*:ref: deemp_ 14 2 6 4 */
+/*:ref: initpitsyn_ 14 0 */
+/*:ref: initbsynz_ 14 0 */
+/*:ref: initdeemp_ 14 0 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Common Block Declarations */
+extern struct {
+    integer order, lframe;
+    logical corrp;
+} contrl_;
+#define contrl_1 contrl_
+/* Table of constant values */
+static real c_b2 = .7f;
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* 	SYNTHS Version 54 */
+/* $Log: synths.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:10  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:42:59  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:33  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/26  19:31:58  jaf */
+/* Commented out trace statements. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/25  19:41:01  jaf */
+/* Changed so that MAXFRM samples are always returned in the output array */
+/* SPEECH. */
+/* This required delaying the returned samples by MAXFRM sample times, */
+/* and remembering any "left over" samples returned by PITSYN from one */
+/* call of SYNTHS to the next. */
+/* Changed size of SPEECH from 2*MAXFRM to MAXFRM.  Removed local */
+/* variable SOUT.  Added local state variables BUF and BUFLEN. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/25  19:20:10  jaf */
+/* Added comments about the range of possible return values for argument */
+/* K, and increased the size of the arrays filled in by PITSYN from 11 to */
+/* 16, as has been already done inside of PITSYN. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/22  00:18:18  jaf */
+/* Added comments explaining meanings of input and output parameters, and */
+/* indicating which array indices can be read or written. */
+/* Added entry INITSYNTHS, which does nothing except call the */
+/* corresponding initialization entries for subroutines PITSYN, BSYNZ, */
+/* and DEEMP. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:49:44  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ***************************************************************** */
+/* The note below is from the distributed version of the LPC10 coder. */
+/* The version of the code below has been modified so that SYNTHS always */
+/* has a constant frame length output of MAXFRM. */
+/* Also, BSYNZ and DEEMP need not be modified to work on variable */
+/* positions within an array.  It is only necessary to pass the first */
+/* index desired as the array argument.  What actually gets passed is the */
+/* address of that array position, which the subroutine treats as the */
+/* first index of the array. */
+/* This technique is used in subroutine ANALYS when calling PREEMP, so it */
+/* appears that multiple people wrote different parts of this LPC10 code, */
+/* and that they didn't necessarily have equivalent knowledge of Fortran */
+/* (not surprising). */
+/*  NOTE: There is excessive buffering here, BSYNZ and DEEMP should be */
+/*        changed to operate on variable positions within SOUT.  Also, */
+/*        the output length parameter is bogus, and PITSYN should be */
+/*        rewritten to allow a constant frame length output. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  VOICE  - Half frame voicing decisions */
+/*           Indices 1 through 2 read. */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  PITCH  - Pitch */
+/*           PITCH is restricted to range 20 to 156, inclusive, */
+/*           before calling subroutine PITSYN, and then PITSYN */
+/*           can modify it further under some conditions. */
+/*  RMS    - Energy */
+/*           Only use is for debugging, and passed to PITSYN. */
+/*           See comments there for how it can be modified. */
+/*  RC     - Reflection coefficients */
+/*           Indices 1 through ORDER restricted to range -.99 to .99, */
+/*           before calling subroutine PITSYN, and then PITSYN */
+/*           can modify it further under some conditions. */
+/* Output: */
+/*  SPEECH - Synthesized speech samples. */
+/*           Indices 1 through the final value of K are written. */
+/*  K      - Number of samples placed into array SPEECH. */
+/*           This is always MAXFRM. */
+/* Subroutine */ int synths_(integer *voice, integer *pitch, real *
+	rms, real *rc, real *speech, integer *k, struct lpc10_decoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    real *buf;
+    integer *buflen;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1;
+    real r__1, r__2;
+    /* Local variables */
+    real rmsi[16];
+    integer nout, ivuv[16], i__, j;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int deemp_(real *, integer *, struct lpc10_decoder_state *);
+    real ratio;
+    integer ipiti[16];
+    extern /* Subroutine */ bsynz_(real *, integer *, 
+	    integer *, real *, real *, real *, real *, struct lpc10_decoder_state *), irc2pc_(real *, real *
+	    , integer *, real *, real *);
+    real g2pass;
+    real pc[10];
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int pitsyn_(integer *, integer *, integer *, real 
+	    *, real *, integer *, integer *, integer *, real *, real *, 
+	    integer *, real *, struct lpc10_decoder_state *);
+    real rci[160]	/* was [10][16] */;
+/* $Log: synths.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:10  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:42:59  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:33  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:03:47  jaf */
+/* Removed definitions for any constants that were no longer used. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:33  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:43:51  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Configuration parameters: */
+/* Frame size, Prediction order, Pitch period */
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: synths.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:10  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:42:59  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_decoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_decoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:33  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:05:55  jaf */
+/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
+/* embedded version. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:50  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:44:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Processing control variables: */
+/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
+/*  Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
+/*    and message and debug outputs. */
+/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
+/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
+/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
+/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
+/* 	integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/*  LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
+/*    Error correction */
+/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
+/* and that value is 10.  It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
+/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as 
+/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
+/* core of the coding and decoding routines.  Actually, I take that back. 
+/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
+/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is 
+/* compared against on each iteration. */
+/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
+/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP.  quant */
+/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
+/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
+/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
+/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
+/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE.  It doesn't affect the speed of the */
+/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is 
+/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
+/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE.  seems like a good */
+/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
+/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable 
+/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
+/* 	integer quant, nbits */
+/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm 
+/*  Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer, 
+/*    Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
+/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
+/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK.  When LPC10 is embedded into */
+/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK, 
+/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
+/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in 
+/* sread.f.  When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
+/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
+/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device.  It could be optionally */
+/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
+/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should 
+/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS.  I doubt that its value */
+/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
+/* embedded. */
+/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* 	integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/* 	common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
+/* 	common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/*       Parameters/constants */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       BUF is a buffer of speech samples that would have been returned 
+/*       by the older version of SYNTHS, but the newer version doesn't, */
