shithub: sox

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ref: e4a0b7ef45f3bdfeeef3a41375fce5bfcf39d4b0
parent: 590bc2de9d6d4914cca99186a1c56cf78b693b0c
author: cbagwell <cbagwell>
date: Sat Feb 6 13:35:10 EST 1999

Fixing control character problems in batch files.

--- a/src/testall.bat
+++ b/src/testall.bat
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-@echo off
-rem	First create a working copy of t.bat. Note optional cls and pause.
-echo @echo off >t.bat
+@echo off
+rem     First create a working copy of t.bat. Note optional cls and pause.
+echo @echo off >t.bat
 echo set format=%%1 >>t.bat
-echo shift >>t.bat
-echo set opts=%%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9 >>t.bat
-echo. >>t.bat
-echo cls >>t.bat
-echo echo Format: %%format%%   Options: %%opts%% >>t.bat
-echo echo on >>t.bat
-echo .\sox monkey.voc %%opts%% %%tmp%%\monkey.%%format%% %%effect%% >>t.bat
-echo .\sox %%opts%% %%tmp%%\monkey.%%format%% %%tmp%%\monkey1.voc %%effect%% >>t.bat
-echo @echo off >>t.bat
-echo echo. >>t.bat
-echo xdir monkey.voc /c/b >>t.bat
-echo xdir %%tmp%%\monkey1.voc /c/b >>t.bat
-echo echo. >>t.bat
-echo echo The two lengths above should be the same, if the checksums differ >>t.bat
-echo echo investigate further skipping the internal checksum and rate bytes. >>t.bat
-echo set format=>>t.bat
-echo set opts=>>t.bat
-echo pause >>t.bat
-rem	Now set up any global effects and call the batch file. Note that
-rem	this needs extra work to cope with DOS's limitation of 3-character
-rem	extensions on the filename.
-set effect=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
-call t.bat 8svx
-call t.bat aiff
-call t.bat au
-call t.bat cdr
-call t.bat cvs
-call t.bat dat
-call t.bat vms
-call t.bat hcom -r 22050
-call t.bat maud
-call t.bat raw -r 8130 -t ub
-call t.bat sf
-call t.bat smp
-call t.bat sndr
-call t.bat sndt
-call t.bat txw
-call t.bat voc
-call t.bat wav
-call t.bat wve
-call t.bat wve
-del t.bat
+echo shift >>t.bat
+echo set opts=%%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9 >>t.bat
+echo. >>t.bat
+echo cls >>t.bat
+echo echo Format: %%format%%   Options: %%opts%% >>t.bat
+echo echo on >>t.bat
+echo .\sox monkey.voc %%opts%% %%tmp%%\monkey.%%format%% %%effect%% >>t.bat
+echo .\sox %%opts%% %%tmp%%\monkey.%%format%% %%tmp%%\monkey1.voc %%effect%% >>t.bat
+echo @echo off >>t.bat
+echo echo. >>t.bat
+echo xdir monkey.voc /c/b >>t.bat
+echo xdir %%tmp%%\monkey1.voc /c/b >>t.bat
+echo echo. >>t.bat
+echo echo The two lengths above should be the same, if the checksums differ >>t.bat
+echo echo investigate further skipping the internal checksum and rate bytes. >>t.bat
+echo set format=>>t.bat
+echo set opts=>>t.bat
+echo pause >>t.bat
+rem     Now set up any global effects and call the batch file. Note that
+rem     this needs extra work to cope with DOS's limitation of 3-character
+rem     extensions on the filename.
+set effect=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+call t.bat 8svx
+call t.bat aiff
+call t.bat au
+call t.bat cdr
+call t.bat cvs
+call t.bat dat
+call t.bat vms
+call t.bat hcom -r 22050
+call t.bat maud
+call t.bat raw -r 8130 -t ub
+call t.bat sf
+call t.bat smp
+call t.bat sndr
+call t.bat sndt
+call t.bat txw
+call t.bat voc
+call t.bat wav
+call t.bat wve
+call t.bat wve
+del t.bat
--- a/src/tests.bat
+++ b/src/tests.bat
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
-@echo off
-rem	Test script for sox under DOS derived from This should
-rem	run without core-dumping or printing any error messages.
-set file=monkey
-rem verbose options
-rem set noise=-V
-del out.raw
-del out2.raw
-del in.raw
-echo on
-.\sox %noise% %file%.voc ub.raw