+/*       so that the newer version can always return MAXFRM samples on */
+/*       every call.  This has the effect of delaying the return of */
+/*       samples for one additional frame time. */
+/*       Indices 1 through BUFLEN contain samples that are left over from 
+/*       the last call to SYNTHS.  Given the way that PITSYN works, */
+/*       BUFLEN should always be in the range MAXFRM-MAXPIT+1 through */
+/*       MAXFRM, inclusive, after a call to SYNTHS is complete. */
+/*       On the first call to SYNTHS (or the first call after */
+/*       reinitializing with the entry INITSYNTHS), BUFLEN is MAXFRM, and 
+/*       a frame of silence is always returned. */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (voice) {
+	--voice;
+	}
+    if (rc) {
+	--rc;
+	}
+    if (speech) {
+	--speech;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+    buf = &(st->buf[0]);
+    buflen = &(st->buflen);
+/* Computing MAX */
+    i__1 = min(*pitch,156);
+    *pitch = max(i__1,20);
+    i__1 = contrl_1.order;
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+/* Computing MAX */
+/* Computing MIN */
+	r__2 = rc[i__];
+	r__1 = min(r__2,.99f);
+	rc[i__] = max(r__1,-.99f);
+    }
+    pitsyn_(&contrl_1.order, &voice[1], pitch, rms, &rc[1], &contrl_1.lframe, 
+	    ivuv, ipiti, rmsi, rci, &nout, &ratio, st);
+    if (nout > 0) {
+	i__1 = nout;
+	for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
+/*             Add synthesized speech for pitch period J to the en
+d of */
+/*             BUF. */
+	    irc2pc_(&rci[j * 10 - 10], pc, &contrl_1.order, &c_b2, &g2pass);
+	    bsynz_(pc, &ipiti[j - 1], &ivuv[j - 1], &buf[*buflen], &rmsi[j - 1]
+		    , &ratio, &g2pass, st);
+	    deemp_(&buf[*buflen], &ipiti[j - 1], st);
+	    *buflen += ipiti[j - 1];
+	}
+/*          Copy first MAXFRM samples from BUF to output array SPEECH 
+/*          (scaling them), and then remove them from the beginning of
+ */
+/*          BUF. */
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 180; ++i__) {
+	    speech[i__] = buf[i__ - 1] / 4096.f;
+	}
+	*k = 180;
+	*buflen += -180;
+	i__1 = *buflen;
+	for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	    buf[i__ - 1] = buf[i__ + 179];
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* synths_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/tbdm.c
@@ -1,0 +1,178 @@
+$Log: tbdm.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:11  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:26  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int tbdm_(real *speech, integer *lpita, integer *tau, integer *ltau, real *amdf, integer *minptr, integer *maxptr, integer *mintau);
+/*:ref: difmag_ 14 8 6 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* ********************************************************************** */
+/* 	TBDM Version 49 */
+/* $Log: tbdm.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:11  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:26  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/18  22:14:00  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  14:48:37  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:49:54  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*TURBO DIFMAG: Compute High Resolution Average Magnitude Difference Function
+/* Note: There are several constants in here that appear to depend on a */
+/* particular TAU table.  That's not a problem for the LPC10 coder, but */
+/* watch out if you change the contents of TAU in the subroutine ANALYS. */
+/* Input: */
+/*  SPEECH - Low pass filtered speech */
+/*           Indices 1 through MAX+LPITA-1 are read, where: */
+/*           MAX = (TAU(LTAU)-TAU(1))/2+1 */
+/*           (If TAU(1) .LT. 39, then larger indices could be read */
+/*           by the last call to DIFMAG below.) */
+/*  LPITA  - Length of speech buffer */
+/*  TAU    - Table of lags, sorted in increasing order. */
+/*           Indices 1 through LTAU read. */
+/*  LTAU   - Number of lag values to compute */
+/* Output: */
+/*  AMDF   - Average Magnitude Difference for each lag in TAU */
+/*          Indices 1 through LTAU written, and several might then be read.*/
+/*  MINPTR - Index of minimum AMDF value */
+/*  MAXPTR - Index of maximum AMDF value within +/- 1/2 octave of min */
+/*  MINTAU - Lag corresponding to minimum AMDF value */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int tbdm_(real *speech, integer *lpita, integer *tau, 
+	integer *ltau, real *amdf, integer *minptr, integer *maxptr, integer *
+	mintau)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
+    /* Local variables */
+    real amdf2[6];
+    integer minp2, ltau2, maxp2, i__;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int difmag_(real *, integer *, integer *, integer 
+	    *, integer *, real *, integer *, integer *);
+    integer minamd, ptr, tau2[6];
+/* 	Arguments */
+/*   Stupid TOAST doesn't understand expressions */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Local state */
+/*       None */
+/*   Compute full AMDF using log spaced lags, find coarse minimum */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --speech;
+    --amdf;
+    --tau;
+    /* Function Body */
+    difmag_(&speech[1], lpita, &tau[1], ltau, &tau[*ltau], &amdf[1], minptr, 
+	    maxptr);
+    *mintau = tau[*minptr];
+    minamd = amdf[*minptr];
+/*   Build table containing all lags within +/- 3 of the AMDF minimum */
+/*    excluding all that have already been computed */
+    ltau2 = 0;
+    ptr = *minptr - 2;
+/* Computing MAX */
+    i__1 = *mintau - 3;
+/* Computing MIN */
+    i__3 = *mintau + 3, i__4 = tau[*ltau] - 1;
+    i__2 = min(i__3,i__4);
+    for (i__ = max(i__1,41); i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
+	while(tau[ptr] < i__) {
+	    ++ptr;
+	}
+	if (tau[ptr] != i__) {
+	    ++ltau2;
+	    tau2[ltau2 - 1] = i__;
+	}
+    }
+/*   Compute AMDF of the new lags, if there are any, and choose one */
+/*    if it is better than the coarse minimum */
+    if (ltau2 > 0) {
+	difmag_(&speech[1], lpita, tau2, &ltau2, &tau[*ltau], amdf2, &minp2, &
+		maxp2);
+	if (amdf2[minp2 - 1] < (real) minamd) {
+	    *mintau = tau2[minp2 - 1];
+	    minamd = amdf2[minp2 - 1];
+	}
+    }
+/*   Check one octave up, if there are any lags not yet computed */
+    if (*mintau >= 80) {
+	i__ = *mintau / 2;
+	if ((i__ & 1) == 0) {
+	    ltau2 = 2;
+	    tau2[0] = i__ - 1;
+	    tau2[1] = i__ + 1;
+	} else {
+	    ltau2 = 1;
+	    tau2[0] = i__;
+	}
+	difmag_(&speech[1], lpita, tau2, &ltau2, &tau[*ltau], amdf2, &minp2, &
+		maxp2);
+	if (amdf2[minp2 - 1] < (real) minamd) {
+	    *mintau = tau2[minp2 - 1];
+	    minamd = amdf2[minp2 - 1];
+	    *minptr += -20;
+	}
+    }
+/*   Force minimum of the AMDF array to the high resolution minimum */
+    amdf[*minptr] = (real) minamd;
+/*   Find maximum of AMDF within 1/2 octave of minimum */
+/* Computing MAX */
+    i__2 = *minptr - 5;
+    *maxptr = max(i__2,1);
+/* Computing MIN */
+    i__1 = *minptr + 5;
+    i__2 = min(i__1,*ltau);
+    for (i__ = *maxptr + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
+	if (amdf[i__] > amdf[*maxptr]) {
+	    *maxptr = i__;
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* tbdm_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/voicin.c
@@ -1,0 +1,762 @@
+$Log: voicin.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:13  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:45:00  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:14  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int voicin_(integer *vwin, real *inbuf, real *lpbuf, integer *buflim, integer *half, real *minamd, real *maxamd, integer *mintau, real *ivrc, integer *obound, integer *voibuf, integer *af, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st);
+/* comlen contrl_ 12 */
+/*:ref: vparms_ 14 14 4 6 6 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 */
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Common Block Declarations */
+extern struct {
+    integer order, lframe;
+    logical corrp;
+} contrl_;
+#define contrl_1 contrl_
+/* 	VOICIN Version 52 */
+/* $Log: voicin.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:13  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:45:00  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:14  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.10  1996/03/29  17:59:14  jaf */
+/* Avoided using VALUE(9), although it shouldn't affect the function of */
+/* the code at all, because it was always multiplied by VDC(9,SNRL), */
+/* which is 0 for all values of SNRL.  Still, if VALUE(9) had an initial */
+/* value of IEEE NaN, it might cause trouble (I don't know how IEEE */
+/* defines Nan * 0.  It should either be NaN or 0.) */
+/* Revision 1.9  1996/03/29  17:54:46  jaf */
+/* Added a few comments about the accesses made to argument array VOIBUF */
+/* and the local saved array VOICE. */
+/* Revision 1.8  1996/03/27  18:19:54  jaf */
+/* Added an assignment to VSTATE that does not affect the function of the */
+/* program at all.  The only reason I put it in was so that the tracing */
+/* statements at the end, when enabled, will print a consistent value for */
+/* VSTATE when HALF .EQ. 1, rather than a garbage value that could change */
+/* from one call to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.7  1996/03/26  20:00:06  jaf */
+/* Removed the inclusion of the file "vcomm.fh", and put its contents */
+/* into this file.  It was included nowhere else but here. */
+/* Revision 1.6  1996/03/26  19:38:09  jaf */
+/* Commented out trace statements. */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/19  20:43:45  jaf */
+/* Added comments about which indices of OBOUND and VOIBUF can be */
+/* accessed, and whether they are read or written.  VOIBUF is fairly */
+/* messy. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/19  15:00:58  jaf */
+/* Moved the DATA statements for the *VDC* variables later, as it is */
+/* apparently illegal to have DATA statements before local variable */
+/* declarations. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/19  00:10:49  jaf */
+/* Heavily commented the local variables that are saved from one */
+/* invocation to the next, and how the local variable FIRST is used to */
+/* avoid the need to assign most of them initial values with DATA */
+/* statements. */
+/* A few should be initialized, but aren't.  I've guessed initial values */
+/* for two of these, SFBUE and SLBUE, and I've convinced myself that for */
+/* VOICE, the effects of uninitialized values will die out after 2 or 3 */
+/* frame times.  It would still be good to choose initial values for */
+/* these, but I don't know what reasonable values would be (0 comes to */
+/* mind). */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  16:09:28  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining which of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next, and which */
+/* do not. */
+/* WARNING!  Some of them that should are never given initial values in */
+/* this code.  Hopefully, Fortran 77 defines initial values for them, but */
+/* even so, giving them explicit initial values is preferable. */
+/* WARNING!  VALUE(9) is used, but never assigned a value.  It should */
+/* probably be eliminated from the code. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:50:28  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*        Voicing Detection (VOICIN) makes voicing decisions for each half */
+/*  frame of input speech.  Tentative voicing decisions are made two frames*/
+/*   in the future (2F) for each half frame.  These decisions are carried */
+/*   through one frame in the future (1F) to the present (P) frame where */
+/*   they are examined and smoothed, resulting in the final voicing */
+/*   decisions for each half frame. */
+/*        The voicing parameter (signal measurement) column vector (VALUE) */
+/*   is based on a rectangular window of speech samples determined by the */
+/*  window placement algorithm.  The voicing parameter vector contains the*/
+/*  AMDF windowed maximum-to-minimum ratio, the zero crossing rate, energy*/
+/*   measures, reflection coefficients, and prediction gains.  The voicing */
+/*  window is placed to avoid contamination of the voicing parameter vector*/
+/*   with speech onsets. */
+/*        The input signal is then classified as unvoiced (including */
+/*   silence) or voiced.  This decision is made by a linear discriminant */
+/*   function consisting of a dot product of the voicing decision */
+/*   coefficient (VDC) row vector with the measurement column vector */
+/*  (VALUE).  The VDC vector is 2-dimensional, each row vector is optimized*/
+/*   for a particular signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).  So, before the dot */
+/*   product is performed, the SNR is estimated to select the appropriate */
+/*   VDC vector. */
+/*        The smoothing algorithm is a modified median smoother.  The */
+/*  voicing discriminant function is used by the smoother to determine how*/
+/*   strongly voiced or unvoiced a signal is.  The smoothing is further */
+/*   modified if a speech onset and a voicing decision transition occur */
+/*   within one half frame.  In this case, the voicing decision transition */
+/*  is extended to the speech onset.  For transmission purposes, there are*/
+/*   constraints on the duration and transition of voicing decisions.  The */
+/*   smoother takes these constraints into account. */
+/*        Finally, the energy estimates are updated along with the dither */
+/*   threshold used to calculate the zero crossing rate (ZC). */
+/* Inputs: */
+/*  VWIN      - Voicing window limits */
+/*              The indices read of arrays VWIN, INBUF, LPBUF, and BUFLIM */
+/*              are the same as those read by subroutine VPARMS. */
+/*  INBUF     - Input speech buffer */
+/*  LPBUF     - Low-pass filtered speech buffer */
+/*  BUFLIM    - INBUF and LPBUF limits */
+/*  HALF      - Present analysis half frame number */
+/*  MINAMD    - Minimum value of the AMDF */
+/*  MAXAMD    - Maximum value of the AMDF */
+/*  MINTAU    - Pointer to the lag of the minimum AMDF value */
+/*  IVRC(2)   - Inverse filter's RC's */
+/*              Only index 2 of array IVRC read under normal operation. */
+/*              (Index 1 is also read when debugging is turned on.) */
+/*  OBOUND    - Onset boundary descriptions */
+/*             Indices 1 through 3 read if (HALF .NE. 1), otherwise untouched.
+/*  AF        - The analysis frame number */
+/* Output: */
+/*  VOIBUF(2,0:AF) - Buffer of voicing decisions */
+/*              Index (HALF,3) written. */
+/*              If (HALF .EQ. 1), skip down to "Read (HALF,3)" below. */
+/*              Indices (1,2), (2,1), (1,2), and (2,2) read. */
+/*              One of the following is then done: */
+/*                 read (1,3) and possibly write (1,2) */
+/*                 read (1,3) and write (1,2) or (2,2) */
+/*                 write (2,1) */
+/*                 write (2,1) or (1,2) */
+/*                 read (1,0) and (1,3) and then write (2,2) or (1,1) */
+/*                 no reads or writes on VOIBUF */
+/*              Finally, read (HALF,3) */
+/* Internal: */
+/*  QS        - Ratio of preemphasized to full-band energies */
+/*  RC1       - First reflection coefficient */
+/* AR_B      - Product of the causal forward and reverse pitch prediction gain
+/* AR_F      - Product of the noncausal forward and rev. pitch prediction gain
+/*  ZC        - Zero crossing rate */
+/*  DITHER    - Zero crossing threshold level */
+/*  MAXMIN    - AMDF's 1 octave windowed maximum-to-minimum ratio */
+/*  MINPTR    - Location  of minimum AMDF value */
+/*  NVDC      - Number of elements in each VDC vector */
+/*  NVDCL     - Number of VDC vectors */
+/*  VDCL      - SNR values corresponding to the set of VDC's */
+/*  VDC       - 2-D voicing decision coefficient vector */
+/*  VALUE(9)  - Voicing Parameters */
+/*  VOICE(2,3)- History of LDA results */
+/*              On every call when (HALF .EQ. 1), VOICE(*,I+1) is */
+/*              shifted back to VOICE(*,I), for I=1,2. */
+/*              VOICE(HALF,3) is written on every call. */
+/*              Depending on several conditions, one or more of */
+/*              (1,1), (1,2), (2,1), and (2,2) might then be read. */
+/*  LBE       - Ratio of low-band instantaneous to average energies */
+/*  FBE       - Ratio of full-band instantaneous to average energies */
+/*  LBVE      - Low band voiced energy */
+/*  LBUE      - Low band unvoiced energy */
+/*  FBVE      - Full band voiced energy */
+/*  FBUE      - Full band unvoiced energy */
+/*  OFBUE     - Previous full-band unvoiced energy */
+/*  OLBUE     - Previous low-band unvoiced energy */
+/*  REF       - Reference energy for initialization and DITHER threshold */
+/*  SNR       - Estimate of signal-to-noise ratio */
+/*  SNR2      - Estimate of low-band signal-to-noise ratio */
+/*  SNRL      - SNR level number */
+/*  OT        - Onset transition present */
+/*  VSTATE    - Decimal interpretation of binary voicing classifications */
+/*  FIRST     - First call flag */
+/* This subroutine maintains local state from one call to the next.  If */
+/* you want to switch to using a new audio stream for this filter, or */
+/* reinitialize its state for any other reason, call the ENTRY */
+/* Subroutine */ int voicin_(integer *vwin, real *inbuf, real *
+	lpbuf, integer *buflim, integer *half, real *minamd, real *maxamd, 
+	integer *mintau, real *ivrc, integer *obound, integer *voibuf, 
+	integer *af, struct lpc10_encoder_state *st)
+    /* Initialized data */
+    real *dither;
+    static real vdc[100]	/* was [10][10] */ = { 0.f,1714.f,-110.f,
+	    334.f,-4096.f,-654.f,3752.f,3769.f,0.f,1181.f,0.f,874.f,-97.f,
+	    300.f,-4096.f,-1021.f,2451.f,2527.f,0.f,-500.f,0.f,510.f,-70.f,
+	    250.f,-4096.f,-1270.f,2194.f,2491.f,0.f,-1500.f,0.f,500.f,-10.f,
+	    200.f,-4096.f,-1300.f,2e3f,2e3f,0.f,-2e3f,0.f,500.f,0.f,0.f,
+	    -4096.f,-1300.f,2e3f,2e3f,0.f,-2500.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,
+	    0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,
+	    0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,
+	    0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f };
+    static integer nvdcl = 5;
+    static real vdcl[10] = { 600.f,450.f,300.f,200.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f }
+	    ;
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer inbuf_offset, lpbuf_offset, i__1, i__2;
+    real r__1, r__2;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    integer i_nint(real *);
+    double sqrt(doublereal);
+    /* Local variables */
+    real ar_b__, ar_f__;
+    integer *lbve, *lbue, *fbve, *fbue;
+    integer snrl, i__;
+    integer *ofbue, *sfbue;
+    real *voice;
+    integer *olbue, *slbue;
+    real value[9];
+    integer zc;
+    logical ot;
+    real qs;
+    real *maxmin;
+    integer vstate;
+    real rc1;
+    extern /* Subroutine */ int vparms_(integer *, real *, real *, integer *, 
+	    integer *, real *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 
+	    real *, real *, real *, real *);
+    integer fbe, lbe;
+    real *snr;
+    real snr2;
+/* 	Global Variables: */
+/*       Arguments */
+/* $Log: voicin.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:13  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.2  1996/08/20  20:45:00  jaf
+ * Removed all static local variables that were SAVE'd in the Fortran
+ * code, and put them in struct lpc10_encoder_state that is passed as an
+ * argument.