-.\sox %noise% -t raw -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub.raw -r 8196 -s -b sb.raw
-.\sox %noise% -t raw -r 8196 -s -b -c 1 sb.raw -r 8196 -u -b ub2.raw
-.\sox %noise% -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub2.raw -r 8196 ub2.voc
-@echo off
-xdir ub.raw /c/b
-xdir ub2.raw /c/b
-echo The two checksums above should be the same.
-echo Skip checksum and rate byte. DOS isn't good at this, so just use a
-echo rough test.
-xdir %file%.voc /c/b
-xdir ub2.voc /c/b
-echo The two lengths above should be the same, if the checksums differ
-echo investigate further skipping the internal checksum and rate bytes.
-del ub.raw
-del sb.raw
-del ub2.raw
-del ub2.voc
-echo on
-.\sox %noise% -u -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw
-.\sox %noise% -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw -U -b
-.\sox %noise% -u ub2.raw
-.\sox %noise% -w ub2.sf
-@echo off
-del ub.raw
-del ub2.raw
-rem del ub.sf
-echo on
-.\sox %noise% ub2.sf ub2.aif
-.\sox %noise% ub2.aif ub3.sf
-@echo off
-echo Skip comment field containing different filenames. Again, DOS sucks.
-xdir ub2.sf /c/b
-xdir ub3.sf /c/b
-echo The two lengths above should be the same, if the checksums differ
-echo investigate further skipping the internal filename comments.
-del ub2.sf
-del ub2.aif
-del ub3.sf
-rem Cmp -l of stop.raw and stop2.raw will show that most of the
-rem bytes are 1 apart.  This is quantization error.
-rem rm -f stop.raw stop2.raw
-rem Bytes 23 - 26 are the revision level of VOC file utilities and checksum.
-rem We may use different ones than Sound Blaster utilities do.
-rem We use 0/1 for the major/minor, SB uses that on the 1.15 utility disk.
-set file=
-set noise=
+@echo off
+rem     Test script for sox under DOS derived from This should
+rem     run without core-dumping or printing any error messages.
+set file=monkey
+rem verbose options
+rem set noise=-V
+del out.raw
+del out2.raw
+del in.raw
+echo on
+.\sox %noise% %file%.voc ub.raw
+.\sox %noise% -t raw -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub.raw -r 8196 -s -b sb.raw
+.\sox %noise% -t raw -r 8196 -s -b -c 1 sb.raw -r 8196 -u -b ub2.raw
+.\sox %noise% -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub2.raw -r 8196 ub2.voc
+@echo off
+xdir ub.raw /c/b
+xdir ub2.raw /c/b
+echo The two checksums above should be the same.
+echo Skip checksum and rate byte. DOS isn't good at this, so just use a
+echo rough test.
+xdir %file%.voc /c/b
+xdir ub2.voc /c/b
+echo The two lengths above should be the same, if the checksums differ
+echo investigate further skipping the internal checksum and rate bytes.
+del ub.raw
+del sb.raw
+del ub2.raw
+del ub2.voc
+echo on
+.\sox %noise% -u -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw
+.\sox %noise% -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw -U -b
+.\sox %noise% -u ub2.raw
+.\sox %noise% -w ub2.sf
+@echo off
+del ub.raw
+del ub2.raw
+rem del ub.sf
+echo on
+.\sox %noise% ub2.sf ub2.aif
+.\sox %noise% ub2.aif ub3.sf
+@echo off
+echo Skip comment field containing different filenames. Again, DOS sucks.
+xdir ub2.sf /c/b
+xdir ub3.sf /c/b
+echo The two lengths above should be the same, if the checksums differ
+echo investigate further skipping the internal filename comments.
+del ub2.sf
+del ub2.aif
+del ub3.sf
+rem Cmp -l of stop.raw and stop2.raw will show that most of the
+rem bytes are 1 apart.  This is quantization error.
+rem rm -f stop.raw stop2.raw
+rem Bytes 23 - 26 are the revision level of VOC file utilities and checksum.
+rem We may use different ones than Sound Blaster utilities do.
+rem We use 0/1 for the major/minor, SB uses that on the 1.15 utility disk.
+set file=
+set noise=