+ *
+ * Removed init function, since all initialization is now done in
+ * init_lpc10_encoder_state().
+ *
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:14  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/29  22:05:55  jaf */
+/* Commented out the common block variables that are not needed by the */
+/* embedded version. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/26  19:34:50  jaf */
+/* Added comments indicating which constants are not needed in an */
+/* application that uses the LPC-10 coder. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07  14:44:09  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/*   LPC Processing control variables: */
+/* *** Read-only: initialized in setup */
+/*  Files for Speech, Parameter, and Bitstream Input & Output, */
+/*    and message and debug outputs. */
+/* Here are the only files which use these variables: */
+/* lpcsim.f setup.f trans.f error.f vqsetup.f */
+/* Many files which use fdebug are not listed, since it is only used in */
+/* those other files conditionally, to print trace statements. */
+/* 	integer fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/*  LPC order, Frame size, Quantization rate, Bits per frame, */
+/*    Error correction */
+/* Subroutine SETUP is the only place where order is assigned a value, */
+/* and that value is 10.  It could increase efficiency 1% or so to */
+/* declare order as a constant (i.e., a Fortran PARAMETER) instead of as 
+/* a variable in a COMMON block, since it is used in many places in the */
+/* core of the coding and decoding routines.  Actually, I take that back. 
+/* At least when compiling with f2c, the upper bound of DO loops is */
+/* stored in a local variable before the DO loop begins, and then that is 
+/* compared against on each iteration. */
+/* Similarly for lframe, which is given a value of MAXFRM in SETUP. */
+/* Similarly for quant, which is given a value of 2400 in SETUP.  quant */
+/* is used in only a few places, and never in the core coding and */
+/* decoding routines, so it could be eliminated entirely. */
+/* nbits is similar to quant, and is given a value of 54 in SETUP. */
+/* corrp is given a value of .TRUE. in SETUP, and is only used in the */
+/* subroutines ENCODE and DECODE.  It doesn't affect the speed of the */
+/* coder significantly whether it is .TRUE. or .FALSE., or whether it is 
+/* a constant or a variable, since it is only examined once per frame. */
+/* Leaving it as a variable that is set to .TRUE.  seems like a good */
+/* idea, since it does enable some error-correction capability for */
+/* unvoiced frames, with no change in the coding rate, and no noticeable 
+/* quality difference in the decoded speech. */
+/* 	integer quant, nbits */
+/* *** Read/write: variables for debugging, not needed for LPC algorithm 
+/*  Current frame, Unstable frames, Output clip count, Max onset buffer, 
+/*    Debug listing detail level, Line count on listing page */
+/* nframe is not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* nunsfm is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in subroutine */
+/* ERROR, which is only called from RCCHK.  When LPC10 is embedded into */
+/* an application, I would recommend removing the call to ERROR in RCCHK, 
+/* and remove ERROR and nunsfm completely. */
+/* iclip is initialized to 0 in SETUP, and incremented in entry SWRITE in 
+/* sread.f.  When LPC10 is embedded into an application, one might want */
+/* to cause it to be incremented in a routine that takes the output of */
+/* SYNTHS and sends it to an audio device.  It could be optionally */
+/* displayed, for those that might want to know what it is. */
+/* maxosp is never initialized to 0 in SETUP, although it probably should 
+/* be, and it is updated in subroutine ANALYS.  I doubt that its value */
+/* would be of much interest to an application in which LPC10 is */
+/* embedded. */
+/* listl and lincnt are not needed for an embedded LPC10 at all. */
+/* 	integer nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	common /contrl/ fsi, fso, fpi, fpo, fbi, fbo, pbin, fmsg, fdebug */
+/* 	common /contrl/ quant, nbits */
+/* 	common /contrl/ nframe, nunsfm, iclip, maxosp, listl, lincnt */
+/* 	Parameters/constants */
+/*       Voicing coefficient and Linear Discriminant Analysis variables: 
+/*       Max number of VDC's and VDC levels */
+/*       The following are not Fortran PARAMETER's, but they are */
+/*       initialized with DATA statements, and never modified. */
+/*       Actual number of VDC's and levels */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*       Note: */
+/*       VALUE(1) through VALUE(8) are assigned values, but VALUE(9) */
+/*       never is.  Yet VALUE(9) is read in the loop that begins "DO I = 
+/*       1, 9" below.  I believe that this doesn't cause any problems in 
+/*       this subroutine, because all VDC(9,*) array elements are 0, and 
+/*       this is what is multiplied by VALUE(9) in all cases.  Still, it 
+/*       would save a multiplication to change the loop to "DO I = 1, 8". 
+/*       Local state */
+/*       WARNING! */
+/*       VOICE, SFBUE, and SLBUE should be saved from one invocation to */
+/*       the next, but they are never given an initial value. */
+/*       Does Fortran 77 specify some default initial value, like 0, or */
+/*       is it undefined?  If it is undefined, then this code should be */
+/*       corrected to specify an initial value. */
+/*       For VOICE, note that it is "shifted" in the statement that */
+/*       begins "IF (HALF .EQ. 1) THEN" below.  Also, uninitialized */
+/*       values in the VOICE array can only affect entries in the VOIBUF 
+/*       array that are for the same frame, or for an older frame.  Thus 
+/*       the effects of uninitialized values in VOICE cannot linger on */
+/*       for more than 2 or 3 frame times. */
+/*       For SFBUE and SLBUE, the effects of uninitialized values can */
+/*       linger on for many frame times, because their previous values */
+/*       are exponentially decayed.  Thus it is more important to choose 
+/*       initial values for these variables.  I would guess that a */
+/*       reasonable initial value for SFBUE is REF/16, the same as used */
+/*       for FBUE and OFBUE.  Similarly, SLBUE can be initialized to */
+/*       REF/32, the same as for LBUE and OLBUE. */
+/*       These guessed initial values should be validated by re-running */
+/*       the modified program on some audio samples. */
+/*   Declare and initialize filters: */
+    dither = (&st->dither);
+    snr = (&st->snr);
+    maxmin = (&st->maxmin);
+    voice = (&st->voice[0]);
+    lbve = (&st->lbve);
+    lbue = (&st->lbue);
+    fbve = (&st->fbve);
+    fbue = (&st->fbue);
+    ofbue = (&st->ofbue);
+    olbue = (&st->olbue);
+    sfbue = (&st->sfbue);
+    slbue = (&st->slbue);
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    if (vwin) {
+	--vwin;
+	}
+    if (buflim) {
+	--buflim;
+	}
+    if (inbuf) {
+	inbuf_offset = buflim[1];
+	inbuf -= inbuf_offset;
+	}
+    if (lpbuf) {
+	lpbuf_offset = buflim[3];
+	lpbuf -= lpbuf_offset;
+	}
+    if (ivrc) {
+	--ivrc;
+	}
+    if (obound) {
+	--obound;
+	}
+    if (voibuf) {
+	--voibuf;
+	}
+    /* Function Body */
+/*       The following variables are saved from one invocation to the */
+/*       next, but are not initialized with DATA statements.  This is */
+/*       acceptable, because FIRST is initialized ot .TRUE., and the */
+/*       first time that this subroutine is then called, they are all */
+/*       given initial values. */
+/*       SNR */
+/*       MAXMIN is initialized on the first call, assuming that HALF */
+/*       .EQ. 1 on first call.  This is how ANALYS calls this subroutine. 
+/*   Voicing Decision Parameter vector (* denotes zero coefficient): */
+/* 	* MAXMIN */
+/* 	  LBE/LBVE */
+/* 	  ZC */
+/* 	  RC1 */
+/* 	  QS */
+/* 	  IVRC2 */
+/* 	  aR_B */
+/* 	  aR_F */
+/* 	* LOG(LBE/LBVE) */
+/*  Define 2-D voicing decision coefficient vector according to the voicin
+/*  parameter order above.  Each row (VDC vector) is optimized for a speci
+/*   SNR.  The last element of the vector is the constant. */
+/* 	         E    ZC    RC1    Qs   IVRC2  aRb   aRf        c */
+/*  The VOICE array contains the result of the linear discriminant functio
+/*   (analog values).  The VOIBUF array contains the hard-limited binary 
+/*   voicing decisions.  The VOICE and VOIBUF arrays, according to FORTRAN
+ */
+/*   memory allocation, are addressed as: */
+/* 	   (half-frame number, future-frame number) */
+/* 	   |   Past    |  Present  |  Future1  |  Future2  | */
+/* 	   | 1,0 | 2,0 | 1,1 | 2,1 | 1,2 | 2,2 | 1,3 | 2,3 |  --->  time */
+/*   Update linear discriminant function history each frame: */
+    if (*half == 1) {
+	voice[0] = voice[2];
+	voice[1] = voice[3];
+	voice[2] = voice[4];
+	voice[3] = voice[5];
+	*maxmin = *maxamd / max(*minamd,1.f);
+    }
+/*   Calculate voicing parameters twice per frame: */
+    vparms_(&vwin[1], &inbuf[inbuf_offset], &lpbuf[lpbuf_offset], &buflim[1], 
+	    half, dither, mintau, &zc, &lbe, &fbe, &qs, &rc1, &ar_b__, &
+	    ar_f__);
+/*   Estimate signal-to-noise ratio to select the appropriate VDC vector. 
+/*   The SNR is estimated as the running average of the ratio of the */
+/*   running average full-band voiced energy to the running average */
+/*   full-band unvoiced energy. SNR filter has gain of 63. */
+    r__1 = (*snr + *fbve / (real) max(*fbue,1)) * 63 / 64.f;
+    *snr = (real) i_nint(&r__1);
+    snr2 = *snr * *fbue / max(*lbue,1);
+/*   Quantize SNR to SNRL according to VDCL thresholds. */
+    snrl = 1;
+    i__1 = nvdcl - 1;
+    for (snrl = 1; snrl <= i__1; ++snrl) {
+	if (snr2 > vdcl[snrl - 1]) {
+	    goto L69;
+	}
+    }
+/*   	(Note:  SNRL = NVDCL here) */
+/*   Linear discriminant voicing parameters: */
+    value[0] = *maxmin;
+    value[1] = (real) lbe / max(*lbve,1);
+    value[2] = (real) zc;
+    value[3] = rc1;
+    value[4] = qs;
+    value[5] = ivrc[2];
+    value[6] = ar_b__;
+    value[7] = ar_f__;
+/*   Evaluation of linear discriminant function: */
+    voice[*half + 3] = vdc[snrl * 10 - 1];
+    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 8; ++i__) {
+	voice[*half + 3] += vdc[i__ + snrl * 10 - 11] * value[i__ - 1];
+    }
+/*   Classify as voiced if discriminant > 0, otherwise unvoiced */
+/*   Voicing decision for current half-frame:  1 = Voiced; 0 = Unvoiced */
+    if (voice[*half + 3] > 0.f) {
+	voibuf[*half + 6] = 1;
+    } else {
+	voibuf[*half + 6] = 0;
+    }
+/*   Skip voicing decision smoothing in first half-frame: */
+/*     Give a value to VSTATE, so that trace statements below will print 
+/*     a consistent value from one call to the next when HALF .EQ. 1. */
+/*     The value of VSTATE is not used for any other purpose when this is 
+/*     true. */
+    vstate = -1;
+    if (*half == 1) {
+	goto L99;
+    }
+/*   Voicing decision smoothing rules (override of linear combination): */
+/* 	Unvoiced half-frames:  At least two in a row. */
+/* 	-------------------- */
+/* 	Voiced half-frames:    At least two in a row in one frame. */
+/* 	-------------------    Otherwise at least three in a row. */
+/* 			       (Due to the way transition frames are encoded) */
+/* 	In many cases, the discriminant function determines how to smooth. */
+/*	In the following chart, the decisions marked with a * may be overridden
+/*   Voicing override of transitions at onsets: */
+/* 	If a V/UV or UV/V voicing decision transition occurs within one-half 
+/* 	frame of an onset bounding a voicing window, then the transition is */
+/* 	moved to occur at the onset. */
+/* 	P	1F */
+/* 	-----	----- */
+/* 	0   0   0   0 */
+/* 	0   0   0*  1	(If there is an onset there) */
+/* 	0   0   1*  0*	(Based on 2F and discriminant distance) */
+/* 	0   0   1   1 */
+/* 	0   1*  0   0	(Always) */
+/* 	0   1*  0*  1	(Based on discriminant distance) */
+/* 	0*  1   1   0*	(Based on past, 2F, and discriminant distance) */
+/* 	0   1*  1   1	(If there is an onset there) */
+/* 	1   0*  0   0	(If there is an onset there) */
+/* 	1   0   0   1 */
+/* 	1   0*  1*  0	(Based on discriminant distance) */
+/* 	1   0*  1   1	(Always) */
+/* 	1   1   0   0 */
+/* 	1   1   0*  1*	(Based on 2F and discriminant distance) */
+/* 	1   1   1*  0	(If there is an onset there) */
+/* 	1   1   1   1 */
+/*   Determine if there is an onset transition between P and 1F. */
+/*   OT (Onset Transition) is true if there is an onset between */
+/*   P and 1F but not after 1F. */
+    ot = ((obound[1] & 2) != 0 || obound[2] == 1) && (obound[3] & 1) == 0;
+/*   Multi-way dispatch on voicing decision history: */
+    vstate = (voibuf[3] << 3) + (voibuf[4] << 2) + (voibuf[5] << 1) + voibuf[
+	    6];
+    switch (vstate + 1) {
+	case 1:  goto L99;
+	case 2:  goto L1;
+	case 3:  goto L2;
+	case 4:  goto L99;
+	case 5:  goto L4;
+	case 6:  goto L5;
+	case 7:  goto L6;
+	case 8:  goto L7;
+	case 9:  goto L8;
+	case 10:  goto L99;
+	case 11:  goto L10;
+	case 12:  goto L11;
+	case 13:  goto L99;
+	case 14:  goto L13;
+	case 15:  goto L14;
+	case 16:  goto L99;
+    }
+    if (ot && voibuf[7] == 1) {
+	voibuf[5] = 1;
+    }
+    goto L99;
+    if (voibuf[7] == 0 || voice[2] < -voice[3]) {
+	voibuf[5] = 0;
+    } else {
+	voibuf[6] = 1;
+    }
+    goto L99;
+    voibuf[4] = 0;
+    goto L99;
+    if (voice[1] < -voice[2]) {
+	voibuf[4] = 0;
+    } else {
+	voibuf[5] = 1;
+    }
+    goto L99;
+/*   VOIBUF(2,0) must be 0 */
+    if (voibuf[1] == 1 || voibuf[7] == 1 || voice[3] > voice[0]) {
+	voibuf[6] = 1;
+    } else {
+	voibuf[3] = 1;
+    }
+    goto L99;
+    if (ot) {
+	voibuf[4] = 0;
+    }
+    goto L99;
+    if (ot) {
+	voibuf[4] = 1;
+    }
+    goto L99;
+    if (voice[2] < -voice[1]) {
+	voibuf[5] = 0;
+    } else {
+	voibuf[4] = 1;
+    }
+    goto L99;
+    voibuf[4] = 1;
+    goto L99;
+    if (voibuf[7] == 0 && voice[3] < -voice[2]) {
+	voibuf[6] = 0;
+    } else {
+	voibuf[5] = 1;
+    }
+    goto L99;
+    if (ot && voibuf[7] == 0) {
+	voibuf[5] = 0;
+    }
+/* 	GOTO 99 */
+/*   Now update parameters: */
+/*   ---------------------- */
+/*  During unvoiced half-frames, update the low band and full band unvoice
+/*   energy estimates (LBUE and FBUE) and also the zero crossing */
+/*   threshold (DITHER).  (The input to the unvoiced energy filters is */
+/*   restricted to be less than 10dB above the previous inputs of the */
+/*   filters.) */
+/*   During voiced half-frames, update the low-pass (LBVE) and all-pass */
+/*   (FBVE) voiced energy estimates. */
+    if (voibuf[*half + 6] == 0) {
+/* Computing MIN */
+	i__1 = fbe, i__2 = *ofbue * 3;
+	r__1 = (*sfbue * 63 + (min(i__1,i__2) << 3)) / 64.f;
+	*sfbue = i_nint(&r__1);
+	*fbue = *sfbue / 8;
+	*ofbue = fbe;
+/* Computing MIN */
+	i__1 = lbe, i__2 = *olbue * 3;
+	r__1 = (*slbue * 63 + (min(i__1,i__2) << 3)) / 64.f;
+	*slbue = i_nint(&r__1);
+	*lbue = *slbue / 8;
+	*olbue = lbe;
+    } else {
+	r__1 = (*lbve * 63 + lbe) / 64.f;
+	*lbve = i_nint(&r__1);
+	r__1 = (*fbve * 63 + fbe) / 64.f;
+	*fbve = i_nint(&r__1);
+    }
+/*   Set dither threshold to yield proper zero crossing rates in the */
+/*   presence of low frequency noise and low level signal input. */
+/*   NOTE: The divisor is a function of REF, the expected energies. */
+/* Computing MIN */
+/* Computing MAX */
+    r__2 = sqrt((real) (*lbue * *lbve)) * 64 / 3000;
+    r__1 = max(r__2,1.f);
+    *dither = min(r__1,20.f);
+/*   Voicing decisions are returned in VOIBUF. */
+    return 0;
+} /* voicin_ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lpc10/vparms.c
@@ -1,0 +1,245 @@
+$Log: vparms.c,v $
+Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:17  rrt
+LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:04  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+#ifdef P_R_O_T_O_T_Y_P_E_S
+extern int vparms_(integer *vwin, real *inbuf, real *lpbuf, integer *buflim, integer *half, real *dither, integer *mintau, integer *zc, integer *lbe, integer *fbe, real *qs, real *rc1, real *ar_b__, real *ar_f__);
+/*  -- translated by f2c (version 19951025).
+   You must link the resulting object file with the libraries:
+	-lf2c -lm   (in that order)
+#include "f2c.h"
+/* Table of constant values */
+static real c_b2 = 1.f;
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/* 	VPARMS Version 50 */
+/* $Log: vparms.c,v $
+/* Revision 1.1  2007/04/16 21:58:17  rrt
+/* LPC-10 support, documentation still to come; I wanted to land the code
+/* before 14.0.0 went into test, and I'll be busy tomorrow.
+/* Not highly tested either, but it's just a format, doesn't interfere
+/* with anything else, and I'll get on that case before we go stable.
+ * Revision 1.1  1996/08/19  22:30:04  jaf
+ * Initial revision
+ * */
+/* Revision 1.6  1996/03/29  18:01:16  jaf */
+/* Added some more comments about the range of INBUF and LPBUF that can */
+/* be read.  Note that it is possible for index VWIN(2)+1 to be read from */
+/* INBUF, which might be outside of its defined range, although that will */
+/* require more careful checking. */
+/* Revision 1.5  1996/03/19  00:02:02  jaf */
+/* I just noticed that the argument DITHER is modified inside of this */
+/* subroutine.  Comments were added explaining the possible final values. */
+/* Revision 1.4  1996/03/18  22:22:59  jaf */
+/* Finishing the job I said I did with the last check-in comments. */
+/* Revision 1.3  1996/03/18  22:22:17  jaf */
+/* Just added a few comments about which array indices of the arguments */
+/* are used, and mentioning that this subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Revision 1.2  1996/03/13  15:02:58  jaf */
+/* Comments added explaining that none of the local variables of this */
+/* subroutine need to be saved from one invocation to the next. */
+/* Revision 1.1  1996/02/07 14:50:42  jaf */
+/* Initial revision */
+/* ********************************************************************* */
+/*  Calculate voicing parameters: */
+/* Input: */
+/*  VWIN   - Voicing window limits */
+/*           Indices 1 through 2 read. */
+/*  INBUF  - Input speech buffer */
+/*           Indices START-1 through STOP read, */
+/*          where START and STOP are defined in the code (only written once).
+/*           Note that STOP can be as large as VWIN(2)+1 ! */
+/*  LPBUF  - Low pass filtered speech */
+/*           Indices START-MINTAU through STOP+MINTAU read, */
+/*          where START and STOP are defined in the code (only written once).
+/*  BUFLIM - Array bounds for INBUF and LPBUF */
+/*           Indices 1 through 4 read. */
+/*  HALF   - Half frame (1 or 2) */
+/*  MINTAU - Lag corresponding to minimum AMDF value (pitch estimate) */
+/* Input/Output: */
+/*  DITHER - Zero crossing threshold */
+/*           The resulting value might be the negation of the input */
+/*           value.  It might always be the same as the input value, */
+/*           if the DO loop below always executes an even number of times. */
+/* Output: (all of them are written on every call) */
+/*  ZC     - Zero crossing rate */
+/*  LBE    - Low band energy (sum of magnitudes - SM) */
+/*  FBE    - Full band energy (SM) */
+/*  QS     - Ratio of 6 dB/oct preemphasized energy to full band energy */
+/*  RC1    - First reflection coefficient */
+/*  AR_B   - Product of the causal forward and reverse pitch */
+/*           prediction gains */
+/*  AR_F   - Product of the noncausal forward and reverse pitch */
+/*           prediction gains */
+/* Internal: */
+/*  OLDSGN - Previous sign of dithered signal */
+/*  VLEN   - Length of voicing window */
+/*  START  - Lower address of current half of voicing window */
+/*  STOP   - Upper address of current half of voicing window */
+/*  E_0    - Energy of LPF speech (sum of squares - SS) */
+/*  E_B    - Energy of LPF speech backward one pitch period (SS) */
+/*  E_F    - Energy of LPF speech forward one pitch period (SS) */
+/*  R_B    - Autocovariance of LPF speech backward one pitch period */
+/*  R_F    - Autocovariance of LPF speech forward one pitch period */
+/*  LP_RMS - Energy of LPF speech (sum of magnitudes - SM) */
+/*  AP_RMS - Energy of all-pass speech (SM) */
+/*  E_PRE  - Energy of 6dB preemphasized speech (SM) */
+/*  E0AP   - Energy of all-pass speech (SS) */
+/* This subroutine has no local state. */
+/* Subroutine */ int vparms_(integer *vwin, real *inbuf, real *lpbuf, integer 
+	*buflim, integer *half, real *dither, integer *mintau, integer *zc, 
+	integer *lbe, integer *fbe, real *qs, real *rc1, real *ar_b__, real *
+	ar_f__)
+    /* System generated locals */
+    integer inbuf_offset, lpbuf_offset, i__1;
+    real r__1, r__2;
+    /* Builtin functions */
+    double r_sign(real *, real *);
+    integer i_nint(real *);
+    /* Local variables */
+    integer vlen, stop, i__;
+    real e_pre__;
+    integer start;
+    real ap_rms__, e_0__, oldsgn, lp_rms__, e_b__, e_f__, r_b__, r_f__, e0ap;
+/*       Arguments */
+/*       Local variables that need not be saved */
+/*   Calculate zero crossings (ZC) and several energy and correlation */
+/*   measures on low band and full band speech.  Each measure is taken */
+/*   over either the first or the second half of the voicing window, */
+/*   depending on the variable HALF. */
+    /* Parameter adjustments */
+    --vwin;
+    --buflim;
+    lpbuf_offset = buflim[3];
+    lpbuf -= lpbuf_offset;
+    inbuf_offset = buflim[1];
+    inbuf -= inbuf_offset;
+    /* Function Body */
+    lp_rms__ = 0.f;
+    ap_rms__ = 0.f;
+    e_pre__ = 0.f;
+    e0ap = 0.f;
+    *rc1 = 0.f;
+    e_0__ = 0.f;
+    e_b__ = 0.f;
+    e_f__ = 0.f;
+    r_f__ = 0.f;
+    r_b__ = 0.f;
+    *zc = 0;
+    vlen = vwin[2] - vwin[1] + 1;
+    start = vwin[1] + (*half - 1) * vlen / 2 + 1;
+    stop = start + vlen / 2 - 1;
+/* I'll use the symbol HVL in the table below to represent the value */
+/* VLEN/2.  Note that if VLEN is odd, then HVL should be rounded down, */
+/* i.e., HVL = (VLEN-1)/2. */
+/* HALF  START          STOP */
+/* 1     VWIN(1)+1      VWIN(1)+HVL */
+/* 2     VWIN(1)+HVL+1  VWIN(1)+2*HVL */
+/* Note that if VLEN is even and HALF is 2, then STOP will be */
+/* VWIN(1)+VLEN = VWIN(2)+1.  That could be bad, if that index of INBUF */
+/* is undefined. */
+    r__1 = inbuf[start - 1] - *dither;
+    oldsgn = r_sign(&c_b2, &r__1);
+    i__1 = stop;
+    for (i__ = start; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+	lp_rms__ += (r__1 = lpbuf[i__], abs(r__1));
+	ap_rms__ += (r__1 = inbuf[i__], abs(r__1));
+	e_pre__ += (r__1 = inbuf[i__] - inbuf[i__ - 1], abs(r__1));
+/* Computing 2nd power */
+	r__1 = inbuf[i__];
+	e0ap += r__1 * r__1;
+	*rc1 += inbuf[i__] * inbuf[i__ - 1];
+/* Computing 2nd power */
+	r__1 = lpbuf[i__];
+	e_0__ += r__1 * r__1;
+/* Computing 2nd power */
+	r__1 = lpbuf[i__ - *mintau];
+	e_b__ += r__1 * r__1;
+/* Computing 2nd power */
+	r__1 = lpbuf[i__ + *mintau];
+	e_f__ += r__1 * r__1;
+	r_f__ += lpbuf[i__] * lpbuf[i__ + *mintau];
+	r_b__ += lpbuf[i__] * lpbuf[i__ - *mintau];
+	r__1 = inbuf[i__] + *dither;
+	if (r_sign(&c_b2, &r__1) != oldsgn) {
+	    ++(*zc);
+	    oldsgn = -oldsgn;
+	}
+	*dither = -(*dither);
+    }
+/*   Normalized short-term autocovariance coefficient at unit sample delay
+ */
+    *rc1 /= max(e0ap,1.f);
+/*  Ratio of the energy of the first difference signal (6 dB/oct preemphas
+/*   to the energy of the full band signal */
+/* Computing MAX */
+    r__1 = ap_rms__ * 2.f;
+    *qs = e_pre__ / max(r__1,1.f);
+/*   aR_b is the product of the forward and reverse prediction gains, */
+/*   looking backward in time (the causal case). */
+    *ar_b__ = r_b__ / max(e_b__,1.f) * (r_b__ / max(e_0__,1.f));
+/*  aR_f is the same as aR_b, but looking forward in time (non causal case
+    *ar_f__ = r_f__ / max(e_f__,1.f) * (r_f__ / max(e_0__,1.f));
+/*   Normalize ZC, LBE, and FBE to old fixed window length of 180. */
+/*   (The fraction 90/VLEN has a range of .58 to 1) */
+    r__2 = (real) (*zc << 1);
+    r__1 = r__2 * (90.f / vlen);
+    *zc = i_nint(&r__1);
+/* Computing MIN */
+    r__1 = lp_rms__ / 4 * (90.f / vlen);
+    i__1 = i_nint(&r__1);
+    *lbe = min(i__1,32767);
+/* Computing MIN */
+    r__1 = ap_rms__ / 4 * (90.f / vlen);
+    i__1 = i_nint(&r__1);
+    *fbe = min(i__1,32767);
+    return 0;
+} /* vparms_ */
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 formats = 8svx.c adpcm.c adpcm.h adpcms.c adpcms.h aiff.c ao.c au.c auto.c avr.c \
 	  cdr.c cvsd.c cvsdfilt.h dat.c ffmpeg.c flac.c g711.c g711.h g721.c \
 	  g723_24.c g723_40.c g72x.c g72x.h gsm.c hcom.c ima_rw.c ima_rw.h \
-	  maud.c mp3.c nulfile.c prc.c raw.c sf.c sfircam.h skelform.c smp.c \
-	  sndfile.c sndrtool.c sphere.c tx16w.c voc.c vorbis.c vox.c wav.c \
+	  lpc10.c maud.c mp3.c nulfile.c prc.c raw.c sf.c sfircam.h skelform.c \
+	  smp.c sndfile.c sndrtool.c sphere.c tx16w.c voc.c vorbis.c vox.c wav.c \
 	  wav.h wve.c xa.c amr-wb.c
 effects = band.h biquad.c biquad.h biquads.c chorus.c compand.c \
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 sox_SOURCES = sox.c
-sox_LDADD = ../amr-wb/
+sox_LDADD = ../amr-wb/ ../lpc10/
 EXTRA_DIST = tests.bat testall.bat monkey.wav
--- a/src/handlers.c
+++ b/src/handlers.c
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
+  sox_lpc10_format_fn,
 #if defined(HAVE_LIBMAD) || defined(HAVE_LIBMP3LAME)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lpc10.c
@@ -1,0 +1,232 @@
+ * libSoX lpc-10 format.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2007 Reuben Thomas <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Fifth Floor, 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02111-1301,
+ * USA.  */
+#include "sox_i.h"
+#include "../lpc10/lpc10.h"
+/* Private data */
+typedef struct lpcpriv {
+  struct lpc10_encoder_state *encst;
+  float speech[LPC10_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME];
+  unsigned samples;
+  struct lpc10_decoder_state *decst;
+} *lpcpriv_t;
+  Write the bits in bits[0] through bits[len-1] to file f, in "packed"
+  format.
+  bits is expected to be an array of len integer values, where each
+  integer is 0 to represent a 0 bit, and any other value represents a
+  1 bit. This bit string is written to the file f in the form of
+  several 8 bit characters. If len is not a multiple of 8, then the
+  last character is padded with 0 bits -- the padding is in the least
+  significant bits of the last byte. The 8 bit characters are "filled"
+  in order from most significant bit to least significant.
+static void write_bits(ft_t ft, INT32 *bits, int len)
+  int i;
+  uint8_t mask;	/* The next bit position within the variable "data" to
+                   place the next bit. */
+  uint8_t data;	/* The contents of the next byte to place in the
+                   output. */
+  /* Fill in the array bits.
+   * The first compressed output bit will be the most significant
+   * bit of the byte, so initialize mask to 0x80.  The next byte of
+   * compressed data is initially 0, and the desired bits will be
+   * turned on below.
+   */
+  mask = 0x80;
+  data = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+    /* Turn on the next bit of output data, if necessary. */
+    if (bits[i]) {
+      data |= mask;
+    }
+    /*
+     * If the byte data is full, determined by mask becoming 0,
+     * then write the byte to the output file, and reinitialize
+     * data and mask for the next output byte.  Also add the byte
+     * if (i == len-1), because if len is not a multiple of 8,
+     * then mask won't yet be 0.  */
+    mask >>= 1;
+    if ((mask == 0) || (i == len-1)) {
+      sox_writeb(ft, data);
+      data = 0;
+      mask = 0x80;
+    }
+  }
+  Read bits from file f into bits[0] through bits[len-1], in "packed"
+  format.
+  Read ceiling(len/8) characters from file f, if that many are
+  available to read, otherwise read to the end of the file. The first
+  character's 8 bits, in order from MSB to LSB, are used to fill
+  bits[0] through bits[7]. The second character's bits are used to
+  fill bits[8] through bits[15], and so on. If ceiling(len/8)
+  characters are available to read, and len is not a multiple of 8,
+  then some of the least significant bits of the last character read
+  are completely ignored. Every entry of bits[] that is modified is
+  changed to either a 0 or a 1.
+  The number of bits successfully read is returned, and is always in
+  the range 0 to len, inclusive. If it is less than len, it will
+  always be a multiple of 8.
+static int read_bits(ft_t ft, INT32 *bits, int len)
+  int i;
+  uint8_t c;
+  /* Unpack the array bits into coded_frame. */
+  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+    if (i % 8 == 0) {
+      sox_readb(ft, &c);
+      if (sox_eof(ft)) {
+        return (i);
+      }
+    }
+    if (c & (0x80 >> (i & 7))) {
+      bits[i] = 1;
+    } else {
+      bits[i] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return (len);
+static int startread(ft_t ft)
+  lpcpriv_t lpc = (lpcpriv_t)ft->priv;
+  if ((lpc->decst = create_lpc10_decoder_state()) == NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "lpc10 could not allocate decoder state");
+    return SOX_EOF;
+  }
+  lpc->samples = LPC10_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME;
+  return SOX_SUCCESS;
+static int startwrite(ft_t ft) 
+  lpcpriv_t lpc = (lpcpriv_t)ft->priv;
+  if ((lpc->encst = create_lpc10_encoder_state()) == NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "lpc10 could not allocate encoder state");
+    return SOX_EOF;
+  }
+  lpc->samples = 0;
+  return SOX_SUCCESS;
+static sox_size_t read(ft_t ft, sox_ssample_t *buf, sox_size_t len)
+  lpcpriv_t lpc = (lpcpriv_t)ft->priv;
+  sox_size_t nread = 0;
+  while (nread < len) {
+    /* Read more data if buffer is empty */
+    if (lpc->samples == LPC10_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME) {
+      if (read_bits(ft, bits, LPC10_BITS_IN_COMPRESSED_FRAME) !=
+        break;
+      lpc10_decode(bits, lpc->speech, lpc->decst);
+      lpc->samples = 0;
+    }
+    while (lpc->samples < LPC10_BITS_IN_COMPRESSED_FRAME)
+      buf[nread++] = SOX_FLOAT_32BIT_TO_SAMPLE(lpc->speech[lpc->samples++], ft->clips);
+  }
+  return nread;
+static sox_size_t write(ft_t ft, const sox_ssample_t *buf, sox_size_t len)
+  lpcpriv_t lpc = (lpcpriv_t)ft->priv;
+  sox_size_t nwritten = 0;
+  while (len + lpc->samples >= LPC10_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME) {
+    while (lpc->samples < LPC10_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME) {
+      lpc->speech[lpc->samples++] = SOX_SAMPLE_TO_FLOAT_32BIT(buf[nwritten++], ft->clips);
+      len--;
+    }
+    lpc10_encode(lpc->speech, bits, lpc->encst);
+    write_bits(ft, bits, LPC10_BITS_IN_COMPRESSED_FRAME);
+    lpc->samples = 0;
+  }
+  return nwritten;
+static int stopread(ft_t ft)
+  lpcpriv_t lpc = (lpcpriv_t)ft->priv;
+  free(lpc->decst);
+  return SOX_SUCCESS;
+static int stopwrite(ft_t ft)
+  lpcpriv_t lpc = (lpcpriv_t)ft->priv;
+  free(lpc->encst);
+  return SOX_SUCCESS;
+/* LPC-10 */
+static const char *lpc10names[] = {
+  "lpc",
+  "lpc10",
+static sox_format_t sox_lpc10_format = {
+  lpc10names,
+  0,
+  startread,
+  read,
+  stopread,
+  startwrite,
+  write,
+  stopwrite,
+  sox_format_nothing_seek
+const sox_format_t *sox_lpc10_format_fn(void)
+  return &sox_lpc10_format;
--- a/src/sox_i.h
+++ b/src/sox_i.h
@@ -245,6 +245,7 @@
 extern const sox_format_t *sox_gsm_format_fn(void);
 extern const sox_format_t *sox_hcom_format_fn(void);
 extern const sox_format_t *sox_ima_format_fn(void);
+extern const sox_format_t *sox_lpc10_format_fn(void);
 extern const sox_format_t *sox_maud_format_fn(void);
 extern const sox_format_t *sox_mp3_format_fn(void);
 extern const sox_format_t *sox_nul_format_fn(void);